I have created a report using Report designer (Visual Studio, using Data Model as a data source), in the report I had created few datasets (with single filed) to populate the report parameters, lets say I have created a multi valued Parameter CustomerName and assigned field from a dataset,
result are coming correctly and combo box is getting populated but the customers are not in alphabetical order!
I want to sort it and need to specify it in report (please note that I am using Report Model as a data source and I can€™t sort the source table in the data base to get the result sorted)
Please let me know if anybody has done that or forward me if know some link which talks about it.
I'm trying to assign a datasource to a gmap control in 2.0 so that i can get pushpins in the map for all the locations in the sql db. I've enclosed my code below as well as a link to the site that provides the control and their sample. Can anyone tell me why it won't show the pins? What am I doing wrong? Thanks. My Code (sqllocations is a datasource): GMap1.DataSource = sqllocations; GMap1.DataBind(); Their site: http://en.googlemaps.subgurim.net/ejemplos/ejemplo_991000_DataSource.aspx Their example (part of their explanation is not english, sorry): List<DataSourceField> fields = new List<DataSourceField>(); fields.Add(new DataSourceField(45, 2, "hola"));fields.Add(new DataSourceField(46, 3));// Lo comentamos porque al utilizar la clase DataSourceField, // pero si fuera un dataset o cualquier otra cosa, // le deberÃamos dar los nombres correspondientes// GMap1.DataLatField = "lat";// GMap1.DataLngField = "lng";// GMap1.DataGInfoWindowTextField = "gInfoWindowText";GMap1.DataSource = fields;GMap1.DataBind();
Hi, I have an app where I am calling a stored procedure that runs and returns an integer. I would like to assign this integer to a control on the page. Here is a sample of code and below I will give the errors: Protected Sub NewButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NewButton.Click Dim tempconnection As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("TestConnectionString").ConnectionString) Dim tempproc As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SP_FetchProviders", tempconnection) Dim tempparam As New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter tempproc.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure tempproc.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Agency_ID", Data.SqlDbType.Int)) tempproc.Parameters("@Agency_ID").Value = "8" 'Using a number just to test, will be populated by a session variable later tempparam = tempproc.CreateParameter() tempparam.ParameterName = "@OutValue" tempparam.Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.ReturnValue tempparam.SqlDbType = Data.SqlDbType.Int tempconnection.Open() tempproc.ExecuteNonQuery() Dim labelfill As String labelfill = tempproc.Parameters("@OutValue").Value tempconnection.Close() CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("OmbudINSDDL"), DropDownList).Items.Add(labelfill) 'This is inside of a detailsview templatefield End Sub Here is the stored procedure set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgoALTER procedure [dbo].[SP_FetchProviders] @Agency_ID intas Select Name, ProviderSubUnit_ID From ProviderSubunit a join Ombudsman b on a.contractproviders_id=b.contractproviders_id Where b.agency_id = @Agency_ID Order by Name This takes the @Agency_ID as input variable, and has returns an integer (according to SQL management studio). When I try to run my code I get the error that an sqlparameter with parametername @OutValue is not contained by this sqlparametercollection. This may be a simple question, but does the outvalue have to be declared in the stored procedure? If so, can you provide the right syntax? If not, can you offer a suggestion to populate the dropdownlist with the returned value? Thanks in advance.
Hi All, I am placing a Matrix inside the table control for grouping requirements,but when we export the report to the Excel, the contents inside the table cell are ignored. Is there any way to get the full report exported, as per the Requirement.Please help me with this issue.
I have written a Query to Pivot this data like below:
(SELECT ITEM,WAREHOUSE,FOR1,FOR2,for3,for4,for5,for6,for7,for8,for9,for10, for11,for12,for13,for14,for15,for16,for17,for18,for19,for20,for21, for22,for23,for24 FROM mvxreport.tbldmsForecasttoMovex) p
(QTY FOR tbldmsForecasttoMovex IN (FOR1,FOR2,for3,for4,for5,for6,for7, for8,for9,for10,for11,for12,for13,for14,for15,for16,for17,for18,for19, for20,for21,for22,for23,for24))AS unpvt
I would like to add some more code to the query, so for each FOR% column, i can put a numeric value in it. The value will be the numbers ,1 - 24 . One for each line as this represents Months Forward.
i using a bound data grid which is using a stored proc. The stored proc needs the ClientID "if logged in" there is no form or control on the page outside of the loginstatus. I am wanting to pass the Membership.GetUser.ProviderUserKey.ToString() to the asp:parameter but I cant get it to work.So How do I pass a variable to a stored proc parameter using a bound data grid.I this its very strange that this cant be dont and there are a raft of reason why you wold want to do this with out the need to pass it to a form control.please helpjim
I will need some examples in assigning and getting values using SQLServer 2005. For eg. How can I store the value that I retrieved in a variable and return that value ? How can I use a function inside a stored procedure ? Do we have any examples or some simple sample code just to take a look ?
For eg I have written the following function which I called from a stored procedure. BEGIN --Declare the return variable here DECLARE @Rows NUMERIC(10) DECLARE @RETURN_ENABLED VARCHAR(1) -- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here
SELECT @Rows = MAX(PROFILE_INDEX) FROM PROFILE_PERMISSION PP INNER JOIN sys_menu_item ON PP.MENU_ITEM=sys_menu_item.menu_item WHERE PP.PROFILE_INDEX in (select up.profile_index from user_profile up where up.user_id= @is_user) and not exists (select up.profile_index from user_profile up where up.user_id= @is_user and up.profile_index=1) and PP.APPLICATION_CODE = @is_appl AND PP.MENU_NAME=@menu_name Group By Profile_INdex
-- Return the result of the function RETURN @RETURN_ENABLED;
Is it correct ? The variable @ROWS will be assigned with the values that the sql statement will return ?
From the stored procedure I'm calling the function inside a CTE.
;WITH GetHierarchy (item_text ,orden , read_order, item_parent , menu_item , enabled) AS (--Anchor. select tb1.item_text, tb1.orden, tb1.read_order, tb1.item_parent , tb1.menu_item , dbo.f_sty_print_menu_per_role_per_app2(@menu_name , @is_user , @is_appl) as enabled From sys_menu_item as tb1 where tb1.MENU_ITEM not in ('m_window','m_help','m_toolbar') and tb1.item_parent not in ('m_toolbar','m_window','m_help') And tb1.item_parent= @menu_name --Members UNION ALL select tb2.item_text, tb2.orden, tb2.read_order, tb2.item_parent , tb2.menu_item , dbo.f_sty_print_menu_per_role_per_app2(@menu_name , @is_user , @is_appl) as enabled from sys_menu_item as tb2 , GetHierarchy where tb2.MENU_ITEM not in ('m_window','m_help','m_toolbar') and tb2.item_parent not in ('m_toolbar','m_window','m_help') And tb2.item_parent = GetHierarchy.menu_item and tb2.menu_name = @menu_name ) select Space(5*(orden)) + item_text as menui, orden, read_order, item_parent , menu_item ,enabled From GetHierarchy
I have variables and values stored in a table in this format
process_id | t_variable | t_value ----------------------------------------------------- 1 | Remote_Log_Server | AUSCPSQL01 ... many such rows
how to assign values to variables in SSIS?
basically i'm looking for SQL equivalent of the following query i currently use to assign values to multiple variables (in a single query)
SELECT @varRemoteLogServer=MAX(CASE WHEN [t_variable] = 'Remote_Log_Server' THEN [t_value] END) ,@varVariable2=MAX(CASE WHEN [t_variable] = 'variable2_name' THEN [t_value] END) FROM Ref_Table WHERE process_id=1
I have created many shared datsources and reprots at http://localhost/resportserver.
I am trying to access these reports from ReportViewer in the web application. Actually I want to use these reports for different customers by just changing the datsource programitically.
what other method can you use to generate primary keys automatically. My boss disagrees with me using identity for the primary keys. He says it is not professional. I am working on SQL Server 2005 platform. Can anybody advice me?
I need some help regarding a conversion in a Script Task.
I am reading my variable values from a database with a sql task, the table has two columns, variable and variableValue. Looping through the recordset and setting the different variables works well, with two links: http://blogs.conchango.com/jamiethomson/archive/2005/02/09/SSIS_3A00_-Writing-to-a-variable-from-a-script-task.aspx http://sqlblog.com/blogs/andy_leonard/archive/2007/10/14/ssis-design-pattern-read-a-dataset-from-variable-in-a-script-task.aspx
setting the variable value only works well if the package variable is defined as string, because the db field is a varchar, trying to assign an integer for example brings up an error.
Therefor I tried something like CType: Dts.Variables("MyVar").Value = CType(MyRecordsetField,String), where the target datatype should be depending on the variable datatype instead of being assigned as a constant.
Hi, figured out where I was going wrong in my post just prior, but isthere ANY way I can assign several variables to then use them in anUpdate statement, for example (this does not work):ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.UpdateXmlWF(@varWO varchar(50))ASDECLARE @varCust VARCHAR(50)SELECT @varCust = (SELECT Customer FROM tblWorkOrdersWHERE WorkOrder=@varWO)DECLARE @varAssy VARCHAR(50)SELECT @varAssy=(SELECT Assy FROM tblWorkOrdersWHERE WorkOrder=@varWO)UPDATE statement here using declared variables...I can set one @variable but not multiple. Any clues? kinda new tothis.Thanks,Kathy
I have a subtotal that I want to compare to a value to determine the color property that it will appear on the report in - how can I do this. Essentially, if the department is overbudget the value should be red, if the department is within budget the value should be black.......
what is the correct syntex to do this......
if (Sum(Fields!Value.Value) > (fields!budget.value) then
How to count the number of values that exist in a row based on the values from an array of numbers. Basically the the array of numbers I want to look for are in row 1 of table [test 1] and I want to search for them and count the "out of" in table [test 2]. Excuse me for not using the easiest way to convey my question below. I guess in short I have 10 numbers and like to find how many of those numbers exist in each row. short example:
I am working with a data set containing several years' of monetary values. I have entries for past dates and the associated values, and I also have entries for future dates. I need to populate the values of the future date records with the values from the same date the previous year. Is there any way this can be done in Power Pivot?
I have a script that I use after some amount of data massaging (not shown). I would like to be able to change the
1) denominator value (the value 8 in line 32 of my code) based on how many columns are selected by the where clause:
where left(CapNumber,charindex('_', CapNumber)-1) = 1where capNumber is a value like [1_1], [1_4], [1_6]...[1_9] capNumber can be any values from [1_1]...[14_10] depending upon the specialty value (example: Allergy) and the final number after the equal sign is a number from 1 to 14)
2) I'd like to dynamically determine the series depending upon which values correspond to the specialty and run for each where: left(CapNumber,charindex('_', CapNumber)-1) = n. n is a number between 1 and 14.
3) finally I'd like to dynamically determine the columns in line 31 (4th line from the bottom)
If I do it by hand it's 23 * 14 separate runs to get separate results for each CapNumber series within specialty. The capNumber series is like [1_1], [1_2], [1_3],[1_4], [1_5], [1_6], [1_7], [1_8],[1_9] ... [8_4],[8_7] ... [14_1], [14_2],...[14_10] etc.
Again, the series are usually discontinuous and specific to each specialty.
Here's the portion of the script (it's at the end) that I'm talking about:
--change values in square brackets below for each specialty as needed and change the denom number in the very last query.
if object_id('tempdb..#tempAllergy') is not null drop table #tempAllergy select * into #tempAllergy from dbo.#temp2 T
[Code] ....
If I were to do it manually I'd uncomment each series line in turn and comment the one I just ran.
My clients hosting company does not allow any direct interaction with SQL Server ie no Enterprise Manager/ Query Analyser access!
Are there any free web pages that i can download and then host on the clients server that allow me to create tables and stored procedures simply without writing a script for everything?
Just wondering when is it preferred to use Matrix control as opposed to a table? Also, on a related note, can a table control be used for displaying information from one data set or could information coming from multiple data sets be bound to a single table in such a way that there could be logically different sections within the same table?
I have a situation in SSRS to get the common values between the two columns where the values are sorted comma separated as below.Ex:
ColumnA :  abc,cde,efg   ColumnB : cde,xyz,abc  Â
the result in  Â
ColumnC : cde,abc
similarly Column A and B will have n number records. I need to right an expression or the Code function to get the required result in ColumnC. I am using SharePoint Lists as Datasource. Cannot write SQL query to achieve this requirement.
I am SSRS user, We have a .net UI from where we want to pass multi select values, but these values are comma separated in the database. how can I write a sql query such that when I select multi values on my UI, the comma separated values are take care of.
Hi, I would like to know how to call a report from a report viewer control in a web application. The reporting services is forms authenticated. I've done this authentication using the sample solution given by microsoft (adding custom security extension). Now am able to view the reports from Report manager and Report server URL. But i dont know how to authenticate the user from my web application and pass the credentials to the report server to view the report in report viewer control. Can somebody help in this? its bit urgent. Thanks in advance
What are the options to create a table of contents based on the report items in a List Control? Document Mapping works for online viewing. A table of content would make the report easier to read when it's printed.
Is it possible to translate the web report viewer control to another language (german, french...)? I need to integrate the control in a multilingula website.
I need also to change the messages from the report during the rendering "Report is being created".
And is it possible to change the little green animated icon during the process of creating a report?
I defined my input parameter as date/time but it doesn't have a time picker where we can accept user input.
The calendar is great but time picker is missing.
Is there any add-in or tweaks I can use to get that feature ?
The alternative solution which uses drop down with some preset values are not feasible for me. All I need is just the time picker similar to adjust time in Windows.
Hey all, I was wondering what the best method of checking on page_load if a datasource control is pulling back nothing from a database. I want to display a message explaining that there is no data to be displayed. How would I go about doing that? I have tried searching google and whatnot but didn't find anything really helpful. Here is the current code for the data source control. <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|EventInsider.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient" SelectCommand="SELECT Events_Groups.GroupName, Events_Groups.GroupID FROM Events_GroupMembership INNER JOIN Events_Groups ON Events_GroupMembership.GroupID = Events_Groups.GroupID WHERE (Events_GroupMembership.UserID = @UserID)"> <SelectParameters> <asp:SessionParameter Name="UserID" SessionField="UserID" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> But I have no idea what the code behind would be to check it on page_load. If there is no way to particularly do this, do you have to do it per control? Like dropdownbox's or gridviews? I am just confused on how to check to make sure there is data to be displayed. Thanks, Chris
I have a query that varies depending on control values. For example, what comes after the SELECT, FROM, WHERE, or ORDER vary with what table they need to look in, how they want to look it up, what value they are looking for, and what order they want it displayed in. There are too many possibilities to write seperate queries for. The data found goes to a dataset and gets bound to a gridview. This is done inside a vb sub. I tried to make a similar query in a selectcommand inside sqldatasource tags with if-then-elses in <% %>s but got an error saying something like "constructs were not allowed inside tags." How do you make a varying query as a selectcommand inside datasource tags?
We have SharePoint list which has, say, two columns. Column A and Column B.
Column A can have three values - red, blue & green.
Column B can have four values - pen, marker, pencil & highlighter.
A typical view of list can be:
Column A - Column B red  - pen red - pencil red - highlighter blue - marker blue - pencil green - pen green - highlighter red  - pen blue - pencil blue - highlighter blue - pencil
We are looking to create a report from SharePoint List using SSRS which has following view:
          red   blue  green   pen       2    0    1   marker    0    1    0   pencil      1    3    0   highlighter  1    1    1Â
We tried Sum but not able to display in single row.