Analysis :: Create A Calculated Member For Cumulative Sum Using Fiscal Calendar?
Jun 2, 2015
I am trying to create a calculated member for Cumulative sum using Fiscal Calendar using the below code:
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[No of Accounts Cumulative]
AS 'Sum(PeriodsToDate([DimFinancialDate].[FiscalMonth].[(all)],[DimFinancialDate].[FiscalMonth].CURRENTMEMBER), [Measures].[No of Accounts])'
{[Measures].[No of Accounts],[Measures].[No of Accounts Cumulative]} ON COLUMNS,
[DimFinancialDate].[FiscalMonth].Members ON ROWS
FROM [Acquisition]
where [DimFinancialDate].[Year - Quarter - Month - Date].[FiscalYear].&[2014-04-01T00:00:00];
Getting below OUTPUT:
No of Accounts No of Accounts Cumulative
All 1763 1763
Apr 14 116 353
May 14 30 383
Jun 14 284 667
Jul 14 112 779
Aug 14 38 817
Basically, It is taking all the members of the Fiscal date dimension to compute the output, But what i am expecting is to compute only for Fiscal calendar that is from April 2014 - March 2015.
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May 27, 2008
The following query gives me counts by Year, Quarter and Month
The result looks like this
I would like to have the cumulative count say [MS093 A KEY Cumulative] as a separate calculated member / measure. I tried various MDX exps but none seem to work. Can someone please help me out here.
Thanks for looking!
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Jul 1, 2015
I have a Calculated Member in SSAS that I need to adjust based what the current member is.
The code is below
CASE WHEN [Measures].[End LIS] = 0 AND "HELP" THEN
CASE WHEN [Measures].[Beginning LIS] = 0 OR [Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[NETACTIVATIONS] = 0 THEN NULL ELSE
ROUND([Measures].[Disconnects]/(([Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[NETACTIVATIONS])/2) * 100 ,2) END
ELSE ROUND(([Measures].[Disconnects] / [AVERAGELIS] * 100) ,2)
In English - i need this to translate to - of End LIS is 0 "AND the current member is the current month and current year" THEN carry on
Else ROUND(([Measures].[Disconnects] / [AVERAGELIS] * 100) ,2).
I came up with
CASE WHEN [Measures].[End LIS] = 0
AND [Dim Date].[FSCL_YM].[Month Nm].currentmember.membervalue = Format(now(), "yyyy")+"]&["+Format(now(), "M")
CASE WHEN [Measures].[Beginning LIS] = 0 OR [Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[NETACTIVATIONS] = 0 THEN NULL ELSE
ROUND([Measures].[Disconnects]/(([Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[Beginning LIS] + [Measures].[NETACTIVATIONS])/2) * 100 ,2) END
ELSE ROUND(([Measures].[Disconnects] / [AVERAGELIS] * 100) ,2)
But to no avail.
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Aug 23, 2015
I’m trying to build a calculated member (see below script) using “Except” function but I get an error result:
#Error The function expects a string or numeric expression for the argument. A tuple set expression was used.
My idea is to take a measure and exclude 2 members from the dimension.
I tried using “Aggregate” but got the error:
#Error Query (3, 1) Aggregate functions cannot be used on calculated members in the Measures dimension.
Please note that my measure is ACD that is already calculated average in olap and I can’t use AVG function instead of Aggregate. What can I do?
member [Measures].[AppOrig All Roaming]
[Source IP Location].[Country Name].[All].children,{
[Source IP Location].[Country Name].&[Colombia]
[Code] ....
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May 16, 2008
I need to calculate the average of an existing measure of my cube.
The measure is PA_Salaire from a column of my fact table.
I would like to calculate an average i could use with all the dimensions of my cube but i think i can only create one linked to a single dimension. Is that true ?
I dont really understand the way i should write my request. Here is what i did:
(Manager is one of my dimensions, it has a parent child relation... is that a problem? does it change the way i should do?)
Avg(Descendants([Manager].CurrentMember, [Manager].[Name]), [Measures].[PA Salaire]
But that doesnt work at all i get the following result: " #VALUE! " for every manager
Thx for your help
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Feb 1, 2006
I have a calculated member that composed of dividing two other calculated members. The calculation is incorrect and is ignoring the decimal places in both of the source measures of the equation.
Calculated Member 1 = 300.01
Calculated Member 2 = 10.25
Calculated Member 3 = (CM1 / CM2 ) = 30 INCORRECT!!!
Answer should be = 29.269
The MDX that I am using is as follows:
Calculated Member 1 (Booked Amount YTD):
Sum(PeriodsToDate([Fiscal].[Date].[Fiscal Year]),[OH Booked Amount])
Calculated Member 2 (Units YTD)
Sum(PeriodsToDate([Fiscal].[Date].[Fiscal Year]),[OH Units])
Calculated Member 3 (Booked Amount / Unit)
Measures.[Booked Amount YTD] / Measures.[Units YTD]
This seems like a fairly common and straight forward type of calculation, taking the YTD amount / YTD units to come up with YTD amount per unit. When I create a calculated member with the hardcoded values of 30.01 / 10.25 I get the correct answer of 29.269. Am I missing something with formatting? Is this a bug in Analysis Services?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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Oct 27, 2015
I cannot understand why Total of calculated member is displayed incorrect. How should I change calculated member for it to work correctly?
Calculated Member:
AS IIF([Measures].[Distance]<2001,0,[Measures].[avgscore]/[Measures].[Date Count]),
It seems that Total is calculated without checking value in "AverageScore" for that month.
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Sep 22, 2015
I have 2 Dimensions in SSAS (see below end), I want to create a calculated member, named
This_Year_Billable_Objective_Count, with its formula = BillableLastYear*(100+ BillableObjective)/100.
The first factor, BillableLastYear is a number, aggregated (sum) from child units.
The second factor, BillableObjective is a percent number (for example 28 means 28%), it's not aggregate. It's an dependent value for each unit.
How can I calculate This_Year_Billable_Objective_Count for each unit?
\ able 1
SELECT [UnitKey]
[Code] .....
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Apr 6, 2015
I am working on creating a new report that has to get its date from several different tables. Some of these tables update at the beginning of the fiscal month, others at the beginning of the calendar month (). My goal is to develop a stored proc that will run once a month, get all the data from the various sources, and insert into a history table. An SSRS report will generate off of the data in this history table so users can see a running history of the data. I am having trouble creating a way to determine this though. Fiscal months always start on a Sunday. We have a calendar table that translates each date into the fiscal day, fiscal month, etc. Changing the legacy scripts to run on fiscal instead of calendar is not an option.
Idea 1: Wrap the script in an IF statement that will determine the date of last day of the previous calendar month, and the date of the last day of the previous fiscal month, and if current date is greater than both of those, then run the script. But this runs into issues because the current date could be in a different calendar month than fiscal month causing the idea of "previous month" to be incongruent.
Idea 2: Find the current day of year, then if this is greater than last day of the previous fiscal and calendar months, run script. Issue this this is in january, fiscal day might be 2 but calendar day might be 364, so it will never run.
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Sep 20, 2006
Using SQL Server 2000, I need to perform date range type queries that involve my company's Fiscal Year, which is not the same as the calendar year. My company's Fiscal Year if from Sept 1 to Aug 31, where Aug 31st year determines the Fiscal Year. For example, since today's date is 09/20/2006, the current Fiscal Year is 2007.
An example of a typical query requirement:
Find all the sales figures to-date for the current Fiscal Year. So, a WHERE clause will consist of a date range query from 09/01/2006 to 8/31/2007.
Initially, I created a Function to find the current Fiscal Year based on the current date, by calling the GETDATE() function and passing the results to the following function:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGetFY (@CurrentDatetime datetime)
IF (SELECT MONTH(@CurrentDatetime)) > 8
SET @FY = YEAR(@CurrentDatetime) + 1
SET @FY = YEAR(@CurrentDatetime)
So, the view queries that involve the Fiscal Year call the above function.
However, these function calls drag down the VIEW query response time to the point where the time is either unacceptable or an ODBC Timeout occurs, even with Query Analyzer.
Is there a way to create a Global server parameter to hold the current Fiscal Year value, so function calls are not necessary? Or set Fiscal Year date ranges for a database or server system parameter?
Does anyone know of a efficent, response timewise, way to handle Fiscal Year date range queries?
Will appreciate the help!!!
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Oct 26, 2015
I have the following MDX Query:
Select {measures.[Dollars]} on 0,
non empty
[Divisions].[Division].[All].Children *
[Cost Centres].[Cost Centre].[All].Children
on 1
From MyCube
which produced the following table:
Cost Centre
What I am hoping to do is create a set out of the Union of specific values in the [Cost Centres].[Cost Centre] and [Locations].[Locations] hierarchies into a single set and use that new set in my MDX query across the columns.
Using the table and query from above, I have the following conditions that would determine the value in the set (lets call the new set 'NewSet')
When Cost Centre = 1 and Location = X Then "CustomType1"
When Cost Centre = 1 and Location = Y Then "CustomType2"
When Cost Centre = 1 and Location = Z Then "CustomType3"
When Cost Centre = 2 and Location = Y Then "CustomType4"
When Cost Centre = 2 and Location = Z Then "CustomType5"Else "Default"
Then, if I was to execute the new query:
set NewSet as "Some Unknown Magic Here"
Select {measures.[Dollars]} on 0,
non empty
[Divisions].[Division].[All].Children *
on 1
From MyCube
I would end up with
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May 23, 2007
Hi all,
I'd like to add a yesterday dimension member to a new dimension, like a "Time Utility" dimension, that references the second last day of non empty data in a cube.
At the moment, I'm doing this:
Code Snippet
create member [MIA DW].[DATE TIME].[Date].[Yesterday]
as [DATE TIME].[Date].&[2007-01-01T00:00:00]
select [Measures].members on 0,
non empty [DATE TIME].[Date].members on 1
from [MIA DW]
But the [yesterday] member does not seem to belong to [DATE TIME].[Date].members?
So I guess there's two questions:
1) Can I have a new empty dimension which contains all these special members like "Yesterday" or "This Week" and "Last Week" (these last two obviously refer to a set of Dates)
2)How come the Yesterday member is not returned by the .members function?
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Jan 19, 2005
I have following problem:
A measure in a cube need to be divided by another measure as follows:
Measure 1 (SUM of Money spent by each person)
Measure 2 (Amount of Money available for each country per person).
USA: 155
Measure1 is a SUM and works fine, but Measure2 should only be a distinct value for each country. So if person comes from Germany, then the SUM of Spent Money should be divided by 134.
Any idea how this can be done.
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May 24, 2008
Hi Gurus,
I'm trying to calculate the prior year sales count in a calculated member with the following expression. The cube processes without errors but, the result in PriorYearCount column when i browse the cube is null value for all rows.
-- Prior Yr Sales Count Calculated member
[Measures].[W SALES F Count],
ParallelPeriod([Date].[Fiscal Date Hierarchy].[Year]
, 1
, [Date].[Fiscal Date Hierarchy].CurrentMember)
But the same expression works fine when I used it to write query on the cube to get previous year sales count. Following is the query for that. Coundnt understand why the same WITH MEMBER expression used in Calculated member is not working.
With Member [Prior Yr Sales count] As
[Measures].[W SALES F Count]
, ParallelPeriod([Date].[Fiscal Date Hierarchy].[Year]
, 1
, [Date].[Fiscal Date Hierarchy].CurrentMember)
{[Date].[Fiscal Date Hierarchy].[Year].[2004]
, [Date].[Fiscal Date Hierarchy].[Year].[2004].Children} on columns
, {[Measures].[W SALES F Count], [Measures].[Prior Yr Sales count]} on rows
From Cube1
Please correct me if i'm doing anything wrong.
Thank you in advance.
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May 26, 2008
I have a calculated member that calculatest the prior year sales count and the expression looks like this:
--[Prior Yr Sales Count]
([Measures].[W SALES F Count],
ParallelPeriod([Date].[Fiscal Date Hierarchy].[Year]
, 1
, [Date].[Fiscal Date Hierarchy].CurrentMember))
I can see the values for [Prior Yr Sales Count] in the cube if i filter the cube on any year from Date hierarchy.
But, when i gave
[Measures].[Prior Yr Obl Count]
as KPI Value expression, I dont see any value for the KPI even after filtering on Date hierarchy. The calculated members should act just as any other Measures, so why am I not able to see the prior year sales count for the KPI value?
Correct me if I'm not interpreting the usage of calculated members in KPI value expressions.
thanks in advance.
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May 22, 2008
I need to calculate an average over a dimesion other than time and "average of children" won't do that for me. I'm aware I can create a calculated member where I divide a sum by a count but the problem I have is I need use this calculation in a performance point scorecard and I want to drill down on the measure and you can't do this on calculated members.
Is there any other way of obtaining an this type of average?
Thanks in advance.
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Nov 18, 2004
I am really stuck here and need some help.
The scenario is that I have a dimension called Product... each product is given points and this is defined in the underlying product table.
The table on which my fact is based has a field called QtySold (which is the qty sold for the product). WhatI want is to somehow use Calculated Member (if that is the right solution) so that for any selected product, the user get's to see a calculated field called, say' Points earned, which will be QtySold multiplied by the points for that product.
Hoping that my question is clear, can someone please help me find a solution.
Billions of thanks in advance.
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Jul 17, 2005
I've been having difficulties with the following mdx query:
MEMBER [Measures].[Group] AS
MEMBER [Measures].[LawFirmDesc] AS 'MemberToStr([Lawfirm].CurrentMember)'
SET [ClaimCloseDate_Set] AS '{[ClaimCloseDate].[All ClaimCloseDate].[2004] }'
MEMBER [ClaimCloseDate].[All ClaimCloseDate].[SelectedClaimCloseDates] AS
SET [Jurisdiction_Set] AS
[Jurisdiction].[All Jurisdiction].[State]
MEMBER [Jurisdiction].[All Jurisdiction].[SelectedJurisdiction] AS
MEMBER [Measures].[ClaimCount] AS
{[PhaseTask].[All PhaseTask]},
{[Lawfirm].CurrentMember}, 1))'
[Measures].[Legal Fees Approved],
[Measures].[Expenses Approved],
[Measures].[Hours Approved]} ON COLUMNS,
CrossJoin (
[PhaseTask].[All PhaseTask].[L100 Assessment].Children,
[PhaseTask].[All PhaseTask].[L200 Pre-Trial].Children,
[PhaseTask].[All PhaseTask].[L300 Discovery].Children,
[PhaseTask].[All PhaseTask].[L400 Trial].Children,
[PhaseTask].[All PhaseTask].[L500 Appeal].Children,
[PhaseTask].[All PhaseTask].[E100 Expenses].Children,
[PhaseTask].[All PhaseTask].[Indemnity],
[PhaseTask].[All PhaseTask].[Prior Legal Fees]
{[Lawfirm].[All Lawfirm]
FROM Datamart_Vis_Ins165_Claim
[Case].[All Case].[C],
[FeeAgreement].[All FeeAgreement].[Hourly + Expenses],
[ClaimCloseDate].[All ClaimCloseDate].[2004],
[Jurisdiction].[All Jurisdiction].[State]
The problem is [Claim Count]. I want the claim count on each row to be the highest claim count from selected rows and placed on each row. The count is way under-reported. However, If I use a simple count statement or distinct count then only the last 2 rows have the count value I am looking for. It doens't seem to be affected by the where clause or the aggregated sets so it is over-reporting on the claim count. Anyone have any thoughts on how to solve this problem?
Basically, I'm cross joining law firms with tasks that show expenses and fees submitted by law firms for billing. I need to calulate averages by dividing the dollar amounts by a claim count. The twist is that the claim count I am looking for only occurs on the indemnity and prior legal fees rows because I know that every claim/case has an indemnity and prior-legal fee transaction in the fact table. The others types of transactions don't. So I have to assume the claim count is max claim count calculated on one of the rows and that number needs to be applied to the rest. Also, the count has to be adjusted by the slicers in the where clause (when I used a simple count statement it wasn't adjusting as I changed the values in the where clause) The slicers in the where clause change the date, or the jurisdiction as well as other dimensions. Hope this information has helped. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Nov 18, 2004
I am really stuck here and need some help.
The scenario is that I have a dimension called Product... each product is given points and this is defined in the underlying product table.
The table on which my fact is based has a field called QtySold (which is the qty sold for the product). WhatI want is to somehow use Calculated Member (if that is the right solution) so that for any selected product, the user get's to see a calculated field called, say' Points earned, which will be QtySold multiplied by the points for that product.
Hoping that my question is clear, can someone please help me find a solution.
Billions of thanks in advance.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have created a virtual cube in SQL2000. Then, I have generated aCalculated Member. When I did rollup into a higher level, SQL2000 didre-calculate the member. However, I want to summerize the Calculatedmember. The Solve Order could not be worked in this situation since ameasure, which is used to generate the Calculate Member, will beavailable only in the lowerest level of the dimension. Please help me!
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May 27, 2008
Hi Gurus,
I am beginner in SSAS, can anyone pls... help me how to write MDX script for this query.....
I am having Dimension: Link_Reason
attributes: Type, Intiator, Code.
I want calculated measure based on this Link_Reason:
its like want count(*)(count of rows in dimension table satisfying following condition)
MD= (Type='LL9' AND Intiator='Mgress' AND Code IN ('34,'38','102'))
How to write MDX script to get this?
Thnx for helping........
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May 16, 2008
im trying to do a mdx request to have the average of one of my measure called "PA_Salaire"
I tried this request:
[Manager].[Nom Complet].Currentmember
[Measures].[PA Salaire]
I think my problem is that the dimension "Manager.Name" has a parent child relation.
And the result i have is strange. I have the Pa_Salaire for the employee when its the last child but the total of the PA_Salaire of a manager (not one of the last child) doesnt give the average of his child but the average of all the employee of the society...
Im not sure it's clear so Here is an example:
Mr David (the boss)
Mr David 10 000
Mr Smith (a manager)
Mr Smith 5000
Ms Kalvin 2000
Mr Ollbek 3000
Total 5571.4 instead of 3333.33
Ms Richo (an other manager)
Ms Richo 8000
Mr theck 5000
Ms Irita 6000
Total 5571.4 instead of 6333.33
Total 5571.4 the good total of all employee
Can anyone help me plz, i really need to do that...
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Mar 26, 2007
I defined several calculated measures in my cube. In Report Designer, i want to filter data depending a calculated measure.
Some caluclated measures are missing properties like value or ismissing. Anybody a hint, why these measures dont provide the properties, as for that filtering or hiding is not possible.
In AS every property is the sam for all calcs and the leaking calcs dont have difficult expressions (IIF(measure<0,measure/measure,0.0)
Thanks in advance
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Apr 20, 2006
I have added a calculated member in my Analysis Service Cube, but this member does not show up in Report Builder. It is in my cube. I have tried to rebuild the model and to generate a new model. I can create a report from Visual Studio 2005 with the calculated member. Does not Report Builder support calculated members?
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May 20, 2008
I woudl like to know how to improve performances of query.
I have a cube, quite small with 8 dimensions and 2 measures. I also have 3 calculated members because i need avg aggregates on my measures. So 2 of my calculated measures are the simple measures but with avg aggregate. the third measure is the increase in percent between the 2 other measures.
I do use and browse my cube in Excel 2007. And the execution time of query is too long. I used the partition to design aggregates and optimize performances but it's still very low.
I saw that "scope" could be more efficient than calculated members but i dont know how it works.
Could someone tell me that?
Here is the code of one of my calculated members:
[Manager 1].[Manager].Children
[Measures].[PA Salaire]
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Dec 20, 2004
As the users drill down one of the dimensions, I want to show the breakup of each sub member in terms of %age e.g.
Suppose total Sales are 300 and breakup is as follows:
Category A = $ 120
Category B = $ 65
Category C = $ 115
I want that when the user drills down to the 2nd level in the Products dimension (let's say this Level is called Category) then I want the %age of Sales for each category - all adding up to 100
So this is what I should get (for the desired % breakup)
Category A = 40
Category B = 22
Category C = 38
I'll appreciate your help in making such a Calculated field.
Many TIA.
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May 21, 2008
hi all,
I was wondering if it is possible in SSAS 2005 that a calculated member is based off of an (integer) dimension attribute and another (integer) measure (let's say a multiplication operation) ?
If there a trick on doing so? other than stuffing the (integer) dimension attribute back in the fact table, as an measure?
thx much,
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May 20, 2008
I want an MDX calculated dimension member, (with no measure specified in expression, so that any related measure can be used in a query/browse), and that accomplishes either one of the following:
Ideal: To calculate Median values on every level of a user hierarchy
If "Ideal" is not possible, then "Acceptable" is: To calculates Median values on one or more levels OTHER than the highest level.
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Apr 17, 2007
I have a table that contains a column for a calcuated member (x) of type decimal number. When I tried to display the total of this calculated member in the table footer (=sum(x)), I am getting "#Error" instead of the sum of all displayed calculated values.
Column X
#Error (footer cell, expression -> =Sum(x))
=First(x), =Last(x) and =Max(x) worked fine, not sure why Sum failed. Please help...
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May 28, 2008
A very basic MDX question. Using the following from AdventureWorks as an example:
Code Snippet
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Big Cities]
[Geography].[City].&[New York]&[NY]
, [Measures].[Internet Order Count]
[Measures].[Big Cities] ON COLUMNS
, [Customer].[Total Children].Children ON ROWS
FROM [Adventure Works]
How would I re-write the [Measures].[Big Cities] calculated member so it included both [Geography].[City].&[New York]&[NY] and [Geography].[City].&[Los Angeles]&[CA]? Assuming there is no logical connection between these members, and that they are non-contiguous. Also, in my real example, I cannot move [Measures].[Internet Order Count] to the WHERE clause, it must remain within the calculated member.
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Oct 1, 2015
I have a cumulative measure in Tabular, and when I filter by a date in SQL it brings back all rows up to that date. However, when I drill down on any of the numbers, it only brings back rows related to the filtered date, and not the cumulative rows. Is there any way round this at all? Major obstacle for me at the moment...
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Jul 9, 2015
I am trying to get a cumulative count of business days. I have a column in my date dimension BusinessDayInd which is 'Y' or 'N'. I have been trying to create a calculated column in the cube but have not been successful yet. I think I'm close with this:
COUNTROWS(FILTER(DATESMTD(PostingDate[Posting Date]), PostingDate[BusinessDayInd] = "Y"))
However, this is giving me a count of calendar days for all business days and null for non-business days. How do I apply the filter to DATESMTD? I've tried many iterations of this using CALCULATETABLE, CALCULATE, and FILTER. All are giving me the same result.
What am I doing wrong?
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May 4, 2015
I'm building a cube for sales team , to test out I'm trying to process just one dimension called DimCalandar , when I try to process this dimension I get the following error ,
'Either the user abc/def, does not have access to database, or the database does not exist' ...
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