Aspx With IIS6 With SQL 2000

Jun 3, 2005

Hi All,I am trying to run aspx website on IIS version 6. It works locally with WEb Matrix but when I put the site into the IIS server, it cannot connect to the database. THe IIS is sonfigured and all users have full permissions but the error that is returned is:Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a treusted SQL Server connection.SQL Server 2000 is installed and a connection is open to the database in question. Would be very greatfull for ANY help on this, being tryin to get this workin for days!!Collette.

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Connection Of SQL Server 2000 With ASP In IIS6.0

Jul 19, 2006

Dear Friend,

Please tell me how to connect sql server and ASP in IIS 6.0.Earlier in IIS 5 I have connected in SQL server with ASP with DSN connection,the same global.asa file is not working in IIS6.0.But Asp pages are not giving any error ,but they are no just taking value from Database.I mean server connection is not establishing..

Could you please help in matter

Thank you

Graceson MAthew

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SQL Insert In Aspx.vb File (or Share Variable With .aspx Page)

Mar 14, 2008

Hi,I have a form page with an insert like this:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="addProductDataSource" runat="server"    InsertCommand="INSERT INTO test(        title1,        firstName1,        lastName1,        dateOfBirth    ) VALUES (        @title1,        @firstName1,        @lastName1        @dateOfBirth    )"     ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:yourQuoteCentreConnectionString %>">        <InsertParameters>            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="dateOfBirth" Name="dateOfBirth" Type="DateTime" />            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="title1" Name="title1" PropertyName="Text" />            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="firstName1" Name="firstName1" PropertyName="Text" />            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="lastName1" Name="lastName1" PropertyName="Text" />        </InsertParameters></asp:SqlDataSource> In default.aspx.vb I have:Protected Sub Wizard1_FinishButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.WizardNavigationEventArgs) Handles Wizard1.FinishButtonClick    'CREATE DATETIME FROM USERS BIRTH DATE        Dim dateOfBirth As New System.DateTime(applicantYear.SelectedValue, applicantMonth.SelectedValue, applicantMonth.SelectedValue, 0, 0, 0)    'INSERT TO DATABASE        addProductDataSource.Insert()End SubI would like to reference the variable dateOfBirth created in default.aspx.vb in the insert query on the page, or ideally move the insert query into the aspx.vb page.  Would this make more sense to do?Thanks,Paul

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Connecting Aspx To SQL Server 2000

Jul 24, 2007

Hello All,
 I am just getting started on aspx, coming from an asp background.
I created the following connectionString in my web.config file:<connectionStrings>
<add name="OuWebDB"
when I run this aspx file, from a machine, I get the following error:
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

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About Receiving An Image From SQL Server 2000 And Displaying It In Aspx Page..................

Jul 14, 2007

hi friends,            i need a code for storing and receiving an image to/fro SQL SERVER 2000 (in C#). i had searched some sites, all are in VB for windows forms not for website. finally i got a code from some site. it is working for storing purpose. not working for receiving purpose. the code for receiving and displaying purpose is (in a fresh page) private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e){ // Put user code to initialize the page here MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream (); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection (@"server=INDIAINDIA;database=iSense;uid=sa;pwd=india"); try { connection.Open (); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand ("select Picture from Image", connection); byte[] image = (byte[]) command.ExecuteScalar (); stream.Write (image, 0, image.Length); Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap (stream); Response.ContentType = "image/gif"; bitmap.Save (Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Gif); } finally { connection.Close (); stream.Close (); }}what s the problem is.........i'm getting an exception at Bitmap instantiation.(i.e Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap (stream);)exception is "Parameter is not valid" what is the problem with that coding? was it correct? do u have any code for this in C#? if so, pls provide me........pls.............

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How To Access A .asp Page Or .aspx Page From A Store Procedure In Sql Server 2000

Sep 21, 2006

Hi, I wanted to know that can we access a webpagefrom a store procedure in sql server 2000 like we run a exe file from sql server. Bye.

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IIS6 Won't Connect To Local Computer

May 11, 2007

I open II services.

From this point I right click on information services and clicked "connect to computer" and located mine. When I hit "ok", I got "This computer is not running Internet Information Services Ver 4 or higher".
IIS6 is starting, it just won't connect to local computer.

Previously someone said to post the event logs. I can't find them. Where are they??


All help is appreciated.

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Server 2003 Sql2005 Iis6

Jan 30, 2008

Have Server2003 Enterprise running IIS6 and sql2005. Lease is up and have to migrate to new server. Any migration tools out there to make this easier? Saw one for exchange, 2000-2003, but not one to do the server2003-server2003 and/or IISy-IIS6 and SQL2005-SQL2005. Any pointers for assistance?


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Problem : Random Error With With IIS6 And MSSQL

Jul 23, 2005

Hi i have a problem with IIS6 and MSSQL and i hope that someone canhelp me.this is the configuration:Windows 2003IIS6MSSQL 7.0 Standard EditionADO 2.5I have the following error that occur randomly when browsing mywebsites.Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]Server SQL inesistente o accessonegato.(translate from italian: Server unexisting or access denied)it occurs when users (more than one but not hundred...) browse someasp pages where there's a lot ofrecordset opening-closing acivity. The ado connection is correctlyopen once and closed at the end of the scriptand all recordset are opened as static.It also happens if a single user refreash repeatedly that pages.It seems that mssql says it doesn't exists but i think it want to sayit is too busy.However the load is not excessive and the same pages works perfectlyon a system using Windows 2000 Serverand the same version of mssql installed.One more thing ..... for some reasons that i can't control MSSQL andIIS are on the same server.Can anyone help me ? It's just a lack of performance or there is somemisconfiguaration in MSSQL (as i think...). ?Could the IIS6 application pool configuration cause this problem ?I don't know what to say....thanks in advance.

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IIS6 Connect To Sql Server On Another Machine W/windows Authentication

Sep 11, 2006

 Can someone point me at an article that tells how to allow the worker process to connect, via windows authentication, to a
remote sql server instance ?  

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Separating IIS6/ Server From WS2K/MSSQL Server

Nov 30, 2006

Hi folks. I am sure this is a common situation so there shouldn't be any problems ;-) I need to run a web server and a separate database server, but am having trouble working out what username I can use in my SQL database. Here is my setup:Web server: [Windows Server 2003, IIS6, ASP.NET 1.1] The anonymous web account for the website has been changed to one created by me, so I know the password - lets call it 'IUSR_ME'. Basides that it is all default. IIS_WPG has also been given access to all website files. Database Server: [Windows Server 2000, SQL Server Standard Edition] I already have a 'classic' ASP application running on this setup, and this was achieved by putting IUSR_ME as a user in the database. Does anyone know how to do it with ASP.NET? Many thanks in advance.George 

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SQL Server Compact Server Agent Is Not Working In IIS6

Mar 28, 2008

SQL Server Compact Server Agent is not working in IIS6, when i put de link http://myserver/myweb/sqlcesa35.dll?diag i recive de message

Service UnavailableThe problem is in windows server 2003 IIS6

please a need help....

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Trying To Use Contains(F1, ' This* ') In .ASPX

May 19, 2006

I'm trying to use a Select statement on Full-Text-Indexed field in SQL Server.The .aspx page does not like the " " inside my SQL statement. How do I get around this?Select parts.ProductNumber, T1.Description FROM T1, T2
WHERE T2.Ground='1' and T1.ProductNumber=T2.System and CONTAINS(T1.Description, '
"5001*" ')It does not like the " around the 5001* how do I escape them or whatever to make it work?- Rex

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Aspx Fashion Tip... ;)

Sep 19, 2006

Hi!Im building a site for internal use for a company i work at.And im having hard to decide what to do. The alternatives arecomma separated lists vs separate tables. For example.. I will use a number of different type of objekt that all will hold 1 or more document links, phone numbers, emails etcAs far as i can i i have 2 possibilitys. One is to add textfields for each of these subojects in each objects tables. Then i add all info as commaseparrated lists in 2-3 layers wich i then save in the respecive objects fields. (Look like something below for example ),comment'emailadress,comment'emailadress,Or i add 1 table for each subobject type wich manage the subobjects or link between different objectsfor example:table layout for email:id | parent_type | parent_id | comment | emailOr for example contacts a mediator table:id | parent_type | parent_id | contact_id Hope you understand what i mean, would really appriechiate suggestions, comments regarding what can be considered as "best practise" in these cases. Putting it in separate tables should make searches easier, and coding easier in my book. But again im thinking if perhaps commalists is a faster and more recource conservative way of doing it + to me it feels like (perhaps i have no reason to think this?) making tables for items like feels like a timebomb if you exhaust your idfields identity count. Though this app will be used by perhaps 100ppl at most so perhaps not an extremely utilized webapp.Anyway glad if you could give me some input! 

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Aspx And Sql 2005

Dec 6, 2007

I am trying to deploy an aspx application which talks to sql 2005. The application files are on a w2003 web server with 2.0 and the sql server is a 2003 server with sp1. when i attempt to browse this application i am prompted with "Unable to get records. Unable to connect to database. Login failed for user 'NT Authorityanonymous Logon'". The application is set to use windows authentication. However if i create the "anonymous" login in sql and make it a sysadmin, it works, of course. In my dev enviroment i have sql2005 and iis on same w2003 server and the same application WILL run and there is NO anonymous account, just using AD accounts.

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RunSQL.aspx Connection

Mar 16, 2008

I am using the web blog at
to deploy an SQL script on my database. The sql script is named aspnetdb.sql and is placed in my main directory.
Now using the file RunSQL.aspx which is also placed in the main directory ( I have changed the parts in the file which need changing:// Url of the T-SQL file you want to run
string fileUrl = "";

// Connection string to the server you want to execute against
string connectionString = @";User ID=marko;Password=
123;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb";but when I go to my page I am getting an error. However I'm not sure what this error is as it says I need to change custom errors to off in web.config, i have done this but it still says i have it on...
I'm guessing it must be something to do with the connection string i have given or the file url. My hosting company is, my ms sql database name is aspnetdb my username for this database it marko and there is no password. Is the connection string i have given wrong?
I have been trying this for over a week, any help would be great!!Thank you, Mark

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Executing Sql Scripts From Aspx....plz Help!

Apr 14, 2004

Hi All,
How to execute the sql scripts (which may be in .sql file or a string) from code behind files?


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Stored Procedure To ASPX

Apr 28, 2004


I have a stored procedure that is used to create a DataDictionary for the database. Basically, the sproc generates HTML and you can then run it from Query Analyzer by Saving to a file.

What I want to do is to run this from an aspx page.

The sproc uses PRINT to create the text.

Like this.

PRINT '<html>'
PRINT '<head>'
PRINT ' <title>SQL Server Data Dictionary Report - ' + @strDatabase + ' </title>'
PRINT '</head>'
PRINT '<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#008000" vlink="#008000">'
PRINT '<a name="Top"></a>'
PRINT '<div align="left">'

Is it possible to get the text that is generated from this sproc?

What do I need to do to get the text that has been created and display it on a page?

Thanks a lot.

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Aspx Vb Sql Parameter Passing

Aug 9, 2004

Can someone kindly point out what is wrong with the following code file. I'm trying to:
- fill a dropdown from a db on page load (this works!)
- when user selects from the list and hits a button, pass the dropdown value to a second query
- use the second query to make another call to the db and fill a data grid

In the code below, if I swap an actual value (eg '1005') into the command and comment out the .Parameter.Add statements, the dategrid is filled sucessfully. Otherwise, when the button is pressed, nothing is displayed.


PS comments about my coding approach are welcome - I'm new to aspx...

<%@ Language="VBScript" Debug="true"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="" %>
<script language="vb" runat="server">
Dim dbConnection As SqlConnection
Dim ds_Teams,ds_Agents As DataSet
Dim sqlCmd_Teams,sqlCmd_Agents As SqlDataAdapter

Dim dbConn = "server=csacd01;uid=mpierce;pwd=cabledog;database=clearviewacd"

Dim sql_select_teams = "" & _
"SELECT team_no, team_name " & _
"FROM " & _
"WHERE (team_status = 'Curr')"

Dim sql_select_agents = "" & _
"SELECT last_name + ', ' + first_name AS name, agent_no " & _
"FROM dbo.users " & _
"WHERE (team_no = @Team) AND (NOT (agent_no = '1029')) " & _
" AND (NOT (last_name IS NULL)) " & _
" AND (NOT (first_name IS NULL)) " & _
" AND (NOT (first_name = 'FirstName')) " & _
"ORDER BY last_name"

Dim teamList = "teamList"
Dim agentList = "agentList"

Sub Page_Load(Sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
if not (IsPostBack)
ds_Teams = new DataSet()
dbConnection = New SqlConnection(dbConn)
sqlCmd_Teams = New SqlDataAdapter(sql_select_teams, dbConnection)
sqlCmd_Teams.Fill(ds_Teams, teamList)

end if
End Sub

sub Get_Agents(Sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
ds_Agents = new DataSet()
dbConnection = New SqlConnection(dbConn)
sqlCmd_Agents = new SqlDataAdapter(sql_select_agents, dbConnection)

sqlCmd_Agents.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Team", SqlDbType.NVarChar,4))
sqlCmd_Agents.SelectCommand.Parameters("@Team").Value = dropdownlist_Teams.DataValueField



end sub

<form runat="server">
<asp:DropDownList id="dropdownlist_Teams" runat="server"

<input type="submit" onserverclick="Get_Agents" value="Get Agents" runat="server"><br />

<ASP:DataGrid id="datagrid_Agents" runat="server"

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Sql Problem When I Run My Aspx Located In My IIS 5.0

Sep 10, 2004

Hi! i'm dani, from spain. I´m looking for sombody to help me.
The trouble is as i have indicated. I get the next error when my page aspx needs to acced to the SQL Bd:
"Error of beginning of session of the user '(null)'. Reason: it is not associate to a connection of confidence SQL Server."
I hope a reply.
Thanks and greethings.

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Aspx, Mssql And Datetime

Nov 2, 2005

Hi, i am trying to retrive some datetime set from the database (2 posts in this table), senastposted is a datetime field.when i run:SELECT senastposted FROM ftp WHERE senastposted <= 2005-10-28i get this result:

0 record(s) affected.and when i run: SELECT senastposted FROM ftp WHERE senastposted >= 2005-10-28i get this result:

2 record(s) affected.what i want is to retrive the first value based on the date:25-10-2005any idea why SELECT senastposted FROM ftp WHERE senastposted <= 2005-10-28 dosent work?( i have tried to change the dates to 28-10-2005 and 28/10-2005)

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RunSQL.aspx Connection

Mar 16, 2008


I am using the web blog at

to deploy an SQL script on my database. The sql script is named aspnetdb.sql and is placed in my main directory.

Now using the file RunSQL.aspx which is also placed in the main directory ( I have changed the parts in the file which need changing:

// Url of the T-SQL file you want to run
string fileUrl = "";

// Connection string to the server you want to execute against
string connectionString = @";User ID=marko;Password=</span>
<span lang=EN>123;Initial Catalog=aspnetdb";

but when I go to my page I am getting an error. However I'm not sure what this error is as it says I need to change custom errors to off in web.config, i have done this but it still says i have it on...

I'm guessing it must be something to do with the connection string i have given or the file url. My hosting company is, my database name is aspnetdb my username for this database it marko and there is no password. Is the connection string i have given wrong?

I have been trying this for over a week, any help would be great!!
Thank you, Mark

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How To Use Joins In SQL Statements In .aspx Page?

Nov 22, 2006

Hi can someone help me?
I'm using Access database and Microsoft VS2005 (VB)
I need to take data from 2 different tables in 1 database. But i can't seems to get it right!
I have: - dbWarehouse.mdb- tblReadDetails and tblStock
I need to use "Barcode" from tblReadDetails, compare it with "Barcode" in tblStock then retrieve all the column in tblStock and put it in a webpage.aspx list box.
I tried the following = strConncn.Open()cmd = New OleDbCommand("SELECT tblStock.Barcode, tblStock.Item, tblStock.Dept, tblReadDetails.Barcode FROM tblStock JOIN tblReadDetils WHERE tblReadDetails.Barcode = tblStock.Barcode", cn)dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)While dr.Read()lstBarcode.Items.Add(dr2.Item("tblStock.Barcode"))lstItem.Items.Add(dr2.Item("tblStock.Item"))lstDept.Items.Add(dr2.Item("tblStock.Dept"))End While
but it prompt me the following error...
OleDbException was unhandled by user codeSyntax error in FROM clause
What's wrong with this code?
Regards and thanks!

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Get Rid Of Time From SQL Server's Data By Using ASPX

Mar 20, 2007

I have the problem in accessing data from MS-SQL server by using Dreamwearver MX 's VB.NET page. Although it works well, in the date format, it also display time. Please see the following code.
SELECT student_ID, Material_ID, Borrow_Date, Due_Date, Renew_Date, Status, include_withFROM dbo.RecordWHERE student_ID = @student_ID
To remove time, I added the following code as follows. After that, I can preview and works well without having time.
SELECT student_ID, Material_ID, convert(varchar(10),Borrow_Date,103), convert(varchar(10),Due_Date,103), convert(varchar(10),Renew_Date,103), Status, include_withFROM dbo.RecordWHERE student_ID = @student_ID
But, when I browse, I get the runtime error. When I look more details in server, the error said " Parser Error Message: The server tag is not well formed." and error in  <MM:DataSet"
Please help me.

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Execute DTS Package At Aspx Code Behind

Mar 26, 2008

Hi all,
I am excuting DTS package from code behind and the table is created in the SQL database. However, the data in my excel sheet is not transferred over and Im not sure where the problem lies. Below is my code:
  pkgLocation = @"C:/Program Files/test.dtsx";
app = new Application();
pkg = app.LoadPackage(pkgLocation,null);
pkgResults = pkg.Execute(); Any advice is much appreciated.

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Execute A *.sql File From One Aspx Page

Mar 12, 2004

like subject, is it possible?


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Calling Store Procedure From Aspx

Jun 7, 2004

hi , I would appreicate your help, I have created a store procedure in MS sql server 2000 to be called from aspx page.
The store procedure will have multiple functions:
checking if a file exist in c:data
if file exist, it will use zip file command line to unzip the file and then run DTS package to upload the database.

The issue I am having is when I run the store procedure from MS query analyzer,I get a confirmation that the whole procedure ran successfully, but when I call the same procedure from aspx, althought the store procedure ran successfully, but I did not get any confirmation to the user in the aspx page to notify the user that the process successed.... here is my code in where I think is not working,
CREATE PROCEDURE p_on_demand_dts_sales_option_price_report_3_ftest
@id int , @msg_output varchar(28) output
declare @varcmd varchar(255),@FileExist int
select @varcmd = null
select @varcmd ='dir :Data_on_demandsales_option_price_report.csv' -- check if file exist
EXEC @FileExist = master..xp_cmdshell @varcmd
set @msg_output = 'The file exists'
Return 44

+++ The above store procedure use command line to check if the csv file exist, its suppose will return a output parameter and a return # BUT it did not. To my surprise, when I modify the above store procedure like this, it work
CREATE PROCEDURE p_on_demand_dts_sales_option_price_report_3_ftest
@id int , @msg_output varchar(28) output
set @msg_output = 'The file exists'
Return 44

The second procedure does not do anything, except take input parameter and return a message output and return, this work.

since the second procedure works, it means that the code in aspx is correct, but I have no clue why it does not return output parameter and return # in the first procedure.

I would really appreciate anyone who could help.


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List All SQL/VS.NET Objects On An Aspx Page?

Mar 4, 2005

Hi guys,

Being new to ASP.NET, I may be asking something that is dead simple, but please bear with me!

How would I go about listing all the tables, stored procedures and views from a SQL database within an aspx page? I understand how to connect and return a dataset etc, but that's about as far as I can get. I want to be able to list all of these objects from a given db - any ideas?

Additionally (this may not be possible) - is there a way I can list all of the objects within a visual solution, again within an aspx page?

Thanks for any help,


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Need Simple Connect/SQL Select In Aspx.vb

May 17, 2006

I have searched for what I think is a simple solution.
In my aspx.vb code page, I need to make a connection to SQL Server (my connection strings are in the web.config file) and then make a simple SQL Select to return one or 2 values.
For example, the user will select a customer on the ASP form, then I need to read a couple of default values from that user's record and display them back onto the form.
Can someone provide the sample code or direct me to this?  I'm thinking that this is rather simple, but I can't seem to make it work.  If I see a sample of exactly what I need to do, such as reading a value using the Northwind sample DB, then I can modify it to fit my table structure, etc.
Thank you.

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Uable To Use Session On Aspx Page.

Sep 3, 2007

Hi all,

I am trying to use session in my in moss but i got the error below, eventhough i have set web.config file to enableSessionState="true" and include €œSystem.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule". Have i miss anything? thanks

Session state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true, either in a configuration file or in the Page directive. Please also make sure that System.Web.SessionStateModule or a custom session state module is included in the \ section in the application configuration.

this is what i have set.

<pages enableSessionState="true" enableViewState="true" enableViewStateMac="true" validateRequest="false" pageParserFilterType="Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationRuntime.SPPageParserFilter, Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" asyncTimeout="7">
<remove namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts" />
<add tagType="System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSource, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" mappedTagType="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPSqlDataSource, Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" />

<clear />
<add name="Session" type="System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule" />

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Report Viewer Control And ASPX

Oct 3, 2005

I am trying to use the Report Viewer Control in an ASPX page but getting the following error "For security reasons DTD is prohibited in this XML document. To enable DTD processing set the ProhibitDtd property on XmlReaderSettings to false and pass the settings into XmlReader.Create method". This is with September CTP of SQL Server 2005. I am not trying to set any DTD, the same report works if displayed using the WinForm viewer I am not sure why this is happening. is there any samples available for using the Report Web viewer control in an aspx page?

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How To Set Selected Multivalue (from Aspx) For Report

Apr 9, 2008

The report seems to render just fine if a parameter has just 1 value. However, when I try to pass multi values(comma seperated) to the report from aspx - the report viewer is unable to check the selected values. I have set ShowParameterPrompts to true - for multivalues the parameter selection is blank and hence unless the values are reselected the report wont render.

I tried to loop thru the multi values by dumping it in a array and adding the individual value while iterating thru the RDL's parameter collection. In that case the error message that I get is parameter xyz has been specifed multiple times.

Has any one come across this? How to fix this?


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SubscriptionProperties.aspx - Set Parameter Values By URL

Aug 28, 2007

Is it possible to call up the SubscriptionProperties.aspx page by URL for a specific report, and *specify* the parameter(s) values directly in the URL? I have a scenario where I don't want the user to have to do it.

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