Analysis :: Waterfall Hierarchy - Unary Operator Not Working In Ragged Utility Dimension
Jul 15, 2015
I have a disconnected utility dimension with the following data and a waterfall->subwaterfall hierarchy. I have ignore if same as parent set on sub water fall. The unary operator is assigned to the relevant level
Opening ~ Opening ~
Price ~ Price ~
Total Composition ~ Composition L1 +
Total Composition ~ Composition L2 +
Total Composition ~ Composition L3 +
Total Composition ~ Composition L4 +
Total Composition ~ Composition L5 +
Closing ~ Closing ~
I'm using MDX to set values to the members
SCOPE(Measures.Waterfall,[Dim Waterfall].[Water Fall].&[Price]);
SCOPE(Measures.Waterfall,[Dim Waterfall].[Sub Water Fall].&[Composition L1]);
THIS=Measures.[Composition L1];
[Code] ....
But when i run a simple select query
{[Measures].[Waterfall]} ON COLUMNS,
[Dim Waterfall].[Water Fall].[Water Fall] ON ROWS
I only get a value for price. Total Composition is NULL. If I change my query to look at the subwaterfall level then I see values for composition L1->L5, so I know there are values there I was expecting the unary operator to aggregate my composition measures into Total Composition.
I should point out that every measure that's being assigned to my utility dim is calculated with in excess of a dozen or so steps and intermediate calcs, is this causing some kind of solve order issue?
I know that as a workaround i could probably do something like
SCOPE(Measures.Waterfall,[Dim Waterfall].[Water Fall].&[Total Composition]);
THIS=SUM([Dim Waterfall].[Hierarchy].[Water Fall].&[Total Composition].Children,Measures.Waterfall);
But that defeats the purpose of the unary operators
Any working example of what a ragged hierarchy should look like for the unary and custom rollup calcs to work?
I have a parent-child hierarchy that works as expected but can't manage to get the same with a flattened ragged hierarchy. Parents disappear if any of the children aren't in the fact table (even though the children are set to '~' and the parent has its own custom rollup calc).
Do I need to replicate the unary and measure formula all the way to the end in the same way i do the member name/value (so i can set ignore if same as parent)? Setting unary to null seems to work when the key doesnt exist in the fact table but the default behaviour for null is '+' so i end up getting wrong results if the key does exist!
In words
I have an EAV style fact table. The measure name is defined in a 'dim measure' table. Some measures exist in the fact, some are manufactured using Unary ops or custom rollup formulas.
Here's a diagram of the hierarchy
I want to recreate the functionality as a flattened hierarchy (the number of levels is fixed), but can't seem to do it... Here's what I've gotten for the same hierarchy created using the two different approaches
Below are queries to recreate the tables from adventureworksdw2014. The parent child hierarchy is set up the standard way... measureparentkey is parent. set name, unary and formula as expected. Set NonLeafDataHidden for the parent attribute. I've tried various combinations for the ragged hierarchy but none work 100% of the time. I want to have a user defined hierarchy for the performance benefits.
--Fact view CREATE View dbo.FactSales AS select fis.ProductKey , fis.OrderDateKey , 1 AS MeasureKey -- salesAmount , fis.SalesAmount AS MeasureValue
I'm loading a fact table that has several geographic attributes - some are at the state level, some are at the county level, and then some are drilled farther in that that. I understand the basic concept of the dimension with the ragged hierarchy, but unsure of how to load to the fact table using lookups based on these geographic units. For example, if my geographic dimension contains 200 records for the state of Wyoming, basically a record for each fine-grain place (i.e. city/town), then how do I go about doing a county lookup. Wyoming only has 23 counties, but because of the repetitive nature of the dimension attributes that are not at the finest grain, I'll get more records in the lookup than I need. This activity repeats of course while I move up the geographic scale to state, then country. How do I configure/fill my dimension to handle these differing scales of data?
I am in a situation to slice a fact in two date dimension .. my <g class="gr_ gr_73 gr-alert gr_spell ContextualSpelling ins-del multiReplace" data-gr-id="73" id="73">sql</g> code is like this
select count(1) from fact_table where end_date >=(selecteddate on filter) and startdate <=end_date .
The common date dimension is Start date. and the filter will be only on <g class="gr_ gr_168 gr-alert gr_gramm Grammar only-ins doubleReplace replaceWithoutSep" data-gr-id="168" id="168">end</g> date.
Below is the code so far
<g class="gr_ gr_228 gr-alert gr_tiny gr_spell ContextualSpelling multiReplace" data-gr-id="228" id="228">i</g> did, but <g class="gr_ gr_229 gr-alert gr_tiny gr_spell ContextualSpelling multiReplace" data-gr-id="229" id="229">i</g> am not finding how to filter the start date <=end_date
with member [Measures].[X] as
Sum( {[EndDate].[YQMWD].currentmember:NULL}, ([Measures].[Count])) select [Measures].[X] on 0 , [EndDate].[YQMWD].year.members on 1 from Cube
What is the trick I can put so that I can filter those data where start date <=selected end date ....
Include children and exclude children in a single hierarchy in parent child dimension in mdx
*12-parent **20-parent - 9-parent --250-child1 --210-child2 --240-child3 aggregation of 12-parent only aggregation of 20-parent only aggregation of 9 with children
I am working on a model where I have a sales fact table. Each fact record has four different customer fields (ship- to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer). I have one customer dimension table that joins to the sales fact table four times (once for each of the customer fields above). When viewing the data in Excel, I would like to have four hierarchies (ship -to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer) within Customer.
Is there a way to build hierarchies within my Customer dimension based on the same Customer table? What I want is to view the data in Excel and see the Customer dimension. Within Customer, I want four hierarchies.
I have 5 cubes, and hierachy defined for all cubes. for example:geography database with 5 continents as cubes and contries as dimensions.Now when i am doing security restrictions on my dimension ex: In USA dimension if i want only to give access to texas region then i should be able to see only texas cities. But i cansee all the states under USA even after selecting only Texas region under Dimension data tab inside ROles section in SSMS.I have tried security at database ,cube level as well as dimension level.But still not that because of some wrong design of cubes or something related to database design.? I am not able to undersand that except roles everything in my cubes or datawarehouse is working fine without and defect in data.
I have a table with a field that has a numeric data type (15,2) and length of 9. The problem is that it won't display the actual negative sign for any values less than 0 when running a query. Any ideas? I've used Query Analyzer as well as Access.
When i add a dimension to the cube dimension without any relation in my dimension usage to any measure group my units are going down.However when i remove the dimension from the cube am getting the correct values.
Hi, I am exporting a table to a fixed width flat file using "Ragged Right" format. Though i specify carriage return for the last column, the text file is not taking it up.
I am doing the following for connection"Format").SetValue(cmFlatFile,"RaggedRight")"RowDelimiter").SetValue(cmFlatFile,vbCrLf)
and while adding the column i am setting up the width as follows
For cols = 0 to vColumns.Count -1 Dim col As IDTSConnectionManagerFlatFileColumn90 = ff.Columns.Add() if cols = vColumns.Count - 1 Then col.ColumnDelimiter = vbCrLf end if cols.ColumnType = "FixedWidth" cols.Columnwidth = 20 ...... Next cols
Still the rows are exported next to each other just like when we use FixedWidth.
I am trying to use MDX to dynamically determine which hierarchy of thetime dimension is selected. I have a calculated member which is usingthe last non-empty descendant of the [Time].[Calendar] dimension, butI want it to work even if Fiscal is selected instead of Calendar.Here is the codeSUM(Tail(Filter(Descendants([Time].[Calendar].CurrentMember, [CalendarDate]), isEmpty([Measures].[Employee Count]) = False), 1),[Measures].[Employee Count])What can I put in place of [Time].[Calendar].CurrentMember to take thecurrent hierarchy of the time dimension instead of the Calendarhierarchy? Thanks!
I have a have a relatively simple SSAS cube that I'm trying to display in a matrix but the order of the data is not correct. The rows of the matrix are a time hierarchy and the query designer produces the correct MDX and when I run the MDX in the data tab, the order is correct. However in the report preview tab, the order is incorrect. Specifically, the time hierarchy looks like this Year-Month-FullDate. The report is ordering the Months like this 1,10,11,12,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. I ran the MDX query in Sql Studio and the order is correct, and I used Excel to consume the same cube and it produces the correct order.
The report is somehow treating the Month like character data instead of numeric, how do I fix this?
I am in the process of develping a MSRS report using an MSAS 2005 OLAP cube as my data source. In the MSRS Query Builder, I am using an MDX query which successfully executes in Management Studio. Something like the following:
The twist is that the AttributeHierarchyVisible property of the [Dim Attribute].[Hierarchy Not Visible] is set to False.
As mentioned previously, the query successfully executes in Management Studio. However when it is executed in the MSRS Query Builder, the following error message is displayed:
The query cannot be prepared: The query must have at least one axis. The first axis of the query should not have multiple hierarchies, nor should it reference any dimension other than the Measures dimension.. Parameter name: mdx (MDXQueryGenerator)
Is there a way to successfully query dimension attributes whose hierarchies are not visible?
I want an MDX calculated dimension member, (with no measure specified in expression, so that any related measure can be used in a query/browse), and that accomplishes either one of the following:
Ideal: To calculate Median values on every level of a user hierarchy
If "Ideal" is not possible, then "Acceptable" is: To calculates Median values on one or more levels OTHER than the highest level.
Is there a way - through a DMV or other query - that I can retrieve the collation for a hierarchy using code?I know that I can find out the server, cube, and hierarchy collation using SSMS. But I'm looking to do this in code, in order to compare collations between two cubes' dimensions, and compare member values.
I have a fact table that captures the captures oldest date between a Task date and todays date per Person (so there is only fact per person) like this - a measure is created from the Task Days
PersonID, Dateduekey, Task Days 130 20130809 679
I have a person dimension which has a hierarchy of Department_Name->Team_Name->Person I have created some MDX that gives the MAX Task Day for the hierarchy but when you Person attribute of the hierarchy the code runs really slow.with set a as nonempty(([v Dim Fee Earners].[People Structure].[Person],[Dim Calendar].[Primary Date].[All]),[Measures].[Days KPI]) member measures.a as max(existing(a),[Measures].[Days KPI])
How can I get this running for more efficiently when [v Dim Fee Earners].[People Structure].[Person] is selected? To be fair the true measure [Days KPI] is already calculated at person level so if there is way to use the [Days KPI] when [v Dim Fee Earners].[People Structure].[Person] is selected that would be good
I have a Tabular model with a situation where I want to have three alternate attributehierachies in one dimension.
Dimension FruitAndVegetables (with 4 columns: Id, Name, Fruit and Vegetable) Id Name Fruit Vegetable 1 Apple Apple 2 Onion Onion 3 Banana Banana 4 etc
Now I would like to put Vegetable on rows in a report without getting a blank row (with the sales of all Fruits)..I would like to supress all those Fruit records without adding a separate filter to the report, just let the user pick this Attribute should do the move.
I want to display Month and year from same time hierarchy in two separate columns.My hierarchy is as below:
Ship Date > Ship Date Hierarchy Ship Date year Ship Date Quarter Ship Date month The display I am looking for is as below Ship Date year Ship Date Month measures 2015 Jan 200 2015 Feb 300
I am using Tail function as I need only the last 13 months, below is my query:
with set [Month] as { tail([SHIP DATE].[Ship Date Hierarchy].[SHIP CAL MTH].members, 13) } select {[Measures].[TAG BUID Distinct Count]} on 0, {[Month]* [SHIP DATE].[Ship Date Hierarchy].[SHIP CAL YEAR]} on 1 from [GSDR_P4]
This gives me error that The Ship Date Hierarchy hierarchy is used more than once in the Crossjoin function.
I am having a requirement as below. I am having a Emp_Dim dimension table which is having a Manager_Key which is dependent on again on the Emp_Key. Based on the designation I have to create a Hierarchy. I have to create a Hierarchy with 10 levels according to the Designation.
While extracting data I am giving a particular Area manager id in Emp_Key I should get the accumulated data (His and the employees working under him as well). So it's like my MDX query should be like this if I am giving any emp_key then I need all the business done by under him.
My doubt is how I can establish the relations between the different levels in my Hierarchy. I am pretty new to SSAS.
I dare to state that I found a very disappointing bug when using the LIKE operator on NTEXT columns. I actually need to check for equality, but since that doesn't work, I was using LIKE and I noticed I was getting lots of duplicates in my table.
I am using SQL Server 2005 and the issue is very easy to reproduce.
In a table T(string NTEXT) we have 1 row containing 5000 times the character a, like aaaaaaaaa....a - 5000 times. The following query does not return any matches:
SELECT * FROM T WHERE string LIKE 'aaa....a' -- 5000 times
SELECT * FROM T WHERE string LIKE 'aaa...a%' -- 5000 times
doesn't return any values either.
Now comes the fun part: if the literal used with LIKE in the above query is 'aaa...a%' where a occurs 3999 times the query returns the row. If a occurs 4000 times, the query returns no results. It looks like a magic number to me ;-) Does the literal get truncated to a NVARCHAR (whose maximum length is 4000)?
Is there any fix for this problem? I'm thinking of writing a stored procedure to work around the issue...
Another thing that I observed is that there seem to be problems with the comparison when the strings contain special characters (tabs, new lines, etc).
Any ideas would be appreciated, since I really need the comparison in order to avoid having duplicates in my table. I can't keep all the strings in memory and do the check in the application...
I am using a "Client" dimension that includes a "Holding - Client" hierarchy. I have to make sure, that only the appropriate roles may access appropriate members from this dimension, but I only have the information which role may access which ClientID - I do not have the information which HoldingID should be accessible. Also, "Client" is used as the key column of the dimension with "ClientID" and "HoldingID" as key columns. The hierarchy is strict, no client may belong to multiple holdings.
I cannot seem to find the right MDX for the allowed member set. My MDX expression would need to look like this:
[Client].[Holding - Client].[Client].&[*]&[123]
In this example I want to give access for client &123, no matter the holding, so &1&123 and &2&123 would be allowed.
I have a time dimension which has Date, Week, Month and Year. However, the hierarchy will have only Week, Month and Year. It works great for any Sales measure with AggregateFunction as SUM.
I have created a new measure with AggregateFunction = LastNonEmpty. Also in the backend, I have pushed all the inventory data to last date in every month as inventory is always looked on a monthly basis not on a weekly basis. This measure shows correct data for every last week of the month in the hierarchy. However, Months and Years are displayed as zeros.
Is this a known issue? When I try to filter my report using Like operator on one of the Report parameters/dataset field it returns nothing. If I use = it works? Any ideas how to use the "Like" operator in reporting?
I am unable to see my DSV when I try to edit my dimension. I have added some new fields in my dimension table and now want to use them in my cube dimension.
Many dimensions don't have unique members. Instead, the dimension source data has duplicates at the leaf level: it's left up to SSAS to aggregate up to the actual leaf level used in hierarchies.
Every cube I've worked on in the past, a dimension is clearly defined in the source data, with uniqueness already present there: we don't make a dimension out of duplicated, sort of facty data. This kind of design seems as weird to me as an unnormalised SQL database.
Here's an example to illustrate what I mean; I'll use that Adventureworks database.
We have a Geography dimension with a Geography hierarchy. Levels go like this from top to bottom:
Country State-Province City Postcode
The Geography dimension has a key attribute called Geography Key. It's there in the cube design as a dimension attribute, but it's not in any of the hierarchies, so I can't query it in MDX. But that's fine: it has the same cardinality as the lowest level (Postal Code), because the dimension has some kind of normal design.
In the cube I'm dealing with, it's all messed up. Using the AdventureWorks example above as a parallel, someone made a Geography dimension with source data keyed on [PostalCode, ExactAddress], but only wanted the dimension granularity to be PostalCode.
This makes it very hard to debug why the data in this dimension is incorrect. I can't match up the dimension members in the cube to the source data, because the dimension doesn't actually go down to the real leaf level!
So I have a dimension attribute called ExactAddressKey, but I can't query on it in MDX, because it's not part of any dimension hierarchy. Unfortunately changing any part of this cube design is not possible, so I can't even experiment with settings and see what happens.
How I could get to the leaf level of the data imported? Something like
Or does this kind of dimension design result in SSAS discarding all the data that's more granular than the most granular attribute defined in any hierarchy - so that the data actually isn't there to be queried?
Trying to create a time dimension off of a large table. When I go with the default "start year at Jan. 1", everything goes fine. When I switch that to July 1, however, (drat those fiscal years, anyway), the construction of the dimension times out. Any suggestions?
I have a database with millions of users with email addresses. I want to create an email domain dimension that groups domains into all the big email domains (hotmail, aol, yahoo) and an "other" consisting of all the other domains. I can create a table with entries for the big domains, and get the grouping working but anything that is not a big domain will get thrown out rather than put into an "other" category.
So that the list of EMP Nos that are visible changes when a different Role is selected (Filtered).
If not then is there any other way of achieving the same? What I want is that the list of EMP No that are visible should change when the user filters it using "Role" attribute in the "Uvw Security Emp" dimension.
If I add the Role attribute in the Dim M Dimension I think it will unnecessarily calculate aggregations, etc.
And I have a fact table that has 2 rows that join back to the first 2 dimension rows like this:
BrokerDimId Amt 1 $100 2 $200
I want to create the mdx so that I get all of the dimension rows, even if there is no record in the fact table for it and just default the amount to 0, like this