SQL Server 2000. I have a database in which there are several objects
which have ansi nuls and quoted identifier turned ON. Is there a way I
can generate a script which:
(1) Can identify all objects within the database that have those two
properties turned ON and
(2) Change the properties for these objects and turn the ansi nulls and
quoted identifier OFF for those objects.
I am trying to avoid going throuh gazillions of objects and manually
doing this.
Thanks for any help.
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We have several sp's created to support a 3rd pary app that uses crystal inside the app with an odbc connection. We got sql row errors on any Citrix server where Use ANSI quoted identifiers was not checked. If we had them checked it works. Does this mean the sp's were created with the identifiers on and this is causing the issue?
I have existing table which is having Set Quoted Identifier Off and Set Ansi Null
Now I want to change those settingĀ so Is there any alter statement for the same?
Also Let's say At my database level If those settings are off and If I convert it to ON then It is not taking effect on existing tables SP which are already build.
I've mentioned this before, but now it's got me stuck. I have atable-valued function that was created using QA in SQL 2000. I can'tedit it using 2005 Mgt Studio, because the property AnsiNullsStatusisn't set (apparently SQL 2000 forgot to set it when creating thefunction). Now I find I really want to edit it in SQL 2005 MS withoutgoing to SQL 2000 QA on my laptop. So, using SQL 2005 MS, I droppedand re-created the function, having obtained the code from SQL 2000 QA.That should fix this, right? When SQL 2005 re-creates the function, itwill specify whatever it needs. But no, I still can't edit it! Theproperty is still not set!Can anyone help? Please?Thanks,Jim Geissman
A question for everyone: With the introduction of SQL 2005, we now have to use ANSI-92 T-SQL Syntax and I was wondering if anyone had written a tool to convert queries from old ANSI SQL to the new syntax.
We have some code that has to change for the outer joins, but we also have a lot of code that should change for the inner joins. It doesn't seem that difficult to write something that parses an old piece of code and at least suggests a new version. Especially if the conversion code wasn't SQL code.
I've been using this syntax for years on SQL Server and now comes the time to convert to SQL 2005 (90 compatibility). This syntax returns four rows. Basically it returns one row for each servername/component/context/property/value even when there does not exist a property of 'fff' since it's a left join:
Code Block select t1.* from tblconfiguration t1 ,tblconfiguration t2 where t1.component = 'AdjProcessUtility' and t1.servername *= t2.servername and t1.component *= t2.component and t1.context *= t2.context and t1.property = 'proc' and t2.property = 'fff'
When the converted (using SQL enterprise Mgr) runs it returns no rows:
Code Block SELECT t1.* FROM dbo.tblConfiguration t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblConfiguration t2 ON t1.ServerName = t2.ServerName AND t1.Component = t2.Component AND t1.Context = t2.Context WHERE (t1.Component = 'AdjProcessUtility') AND (t1.Property = 'proc') AND (t2.Property = 'fff')
I don't really see how to change this query to make it work. I've searched the web and I really don't see any examples of left joins which use more than one column.
Here's the table definition:
Code Block CREATE TABLE dbo.tblConfiguration ( ServerName VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, Component VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Context VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Property VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_tblConfiguration PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED( ServerName, Component, Context, Property ), Value VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL )
I use this table to define reports and there attribues. The rows repeat themselves except for the Property and Value columns Here is some of the data:
Hi everyone.. can anyone help me on how to solve my problem regarding on Select.. im using PB6.5 and running on MSSLQ2005 database.. i attached an image for your reference.. thnks!
I have used the following script to add the size of chosen tables in all the databases on a given server. What I need to do is to create a GRAND total. Can someone give me a hint?
exec sp_msforeachdb @Command1 = "print'?'", @Command2 = "use ? SELECT CAST (o.name as char(20)) as 'Table', SUM(c.length) 'Record size', MAX (i.rows) '#of rows', CONVERT (decimal (10, 4), SUM (c.length * i.rows)/(1024.00 * 1024.00)) 'Approx. size (MB)'
FROM sysobjects o, syscolumns c, sysindexes i WHERE o.id = c.id AND o.id = i.id AND (i.indid = 1 or i.indid = 0) AND o.type = 'U' And o.name in ('Table1','Table2','Table3') GROUP BY o.name COMPUTE SUM (CONVERT (decimal (10,4), SUM (c.length * i.rows)/(1024.00 * 1024.00)))"
When i do a select on my emplee table for rows with null idCompany i dont get any records
I then try to modify the table to not allow a null idCompany and i get this error message:
'Employee (aMgmt)' table - Unable to modify table. Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'idCompany', table 'D2.aMgmt.Tmp_Employee'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated.
is there an elegant way to use one equals sign in a where clause that returns true when both arguments are null, and returns true when neither is null but both are equal and returns false when only one is null?
I have two SSIS packages that import from the same flat file into the same SQL 2005 table. I have one flat file connection (to a comma delimited file) and one OLE DB connection (to a SQL 2005 Database). Both packages use these same two Connection Managers. The SQL table allows NULL values for all fields. The flat file has "empty values" (i.e., ,"", ) for certain columns.
The first package uses the Data Flow Task with the "Keep nulls" property of the OLE DB Destination Editor unchecked. The columns in the source and destination are identically named thus the mapping is automatically assigned and is mapped based on ordinal position (which is equivalent to the mapping using Bulk Insert). When this task is executed no null values are inserted into the SQL table for the "empty values" from the flat file. Empty string values are inserted instead of NULL.
The second package uses the Bulk Insert Task with the "KeepNulls" property for the task (shown in the Properties pane when the task in selected in the Control Flow window) set to "False". When the task is executed NULL values are inserted into the SQL table for the "empty values" from the flat file.
So using the Data Flow Task " " (i.e., blank) is inserted. Using the Bulk Insert Task NULL is inserted (i.e., nothing is inserted, the field is skipped, the value for the record is omitted).
I want to have the exact same behavior on my data in the Bulk Insert Task as I do with the Data Flow Task.
Using the Bulk Insert Task, what must I do to have the Empty String values inserted into the SQL table where there is an "empty value" in the flat file? Why & how does this occur automatically in the Data Flow Task?
From a SQL Profile Trace comparison of the two methods I do not see where the syntax of the insert command nor the statements for the preceeding captured steps has dictated this change in the behavior of the inserted "" value for the recordset. Please help me understand what is going on here and how to accomplish this using the Bulk Insert Task.
I have a scenario of where the standard Full-Text search identifies keywords but Semantic Search does not recognize them as keywords. I'm hoping to understand why Semantic Search might not recognize them. The context this is being used in medical terminology and the specific key words I noticed missing right off the bat were medications.
For instance, if I put the following string into a FT indexed table
'J9355 - Trastuzumab (Herceptin)' AND 'J9355 - Trastuzumab emtansine'
The Semantic Search recognized 'Herceptin' and 'Emtansine' but not 'Trastuzumab'
Nor in
'J8999 - Everolimus (Afinitor)'
It did not recognize 'Afinitor' as a keyword.
In all cases the Base of Full-Text did find those keywords and were identifiable using the dmvsys.dm_fts_index_keywords_by_document.It does show the index as having completed.
why certain words might not be picked up while others would be? Could it be a language/dictionary issue? I am using English and accent insensitive settings?
I'm dumping data from a table via BCP and when BCPing them back in to another table, it errors out on numeric and date fields. I'd like to place quote marks on the text fields. How do I do this using BCP?
We're trying to use DTS from SQL Server 2005 beta 2 to query datafrom an Informix IDS server via OLEDB.Unfortunately DTS is building queries of the form:select * from "database":"owner"."tabname"and the quoted table name is being rejected by the Informix server as asyntax error.Is there a way to keep DTS from quoting the table name in queries? Or isthis happening within the OLEDB provider?Thanks.--John HardinDevelopment and Technology group (Seattle)CRS Retail Systems, Inc.
drop table ##temp1 --**********************************
When you receive an email and double click on te attachment, it will launch excel automatically and put 'Erin' and 'Brockowich' in seperate columns. which is good and that is the way I want it.
But if I run this code on sql 2000 server, it will generate a file with 'csv' extension unrecognizable by excel. If you open this 2000 attachment in notepad, you can see that the data looks like "Erin, Brockowich" (vs Erin, Brockowich without quotes on 7.0 server ), no wonder it is unrecognizable by excel.
I have set quoted_identifier off while compiling all the user sps on 2000 server. But while sending emails from within the procedure, all the attachments still generated with quotes.
How can I get rid of the quotes? We have at least 45 routines running generating coma seperated files as a result of the query and sending emails to the clients for years. Now all of a sudden all the routines got messed up with 2000 upgrade.
I am trying to insert quoted strings into a database table, however, I cannot remember how to do so. For instance, I am trying to insert the following values into a SQL table:
My Friend's "Happy Birthday"
exactly as they are listed. How can I do that in a SQL insert statement?
I have a stored procedure which returns a count of products and a limited number of rows from a query.
I am using SQL Server 2005 and calling the procedure in asp.net
The procedure is as follows
Code Snippet
GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetProductsByCategoryId] @Category VARCHAR(255), @Range INT, @PageIndex INT, @NumRows INT, @CategoryName nvarchar(255) OUTPUT, @CategoryProductCount INT OUTPUT AS
/* Get product count */ SELECT @CategoryProductCount=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Products LEFT JOIN tblVar on Products.ProductID = tblVar.prodidvar WHERE Products.Category=@Category AND Products.Range=@Range)
/* get full list of products */ With ProductEntries as ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Products.ProductID, tblVar.idvar ASC) as Row, field1, field2 FROM Products LEFT JOIN tblVar on Products.ProductID=tblVar.prodidvar WHERE Range=@Range AND Category = @Category )
/*get only needed rows */ SELECT field1, field2 FROM ProductEntries WHERE Row Between @startRowIndex and @startRowIndex+@NumRows-1
The problem seems to be with the line
AND Category = @ Category in the query to make the ProductEntries
If I take this query and run it in an SQL pane I need to enclose the argument for @Category in single quotes. If I try to do this in the procedure it simply searchs for @Category as a string rather than the value of @Category.
The query returns and displays results with no problems without this line, and also if it is returning a result set that has no values in tblVar to join to.
Also if I run the query on just the Products table removing the left join it will return results with no problems.
Thanks to anyone who can help!
And I apologise if it is something simple but asp and SQL Server is not my usual coding platform.
My replication is failing to apply the initial snapshot because of the issue with QUOTED identifier. The snapshot files for the stored procedure are being generated using the 'SET QUOTED IDENTIFIER ON' where as my store procedure code is using the double quotes for string comparision e.g if @val = "test".
It is not possible for me to change the sps code as there are 1000+ sps exists. Is there any way to generate the snapshot files with 'SET QUOTED IDENTIFIER OFF'
I am attempting to import a flat file and have come accross and issue that I do not know how to fix in SSIS. The issue is that some of the text fields use quoted identifiers. This is not an issue in itself. The problem is they also use quotes as escape character if quotes are on the field.
So I see instances of "" because inside the quoted field is a quote. How do i specify an escape character?
I inherited a system that was started in Access and moved to SQL 2000. The business has grown and we are trying to replace our older systems with ASP.NET and Server 2005. Currently, we are trying to make a new asp.net page for searching the database for records with matching dates or date ranges. There are several types of dates to search, so they are all optional. Set to default as null in the proc. For each date there is an operator field, such as equal or greater, etc. The proc only looks at the date if the operator is set to EQ" or "IN" and ignores the date if operator set to "NO" The proc works fine when running under Management Studio, but fails coming through a SQLDataSource to a gridview. It works with integer and string filters, but fails when entering the same date ('07/20/2007') that works in the testing tool. All dates are actually stored as datetime, and they are set as DateTime Control Parameters in the SQLDataSource. <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:someConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="spTESTSearch" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure"> <SelectParameters> <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="M" Name="TypeCode" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="EQ" Name="FirstPubOp" Type="String" /> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="FirstPubDateTextBox" DefaultValue="" Name="FirstPubDate" PropertyName="Text" Type="DateTime" /> <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="C" Name="UserName" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="NO" Name="SearchTextOp" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="SearchText" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters></asp:SqlDataSource> The dates are selected properly in the testing tool, with code such as : DateDiff(day, FirstPubDate, @FirstPubDate) = 0 I think my problem is based on option settings for the databases themselves. The old database was set to Ansii Nulls and Quoted Identiers to OFF, and the new ones were defaulted to them being ON. I noticed that the tool also, sets those options on when creating new stored procedures. Would this difference be causing the dates to be quoted and viewed as objects rather than strings? What are the dangers in changing those options on the database that still gets uploads from the old SQL 2000 database and some Mac-based systems? I welcome any suggestions on how to get my new stuff running while not breaking my old production systems. Thanks for the assist!
From what I've read, SQL Server is supposed to do a phrase match when you do a full text search that contains quoted literals. So, for example, if I did a full text search on the phrase "time out" and I put it in quotes, it's supposed to search for the full phrase "time out" and not just look for rows that contain the words "time" or "out." However, this isn't working for me.
Here is the query that I'm using :
SELECT * FROM Content_Items ci INNER JOIN FREETEXTTABLE(Content_Items, hed, '"time out"') AS ft ON ci.contentItemId = ft.[KEY] ORDER BY ft.RANK DESC
What's it's doing is this : it's returning a bunch of rows that have the words "time" or "out" in the column called hed. It's also returning rows that have the full phrase "time out", but it's giving those rows the same rank as rows that only contain the word "time." In this case, that rank is 180.
Is there anything else I should be doing in my query, or is there some configuration option I should have turned on?
I need to extract specific text elements from a varchar column. There are three keywords in any given string: "wfTask," "wfStatus" and "displayReportFromWorkflow." "wfTask" and "wfStatus" can appear multiple times, but always as a pair and will each be followed by by "==" (with or without surrounding spaces). "displayReportFromWorkflow" is always followed by "(" and there can be spaces on either side. The text elements will be between a pair of double quotes, and following one of keywords. For each row, I need to return the task, status and report name.
Output: rowID, Task, Status, ReportName ----- --------- ------- ------------------------ 1, Issuance, Issued, General Permit 2, Issuance, Issued, Capacity Letter Type III 2, Review, Denied, Capacity Letter Type III
I started with a string splitter using the double quote character, referencing elements "i" and "i+1" where the text like '%wfTask%' or '%wfStatus%' or '%displayReportFromWorkflow%', but the case of multiple task/status in a row has confounded me so far.
1) What is the restriction on the max no. of tables that can be used in any one query in v7.0? In 6.5 it was a max of 16 :( 2) Are non-ANSI-style joins permitted in v7? Just that we're thinking of upgrading but 50% of our stored procs/views have the old *= syntax Thanks, Brad Carr
ok people, this is getting seriously frustrating! Please help!
As mentioned in a previous post, one of my batch jobs is printing fields with padding added, even when the table column is defined as varchar.
I've been to the knowledge base, read the article on ansi padding, ran the test scripts. But when I ran the select to display the columns, THE OUTPUT FOR BOTH TABLES WAS IDENTICAL!!! Apparently the SET ANSI_PADDING ON/OFF option had no effect!
What am i doing wrong? What is missing? Do i have to run the Set Ansi Padding option in the Master DB context? Have I unknowingly overridden the option somewhere else? Must I brush up on my COBOL for a career change?
My question here is whether or not MS SQL is processing joins according to the ANSI SQL standard. The situation is this, a friend of mine has the following query (The definition for the tables and the data in them are at the end of the message):
SELECT t.*, v.* FROM Table3 T LEFT OUTER JOIN TableView V ON T.tx = V.tx WHERE V.tx IS NULL and V.part IN (1,2)
My friend is implying that the OUTER join takes precedence over the WHERE clause and should return ALL rows from table3 that don't exist in the view. The view, as you will see below, is a partitioned view. My contention is that the proper join processing is to join the tables first and then apply the WHERE clause to that result set (regardless of the join type). In my friend's case, he expects this query to return four rows. My expectation is that it will return zero rows, because in the result set after the join is performed there are no rows that have a NULL in the v.tx column AND 1 or 2 in the v.part column. The actual ouput agrees with my premise and my friend is sure that this is not proper ANSI SQL join processing. Is this proper ANSI join processing or is MS SQL deviating from the standard?
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Table1]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[Table1] GO
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table1] ( [Part] [tinyint] NOT NULL , [id] [int] NOT NULL , [tx] [INT] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Table1] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [CK_Table1] CHECK ([Part] = 1) GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Table2]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[Table2] GO
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table2] ( [Part] [tinyint] NOT NULL , [id] [int] NOT NULL , [tx] [INT] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Table3]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[Table3] GO
I have a 6.5 and 2000 db that allows over flow of data to be entered into the fields, but I have another 2000 db that does not allow over flow of data to be entered. How can I check the ansi_defaults in the db's? I went through the book ol but it didn't explain how to see those values. Only how to set it using the SET option. Which was SET ANSI_DEFAULTS off go. Does it set it for the whole db or just my session? I need to change it for all logins to be consistant. Thanks
Help....I have a DB I'm working with that I know doesn't work with theANSI-92 JOIN SYNTAX....I'm not sure how much this limits my ability todeal with the following situation, so I'm soliciting the help of aguru....I apologize for the lack of scripted table structure, but thisdatabase is embedded in an application that I have no true schema for.I have a crude diagram of the tables and some of the relationships, butI've managed to have manually mapped some of the fields in the tablesI'm working with.What I have is a table(A) that I need to join with 10 othertables.....I'm joining on an identifier in the (A) that may exist manytimes in any of the other 10 tables...and may not be in ANY of thetables.When I run this query:SELECTSAMPLES.PK_SampleUID,UDFSAMPLEDATA02.AlphaData,UDF SAMPLEDATA01.AlphaData,UDFSAMPLEDATA03.AlphaData,UDFSAMPLEDATA05.AlphaData, UDFSAMPLEDATA06.AlphaData,UDFSAMPLEDATA07.AlphaData, UDFSAMPLEDATA08.AlphaData,UDFSAMPLEDATA09.AlphaData,UDFSAMPLEDATA10.AlphaDat aFROM SAMPLES, UDFSAMPLEDATA01,UDFSAMPLEDATA02,UDFSAMPLEDATA03,UDFSAMPLEDATA05,U DFSAMPLEDATA06,UDFSAMPLEDATA07 ,UDFSAMPLEDATA08, UDFSAMPLEDATA09, UDFSAMPLEDATA10WHERE UDFSAMPLEDATA02.AlphaData<>' ' ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA01.FK_SampleUID=SAMPLES.PK_SampleUID ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA02.FK_SampleUID=SAMPLES.PK_SampleUID ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA03.FK_SampleUID= SAMPLES.PK_SampleUID ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA05.FK_SampleUID = SAMPLES.PK_SampleUID ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA06.FK_SampleUID = SAMPLES.PK_SampleUID ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA07.FK_SampleUID = SAMPLES.PK_SampleUID ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA08.FK_SampleUID = SAMPLES.PK_SampleUID ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA09.FK_SampleUID=SAMPLES.PK_SampleUID ANDUDFSAMPLEDATA10.FK_SampleUID = SAMPLES.PK_SampleUIDI return what appears to be the gazillion COMBINATIONS of all thefields in all the tables....they query doesn't even finish before theODBC driver I'm working with crashes my VBscript....Is there some way to take the multiple returned rows from a join andwork them all into ONE row per identifier?Any help I can garner would just make my week!TIA!J