Any One Tell Me The Best Process To Bind The Data To Datagrid?
Jun 2, 2008
Any one tell me the best process to bind the data to datagrid?I am using this method,it is taking lot of time to fill data to datagrid.
conn = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source=\sample.sdf; Password =''");
dt = new DataTable();
da = new SqlCeDataAdapter(Quary, conn);
No more results. (9 row(s) returned) @RETURN_VALUE = 0
All of the tables have the same header row, but are a seperate table. From my experience, I am not able to bind more than one table to a datagrid. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can go about displaying this full dataset on my aspx page? I've been going in circles on this for two days, so I'm open to any suggestions :)
Hello all,I just have problems to bind the data to dropdownlists, and my code is written as: SqlConnection myConnection; SqlCommand myCommand; SqlDataReader myReader; myConnection = new SqlConnection(); myConnection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthWindConnectionString"].ConnectionString; myCommand = new SqlCommand(); myCommand.CommandText = "select PostalCode from Customers order by PostalCode asc"; myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text; myCommand.Connection = myConnection; myCommand.Connection.Open(); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); DropDownList1.DataSource = myReader; DropDownList1.DataBind(); myCommand.Dispose(); myConnection.Dispose();Any idea? Thanks
I am developing a system for my uni course and I am stuck a little problem...
Basically its all about lecturers, students modules etc - A student has many modules, a module has manu students, a lecturer has many modules and a module has many lecturers.
I am trying to get a list of lecturers that run modules associated with a particular student. I am able to get a list of the appropriate lecturers, but some lecturers are repeated because they teach more than one module that the student is associated with.
How can I stop the repeats?
Heres my sql select code in my cs file:
string sqlDisplayLec = "SELECT * FROM student_module sm, lecturer_module lm, users u WHERE sm.user_id=" + myUserid + "" + " AND lm.module_id = sm.module_id " + " AND u.user_id = lm.user_id "; SqlCommand sqlc2 = new SqlCommand(sqlDisplayLec,sqlConnection); sqlConnection.Open(); lecturersDG.DataSource = sqlc2.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); lecturersDG.DataBind();
And here is a pic of my Data Model: Data Model Screenshot
I have tried to code a href link to bind the data from a Stored Procedure, as shown below.This herf string failed. How to use these special characters, ' < " > ) ?Or how can I use sb(string builder), which I have used successfully for display the data. TIA,Jeffrey<%cmd.CommandText = "MyProgramsA"cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedurecmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@meid", SqlDbType.Int))cmd.Parameters("@meid").Value = EmpIdcmd.Connection = sqlConnection2sqlConnection2.Open()reader4 = cmd.ExecuteReader()While reader4.Read()%> <a href="http://sca3a56/'<% reader4(i).ToString() %>' "><% Response.Write(sb3) %></a><br /> <br />
I am trying to set a variable to be passed to my asp page but the value is not carrying over. I don't even know if this is supposed to work or not below: <td colspan="3" style="font-size: 10pt; vertical-align: top; color: <%=Div7fontcolor%>; background-color: <%=Div7bgcolor%>; text-align: center; width: 0px;" id="TopBox" runat="server">
The above Div7fontcolor and Div7bgcolor are variables that I set in the VB file as shown below: Dim obConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=localhostsqlexpress;Initial Catalog=OrgBoard;Integrated Security=True")Dim obCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT Divisions.*, Dept19.*, Dept20.*, Dept21.*, ConfigDisplay.* FROM Divisions CROSS JOIN Dept19 CROSS JOIN Dept20 CROSS JOIN Dept21 CROSS JOIN ConfigDisplay", obConnection) obConnection.Open()Dim dr As SqlDataReader = obCommand.ExecuteReader() dr.Read() Dim Div7bgcolor As String = dr("Div7color").ToString().Trim()Dim Div7fontcolor As String = dr("Div7textcolor").ToString().Trim() dr.Close() obConnection.Close()
The web page runs fine with no errors but the value does not carry over and change the property correctly. I am able to set the bgColor value of the TopBox within the VB file if I use "TopBox.BgColor = Div7bgcolor" but I can't set other values on my web page like the font color. If I can do this from the VB file then please correct me. Using variables within the page will allow me to set almost any value but I don't even know if what I want is possible. Any help is greatly apprectiated. Thank you,
We are building a near real time application in Windows Forms, that stores data in SQL Compact Edition. The client receives messages via UDP socket and performs insert / update operations to the db accordingly, and the requirement is to update a data grid with the changes.
We tried querying the db and receive a ResultsSet which is sensitive and scrollable, and bind a ResultSetView to the Grid. But, since the updates are made from another thread, the grid is not being refreshed.
What is the best approach for achieving this?
Thanks in advance,
Guy Burstein
Ok, I'm fairly new to .NET and even newer to the whole database concept. But, don't run away yet, I'm no idiot and I shouldn't have too hard of a time understanding your responses if you're kind of enough to give them. That being said, here's my dilemma:I'm trying to make a database of all the movies I own, the actors in them and the genre (s) they belong to. I have a set of tables that are in the 2NF (I think). I have a movies table, an actors table, a genres table, and two tables called movies_actors and movies_genres with primary-foreign key relationships to pull it all together (e.g. movie_id 1 has two entries in movies_genres, one for Action and one for Drama). My problem arises that when execute my monster query to pull ALL the data on one movie, I get a row returned for every combination of Genres and Actors in a movie. Example:movie_id movie_title comments actor_first actor_last genre_name1 Casino blah blah Robert DeNiro Action1 Casino blah blah Robert DeNiro Drama1 Casino blah blah Joe Pesci Action1 Casino blah blah Joe Pesci Drama And here's the query that produced that:1 SELECT movies.movie_title, movies.comments, actors.actor_first, 2 actors.actor_last, genres.genre_name 3 FROM movies INNER JOIN movies_actors ON movies.movie_id = movies_actors.movie_id 4 INNER JOIN actors ON movies_actors.actor_id = actors.actor_id 5 INNER JOIN movies_genres ON movies_genres.movie_id = movies.movie_id 6 INNER JOIN genres ON movies_genres.genre_id = genres.genre_id So, I want to put all the actors for one movie into the same cell in the datagrid (same with the genres) and still keep it sortable by actor or genre. Is this possible with the .NET 2.0 datagrid? Do I have some fundamental misunderstanding of how my tables should be structured? Am I just really far off and acting like a n00b?
what i'm trying to do is simply display the contents of the sqldata to verify that it works. and it doesn't. i have created a simple database named 'test' and table 'list' with fields: 'name' and 'id'. i have made 3 records as follows:
NAME ID name1 1 name2 2 name3 3
what i did is connect to the database, click and drag it over to the canvas and codes were generated. if i run it, by default it should show all the contents of the table, correct? well, it isn't. i've tried it using a datagrid and it still doesn't work.
is there an access problem with the database? or, what settings to have to make/change in my sql server? by the way, i have MSDE.
' Insert page code here ' Function test() As System.Data.IDataReader Dim connectionString As String = "server='(local)'; trusted_connection=true; database='test'" Dim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim queryString As String = "SELECT [list].* FROM [list]" Dim dbCommand As System.Data.IDbCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand dbCommand.CommandText = queryString dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection
dbConnection.Open Dim dataReader As System.Data.IDataReader = dbCommand.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
VB.NET 2003 / SQLS2KThe Stored Procedure returns records within Query Analyzer.But when the Stored Procedure is called by ADO.NET ~ it produced thefollowing error message.---------------------------Exception Message: Failed to enable constraints. One or more rowscontain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.------------------------------------------------------Exception Source: System.Data---------------------------If I click OK past the error messages I will get data filling thedatagrid. However not as I would like to see it.Even though it returns the proper data rows and includes all thecolumns I asked for, it also returns plenty of columns I didn't ask for(all the columns of the main table) and all those columns are filledwith "null"In addition each row header contains a red exclaimation mark whch whenhovered over reads;"Column 'cmEditedBy' does not allow DBNull.Values."An interesting thing about this column 'cmEditedBy' is that there isnoting wrong with it and all rows for that column contain data.I believe this error is a mistake! But it probably indicates some otherproblem. How should I track its cause?M O R E ...Below is the code in the data layer, the stored procedure, and the datareturned within query analyzer.\'DataAdapterFriend daView041CmptCyln As New SqlDataAdapter'SqlCommandPrivate daView041CmptCyln_CmdSel As New SqlCommand'Add the commanddaView041CmptCyln.SelectCommand = daView041CmptCyln_CmdSel'SelectWith daView041CmptCyln_CmdSel.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure.CommandText = "usp_View_041Cmpt_ByJobCyln".Connection = sqlConnWith daView041CmptCyln_CmdSel.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@RETURN_VALUE", SqlDbType.Int, _4, ParameterDirection.ReturnValue, False, CType(0,Byte), _CType(0, Byte), "", DataRowVersion.Current, Nothing))'Criteria.Add("@fkJob", SqlDbType.Text).Value = _"48c64a55-874d-40d0-addc-7245f5d9c118"'.Add("@fkJob", SqlDbType.Text).Value = f050View.jobIDEnd WithEnd With//\ALTER PROCEDURE usp_View_041Cmpt_ByJobCyln(@fkJob char(36))AS SET NOCOUNT ON;SELECTJobNumber,DeviceName,ComponentName,Description,Quan,Bore,Stroke,Rod,Seconds,CylPSI,PosA,PosB,PosC,PosD,PosE,HomeIsRet,RetIsRetrac,POChecks,Regulated,FlowControl,PortSize,LoadMassFROM tbl040cmptINNER JOIN tbl030Devi ON fkDevice = pkDeviceIdINNER JOIN tbl020Proc ON fkProcess = pkProcessIdINNER JOIN tbl010Job ON fkJob = pkjobIdINNER JOIN lkp202ComponentType ON fkComponenttype = pkComponentTypeIdINNER JOIN lkp201DeviceType ON fkDeviceType = pkDeviceTypeIdINNER JOIN lkp101PortSize on cmSmallint05 = pkPortSizeIdWHERE(fkJob = @fkJob)--fkJob = '48c64a55-874d-40d0-addc-7245f5d9c118'AND fkComponentType = 2GO//(note - columns are wrapped)\F1111Clip DriverCylinderClip Driver_2 - Top -Cylinder91.2502.250.8752.250NULL01101110011/8 NPTNULLF1111Punch MechCylinderPunch Mech_1 -Cylinder_222.1002.0001.0001.234NULL11000110011/8NPTNULLF1111ClipDriverCylinderBottom92.1002.0001.0001.000NULL11010110011/4NPTNULLF1111Punch MechCylinderPunch Mech_1 -Cylinder_122.1002.0001.0001.000NULL01000110011/8NPTNULLF1111DegateCylinderDegate 1 -Cylinder21.1882.500.8751.000NULL11000110011/8 NPTNULLF1111Clip DriverCylinderClip Driver 1 -Bottom11.1801.250.8751.000NULL00011110011/4 NPTNULL//
Hi every experts I have a exist Stored Procedure in SQL 2005 Server, the stored procedure contain few output parameter, I have no problem to get result from output parameter to display using label control by using SqlCommand in Visual Studio 2003. Now new in Visual Studio 2005, I can't use sqlcommand wizard anymore, therefore I try to use the new sqldatasource control. When I Configure Datasource in Sqldatasource wizard, I assign select field using exist stored procedure, the wizard control return all parameter in the list with auto assign the direction type(input/ouput....), after that, whatever I try, I click on Test Query Button at last part, I always get error message The Query did not return any data table. My Question is How can I setup sqldatasource to access Stored Procedure which contain output parameter, and after that How can I assign the output parameter value to bind to the label control's Text field to show on web? Thanks anyone, who can give me any advice. Satoshi
Hi, Im trying to pull data from 2 fields in the same table into a SqlDataSource that feeds into a GridView, and display them as 1 field in GridView? I have a database table that has entries of users and their friends. so this tblFriendUser has a column called UserName and another column called FriendUserName. I am trying to get a list of friends for that particular user. Note that if User1 initiated the friend request, he will be listed as UserName and his friend as FriendUserName, but if his friend initiated the friend request, it will be vice versa: him being the FriendUserName and his friend the UserName. So I want the following 2 queries run and merged into one query in order to return 2 columns only: UserFriendID & UserName, is that possible? Is my design bad? Any suggestions/advice would help! Thanks a lot!
SELECT UserFriendID, UserName FROM tblUserFriends WHERE (UserName = @UserName);
SELECT UserFriendID, FriendUserName AS UserName FROM tblUserFriends WHERE (FriendUserName= @UserName);
New to SQL Server Compact Edition and I am getting my feet wet with the following tutorial:
I follow the tutorial exactly, but the data I edit through the Edit Dialog Form is not saved to the SQL Server table even though all of the edits appear in the datagrid. They never make it back into the table.
I have nine type of buttons, EnrollAmtBTM PlacAmtBTM and so on, I also have a SQL setver view V_Payment_Amount_List from here i need to display the data on the button this is the select value to display when i choose the agency list and the amount corresponding to that agency_ID is displayed here the agency_ID is fetched from the SQL CONDITION THIS IS WHERE I GET FETCH AGENCY DATA WHEN SELECTED i.e SQL CONDITIONprotected void CollectAgencyInformation() { WebLibraryClass ConnectionFinanceDB;ConnectionFinanceDB = new WebLibraryClass(); string SQLCONDITION = "";string RUN_SQLCONDITION = ""; SessionValues ValueSelected = null;int CollectionCount = 0;if (Session[Session_UserSPersonalData] == null) {ValueSelected = new SessionValues(); Session.Add(Session_UserSPersonalData, ValueSelected); } else { ValueSelected = (SessionValues)(Session[Session_UserSPersonalData]); }ProcPaymBTM.Visible = false;PaymenLstBTN.Visible = false; Dataviewlisting.ActiveViewIndex = 0;TreeNode SelectedNode = new TreeNode(); SelectedNode = AgencyTree.SelectedNode; SelectedAgency = SelectedNode.Value.ToString(); Agencytxt.Text = SelectedAgency; Agencytxt2.Text = SelectedAgency; Agencytxt3.Text = SelectedAgency;DbDataReader CollectingDataSelected = null; try {CollectingDataSelected = ConnectionFinanceDB.CollectedFinaceData("SELECT DISTINCT AGENCY_ID FROM dbo.AIMS_AGENCY where Program = '" + SelectedAgency + "'"); } catch { }DataTable TableSet = new DataTable(); TableSet.Load(CollectingDataSelected, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges);int IndexingValues = 0;foreach (DataRow DataCollectedRow in TableSet.Rows) {if (IndexingValues == 0) {SQLCONDITION = "where (Project_ID = '" + DataCollectedRow["AGENCY_ID"].ToString().Trim() + "'"; } else {SQLCONDITION = SQLCONDITION + " OR Project_ID = '" + DataCollectedRow["AGENCY_ID"].ToString().Trim() + "'"; } IndexingValues += 1; }SQLCONDITION = SQLCONDITION + ")"; ConnectionFinanceDB.DisconnectToDatabase();if (Dataviewlisting.ActiveViewIndex == 0) { Dataviewlisting.ActiveViewIndex += 1; } else { Dataviewlisting.ActiveViewIndex = 0; } SelectedAgency = SQLCONDITION; ValueSelected.CONDITION = SelectedAgency;
???? this is where i use to get count where in other buttons and are displayed.... but i changed the query to display only the Payment_Amount_Budgeted respective to the agency selected. from the viewRUN_SQLCONDITION = "SELECT Payment_Amount_Budgeted FROM dbo.V_Payment_Amount_List " + SQLCONDITION; try { CollectionCount = ConnectionFinanceDB.CollectedFinaceDataCount(RUN_SQLCONDITION); EnrollAmtBTM.Text = CollectionCount.ToString(); } catch { }////this is my CollectedFinaceDataCount-- where fuction counts the records in the above select statement if i use for eg. "SELECT Count(Placement_Retention_ID) FROM dbo.V_Retention_6_Month_Finance_Payment_List" here is the functionpublic int CollectedFinaceDataCount(String SQLStatement) {int DataCollection; DataCollection = 0; try { SQLCommandExe = FinanceConnection.CreateCommand(); SQLCommandExe.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SQLCommandExe.CommandText = SQLStatement; ConnectToDatabase();DataCollection = (int) SQLCommandExe.ExecuteScalar(); DisconnectToDatabase(); }catch (Exception ex) {Console.WriteLine("Exception Occurred :{0},{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace.ToString()); } return DataCollection; }
So here mu requirement request is to display only the value fronm the view i have against the agency selected Please help ASAP Thanks Santosh
i've created a package that will copy data from an oracle table to a sqlserv table (that table elemenst are identical), when i click on the connecting line between the two connections it executes without any errors, but nothing is copied, when i try to execute the package i'm getting an error... where can i go to find out what's causing the error. There is no error message or number returned from dts, all i get is a red 'x' . There are 1236 records that need to be inserted and when i get the red 'x' it tells me 1236 records have been processed. When i click on tranformations and select test, it works, but since it's a test nothing is actually copied. I've got other packages that i've created that do the same thing with other tables and they work. I tried just copying one record and that worked, so i assumed it must be data dependent, i've checked all the fields and made sure they weren't null, i've checked to make sure there aren't duplicate primary key records. Without knowing what the actual error is I'm stumped ???
SQL Server 2000 sp3; single instance; used as backend to Access 2002:I have 20 tables used as a temporary store, each one receiving datafrom VB based remote applications that insert new data on a regularbasis.My current Access apps are used to collate, action and summarise thisdata.The collation process involves checking the new data and adding it toa single table, and if action is required flag this - this is done inthe "server" Access app. The other Access apps are used to filter andview the data, reports etc.Question:is it possible to do this collation in SQL Server by some automatedtask triggered by an event, thereby speeding things up and releivingthe need to be logged on with the "server" Access app ?The function outline for each of the 20 tables would be:1. Are there any new records, if so insert them into the central table2. If the status field=1 of any these new records copy these recordsto a 2nd table3. Repeatregards,B Moor
Hello I am looking for some advise. I have a process to import flat text files. We are importing data from five vendors. These files are seperated by vendor with each vendor having their own directory. The general file layouts are different for each vendor. Each vendor may have up to five different types of files to be imported that are their one directory (sales, inventory, transactions etc). Sales file for Vendor 1 is different layout than sales file for Vendor 2. Each vendor may have multiple instances of each type (store 1 inventory, store 2 inventory, store 1 sales, store 2 sales etc.) There could be up to five hundred files (of the five different types) in a given vendors directory. I am using an import package. This package has five (.dtsx files) different data flows. Each of these data flows has connection managers that connect to the specific types of files (sales, inventory, transactions etc) for that vendor.
My current play is to have the data flow(.dtsx file) parse the store name (from the file name) for each of the file types. It would load/process each of the available file formats (sales, inventory, transactions etc) for that store in that vendor folder. We want the process to load all data files from a given store. It would then move on to the next available store (same vendor). I would like to set the process to run multithreaded so that I am loading as many of the stores for that vendor as possible (there could be over a hundred stores for each vendor) at the same time. How do I get each dataflow to run multiple instances (Instance1 for vendor(x).dtsx, instance2 for vendor(x).dtsx etc) for maximum Vendor(x) input. What is the best way/process/design to track each store name so that each process (instance1, instance2 etc) is loading a distinct store. The files will be moved to a history folder as they are processed. Should I have a different process that gets each store name initially and then saves that information to a SQL table. The dataflow would load the next available store name from the SQL table query and let SQL lock that store?
I was trying to extract data from the source server using OLEDB Source and SQL Server Destination when i encountered this error:
"Transaction (Process ID 135) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.".
What must be done so that even if the table being queried is locked, i wouldn't experience any deadlock?
Hello all, I am running into an interesting scenario on my desktop. I'm running developer edition on Windows XP Professional (9.00.3042.00 SP2 Developer Edition). OS is autopatched via corporate policy and I saw some patches go in last week. This machine is also a hand-me-down so I don't have a clean install of the databases on the machine but I am local admin.
So, starting last week after a forced remote reboot (also a policy) I noticed a few of the databases didn't start back up. I chalked it up to the hard shutdown and went along my merry way. Friday however I know I shut my machine down nicely and this morning when I booted up, I was in the same state I was last Wenesday. 7 of the 18 databases on my machine came up with
FCB:pen: Operating system error 32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.) occurred while creating or opening file 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataTest.mdf'. Diagnose and correct the operating system error, and retry the operation. and it also logs FCB:pen failed: Could not open file C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataTest.mdf for file number 1. OS error: 32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.).
I've caught references to the auto close feature being a possible culprit, no dice as the databases in question are set to False. Recovery mode varies on the databases from Simple to Full. If I cycle the SQL Server service, whatever transient issue it was having with those files is gone. As much as I'd love to disable the virus scanner, network security would not be amused. The data and log files appear to have the same permissions as unaffected database files. Nothing's set to read only or archive as I've caught on other forums as possible gremlins. I have sufficient disk space and the databases are set for unrestricted growth.
Any thoughts on what I could look at? If it was everything coming up in RECOVERY_PENDING it's make more sense to me than a hit or miss type of thing I'm experiencing now.
Dear list Im designing a package that uses Microsofts preplog.exe to prepare web log files to be imported into SQL Server
What Im trying to do is convert this cmd that works into an execute process task D:SSIS ProcessPrepweblogProcessLoad>preplog ex.log > out.log the above dos cmd works 100%
However when I use the Execute Process Task I get this error [Execute Process Task] Error: In Executing "D:SSIS ProcessPrepweblogProcessLoadpreplog.exe" "" at "D:SSIS ProcessPrepweblogProcessLoad", The process exit code was "-1" while the expected was "0".
There are two package varaibles User::gsPreplogInput = ex.log User::gsPreplogOutput = out.log
How do I use the execute process task? I am trying to unzip the file using the freeware PZUnzip.exe and I tried to place the entire command in a batch file and specified the working directory as the location of the batch file, but the task fails with the error:
SSIS package "IngramWeeklyPOS.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC0029151 at Unzip download file, Execute Process Task: In Executing "C:ETLPOSDataIngramWeeklyUnzip.bat" "" at "C:ETLPOSDataIngramWeekly", The process exit code was "1" while the expected was "0".
Then I tried to specify the exe directly in the Executable property and the agruments as the location of the zip file and the directory to unzip the files in, but this time it fails with the following message:
SSIS package "IngramWeeklyPOS.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC002F304 at Unzip download file, Execute Process Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "%1 is not a valid Win32 application".
The command in the batch file when run from the command line works perfectly and unzips the file, so there is absolutely no problem with the command, I believe it is just the set up of the variables on the execute process task editor under Process. Any input on resolving this will be much appreciated.
I am designing a utility which will keep two similar databases in sync. In other words, copying the new data from db1 to db2 and updating the old data from db1 to db2.
For this I am making use of the 'Tablediff' utility which when provided with server name, database, table info will generate .sql file which can be used to keep the target table in sync with the source table.
I am using the Execute Process Task and the process parameters I am providing are:
The customer.bat file will have the following code: tablediff -sourceserver "LV-SQL5" -sourcedatabase "TC_CTI" -sourcetable "CUSTOMER_1" -destinationserver "LV-SQL2" -destinationdatabase "TC_CTI" -destinationtable "CUSTOMER" -f "c:SQL_bat_Filessql5TC_CTIsql_filescustomer1"
the .sql file will be generated at: C:SQL_bat_Filessql5TC_CTIsql_filescustomer1.
The Problem: The Execute Process Task is working fine, ie., the tables are being compared correctly and the .SQL file is being generated as desired. But the task as such is reporting faliure with the following error :
[Execute Process Task] Error: In Executing "C:SQL_bat_FilesSQL5TC_CTIpackage_occurrence.bat" "" at "C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90COM", The process exit code was "2" while the expected was "0". ]
Some of you may suggest to just set the ForceExecutionResult = Success (infact this is what I am doing now just to get the program working), but, this is not what I desire.
I'm pulling data from Oracle db and load into MS-SQL 2008.For my data type checks during the data load process, what are options to ensure that the data being processed wouldn't fail. such that I can verify first in-hand with the target type of data and then if its valid format load it into destination table else mark it with error flag and push into errors table... All this at the row level.One way I can think of is to load into a staging table then get the source & destination table -column data types, compare them and proceed.
should I just try loading the data directly and if it fails try trouble shooting(which could be a difficult task as I wouldn't know what caused error...)
I want to make a package in SSIS for automatic process of my data cube providing some log informations (two INSERT statements to my log table with actual date and result of operation succesful/unsuccesful). I tried to set data source to analysis services, I found my cube but I don't where I can add my cube to project and how can I desingn it. Can anybody tell me how to??? Thanks
I am having this table locking issue that I need to start paying attention to as its getting more frequent.
The problem is that the data in the tables is live finance data that needs to be changed and viewed almost real time so what I have picked up so far is that using 'table Hints' may not be a good idea.
I have a guy at work telling me that introducing a data access layer is the only way to solve this, I am not convinced but havnt enough knowledge to back my own feeling up. (asp system not .net).
These are couple of simple questions. When I set the data viewers and start the package, data viewer windows pop up but data download process stops. How do you resume the process? Also if I press "hide" for a data viewer window it disappears. How can I get it shown again?