Analysis :: Way To Generate Some Documentation From XMLA Code

May 28, 2015

I am working on SSAS project and now i am looking for a way to generate some documentation from XMLA code ?I have seen that it's possible to do it with XML, so i think it is possible too in XMLA !

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Analysis :: How To Delete Multiple SSAS DB Using XMLA

Jun 3, 2015

In Analysis services,i have multiple DB's. i need to delete all using XMLA script.

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Foreach Loop Xmla Analysis Services Execute Ddl Task

Mar 21, 2007


I am a R data miner who is new to SQL and SSIS and would appreciate any help.

I wanted to automate the process of creating and processing decision tree models for every county in the Country. I wanted to use the foreach loop for iterate through all the counties. I wanted the foreach enumerator to be used by the XMLA code that creates the model so it would append it to the name of the model and i would get a different model for every county. I am not sure how to have the XMLA code accept foreach loop enumerator.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and if you could direct me to a previously done example that would greatly benefit me.

Thank you

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Analysis :: Dynamic Values In XMLA To Incrementally Update Cube Processing

Nov 10, 2015

I am trying to incrementally update a Cube to get near real time data for the end users. Currently we have a Sql server agent Job that does a FullProcess on the Cube. The Cube consists of a single Measure group which is simply one named query containing inner joins of all the dimensions and fact tables in the underlying relational database. The end users have a lot to upload during the day and they would like us to refresh the cube (near real time) to ensure the adjustments are loaded so that they could reconcile their daily PnLs. We have a MeasureId added which is an auto increment column in the Measures table.

I am trying to schedule the below XMLA query in Sql server agent Job and schedule it to run every 15mins or even less (if possible). However it seems to be not working and keep throwing all sorts of errors.

DECLARE @LastMeasureId AS INT, @myXMLA nvarchar(max)
SELECT @LastMeasureId = "[Measures].[Maximum Measures Id]" FROM
'DATA SOURCE=L68F728326574; Initial Catalog=GMDR;',
'SELECT NON EMPTY {[Measures].[Maximum Measures Id]} ON COLUMNS FROM [GMDR]');

[Code] ....

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Generate Unique Code Help

Nov 6, 2007

Hi Guys,

I am trying to insert a unique code, like a voucher code, into a table in MSSQL, 10 numbers (0-9) which obviously needs to be unique.

I can code this in ASP, but I think the process could be a bit long winded, i.e. create a key - run a stored procedure to see if it is free if not loop and check again. Surely there would be a way to do this in a stored procedure in one?

So the code would look like 3928492834.

1. Generate Key in SQL
2. Check if not used in column 'kcode' if it is, regenerate and check again.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I know how to do this in ASP but bit of a SQL newbie!



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Cannot Generate ResultSet Code

Jan 30, 2006

I am using Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server mobile edition. From Visual Studio I went to Data->Add New Data Source. From there I created and added an SQL server Mobile database. I want to use result sets instead of data sets. A file was added to my profect called: "databaseNameDataSet.xsd". In the properties for that file, when I change the Custom Tool property to MSResultSetGenerator, I get the following error:

Failed to generate ResultSet code. Typed ResultSets are only valid for Microsoft SQL Server Mobile Edition databases.

But I am using a SQL Server Mobile Edition database. Any help will be appreciated.

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Auto Generate Code For Sp Parameters?

Apr 18, 2007

Is there an easy way to generate the parameters code for calling stored procedures?

Is there an easy way to generate stored procedure code without having to manually type it in? I've seen 3rd party tools, but I was wondering if there's anything within Sql Server to do it.

I'm using c#, visual studio 2005, sql server 2005.



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Unable To Generate Model Off Of An Analysis Services Data Source

Feb 21, 2007


Our company is doing some basic research into using analysis services as a solution for our customers. I've taken our database and built an analysis services project in BI Studio and deployed it to Analysis Services on my local machine I connect to Reporting Services in Management Studio, create a folder for the cube, give my Windows user acct. Content Manager permission, create the Data Source (conn string = "Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Data Source=(local)SQLServer2k5;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=STI-PDB" -- copied from the Analysis Services project in BI Studio), and go to "Generate Model". What I get is an rsModelGenerationError, sub [Create Perspective From Cubes] with a connection issue at the base:

Either the user, <computername>Thomas, does not have access to the STI-PDB Database, or the database does not exist. () (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services)

Now, in the Database Engine, my Windows account has the db_owner database role for STI-PDB and it's default schema is dbo, which all the objects are created under. What am I missing here?

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Sample Code To Generate Reports In Custom App

Jun 27, 2007

I am looking for some examples of code for an appliction which will let run RS reports from a custom application. The user will choose the reports from a menu structure

We have an exiting application which we use to run crystal reports which we are going to be migrating to RS. We use custom web controls to capture the required parameter values for the reports, and hope to reuse the same controls (with minimal rework) to capture the parameters values for the RS reports.

What I am after is some code which will

a) let me run the report and display it. I don't want to display the report parameters in the URL etc as we generate some report parameter values based upon the user's ID and do NOT want them displayed back to the users

b) export the report to PDF, CSV etc depending upon the option chosen by the user.

The application will be developed in VS 2005 - VB. Does any one know of some links to some sample code

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SQL Server 2008 :: Code To Generate XML File Based In XSD

Aug 2, 2015

I have data in Sql table , I want to convert it to xml using xsd using script component in ssis.

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DB Design :: Extracting Relationships From FoxPro Code And Generate Foreign Keys In Server

Aug 4, 2015

I have taken on a contract to improve reporting for an old HR database that was developed using FoxPro (Visual FoxPro, I think) with the data stored in SQL Server 2000. There are no foreign keys in SQL Server 2000 so the relationships are maintained inside FoxPro.Is there a way of extracting the relationships from the FoxPro code and generate foreign keys in SQL Server, so that I can do proper design?

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Failed To Generate ResultSet Code. Typed ResultSets Are Only Valid For Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Databases

Feb 27, 2008

I get the error above when I do the following.

Using VS 2008 I got a Windows Smart Device project targeting WM6 Standard and using .NET CF 3.5.
I add a new database file = creating an empty Compact 3.5 database (creates an sdf-file in my project).
Then create an empty dataset in the wizard (creates an xsd-file in my project).
Then I add a couple of tables in the database.
After that I want to use my earlier created dataset.
I mark the xsd-file and looks in Poperties.
I get the error when I try to change Custom Tool value from 'MSDataSetGenerator' to 'MSResultSetGenerator'.

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Help In XMLA Query!!

May 23, 2008

I have created a Backup Schedule job for the Cube using following XMLA Query

Code Snippet

<Backup xmlns="">




<File>D:Cube BackupsSalesAnalysis.abf</File>



But thing is everyday the backup file is getting created with the same name "SalesAnalysis.abf", and it is overwriting the previous days file.
So I want to create a Backup file with Timestamp in its name.

Thanks in advance.

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How To Run XMLA File In C Sharp?

May 10, 2007

how to run XMLA file in C Sharp

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Creation Of Dynamic Cubes Using XMLA?

Mar 12, 2008

I hope some of you can point me in the right direction. I am new to all this and
working on a project using Cubes.

The cubes need to be generated in a dynamic fashion as the contents
(that means field) in the fact tables change change every quarter and are
based off of a external application.

The base strucutre stays the same though. So we thought we would export the
XMLA representation of the cube and then munge (word for alter) the data in the
XMLA file and send it someplace to create the new cube on a SQL 2005 server.
This seemed easy enough but I have found no real information on how to
run some piece of code that would create the cube based on this XMLA code.

On another note is there a parsing object for the XMLA so i dont have to right one from



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XMLA Synchronize Security Issue

May 29, 2008


We want to synchronize one database in two instances of Analysis Services.
We are using XMLA synchronize command.Our script is correct.

Account, which is executing the script has server role in source SSAS.
I cannot find anywhere what other permissions must have the user which is executing the script and what permissions must have SSAS account(on the destination) in source server and database.

Thanks Krasimir

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Issue XMLA Queries Via SSIS

Jul 31, 2007


We are in a similar situation at my client... we wish to issue the CREATE and DELETE XMLA scripts for a specific cube via SSIS, however are unsure as to the control object to use...

More info regarding our processes:

OUR SSIS flow is designed to:
1.) backup an existing cube
2.) create a new cube leaving the original in place for users to use while the new one is building
3.) once the newly built cube has been validated, drop the orignal cube, and rename the newly built cube back to the original cube's name

We used DDL code files (DDL Task Objects within SSIS) which contain the XMLA query code for each CREATE, DELETE, ALTER statements used for each specific task:

The flow:
1.) BACKUP Original_Cube
2.) CREATE New_Cube
3.) PROCESS New Cube
4.) DELETE Original Cube
5.) ALTER New_Cube to Original Cube

In order to execute each DDL Task code set for a specific task, it is necessary to specify a connection to a given catalogue... however, in our case, and in the general case of using CREATE/DELETE/ALTER ddls, a given database & catalogue may or may not always be available...

it would be ideal for there to be a way to issue an XMLA script to CREATE a DUMMY CUBE (outline and model only) for all other DDLs to use as a basis (at the beginning of our SSIS Flow), and then issue another XMLA script to DELETE the DUMMY cube when it is no longer needed (at the end of our SSIS Flow)

Currently, the flow does work fine, however, the DUMMY CUBE must exist on the Server in order to provide a connection for each DDL Task... at this point, the creation of this DUMMY CUBE has to be a manual process, we are looking to automate this....

the "Script Task" object bumps you into a VB window asking you to provide a VB script... is there a way to have VB issue an XMLA command...? Or, is there an easier way around this...?



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XMLA Queries In Execute SQL Task

Jun 7, 2006

I have a very simple SSIS package with one connection and one Execute SQL Task.

The connection is a Native OLE DB for Analysis Services 9.0

The execute SQL task fires off this XMLA query created through the syncronize database wizard from MSAS2005.

All I want to do is dynmaicaly replace the Source on the connection String in this script to a local variable. I have tried the @variable and the ? syntax as I found some good info in BOL. However neither of these work.

I supposed I could use scripting to handle this but I didn't want to add that layer and feel that SSIS should be able to handle this.

Here is the raw script which works fine withing SSIS:

<Synchronize xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
<ConnectionString>Provider=MSOLAP.3;Data Source=ServerName;ConnectTo=9.0;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=catalogname</ConnectionString>
<DatabaseID>Recommended Pricing</DatabaseID>
<Locations />

Here is what I want to execute (Which gives this error

failed with the following error: "The following system error occurred: No such host is known. .".


<Synchronize xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
<ConnectionString>Provider=MSOLAP.3;Data Source=?;ConnectTo=9.0;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=catalogname</ConnectionString>
<DatabaseID>Recommended Pricing</DatabaseID>
<Locations />

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Web Data Mining - XMLA Thin Miner

May 8, 2007

Does anyone know where can i get the source code for XMLA Thin Miner ?

It would be useful to my project.

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SQL 2012 :: XMLA Script To Save File To Remote Drive

May 20, 2015

I am trying to run XMLA script to save .trc file to remote drive.

Anytime I try to save file it save it to the local drive where SSAS instance is installed.

Here what I am using it within XMLA script


How can I save it to my local (c drive) or remote server

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Jul 28, 2004

What information should I be documenting about a server (SQL) and about the databases found on that server. I was task with this job. Please help.



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Nov 13, 2004

I'd like to go through and document the databases I'm responsible's probably a good practice and I'm sure there a several approaches to doing so.

Anybody have comments, recommendations, or possibly a nice word template that links everything up?

Thanks for the input.


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Mar 9, 2004

hello everyone,
I have to document about four databases, has anyone got any specific format or tool for documenting a database?
Any inputs would be very helpful

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Xml Documentation

Jul 26, 2007

Will there ever be xml code documentation support inside of Sql Server projects?

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Where Is SQLDMO Documentation?

May 5, 2008

Hi all
Could anyone tell me from where i can find complete Documentation for SQLDMO Object and how can i initialize
and use it in my programms?

Kind Regards.

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Sql Documentation Tool

Dec 3, 2005

Does anyone knows a good FREE tool for documenting a DB?

so far i'm with ApexSQL but its not free, wondering if anyone knows a free tool.


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SQL Database Documentation

Nov 9, 2004

Hi guys,
Can any one tell me about any Database Documentation Tool for SQL server.
Please reply asap.


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MS SQL Utilities For Documentation

Oct 16, 1998

I am looking for good utilities that document MS SQL table schema, indexes, layouts etc. I am currently looking at SQL auditor, but this product does not give me table schema or any kind of device revisions. I recently was given several SQL servers that have not been documented in any way.


ps SQL auditor gets a B+ in my book. Let me know what you think

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Documentation For Queries

Sep 20, 2005

Hallo !

Right now I am looking for the query-code to delete a table (not only the rows, but all of it). Somebody could give me the code?

In general I am always looking for a place on the web, where all sql-server 2005 (express) query-functions are explained. Somebody knows the right place?

Thank you very much!


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Best Documentation Tool?

Jun 13, 2007

Can anyone advise me on what they regard as the best SQL Server documentation tool. I am currently looking at Redgate and ApexSQL products. Do any of you have experience with these or others? I need one that will document 2000 and 2005 databases.


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Trigger Documentation

Jun 28, 2007

I am documenting a database.

When I view dependencies on a table I can see a view- so I go to views and copy the information.
But when there is a trigger as a dependency- I cannot find where to go to view it.

Are triggers within stored procedures somewhere? Or do they have their own separate place somewhere?

As you can see- I don’t know much about SQL…


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But The Documentation Is NOT Correct

Jul 23, 2005

The documentation saysISNUMERIC returns 1 when the input expression evaluates to a validinteger, floating point number, money or decimal type; otherwise itreturns 0. A return value of 1 guarantees that expression can beconverted to one of these numeric types.(Cut and pasted from books online)Yet the following, one of many, example shows this is not isnumeric(char(9))select convert(int, char(9))-----------1(1 row(s) affected)Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 2Syntax error converting the varchar value '' to a column of data typeint.So, besides filtering every possible invalid character, how do youconvert dirty values without error. I am not concerned that I may loosepossibly valid values or convert suspect strings to 0 (zero). I justwant to run without raising an error

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Documentation To Get Started

Jul 20, 2005

What is the best online documentation either on the Web or installedwithSQL Server that I could use to get started? I want to jump in andstartcreating tables, etc for applications.Also, what is the most recommended text for converting my DBAexperience from other database to SQL Server.ThanksBill.

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