Analysis :: Create OLAP Cubes Using NAV 2009 SP1 Database
Feb 13, 2012I am attempting to create som OLAP cubes using the NAV 2009 SP1 database. I am using Jet Enterprise with TimeXtender4 to build the cubes.
View 5 RepliesI am attempting to create som OLAP cubes using the NAV 2009 SP1 database. I am using Jet Enterprise with TimeXtender4 to build the cubes.
View 5 RepliesWhen I try to modify a OLAp Cube, suddenly appears a Error message
"Unknow Error. Restart the Application"
And this break my cube down
This is not always, just some time, for example when I proof the cube on Microsoft Excel or After I backed up the databes of analysis
What can I do?
I'll thanks your quick answer
NOTE: My cube use MOLAP aggregations
I'm looking into adding OLAP Cubes as part of our software to be distributed with our OLTP and eventually OLAP databases.
Is there any books that deal with distributing OLAP Cubes and or security.
Our clients will have SQL Server with our databases.
Is there a way to script your OLAP cubes created in OLAP Manager to e.g. text files with CREATE CUBE and SELECT INTO statements.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI cannot seem to find a group where this question would fit so I amposting it here. I have what I believe is a unique situation. I amusing SQL Server Analysis Server to build a cube of "snapshot"month-end type of data. This data is from an instance of MicrosoftNavision and I have successfully used SQL-DMO and DTSPackage Libraryobjects to allow the user to rebuild the cube through Navision. Thisis accounting data and as such, the accountants want to be able toarchive this data by month. I know through Analysis Server Managerinterface I can copy the cube and save it to a different name.I would like to know if there is a way to programmatically save a cubeto a different name with some type of automation object?Thanks
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhile creating a model, i can access to relational tables as data source, but not to olap cubes. Is it possible to browse olap cubes for mining? If yes, how? Thanks...
View 4 Replies View RelatedHi
I try to design a report with Chart based on an Analysis Services Data source...
It does'nt work !!!
Has anyone else the same problem??
How can we allow users to access a MS SQL Server OLAP cube but restrict the level of data that he might see?
I mean, if there is a cube with data for three different countries. How can one user be restricted to see data pertaining to
only one of the countries and not the other two countries?
Does anyone know the best way to set up filters against the Cube data.
Ex. The Cube was built with data for 1998,1999, 2000.
The totals and the rollups will include the value for all years.
Client A want to access the Cube Data through Excel 2000 but only wants to see the values for 1999 - with the correct totals and rollups...
I know you can uncheck the other years in the filters in excel, but the totals and rollups will still include the values summing for all years.
Is there away to pass in a query on the fly?
Can someone tell me how you can automate the refresh of OLAP Cubes? I just inhereted a data warehouse running on SQL7 and the idea of having to go in and manually refresh the cubes everyday is, well... stupid. I can't believe that they've been doing this for a year. Unfortunately, I'm not familar enough with MSOLAP yet and I can't figure this out. Any tips?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I move OLAP Databases / specific cubes or virtual cubes from our Development Server to the UAT or LIVE servers ?
i want to know whether it is possible to develop ADHOC reports using SSRS 2005 and OLAP Cubes. the requirement is the user should be able to select the columns he wants to see in the report.
I think this requires Dynamic RDL generation. It is very urgent. i have to give POC to the client on this. Any help in this regad is appreciated.
Hi, all experts here,
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
I am having a question on the SSAS2005 OLAP Cubes storage modes. We know SSAS2005 supports 3 different storage modes: ROLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP.
Do all these three storage modes of cubes store data in another physica analysis services databases which are inrelative from their data warehouse (in case they are built on top of the data warehouse)? (so it does not matter at all even we remove the data warehouse?)
Thank you very much in advance for your help and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
Hi all,
Does anyone know if its possible to set up OLAP Cubes in a Winform?
Hi all,
I am working on datawarehouse
using sql server analysis manager.
I created a cube ..that is working fine
but now i have to distribute to end users
so how to do it and how many ways we can do that
1)can we make that .cub file
2)how can give access to endusers
without giving access to database
3)how to host a cube and access from
excel or any other software
I need to use cubes in VS 2005 web project. I have no clue how to create cubes or use them in my web page. I am familiar with Reporting Services but not cubes.
thanks in advance!
Hi, i want to back up my SQL Server database and the cubes i've made on the anaysis services
i have backed up the SQL server database wihtthe wizard, and i do not know how to back up the cubes..
Is it possible, and if so, HOW??
reply @
how can I process and update cubes automaticly every night ?
How to get data from cubes in analyses manager to MS access using forexample ODBC ? Does existe any other posibilities to get data from cubesdirectly to the accees ?thanksKris
View 1 Replies View RelatedOne of my client requires TDS for all databases. My BI product has reports with OLAP Cube as data source.
How about using BitLocker for the HDD where the abf is physically located.
I work with 2 cubes on live and one for development. I've set the roles in the live cube (using SQL Server management studio). If i go to the design mode of the cube the new roles are not there, so deploying the cube will not update the development cube with the roles. How one can easily copy roles between cubes. (adding them manually would be a lot of work because there are quite a lot of different roles).
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to select from 2 cubes. in one condition - select .. From CubeX, and in sec Condition Select .. From CubeY.
I tried to put the name of the Cube as parameter:
FROM @CurrentCube
in ssrs source and i got the message:
Failed to parse the query to detect if it is MDX or DMX. Error: 'Query (148, 6) Parser: The syntax for '@CurrentCube' is incorrect.' (MDXQueryGenerator)
Also tried to get the name of the Cube as Member (I have a property with the name of the cube),and than using the member to the select :
WITH MEMBER [CurrentCube] AS
FROM [CurrentCube]
It didnt work too.. Is it Possible at all make the Cube-name dynamic?!
I have some questions about SQL Servers 2000 and 2005 compatibility.
In my configuration I have to use both servers.
The cubes are stocked in 2005 server.
May I transfer from 2005 to 2000 Analysis Services the cubes?
If yes, what is the procedure? The result of migration is the same in the two different versions?
If not, how can I solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
I am getting partition process error in one of my cubes. I don't have any clue what could be the workaround with this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I UNION two MDX query results which are deriving from 2 cubes?MDX queries will return same ROW information and only Measure names will be different.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI need to extract data from SSAS' cubes into a SQL Server table.
I already read examples using Linked server (with openquery), SSIS, etc. However, the result always return as many columns per dimension as levels. I need to extract all members of a dimension in a column. E.g., when excecuting the following MDX query in Adventure Works 2014:
select [Measures].[Sales Amount] on columns,
Non Empty [Date].[Calendar].members on rows
from [Adventure Works]
I would like to get this result (MDX query in SSMS), but with keys displayed intead of names:
But I get this (MDX thru openquery or SSIS):
I'm exploring creating local cube files, .cub from an excel sheet with tables.Would SSAS be able to create one cube from taking data from a 1 way table (A, B, C), a 2 way table (AxB, BxC, AxC) and a 3 way table (AxBxC)?
View 4 Replies View RelatedOn the subject of Data Warehouses, Data Cubes & OLAP….I would like to speak frankly about Data Warehouses, Data Cubes andOLAP (on-line analytical processing). Has it dawned on anyone elsethat these buzz words were created by some geek who decided to take astab at marketing? Knowing that to the backwoods manager who knowslittle of technology that new innovative names for old concepts wouldhelp to sale their products.I mean seriously, what is the story here? In a nut shell, and pleasestop me if you disagree, but isn’t a data warehouse simply adatabase? Can’t you do everything on a conventional databaselike SQL Server, Oracle or DB2 that you can do on these newproprietary Data Warehouse constructs? I mean who are they trying tofool?Take a look, for instance, at Data Cubes. Who hasn’t noticedthe striking similarity between data cubes and views used in all themore robust databases? Also, what about OLAP? OLAP is nothing morethan a report generator. There’s nothing you can do with thesemillion dollar price tagged Data Warehouse total solution packagesthat I can’t do with SQL Server, Oracle or DB2…for thatmatter Microsoft Access.As an example some sales people for Metadata Corporation has the VicePresident of I.T. in Nashville, for Healthspring, sold on their totalsolution data respository which is such a scam. All they had to dowas throw a couple of buzzwords at him and they have him hypnotized.Personally, I feel that these kinds of marketing practices undermineour industry. It helps to unravel what little standards orconsistency we have. What do you guys think?Stuart
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have two cube and i would like to get data from both cube and combine the results from both cubes to get final result to display result in SSRS reports like we can do in Stored procedure using temporary tables/Joins.Is there any way in SSAS to combine the data from multiple cubes? Data needs to be retrieved from the cubes based on the user inputs.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am running into a problem where Excel 2010 is freezing when I try to work with data coming from a Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 pre-built cube.
What is happening is that when I go to add a second dimension to my pivot table, excel locks up and becomes completely unresponsive for at least 2 hours. If I add the dimension to the table before the measure though, everything is fine.
For Example, I am trying to build a sales report with the product name and customer name as dimensions, and Sales as the measure. If I add the product name to my pivot table as a column and then sales as a measure, Excel will freeze when I try to add the customer dimension. However, if I add both dimensions to the pivot table first and then the measure, Excel seems to work fine.
Can anybody tell me How to access Analysis Service 2005 cubes through normal Stored Procedure.
Basically can write a stored procedure that we normally write in database service and use it access the Analysis Service 2005 cubes.
Is it possible
My Power view reports do not show the grand totals correctly. I think my issue relates perfectly to [URL]. However we have updated service pack 2 on both the sql data warehouse and the ssas box. They are 2012. However the power view is still incorrect. Pivot tables seem to work just fine. In AS I have a 2 separate measure groups that has a total count. I then use mdx to bring those two together. Something I have done many times in past with as 2008. My mdx looks like this below. I then hide Total Count EC (from measure group 1) and Total Count SF (from measure group 2). This way I have 1 total count value and they can use another dimension to see the two separate if needed.
Count New] AS
([Measures].[Total Count] + [Measures].[Total Count SF]),
The measure Total Count EC works just fine but the Total Count (MDX) does not . All in Power Pivot works fine but in Power View the grand totals are not correct.
i have AAAA project create by BI, now i want to change my computer, so i get XMLA from AAAA project in BI and run it in analysis service XMLA query but it return follow error:
Executing the query ...
Either the user, PCHOMEmax, does not have access to the Analysis Services Project1 database, or the database does not exist.
Execution complete
i try another way: i click right mouse on my database from analysis service, so i choice "Script database as "--> CREATE to... and i get a new XMLA file so igo to another computer, and run it, SQL return follow error:
Executing the query ...
Either the user, PCHOMEmax, does not have access to the AAAA database, or the database does not exist.
Execution complete
can i solve this problem.