Analysis :: Slicers On Partitions Not Getting Refreshed When Populated Using Script Task

Apr 23, 2015

I have set the slicers on paritions using Script task.

After cube process, the mdx queries are not hitting partitions as per Slicers.

But once i open each partition slicers from SSMS and close it by doing ok. My mdx query is good enough to hit the relative partition only.

But it is not possible to manually refresh each slicer on partition.

Is there any way out to solve this issue. I am using 2008 R2.

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Analysis :: Tabular Refreshed Automatically?

Jun 18, 2015

My boss and I attended the SQL conference in Vegas a few years ago. He remembers a session on tabular where the presenter said when the underlying table that tabular is built on changes, it automatically refreshes the tabular db.  Now that we're working on a tabular project I'm looking around for this information and don't find anything like that happens.  From what I can see, the refresh either has to be scheduled from a task, or manually refreshed by right-clicking the db and selecting "process db".  He said the session presenter was a Microsoft Program Manager too.  Is there any truth to what he remembers? 

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Analysis :: Aggregation Design - Using Partitions

Jul 31, 2015

I have 3 partitions using a year grouping. Current year, previous 4 years, older than 5 years. I have two measure groups, one is a distinct count, so I actually have 6 partitions.I also use usage based optimization to build my aggregations. Should each partition have a separate aggregation or should there be one for each measure group?

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Analysis :: Update Partitions Without Full Process

Mar 31, 2015

I want to display my problem. I have a cube that connected to hive DB through views. There are some changes that apply to  some related tables on hive. This changes reflect on the cube so i make full process for the cube. I want to process only partitions that have been changed without full process. I detect changes on this table on another table on the local database.

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Analysis :: Possible To Use Stored Procedure To Control SSAS Partitions?

Aug 19, 2015

I have defined a stored procedure with one parameter. With this parameter I'm able to controll which year of the sales amount data should be selected. This works fine.

Now I want to implement this stored procedure as the source of the partitions. But if I do this I get an error. The syntax-check says, that everything is fine. But if I want to calculate the partition with this command: "exec dst.fact_umsatz_year 0" get the following error (in German):

OLE DB-Fehler: OLE DB- oder ODBC-Fehler : Falsche Syntax in der Nähe von ')'.; 42000; Falsche Syntax in der Nähe des exec-Schlüsselworts.; 42000.
Fehler im OLAP-Speichermodul: Fehler beim Verarbeiten der FACT Umsatz Pivot View-Partition der Anzahl Kunden-Measuregruppe für den Vertrieb-Cube aus der OLAP AS-Datenbank.

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Analysis :: Cube Needs To Be Deployed From VS After SSIS Analysis Services Processing Task Completes?

May 13, 2014

I have a cube that we are processing nightly via an Analysis Service Processing Task in SSIS.  In order to increase the performance of the processing time, we elected to use a lot of rigid dimension attributes, and do a full process of everything in the SSIS task.  The issue that I am having is that after that task completes, I need to go into Visual Studio to deploy the cube becuase we are unable to browse or use the cube.  This issue seemed to start once we changed the SSIS Analysis Service Processing Task to do a full process on the dimensions, rather than an incremental.

I would expect that once development is done, and it is processed and deployed, that is it.  My thinking is that the SSIS task should just update the already deployed cube,

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DTS Not Getting Refreshed

Apr 18, 2008

Hi All,

I have created a DTS package to export daily load to ftp folder. It has couple of sql tasks, global variable to hold the sql result set and vb script to read results from global variables, create files to upload them to ftp folder. The DTS running to success and uploading files with latest data to ftp when I run it manually. But, when I schedule it, it€™s not picking the latest data from the database. It€™s uploading files with old data (the data it picked up was the data it picked when I scheduled it for the first time). I think the result set is being cached somewhere. But the €˜Turn on Cache€™ property is unchecked.

Is there any settings we have to do while scheduling the job?


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Adding A Article Causes ALL Articles To Be Refreshed

Sep 5, 2007

I have setup Transactional replication in SQL 2005 between two servers and have about 200 tables being replicated. The problem is that every time, I add or drop a table to replication, and start the Snapshot agent, it re-initializes every article and re-loads every article. This process takes 1 hour to complete and CPU usage goes to 100% during that time.

This behaviour seems very different from SQL 2000 where I would start Snapshot agent and only the relevant tables were added/dropped.

Has that functionality changed from 2000 to 2005? Am I not doing something right?

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Report Designer : No Fields Being Refreshed After Parameter Added...

Mar 27, 2008

I'm relatively new to Report Designer in VS 2005 and have been trying to get a parameterised report working.

I have an MDX query that works with the datasource I set up, but as soon as I try to add a parameter, the fields disappear from the dataset.

Here's the query:

Code Snippet

NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Var Rc] }

NON EMPTY { ([Time].[Year - Quarter - Month - Date].[Date].ALLMEMBERS *


( SELECT ( Filter( [Company Master].[Region].[All].Children,

Instr( [Company Master].[Region].Currentmember.Properties( 'Member_Caption' ), @RegionParam ) > 0) )
ON COLUMNS FROM [Supplier Spend])

This is all a generated query apart from the filter. If I change the @RegionParam back to its old constant value (which was 'Europe') then the fields appear again. I've set up the Query Parameters to cope with @RegionParam and also put a Report Parameter in the Layout page that uses it.

I'm lost as to why the fields don't appear with the parameter in there...


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Power Pivot :: Using Data From Slicers In DAX Calculation

May 13, 2015

I have a formula that should use data from 2 slicers:

Spend per period (changing currencies & dates):=[Spend per period]*CALCULATE([Sum of Value],FILTER(Currency,Currency[Date]=[End Date]),FILTER(Currency,Currency[Attribute]=CurrencySlicer[Attribute]))

I managed to link the [End Date] from the slicer to the formula, however the [Attribute] field is not numeric so I can't duplicate the same methodology. 

{FYI:    End Date:=LASTDATE('Finish Date Slicer'[Column1])    }

I assume that I need to build a formula to extract the data chosen in the slicer, and can't connect it directly to the slicer. 

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Power Pivot :: Dynamic Slicers Without Two Way Relationships?

Nov 13, 2015

So, after my last post where the issue came down to my model, I have redone my data sources as a v.2 model and split out into traditional dim/fact tables. I have 2 fact tables a few dims that are shared between the two facts and some dims that are only on one fact.

In my old model I was doing most of this de-normalisation in my sql queries to produce the fact tables (and the two fact tables were related together).

In v1 I used to get a much better context-aware set of slicers as they were directly connected to the fact that the visualisations on the page were relating to. As I selected a slicer, any other slicers items that were no longer possible would disappear.

This is no longer happening with this star-schema method. The old way was better from a user perspective. I had to remove some "both" cross filter directions from the relationship model due on the dims that were shared between both facts, so they are only now Single. I wonder if that has any bearing on this but even if it does, I don't see a solution from this angle.

I guess the only idea I have would be to create calculated measures/columns (probably columns) to materialise the interesting dim values into the fact table but this seems a bit of a time consuming process and as I don't necessarily know in advance which slicers the users may want to use, so it feels like I almost need to add all possible dimension attributes in each fact table... ?

Here is my relationship diagram. In my testing the slicer updates work ok if they are on a 2 way relationship but not on a Single way relationship.

In my case my 2 fact tables are really related (SchemeParticipantResult is a parent of ParticipantMeasureResult) but this then breaks the traditional Star schema that I was advised to follow before.

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Power Pivot :: Slicers And Timeline Not Working Together

Sep 28, 2015

I have a boolean calculated column on my date table called 'Is Weekend?' that, unfortunately, doesn't work at all when sliced in combination with a Timeline slicer that's applied to the same date table.

For example: selecting an item from my 'Is Weekend?' slicer will reset any filters on the Timeline slicer.  Similarly, selecting an item from my Timeline slicer will reset any filters on my 'Is Weekend?' slicer.

This appears to be the case for all filters applied to the date table, i.e. the Timeline slicer will reset them and they will reset the Timeline slicer.

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Analysis :: Job Task Failed

Aug 18, 2015

I had a task, which used to run daily since last month. in which it ran without error every day. suddenly in jobs history its showing error for last 2 days, may i know the reason for that, how can i trouble shoot it?

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Analysis Services Processing Task

Apr 9, 2008

Hi. I have an Analaysis Services (2005) cube with four dimensions and one fact table (with three partitions - 2006,2007,2008) for which I need to create an SSIS package to process. I only want to process one of the three partitions (2008) - the previous two years should remain unchanged.

This is what I have currently in the Analysis Services Processing Task under Processing configuration:
- An object for each of the dimensions with "Process Full."
- An object for the 2008 partition with "Process Full."

(Note - Under Process Options, I see only Process Default, Process Full, Unprocess, and Process Data for dimensions and partitions).

Batch settings are:
- Processing order: Sequential
- Transaction mode: All in one transaction
- Dimension errors: Ignore errors
- Process affected objects: Do not process

When I execute the package, the cube loses the 2006 and 2007 data.

I am assuming that I have an issue with the Process Option or the Batch Settings, and I would appreciate any guidance!


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Analysis Services Processing Task

Mar 11, 2008

Hi all, here is my problem:

The last node of my workflow in SSIS is an analysis Services Processing Task, which is supposed to fully reprocess a cube, defined in a different project.

In the configuration, I found the correct cube and setups for it, I thought I wasn't gonna have any problems with it, but it started to complain about user and password information. I thought since the databases configured itself when I added them, the same thing would happen with this Task.

I do have my own user and pass which has permissions to reprocess the cube, although I thought windows authentication would be better then setting up a user and password for the application/task.

I looked in the entire configuration pane and found no information regarding username and password.
Where should I set it up, my SSIS solution or the Cube's solution?

This might be a newbie question, I'm not quite sure...

EDIT: Here is the error message:
[Analysis Services Execute DDL Task] Error: The following system error occurred: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. .

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Analysis Services Processing Task

Feb 21, 2008


I am trying to run Olap Cube 2000 inside SSIS project.
I am using "Analysis Services Processing Task" Object.
The Visual Studio Project is sitting on the machine where the
analysis 2000 is running but yet i get an error while establish
a connection to the Analysis server.

On that machine also install MICROSOFT SQL SERVER 2005 .

the error is:
A Connection Cannot be made . Ensure that the server is running.

Does Anybody have an idea to why i get this Error.


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RollBack Analysis Processing Task

Mar 7, 2008

Hi there,

i have got a SSIS Package, that contains a sequence container with transactionoption "required". Within this sequence I placed different AS processing tasks and different SQL tasks. The transactionoptions of these tasks are set to supported.

My problem: in the case a SQL task fails on execution, all executed tasks are rolled back except the AS processing tasks. The expected and necessary behavior should be, that also the AS processing tasks get rolled back.

Has anyone got a solution or a workaround for this problem?


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Problem With Scheduling An Analysis Services Task

Feb 21, 2005

Hi All,

I have a problem with scheduling an Analysis Services task.

When I execute the DTS package from EM, every thing works fine.

When I schedule the package from SQL Agent, I get the following error when the job executes:

Error = -2147024770 (8007007E)
Error string: The specified module could not be found.
Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package

I am running SQL 2K SP3a with Analysis Services 2K SP3a on WIN Server 2003 Std Edition

Any ideas or suggestions?

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Analysis Services Execute DDL Task Help Needed

Apr 15, 2008

I have been trying to get an SSIS package to allow me to set as a variable the actual script for running an Analysis Services DDL, want to perform a restore of a cube. Our environment is different for the location for DEV/QA/ and Production, so when I schedule the task to run I want to have the script needed, really just the path to where the backup lives.

Can someone give a solid solution for this? I have not tried to store parameters in a SQL table, but it would seem this is something that can be done through a variable. I have created a package variable and set the value inside and it runs, but if I try to change the value when I run the package it does not set the value I want.

Under Set Values of the package when I go to run I set the following:

I get a warning saying: "Warning: Configuration from a parent variable 'RestoreScript' did not occur because there was no parent variable collection.

I also have another variable to set, but same issue.

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Where Is The 'Analysis Services Processing Task' Logging To

Apr 1, 2008


I 'm using 'Analysis Services Processing Task' as part of a SSIS package to refresh the cube. in the property page,

the 'loggingMode' is set 'enabled', but there is no records in the sysdtslog90 table while all other tasks are logged in the table. How to logging into the sysdtslog90 table?

Thanks in advance


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Error - Analysis Services Processing Task

Jul 11, 2007

We have an Integration services package that executes a few TSQL tasks, then processes an Analsys Services database. This has been in production for about three weeks now and twice the package has failed with this error from the event log:

Event Type: Error

Event Source: MSSQLServerOLAPService

Event Category: (289)

Event ID: 3

Date: 7/11/2007

Time: 1:48:59 AM

User: N/A



OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.

When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server

does not allow remote connections.; 08001;

Communication link failure; 08S01;

TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

; 08S01.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

I don't think that this error is accurate because the package and Analysis Services are on the same server.

Also, this does not happen in our development environment. Any help is appreciated.



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Analysis :: Error At Data Flow Task

Sep 14, 2015

I am using the Visual Studio for Integration Services. and creating a database.I am trying to download data from a Cube table (SALES_HISTORY), using a Microsoft OLE DB provider for Analsysis services 10.0. in this table, it has visible 2 fields (SALE_TRANSACTION_ID) and (TRANSACTION DATE) but have many hidden fields, such CUSTOMER, PART_NUMBER, etc . when I try to create a query in the OLE DB source editor, I can see all the fields, and be able to create the SQL command.

However when I want to preview it or parse the query, I have the following message: 

Exception from HRESULT: 0x0C0202009 error at data flow task [OLE DB Source [1]]: SSIS Error code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. an OLE DB error has occurred. Error Code 0x80004005.

an OLE DB record is available. Source: " Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services 2008". Hresult:0x80004005 description: Query (1,15) error from the SQL query module the 'Customer' column cannot be found in the 'SALES_HISTORY' to extract the data from the visible and also hidden fields (in excel, are called properties).

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SSIS Analysis Services Processing Task - Big Problem!

Nov 1, 2007

I have an olap database "A" and SSIS package "P" which process all the dimensions and cubes in "A" olap database.

I created "A1" olap database copy of "A" and made copy of "P" SSIS package as "P1"
I opened "P1" SSIS package and updated olap connection properties "Initial Catalog = A1". A1 is my new olap database.

When I run package "P1" guess what? it processed "A" olap database's cubes and dimensions. Try it, not in production because I did it in production.

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Stop And Start Analysis Services Using DDL Task In SSIS

May 6, 2008

How to use the "Analysis Services Execute DDL Task" in SSIS to stop or start the Analysis Services.? Many thnaks.

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Foreach Loop Xmla Analysis Services Execute Ddl Task

Mar 21, 2007


I am a R data miner who is new to SQL and SSIS and would appreciate any help.

I wanted to automate the process of creating and processing decision tree models for every county in the Country. I wanted to use the foreach loop for iterate through all the counties. I wanted the foreach enumerator to be used by the XMLA code that creates the model so it would append it to the name of the model and i would get a different model for every county. I am not sure how to have the XMLA code accept foreach loop enumerator.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and if you could direct me to a previously done example that would greatly benefit me.

Thank you

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Analysis Services Processing Task - Cube No Longer Updating

Oct 19, 2007

We have set up an IS package to process an AS 2005 database (comprising cube & dimensions, etc) daily, via a SQL Server Agent job on both development and production systems. This has been working fine for months.

A new dimension was added to the cube on the development system - automatic processing via the IS package continued without issue. However, when the new dimension was added to the production system the IS package no longer processes the cube correctly. Although all appears ok (and all is present and correct in the logs), no data updates to the cube are made. Only when the cube is manually processed does the cube get updated.

Anyone got any ideas about how to get around this issue? We have created a new IS package, with a single Analysis Services Processing Task, and tried this but get the same outcome.

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Process Analysis Services Task Missing Update Dimension

Jan 20, 2006

In the SSIS Analysis Services processing task, I was wondering if
anyone knows why some dimensions do not have the Process Update option
in the list of options for processing them? If there is
only Process Full, Process Data, and Unprocess, I am not sure how
I can do incremental updates without scripting.

Also, will this affect the cubes if a full process is performed?

Any help is much appreciated!

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SSIS-Analysis Services Processing Task- On Client Fails

May 14, 2008

I am trying to execute an SSIS package from a client that contains an Analysis Services Processing Task in the package. The client that does not have SSIS and SSAS installed. We are getting an error

The task "Analysis Services Processing Task" cannot run on this edition of Integration Services. It requires a higher level edition. The same package runs from a server that has both SSIS and SSAS installed. Let me know if someone has come across the same problem.


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Analysis Services Processing Task: Logging And Error Handling

Mar 5, 2007

I have an Analysis Services Processing Task in my SSIS package. I run the SSIS package using SQL Server job, the running of the package is a job step.

When I process manually the analysis services objects (in practise cubes) using dtexec utility I get a lot of log. In case the processing fails I get error messages that quite well describe the error. But when I run the job the only information I get in the job log is that the job step failed. I know the failure happens in the Analysis Services Processing Task.

Is there any way in SSIS to get a) the log of the Analysis Services processing or b) the error messages of the Analysis Services processing? Or should the processing be done some other way than I've been doing?

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Problems With Connections And Analysis Service Processing Task In SSIS

May 30, 2008

Hi everybody,

I'm fairly new to the SSAS/SSIS world (though not new on databases, etc.) and I'm having some problems with the SSIS packages in our Cube environment.

Currently in our SSAS/SSIS project, we have two major connection managers, one to the database we use for loading the Cube, and the other connector for the cube itself. To load the data from the database to the cube, we wrote some SSIS packages and used the Analysis Service Processing tasks to process all the dimensions and measures. This works pretty good, so no problems here.

The real problem starts, when I try to change the connection parameters, e.g. because the server changed, or the database has been renamed.
As soon as the connection managers points to another (existing) cube, regardless if the structure is exactly the same as the one of the old cube, the tasks lose all the assigned objects from their lists. It is really annoying to add all these exactly same objects to the task again. I tried experimenting with the DelayValidation attribute so the Development Studio doesn't destroy my work every time, but when I deploy the package the Cube breaks. Obviously some kind of deeper connection is destroyed when I change the connection string.

Is there a way to prevent the package from breaking/losing objects, without me having to sacrifice 15 minutes every time I change the connection parameters?


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Changing 'initial Catalog' On Connection Causes Analysis Services Processing Task To Fail

May 2, 2008

We find that if we deploy the OLAP database with a different name on the test server, then regardless of how we change the connection string provided to the SSIS package that processes the cube, then the package fails to connect to the database. To clarify:

In development the OLAP database is called MyOlapDB and the source database is called MySqlDB. Both are on the same machine. When the the application is built and released for test, the test team install the databases on a replica of the production environment (i.e. web app on one machine, OLAP DB on another and SQL database on yet another). They also, quite rightly, implement the new test databases so they incorporate the build version number. So, MyOlapDB123 and MySqlDB123 are both from build 123.

This is when the problems start. Regardless of how the connection string is specified in the job that processes the cube, the SSIS integration package fails with the error:

[Analysis Services Execute DDL Task] Error: Errors in the metadata manager. Either the database with the ID of 'MyOlapDB' does not exist in the server with the ID of 'OurTestServer', or the user does not have permissions to access the object.

We have tried config files and job properties, but neither work. Also, simply attempting to run the package using the DTEXECUI does not work either.

Looking inside the XML of the package, we clearly see the ConnectionManager object which has the original connection string, which is

Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=MyOlapDB;Provider=MSOLAP.3;Integrated Security=SSPI;Impersonation Level=Impersonate;

However, editing the initial catalog here still does not solve the problem. Searching the XML for the string MyOlapDB reveals the OLAP database name in two other places - both within the object data of the two Analysis Services Execute DDL tasks.

Anyone know how to solve this problem without having to hack the XML of the package?

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Power Pivot :: Printing From Pivot Table With Slicers

Apr 13, 2015

I am using excel 2010 and creating pivot table from Power Pivot.  I created a pivot table with department slicers.  All is good, the problem I am having is whilst in an unfiltered position (ALL) of the slicers (departments) I get 200 pages, now when I  click on a given department with say 10 pages, I still get the same 200 pages with the first 10 pages showing the data from the clicked department and 190 blank pages.

All I want is to get a WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) of what is on the screen as my print, but I am getting extra blank pages right after the data.  How do I resolve this.

Below are the steps I go thru to print 

1. Select slicers in unfiltered position (ALL)
2. Select entire pivot table
3. Select Page layout  and select print area.
4.  Save
5. Click on Print Preview to preview the print
6. Click on a given department in the slicer and repeat item 5, but this gives me blank pages after the data.

Do I need any other step? 

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Which Tables Are Populated

May 10, 2007

Hello all.

I have a database with literally hundereds of tables in it. Can anyone advise me of how to tell which ones are populated with data and which ones arent?

Thanks people

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