Assign Permissions For Individual Table.

Jan 15, 2008

A login named UserLogin1 has db_dataReader and db_dataWriter roles, and three schemas which are db_owner, dbUser1, and dbUser2 in a database named Database1. I wanted to have some tables for read-only, so I right clicked on the table and select properties. In the Permissions tab, I added UserLogin1 and checked Alter, Delete, Insert, Take Ownership, and Update under Deny. It worked for schema dbo only. I did the same steps for the tables that have schema dbUser1 or dbUser2, but UserLogin1 I added didn't stay. Why? How can I make those tables read-only?


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Please Help To Assign Multiple Results Into Individual Variables, Stored Procedure

Apr 12, 2008

I have a MSSQL2000 table called partspec.dbo.locationIn this table are 2 smallint columns: Tester (numbered 1-40) and Line (numbered with various integers)I am trying to create a stored procedure to read the tester number like so:Select Tester from partspec.dbo.location where Line = 2which will return up to 5 tester number results, lets say 11, 12, 24, 29 ,34My question is how do I store these tester numbers into 5 variables so that I may use them later in the sp ? So it would go something like this:CREATE PROCEDURE Table_Line
(@Tester1       integer,@Tester2        integer,@Tester3    integer,@Tester4    integer,@Tester5    integer)ASSELECT Tester FROM partspec.dbo.location where Line = 2Now this is where I'm confused on how to get 1 value into 1 variable and so on for all 5 values returned. This is what I would like to happen:
@Tester1 = 11@Tester2 = 12@Tester3 = 24@Tester4 = 29@Tester5 = 34GOThank you for any and all assistance.

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How To Assign Permissions Properly- 3rd Parties

Jan 17, 2008

I have a question about assigning permissions for SQL Server 05's reporting services.

We have an outside party that needs access to run reports on our reporting services server.

However, I want to make sure they can't see anything else on our database server. (They need logins to connect to the server and then at that point in reporting services I only grant them access to a single folder that has the reports they need in the web interface).

I just want to be sure they can't poke around and see anything else in the server.

What would be the best way to handle that?

Just create their logins and grant them connect / login permissions only?

Let them fall into the PUBLIC role?

Should I create a new role just for them?

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SQL 2012 :: Assign Create Stored Procedure Permissions?

May 6, 2014

Only to a specific schema? Can this be done?

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Getting Individual Count In Table

Mar 28, 2008

I have a link that inserts postid, catid, and postdate.  I am trying to get count of catid(how many times its in the table) then display the number on a page.  i have never tried this before.  one more thing.  Can you put a datalist inside a formview when the formview is databound already? Can someone help?  Thank you.

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Query Individual Records Within A Table

May 21, 2002

Please can someone advise me on how I can create a statement that will query each individual row within a table.

As the data will vary month by month I'm unable to state the amount of rows that will need to be queried.

An Overview:
We have web-based application with a SQL back-end. When changes are made to a record a copy of that info is sent to another table (a quick snapshot, name, date, number, department etc.). At the end of the month I need to apply this data to an imported itemised phone bill so that I can make sure that if the mobile phone had been reallocated to another person I can change the cost accordingly.
As it stands the operator has to print a copy of the phone details before reallocating to another person. Then at the end of the month manually changes the data within the itemised bill by referring to the printouts. Ideally I would prefer to automate the whole process.

Please find below the script - its very much in its infancy!!

select * from tbl_mobile_reallocate
order by allocation_change_date

update tbl_mobile_import
set empno = tbl_mobile_reallocate.empno from tbl_mobile_reallocate
where tbl_mobile_import.mobno = tbl_mobile_reallocate.mobno
and tbl_mobile_import.invoice_date <= tbl_mobile_reallocate.change_date

update tbl_mobile_reallocate
set status = 'Closed'

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Creating Table From 3 Different Individual Tables

Jan 28, 2013

In SQL Server, I need to create a table from 3 different individual tables. I am new to the SQL Scene, so i want to know the best way to go about this. Each table has different fields, so that is making it difficult (at least for me). How about creating 1 table, that is composed of 3 other tables?

I know this is bad practice, but our District Manager wants to see production for his 'team' and whoever set this up back in the beginning gave each individual employee a different table, with custom fields (Why?!?!?!?!) so now I am trying to merge those 3 into 1, but want to get some insight on the best way to do this since there are different fields in each table and the merged (or master) table needs to have all of those fields.

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Filtering Individual Columns In A Table

May 5, 2008

I'm designing a sales report. The user would like to be able to look at individual customers against total sales in a report.

I have a parameter that will allow the user to select from a list of customers. Then I need a column that will show that customers sales and the next column will show total sales. If I filter the data set by Customer I will only get that customer's sales. Can I filter on individual columns?

I tried something like

=Sum(IIF(Fields!Name.Value=Parameters!VendorName.Label,Fields!Coil_Weight.Value/code.Expon(Parameters!Units.Value),0))in the expression but that doesn't seem to work.

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How Can I Assign Data Returned From A Stored Procedure Into The Return Table Of A Table Valued Function

Apr 18, 2007

Here is the scenario,
I have 2 stored procedures, SP1 and SP2

SP1 has the following code:

declare @tmp as varchar(300)
set @tmp = 'SELECT * FROM
OPENROWSET ( ''SQLOLEDB'', ''SERVER=.;Trusted_Connection=yes'',
''SET FMTONLY OFF EXEC ' + db_name() + '..StoredProcedure'' )'

EXEC (@tmp)

SP2 has the following code:

FROM SP1 (which won't work because SP1 is a stored procedure. A view, a table valued function, or a temporary table must be used for this)

Views - can't use a view because they don't allow dynamic sql and the db_name() in the OPENROWSET function must be used.
Temp Tables - can't use these because it would cause a large hit on system performance due to the frequency SP2 and others like it will be used.
Functions - My last resort is to use a table valued function as shown:

( )
RETURNS @retTable
@Field1 int,
@Field2 varchar(50)
-- the problem here is that I need to call SP1 and assign it's resulting data into the
-- @retTable variable

-- this statement is incorrect, but it's meaning is my goal


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Table Permissions Versus View Permissions

Aug 2, 2006

Using SQL Server 2k5 sp1, Is there a way to deny users access to a specific column in a table and deny that same column to all stored procedures and views that use that column? I have a password field in a database in which I do not want anyone to have select permissions on (except one user). I denied access in the table itself, however the views still allow for the user to select that password. I know I can go through and set this on a view by view basis, but I am looking for something a little more global.

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Assign Function To Table Var??

Sep 19, 2007

I keep getting a declare error on this:
DECLARE @SplitTable TABLE(Idx BIGINT IDENTITY(1,1), SplitData VARCHAR(20), Size INT)
SET @SplitTable = dbo.SplitToTable('|', '1|One|0:26:20|541|abc|xxx|6:26:33|21705')

All I want to do is assign the table that my function returns to a variable. Should be easy, but I tried the above and assigning with 'as':

select * from dbo.SplitToTable('|','1|One|0:26:20|541|abc|xxx|6:26:33|21705') as Split

that didn't work either.

Also tried:
DECLARE @SplitTable TABLE(Idx BIGINT IDENTITY(1,1), SplitData VARCHAR(20), Size INT)
select @SplitTable= from dbo.SplitToTable('|','1|One|0:26:20|541|abc|xxx|6:26:33|21705')

what am I missing?


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Assign Table To A Specific File Group

Aug 22, 2002

How can we use the SQL INSERT statement in the stored procedure to create a table in a user specified filegroup? Table1 will be created by using the following SQL script and will be placed in a default filegroup. The question is can this table been created in a specified filegroup other than default filegroup.

INSERT INTO Table1(col1,col2)
SELECT col1,col2
FROM Table2

Example, userA table assign to userA filegroup. userB table assign to userB filegroup. Usually by using CREATE statement you can put the table on a specific filegroup as long as a predefined filegroup has been hard coded in the script. I appreciate any inputs.

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Logs Table - Assign Serial Number To Techs

Jul 30, 2014

I have Logs table and want to assign a serial number to the techs using the following query

ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITION BY Date, Site, Dept, Tech ORDER BY Start_Time) as Row_Num
Where Date = Getdate()

I get the following results.

Date Case ID Site DeptTechStart TimeRow_Num
7/28/14 10023 TartvilleMaintcAmy P.7:301
7/28/14 56789 TartvilleMaintcRem W.8:051
7/28/14 23098 TartvilleMaintcAmy P.8:352
7/28/14 70004 TartvilleMaintcAmy P.9:103
7/28/14 12708 TartvilleMaintcMag O.10:001
7/28/14 10004 TartvilleMaintcAmy P.12:304
7/28/14 40056 TartvilleServiceJoe F.7:301
7/28/14 23458 TartvilleServiceJoe F.7:552
7/28/14 69200 TartvilleServiceRus T. 7:301

Please notice the cases in Maintc department. See how Amy P.'s shift is broken by Rem W. and Mag O. But the Row Number does not recognize this, it still says Amy P's case as 2 and 4 the even though Rem's and Mag's cases were in between.

This is what I really wanted.

Date Case ID Site DeptTechStart TimeRow_Num
7/28/14 10023 TartvilleMaintcAmy P.7:301
7/28/14 56789 TartvilleMaintcRem W.8:051
7/28/14 23098 TartvilleMaintcAmy P.8:351
7/28/14 70004 TartvilleMaintcAmy P.9:102
7/28/14 12708 TartvilleMaintcMag O.10:001
7/28/14 10004 TartvilleMaintcAmy P.12:301
7/28/14 40056 TartvilleServiceJoe F.7:301
7/28/14 23458 TartvilleServiceJoe F.7:552
7/28/14 69200 TartvilleServiceRus T. 7:301

I tried many combination of columns for Partition by () and Order by () and the best I can get is the result at the top. How should I achieve it.

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The OLE DB Provider MSDAORA For Linked Server .... Does Not Contain The Table COUNTRY. The Table Either Does Not Exist Or The Current User Does Not Have Permissions On That Table.

Jun 13, 2006

I am using SQL Server 2005 and trying to create a linked server on Oracle 10. I used the commands below:
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'test1',
@srvproduct = 'Oracle',
@provider = 'MSDAORA',
@datasrc = 'testsource'
exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
@rmtsrvname = 'test1',
@useself = 'false',
When I execute
select * from test1...COUNTRY
I get the error. "The OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "...." does not contain the table "COUNTRY". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table."
The 'sp' user I am connecting is the owner of the table. What could be the problem ?
Thanks a lot.

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Integration Services :: Assign Variables To Multiple Table Results From Stored Procedure

Sep 21, 2015

If I have a stored procedure that returns 15 tables, how do I distinguish the tables to assign variables to each table in c#?

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Table Permissions

Oct 4, 2001

is it possible to have 1 column in a table that is the only updateable column in the table?

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Set Permissions On A Table

Feb 4, 2007

I want to set permissions on two tables...i dont want to allow delete or truncate statements to be executed on those tables. how can i do it....(sqlserver 2005)

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Why Not Allow Select Permissions To Table

May 19, 2004

I have always set up sql security for reporting to have select permissions on the tables to be used in the reports. I'm told by my coworkers that this is not advisable and I should only use stored procedures for reporting. I use stored procedures for all application duties, insert/update/delete etc but find with reporting it's much easier to just provide select permission to the tables. The only drawback to my method appears to me to be a user could conceivably view all data in tables while with the stored procedure one can limit what is being viewed. Anything else I'm missing? Thanks.

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Truncate Table Permissions

Mar 22, 2006

Does anybody know of a way to allow non-administrators to execute the truncate table statement?

I have developers that from time to time need to move data between their databases usinge the DTS wizard. Most of their tables have identity columns and in order retain the identity seed, they need to click on the option to enable identity insert. This option isn't available to non administrators.

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Drop Table Permissions

Jul 12, 2000

I have a group that has select, insert, update, delete permissions and I have a user in that group that
needs permissions also to drop tables.

does that login need to be aliased to dbo - which is in public -- do I then to give puboic all the other permissions.

Is there a way to just give one login all permissions including dropping tables??


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Replication Table Permissions

Apr 19, 2004

Is there a way to replicate the table permissions from publisher to
subscriber? I noticed that when replication takes place, the permissions
that were set up on tables on the subscriber are wiped out. I need the permissions to be send to the subscriber automatically.

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Scripting Table Permissions

Sep 25, 2007

I have give permission to one SQL Server 2005 user account on a table in my database. i want to script that or any permission i have on table.

my question is, how to create that script in SQL server 2005. if i right click the table -> select "script table as" and select "create to" new query editor, it only creates script for creating the table and doesnt include the permission any account have on that to do that ? plz help

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Table And View Permissions

Aug 2, 2007

I have a list of users that I want to restrict access to tables in a database. The goal is to allow the users to use select statements on the views instead of the tables. How can this be accomplished?

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Permissions For Table-SQlServer 2005

Feb 7, 2008

I have a table in my database where I want the Insert/Modify permissions to only administrator or (User X). Remaining users can just read the data. How do I set this in sqlserver 2005 database?
I can right click Table->properties->Permissions and add specific permissions to admin. But how would i deny permisssions to all others? I cannot add each login to deny permissions.

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Permissions For Trigger To Update Another Db Table

Mar 3, 2005

I have a trigger on an orders table. It checks against a patientmaster table to see if the sentflag is set to n or y. If it is "n" I need to push a record to a table on a separate db table. The user has permissions on the orders table. Without having the user be added and given permissions on the second db and table, what would be the best approach inside the trigger to handle this. I am using nt/sql security for this

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Table/View Permissions Snafu

Mar 3, 1999

I am having trouble with permissions on views and tables. I have a set of tables owned by dbo, and then a set of view owed by another user, say User1.
So I have a table dbo.Airports, and then a view User1.Airports. User1 has all permissions on dbo.Airports, and via ISQL I can select and update with no problem. MY VB application is working with User1.Airport, and it will select from User1.Airport fine, but I keep getting an error when I try to Update User1.Airport. I have many other tables set up the same way, and they all work fine - my VB app updates no problem. Any ideas?

I have dropped and recreated the table and all views, assigned all permissions, everything looks good, but...

Another strangev thing is if I use Enterprise Manager, and display permissions by user, and display all tables and views, the permissions are checked off for the view, but not the table, (which is incorrect) but if I don't display permissions for view, the permissions are checked off forv the table, which is correct. So that seems not to be working correctly.

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Problem W/ Linked Table Permissions

Aug 24, 2004

This question involves SQL server as well as Access, so I hope that someone can follow.
I'm trying to give someone read and write access to a table in SQL server through a linked table scenario in Access.
I set up a new user account with datareader and datawriter permissions and made sure it went into the particular table as well. I also re-created the DSN on the user's local machine using this new login information. However, each time you open up the table after logging in using this info and try to edit a field, it gives a "Write Conflict" error and gives three choices: Save Changes, Copy to Clipboard, Drop Changes and of course, Save Changes is disabled.
We also tried logging in using the db admin account and it won't work.
Anyone have similar experiences with this? If so, is there a work-around so that you can edit data through Access?

Thanks in advance,

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CLR Stored Procedures Table Permissions

Jul 4, 2013

I have an app which calls a SP, which in turn calls a CLR Stored Procedure.

The CLR stored procedure calls a number of different tables, using a Context connection string.

The issue is that the CLR SP requires the user to have permissions to the tables directly, instead of just permissions to the SP which was expected.

If I just give permission to the SP, then the CLR SP fails. So I then add the table permissions, and it then works.

So the question is, how do I raise security so the app does not have permissions on the tables?

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Global Temp Table Permissions

Jul 23, 2005

I have a pivot table implementation, part of which is posted below. Itreturns no errors in query analyzer, but when profiler is run, it showsthat "Error 208" is happening. I looked that up in BOL and it meansthat an object doesn't exist. This block of code below works fine on mylocal development machine, but not on our shared development serveruntil I go into the tempdb and make the user have the role db_owner.Even wierder is that when I do a select * from ##pivot there is noerror, but if I specify the single column name (pivot) i.e. selectpivot from ##pivot, it takes the error...Obviously this is a rights issue, but is there any way around thisother than making the user owner of tempdb??declare @select varchar(8000), @PackageId intset @PackageId = 10set @select = 'selectCompany = COALESCE(Users.Company, Contact.Company, ''''),SubContractPackageVendor.Id, SubContractPackageVendor.isActive,SubContractPackageVendor.isAwarded,SubContractPackageVendor.UserOrContactType,SubContractPackageVendor.UserOrContactIdFROMSubContractPackageVendorLEFT JOIN SubContractPackage ON SubContractPackageVendor.PackageId =SubContractPackage.IdLEFT JOIN Users ON UserOrContactType = ''User'' AND UserOrContactId =Users.UserIdLEFT JOIN UserRoles ON UserOrContactType = ''User'' ANDUserRoles.UserId = Users.UserId AND UserRoles.ProjectId =SubContractPackage.ProjectIdLEFT JOIN Role ON Role.RoleId = UserRoles.RoleIdLEFT JOIN Contact ON UserOrContactType = ''Contact'' ANDUserOrContactId = Contact.IdLEFT JOIN SubContractLineItem ONSubContractLineItem.RefType = ''Package'' ANDSubContractLineItem.RefId = SubContractPackageVendor.PackageIdLEFT JOIN SubContractLineItem as SubContractPackageVendorItem ONSubContractPackageVendorItem.RefType = ''PackageVendor'' ANDSubContractPackageVendorItem.RefId = SubContractPackageVendor.Id ANDSubContractPackageVendorItem.RefSubId = SubContractLineItem.IdWhereSubContractPackageVendor.PackageId = ' + CAST(@PackageId as varchar)+ 'GROUP BYSubContractPackageVendor.Id, SubContractPackageVendor.isActive,SubContractPackageVendor.isAwarded, Users.Company, Contact.Company,SubContractPackageVendor.UserOrContactType,SubContractPackageVendor.UserOrContactId'--print @sqldeclare @sumfunc varchar(100),@pivot varchar(100),@table varchar(100),@FieldPrefix varchar(5),@TotalFieldName varchar(50),@PivotFieldFilter varchar(1000)select@sumfunc ='Sum(isnull(SubContractPackageVendorItem.Total,0) )' ,@pivot ='SubContractLineItem.Category' ,@table ='SubContractLineItem' ,@FieldPrefix='~' ,@TotalFieldName = 'Total' ,@PivotFieldFilter = ' AND RefType=''Package'' AND RefId=' +CAST(@PackageId as varchar)set nocount onDECLARE @sql varchar(8000), @delim varchar(1), @TotalSql varchar(8000)SET NOCOUNT ONSET ANSI_WARNINGS OFFEXEC ('SELECT ' + @pivot + ' AS pivot INTO ##pivot FROM ' + @table + 'WHERE 1=2')EXEC ('INSERT INTO ##pivot SELECT DISTINCT ' + @pivot + ' FROM ' +@table + ' WHERE '+ @pivot + ' Is Not Null ' + @PivotFieldFilter)SELECT @sql='', @sumfunc=stuff(@sumfunc, len(@sumfunc), 1, ' END)' )SELECT @delim=CASE Sign( CharIndex('char',data_type)+CharIndex('date', data_type) )WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE '''' ENDFROM tempdb.information_schema.columnsWHERE table_name='##pivot' AND column_name='pivot'select * from ##pivotDROP TABLE ##pivot

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Stored Procedures/ Table Permissions

Jul 20, 2005

Hi, is there any way that I can automate granting user permissions totables/ stored procedures in SQL server 2000?I have a whole bunch of tables and rather than having to right click eachtable/ then permissions in Enterprise manager I would like to be able toiterate through each table object in a database and grant the relevantpermissions.... Same with stored procedures.Is this possible?? If so, how can I do itThanks in advanceMark

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MSDB Table User Permissions

Sep 25, 2007

Just out of curiosity, could someone point me towards a listing of the user permissions for the MSDB table? I have looked through BOL and on the internet and cannot find a good listing. An example would be something like...
dts_admin: <dts_admin description>

Thanks in advance.

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SQL 2012 :: Permissions Lost After Renaming Table?

May 28, 2015

We have a process that uses the following method to move data quickly:

TableA = 600million records
TableB = 0 records

To "move" data from TableA to TableB

Rename TableA --> TableA_HOLD
Rename TableB --> TableA
Rename TableA_HOLD --> TableB

The problem with this is that after every rename, permission to the TableB is lost so we have to execute a statement to grant permission back to TableB after the process is complete.

My question is why is this necessary? Is the permission tied to the table in such a way that it can't use the name only?

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Permissions To Change Table, Views And Procedures

May 20, 2008


What permissions do I need to set so that a user can change tables, views and procedures?

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