Archive Data Instead Of Deleting It To Prevent 4GB Data Limit
Mar 14, 2008
We are running SQL Server 2005 express on Windows 2003. The database server gets significant amounts of data.
Because of the 4GB data limit we have a daily cron task which goes through and deletes data older then 90 days.
We would like a way to archive this data instead of deleting it. Is there any way to take data and compress it and store it in a different way, so that if needed, customers can query directly out from the compressed data? Cleary querying from compressed would be slower but that is ok.
Any other solutions that would allow us to archive data instead of deleting it? Thanks.
Project assigned to me called ''Archive off old data''.As SQL DBA the best way to archive large table is data Partitioning. But one table does not enough in terms of size to do partition and plus table has 32 other tables,view,sps dependencies.The data from that table needs to archive off every week to different database on different server. My question are
1) what is the best way to archive data ? 2) what are steps I need to follow ? Do I need to remove dependencies first and then take out data?.
We have transactional replication setup to replicate data from production across to a reporting server.
We want to ARCHIVE production, but don't want the ARCHIVE duplicated on the reporting server.
Does anyone know of a way that the reporting server can be stopped from replicating these changes, and continue to hold the FULL history of the database?
We have transactional replication setup to replicate data from production across to a reporting server.
We want to ARCHIVE production, but don't want the ARCHIVE duplicated on the reporting server.
Does anyone know of a way that the reporting server can be stopped from replicating these changes, and continue to hold the FULL history of the database?
I have a table contains huge rows of data. Performance issue raised. I amthinking archive some data so that the table will not be that big. The mostconvience way is move it to another table. The problem is: will this solvemy performance problem? or I need to move it to another database to reducethe database size?Regards,TrueNo
I am trying to delete tables from data where the ModifiedDates older than 9 years in AdventureWorks2012 database . I get console notified that foreign keys are dropped but the delete statement is throwing errors. I am sure that somewhere the key constraints are not getting altered, but i'm not able to figure it out as i'm a relative beginner to T-SQL. The error and code:
The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason_SalesReason_SalesReasonID". The conflict occurred in database "AdventureWorks2012", table "Sales.SalesOrderHeader [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO") | Out-Null $option_drop = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptingOptions; $option_drop.ScriptDrops = $true;
I don't know if the question has been nailed down. Aside from deleting tables, can we delete the *content* of data within the tables. It doesn't seem crazy that, if you can pull in data from a feed then you should be able to remove the content out again (without also destroying the user's meta-data work ). Reasons for this include:
- Security (a user may not have rights to see *my* data and should go refresh their own) - Size (workbook doesn't need to have GB's of irrelevant data saved to disk in a workbook if it was just useful during development phase to a pre-production data feed) - Bad data (pre-production data feed is not good data) - User-friendliness (data feed was refreshed 2 years ago and workbook was saved to file server. Users shouldn't be presented with irrelevant data, but should get empty pivot tables until they go do their refresh)
Obviously Excel internally knows how to clear out PowerPivot data, given the prompt shown here: [URL] ....
But how does a user initiate this on their own (corruption aside)?
Previous time this question was asked, without a real resolution: [URL] ....
The purchased-application mssql 6.5, sp 4 that I am working on has one large table has 13m illion. It the largest table considering thenextlatgest table is only1.75 million rows.
Thew vnedor has made a change to this largest table in recommending changing a data type -- char to varchar. To make this change easier to do, I want to "archive" older data not necessary for the current year or current processing to another table.
What is the best way to do this archiving?
Any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
How can I prevent a colleage to delete tables in a specific database. Yes he has access to Enterprise Manager. We would like to allow him read only to the live databases.
I have two tables say A and Archive. After a certain period of time some records are to be sent to archive table.To copy records to archive table I am using SqlBulkCopy operations.Now I have to delete the records from A Table. I was thinking of sending a Comma seperated id's of rows that are to be deleted to a stored procedure.Are there any better techniques to move data to archive table and to remove data from main table.?Thanks.
I am using SQL 2012 SE. I have 2 databases say A and B with same structure and relationships. There are 65 tables in each database. A is already replicating data to database C for 35 tables. Now I need to move data from A to B which is greater than getdate()-1 everyday for all the tables and once the move is done I need to delete this data from A. And the same thing the next day and everyday. Since this is for 65 tables its challenging to identify the insert order. Once the insert order is identified the delete order will be the reverse of it.
Is there a tool or any SP that could generate the insert order script? The generate scripts data only is generating the entire data and these databases are almost 400GB. Some tables have 200Mil+ rows. So it takes forever.
I'm looking for a process to archive data through replication. I have nightly job that purge records in few source tables(publisher) retaining only 3 yrs data. I have archive database (subscriber) that contains prior 3 yrs data and current 3 yrs data.
Before nightly job DELETES records in Source table i want to STOP replication so that the delete is not replicated in archive database. After the job completes i would like to TURN ON replication so that any new inserts and updates in Source will ONLY be replicated in archive database.
My DBA tested this but after last step of turning replication back ON archive database is sync'd with source table.
There are around 70 tables where 30 of them are transactional tables that needs record purge. Developing ETL process is possible but tedious.
I wrote code to archive Data.I created a table that set the maximum number of records to archive and delete and loop until finished or a set a flag in a table to stop archiving. I was able to limit the number of records to commit.
I have a package which loads data from a flat file (csv) to 4 tables in a database. Now, the load is incremental.
I want to clear the data of all 4 tables(in the database) before loading the data from flat file everytime.How can i do this? Iam using 4 Oledb Destinations, 1 multicast, 1 source component to do this. Also can it happen like a transaction? because if it deletes the existing data and couldnt load new data there will be a problem!.how to avoid this?
I need a script that can be schedule for a SQL7 server to archive a table-space's data for exery day except current, then pull the last 7 days worth of data back into the table. Any one have anything like this? My dbase is a load totaling dbase and the size is getting out of control.
I have a table with 3 columns: ID, Status, DateTime.
I created a stored procedure to insert a staus value for each ID. This will run every hour. The DateTime stores the time, date when the Status was inserted.
If the procedure was to be run a second time in hour window I do not want any Status to be inserted.
Note: that I cannot rely on the procedure being run at exactly the right time - if it was scheduled to run on the hour (i.e at 1:00, 2:00, 3 :00 etc) but didn't run until 1:20 it sould still be able to run at 2:00.
Does anyone know if there is anyway I can gaurd against this?
I have a table storing only 2 FKs, let's say PID, MID Is there any way that I can check distinct data before row is added to this table? For example, current data is PID MID------------100 2001100 2005101 3002102 1009102 7523102 2449 If my query is about to insert PID 100, MID 2001, since it's existing data, i don't want to add it. Can I use trigger to solve this issue?
Suppose I have a database storing some confidential information, such as legal information, medical or financial records, etc., and a Web site with a membership system so that only authorized users can view the information.
I understand I can encrypt the information, and the user's passwords, so that if the database is compromised it still shouldn't be possible for an outsider to view the confidential information.
However, what about people who have legitimate access to the database, such as the DBA, Web developer, etc., but who should not be able to view the confidential information? For example, even though the user's password was encrypted, what would stop the DBA from replacing the user's password with his own (encrypted) password, then logging in and viewing the user's info, then copying back the original encrypted password? Or, adding a new user for himself with whatever permissions he chooses?
1. How to estimate how many free RAM I need. If I plan to create five 2 Gb memory optimized tables...10 Gb RAM for data and how many additional memory?
2. How to prevent memory overflow if there will be too much data in those tables? I dont want that my server down entirely
How do i prevent other users from changing the data of my tables? Means one can change data using only my login rest others cannot even DBA or also from server administrator
If a user is a member of a role which would allow him to execute a proc which updates a table, and he is then granted db_denydatawriter , can he still update the table through the proc? SS2000 SP4.
Since posting this I tested the scenario and YES! The user was still able to execute an update proc even though the user excuting the proc was granted db_denydatawriter.
Hi, I have a stored procedure that looks like this:...WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINDECLARE @MyCount int ; EXEC spLoanQuestionnaireCriteria @AuditSelectedLoanID, @Criteria, @MyCount OUTPUTEND ...SELECT * FROM #Categories... Executing this stored procedure will return me 1 table for each time the EXEC statement is called that only has on column (MyCount)I really don't need this data to be returned, it is only used for some internal calculations in the stored procedureThe stored procedure should only return the results from SELECT * FROM #Categories in 1 table.Is there a Keyword I can use to exclude the EXEC results being returned to the dataset? Thanks in advance,Andre
In my database some of the store procedures getting the data from xml I need to implement the validation to xml data for prevent sql injection.
I'm trying to find a way to maintain the data that was UPDATEd in a table from being overwritten.
I used UPDATE in a table to include missing data. However, since I do not have access to the original table from where the data is derived, when I run my query, it knocks out the data in my table that was updated, because it is linked to the orginal table that has the blank fields. A few users do not have an employee email, and this has to be updated with a personal email account for now.
My update works fine, but is there a way I can use the statement in my query so that it updates each time it is run to maintain the user email address? This will solve the problem of not having to change the original table that I do not have access to.
if exists (select * test..dbo.Employee) truncate TABLE test.. dbo.Employee insert into test.. dbo.Employee (EmployeeNumber , EmplUsername
I'm running this procedure which insert into table_name(id, name.....) select id, name.... from table_name. For some reason the tempdb data file grow up to 200GB. The tempdb is set to expand unrestricted by 10%. How can I prevent that from hapening? Thanks.
I represent a software development house and we have developed a client server system based on SQL Server. Most of our customers have already purchased Enterprise License of SQL Server, therefore they own the SA Login and Password. We are bound to attach our Database with their Server on their machine.
My question is how can we stop a System Administrator of SQL Server to view our Database Structure, Queries, Data installed on their SQL Server on their machine.
Our database structure is a trade secret and we cant reveal the structure to the client.
please answer this question by email to me at
I have the fields in my table: ID, Title, Description, Price, ImageData, Active I only want it to be possible to have two records at any time with Active=Yes. Active is a Bit, Yes/No, field. Any help is appreciated. Chuck
I have edited the aspnet_Users_CreateUser stored procedure so that the UserId that is created when a new user is created is copied to a UserId field in another table. However, when I use the website administration tool to delete users that have been created, it gives me an error saying the delete statement conflicted with the reference constraint. I then added the following code in the aspnet_Users_DeleteUser procedure.... IF ((@TablesToDeleteFrom & 16) <> 0 AND (EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE (name = N'vw_tt') AND (type = 'V')))) BEGIN DELETE FROM dbo.userclassset WHERE @UserId = UserId SELECT @ErrorCode = @@ERROR, @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT IF( @ErrorCode <> 0 ) GOTO Cleanup IF (@RowCount <> 0) SELECT @NumTablesDeletedFrom = @NumTablesDeletedFrom + 1 hdhd END This code was then added to the function at the end which deletes the data from the aspnet_Users table when everything else has been removed (@TablesToDeleteFrom & 16) <> 0 AND Now when I delete a user in the website admin tool, it "deletes" (with no error) the user from the list but doesnt actually physically delete it from the database. Any ideas?
Edited by SomeNewKid. Please post code between <code> and </code> tags.
I have added a delete button to my datagrid, and put in what I think is the code to delete a member from the database at their Member ID, however when I have called a members details and the delete button is pressed, nothing happens!!?? Any ideas? Here is the code:
<%@ Page Language="VB" %> <script runat="server">
' Insert page code here ' Function GetMember(ByVal iD As Integer) As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader Dim connectionString As String = "server='localhost'; trusted_connection=true; Database='adp1SQL'" Dim sqlConnection As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim queryString As String = "SELECT [oga].* FROM [oga] WHERE ([oga].[ID] = @ID)" Dim sqlCommand As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(queryString, sqlConnection)
sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@ID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value = iD
sqlConnection.Open Dim dataReader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
Return dataReader End Function
Sub dgMember_Delete(sender as Object, e as DataGridCommandEventArgs) dgMember.EditItemIndex = -1
Sub btnView_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) dgMember.DataSource = GetMember(memberID.Text) dgMember.DataBind() End Sub
Sub dgMember_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
End Sub Function DeleteMember(ByVal iD As Integer) As Integer Dim connectionString As String = "server='localhost'; trusted_connection=true; Database='adp1SQL'" Dim sqlConnection As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim queryString As String = "DELETE FROM [oga] WHERE ([oga].[ID] = @ID)" Dim sqlCommand As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(queryString, sqlConnection)
sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@ID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value = iD
Dim rowsAffected As Integer = 0 sqlConnection.Open Try rowsAffected = sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery Finally sqlConnection.Close End Try