Apriori Algorithm [SQL Server 2005 And ASP.NET]
Aug 1, 2006
I am working on academic project using SQL Server 2005 & Visual studio 2005. Using Apriori algorithm to find the association between Patient City and likely diseases.
I have created PATIENT table with Patient_Id, Patient_name, Age, City attributes and Diseases table with Disease_Id, Disease_name. Connected these two tables, MANY - MANY [M:N]. Got a third relation with Patient_Id and Disease_Id attributes.
I am just inputting some dummy data into patient table and disease tables to make Apriori algorithm work. When a new Patient City is entered into patient table, System checks Patient table for same City previously stored and using Third relation, pulls Disease that associated with the City.
Here are my tables with attributes:
PATIENT ( Patient_Id, Patient_name, Age, City)
Diseases(Disease_Id, Disease_name)
[M:N] Got third below third relation bcz its Many to Many relationship
PATIENT_DISEASES(Patient_Id, Disease_Id)
I do think and believe that there is an efficient way of doing , instead of usin dummy data or using this relationships. I did check Microsoft Association algorithm and realised it is not Apriori algorithm.
Could you suggest the best or efficient way of doing this using SQL Server 2005?
Your help and insight into this matter is highly appreciated.
Sukumar Raju
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May 16, 2007
First of all I would like to politely greet everybody as I'm new on that forum and new to Data Mining in fact.
To introduce myself I can say I'm a student of Computer Science and I'm trying to use Time Series algorithm for weather analysis. I know that forecasting weather is a hopeless task even for the fastest computers in the world but what I'm trying to do is a kind of aposteriori analysis of historical data to notice some dependencies or characteristic weather behavior on a specified region and perhaps make some short time predictions.
I tried Time Series Algorithm although I have some doubts about methodological justification of this choice (if You have any critical comments please share them with me). But my main questions are about the usage of the algorithm itself:
I've read the documentation and a tutorial on this page for historical predictions but I still don't know what exactly are HistoricalModelCount and HistoricalModelGap. I know that my historical predictions are bounded by a €“ HistoricalModelCount*HistoricalModelGap*, but it's a rather operational knowledge... The explanation is always clouded with an €œinternal model€? phrase. Can You point me to a document where I can find some more detailed information? (What is the form of the model? How is it built? etc.)
Periodicity Hint. How should I treat these optional values? Are they other possible periods of data? I have data about weather measurements made every six hours for thirteen years** so is it a good choice to set this parameter to {365*4,4} (The first goes for a year and the second for a day)?
This is a technical question and I'm really ashamed of myself that I bother You with it. On the time chart in a model Viewer I can see date from the last year only. Zooming out/in, clicking insanely on every pixel on the screen, did not give any result (apart of broken mouse buttons). Is is possible to browse that data in mining model viewer chart?
Thank You in advance for Your replies!
*This formula suggests how this parameters could work but I would like to know it for sure €“ don't want to make some awful mistakes in my project. :-)
**Of course I plan to reduce the amount of data but the period will stay.
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Apr 1, 2007
The first question is how to of TimeSeries Algorithm?
Using SQL Server 2005 TimeSeries Algorithm ,I build a data mining model.But after three days,it is still training.The data has 2,200,00 rows.
So what can i do to improve the processing speed.
The second question is parameters in Data Mining Query Task.
Data Mining Query Task is used to get data from data mining model.In the mining model form, i choose a mining model . And in the query form,i wrote a dmx ,"select flattened top 100 predicttimeseries([Xssl],1)
from [Time Series XSSL]".Last i choose a table that is for the data from mining model.
If the "100" is variable , how can i do ?
Thanks a lot!
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Jun 9, 2006
Hi,all here,
Could please anyone here help me for this problem?
My problem is: I have registered my plug-in algortihm with SQL Server 2005 analysis services, and I can see my plug-in algortihm added to the analysis service configuration file (msmdsrv.ini). But why I can not see my algorithm appearing in the list of algorithms when I tested it? Really need help for that.
Thanks a lot for any guidance and help.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
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Aug 31, 2006
actually i want to implement a c# component that can help third party data mining algorithm
and i want managed plug-in algorithm (without wrapper),.
is it possible to write whole application in c#
as Analysis servisce is in c++ , can we implement it in c#
thanks in advance
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Sep 7, 2006
managed plug-in framework that's available for download here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=DF0BA5AA-B4BD-4705-AA0A-B477BA72A9CB&displaylang=en#DMAPI.
This package includes the source code for a sample plug-in algorithm written in C#.
in this source code all .cs files are modified for clustering algorithm
if my plugin algorithm is of association or classification type then what modifications are requried in source code???
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Nov 16, 2000
We are running SQL Server 7.0 SP2, and are experiencing the following out-of-
space error message:
"Could not allocate new page for database 'FooBar'.
There are no more pages available in filegroup SECONDARY.
Space can be created by dropping objects, adding additional files,
or allowing file growth."
Needless to say, but the the database is set for 10% unlimited autogrowth and there
IS available space in the partition where the filegroup resides.
Any ideas as to why this is happening? What is SQL Server's algorithm for allocating
space when growing a database? Must it satisfy the request in one 'extent' and the
cause of our problem is that our disk is fragmented?
Thanks in advance.
Bill Zimmer - zim@ibx.com
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Jun 19, 2006
Its arguments only describe :the database is encrypted with 128-bit encryption. But which cryptographic algorithm?
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Jul 27, 2006
We have an SSIS package that will be used for both our Test and Prod imports on the same server. The SSIS imports are identical expect that Test needs all connections pointing to the Test database while Prod need its connections pointing to the Prod database.
How can I change the connections, based on Test or Prod, used inside a single SSIS package? (I don't want to create two tweaked packages on the same server. If I find a bug in one of them, I have to correct it twice.)
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May 22, 2002
Does any have a algorithm that can divide A into B without using the divide
sign (/) or the multiplication sign ( * ).
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Nov 24, 2006
I am new to DM and I am not sure which algorithm would be best to use.
I am trying to build a custom comparitor application that companies can use to compare themselves against other companies based on certain pieces of information. I need to group a company with 11 other companies based on 6 attributes. I need the ability to apply weightings to each of the 6 attributes and have those taken into consideration when determining which 10 other companies each company is grouped with. Each group must contain 11 members, the company for the user logged in and 10 other companies that it will be compared against.
At first I thought that clustering would be a good fit for this but I can not see a way to mandate that each cluster contain exactly 11 members, I cannot see a way to weight the inputs, and I think each company can only be in one cluster at a time which do not meet my requirements.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
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Jun 8, 2006
Well, i have read in claude seidman book about data mining that some algorithm inside in microsoft decision tree are CART, CHAID and C45 algorithm. could anyone explain to me about the tree algorithm and please explain to me how the tree algorithm used together in one case?
thank you so much
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Dec 11, 2006
Use this to check if Luhn has valid check digitCREATE FUNCTIONdbo.fnIsLuhnValid
@Luhn VARCHAR(8000)
IF @Luhn LIKE '%[^0-9]%'
@Multiplier TINYINT,
@Sum INT,
SELECT@Index = LEN(@Luhn),
@Multiplier = 1,
@Sum = 0
WHILE @Index >= 1
SELECT@Plus = @Multiplier * CAST(SUBSTRING(@Luhn, @Index, 1) AS TINYINT),
@Multiplier = 3 - @Multiplier,
@Sum = @Sum + @Plus / 10 + @Plus % 10,
@Index = @Index - 1
Peter Larsson
Helsingborg, Sweden
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Jul 23, 2005
Hello,Do you know if the algorithm for the BINARY_CHECKSUM function in documentedsomewhere?I would like to use it to avoid returning some string fields from theserver.By returning only the checksum I could lookup the string in a hashtable andI think this could make the code more efficient on slow connections.Thanks in advanced and kind regards,Orly Junior
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Dec 7, 2007
What kind of algorithm does the MAX command uses? I have a table that I need to get the last value of the Transaction ID and increment it by 1, so I can use it as the next TransID everytime I insert a new record into the table. I use the MAX command to obtain the last TransID in the table in this process. However, someone suggested that there is a problem with this, since if there are multiple users trying to insert a record into the same table, and processing is slow, they might essentially come up with the same next TransID. He came up with the idea of having a separate table that contains only the TransID and using this table to determine the next TransID. Will this really make a difference as far as processing speed is concerned or using a MAX command on the same table to come up with the next TransID enough? Do you have a better suggestion?
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Sep 15, 2006
Would anyone be able to provide a reference paper on the neural net algorithm implemented in SQL Server 2005 to better understand how it works?
Thanxs for any info.
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Oct 29, 2007
Hi All!
I have few questions regarding Clustering algorithm.
If I process the clustering model with Ks (K is number of clusters) from 2 to n how to find a measure of variation and loss of information in each model (any kind of measure)? (Purpose would be decision which K to take.)
Which clustering method is better to use when segmenting data K-means or EM?
Thanks in advance!
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Jan 10, 2006
Does anyone know of or where I can find implementation of these C# algorithm /class libraries:
a) RLS - Recursive Least Square algorithm?
b) MWAR - Multi-resolution Wavelet Auto-regresive algorithm?
c) AR - Autoregresive moving awerage algorithm?
d) EWMA - Exponentially Weighted Moving Average
The .NET framework System.Math class do not seem to have these libraries.
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Jul 12, 2006
I want to predict which product can be sold together , Pl help me out which algorithm is best either association, cluster or decision and pl let me know how to use case table and nested table my table structure is
Rajesh Ladda
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Feb 14, 2008
i am using sqlserver2005 as back end for my project.
actually we developing an stand alone web application for client, so we need to host this application in his server. he is not willing to install sql server 2005 edition in his sever so we r going by placing .mdf file in data directory of project.
but before i developed in server2005 i used aes_256 algorithm to encrypt n decrypt the pwd column by using symmetric keys.it is working fine.
but when i took the .mdf file of project n add into my project it is throwing error at creation of symmetric key that
"Either no algorithm has been specified or the bitlength and the algorithm specified for the key are not available in this installation of Windows."
please suggest me a solution
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Feb 7, 2008
i'm making my master thesis about a new plug-in algorithm, with the LVQ Algorithm.
I make the tutorial with the pair_wise_linear_regression algorithm and i have some doubts. i was searching for the code of the algorithm in the files of the tutorial and i didn't saw it. I have my new algorithm programmed in C++ ready to attach him, but i don't know where to put him, in which file i have to put him to start to define the COM interfaces? And in which file is the code of the pair_wise_linear_regression algorithm in the SRC paste of the tutorial?
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Feb 26, 2007
Hello friends,
Can u give some idea about the Algorithm in Data Mining for Clustering..
Please reply...
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Aug 17, 2006
I am trying to predict Revenue gererated by each Person.
My Input like this:
Month Person Revenue
20050101 Person1 $1000
20050101 Person1 $2000
20050201 Person1 $1000
20050101 Person2 $5000
20050201 Person2 $2000
20050201 Person2 $3000
Obviosly for Person1 and 200501 I expect to see on MS Time Series Viewer $3000, correct?
Instead I see REVENUE(actual) - 200501 VALUE =XXX,
Where XXX is absolutly different number.
Also there are negative numbers in forecast area which is not correct form business point
Person1 who is tough guy tryed to shoot me.
What I am doing wrong. Could you please give me an idea how to extract correct
historical and predict information?
Thnak you,
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Mar 28, 2006
I want to create a symmetric key that will be encrypted by certificate key. Can u guide me which algorithm is best out of the following:
DES, TRIPLE_DES, RC2, RC4, RC4_128, DESX, AES_128, AES_192, AES_256.
I tried using AES_128, AES_192, AES_256 but it says 'the algorithm specified for the key are not available in this installation of Windows.'
Pls tell me which else algorithm is best to use and pls specify why.
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Jul 25, 2006
Pl any one tell me which algorithm is better for Customer retention Using SQL server 2005 analysis services
It will be great if some one can give the same with example of data model with key column , and rest
Thanks in Advance
Rajesh Ladda
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Jul 2, 2007
Currently I want to run a vanilla multivariate regression and get some statistics back about the regression that is built. For instance, besides the coefficients, I also want the two-sided p-values on the coefficients and the R2 of the model.
I've tried playing with the Microsoft_Linear_Regression algorithm and have run into two issues. I'm doing all this programmatically using DMX queries rather than through the BI studio.
(a) I can never get the coefficients from the regression to match with results I would get from running R or Excel. The results are close but still significantly off. I suspect this is because the Linear Regression is just a subset of the Decision/Regression Trees functionality, in which case some kind of Bayesian prior is being incorporated here. Is that the issue? And if so, is there some way to turn off the Bayesian scoring and get a vanilla multivariate regression? I don't see anything in the inputs to the linear regression that would let me do this, and even running Microsoft_Decision_Trees with a few different settings, I can't get the output I'm looking for. If there's no way to turn off the Bayesian scoring, can someone explain to me what the prior being used here is and how Bayesian learning is being applied to the regression?
(b) Using the Generic Tree Viewer, I see that there are a few "statistics" values in the Node_Distribution, but I'm not sure what they're referring to. One of them looks like it might be the MSE. I could play with this some more to find out, but I'm hoping someone here can save me that work and tell me what these numbers are. Hopefully they will constitute enough information for me to rebuild the p-values and the R2.
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Oct 18, 2006
I have a code for Nearest neighbour algorithm, I want to build a datamining algorithm using that code..
I have the following link that includes the source code for a sample plug-in algorithm written in C#.
(managed plug-in framework that's available for download here: )http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=DF0BA5AA-B4BD-4705-AA0A-B477BA72A9CB&displaylang=en#DMAPI.
But i am confused on where to insert my algorithm logic?
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Jan 20, 2007
What is the algorithm that generates the itemsets in the Association model? I'm looking to possibly use this part of the Association algorithm (i.e. the grouping into itemsets) in a separate plug-in algorithm.
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Jan 18, 2007
Hi Jamie:
I am building data mining models to predict the amount of data storage in GB we will need in the future based on what we have used in the past. I have a table for each device with the amount of storage on that device for each day going back one year. I am using the Time Series algorithm to build these mining models. In many cases, where the storage size does not change abruptly, the model is able to predict several periods forward. However, when there are abrupt changes in storage size (due to factors such as truncating transaction logs on the database ), the mining model will not predict more than two periods. Is there something I can change in terms of the parameters the Time Series Algorithm uses so that it can predict farther forward in time or is this the wrong Algorithm to deal with data patterns that have a saw tooth pattern with a negative linear component.
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Dec 22, 2007
I am on this project that will search an optimal route for user from starting point to his/her destination on a map in my SQL Server 2005. I hv create two versions to test out the performance of the path finding algorithm. I have a few classes, which are:
PriorityQueue class which is implemented as List() object and plus codes to sort them in order
PathNode class which are instances for the nodes of the search tree with information on heuristics value
DataSource class which stores data retrieved from the SQL Server 2005 into the RAM for faster execution of the path finding
PathFinding class which implements the path searching algorithm (based on A* algorithm), with PriorityQueue as the openlist, List() object as the closedlist, PathNode as the nodes in both the list to store information and lastly retrieve data from DataSource object that loads the whole table from SQL Server 2005In the first version, i simply use SELECT query to retrieve every correspondent nodes data from the SQL Server 2005 which makes the performance very low which i hv used SQL Server Profiler to check. Next, i use the current version to load all the data into my RAM to increase the execution, which has successfulyl achieved <1sec as opppsed to the 1st version ~8secs.
Now, my problem is to port the algorithm part to my SQL Server 2005 as SQL CLR integration to achieved better results withour the need to burden on client PC. My question is how am i going to do this? I tried before, and several erros like i need to serialize my current PathNode class and i did it. Do i need to make all class into UDT compatible? or??
Thank you very much.
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May 28, 2006
I was walking through the Text Mining example - which at one step required me to set Algorithm Parameters - MAXIMUM_OUTPUT_ATTRIBUTES=0. When I tried that the project would not build giving an error -
Error (Data mining): The 'MAXIMUM_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES' data mining parameter is not valid for the 'XYZ' model.
I was getting the same error when I tried to set it for Microsoft_neural_netowrk - Hidden_Node_ratio. When I do a properties from "set Algorithm Properties" from Mining Model, I do not see these properties set as default.
I have installed SQLServer 2005 Standard Edition Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.1399.00
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.1399.00
Any help would be much appreciated.
Rajeev Gupta
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Feb 8, 2007
I'm using SQL Server 2005. The problem I have is as follows. I have several production lines and as with everything parts in the line tend to break. I have data from all the breaks that occurred in the last 2 years. What I want to do is predict the next break and the production line it's going to happen on. I would also like to go to a future date and check what possible breaks might occur on that date. I've run quite a few models but none of them helps me with future events. I think I might be using the wrong algorithm or I€™m just not doing it right. If somebody can please suggest an algorithm and maybe help me with a web site that has a tutorial similar to my problem
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Feb 20, 2008
I need to deploy several Association algorithms, so I want to do it using ISS. Can anyone help me telling me which task should I have to use to do it?
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