Applying Full Text On A Document Whose Path Is Stored In The Database
Aug 29, 2007
Can we create full-text index on a document that resides on a file system and we have got the path to that document in the database.
Thanks and regards
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May 29, 2006
I am working the Books Online documentation for the full-text search feature of SQL Server 2005 Express Advanced and having a problem following the instructions.
I made sure to choose the "Full Text Search" option during installation of VB 2005 Express Advanced.
I downloaded, installed, and attached the AdventureWorks database successfully.
I checked to ensure that the database was enabled for full-text search, but could not follow the instructions for indexing a table within the database. Here are the instructions from Books Online:
To enable a table for full-text indexing
Expand the server group, expand Databases, expand User Databases, and expand the database that contains the table you want to enable for full-text indexing.
Right-click the table that you want to enable for full-text indexing.
Select Full-Text index, and then click Enable Full-Text indexing.
Another document notes:
To create a full-text index on a table, the table must have a single, unique not null column. For example, consider a full-text index for the Document table in Adventure Works in which the DocumentID column is the primary key column.
When I right-click the Document table (Production.Document) in the AdventureWorks database, there is no option to "Select Full-Text Index" or "Enable Full Text indexing".
Am I missing something here?
How do I get the the table indexed for full text search?
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Jan 28, 2008
I have a Full Text index on a table with an image field that is successfully indexing .doc, .pdf and .rtf files.
Keyword searching this is no problem.
What i want to be able to do is perform a similarity search. by this i mean pass in a Key_ID (documentID) and have the database return a list of Key_IDs (documents) which are similar.
By similar i mean contain mostly the same keywords in roughly the same quantities
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Mar 31, 2004
I am using the following plumbing code to search a database column for a keyword. I can't use full-test indexing so I came up w/ this work around. But It has many flaws so I'm looking for a better way. Thx in advance.
'Open sql connection
Dim datareader2 As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
datareader2 = cmdFindRowsWithKeyword.ExecuteReader
Dim strMsg As String
Dim intRowToFlag As Integer
Dim strRowsToGet As String
Dim strKeywordAsTyped As String
Dim strKeywordAllCaps As String
Dim strKeywordAllLower As String
Dim strKeywordFirstLetterCap As String
Dim FirstLetter As String
While datareader2.Read
intRowToFlag = datareader2(0).ToString
strMsg = datareader2(1).ToString
'Assign keyword as typed to variable
strKeywordAsTyped = txtSearchFor.Text
'Assign keyword as typed to variable then convert it to all uppercase
strKeywordAllCaps = txtSearchFor.Text
strKeywordAllCaps = strKeywordAllCaps.ToUpper
'Assign keyword as typed to variable then convert it to all lowercase
strKeywordAllLower = txtSearchFor.Text
strKeywordAllLower = strKeywordAllLower.ToLower
'Assign keyword as typed to variable then convert it so just the first letter is in uppercase
strKeywordFirstLetterCap = txtSearchFor.Text
FirstLetter = strKeywordFirstLetterCap.Chars(0)
FirstLetter = FirstLetter.ToUpper
strKeywordFirstLetterCap = strKeywordFirstLetterCap.Remove(0, 1)
strKeywordFirstLetterCap = strKeywordFirstLetterCap.Insert(0, FirstLetter)
'If the string contains the keyword as typed in all caps all lowercase or w/ the 1st letter in caps then flag that row.
If strMsg.IndexOf(strKeywordAsTyped) <> -1 Or strMsg.IndexOf(strKeywordAllCaps) <> -1 Or strMsg.IndexOf(strKeywordAllLower) <> -1 Or strMsg.IndexOf(strKeywordFirstLetterCap) <> -1 Then
cmdFlagRowsWithKeyword.Parameters("@recid").Value = intRowToFlag
Dim datareader3 As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
datareader3 = cmdFlagRowsWithKeyword.ExecuteReader
End If
End While
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Nov 15, 2007
We replicate a SQL2000 database (DataBaseA) to a SQL2000 database (DataBaseB) by using the Restore function and hasn't change its logical name but only the physical data path and file name. It is running fine for a year. We use the same way to migrate the DataBaseB to a new SQL2005 server with the Restore function and the daily operation is running perfect. However, when we do the Backup of DatabaseB in the SQL2005, it just prompt the error message
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The backup of full-text catalog 'DataBaseA' is not permitted because it is not online. Check errorlog file for the reason that full-text catalog became offline and bring it online. Or BACKUP can be performed by using the FILEGROUP or FILE clauses to restrict the selection to include only online data. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
Please note we left the DataBaseA in the old SQL2000 server.
Please help on how we can delete the Full-text catalog from DatabaseB so we can do a backup
Many Thanks
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Sep 7, 2007
I need to create a stored procedure that allows a full text search with multiple filters. The FTS is a three variable proximity (x near y near z) drawing from three textboxes which works fine in my VB application:
WHERE CONTAINS(SectionText, ' """ & SearchTerm1 & """ NEAR """ & SearchTerm2 & """ NEAR """ & SearchTerm3 & """ ')
The filters consist of 4 comboboxes and 2 textboxes. I am trying to use the dynamic SQL approach found here:
The dynamic SQL in the stored procedure that I have created based on this model works fine for filtering, but I have not been able to get my FTS query integrated with it. I have tried various ways of declaring the SearchTerms as parameters, etc. but no luck.
Any help in getting this to work (or advice for using a different approach that is more appropriate) would be greatly appreciated.
Code Snippet
@fulldocno nvarchar(10) = NULL,
@doctype nvarchar(10) = NULL,
@year nvarchar(6) = NULL,
@sex nvarchar(7) = NULL,
@category nvarchar(10) = NULL,
@agenum smallint = NULL,
@agecat nvarchar(10) = NULL,
@debug bit = 0 AS
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000),
@paramlist nvarchar(4000),
@searchterm1 nvarchar(100),
@searchterm2 nvarchar(100),
@searchterm3 nvarchar(100)
SELECT @sql =
'SELECT FullDocuments.FullDocNo, FullDocuments.DocType, Details.Year
FROM FullDocuments
INNER JOIN Details ON FullDocuments.FullDocNo = Details.FullDocNo
WHERE 1 = 1 AND CONTAINS(SectionText, @searchterm1 NEAR @searchterm2 NEAR @searchterm3)'
IF @fulldocno IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND FullDocuments.fulldocno = @xfulldocno'
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND FullDocuments.DocType = @xDocType'
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND Details.year = @xyear'
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND = @xsex'
IF @category IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND Details.category = @xcategory'
IF @agenum IS NOT NULL
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' AND Details.agenum = @xagenum'
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' ORDER BY FullDocuments.FullDocumentID'
IF @debug = 1
PRINT @sql
SELECT @paramlist =
'@xfulldocno nvarchar(10),
@xdoctype nvarchar(10),
@xyear smallint,
@xsex nvarchar(7),
@xcategory nvarchar(10),
@xagenum smallint,
@xagecat nvarchar(10)'
EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @paramlist, @doctype,
@fulldocno, @year, @sex,
@category, @agenum, @agecat
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May 2, 2007
What is the best way of using the Full-Text feature on HTML?
I want to only search the text and omit the html tags.
If that involves storing as a different format, can someone tell me the best way of doing that?
I'm very new to sql and especially full-text.
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Jun 28, 2006
Hi,I would like to have a full-text search from a sql server database in my aspx page. I have tried to do it by creating a Dataset with a DataTable where there is a query like:
SELECT title, yearFROM ProjectsWHERE title like N'%@Search%'
Problem is with the like operator - the visual studio does not reconize the @Search as a parameter, as it reconnizes it in the query below (which works fine by the way):
SELECT Projects.*, theme AS Expr1FROM ProjectsWHERE (theme = @theme)
Can anybody help me how to deal with this problem, which is the best way to have a full text search?
Cheers, ArtoV
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Oct 24, 2006
I thought this would be quite simple but can't find the correct syntax:ALTER Procedure usp_Product_Search_Artist_ProductTitle
(@ProductTitle varchar(255))
SELECT ProductTitle
FROM tbl_Product
WHERE CONTAINS(dbo.tbl_Product.ProductTitle, @ProductTitle)
My problem is that if I pass "LCD Flat Screen" as teh @ProductTitle parameter the query falls over as it contains spaces. Guess i'm looking for something like: WHERE CONTAINS(dbo.tbl_Product.ProductTitle, '"' + @ProductTitle + "'")Thanks in advance.R
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Mar 24, 2003
I have a following problem. I have installed the
Microsoft Search Service. It is visible in the Service
Manager and is shown as running. The platform is a
Windows XP professional machine running SQL Server 2000
developer. I am using the service off the local host. I
can not enable the Full-Text search on the database as
that field is grayed out in the tools menu. Having read
the KB article 270671 I tried to use the stored procedure
sp_fulltext_database 'enable' to achieve the desired
result, but recieved an error 7609 Full-Text Search is
not installed, or a full-text component cannot be
loaded. At least according to the Service Manager the
Microsoft Search service is up and running. Any ideas as
to what is causing this. Thanks a lot.
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Jun 19, 2008
I have an SQL 2005 Express Advanced database that also has a full text catalog.
My application creates .bak backups of the sql database, but how do I create backups of the full text catalog?
many thanks in advance
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Sep 1, 2006
Can anyone please explain the proper precedure for copying a SQL Express database between two instances?
I am accessing the database without problems from a local web application. And I want to copy the database to a SQL Express instance on another server, running the same web application.
I run into two problems every time I copy:
1) Orphaned users. I have to drop the database users and the re-map the server users to database users.
2) The full-text indexes are not available after copy, so I have to drop and re-create the indexes and the catalog.
And I suspect there's an easier way..
Jens Erik
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Nov 29, 2007
Is it possible to do a full restore of a database without restoring the full-text catalogs? At the end of each month, we restore a copy of a database for quick access to month-end data with a different name. e.g. we restore the database DBN as DBN1107. Since upgrading to SQL 2005, the restore is failing because it it trying to restore the full-text catalog.
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Nov 10, 2007
Is there any way to move a db with full-text indexes from one physical machine to another without having to drop catalog/indexes and the re-create them?
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May 31, 2007
While attempting to query a Full-Text enabled database where a catalog exists for the database, I receive the following error: "Full-text catalog %database% is in an unusable state. Drop and re-create this full-text catalog." I have dropped and re-created the full-text catalog numerous times with no luck. I have also stopped and restarted the SQL Server service and Full-Text service engines mulitple times with no luck. Other items to note are, we're running SQL 2005 64 bit Enterprise Edition SP1 on a Windows 2003 server. We have an identical setup in development and full-text indexing works without any hitches. I have also checked both the SQL server permissions and the local file-system permissions and they also seem to be more then adequate; in addition, they match the security configurations of our development environment. Lastly, the production database is a restore of the development database.
In short, I'm hoping that someone may have a potential solution other then reinstalling SQL Server...which may end up being the only solution.
Any help or ideas are greatly appreciated!
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Jul 23, 2005
Wooo hoooo!!!!1
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Feb 24, 2000
I had my database in 6.5 which i upgraded to 7.0 using SQL Server upgrade wizard.Then I created full text catalog. When I say incremental population It gives me warning that You can create full text indexes but can not execute queries against it as the database is still in SQL server 6.5 mode.What is the reason behind this?
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Jul 30, 2007
I am using-- exec sp_fulltext_database 'enable'
to enable fulltext indexing on a database but query does not return any results, it just keeps on executing. I waited for about an hour and then cancelled. I dont know what is wrong. Can anybody please help me....
i am using SQL server 2000 on Windows Server 2003
SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion')retured 8.00.194
SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productlevel')returned RTM
SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('IsFullTextInstalled')returned 1
SELECT DatabaseProperty(db_name(), 'IsFulltextEnabled')returned 0
Previously it was enabled and everyting was working fine.
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Oct 15, 2007
Hello Everyone,
I am developing a application using sql server 2005 with full-text searching.
I am looking for a recommnded hardware setup for the databases server. I know there is no one answer but I am wondeirng if there is a microsoft guide that I could use.
If anyone has any experience, i would welcome your comments as well.
I am estiamting that the full text index will be about 2-4 gb in size, most of the activity will be full-text searches.
Also, any good benchmarks out there for full-text searching or sql server tps ?
Thank you for your time!!
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Nov 15, 2015
We are trying to restore from a backup (.bak) of a sql 2005 database with full text catologs to sql 2012.
We are getting errors saying that the backup file context are different from what we are trying to restore to, even if we try to create a new database from the backup.The new database is just a test database. The source is a production database with full cataologs.
The normal restore from a bak file does not seem to work.
We dont need the full text catalogs in the new database, but cannot change settings in the source production database.
Is there a way to take a backup of the sql 2005 database without the full text cataologs being included ? , without changing setting in the source database beforehand ?
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Nov 18, 2007
I have visual studio 2005 with the sql server express edition that is installed by default when installing vs2005.
I am used to work from within vs when I want to create and work with databases for my web sites (I dont have visual manager installed).
I would like to enable full text search on a table's column.
Is there an easy way to do that from within vs or is it necessary to install another copy of sql server express with advanced services as well as sql server managment studio express?
How can I know if full text search is enabled?
Thanx in advance!
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Nov 15, 2007
In SSIS, I put a File System Task in a Foreach Loop Container to do some file operation. I check the Traverse Subfolders in the Loop, and I want to take a look the full path name during operation. I'd like to show the full path name on a message box? How should I do?
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May 3, 2008
I am having some problems figuring out how the SSCE database connection string is set correctly in a forms application.
I have a database file, Database1.sdf, in the main directory of the application. I can add records to that via VS server explorer no probs. When I use any of the following connection strings in app.config..
Data Source ="|DataDirectory|Database1.sdf"
Data Source =".Database1.sdf"
Data Source ="Database1.sdf"
It will databind to a gridview of a combobox fine. However, when I create a form with some textboxes, build an insert string and use any of those connection strings with "Properties.Settings.Default.Database1ConnectionString" it just does nothing. No errors, no records inserted, just nothing.
But, if I change the connection stirng to...
Data Source ="D:\path\to\my\application\directory\Database1.sdf" (Just so happens I have this application on a D drive)
It all works just fine, including the insert.
So how do I refer to the database with virtual vs. absolute path? As far as I can tell the very first connection string I used should work, and should publish with the application.
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May 22, 2008
Hi All,
After detaching the database I placed the database files and log files in the D folder as C drive was full. When i try to attach the files I am getting an error Failed to attach database Microsoft SQL Error 7622 (QCFTCAT Full text catalog).
I checked there is a folder in C drive by name QCFTCAT and the C drive has no space. What does this folder means please let me know on the same.
Thanks and Best regards,
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May 22, 2008
Hi All,
After detaching the database I placed the database files and log files in the D folder as C drive was full. When i try to attach the files I am getting an error Failed to attach database Microsoft SQL Error 7622 (QCFTCAT Full text catalog).
I checked there is a folder in C drive by name QCFTCAT and the C drive has no space. What does this folder means please let me know on the same.
Thanks and Best regards,
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Nov 24, 2005
I'm designing a Job Recruitment Website, in which the admin person searches for the right candidate for the job using certain keywords . Each jobseeker will be uploading his CV (ms word doc) during registration .How can i search for keywords in the word documents. I just want the candidate reference once i found keyword match in the word docs.I heard about the indexing and blobs in sql server? But dont know much about it Are these the only solutions ?Is there any better approach for this ?Any help will be greatly appreciated
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Sep 27, 2001
How can I delete the file(sql text document)? When I tired to delete the file, the message is displayed 'There has been a sharing violation. The source or destination file may be in use.'
Kind Regards
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Jan 17, 2006
hi, guys
Does anyone know how to change the Document Map root text? For example, i have report, the file name is sc.rdl, and then the root is sc. Apparently this is not good. I am thinking is there a way to change it.
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Mar 29, 2008
Hi - I'm short of SQL experience and hacking my way through creating a simple search feature for a personal project. I would be very grateful if anyone could help me out with writing a stored procedure. Problem: I have two tables with three columns indexed for full-text search. So far I have been able to successfully execute the following query returning matching row ids: dbo.Search_Articles @searchText varchar(150) AS SELECT ArticleID FROM articles WHERE CONTAINS(Description, @searchText) OR CONTAINS(Title, @searchText) UNION SELECT ArticleID FROM article_pages WHERE CONTAINS(Text, @searchText); RETURN This returns the ArticleID for any articles or article_pages records where there is a text match. I ultimately need the stored procedure to return all columns from the articles table for matches and not just the StoryID. Seems like maybe I should try using some kind of JOIN on the result of the UNION above and the articles table? But I have so far been unable to figure out how to do this as I can't seem to declare a name for the result table of the UNION above. Perhaps there is another more eloquent solution? Thanks! Peter
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Dec 5, 2007
Hi all,I've the following scenario: One Full Text Search enabled SQL Server Table with one image type field that holds document uploaded from users.The idea is to store binary document(.doc. xls, .pdf, .ppt, html, .xml and so on) and using SQL server full text search i can retrieve record that contains certaind word or words.I have no problems with them. So imagine i do a simple select * from Documents where a=b and i get one collumn with binary document field.With this scenario, i want to "extract" that text from that document + 20 words left and 20 right to show user some info and help him to search desired document (not only for its type or title). Like search engines do.But believe me, i cant find out any component, class or something to do such a thing.I think, the hard work is done with full text search engine...Sql server has that data, but it can decodeI'm so desperate. I would accept answers such "sorry, it can't be done", from a experienced user, but i need to know Thanks in advance
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May 6, 2008
I've created a dataset with 27 measures and 20 query parameters. When attempting to load the report containing this dataset I'm shown the message;
'Document contains one or more extremely long lines of text. These lines will cause the editor to respond slowly when you open the file. Do you still want to open the file.'
If I do open the file it does indeed respond very slowly or even hangs.
I can manually format the XML code but amending the code in any way (i.e. using the layout designer to move a chart) removes my formatting and re-introduces the problem.
Are these an unreasonable amount of measures / parameters?
VS2005 v8.0.507
MSSQL 2005 9.00.1399.06 Build 3790 SP2
Windows Server 2003 SP2
Many thanks.
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Sep 15, 2015
I have a drill through report. I am passing multiple parameter values to my sub report using 'url'.
But I am getting error 'The full path must be less than 260 characters long'.
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Sep 7, 2007
Hi, i'm trying to do a full text search on my site to add a weighting score to my results. I have the following database structure:
Documents: - DocumentID (int, PK) - Title (varchar) - Content (text) - CategoryID (int, FK)
Categories: - CategoryID (int, PK) - CategoryName (varchar)
I need to create a full text index which searches the Title, Content and CategoryName fields. I figured since i needed to search the CategoryName field i would create an indexed view. I tried to execute the following query:
CREATE VIEW vw_DocumentsWITH SCHEMABINDING ASSELECT dbo.Documents.DocumentID, dbo.Documents.Title, dbo.Documents.[Content], dbo.Documents.CategoryID, dbo.Categories.CategoryNameFROM dbo.Categories INNER JOIN dbo.Documents ON dbo.Categories.CategoryID = dbo.Documents.CategoryID
GOCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX vw_DocumentsIndexON vw_Documents(DocumentID)
But this gave me the error:
Cannot create index on view 'dbname.dbo.vw_Documents'. It contains text, ntext, image or xml columns.
I tried converting the Content to a varchar(max) within my view but it still didn't like.
Appreciate if someone can tell me how this can be done as surely what i'm trying to do is not ground breaking.
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