Array Data Type In SQL Server Stored Procedures?

Aug 17, 2000

Is there any array data type in SQL Server 7.0. I am using VB 6.0 with ADO 2.1. I am populating a MSFlexGrid with values that I pass to SQL Server one at a time and insert into the database. What I would like to do is pass the entire contents of the Grid at once to a stored procedure and let SQL do the processing so my routine is not going back and forth to the client. I did not find any documentation on any array data types in SQL. What is my best approach to this problem?
Dan Collins

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Creating A Stored Procedure That Will Summarize Data In A Table Into A Table Reflecting Period Data Using An Array Type Field

Sep 20, 2007

I am attempting to create a stored procedure that will launch at report runtime to summarize data in a table into a table that will reflect period data using an array type field. I know how to execute one line but I am not sure how to run the script so that it not only summarizes the data below but also creates and drops the table.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Current Table

Project | Task | Category | Fiscal Year | Fiscal Month | Total Hours
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 1 | 2007 | 01 | 40
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 2 | 2007 | 02 | 20
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 3 | 2007 | 03 | 35
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 1 | 2008 | 01 | 40
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 2 | 2008 | 02 | 40
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 3 | 2008 | 03 | 40

Proposed Table

Project | Task | Category | Fiscal Month 01 | Fiscal Month 02 | Fiscal Month 03 | Fiscal Year
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 1 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 2007
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 2 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 2007Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 3 | 0 | 0 | 35 | 2007
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 1 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 2008

Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 2 | 0 | 40 | 0 | 2008
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 3 | 0 | 0 | 40 | 2008

Mike Misera

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Array Data Type In SQL Server 2005

Aug 9, 2006


I was migrating from Oracle to SQL Server 2005 using SSMA (SQL Server Migration Assistant) but i`ve found an issue, i can´t find how to fix it. In my stored procedure in PL/SQL exists this lines:


Somebody know how can i simulate this data type ARRAY. I was reading but some things are not clear for me.... please help me, give me one hand.

Thank you


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Ref: Stored Procedures, Mixed Data Type In Sql Command

Mar 20, 2006

Su writes "I'm trying to use a stored procedure to dynamically update a table whenever other staff in other departments update their do any changes to their databaseds. and thanks for your web site taught me how to pass table names as parameters. But I still have problems withe sql command. You have an example in your article ('dynamic sql 2'), showing how to do a sql SELECTION using a table name and a local variable. But the sql command only use a local variable of varchar type. I'm trying to do INSERT with local variables with different data types. For example:

@inputT_From varchar(10),
@inputT_To varchar(10),
@TableName varchar(1000)
--------input variable-------------------------------
DECLARE @inputTerm_From varchar(10),
@inputTerm_To varchar(10),
@sql_empty varchar(2000),
@sql_refresh varchar(2000)
IF EXISTS (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects
where id LIKE object_id('tempdb..#tmpOTLTotalByF'))

CREATE TABLE #tmpOTLTotalByF (Faculty varchar(50),Term_From varchar(10), Total_G12 int, Total_G3 int, Total_G4 int, Total_Faculty int)

DECLARE @iFaculty varchar(50),
@iTerm_From varchar(10),
@iTotal_G12 int,
@iTotal_G3 int,
@iTotal_G4 int,
@iTotal_Faculty int

SET @iTotal_Faculty = 0
SET @iTotal_G12 = 0
SET @iTotal_G3 = 0
SET @iTotal_G4 = 0


SELECT Faculty, Term_From, SUM(Grades_12), SUM(Grades_3), SUM(Grades_4)
FROM #tmpOTLTotalByFaculty
GROUP BY Faculty, Term_From

OPEN su_OTL_F_cursor

FETCH NEXT FROM su_OTL_F_cursor INTO @iFaculty, @iTerm_From, @iTotal_G12, @iTotal_G3, @iTotal_G4


SELECT @sql_refresh = 'INSERT '
SELECT @sql_refresh = @sql_refresh + @TableName
SELECT @sql_refresh = @sql_refresh + ' VALUES (' + @iFaculty + ', ' + @iTerm_From + ', ' + @iTotal_G12 + ', ' + @iTarget_12 + ', ' + @iTotal_G3 + ', ' + @iTarget_3 + ', ' + @iTotal_G4 + ', ' + @iTarget_4 + ', ' + @iTotal_Faculty + ')'

SET @iTotal_Faculty = 0

SET @iTotal_Faculty = @iTotal_G12 + @iTotal_G3 + @iTotal_G4

INSERT #tmpOTLTotalByF VALUES (@iFaculty, @iTerm_From, @iTotal_G12, @iTotal_G3, @iTotal_G4, @iTotal_Faculty)

Exec ( @sql_refresh)

FETCH NEXT FROM su_OTL_F_cursor INTO @iFaculty, @iTerm_From, @iTotal_G12, @iTotal_G3, @iTotal_G4

CLOSE su_OTL_F_cursor -----line 222

CLOSE su_OTL_T_cursor -----line 63




EXECUTE KPISU_F_TotalByF '2005', '2006', 'KPISU_F_OTLTotalByF05'


I got the following error message:

Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Procedure KPISU_F_TotalByF, Line 256
Syntax error converting the varchar value 'INSERT KPISU_F_OTLTotalByF06 VALUES (14-19 Academy, 2005, ' to a column of data type int.

I guess I could change all the columns in the table to data type of varchar. But are there any other way to solve this problem?

Many thanks.


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Array Params To Stored Procedures?

Jul 13, 2004

This is not obvious to me...

As far as i can tell, you cannot pass an array (or structured) parameter to a stored procedure...

Ok, this means when you have to store data for an item and its sub-items (e.g. a product and its - say- version specific infos) you cannot code all the logic into a single procedure. You need to code it into your DAL, where you first insert then loop to sub-insert...

Is this correct?
Is there any other way to approach the problem?

Thanks a lot. -julio

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Passing An Array To A Stored Procedures

Feb 17, 2005

How to do this ?

CREATE procedure dbo.AddTb2FromTb1
@Tb1No nvarchar(1000)
insert into Tb2 (*)
select * from Tb1
where Tb1 IN (@Tb1No) /* How to Passing an Array to a Stored Procedures ??? */

dbo.AddTb2FromTb1 'No001' is Work !
dbo.AddTb2FromTb1 'No001,No002,Bo003' is not Work !

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Able To Pass Array's To Stored Procedures ??????

Oct 4, 2001

I thought that I had read somewhere that SQL 2000 allowed you to pass an array into a stored procedure. I've tried to look up some additional information pertaining to this but I haven't found anything. Did I dream this or can you pass an array to a stored procedure with SQL 2000? If you can please give me some information on this or where I can find some.


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Parse Array Data Type To Rows

Jun 7, 2007


We're importing data from a progress db. Some of the columns contain arrays or delimited values which represent accounting periods.

Currently I'm passing the arrays row by row to a stored procedure which parses and inserts each value as a row for the applicable accounting period, it works but is very slow.

Any Ideas?



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Data Access :: Transfer Data From One To Another Table On Another Server Using Stored Procedures

Jun 9, 2013

I have two database(MYDB1 , MYDB2) on two different server's(SERVER1 , SERVER2) . I want to create an store procedure in MYDB1 on SERVER1 and get some data from a table of MYDB2 on SERVER2. How can i do this?

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Oracle Stored Procedures VERSUS SQL Server Stored Procedures

Jul 23, 2005

I want to know the differences between SQL Server 2000 storedprocedures and oracle stored procedures? Do they have differentsyntax? The concept should be the same that the stored proceduresexecute in the database server with better performance?Please advise good references for Oracle stored procedures also.thanks!!

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Write Stored Procedures To Load Data Model From OLTP To DWH

Nov 24, 2014

How to write Stored Procedures to load the Data Model from OLTP to DWH ?

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Type Mismatch Rs In Array

May 6, 2006

I have a problem using 3 tables. The first recordset is my own invention (that means a very simple one). It reads product features from a table:

Set Rsx = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
sSQL= "SELECT * from prodfeatures"
Rsx.Open sSQL, sDSN, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText

'then I read the recordset into arrays like this:

While Not Rsx.eof
' every id has a corresponding featurename

'this part works very well

Now comes the difficult part that the SQLTeam figured out (this combines an order base with an itemorder base):

Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
sSQL="select oitems.catalogid,oitems.features, sum(oitems.numitems) as SumOfItems from oitems Inner Join Orders On Orders.orderid = oitems.orderid Where Orders.oshippeddate =" & dDate & " AND Orders.orderid <> 1 group by oitems.catalogid,oitems.features"
Rs.Open sSQL, sDSN, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText

'Then I write the content of the products with product features - the complexity of the sql is due to a use of many other operations:

While Not Rs.eof
response.write Rs("catalogid") & "features:" & Rs("features") & "Name:" & mfnavn(rs("features"))

The query runs, and starts well, writing 3 lines:

239 features:221 Name:Standard bil max 5m lang og 1,9 m høy
240 features:270 Name:Liggestol (gratis)
240 features:271 Name:C1 Enkeltseng i delt lugar u. bildekk. Kun vask

but it is then aborted with this message:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d' Type mismatch: 'Rs(...)'
I know that the problematic part is the array
...anyone with experience in this?

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Array / Table As Return Type

Aug 16, 2006

Hello All,I have a scenario in which my stored procedure has to return fewvariables with their value and also the collection. Now in SQL their isno such as array, so the best is to return the table in place of.I am execting the stored procedure by having sql command in place.and created the various parameters(variables) those i need the valuesof and secondly wondering how should i be creating the parameter as atable returntype.Any help on this would be a million worth useful.I can excerpt the code if required.RegardsSandesh Kadam

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Proc Argument Type Array

Jul 20, 2005

I have ...CREATE PROC InvoiceDeleteExample2(@InvoiceList1 VARCHAR(255),@InvoiceList2 VARCHAR(255) = '',...@InvoiceListN VARCHAR(255) = '')AS....GOI would like....CREATE PROC InvoiceDeleteExample2(SELECT * FROM table;)AS....GOI hope help... thx

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SQL Server 2014 :: SSAS Stored Procs (CLR) - Identify Real Data Type Of MDX Value Returned From Expression

Feb 13, 2015

I have a SSAS stored procedure with a signature:

public Set DoSomthing(Set toBeProcessed, Set measuresToWorkWith)The set measurseToWorkWith is passed as {[Measures].[Measure1], [Measures].[Measure2] ...}

with the measures being real or query-scoped calculated members.

To get the value of the measure for each tuple in the set toBeProcessed, I create an Expression for each tuple (measure) in the set measuresToWorkWith then for each tuple in toBeProcessed call expression.Calculate(tuple) which returns a MDXValue.

My problem is that in order to make the code generic I need to get the real (.NET) data type of the MDXValue. The class only has explicit conversion methods ToInt16() etc which implies that the data type is known at design time.

However, if one of the measures is a query-scoped calculation then it could return a .NET double, int, bool or string.

If the measure is real then I can look up its metadata. However, it appears that if it is a formula (scoped member) then are all bets are off?

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Passing A List/array To An SQL Server Stored Procedure 2005

Aug 16, 2007

Hi, I m using sql 2005 as a back end in my application...
I am useing Store procedure..for my data in grid..
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ProductZoneSearct]
@Productid char(8),@Proname char(8),@radius int,@mode varchar(5) = 'M',@Zone nvarchar(1000),)
ASSET NOCOUNT ON;Create Table #Product (ProductID int, TimeEntered datetime, DateAvailable datetime, Productname varchar(80), City varchar(50), State char(4),Miles decimal, Payment varchar(40),UserID int, Phone varchar(15))
Insert #Product Select ProductID , TimeEntered, DateAvailable, Productname ,City,State,miles,Payment ,Miles, UserID, Daily, PhoneFrom [tblproduct] Where city IN (@Zone)
Select ProductID TimeEntered, DateAvailable, Productname City,State,miles,Payment ,Miles, U.Phone As phoneNumber, Company, , L.Phone As cmpPhone From #Product As L Left Join (Select UserID, Company, Phone, From [User]) As U On U.UserID = L.UserID  Order By DateAvailable
if i pass value in "where city in (@Zone)" and @Zone ='CA','AD','MH'  then it can not get any result..but if write where city in ('CA','AD','MH') then it give me perfact result..
I tried to below syntax also but in no any user Where city IN ('+@Zone+')
In short if i pass value through varibale (@Zone) then i cant get result...but if i put  direct value in query then only getting result..can anybody tell me what is problem ?
Please Hel[p me !!!
Thank you !!!

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What Type Of Field Should I Use To Store An Array Or Datatable?

Feb 25, 2005

Hi - I'm using Session variables to store information (sort of webshop).

The sessions are a mix of the usual straightforward strings, wich are no problem - but I also have a DataTable which I store in a session variable, and I also have an array, which I store in a session variable eg. session("day")(x) where x is the item in the array.

I want to give my users the ability to store the items they've selected in my database, but have no idea of what type of field I should use for the datatable and array session variable. Should I use a TEXT field, or is there another more appropriate one'?

I'm using SQL Server 2000.

Thanks for any help,


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Store Procedures: Pass Array Of Numbers For IN Clause?

May 24, 2006

How does one pass into a Stored Procedure an array of numbers to be used in an IN clause? If I pass "1,2" in a VARCHAR, the stored procedure sees only the first number (1 in this case).
I'm using VB and ADO.NET, but I don't know how to set up the stored procedure for an array. Is there a parsing function to do this?
CREATE PROCEDURE TestInClause( @TeamList VARCHAR)ASSELECT Name FROM Teams WHERE TeamID IN (@TeamList); /* sees only 1st number */GO

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Another Noob Question... What Field Type Is Best For Storeing An Array?

Feb 1, 2008

Is there a special field type I should be using, instead of a NVARCHAR for storing comma separated words?

I could, construct an array from the field value... but not sure if this would be the "right" way to do it?

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Dose Sqlserver 2000 Support Array Type?

Mar 31, 2006

Any one know about it?

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Using An Optimised Method To Insert A Variant Type Array To DB

Feb 13, 2008

Hi, I was wondering if there is a method (other than BULK INSERT) to insert a (C++) application level array into the database, I have a variant type array populated with values that I want to insert, perhaps using ADO objects in quick time!

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How To Convert To Regular Text, Data Stored In Image Data Type Field ????

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,This is driving me nuts, I have a table that stores notes regarding anoperation in an IMAGE data type field in MS SQL Server 2000.I can read and write no problem using Access using the StrConv function andI can Update the field correctly in T-SQL using:DECLARE @ptrval varbinary(16)SELECT @ptrval = TEXTPTR(BITS_data)FROM mytable_BINARY WHERE ID = 'RB215'WRITETEXT OPERATION_BINARY.BITS @ptrval 'My notes for this operation'However, I just can not seem to be able to convert back to text theinformation once it is stored using T-SQL.My selects keep returning bin data.How to do this! Thanks for your help.SD

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Can Anyone Tell Me How To Access Data From Stored Procedures Using Data Adapters?

May 21, 2008

 Can anyone tell me how to access data from Stored Procedures using data adapters? My task is to select a row which is valid with data particular value. Suppose i had to get all values of particular user after validating username and password. Can anyone give me some hint regarding store procedure and retriving data from stored procedure using data adapters ? How can i bind data to dropdownbox of one field in the table using datasets and data adapters? How can i insert data in database using data adapters?Can any one solve this? 

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Getting Data Fields In Stored Procedures

Aug 18, 2004


How can I get the name of the fields along with datatypes of a stored procedures.

Thanks in advance,

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Stored Procedures For Inserting And Deleting Data

May 2, 2007

Hi, am new to sql server. Please some one send me some introduction abt stored procedures and some coding exammples to update and fetch the data from datasourece.

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SELECT Data: Stored Procedures Or View?

May 10, 2007

Hi, I'm developing a fresh SQL DB which is result of a deep analysis of an old Access DB. THe thing is, this old one had very complex consultations to the Access tables, and some consultations were using another consultations as way to select some specific data. THe ideia in SQL is to avoid that too, however, there are some data that may serve exactly the same to some bigger stored procedures. This way, I have three options I guess: 1. Create every stored procedure making select queries directly to the table and it's done!2. Create auxiliary stored procedures which will select the redundant data, and when it is needed, another stored procedures call this one and use its returned data. (is this possible anyway?).3. I create a view to this redundant data, and the greater depth stored procedures access this data of the view when needed. I've heard, however, that a select to a view is slower than directly to the table, once the view adds an extra query to the process.. What is your guess on this issue of mine?I'm almost sure that option 1 is the best, however, I'd love to hear from you guys your opinion on this. The greater issue above this all is just one - performance. Thanks a lot! 

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Data Warehousing :: Run Stored Procedures On PDW Via SSIS

Aug 4, 2015

How do you run a stored procedure on PDW via SSIS? I've tried Execute SQL Task and Execute T-SQL Task but in both cases the task will run and complete almost immediately. Task shows success, no errors, but nothing happens in PDW.   PDW admin console does not even register the query. Procedures run fine manually from SQL Server Object Explorer connection.

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Data Warehousing :: How To Use Stored Procedures In SSIS

Jul 23, 2015

How to use Stored Procedures in SSIS?

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Stored Procedures Not Possible As Data Source View?

Apr 3, 2007

only the tables and views are shown in the wizard (BIDS) thanks...

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Data Type Conversion In Stored Procedure

Aug 2, 2006


I have a stored procedure a portion of which looks like this:

IF (CAST (@intMyDate AS datetime)) IN (
FROM PayPerView PP
WHERE PP_Pay_Indicator = 'N' )
--ToDo Here

@intMyDate is of type int and is of the form 19991013
SHOW_END_DATE is of type datetime and is of the form 13/10/1999

however when I run the procedure in sql query analyzer as:

EXEC sp_mystoredproc param1, param2

i get the error:

Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Procedure usp_Summary_Incap, Line 106
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.

what is the proper way of doing the conversion from int to datetime in stored procedure?

thank you!


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Using Stored Procedures To Insert And Pull Data From Database

Mar 21, 2008

I have my database: "RequestTrack"
My table (with its columns): "Request"RequestKey (automatically generated)..and the Primary KeyEntryDate  (datetime)Summary (nvarchar)RequestStatusCodeKey (bigint)EntryUserID   (nvarchar)EntryUserEmail (nvarchar)I am wanting to create a basic web form where my user interface has 3 text boxes and a Submit button:
**After I hit the submit button the information will then be inserted into the database. Also the RequestStatusCodeKey will be MANUALLY typed in so that will not require the user to add that. Please please please help ! I've been searching online for days and looking at various websites and still havent found anything. I've found somethings but they went into too much depth with too much information. I am just wanting to stay basic but w/o using SQLDataSource Controls. I would like to be able to store a lot of data. Thanks for your help!!!

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Stored Procedures Or C# Code For My Purpose (Data Synchronisation)

Jul 4, 2005

Hi all,

I am in the position where I have to transfer data from an old database
schema to a new database schema. During the transfer process alot of
logic has to be performed so that the old data gets inserted into the
new tables and are efficiently done so that all foreign keys are
remained and newly created keys (as the new schema is Normalised alot
more) are correct.

Is it best if I perform all this logic in a Stored Procedure or in C# code (where the queries will also be run)?


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User Defined Data Types And Stored Procedures

Mar 13, 2001

I have defined a user defined data type. When I try to create a stored procedure specifying the column and user define data tpye I receive message

Server: Msg 2715, Level 16, State 3, Procedure spStoredproc, Line 0
Column or parameter #1: Cannot find data type udtcol1.
Server: Msg 2715, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spStoredproc, Line 0
Column or parameter #2: Cannot find data type udtcol2.
Server: Msg 2715, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spStoredproc, Line 0
Column or parameter #3: Cannot find data type udtcol3

Can you have user defined data types in stored procedures.

Store Procedure creation text

@col1 udtcol1,
@col2 udtcol2,
@col3 udtcol3
INSERT INTO tblTempEmployee
(col1 , col2 , Col3)
VALUES (@col1 , @col2, @col3)


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