Analysis :: Show Dimensions Like Columns In MDX

Jun 25, 2015

I need to show the dimensions of my model like columns in the result. I have this query

member [Measures].[Customer] as [Customers].[Customer].CURRENTMEMBER.Name
member [Measures].[UCs] as [UCs].[UC].CURRENTMEMBER.Name
member [Measures].[Order Type] as [Order Types].[Order Type].CURRENTMEMBER.Name
member [Measures].[UC Dates] as [UC Dates].[UC Date].CURRENTMEMBER.Name

[Code] .....

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Analysis :: How To Show Measures Dynamically For Different Dimensions

May 4, 2015

Actually I want to do distinct sum on a measure group, please find the below table as sample

XL Measure group
LK     OK      Amount
1        10         100
1         11        100
3          30       250
3          31       250
3          32       250

For the above measure group two dimensions have relationships, One is L dimension which is having relationship with XL on LK and One is O dimension which is having relationship with XL on OK. If I drag L dimension attributes  it should show results as below

LK LName  Amount
1     A         100
3     C         250

But above results are coming as below

LK LName  Amount
1     A         200
3     C         750

If I drag O dimension attributes along with L dimension, it should show results as below.

LK  LName   OK     OKName   Amount
1        A         10      XYZ         100
1        A         11      UVW        100
3        C         30      PQR         250
3        C          31     KLM         250
3        C          32     TUV         250

I used formula Measures.Amount/Measures.Count, this formula is not showing correct results when I don't drag any dimensions, it is showing results for All member  as 425, but it should show as 350.

So I made a same change ([L].[LK].Currentmember, Measures.Amount)/([L].[LK].Currentmember,Measures.Count), this worked fine but performance is very low and so stopped working on this.

Atlast I did the measure group like this

LK     OK      LAmount   OAmount
1        10         100        100
1         11        0            100
3          30        300        300
3          31        0            300

I want to show Measures.LAmount when only L dimension is querying and want to show OAmount when both L dimension and O dimension are querying. Is this possible ?

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Analysis :: How To Show All Level Of SSAS Dimensions In Excel

Oct 28, 2010

The all-level of dimensions doesn't show up in the PivotTable Field List? I have reports where I want to show one member of a dimensions compared to the total of the dimension (and not the total of the members shown). But I can't select the ALL-level. Is there any way to do this?

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Analysis Services - Dimensions

Oct 23, 2002

In Analysis Services is there a way you can change a private dimension into a shared dimension without having to recreate it

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Analysis Services - Dimensions && Measures

Aug 13, 2004

I have a problem where I have 3 three measures in a virtual cube:
"Actual", "Budget" and "Full Year Budget".

The dimensions I have are:
- Account No_ / Name
- Cost Code
- Sub Cost Code
- Time/Dates
- Budget Name

Both "Actual" & "Budget" measures need to be filtered/dimensioned by:
- Account No_ / Name
- Cost Code
- Sub Cost Code
- Time/Dates (exclusive to "Actual", "Budget")

Thus have put these in one cube

AND "Full Year Budget" needs to be filtered/dimensioned by:
- Account No_ / Name
- Cost Code
- Sub Cost Code
- Budget Name (exclusive to "Full Year Budget")

THUS have put this as one cube

I then created a virtual cube, with the 2 cubes thinking that the dimensions I created in the original cubes would only filter the measures of the original cube measures in the virtual cube. ...BUT all dimension filters in the virtual cube filter all measures in the virtual cube, irrespective of which dimensions were created with the original cubes.

please help!

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Analysis :: Joining Multiple Dimensions In MDX

Jun 13, 2015

I'm new to MDX, and most of the time I customize existing queries rather than writing new ones. I currently have a MDX query like this

[Measures].[Fees Billed]
                  on 0,
except([Age].[Day Buckets].members, {[Age].[Day Buckets].[All], [Age].[Day Buckets].&[Unknown]})
  on 1
WHERE ([Fiscal Period].[Fiscal Year].&[2015], [Customer].[City].&[Auckland] )

Which brings the fees billed by age buckets where the customer's city is Auckland. I also have another dimension called [Sales Agent] with a member [City] in it, and there is a member in [Customer] called [Customer].[Sales Agent]

I am trying to retrieve the same information where the customer's sales agent's city is Auckland rather than the customer's city.

If it is SQL, I will join Customer and SalesAgent on Customer.SalesAgentUno = SalesAgent.SalesAgentUno and bring in the desired data. Any way in MDX to do this?

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Analysis :: Filter Measure On Intersection Of Dimensions

Jul 24, 2015

SSAS 2008 R2

Is it possible to filter out a measure only at the intersection of Two dimension members? I have a date dimension,  a Hospital dimension and a wait time measure.

For Example, is it possible to filter out Wait time for Bayside Hospital for the Month of June 2015?

I want Wait time to continue to be displayed for all other months and roll up into the totals without the filtered value.

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Analysis :: Parallel Period Sliced By Other Dimensions

Aug 4, 2015

I have make a calculated member for previous period of an given date range.  The previous period is the same date range from the previous year, and I have managed to achieve that with the calculated member:

Create member currentcube.[Measures].[PrevPeriod] as
(ParallelPeriod( [Start Date].[Cal Hierarchy].[Year], 1, [Start Date].[CAL Hierarchy].CurrentMember), [Measures].[Count]);

This member returns the correct result as long as my query uses the time dimension, which makes sense... but I also need to show results sliced by other dimensions in bar charts that do not display the time dimension.  For example, I have a dimension with only 3 members called [Region].[Area].[AreaName].

The result set for the bar chart needs to look like this:

[AreaName] | [Count] | [PrevPeriod]
East            |    43      |       56
West           |    53      |       95

But the [PrevPeriod] only returns values if I include the time dimension.  I essentially need to sum the results of the time dimension/AreaName/[PrevPeriod] tuple down to just Areaname/[PrevPeriod] for whatever date range may be involved.

I don't know if this is significant to the issue, but the client tool that generates the bar charts builds the query with the date range as a subcube in the FROM statement.  If the [PrevPeriod] is outside of the subcube that is still OK, as long as the time dimension is included in an Axis on the final select statement, so at least I know I am not suffering from the members inside the subcube.  I've also found in SSMS that it makes no difference if I make the query a subcube, or put the date range in a where clause instead;  I still get NULL for [PrevPeriod] without the dates.

I can't imagine that this is an unusual situation, so I hope I've explained it adequately!  What is the recommended technique for summarizing a Parallelperiod by dimensions without displaying the time/dates ?

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Analysis :: Cube Performance Versus Many-to-Many Dimensions

Sep 22, 2015

I have a cube with 2 many-to-many dimensions where a special mdx query needs about 5 seconds. When I resolve the many to many relationships by multiplying the data in the fact table the query needs 21 seconds.

In general do many-to-many dimensions slow down query performance of a cube?

Without the many-to-many dimensions of course the fact table has much more rows. Could this be the reason for the performance loss?

how to tweak query performance of a cube in general?

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Analysis Services: MDX - Date Ranges With 2 Time Dimensions

Aug 31, 2004


I have a Time Dimension which allows me to select a specific YEAR, or YEAR & QUARTER or YEAR & QUARTER & MONTH, or YEAR & QUARTER & MONTH & DAY.

Is there any way that I can have a range of dates?

Is it possible to have 2 time Dimensions for example which did the following:

a start: Year|Month for example
(>= Year|Month )
an end: Year|Month
(<= Year|Month )

Thus I would be able to select a range of dates/months.

Do you know if this is possible to write this inot the dimension?



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Analysis :: Add Descriptions To Attributes In Role Playing Dimensions

Jul 28, 2015

I have a requirement to set Description values for our cube dimensions and attributes. 

I've done this for regular dimensions but I cant seem to find a way for role playing dimensions. I can set the base dimension descriptions but not the 'clones'. Is this possible? 

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Analysis :: Ignore Unrelated Dimensions In Tabular Model

Jul 11, 2013

how to set 'Ignore Unrelated Dimensions' property in Tabular Model.

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Analysis :: Unable To Browse Data When Adding Multiple Dimensions?

Jul 5, 2015

I have one dimension and one measure group. I deployed and processed the cube. Now I am able to browse the data. Now I added one more dimension. I deployed and reprocessed again the Cube. Now I am not able to see any values.  I am getting like below.

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Analysis :: How To Give Permission To Read Dimensions Members In Hierarchy

Jun 9, 2015

I am using a "Client" dimension that includes a "Holding - Client" hierarchy. I have to make sure, that only the appropriate roles may access appropriate members from this dimension, but I only have the information which role may access which ClientID - I do not have the information which HoldingID should be accessible. Also, "Client" is used as the key column of the dimension with "ClientID" and "HoldingID" as key columns. The hierarchy is strict, no client may belong to multiple holdings.

I cannot seem to find the right MDX for the allowed member set. My MDX expression would need to look like this:

[Client].[Holding - Client].[Client].&[*]&[123]

In this example I want to give access for client &123, no matter the holding, so &1&123 and &2&123 would be allowed.

Is this doable?

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Analysis :: Linking Multiple Fact Table At Different Granularity To Same Dimensions

Jul 15, 2015

I am modelling two fact tables of Actuals and Budget which are at different granularity, Actuals are at day, customer and product sub category level. Budgets are at month, Region and Product category level.

Month, Region and Product Category is present in Date, Region and Product Category dimension respectively. I have only three dimensions as Customer, Product and Date. Linking those dimensions to Actual Fact table is not an issue, what is the best way and options are there to link budget fact table to those three dimensions.

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Analysis :: Fact Tables Appearing As Dimensions In Tabular Model

Jul 6, 2015

I built my first tabular model and see that my fact tables are also appearing as dimensions. In Multi dimensional mode i could choose which are the dimensions. How do i do that in tabular model.

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Help: Need To Set Default Dimensions On Rows And Columns

Jun 1, 2005

When I open my Cube the default dimension on Rows is the dimension name that is first on the alphabetic list and on the columns it defaults to the time dimension.

I need to specify a specific dimension to be shown on rows and columns when the cube is viewed.

The analysis server is 2000 with SP3.

Thanks in Advance for the assistance

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Analysis :: Dimensions Attributes - Drag All Or Some Specific Attributes

May 24, 2015

I'm using a DW from Northwind database to build a cube to do some analitical taks. I already create the cube and now I am "cleaning" the dimensions. I'm having some difficults to understand the logical off this part. The reason is that When I create the Data Source View, I only import the Foreign Keys that connect the Dimensions to Fact_Table. I have to drag the attributes of Dimension from Data Source View to the tab attributes? 

Imagine this:

I have the following dimension:


When I create the cube only Customer_ID appears in attributes tab, it's normal? 

One more question:

I don't want to create a hierarchy like:

Customer ID -> Name_Customer
Customer ID -> Date_of_Birth
Customer ID -> Address
Customer ID -> City
Customer ID -> Country

My idea is to create the following hierarchy: 

Name_Customer -> Date_of_Birth ->  Address ->  City -> Country

But the first hierarchy that I show is always appears to me. Do you know what is happens?

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Analysis Manager Can Not Show All Data

Jan 18, 2003


I use MSsql server 2000 and analysis service for create cube.But when I drilldown many Dimension on Analysis manager it can not show all level.
If I drilldown some level it can show data but when I drilldown many level so it have many row (I test about 60,000) it can not show result.
How can I show all result in Analysis manager or other tool ?
Thank you :D

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Analysis :: Only Show Maximum Row In Row Grouping

Jun 15, 2015

I have a dataset that shows the client ID, visit date and number of positive visits performed.

For example

47 - 01/01/2015 1
47 - 01/05/2015 1

50 - 01/01/2015

I only want to show the row with the maximum visit date in my dataset. My current code looks like :

{[Point of sale].[Client id].[Client id]}
* [Point of sale].[POS id].[POS id]

[Code] ......

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Analysis :: Show Only Ultimo Values In Date Dimension?

Aug 28, 2015

I've a table which contains a record for each day an employee is employed:In the cube  I've create a measure which is a sum of the field "Employed"  which provides me the number of employees that are employed for a given date (lowest level of my time dimensions which are YEAR-MONTH-DATE)The problem is that the number aggregating on YEAR and MONTH which provides me with wrong figures at these levels - So how can create a calculated measure (maybe with Scope) that only show the Ultimo Numbers at the lowest level when I am browsing on the Month or Year level. For example if I am on the Year level I only want it to sum on the date 31-12-xxxx and if I'm at the month level(for example July 2012) it should show me the sum of 31-07-2012 which are the last level for the given month.

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Analysis :: Show Dimension Names In MDX Query Result

Oct 28, 2015

I am facing an issue in MDX Query. I have a custom MDX query, When I run the query I am getting results too. Now my requirement is to show the dimension names in the query result, So that I can get those header names in the cell set itself. Please see the below image.

In this image I need to show 'Fiscal Year' and 'Fiscal Quarter' in that highlighted area. Is there any custom query for this?

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Analysis :: Cube Measure Does Not Show Any Data When Drag And Drop In Browser

Aug 26, 2015

I created SSAS cube in VS 2008 and have been able to deploy it successfully to the server. While creating the cube I was able to browse dimensions and all underlying tables just to make sure it has data. After deploying successfully when I drag and drop any measure group to browser it does not display anything.

The only thing I did different from straightforward cube building process was that when I created those measure groups the partitions that were created by default were giving me some unknown errors so I had to delete them in order for cube to process successfully.

Did that made any difference because I thought partitions are for improving query performance and has nothing to do with cube processing errors.

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Date Parameters Show As Strings When Using Analysis Services As A Data Source

Jun 7, 2007

We have been a Crystal shop for ages; we are currently doing a proof-of-concept for a conversion to MS Reporting Services. As such, we are developing some Analysis Services 2005 cubes to drive some new SSRS reports, which our users will access through Report Manager. Unfortunately, we are all MDX noobs here, so we are making heavy use of the Wizards until we can come up to speed.

The problem we are running into is when we develop a report with Date Parameters. When we deploy this report, the date parameter box is a dropdown box instead of a date picker. I've seen a couple of other posts on this topic, but when I try to apply the fixes mentioned in them, I throw errors.

I have two quick questions:

Why does this happen? Is it a limitation in the MDX language, in SSAS, or SSRS? Are there any planned fixes?
Can someone please show me how to fix this on my actual query string for one of our basic reports? I've highlighted the date parameters.

Code Snippet


I'm afraid, given my user community, that if I can't get the date picker to work properly, it could be a deal breaker.

Thanks very much in advance for your help.



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Analysis :: Show Grand Total When Using SSAS Tabular Role Security Permission

Oct 30, 2015

If user want to see the grand total for a measure with include all members, even though the user has limited access for that member, so how we can do using DAX?For example, let’s say the total revenue for all the divisions in a cube is $15,000. You create a role called “Division A”, and set it up so members of that role can only see the revenue for Division A, which totals $3,000. If you use a front-end tool like Excel to access the cube and use the division hierarchy to see the total revenue, you will see the revenue of $3000 for Division A, but also want to see the Grand Total for the revenue as $15,000How we can achieve above scenerio in tabular model (DAX).

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Analysis :: Hidden Cube Measure Groups Are Shown In Excel Pivot (Show Fields Related To) Drop Down

Jun 18, 2015

We have hidden few measure groups in cube for time being, where Users can browse the cube with Excel pivot. But, All these measures can be seen from Excel pivot in 'Show fields related to' drop down.

Need to remove the hidden measure groups from showing in Excel pivot and to remove 'All' option in 'Show Fields related to', So that users may not get confused by seeing all the measures. Can we achieve this.

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Matrix Problem - Can I Show All Columns?

May 21, 2008

Good morning all.

I have a report that is set up as a matrix. The repor shows data relating to review numbers (for example 1-6). Based on the date range selected from my parameters the report will show stats and the matrix grouping is by the review number.

My question is this, if the dataset returns only some of the review numbers, can I do anything to show the other review numbers? They will always be from 1-6.


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Show/hide Report Columns

Aug 29, 2006


I'm currently investigating whether SQL Reporting Services might be the right solution to some reporting requirements I have been given (web reports).

There is a requirement that some of the columns are hidden to begin with and can be shown by clicking on the header of one of the other columns. E.g. There is a list of clients and a "Total Revenue" column, clicking on the "Total Revenue" column header would show an additional 5 or so columns which show a breakdown of different figures that make up the total revenue.

So my question is this: Is it possible to show/hide columns by clicking on the headers of other columns in the report?



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Any T-SQL Command Can Show The Description Of Specified Table Columns?

Mar 22, 2004

I want to ask something because i need.

Any SQL/T-SQL command inside MsSQL Server 2000 can show the description of {all table columns or specified table columns} of specified table inside specified database?

can you teach me how to do and any example(s)?

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Rotate View - Show Result With 3 Columns In 1 Row

Jan 19, 2012

I have a view with 2 columns and 2 rows(No 1). I want to show the result with 3 columns in 1 row(No 2).

The view result :
ID | SubjectID
-- ---------
13279 | 900
13279 | 910

I want to show that result in this structure :
ID | SubjectID | SubjectID2
-- --------- ----------
13279 | 900 | 910

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SQL 2012 :: Results To Show Up As Separate Columns

Aug 22, 2014

We have the below query that pulls benefit ids for employees but it will show each benefit on a separate row but we would like to have just one rows for the employee and columns for each of the benefits.



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Transact SQL :: How To Show Sum Of Columns To New Column In Server

Jul 8, 2015

I made a select query which shows following output as shown in picture . 

Now I want to add one more column in this query to show current bags  and Bags in these 2 columns i want to show calculation like    in first rows currentbags column (Receivedbags-DeleiveredBags) and in currentWeight column RecivedWeight+loss-gain-Deliverdweight) which is 1400 and  697.5 after that in secound row i want to add frist rows currentbags value+ second rows (Receivedbags-DeleiveredBags) and same in weight like daily stock register so output looked like below image

There is one more column common date according to which i have to make calculation like

rid     commondate   recdate   recbags        recweight             loss gain   delbags    delwght

101215109    01/01/2015   07/01/2015       1400                  697.5                0                  0            0             0
101215110   02/01/2015      08/01/2015         560                    279.64             0              0         0               0

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Show Columns On Both Matrix Regardless Of Population Of Data

May 1, 2008

I have used two matrix in one of my reports. One matrix is right above other. Both matrix's columns are allocated for month name. I.e there are 12 columns for each month of the year for each matrix.
column name of the second matrix was hidden. so end user can see only first matrix column name and corresponding data in each matrix.
But the problem is now, when there is no data for perticular month in first matrix, thats month's column does not appear at all.
Lets say there is no data for November in first matrix. so Novem column is missing in first mtrix now. but still Novem column is shown on the second matrix as it has some data, although column name is not shown. I wonder how I can show all the columns of both matrix regardless of population of data.


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