Any Timeline On SQL CE With Native 64-bit Support - Not WOW?

Mar 11, 2008

Has there been any statement on when SQL CE will natively support 64-bit platforms?

Our application could grealy benefit from the capabilities of SQL CE 3.5. Of significant importance are the ability to completely embed the db engine in-proc, as well as privately deploy the libraries. The bottom line - the user never knows we are actually using a DB engine.

The problem is, our entire application is .NET 3.5, C#, WCF, and we need to support both 32/64-bit Server 2003 and Server 2008 platforms. If we move some of our file-based storage to a database, SQL CE is the only good fit.

Thanks in advance for any information and/or suggestions,

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Looking For Feedback: Native 64-bit Support In SQL Express

Aug 29, 2007

Hi All,

I have another set of questions for the group to help guide me in planning future versions of SQL Express, this time related to 64-bit support.

Quick History

In SQL Server 2005, SQL Express was only released in the 32-bit architecture. We supported installation to x64 computers using the Windows on Windows implementation that allowed the 32-bit program to install on 64-bit computers. We released two different installer packages, SQLEXPR32.EXE could only be installed on 32-bit platforms, while SQLEXPR.EXE could be installed on both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms, but was the exact same db engine. Package size differences were the result of additional files needed to support WoW installation.

Now to the Point

A number of people have asked that we release a native 64-bit version of SQL Express, which leads me to my questions for this thread:

What advantages will a native 64-bit Express offer you?

Does a 64-bit Express eliminate the need to support 32-bit WoW? (Consider that without WoW, we would not have a single package that could install on both architectures.)

If you could only have either native 64-bit Express or WoW support, which would you choose? (Bonus if you tell me why. )

What user/application scenarios are driving your need for native 64-bit Express?
Once again, I will try to limit my participation in this thread, since it's all about your feedback, but I will be reading it closely. I appreciate the effort you put into answering my questions and want to assure you that your feedback is a significant part of how I plan the future of SQL Express. As always, you can answer directly in this thread or respond to me directly, just remove the word "online" from the e-mail address in my profile.

Let the feedback begin,

Mike Wachal
SQL Express team

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Power Pivot :: Slicers And Timeline Not Working Together

Sep 28, 2015

I have a boolean calculated column on my date table called 'Is Weekend?' that, unfortunately, doesn't work at all when sliced in combination with a Timeline slicer that's applied to the same date table.

For example: selecting an item from my 'Is Weekend?' slicer will reset any filters on the Timeline slicer.  Similarly, selecting an item from my Timeline slicer will reset any filters on my 'Is Weekend?' slicer.

This appears to be the case for all filters applied to the date table, i.e. the Timeline slicer will reset them and they will reset the Timeline slicer.

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Analysis :: Timeline Is Not Working With Multidimensional Cube In Excel 2013

Jul 11, 2014

I have created one Multidimensional CUBE, while browsing(Analyze in Excel) it in Excel, I am unable to create TimeLine Slicer.It is giving me following error as: "We can't create Timeline for this report because it doesn't have field formatted as Date".

I have Dim_Date having Date as a column of Day level granularity. In PowerPivot, we do mark Dim_Date Table as a 'Date Table'.In the same way, do we have to set anything here so that Excel will come to the Date format for TimeLine Slicer?

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Power Pivot :: Using StartDate And EndDate From Timeline In Calculated Measures?

Jul 31, 2015

For some of my calculations it is mandatory to get the first and the last date, filtered by the slicer type "timeline".

This works well as long as the date is not used on rows or columns ...

As soon as I'm using theDate within the rows this very simplistic dax measure doesn't work ...

I'm wondering how to determine the StartDate (from the timeline) and the EndDate (from the timeline) when "thedate" is actively contributing to the filtercontext.

In my opinion it is not another example of the "event in progress" situation, due to the fact that start and end dates are actively selected by the user and can not be derived from within the date model.


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Support For SQL Express2005 My Host Provider Does Not Provide Support?

Dec 5, 2005

Reader Community
I've just started hosting my newly created Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition web site.  Unfortunately the Login group membership functions will not function correctly.  Having contacted the web service hosting provider, They replied: "We do not support SQL express2005.  The only way to use the extra functions of ASP.NET2 such as group membership is if it is using an SQL 2000 database to connect to. "
Is it possible to design web sites with Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition that store membership details on an SQL 2000 database?
I've just paid £88 approx. $140 for a years subscription, have I chosen the wrong web service hosting provider?
Should I have designed the web site with a better web site design software tool that also makes designing membership login functionality easy, just as Microsoft Visual Web developer 2005 express edition?
Look forward to all comments?

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Reporting Services :: Range Chart To Display Timeline (start And End Dates) Side By Side?

Mar 24, 2014

I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2 BIDS to accomplish this.

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Type TypePoint Is Marked For Native Serialization, But Field X Of Type TypePoint Is Not Valid For Native Serialization

Oct 6, 2006

I made a point type by C# for deploying in SQL2005.

It builds successfully every time.

When I deploy, it gives the following error:
"Error: Type "SqlServerProject1.TypePoint" is marked for native serialization, but field "x" of type "SqlServerProject1.TypePoint" is not valid for native serialization." although x variable is value type decimal.

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;

[SqlUserDefinedType(Format.Native, IsByteOrdered=true)]
public struct TypePoint : INullable
private bool m_Null;

private Decimal x;
private Decimal y;

public override string ToString()
// Replace the following code with your code

if (IsNull) // added part
return "null";
return x + ":" + y;
} // end of this part

// return "";

public bool IsNull
// Put your code here
return m_Null;

public static TypePoint Null
TypePoint h = new TypePoint();
h.m_Null = true;
return h;

public static TypePoint Parse(SqlString s) // Most Important Part
if (s.IsNull)
return Null;
else // added part
TypePoint p = new TypePoint();
string str = s.ToString();
string[] xy = str.Split(':');
p.x = Decimal.Parse(xy[0]);
p.y = Decimal.Parse(xy[1]);
return p;

public Decimal X
return x;
x = value;

public Decimal Y
return y;
y = value;
} // end of added part

// This is a place-holder method
public string Method1()
//Insert method code here
return "Hello";

// This is a place-holder static method
public static SqlString Method2()
//Insert method code here
return new SqlString("Hello");

// This is a place-holder field member
public int var1;

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Native BCP SQL 7.0 To SQL 6.5

Nov 16, 1999

Is it possible to do a native BCP from 7.0 to 6.5? I'm having all sorts of data issues when I try.

Would a character bcp work (albeit slowly) instead?

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SP2 Y SQL Native Client

Feb 20, 2007


Does anybody knowk if it's necessary to upgrade Sql Native Client to conect to a Server when you has upgrade it to Sql 2005 SP2? That is to say, can you conect to a Sql server 2005 SP1 and to a Sql Server 2005 SP2 from a client with the same Sql Native client or you have also to upgrade it?


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Sql Native Client, VB6 App

May 14, 2007

We have a VB6 app that we're trying to connect to an SQL2005 server.

We're able to connect from dev machines that have SQLExpress, or SQL 2005 tools installed, but we cannot connect from other machines. We've installed sqlncli.msi from the MS site, but this still doesn't work. When we try to login, we get an error that reads "0[Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Fractional truncation" when we try writing to a smalldatetime field. This problem does not happen on the dev machines.

Connection string:

connectiontype = cnnSQLServer

database name = name

pasword = password

userid = uid

servername = servername

driver = {SQL Native Client}

Driver version on the dev machines is: 2005.90.3042.00

Driver version on the roll out machines is: 2005.90.1399.00

What are we doing wrong?


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SqlDataSourceEnumerator Native C++

May 16, 2008


I need to browse SQL servers on local and network computers in a native C++ program (MFC / ADO).

I developped a .NET module based on SqlDataSourceEnumerator (works fine), but I cannot use it in my program (CLR is not allowed).

-> Is it possible to use SqlDataSourceEnumerator in a native C++ program (=without CLR) ?

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Native Data Types...

Jun 15, 2000

Does anyone know where to find the native datatype formats of sqlserver6/7?

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SQL Native Client Driver

Aug 16, 2007

We're upgrading from SQL2K to 05 next week. We want to push the SQL Native Client driver(ODBC) thru the network but IT said it can only be an msi or exe file. Is their anyway we could get this file in this format?

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Native Error 18456 !!!! Help!!!!

Feb 22, 2008

Hi all,

Ms SQL Server Native Error 18456 !! Login Failed.

Pls help me out.

Thanx in Advance

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SOAP/Native XML Web Services

Apr 3, 2008

Anyone have experience with using SOAP/Native XML Web Services in SQL Server 2005 to expose data to external web clients? Any issues/pitfalls?


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SQL 2012 :: DPM With Native Log Backup?

Oct 21, 2014

I'm wondering if I can take native SQL log backup in addition to DPM backups. We're using DPM for both databases (daily) and logs (every 15min). So, if I take SQL log backup separately, will it break anything in DPM and we won't be able to perform point it time recovery?

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Sql Native Client Error

Sep 5, 2007

I'm new in this forum and I 'm Italian, so my English won't be perfect!

If i want to connect to my SQL Server database in prompt i type:

"osql -U sa" and then i type the password.
So, I get an error that says:

"[Sql Native Client] Provider Via: Impossible to find the specified module.
[Sql Native Client] Access timeout expired
[Sql Native Client] An error occured during the attempt to estabilish a connection to the server. During the connection to SQL Server this error may be caused by pre-defined settings that don't ......"

How i can solve this problem?
Who can help me?
Thank you!!


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SQLOLEDB And The SQL Native Client

Mar 11, 2007


Can I use the "SQLOLEDB" provider to connect to a SQL Native Client? Follow-up question: does the "SQLOLEDB" provider use the same TDS transport protocol as the SQL Native Client provider?

Thanks as always!


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SQL Native: Connection Refused By Using IP

Feb 14, 2006


I got a problem, if i try to connect with SQL Native client by IP (exemple: it doesn't work. But I use: HOMEMYDATABASE it works. But in the 2nd case i cannot connect to SQL Server from another computer.

Thanks fr your help.


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SQL Native Client Issue?

Apr 23, 2008

The Clients Environment:
Windows Server 2003 R2
SQL Server 2005 SP1 Standard Edition Version 9.00.2153.00
SQL Native Client Version 2005.90.2047.0

My Development Environment
Windows XP
SQL Server 2005 SP1 Developer Edition Version 9.00.2047.0
SQL Native Client Version 2005.90.3042.0

The Error: [Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] Fractional truncation

We have tons of VB 6 legacy code. (I know.. we are trying to get it to .Net.. just not enough time in the day) We recently installed our application at a cleints site (environment listed above) and all of a sudden we are getting errors every time we execute a rs.update using ADODB. I have pasted an example below. The kicker is that it runs fine in my development environment. I can get around this issue by using a command object to do the insert, but we have thousands of these sprinkled throughout the application and would take weeks to change them over; and of course this client demands to start using our application NOW. I am inclined to think that it is an issue with SQL Client since it does not appear to have been updated when the SP1 was installed. I have read some blogs about issues with SQL Native Client and datetime values.

'Broke Code
Dim RS as New ADODB.Recordet
Dim SQL as String
Dim datGetDate as Date

'THis select statement return an empty recordset. ID is an identity column
SQL = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id is null
RS.Open SQL, gadoConn,adOpenKeySet, adLockOptimistic
RS.Update 'This is where it blows

'New and Improved code. Works perfectly
Dim SQL as String
Dim objCMD as new ADODB.Command

SQL = "INSERT INTO table(col1,col2,starttime) values('" & Value1 & "','" & Value2 & "','" & datGetDate & "')"

With objCMD
End with


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BCP With ODBC Native Driver

Sep 18, 2007

We are using Visual Studio 2003 to develop a VC++ application to support SQL Server 2000 and 2005 through ODBC driver. I was able to successfully test the application with ODBC driver for 2000. But when it comes to the SQL Server 2005 using native ODBC driver it fails with "ODBCBCP.dll is not compatible with 'SQL Native Client' driver. Please configure 'SQL Server' driver for the DSN or connection string.

Then I tried to use the sqlncli.h inplace of odbcss.h and replaced the odbcbcp.lib with sqlncli.lib pointing to the C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKLibx86 folder.

Code Snippet
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
#include <sqltypes.h>
#define _SQLNCLI_ODBC_
#include <sqlncli.h>

Now I can not compile the program. The errors I am getting are as follows:

c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKIncludesqlncli.h(2894): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'DB_UPARAMS'
c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKIncludesqlncli.h(2901): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'DB_UPARAMS'
c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKIncludesqlncli.h(2938): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'HCHAPTER'
c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90SDKIncludesqlncli.h(2944): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'HCHAPTER'

The same code just works fine in the Visual Studio 2005, but we need the dll in Visual studio 2003.

I think I am missing pretty obvious. Your help is appreciated.

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Regarding SQL Native Client Driver.

Oct 15, 2007

I have created a table using SQL SERVER 2005 with column datatype as varbinary and with column size as 'MAX':-

create table tablename {
column varbinary (MAX)

When i try to query for Column precision using SQL Native Client ODBC Driver it returns '0' instead of 2^31-1 (which is the value for MAX), but when i use other driver it works as expected. If i assign some value like varbinary(20) then it works.

Please let me know is there any fix pack available for this. Because one of our client is facing this problem, so we have to provide solution as early as possible:

Version of SQL Native Driver : 2005.90.1399.00

Any help would be appreciated.

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Using Native Code To Synchronize

Jul 16, 2007


What is the best way to have native win32 code tell SQL Server 2005 Express to synchronize for merge replication? What API should I use? Should I exec the distrib.exe and/or replmerg.exe command line utilities? Should I use "Windows Synchronization Manager"? Are they other options?



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Sql Native Client Error

Sep 5, 2007

I'm new in this forum and I 'm Italian, so my English won't be perfect!

If i want to connect to my SQL Server database in prompt i type:

"osql -U sa" and then i type the password.
So, I get an error that says:

"[Sql Native Client] Provider Via: Impossible to find the specified module.
[Sql Native Client] Access timeout expired
[Sql Native Client] An error occured during the attempt to estabilish a connection to the server. During the connection to SQL Server this error may be caused by pre-defined settings that don't ......"

How i can solve this problem?
Who can help me?
Thank you!!


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Native Client Confirmation

Sep 9, 2007


How can I check "Native client" is present on my client? I'm trying to eliminate all the reasons my client won't run a VC++ app which access a sql server.


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Row Data Can`t Be Set _ Native Exception

Oct 27, 2007

Dear brothers, still have problem with .net compact framework 1.1 (2003) when i try to sync the data between sqlce and sql server 2000 " not from the first time some times from several times of using the syncronization"

is there any services pack for sql ce

what is appropriate cab file(.NET COMPACT FRAMEWORK, SQLCE etc is ARMI,ARM4....) version for windows mobile 5 with intermec CN3 Device

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Native Vs. Clr Stored Procedures

Jan 22, 2007


my question is, what is "better" for relative simple querys.
native stored procedures or the clr method?
The procedures are relative simple select's or insert's.

What are the advantages of clr procedures? perhaps you have some links to read about...

thanks and greets from germany!

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Extending Native Components

Jul 18, 2006

Can anyone provide any direction in extending existing SSIS components with a custom component, if it's possible at all. In some cases there are just slight bits of functionality missing that I think I could add in myself. But, I'm not much of a programmer and need a bit of help in the declaration of the component in my own custom component.


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Passing Native SQL To Teradata

Aug 7, 2007

I want to add a step to an SSIS package to passthrough native Teradata sql statements so that they can be executed on Teradata. Does anyone know if I can use an "Execute SQL Task" to accomplish this? It should be very similar to passing native Oracle SQL to an Oracle server.

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SQL Server 2005's Native Web Services

Mar 23, 2006

Are SQL Server 2005's native Web services available in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition?

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Performace Issue With SQL Native Client

Jun 4, 2008

and TCP as a connection method.

When using Named Pipes the issue is no longer there.

On massive batch inserts we sometimes get a long pause at the end of one insert and before begining the next one. Example:

1000 inserts in the same table and then repeat. This will work fine for 3 or 4 iterations, then pause during the 5th iteration for up to 40 seconds and then simply continue.

When this exact same procedure is done using Named Pipes as the connection method this never happens.

While this is happening neither the server or the workstation is doing anything, 0% CPU, 0% network, it just sits there.

All this using the SQL Native Client 2005 and ADO.

Anyone have any ideas?

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Remote SQL Native Install And DSN Creation

Mar 23, 2007

Hi All,

The situation I have is I want to push out SQL Native Client to all the comupters on our network and also create a dsn once the client has been installed.

Can somebody please tell me the best way to go about this.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank You

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