Any Good Webcasts For Sql Server 2005 Reporting Services {Developer Perspective}

Mar 16, 2007

Can any body please point me to Any good webcasts for sql server 2005 reporting services {Developer perspective}

Also Please recommend me any good book for using and creating SSRS.


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Reporting Services, Good SQL 2005 Book

Jan 28, 2006

What are reporting services? i know asp or something like that, do i have to use asp? or can i use crystal Rpts?

Can anyone offer a good book on SQL Serv 2005?

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Can't Install Reporting Services In SQL 2005 Developer

Jun 6, 2007

I am trying to install SQL 2005 Developer but when I get to the setup screen for Components to Install, Reporting Services is greyed out. Does anyone know why?

Thank you,


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Problem - SQL 2005 Reporting Services Addin For Web Developer 2005 Express....

Dec 8, 2007


I'm trying to make some reports using the sql 2005 reporting services addin for Visual Web Developer Express 2005. I download the add-in here. So far it installed "successfully". The problem i have is when i try to add a datasource to the report at "Report > Data Sources... " it gives me an error saying: "The system cannot find the file specified."

Another Error it gives is that when I try to drag a DataSet field from the Website Data Sources toolbox tab the visual web developer crashes :/.

An observation that I don't know if this is ok is when I create a new Data Source it creates an App_Code folder inside where my report is /Reports/ and there it saves the DataSet. Just an observation...

This is my development enviorment:


Windows Vista Home Premium (Up to date)
Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 with Service Pack 1
Reporting Add-In for Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express


Microsoft Windows Server 2003
IIS 6.0
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express
Reporting Services for SQL Server 2005 Express

Here are some pictures of the erros:

Error 1

Error 2

Please could someone help me fix this?

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server 2000 Book Recommendations? Including Good Coverage Of Reporting Services

Jul 23, 2005

What up-to-date books on this topic can people here recommend? Thanks.- Bob

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Webcasts Or Any Live Casts For Free On Integration Services

Dec 22, 2006

I would i to know links to any live webcasts for free online.

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Need Help Obtaining Reporting Services For SQL Developer

Apr 23, 2004

I'm hoping someone can shed some light on a reliable way to get Reporting Services if you don't have an MSDN subscription.

I have registered copies of SQL Server 2000 Developer and SQL Server 2000 Standard that I bought late last year.

I've had a backorder with MS Parts since January to get updated CDs with Reporting Services on them. Each month, the back order is pushed up another month. The disks are now due sometime in late May. I called the fulfillment center and the operator end didn't seem too enthusiastic about it coming in stock anytime soon.

All 3 versions (Developer, Standard, and Enterprise) are on a long back-order.

I thought I could get by temporarily by using the 90-day trial copy of Reporting Services, but I'm now concerned it might run out before I get my own non-trial version.

Isn't there a way for legit users to get a hold of this product? I'd be happy to download it, but it's not available unless I want to pay add'l money for an MSDN subscription.

_ANY_ suggestions or help appreciated.



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Visual Web Developer 2005 Express -- With SQL Server Developer 2005?

May 4, 2006

Can someone here confirm or deny that Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition doesn't work with SQL Server Developer Edition 2005?

was about to order SQL Server Developer Edition 2005 on Amazon, to use
with Visual Web Developer 2005 Express, when I read a user comment that
the two are incompatible with each other. Does anyone know for sure if
that is true?

What I'm wanting to do is develop an ASP.NET web
application on a web host using a SQL Server database. I use VS2003 and SQL
Server Enterprise 2000 at work, but I'd like to learn the 2005 editions
for this side project. I don't own any of the developer tools/IDEs
personally, so I'm trying to find the most affordable way to do this
for my home business.

Thanks for any advice,


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Web Developer Looking For Good SQL Book

Jan 6, 2007

I'm looking to buy a book about SQL, T-SQL, stored procedures, etc. I'm a web developer, so I don't need a book for a SQL Server administrator. I need a book that tells me what I as a developer need to know about SQL. I'm currently using Visual Studio, SQL Server 2005, ASP.NET 2.0, and VB.NET (and fairly new to all of those) if that makes any difference. The bulk of my web developing experience has been with PHP and MySQL so this is new territory for me. I hope all that makes sense. I would appreciate any suggestions for such a book.
p.s. I bought a bunch of Wrox books and haven't had them long enough to decide if I like them: "Professional ASP.NET 2.0", "Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Security, Membership, and Role Management", "ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming", and "Visual Basic 2005". I thought I'd check with the experts before investing in another book. :-)

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Good SQL Developer Questions

Nov 23, 2007

Hello everyone. I have an interview for an SQL Developer graduate role, and was just wondering if anyone had any good questions for the interviewer and what would be the basic questions for me to answer.

many thanks


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Can I Use SQL Server 2005 Developer With Visual Web Developer?

Nov 24, 2007

There are conflicting postings everywhere about this. I built a small site using VWD and SQL Server Express, but need to convert to Sql Server 2005 Developer because the DB will exceed 4Gb. Tried to install and could not connect or use from VWD. Tried to uninstall, got into large mess with the byzantine uninstall process, and have now started with a clean machine.

I installed SQL Server 2005 Developer first, then installed VWD Express 2008 without installing SQL Server Express. VWD won't let me connect to an existing database, won't let me add a new database and doesn't even show the Database Tools option under the Tools menu.

Is there someone with specific knowledge that can provide any enlightenment? Would be much appreciated.

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Migrate From 32bit 2000 Reporting Services To 2005 64bit Reporting Services

Mar 22, 2008


I am trying to migrate my reports from SQL server 2000 reporting services 32bit to 2005 64bit. I am following the migration steps that MS specified.
Restored my Reportserver and ReportserverTempDB databases
Then I was using the configure Report services to upgrade these databases but I always end up getting the follwoing exception when I run the upgrade on the "Database Setup" configuration for 'ReportServerTempDB' database
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'ReportServerTempDBTempDB'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Common.DBUtils.ApplyScript(String connectionString, String script)
at ReportServicesConfigUI.SqlClientTools.SqlTools.ApplyScript(String connectionString, String script)

It's driving me crazy, why is it looking for 'ReportServerTempDBTempDB' in the catalog instead of 'ReportServerTempDB'?
Is it possible to migrate from 32bit to 64bit?

Any help is appreciated

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SQL 2005 From A Web Service Perspective

Aug 31, 2006

Hi, im new to asp but have experiance with php/mysql.

Im bulding an application which connets to my Web Service.

Does anyone know of any great tutorial explaining fully how to connect a Web Service to a microsoft 2005 sql server?

I wish my Web Service to send string and arrayLists, not dataSets(or whatever) as i wish to manipulate this data before it is displayed. Thanks for your time.

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Can We Install Reporting Services 2005 In A Machine In Which Is Not Installed SQL Server 2005

Nov 19, 2007


Can we install reporting services 2005 in a machine in which is not installed SQL server 2005.?


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Trouble Installing Reporting Add-In For Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express

Jul 25, 2007

Hi Folks

I've downloaded & installed Visual Web developer Express and SQL Server Express and now I'm trying to install the Reporting Add-In available here:

It downloads just fine and, just as the installation progress bar is almost done and the status text says 'Registering Product', I get the following error message:

"There is a problem with this windows installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personell or package vendor"

Running VWD shows the ReportViewer control now appears in the 'data' group. I can add it to a form, but I cannot create a new report, as clicking on 'Design a new report' under the ReportView Tasks popup menu does nothing.

Any ideas, please?



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SQL Server 2005 And Reporting Services

Apr 8, 2006

Why doesn't SQL Server 2005 need IIS for its http readiness while its Reporting Services do? Thanks.

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Reporting Services - SQL Server 2005

Mar 3, 2007

We are in the process of doing a side by side installation of the SQLserver 2000 and SQL server 2005 on the same server. To install theReporting services feature of SQL server 2005 requires IIS. We have aseperate web server running IIS that connects to the database server.My question is : can we still install Reporting services on thedatabase server without the IIS?Thank you

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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services And ASP .NET 1.1

Oct 26, 2007

Our team is developing an ASP.NET 1.1 Application that is written using VS2003 but using SQL Server 2005 as database. Can we use a Report Viewer Control that comes with SQL Server 2005 in our ASP.NET 1.1 application? If not, Can some one suggest some alternative way of showing SQL Server 2005 Reports in ASP.NET 1.1 application?



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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

Feb 13, 2008

Dear Friends

When try to Install SQL Server 2005 Dev. Edition in Windows Vista Home Premium
Reporting Services Option Found Disabled.

As per Requirment IIS 7 (all options) Enabled and having IE 7.0

Expecting Favour from all friends.


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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

Jan 29, 2007

How can I integrate report builder, Report Designer into my .Net application.? Please Help me?.

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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

Apr 10, 2008

Does anyone know how to beautify the parameter control layouts on a report header?

For example I have a drop down multi selection control for a parameter for a report. I'd like it to be three times as wide. I could just add spaces to the labels but I'd prefer a more elegant solution.


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SQL Server Reporting Services 2005

Sep 19, 2007

i am using SQL server reporting services 2005. but when i tried to deply onto the report server, i am getting error "rsReportServerServiceUnavailable". can anybody tell me what is the problem. manytimes i m getting this error.

thanks and regards,

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Sql Server Reporting Services 2005 Limitations

Dec 20, 2007


Apologies for the generic subject heading but I have a client who at my suggestion has implemented a reporting solution using SSRS. However, we are now finding serious limitations with this solution, primarily regarding exporting matrix data to Excel. The major concern is that after exporting matrix data you cannot sort, filter or format properly as we cannot repeat the group data, merged cells is also another big problem.

They are now seriously looking at bringing in different technology to address these problems and I was wondering if anybody had any positive ideas, as to how I can provide a way forward and overcome our issues?

Can I easily add an add-in to the existing export options, does SQL 2008 offer any improvements, are there any 3rd party offerings out there?

Grateful for any advice.

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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Not Starting

Oct 11, 2007

Service cannot be started. System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.Global' threw an exception. ---> System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Configuration system failed to initialize ---> System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: This configuration section cannot be used at this path. This happens when the site administrator has locked access to this section using <location allowOverride="false"> from an inherited configuration file. (C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting ServicesReportServerinReportingServicesService.exe.config line 5)
at System.Configuration.ConfigurationSchemaErrors.ThrowIfErrors(Boolean ignoreLocal)
at System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.ThrowIfParseErrors(ConfigurationSchemaErrors schemaErrors)
at System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationSystem.EnsureInit(String configKey)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationSystem.EnsureInit(String con...

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Any tips would hugely help. I checked this config file and have not seen this info in the file.

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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Designer

Sep 14, 2007

Is there a control in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services similar to Crystal reports Designer control that can be embedded in third party applications that allows their user to design their own reports through the application.

Basically we are using the crystal control in our current software and are looking to move Microsoft reporting services

Your comments would be greatly appreciated.

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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Problem

Jun 10, 2007

I have recently installed SQL Server 2005 on Windows 2003 R2 Server (Standard Edition). When I run Reporting Services Configuration Manager, I get a message "Invalid Namespace". What could be wrong?

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Adding SQL Reporting Services To SQL Server 2005 SP1

Aug 7, 2006

I'm using Reporting Services Configuration tool to add the Reporting and ReportingTemb databases. Once the have been created, the tool attempts to upgrade the databases and can not create a script. This are the errors I see from the from the Reporting Services Configuration Tool after creating the databases:

! Verifing Database Version

The Database version (C.0.8.40) does not match your Reporting Services installation. You must upgrade your Reporting Services database.

! Creating upgrade script for database version C.0.8.40

ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.WMIProviderException: The version does not match a supported version.

at ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.RSReportServerAdmin.GenerateDatabaseUpgradeScript(String databaseName, String serverVersion, String& script)

I've reinstalled the entire SQL Server 2005 installation. As part of company installation precodure, SQL 2005 w/o Reporting Services is installed first, followed by SP1. I then perform the SQL Reporting Services installation add-on.



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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Integration

Jan 29, 2007

How can we Integrate SQL server 2005 Report builder, Report designer in a custom .Net Application ? . Please Help me.

I want to provide Report Designer, Report builder and Query builder functionalities to my .Net application. How can I Integrate them in my application?

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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Presentation

Feb 13, 2007

Hi, I'm looking for SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services presentation.

Anybody help, please.

Thank you.

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Need A Quick Answer About Reporting Services In SQL Server 2005?

Jun 26, 2007

Hi all,

I apologize in advance for the lack of homework before posting, but I am just looking for a quick answer, or a quick point in the right direction to figure this out.

I have a developer from an adjacent team that wants to use Reporting Services in a SQL Server 2005 installation.

From what I found online during what I thought was a definitive search yesterday, I gave him the MSDN SQL Server 2005 DVD and told him that Reporting Services is now part of the standard installation. Which is what my brief search yesterday indicated to me.

He did the installation (full, according to him) and said he could not find Reporting Services.

So, the quick question is...

Where is Reporting Services in SQL Server 2005? I don't have a separate MSDN DVD that contains it as was the case on SQL Server 2000. This further supports my (wavering) position that it is part of the standard installation.

Thoughts? Direction? Collective kicks in the posterior?


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Sql Server 2005 Reporting Services And XML Webservice DataSource

Dec 14, 2007

I am new to both Reporting Services and Webservices implementation so I am just trying to use a simple example. I found a Webservice on the internet that returns movie information:

I am trying to call in using XML DataSource and with absolutely no luck. Here are the steps I have followed:

DataSource type: XML
Connection String:

Report Data Quert:

<Method Namespace="" Name="GetUpcomingMovies">
<Parameter Name="month">
<Parameter Name="year">

I am getting an error: The XmlDP query is invalid. (Microsoft Report Designer)

Any help? I am trying to figure out this simple example so I can apply it to my own webservice.


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Bursting Reports Using SQL Server Reporting Services 2005?

Nov 30, 2006

Can someone please let me know how to achieve Report Bursting property in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services ?

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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Add-in For SharePoint, Installation

Nov 27, 2006

Setup:  Windows server 2003 SP1, SQL 2005 SP2, Sharepoint Office server 2007, Report Services addin (CTP v9.00.3027).


Using the Report server configuration tool,  setting Report Server Virtual directory, end up with RS Configuration tool crashing.

It appears to be happening on the task "Changing Secure connection level", & returns "System.NullReferenceException was unhandled
Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."


any ideas?

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