Archiving Rows Using A Date Field

Jun 6, 2000

Hi all,

Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction for creating a procedure to archive rows using a DATE field value as the determinant for selecting the rows to be moved to a backup table?

I'd really appreciate any assistance that anyone can provide.

Tom C.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Returning Unique Rows - Read Date Field?

Jul 26, 2015

I have the following query:

Select p.Id [SenderId], p.Username, up.PhotoId,
WHEN mr.ReadDate is null then 1 -- New message
ELSE 0 -- Message has been read
END AS NewMessage,
p.LastLoggedIn, p.LoggedIn

[Code] ....

The above query returns me all messages (inbox functionality) that have been sent to mr.ReceipientId, the issue I have is when I send another email to the recipient the readdate field will be null, and the other emails linked to the recipient which have also been sent via me will have a readdate date. This causes duplicate rows to appear due to the case statement, I'm trying to figure out if / how it is possible to only display the one row per conversation and set newmessage to 1 if there is an un-read message otherwise show 0 ?

So instead of showing this:

2Person102015-07-26 17:07:24.9370
2Person112015-07-26 17:07:24.9370

I'm trying to get it to look like this:

2Person112015-07-26 17:07:24.9370

Or if we have no new mail (read date is not null) then it will appear like this, and I can confirm when there is no new mail it works as expected.

2Person102015-07-26 17:07:24.9370

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How To Add Date Field And Time Field (not Datetime Field )

May 4, 2006

Good morning...

I begin with SQL, I would like to add a field that will be date like 21/01/2000.

Actually i find just "datetime" format but give me the format 21/01/2000 01:01:20.

How to do for having date and time in two different field.

Sorry for my english....


A newbie

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Pass In Null/blank Value In The Date Field Or Declare The Field As String And Convert

Dec 30, 2003

I need to pass in null/blank value in the date field or declare the field as string and convert date back to string.

I tried the 2nd option but I am having trouble converting the two digits of the recordset (rs_get_msp_info(2), 1, 2))) into a four digit yr. But it will only the yr in two digits.
The mfg_start_date is delcared as a string variable

mfg_start_date = CStr(CDate(Mid(rs_get_msp_info(2), 3, 2) & "/" & Mid(rs_get_msp_info(2), 5, 2) & "/" & Mid(rs_get_msp_info(2), 1, 2)))

option 1
I will have to declare the mfg_start_date as date but I need to send in a blank value for this variable in the stored procedure. It won't accept a null or blank value.

With refresh_shipping_sched
.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
.CommandText = "spRefresh_shipping_sched"
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("ret_val", adInteger, adParamReturnValue)
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@option", adInteger, adParamInput, 4, update_option)
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@mfg_ord_num", adChar, adParamInput, mfg_ord_num_length, "")
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@mfg_start_date", adChar, adParamInput, 10, "")
Set rs_refresh_shipping_sched = .Execute

Please help

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How To Convert Datetime Field To A Date Field So Excel Recognize It As Data Type

May 17, 2015

I embedded a SQL query in excel that gets some datetime fields like "TASK_FINISH_DATE" .

How can I convert a datetime field to a date field in SQL in a way that excel will recognize it as a date type and not a text type?

I tried:

**all of the above returned text objectes in excel and not date objects.

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Informix Date Type Field To SQL Server Datetime Field Error

Oct 17, 2007

I am trying to drag data from Informix to Sql Server. When I kick off the package
using an OLE DB Source and a SQL Server Destination, I get DT_DBDATE to DT_DBTIMESTAMP
errors on two fields from Informix which are date data timestamp part

I tried a couple of things:

Created a view of the Informix table where I cast the date fields as datetime year to fraction(5), which failed.

Altered the view to convert the date fields to char(10) with the hopes that SQL Server would implicitly cast them
as datetime but it failed.

What options do I have that will work?

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Create Date Field From Substring Of Text Field

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to populate a field in a SQL table based on the valuesreturned from using substring on a text field.Example:Field Name = RecNumField Value = 024071023The 7th and 8th character of this number is the year. I am able toget those digits by saying substring(recnum,7,2) and I get '02'. Nowwhat I need to do is determine if this is >= 50 then concatenate a'19' to the front of it or if it is less that '50' concatenate a '20'.This particular example should return '2002'. Then I want to take theresult of this and populate a field called TaxYear.Any help would be greatly apprecaietd.Mark

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How Do I Convert A Unix Date/Time Field To A Date When The The SQL DB Stores That Data As Char 11?

Nov 13, 2007

Hi there.
I'm trying to extract data from my SQL server & everything in the script I've got is working (extracting correct data) except for one field - which is for the most part it's off by +2 days (on a few occasions - I see it off by just +1 day or even +3, but it's usually the +2 days).

I'm told that it's due to the conversion formula - but - since SQL is not my native language, I'm at a bit of a loss.

The DB table has the date field stored as a type: CHAR (as opposed to 'DATE')
Can anyone out there help?

Please advise. Thanks.


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Reporting Services :: Formatting A Date Field To Just Show Date Not Minutes?

Jul 6, 2015

A date field in a report returns the date value as:

2015-07-01 13:30:27.000

Is there any way I can script this to appear as:

01 July 2015 (or 01-07-2015 or 01/07/2015)  - basically to cut out the hours, minutes and seconds?

The best I have managed is: CONVERT (varchar(17),DATE,113) AS Date1 but this still leaves me with:

01 July 2015 13:30

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Updating Database Date Field Results In Date Value Of 01/01/1900

Jun 18, 2007

Brand new to this, so please bear with me.I'm using the following code fragment to update a datetime field on a SQL Server 2005 database table:cmd.CommandText = "Update Projects Set EntryDate = " & Convert.ToDateTime(txtEntryDate.Text)cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()The result of the update operation is the the database field contains the value "1900-01-01 00:00:00:000".  This probably means that I passed nulls to SQL; however, I see a valid date in the txtEntryDate field on my web form (i.e., "06/18/2007").  I also did a "Response.write" to display the txtEntryDate and it looks Okay.Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?Thanks!Using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Script To Specify Date Field To Use For Activity Date

Jun 2, 2014

I'm writing a view to check record counts in a table that has numerous datasets and therefore various "Activity Dates". Is it possible as part of the SQL statement to have a CASE statement for example so that it can identify the field to use as the activity date?

The field to use is being identified using a seperate table so at the moment I have CASE WHEN FieldToUse = '2' THEN MapCol ELSE '[Activity_Date]' END, where FieldToUse = '2' identifies the date field to use and the MapCol data is the field name to be used as the activity date.

Is this even possible?

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Transact SQL :: Find Latest Start Date After A Gap In Date Field For Each ID

Apr 23, 2015

My requirement is to get the latest start date after a gap in a month for each id and if there is no gap for that particular id minimum date for that id should be taken….Given below the scenario

ID          StartDate
1            2014-01-01
1            2014-02-01
1            2014-05-01-------After Gap Restarted
1            2014-06-01
1            2014-09-01---------After last gap restarted
1            2014-10-01
1            2014-11-01
2            2014-01-01
2           2014-02-01
2            2014-03-01
2            2014-04-01
2            2014-05-01
2            2014-06-01
2            2014-07-01

For Id 1 the start date after the latest gap is  2014-10-01 and for id=2 there is no gap so i need the minimum date  2014-01-01

My Expected Output
id             Startdate
1             2014-10-01
2             2014-01-01

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Transact SQL :: How To Select Rows From Table Where DATE Column Is Today's Date

Aug 31, 2015

So my data column [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is defined as a DATE column. I am trying to SELECT from my table where [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is today's date.


Is this not working because GETDATE() is like a timestamp format? How can I get this to work to return those rows where [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is equal to today's date?

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Convert Var Char Field To Date Field

Sep 27, 2005


I need to convert a var char field to date field (DD/MM/YYYY)

Current convertion format:
CAST(Report_Date as DATETIME)

How can i convert to Date field with date format of DD/MM/YYYY?


Onn Onn

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Compare Date Field To Text Field

Mar 27, 2008


I am very new to using SQL. Our department usually uses Brio to query the various databases under our control. However, I have recently come against a problem that prompted me to create a custom SQL query which works well as far as it goes. My problem is looking for specific conditions in billing information I receive monthly. I would like to compare on of the date fields contained in the database with a field in the form of YYYYMM (200710, for October 2007) I have created a custom column generator that forms a date from the YYYYMM. I would like, however, do the translation on the fly and make the comparison during the query. The problem is that query without the date check returns a mass of data, only about 1 percent of which is what I want.

The beginning of the SQL query looks like this:

FROM From.T_Crs_Tran_Dtl WHERE T_Crs_Tran_Dtl.Crs_Bill_Yr_Mo IN ('200710', '200711', '200712') AND ((T_Crs_Tran_Dtl.Crs_Cde IN ('1G', '1V') AND (T_Crs_Tran_Dtl.Dptr_Dte < LastDay(ToDate(Substr ( Crs_Bill_Yr_Mo, 5, 2 )& "/1/"&Substr ( Crs_Bill_Yr_Mo, 1, 4 )))) AND (T_Crs_Tran_Dtl.Prev_Stats_Cde IN (' ', 'TK', 'TL') AND T_Crs_Tran_Dtl.Cur_Stats_Cde IN ('TK', 'TL') AND T_Crs_Tran_Dtl.Std_Tran_Typ_Cde='B') OR (T_Crs_Tran_Dtl.Prev_Stats_Cde='UN' AND T_Crs_Tran_Dtl.Cur_Stats_Cde='XX' AND€¦

It is the €œ(T_Crs_Tran_Dtl.Dptr_Dte < LastDay(ToDate(Substr ( Crs_Bill_Yr_Mo, 5, 2 )& "/1/"&Substr ( Crs_Bill_Yr_Mo, 1, 4 )))) AND€? part of the query that is just plain wrong. The business part of this statement takes the YYYYMM field and turns it into a date which is the last day of YYYYMM.

I hope someone out there can help me with making this comparison.

I appreciate your help.


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Display Only The Date Part Of A Date And Time Field?

Mar 16, 2014

I want to display only the date part of a date field which contains both date & time information.

For example I have the value '2013-11-14 00:00:00.000' in my result set, and ideally I would like to show only '2013-11-14'.

I have looked up the datepart() command, however I can't work out how to return all parts of the date, rather than just the year, month, or day.

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SQL 2012 :: UK Date In Text Field As True Date

Jul 14, 2014

I have a date held in a varchar field in a temporary sql table and I want to convert it into a sql date and it doesn't work. I can replicate this as below -

So I run

cast ('14/02/2014' as date)

and I get a conversion failed error.

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How To Convert Date-field To Date With Time Zone

Jul 4, 2014

I have passed createdDate from UI to Stored procedure.createdDate field declared with is having value 2014-07-01.I need to fetch records from the database based upon the created field.but Create_TM in database having value Date with how would i change the createdfield in stored procedure.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ByDateRange]

@Feed VARCHAR(50),

@CreatedDate DATETIME

select * from Date_table where Create_TM = @CreatedDate

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Problem With Current Date For Date & Time Field

Dec 29, 2005

I have a table named "shift" and I need to setup my query to return only data where the field "startime" = today. The problem I am running into is the starttime field it laid out like "2005-12-29 14:00:00" with different time values. I need to ruturn everything that has todays date regardless of the time value. I tried using GetDate() but that is returning data for other days as well or just data before or after the current time. Does anyone have any suggestions? This is driving me crazy! Thanks, Garrett

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SQL Query Filtering Date Field By Today's Date?

Nov 3, 2006

Can someone tell me sql query for filtering date field for current day,not last 24hours but from 00:00 to current time?

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Insert Date Into Column Based On Date Field

Feb 26, 2008


I need to insert into a column (lets say column x) a date based on the date on another column (lets say column y).

What I need is:

Take the day and month from column x (all records are formated yyyy-mm-dd)

Place it in column y

The yyyy in column y should be - currenct year +1 and no the year in column x.
All help welcome.

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Comparing Today's Date With Date In Field

May 19, 2008

I want to be able to compare today's date with the date that is in the database. Right now I have:

Select Field1, Field2
FROM table 1
Where Year(TS_Date)=Year('3/1/2006')and Month(TS_Date)=Month('3/1/2006')

Where I have to change the date every month. Is there a way to use GetDate or another type of code so it could automatically update every month.
Any suggestions would be very greatful.

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Converting A Decimal Date Value To Date Field

Feb 4, 2015

I am trying to convert a decimal date value to a date value that I can use in formulas but am having a lot of trouble.My date value currently shows in decimal format YYYYMMDD. I want to convert this to a date so I can then find the number of days between two dates.I have tried convert (datetime, convert(varchar(8),left(qhstdt,8))) with qhstdt as my decimal date field but I receive the error message below:

Error: SQL0204 - CONVERT in *LIBL type *N not found.

I have also tried converting it using (year(QHSTDT)*10000+100*month(QHSTDT)+ day(QHSTDT))) but when I convert the dates using this formula, I can get an incorrect number of days when I try to subtract one from the other.What formula can I use to convert my YYYYMMDD field to a format that will allow me to compare number of days between two dates?

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SUM If Date Field &&>=inputted Field?

Mar 24, 2008

I need help. I'm one step short of getting what I need.
Here is what I have:
SELECT FilteredIncident.accountidname, FilteredIncident.ticketnumber, FilteredIncident.createdon, FilteredIncident.modifiedon, FilteredIncident.new_enduserfirstname,
FilteredIncident.new_enduserlastname, FilteredIncident.responsiblecontactidname, FilteredIncident.statuscodename, FilteredIncident.title,
SUM(FilteredActivityPointer.actualdurationminutes) AS TotalTime
FROM FilteredActivityPointer LEFT OUTER JOIN
FilteredIncident ON FilteredIncident.incidentid = FilteredActivityPointer.regardingobjectid
GROUP BY FilteredIncident.accountidname, FilteredIncident.ticketnumber, FilteredIncident.createdon, FilteredIncident.modifiedon, FilteredIncident.new_enduserfirstname,
FilteredIncident.new_enduserlastname, FilteredIncident.responsiblecontactidname, FilteredIncident.statuscodename, FilteredIncident.title
HAVING (FilteredIncident.accountidname = @accountid) AND ((FilteredActivityPointer.actualstart >= @billtime) OR (FilteredIncident.statuscodename <> N'Problem Solved'))

This pulls everything that started after a certain date (@billtime) AND everything that is not closed. This is what I want; however, I need the SUM(FilteredActivityPointer.actualdurationminutes) AS TotalTime to only calculate the TotalTime after the @billtime regardless of the status. I can easily code in the date in the format 03/04/2008 but I haven't figured out how to do it successfully. I tried an IIF within the SUM and just got a syntax error (I'm assuming it is because FilteredActivityPointer.actualstart is a date/time.)

Essentially, I need a report that shows all open tickets in the system AND all tickets that have been worked on since a specific date regardless of status that only totals the time spent during that date range.
Many thanks to anyone who can help.

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Setting The Date On A Date Field

Nov 12, 2003


How do I get SQL server to insert the current date on inserting a record in a field of datetime?



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How To Pull The Same Field From Three Rows

Jun 11, 2014

I have a report that shows all the jobs for a given resource. i.e. there are three jobs waiting to be run through the CNC Machine resource. Each job has more than one resource so I use a filter to get information for just that resource. i.e. just 3 lines for the CNC Machine. However on the report I need to put the resource_id that the job just came from and resource_id for where the job is going next. I still just want 1 line per job.

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Parsing A Field Into Rows

Jul 12, 2007

I have a field that has the following data:

<li>Invalid email address.</li><li>Invalid zipcode.</li><li>Password is required.</li><li>

And, I'd like to parse this into rows separated by the "<li>"


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Feb 17, 2007

Hi All,
I'm building an archiving applicaition for my small organization, but I have many file types such as videos, photos, texts, pdfs.... and some huge file sizes of about 500 MB.
My questions are:
1. Somefriend told me that there is a hardware compression device which can compress allready compressed videos and JPEGs. Is it correct? If so, where can I surf to find such devices?
2. Which datatype have I to use with SQL Server 2000 to handle all the different file types and sizes?

Thanks very much

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Return Only The Rows From A List That Has The Same Value From One Field

Aug 2, 2006

I am in need of help to develop a query
I have two tables Exams and Exams_lab, that are joined by a field id_exame. I want to return The Exams that has all the dependent rows in Exames_lab with the same value in the status_int field of Exames_lab. Can anyone Help Me?
Lets see an example












in this exemple my query must return only id_exame 2 and 3 because id_exame 1 has two different values on id_status on tb_exame_lab
can anyone help me?

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Concatenate One Field From Multiple Rows?

Oct 18, 2006

I have a SQL statement that fetches book information via a TITLE_ID which is fine if we only have one edition (hardback), but if there are two editions (hardback and paperback) it will return two rows like:

Title - Author - Edition
The Amazing Pixies - A. N. Author - Hdbk
The Amazing Pixies - A. N. Author - Pbk

Is there any way to concatenate the Edition field so the two lines become one? I have searched for ways to do this but have had no luck.

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Trigger To Update Field From Rows

Feb 21, 2013

I'm tracking sales reps and the companies they represent. I have 2 tables. A header table that has the SalesRep (a key field) the name, phone, address, etc.A line file that will have the sales rep multiple times, each line having a vendor they represent.

SalesRepHeader table:
SalesRep name phone VendorList
Bob Bob_Smith 111-222-3333
John John_Young 123-456-56789
Mary Mary_Kerns 567-876-98765


Whenever the SalesRepLine file is added to or updated I want the header file field VendorList to be updated with a concat of the vendors for this sales rep so the SalesRepHeader file would look like this.

SalesRep name phone VendorList
Bob Bob_Smith 111-222-3333 Samsung, Kenwood, JVC
John John_Young 123-456-56789 Apple, HP

I need the update to be automatic.

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Count Unique Rows In Each Field

Jul 24, 2013

I have a table in Access 2007 that has about 30 field names and I want to have a count of how many unique rows there are in each field. I want to have these results put into another table that will just have the field name and then the count of how many unique rows there are.

I have code in VBA that will loop through my SQL and change out the field name, but I can't seem to get the SQL right before I can start looping it. For just one field name this would be what I have to count the unique names...

So far I have this:

INSERT INTO newtable
COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT Raw_Table.FieldName, COUNT(Raw_Table.FieldName) AS CountOfFieldName
FROM Raw_Table
GROUP BY Raw_Table.FieldName);

And its not going too well.

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Multiple Rows Into A Single Field

Oct 12, 2005

I have aproble with stored procedure.I want to take the Data from a table with multiple rows,In the same select statement for the others select statemet.My store Proc is like this..

CREATE procedure spr_Load_TR_AccidentReport_Edit_VOwner
@Crime_No varchar(20),
@Unit_ID int
DECLARE @AD_Driver int,@AC_Cas int,@AV_Owner int,@A_Witness int
DECLARE @Defect_ID varchar(100)

select @AV_Owner=Vehicle_Owner from TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE where Crime_No =@Crime_No and Unit_ID = @Unit_ID

TBL_TR_Person_Details.Person_ID,TBL_TR_Person_Details.Person_Name, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Address1,
dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Address2, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.City_Id, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.State_Id,
dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Nationality_id, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.EMail, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Phone,,, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.D_O_B, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Age,
dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Occupation_ID, dbo.TBL_TR_Person_Details.Person_Type,

(select TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.OutSide_state from
TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails,TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE where
TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.Vehicle_Owner = TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.Person_id and TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.RowID =TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.RowID)[OutSide_state],

(select TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.OutSide_City from
TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails,TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE where
TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.Vehicle_Owner = TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.Person_id and TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.RowID =TBL_TR_Person_OutsideDetails.RowID)[OutSide_City]

---here I faced the problem-
/*For the above Select only return one rows.But this select willreturn multiple row .I wnat to put that multiple data into a single field with comma*/

(SELECT @Defect_ID = COALESCE(@Defect_ID + ',','') + CAST(TBL_TR_VEHICLE_DEFECT.Defect_ID AS varchar(5))
select @Defect_ID

tbl_TR_Accident_report.Crime_No=@Crime_No and tbl_TR_Accident_report.Unit_ID=@Unit_ID
TBL_TR_Person_Details.Person_ID = TBL_TR_ACCIDENT_VEHICLE.Vehicle_Owner


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