Assigning Or Changing A Schema Name

Mar 3, 2008

Hello everyone. I wanted to learn to assign and change a schema names used in my table. I dont want a dbo. in my tables. I want to give a personal name like the adventureworks database has. (Such as sales.salesdetails, humanresources.employee and all)

> So how i do create a table with a schema name sales
> How do i change my for example dbo.employee to sales.employee ??

I tried
Create table sales.employee

but it doesnt work...
Please reply ASAP


into the world of programming now :)

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Problem In Assigning Default Schema To Database User

May 6, 2008

Dear All,

I am using SQLServer 2005, I have setup a login user "User1" and next I setup database user using the same username and login name. After that I create a new schema "mySchema" and make "User1" as the owner of the schema. To "User1" I assigned the default schema to "mySchema", so far its working fine. But when I open the user's property window (dialogbox) the default schema always gets reset to "dbo".

What could be the problem here? Please help me if there is any solution to get the right schema which I assigned to the user.

Thanks and regards,

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Changing The Schema Ownership On Subscriber

Aug 18, 2006


I have a replication in which publisher, distributer and subscriber all runing on sql server 2005. all the tables that needs to be replicated are under 'dbo' schema on publisher.

Subscriber is a datawarehouse so i dont want to put tables coming from a system to go under dbo schema as there might be other application replicating same name tables to warehouse. i have created a schema for my application on warehouse but dont know how to tell replication to create tables under application schema created on subscriber. I am using snapshot replication that can be reinitialized if required.

any help will be appriciated.


Furrukh baig

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How? Changing A Schema Behind A Dataflow Destination

Mar 16, 2007

I allowed the SQL Destination Editor to design my table from Output of
a flat text file. Everything was varchar(50), but that was cool,
because I got to see the data in the new staging tables it created. I
went back and tweaked the data types and sizes for various columns to
be more appropriate through the table designer in SQL Server Management

After doing so I get an error trying to edit the package, specifically
parts of the destination in the data flow. I get the error "An error
occurred due to no connection. A connection is required when requesting
metadata... blah blah". I pick the TEST CONNECTION in the Connection
Manager, and it works fine.

I am sure this is probably a basic issue of mechanics of use that I
don't yet know because I am completely new to SSIS. Can someone please
provide a hint, perhaps what I did wrong, and also, if you can see it
how to redeem the error. Thanks!

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Changing Schema Name And Making A Local Copy

Jan 24, 2008

I created my database on a remote server.  It now has lots of tables and stored procedures
When I created it, the server created a schema named for me, the user, so all my tables and stored procedures are named like johndoe.tablename.
I would like to rename the schema to something less personal more professional.
Can it be as simple as "ALTER SCHEMA johndoe RENAME professional"?
 Also, I would like to create a local copy of the databse, so I can develop offline, without the 2 second delay.
SQL Server Management Studio Express lets me generate scripts, which I have been using to make backups.
Can I use the script file to recreate the database on my local machine?

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Table Names Are Not Changing With Change In Schema Name

Aug 8, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I am working on a dtsx package wherein i am sending the data from OLE DB Source (SQL Server) to OLE DB Destination (Oracle). For development purpose i use DEVLOPMENT environment on oracle but for unit testing i have to use QA or Some other Schema. when i use DEVELOPMENT Schema in ole db destination, tables are accessed under Schema name eg. "DEVELOPMENT"."EMPLOYEE", but when i m chenging schema name to QA table names are not changing as "QA"."EMPLOYEE". Data Flow Task is pushing the data to DEVELOPMENT environment only.

Can Anyone suggest me any remedy for it ?
Or this is one more BUG in SQL Server 2005.

Advice and suggestions are highly appreciated !


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Sql 2005 Management Studio And Changing Object's Schema

May 4, 2006

Using a query like

"ALTER SCHEMA TestSchema TRANSFER dbo.table1"

I can easily move "Table1", with schema "dbo", into schema TestSchema. But I can't see how to do it using only the GUI tools provided in Management Studio. Any ideas?



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The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' Requires A Database Schema Compatible With Schema Version '1'.

Sep 27, 2007

Locally I develop in SQL server 2005 enterprise. Recently I recreated my db on the server of my hosting company (in sql server 2005 express).I basically recreated the tables and copied the data in it.I now receive the following error when I hit the DB:The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a
database schema compatible with schema version '1'.  However, the
current database schema is not compatible with this version.  You may
need to either install a compatible schema with aspnet_regsql.exe
(available in the framework installation directory), or upgrade the
provider to a newer version.I heard something about running aspnet_regsql.exe, but I dont have that access to the DB. Also I dont know if this command does anything more than creating the membership tables and filling it with some default data...Any other solutions/thought on what this can be?Thanks!

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Transferring Objects Form Schema A To Schema B In One Shot....!

May 27, 2008

I have 35+ tables and 15+ stored procedures with SchemaA, now I want to transfer them to SchemaB.

I know how to do one by one...!

alter schema SchemaB transfer

but it will take long time...!


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Database Schema Compatible With Schema Version '1'

Apr 12, 2008

Hello everybody!I'm using ASP.NET  3.5,  MSSQL 2005I  bought virtual web hosting .On new user registrations i have an error =(The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a database schema compatible with schema version '1'.  However, the current database schema is not compatible with this version.  You may need to either install a compatible schema with aspnet_regsql.exe (available in the framework installation directory), or upgrade the provider to a newer version. On my virtual machine it work fine but on web hosting i have an error =(What can you propose to me?

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Moving Data From One DB Schema To Another DB Schema Using SSIS

May 8, 2007


I would like to use SSIS tool to move the data from one database schema to another database schema.

For example:

Source table has

1. UserName (varchar 20) (no null)

2. Email (varchar 50) (can be null)

Destination table has

1. UserID (uniqueidentifier - GUID)

2. UserName (varchar 50) (no null)

3. EmailAddress (nvarchar 50) (can be null)

4. DateTime


1. What controls do I use in my Data Flow to make data move between databases with different data types and include new value in UserID as a new GUID and DateTime as a date (GETDATE)?

OLE DB Source, OLE DB Destination, Data Converson and .....

How do I insert Guid and Date at the same time?

2. I have many tables to do data moving. Any sugestions? How do I architect my project? If I create many data flows for each table - it will look complicated.

Please give me some advices here.


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Adding A XML Schema To XML Schema Collection

Apr 19, 2006

I used SSEUtil to add a schema to my database but I am having problems.  Used these steps:SSEUtil -c> USE "c:Rich.mdf"> GO>!RUN Resume.SQL//indicates success>SELECT * FROM SYS.XML_SCHEMA_COLLECTIONS>GO//schema not shown in list> USE master>GO>SELECT * FROM SYS.XML_SCHEMA_COLLECTIONS>GO//schema is shown in the queryIt appears that the schema is not added to the desired database, so when I try to use the schema in Visual Studio, the schema does not appear when I connect to the Rich.mdf database.  Any ideas on what I am doing wrong or why this might be happening?ThanksKevin

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Copy Objects From One Schema To Another Schema?

Nov 21, 2011

I am using sql server 2008 R2.I want to copy all the objects of one schema and put it in another schema. I want to do that from command prompt.

In oracle we can export the objects of one user and import to another user using exp and imp. I want similar type.

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Assigning PK And FK

Feb 19, 2004


I have three tables -

Table A

Table B


A&B serve as the parent table for C. A&B are the dimension tables and C is the fact table. How do I assign the PK and FK in EM?


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Assigning A DB Value To A Variable

Mar 8, 2005

Consider the following:

Sub regUser(s as Object, e as EventArgs)

If IsValid Then

Dim stuTable as String
Dim connStr as String

stuTable = "mytable"
connStr = "myConnectionInfo"

'check to see that student num is in the db
Dim connect as SqlConnection
Dim strSelect as String
Dim cmdSelect as SqlCommand
Dim strDbResult as SqlDataReader

connect = New SqlConnection(connStr)
strSelect = "SELECT stu_num, stu_fname, stu_lname FROM " + stuTable + " WHERE stu_num=@stuNum"
cmdSelect = New SqlCommand(strSelect,connect)
cmdSelect.Parameters.Add("@stuNum", txtStdNum.text)

strDbResult = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader()

Dim stuFName as String
Dim stuLName as String
Dim stuEmail as String
Dim strRandom as String
Dim strPassword as String
Dim i as Integer
Dim charIndex as String
Dim stuMailMessage as MailMessage
Dim strHTMLBody as String

'declare stuFname, stuLname, stuEmail
stuFName = strDbResult("stu_fname")
stuLName = strDbResult("stu_lname")
stuEmail = txtStdEmail.text

'more code follows ....

In my DB I have a table with the columns stu_num, stu_fname and stu_lname. Each of these columns contains rows with data. However, the proceeding code gives me this error: Invalid attempt to read when no data is present (line 58 --> stuFName = strDbResult("stu_fname") ).

What am I doing wrong here? How do I assign the stu_fname in the DB to the page level variable stuFName?

As a little aside how do I say "If no record was found matching stuNum Then" ... ??

Sorry, I'm a .NET beginner ...

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Assigning Value To A Variable

Feb 4, 2008

Is it possible to assign the column value to a user defined variable?

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Assigning Value To An Variable

Aug 24, 2007

Hi ,

I have a typical scenario here where I am trying to assign a variable a value using another variable, for that I am using two execute SQL task , the fisrt one assigns the first variable a value and then the second one uses the first variable to evaluate and then assigns a value to another variable. The first execute sql task works fine , however the second one fails with the following error

"failed with the following error: "An error occurred while extracting the result into a variable of type (DBTYPE_I4)". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly. "

Here is the query I am using to assign the value in my second execute sql task

select (CASE

WHEN Sum(col1) <> 0 AND ? = 'M' THEN 'M'

WHEN Sum(col2) <> 0 AND ? >= 'T' THEN 'T'

WHEN Sum(col3) <> 0 AND ? >= 'R' THEN 'R'


END) as Current


I am passing the variable by mapping the parameters and then assigning the value using a single row result set.
Can someone please tell me where am I going wrong?


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Getting The Value Of The Sqldatasource And Assigning It To A Label

Mar 1, 2008

I have a sqldatasource which returns the result I want, but I need to assign it to a label or text box.  Is there an easy way of doing this?  I attempted it using this code:
PropertyFriendIDLabel.Text = PropUserIdSqlDataSource

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Assigning Value To SessionParameters In SqlDataSource

May 22, 2008

I am using SessionParameters within a sqldatasource control, which is the datasource for a formview control.
The Session["PoolID"] has a value which is '0000009485'.<InsertParameters><asp:SessionParameter SessionField="PoolID" Name="pool_id"  Size="10" Type="String" ConvertEmptyStringToNull="true" />      
</InsertParameters>But when I click 'Save' I get the message 'Cannot insert the value null into column 'pool_id'. Column does not allow nulls. Insert fails'.Do i need to specify something like DefaultValue = <%Session["PoolID"] %>?Thank you in advance for your help.RajanP.S. How can I avoid double line spacing while writing a post? Thanks.

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Assigning Two Foreign Key To One Table

Jun 9, 2008

hi all
can we assign two foreign key to one table .

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Help With Assigning Variables To From A SQL Query

Dec 24, 2003

I’ve reconfigured Microsoft’s IBS Store shopping cart to function within a small e-commerce website. What I am trying to do is to modify the code slightly in order to use a third party credit card processing center. The situation is this: once the customer clicks the final "check out" button, a stored procedure writes all of the product ordering information into the database. I, then, capture what they're wanting to purchase with the following SQL statement:

Dim strSQL as String = "Select orderID, modelNumber from orderDetails" & _
"where CustomerID = " & User.Identity.Name & _
"And orderid = (SELECT MAX(orderid)FROM orderDetails" & _
"where CustomerID = " & User.Identity.Name & ")"

What I would like to do is assign specific values to variables based off of the above query. For example:

Dim orderItem as String = (all of the modelNumbers from the query)
Dim orderIdItem as String = (all of the orderIDs from the query)

How do I do this?? Any help is much appreciated! Thanks in advance.


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Assigning Rights To User

Apr 5, 2001

I want to give 'Execute' permission for all the sp to a particular user.
Any straight way of doing this then to go to each sp and give him permission for every sp.

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Error With Assigning Variable A Value

Dec 6, 2006

i am trying on this but hit error

Declare @var int
Set @var = select max(value) from xxx

anyone can help me?

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Assigning To Multipule Categories

Aug 18, 2004

Ok guys,
I'm realitvely new to the whole database development stuff, but I have a very important project to finish using SQL and ASP. I am to design a new links manager for a website.
Right now I have the following:
The ability to add a link, and edit it
The ability to add a category and edit it

When you go to add a link, a list of categories is provided for you, with checkboxes. What I need to do is figure out how to assign multipule categories to one link.
I have a Cross-Referencing table with three fields:
and CatID.

If you need more clarification, post here and let me know.

Thanks in Advance,
Aaron Hawn (

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Assigning Each Record To One String

Jul 23, 2005

hello,i would like to loop through a record set and assign each value to thesame string, (example i would like to return all of the first name inthe authors table = Authors_total.)should i use a cursor or just a loop to do this? I have had sometrouble with the syntax in a cursor.nicholas.gadacz

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Assigning User To A Database

Aug 11, 2007


I am using SQL SERVER 2000. Until now my application used the default user "sa", but now the illigal access to my database make me move to a more secure login.
i am new to this concept.
i need to create a login, which i am successful in creating, but my problem is
I need to allow only this user to access my database and no other user should login my database.
please can any one explain how to do this.
its very urgent.

James Alvin

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Assigning A Variable A Table Value

Aug 8, 2006

Hi I'm new to SQL and I'm trying to build a store procedure. What I'm trying to find out is how to assign a variable a value from a table.

So, I declare a variable:
DECLARE @variable int
Then I want to assign a single int value to that variable that is already in a table. For instance the id value from a single row in a table.

I've tried SELECT INTO and SET, but nothing has worked so far and I'm lost after searching for a few hours.

Thanks in advance for any help

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Assigning A Select Value To Each Row Of A Dataset

Oct 4, 2007

I have the following problem:
in a data flow, if inserting new records, there are columns that take some default values. These default values are kept in a table in case the user wants to change them some day. Def. values could not be assigned at a table level because there's another dataflow that populates the same table, but the rules for the default values are different.

Since I want to extract these values only if there is at least one new row, I'm not fond of the idea to use Execute SQL Task (to save the default values in a variable) before the actual Data Flow. What are my options in getting these values in a Data Flow right before inserting? Thank you for the help.

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Assigning Value Of A Variable To A Column Name

Mar 25, 2008


I would like to assign the value of a variable to a column name of a table. For eg:

declare @sam varchar(100)
set @sam = 'Insert'
create table #temp(Sample varchar(100) not null)
insert into #temp(Sample) Values(@sam)
drop table #temp

I would like to generate a table whose column name should be generated dynamically. The value of @sam that is "Insert "should be set to the column name. Is there a way to assign like this. Can anyone please help me in achieving this.


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Assigning Value To The Variable At Runtime.

Mar 20, 2008


1 20031012121212 200 (recordtype, CreationDateTime(YYYYMMDDHHMISS), Rec_Count) -- Header records
2 ABCD, XYZ, 9999, 999999999, 1234 ---- Detailed Record
2 ABCD, XYZ, 9999, 999999999, 1234 ---- Detailed Record

For the above given sample data I am having two outputs at Condition Split (based on the recordtype). I want to store the 1st record datetime value into a variable and then I want to use that variable value into 2nd and 3rd row.

Basically, detailed records would be stored into the database not the header record. Is there any way I can use the variable while doing processing for 2nd and 3rd records.

Please suggest me.


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Assigning The Value Of Variables In A Subpackage

Feb 14, 2006


I have a parent SSIS package that executes various subpackages. Each of the subpackages contain variables that are required for their successful execution, e.g. one has a variable of datetime datatype and a variable of varchar datatype.

This date will essentially change with every running of the package as it specifies the date that additional data has been added to the back-end SQL Server 2005 database.

I can't find anything in the expressions of the Execute Package Task that would allow me to pass these variables into the package.

Can anyone advise?



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Assigning Values To Parameters Dynamically

Oct 25, 2006

i using a bound data grid which is using a stored proc. The stored proc needs the ClientID "if logged in" there is no form or control on the page outside of the loginstatus.  I am wanting to pass the Membership.GetUser.ProviderUserKey.ToString()  to the asp:parameter but I cant get it to work.So How do I pass a variable to a stored proc parameter using a bound data grid.I this its very strange that this cant be dont and there are a raft of reason why you wold want to do this with out the need to pass it to a form control.please helpjim

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Help Assigning A Datasource To The Gmap Control In C#

Sep 18, 2007

I'm trying to assign a datasource to a gmap control in 2.0 so that i can get pushpins in the map for all the locations in the sql db. I've enclosed my code below as well as a link to the site that provides the control and their sample. Can anyone tell me why it won't show the pins? What am I doing wrong?
 My Code (sqllocations is a datasource):
GMap1.DataSource = sqllocations;
Their site:
Their example (part of their explanation is not english, sorry):
 List<DataSourceField> fields = new List<DataSourceField>(); fields.Add(new DataSourceField(45, 2, "hola"));fields.Add(new DataSourceField(46, 3));// Lo comentamos porque al utilizar la clase DataSourceField, // pero si fuera un dataset o cualquier otra cosa, // le deberíamos dar los nombres correspondientes// GMap1.DataLatField = "lat";// GMap1.DataLngField = "lng";// GMap1.DataGInfoWindowTextField = "gInfoWindowText";GMap1.DataSource = fields;GMap1.DataBind();  

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