Anti-virus Exclusion List

Dec 21, 2006

Currently, I install an Anti-virus solution on MS SQL Server. It protects windows OS. In order to speed up the SQL performance, I dont want this Anti-virus to scan my SQL database. I want to know what's the exclusion list for the Anti-virus application. Thanks,

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Anti-virus And SQL?

Mar 12, 2001

Do you have antivirus software on your SQL 7 server? Which antivirus product?

Looking for input...


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Anti-virus Software

Jun 24, 1999

We are new to SQl Server and the NT environments we work on don't have any anti virus software installed. This concerns me. I was wondering how typical it is to install anti-virus software on SQLServer machines, and whether there are any problems associated (e.g. performance degradation) with installing software. We would be most likely to install Dr Solomons. Any comments/shared experiences would be appreciated.

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Anti-virus On Sql Server Box?

Jun 21, 2007


i am using sql 2005 with sp1 standard edition.

i have a question regarding the antivirus software. Is it ok to install anti-virus software on the sql server box? what are the issues involved if we install anti-virus software on the sql server box?
I heard, it causes some performance and other issues.

Is there anything we need to take care of .if we decide to install anti-virus software on the sql server box?

Can anybody share experience on this?


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ASP.NET && Anti-virus && SSRS 2005

Mar 2, 2007

Below, I have pasted a portion of an MS MSDN article dealing with a specific issue we are having with Report Server performance. The URL ( is the MS KB article on the described fix. The fix mentioned is for "ASP.NET 1.1" but our BP Report Server is using "ASP.NET 2.0".

Has anyone encountered and resolved and how?

Running on box:
ASP.NET 2.0.50727;
SSRS 2005 Sp1 + Hotfix#2175;
Win Server 2003, R2, x64, SP1
Trend Micro OfficeScan Cleint for Win 2003/xp v7.3
IIS Version (I cannot find this #) - ? IE 6.0

Report Manager or the report server runs very slowly

In some circumstances, ASP.NET applications run very slowly on computers that are running anti-virus software. If the Report Server Web service is restarting frequently, and you are running anti-virus software, you can obtain an ASP.NET fix from Microsoft Customer Support Services.

Symptoms include Web applications or Application Domains restarting for no apparent reason, slow performance, session restarts, and more. For more information about the symptoms, cause, and resolution, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 821438.

You can find out whether there are excessive server restarts by viewing the number of reportserver_<timestamp>.log files. A new log is created each time the server starts. A large collection of logs created at very short intervals is an indication that the conditions described in article 821438 exist on your server

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SQL Virus Exlusion List

Jan 23, 2008

I have a Server 2003 standard edition server running SQL 2005 standard edition. I have recently installed a Panda antivirus server. Is there a comprehensive document outlining what exclusions I need to set on my virus scans for SQL server 2005?

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SQL, Anti-select???

Sep 14, 2007

Anti-select is not the right word, but I want to do the reverse of selecting...
Say, if I have 2 databases, both of which are normalized, representing the same information, but in different table structures. Selecting and joining from the source database will give me a flat 2-dimensional table. Now how can I update the destination database with this 2-D table??
 If you can point me to the right direction, I'd appreciate it.
Thank you,

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Left Anti Semi Join

Jul 20, 2005

Hi!Whether there is an example where is used "Left Anti Semi Join"?Join Bytes!

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Sql Query With Exclusion

May 22, 2006

I want to select all usernames from a table EXCEPT the "Admin" this possible with an SQL statement and if so: how?

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Any Virus Problems??

Mar 21, 2000

I was wondering if anyone has faced any virus problems while using SQL Server on NT.

Also what are the preventive measures taken?


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Anyone Aware Of A Virus...

Feb 12, 2004

That targets SQL Server. It deletes all data in random tables, and then truncates the transaction log.

Anyone heard of something like this?


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Exclusion Query

Dec 17, 2007


I am trying to write a query that solves the following problem:

I want all records from [Table1] that are not referenced in [Table2].

Table2 has a foreign key that points back to the unique identifier of a record in Table1.

I'm not sure how to solve this type of query. I was looking into a left joins, but this is sort of the inverse of what I want to do.

Thank you for your help!

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EASY T-SQL Exclusion Question

May 20, 2008

I have two different views which I've linked together based on 3 different columns. Currently they're linked w/ an INNER JOIN.

What I need to do now, though, is figure out what records exist in one view and not the other. How is this done? I believe I did something like this before where I used an OUTER JOIN and then a "____ is NULL" condition in my WHERE clause, but I can't remember exactly what was going on.


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CHECKDB Table Exclusion ?

Jun 8, 2006

Hi There

I have checked CHECKDB syntax in BOL, i just want to be sure.

In there no way to run CHECKDB on a user database and exclude certain tables, in SS2000.

I have 2 really huge tables , over a billion rows. Nightly i want to run CHECKDB on the database but i do NOT want CHECKTABLE run on these 2 tables as it takes hours.

Or is my only option to instead of running CHECKDB, writing a script that loops through user tables excluding these and running CHECKTABLE. If this is my only option can it be done with a cursor looping through user tables and running CHECKTABLE on each one?


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SQL Security :: Virus Changing Values In Field

Sep 18, 2015

I've got this virus URL... in our production server. It is changing the values in a table column.

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Unable To Open Things With Stored Pro... In Their Name: Virus

Aug 15, 2007

I can't use the words "stored pro.." in file names, folder names, or internet searches. I also can't click on links with those words in them. (hence my above abbreviations) The application will close down. I'm putting hyphens between the letters in the hopes that if anyone answers this I will still be able to open it.

i.e., I have a folder on my harddrive called "stored pro---cedures" - I can't open it via any windows applications. I named a word document "stored pro----cedure" and it closed the second I typed it in. I can use "stored pro", but not the other, even if i put or remove spaces between the letters. Even if I type other letters at the beginning and the end, the application will close.

I tried to do a Google search on "windows update" and "stored pro..." but the explorer window closed.

Has anyone else had this problem?

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Transact SQL :: Inserting Exclusion Table Into Existing Code?

Sep 11, 2015

below is some code I use to identify where a patient has attended the ED department whilst also admitted as an Inpatient. This report works fine. However while most of the results are recording issues to be corrected some of them are real and as so can be excluded from the report.

Is there a way I can build in an exclusion table which would include:
,IP_ADMISSION.Forename AS Forename
,IP_ADMISSION.Surname AS Surname
,IP_ADMISSION.SourceAdmNatCode AS SourceAdm


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How Do I Exclude Carriage Returns As Part Of A IS NULL Exclusion Clause...

Jan 6, 2005


I have stupid users... who doesn't?! They have entered carriage returns as a whole value in some fields, that is, the field contains nothing more than a carriage return.

I really need to treat these cases as nulls and have successfully removed whole fields of nothing but spaces by using the LTRIM(RTRIM()) construct. Unfortunately, this doesn't deal with carraige returns. Even CASTing and CONVERTing to varchar and then using LTRIM(RTRIM()) doesn't work.

Does anyone know how I can elegantly get around this problem other than my best guess below:

Best guess pseudo code:
IF count of field is greater than 1 THEN probably a full sentence so ignore ELSE SUBSTRING first character and if CHAR(10, etc) then treat as NULL.

Here's some code that reconstructs the problem:
select datalength(char(13)) CarriageReturnVisible
, datalength(ltrim(rtrim(cast(char(13) as varchar)))) [This Don't Work]

Cheers - Andy

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SQL Server 2012 :: Including Spreadsheet Data Into Exclusion Criteria?

Sep 18, 2015

I am trying to import data from 4 columns in a spreadsheet, the Columns are (Last Name - First Name - ID - Code) and this spreadsheet has around 10k records. I want to add what is in this spreadsheet to the query I have below that uses the EXCEPT operator but I am not sure the best way to go about it.

Using the example I have filtered below for the name "Denise Test", at the end of the day I want everything that is in the spreadsheet to also be excluded from the results.

So before the spreadsheet lets say the 2nd query referencing table C has the following results for Denise Test

Last_Name First_Name ID Code
Test Denise 1 5
Test Denise 2 4

After adding the spreadsheet I want it to show this:

Last_Name First_Name ID Code
Test Denise 1 5
Test Denise 2 4
Test Denise 3 3

Here is the query as it stands now without the inclusion of the spreadsheet:

TableA ta


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Error While Setting Reporting Service And Share Point Exclusion Path

Apr 14, 2008

I installed SQL Server 2005 Express Edition on my Laptop for use with IIS 7.0; Everything was working fine untill I opened the Report Server Site with WVD 2008, it asked me to Modify the web.config for debugging. After doing that the Report Server Site started showing an error page saying there was a rsInternal error. I tried fixing the Web.config by hand but it dident work, so I tried completly reinstalling the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. It reinstalled perfectly excluding the Report Server. When it came time to install the Report Server; I got the error message.

The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Setting reporting service and share point exclusion path. The error is: Fatal error during installation.

--Actual Log--

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.3042.00
OS Version : Professional Service Pack 1 (Build 6001)
Time : Mon Apr 14 04:41:42 2008

Machine : JEOSYSTEMS-0002
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English)
Product Version : 9.00.3042.00
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_JEOSYSTEMS-0002_SQLSupport_1.log
Machine : JEOSYSTEMS-0002
Product : Microsoft Office 2003 Web Components
Product Version : 11.0.6558.0
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_JEOSYSTEMS-0002_OWC11_1.log
Machine : JEOSYSTEMS-0002
Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward compatibility
Product Version : 8.05.2004
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_JEOSYSTEMS-0002_BackwardsCompat_1.log
Machine : JEOSYSTEMS-0002
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English)
Product Version : 9.00.3042.00
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_JEOSYSTEMS-0002_SQLSupport_2.log
Machine : JEOSYSTEMS-0002
Product : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client
Product Version : 9.00.3042.00
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_JEOSYSTEMS-0002_SQLNCLI_1.log
Machine : JEOSYSTEMS-0002
Product : Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
Product Version : 9.00.3042.00
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_JEOSYSTEMS-0002_SqlWriter_1.log
Machine : JEOSYSTEMS-0002
Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Product Version : 9.2.3042.00
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_JEOSYSTEMS-0002_SQL.log
Machine : JEOSYSTEMS-0002
Product : Reporting Services
Error : The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Setting reporting service and share point exclusion path. The error is: Fatal error during installation.
Machine : JEOSYSTEMS-0002
Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
Product Version : 9.2.3042.00
Install : Failed
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_JEOSYSTEMS-0002_RS.log
Last Action : InstallFinalize
Error String : The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Setting reporting service and share point exclusion path. The error is: Fatal error during installation.
Error Number : 29528

If anyone knows how to get Report Services to install after Error number 29528 occurs, Please let me know.

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The Setup Has Encountered An Unexpected Error While Setting Reporting Service And Share Point Exclusion Path.

Oct 22, 2006

I got this error message during SQL Server Express install with no error code on Server 2003 SP1. I'm installing on an older development machine and although I do have a very large log file somewhere I wanted to post before I even dug into it. I noticed in IIS under my Webs that the MSSQLExpress webs were there at first but when I clicked on them to get any info or Properties... they dissapeared. So they were almost installed but they no longer exist. Also I do not have a SQL Service Manager icon down near the clock.

I almost took a step to fix this. After reading a few posts about similar problems I thought maybe this happened because the Default Web Sites IP # was not set to (All Unassigned). I was going to try a repair install from Add/Remove Programs but the temporary setup files are already gone. I really dont want to uninstall all 5 SQL components from Add/Remove Programs and start from scratch.

As good security practice we usually remove the Default Web or as in this development servers case we changed the IP from (All Unassigned) to an IP that is only accessible from certain machines on the internal network. I obviously should have read more pre setup guides. Anyway how can I fix this without reinstalling everything?

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SQL 2012 :: List All Different Values That Go With Single CAS ID To Appear As Comma Separate List

Jun 15, 2015

So at the moment, I don't have a function by the name CONCATENATE. What I like to do is to list all those different values that go with a single CASE_ID to appear as a a comma separate list. You might have a better way of doing without even writing a function

So the output would look like :


dbo.Concatenate( '[' + CAST(preop.value_text AS VARCHAR) + ']' ) as variable
dbo.TBL_Preop preop
preop.Deleted_CD = 0


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Report Designer: Need To List Fields From Multiple Result Rows As Comma Seperated List (like A JOIN On Parameters)

Apr 9, 2008

I know I can do a JOIN(parameter, "some seperator") and it will build me a list/string of all the values in the multiselect parameter.

However, I want to do the same thing with all the occurances of a field in my result set (each row being an occurance).

For example say I have a form that is being printed which will pull in all the medications a patient is currently listed as having perscriptions for. I want to return all those values (say 8) and display them on a single line (or wrap onto additional lines as needed).

Something like:
List of current perscriptions: Allegra, Allegra-D, Clariton, Nasalcort, Sudafed, Zantac

How can I accomplish this?

I was playing with the list box, but that only lets me repeat on a new line, I couldn't find any way to get it to repeate side by side (repeat left to right instead of top to bottom). I played with the orientation options, but that really just lets me adjust how multiple columns are displayed as best I can tell.

Could a custom function of some sort be written to take all the values and spit them out one by one into a comma seperated string?

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Insert Value List Doest Not Match Column List

Apr 18, 2007


I need to do a simple task but it's difficult to a newbie on ssis..

i have two tables...

first one has an identity column and the second has fk to the first...

to each dataset row i need to do an insert on the first table, get the @@Identity and insert it on the second table !!

i'm trying to use ole db command but it's not's showing the error "Insert Value list doest not match column list"

here is the script

INSERT INTO CustomerAddress(
TypeDescription) VALUES(

what's the problem ??

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Items In List A That Don't Appear In List B (was Simple Query...I Think)

Jan 20, 2005

Ok, I want to write a stored procedure / query that says the following:
If any of the items in list 'A' also appear in list 'B' --return false
If none of the items in list 'A' appear in list 'B' --return true

In pseudo-SQL, I want to write a clause like this


(SELECT values FROM tableA) IN(SELECT values FROM tableB)
Return False
Return True

Unfortunately, it seems I can't do that unless my subquery before the 'IN' statement returns only one value. Needless to say, it returns a number of values.

I may have to achieve this with some kind of logical loop but I don't know how to do that.

Can anyone help?

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Select List Contains More Items Than Insert List

Mar 21, 2008

I have a select list of fields that I need to select to get the results I need, however, I would like to insert only a chosen few of these fields into a table. I am getting the error, "The select list for the INSERT statement contains more items than the insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns."
How can I do this?

Insert Query:
tri_Ldg_Tran.CLM_ID AS PTicketNum,
tri_ClaimChg.Line_No AS PLineNum,
tri_Ldg_Tran.Tran_Amount AS PAmount,

CASE WHEN tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMMarsPaymentTypeCode = 'PATPMT'
THEN tri_ldg_tran.tran_amount * tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMMultiplier

tri_Ldg_Tran.Create_Date AS PDepositDate,
tri_Ldg_Tran.Tran_Date AS PEntryDate,
tri_ClaimChg.Hsp_Code AS PHCPCCode,
FROM [AO2AO2].MARS_SYS.DBO.tln_PaymentTypeMappings tln_PaymentTypeMappings RIGHT OUTER JOIN
qs_new_pmt_type ON tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMClientPaymentDesc =
qs_new_pmt_type.New_Pmt_Type RIGHT OUTER JOIN
tri_ClaimChg ON tri_IDENT.Pat_Id1 =
tri_ClaimChg.Pat_ID1 ON tri_Ldg_Tran.PRS_ID =
tri_ClaimChg.PRS_ID AND
tri_Ldg_Tran.Chg_TRN_ID =
AND tri_Ldg_Tran.Pat_ID1 = tri_IDENT.Pat_Id1 LEFT OUTER JOIN
tri_Payer ON tri_Ldg_Tran.Payer_ID
= tri_Payer.Payer_ID ON qs_new_pmt_type.Pay_Type
= tri_Ldg_Tran.Pay_Type AND
qs_new_pmt_type.Tran_Type = tri_Ldg_Tran.Tran_Type
WHERE (tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMMarsPaymentTypeCode <> N'Chg')
AND (tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMClientCode = 'SR')
AND (tri_ClaimChg.Primary_Claim = 1)
AND (tri_IDENT.Version = 0)

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Insert Only New Items From A List But Get ID's For New And Existing In The List.

Feb 12, 2008


I have a a table that holds a list of words, I am trying to add to the list, however I only want to add new words. But I wish to return from my proc the list of words with ID, whether it is new or old.

Here's a script. the creates the table,indexes, function and the storeproc. call the proc like procStoreAndUpdateTokenList 'word1,word2,word3'

My table is now 500000 rows and growing and I am inserting on average 300 words, some new some old.

performance is a not that great so I'm thinking that my code can be improved.

SQL Express 2005 SP2
Windows Server 2003
1GB Ram....(I know, I know)


Code Snippet
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tokens](
[TokenID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Token] [varchar](255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[TokenID] ASC

[Token] ASC
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitTokenList]
@TokenList varchar(max)
@ParsedList table
Token varchar(255)
DECLARE @Token varchar(50), @Pos int
SET @TokenList = LTRIM(RTRIM(@TokenList ))+ ','
SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @TokenList , 1)
IF REPLACE(@TokenList , ',', '') <> ''
WHILE @Pos > 0
SET @Token = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@TokenList, @Pos - 1)))
IF @Token <> ''
INSERT INTO @ParsedList (Token)
VALUES (@Token) --Use Appropriate conversion
SET @TokenList = RIGHT(@TokenList, LEN(@TokenList) - @Pos)
SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @TokenList, 1)

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[procStoreAndUpdateTokenList]
@TokenList varchar(max)
create table #Tokens (TokenID int default 0, Token varchar(50))
create clustered index Tind on #T (Token)
DECLARE @NewTokens table
TokenID int default 0,
Token varchar(50)

--Split ID's into a table
INSERT INTO #Tokens(Token)
SELECT Token FROM SplitTokenList(@TokenList)
--get ID's for any existing tokens
UPDATE #Tokens SET TokenID = ISNULL( t.TokenID ,0)
FROM #Tokens tl INNER JOIN Tokens t ON tl.Token = t.Token

INSERT INTO Tokens(Token)

return the list with id for new and old
SELECT TokenID, Token FROM #Tokens
WHERE TokenID <> 0
SELECT TokenID, Token FROM @Tokens
DECLARE @er nvarchar(max)
RAISERROR(@er, 14,1);

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ERROR: A Variable May Only Be Added Once To Either The Read Lock List Or The Write Lock List.

May 22, 2006

I have set of 2 DTS packages, one of which calls the other by forming a command-line (dtexec) using a Execute Process task.

From the parent package-> Execute Process Task->
dtsexec /F etc... /<pkg variable> = "servername"

Each of the parent and the called package have a variable: "User::DWServerSQLInstance" which is mapped to the SQL server connection manager server name property using an expression. The outer package has the above variable and so does the inner called package (which gets assigned through the command line from the outerpackage call to inner)

I "sometimes" get the following error:

OnError,I4,TESTDOMAdministrator,ACDWAggregation,{A1F8E43F-15F1-4685-8C18-6866AB31E62B},{77B2F3C7-6756-46EB-8C01-D880598FB4B3},5/22/2006 5:10:28 PM,5/22/2006 5:10:28 PM,-1073659822,0x,The variable "User::DWServerSQLInstance" is already on the read list. A variable may only be added once to either the read lock list or the write lock list.

Help would be appreciated!

I have seen other posts on this but, not able to relate the solution to my scenario.

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A Variable May Only Be Added Once To Either The Read Lock List Or The Write Lock List

May 10, 2006

Hi All,

I have seen a few other people have this error.

Package works fine when run from BIDS, DTExec, dtexecui. When I schedule it, It get these random errors. (See below)

The main culprit is a variable called "RecordsetFileDIR" which is set using an expression. (@[User::_ROOT] + "RecordSets\")

A number of other variables use this as part of their expression and as they all fail, pretty much everything dies.

I have installed SP1 (Not Beta) on server. Package uses config files to set the value of _ROOT.

The error does not always seem to be with this particular variable though. Always a variable that uses an expression but errors are random. Also, It will run 3 out of 10 times without a problem. I am the only person on the server at the time.

Any ideas?



Error log:

OnError,,,POSBasketImport,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1073659822,0x,The variable "User::RecordsetFileDIR" is already on the read list. A variable may only be added once to either the read lock list or the write lock list.

OnError,,,POSBasketImport,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1073639420,0x,The expression for variable "rsHeaderFile" failed evaluation. There was an error in the expression.

OnError,,,DF_Header_Header,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1071636247,0x,Accessing variable "User::rsHeaderFile" failed with error code 0xC00470EA.

OnError,,,Move All Data,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1071636247,0x,Accessing variable "User::rsHeaderFile" failed with error code 0xC00470EA.

OnError,,,Load Open Batches and Process Files,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1071636247,0x,Accessing variable "User::rsHeaderFile" failed with error code 0xC00470EA.

OnError,,,POSBasketImport,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1071636247,0x,Accessing variable "User::rsHeaderFile" failed with error code 0xC00470EA.

OnError,,,DF_Header_Header,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1071636390,0x,The file name is not properly specified. Supply the path and name to the raw file either directly in the FileName property or by specifying a variable in the FileNameVariable property.

OnError,,,Move All Data,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1071636390,0x,The file name is not properly specified. Supply the path and name to the raw file either directly in the FileName property or by specifying a variable in the FileNameVariable property.

OnError,,,Load Open Batches and Process Files,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1071636390,0x,The file name is not properly specified. Supply the path and name to the raw file either directly in the FileName property or by specifying a variable in the FileNameVariable property.

OnError,,,POSBasketImport,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1071636390,0x,The file name is not properly specified. Supply the path and name to the raw file either directly in the FileName property or by specifying a variable in the FileNameVariable property.

OnError,,,DF_Header_Header,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1073450901,0x,"component "rsHeader" (365)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".

OnError,,,Move All Data,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1073450901,0x,"component "rsHeader" (365)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".

OnError,,,Load Open Batches and Process Files,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1073450901,0x,"component "rsHeader" (365)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".

OnError,,,POSBasketImport,,,10/05/2006 12:03:34,10/05/2006 12:03:34,-1073450901,0x,"component "rsHeader" (365)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".

View 1 Replies View Related

SELECT WHERE (any Value In Comma Delimited List) IN (comma Delimited List)

Jul 2, 2005

I want to allow visitors to filter a list of events to show only those belonging to categories selected from a checklist.

Here is an approach I am trying:

TABLE Events(EventID int, Categories varchar(200))

EventID Catetories
1           ‘6,8,9’
2           ‘2,3’

PROCEDURE ListFilteredEvents
   @FilterList varchar(200)    -- contains ‘3,5’
WHERE (any value in Categories) IN @FilterList



How can I select all records where any value in the Categories column
matches a value in @FilterList. In this example, record 2 would be
selected since it belongs to category 3, which is also in @FilterList.

I’ve looked at the table of numbers approach, which works when
selecting records where a column value is in the parameter list, but I
can’t see how to make this work when the column itself also contains a
comma delimited list.

Can someone suggest an approach?

Any examples would be greatly appreciated!

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List() UDF

Jan 3, 2003

Amol writes "I wish to write a UDF that will concatenate values from each row of a column for a select query. for each invocation of the UDF it should check the callee query to see if its the next row of the current query and concatenate the value or if its a new query start from null.

eg. : select list(name) from employee

will return a "single" list of all names in the employee table as a comma delimited string.

TIA, Amol."

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Run Down A List In SQL

Nov 21, 2006

I have tilted and need some help.

I have a table with columns:

ArtNo, WareNo, State + a few others

Sample data:

111, 1, 3
111, 2, null
111, 4, 10
222, 1, 8
222, 2, 3
222, 1, 3
and so on

Each artNo is in several WareNo and has a state
Each WareNo has several ArtNo

I want to run through the table and get * for each combination of ArtNo&WareNo that does not have any post in the table with State = 3.

Best regards


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List In List?

Jul 2, 2007

Hello everybody,

I am new to the whole reporting World and I was wondering if their is a solution for my problem. I searched for one and a half hour and I am getting desperate.

I need to repeat a report. So I thought: I can use a list for that. But when I placed all my objects in that list and linked it to a data source it gives an error at every object. I had this problem before and I made a work around so I did not solve it. I need a list in a list or a matrix in a list. I get the following errors:

Error 1 [rsDataRegionInDetailList] The list €˜list3€™ is in a list that has no group expressions defined for it. To use a data region in a list, the list must have group expressions. c:projectencitrix estcitrixusagedb
eportCitrixUsage.rdl 0 0

Error 2 [rsFieldReference] The Value expression for the textbox €˜textbox16€™ refers to the field €˜USERNAME€™. Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current data set scope or, if inside an aggregate, the specified data set scope. c:projectencitrix estcitrixusagedb
eportCitrixUsage.rdl 0 0

I hope you can help me, thanks in advance!



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