Assistance With Insertering Query Results Into A Single Table Row.

Feb 14, 2008

I have a table that was created as follows
create table call_summary (

row_date smalldatetime,
[700] int,
[730] int,
[800] int,
[900] int)

I have a query that returns the following
date interval (int) calls (int)
2008-01-07 00:00:00 700 0
2008-01-07 00:00:00 730 0
2008-01-07 00:00:00 800 0
2008-01-07 00:00:00 830 9
2008-01-07 00:00:00 900 8

I am looking for a way to get my table mentioned above to look like this
row_date [700] [730] [800] [830] [900]
2008-1-7 0 0 0 9 8

does anyone have any slick ideas on how I can accomplish this task?

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Getting Results With Stored Procedure From Single Textbox Searching Table With Multi Columns

Feb 12, 2007

I admit I am a novice to queries and stored procedures but understand stored procedures are more secure, so I am choosing to challenge myself with a stored procedure and have not been successful at all.

What I am looking for is a stored procedure which would query the single table named Hospital, which would search from a single textbox the end user would enter the text they are searching for on a Windows VB application but is dependant on a few end user selected items.

1. The end user can select a radio button either "Starts with" or "Contains"
2. The end user can select from 6 checkboxes (Hospitals, Address, City, State, Zip, Type) to limit or expand their search from the columns in the table.

The table has 17columns (CO, PARENTCO, ADDR, POBox, CITY, State, ZIP, TEL, FAX, WEBSITE, HOSP_TYPE, OWNERSHIP, BEDS, CONTACT, TITLE, Email) but I am only allowing the end user to search by the above 6 columns and need to display the above 6 columns plus the phone, fax and website columns.

After the user clicks the search button it displays the results in a listbox and the user will then select the one they want and it displays the information in another set of textboxes.

Hopefully someone can get me pointed in the right direction! Thanks for your help!

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Does It Store All The Results To Tempdb Database When I Query Against A Large Table Which Joins Another Table?

Jun 25, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

I am wondering if tempdb stores all results tempararily whenever I query a large fact table with over 4 million records which joins another dimension table? Since each time when I run the query, the tempdb grows to nearly 1GB which nearly runs out all the space on my local system drive, as a result the performance totally down. Is there any way to fix this problem? Thanks a lot in advance and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly for your kind advices.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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SQL Single Query For Multiple Table

Apr 15, 2008

Hi friends,
I have three table named as Eventsmgmt,blogmgmt,forummgmt..
Each table contain the common column named as CreatedDateTime..

I want to get the most recent CreationDateTime from these three table in single query..

Plzz help me its urgent


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Single Table Query &<blush&>

Oct 20, 2006

I usually write (very simple) queries and export to Excel, then work my magic there. But there's got to be a better way.

ABC001 A1
ABC002 A1
ABC002 A2
ABC003 A2

I need to find all CUSTNO that have both PARTNO A1 and A2.

select * from sampletable
where PARTNO in('A1','A2')
returns 2 rows.

I really only want a list of unique CUSTNO ... "Only 1 customer has both partno A1 & A2".

Thank you,

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Getting Two Query Results Into 1 Table

Nov 29, 2007



i want to select the results from the querys into one table how would i do this ?

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Query On Multiple Rows In Single Table?

Aug 1, 2014

I have a table named LEDGER

LEDGER has two columns named PATID and CODE

Example data:

1 Z1110
1 D3330
1 Z0330
2 Z1298
2 Z0987
2 Z0330
2 D1092

I need a query that returns PATID if they have CODE Z0330 but not Z1110. I only want one PATID to return if this condition exists.

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Writing Query Results To New Table

Dec 4, 2000

I have written several scripts to pull in nested info to the analyzer window. How do I get this data to write to the new table I have created in the database? here is the current script:

select Hierarchy_List.Hierarchy_Label as Hierarchy_Name,
Hierarchy_List.hierarchy_ID as Hierarchy_ID,
Hierarchy_List.Parent_ID as Parent_ID,
frequency_item.manufacturer as Motor_Make,
frequency_item.model as Frame
from hierarchy_list full outer join Frequency_item
where parent_id in (select hierarchy_id from hierarchy_list where parent_id in
(select hierarchy_id from hierarchy_list where parent_id in
(select hierarchy_id from hierarchy_list where parent_id in
(select hierarchy_id from hierarchy_list where parent_id=0)
and parent_id<>0) and parent_id<>0) and parent_id<>0)
and parent_id<>0 and frequency_item.description = 'motor'

I need to move this data to the VAER.Al_Machines and the column names are the same. I can move data via DTS, but it won't work on this because the nested info. Is there a script addendum I can add to this to execute both the search and the transfer in one job so I can automate it? Thanks for any help.

Mick Flanigan

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Populating A Table With The Results Of A SQL Query

Jul 12, 2004

Is there any way i could take the first 50 results of a sql query and store them into 1 table in access and take the next 50 and store them into a second table in access? Is there any SQL statement that will direct where the output gets directed

OR is there a way to have the sql reults paird up with a autonumbered ID?


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Create Table From Query Results

Jul 10, 2007

Hi everybody need help on the possibility creating a new table from the results of a view or query? below is my table named table1

ID col1 col2

1 a a
2 b d
3 c f

this would be my new table named table2

ID col1 col2 col3

1 a a aa
2 b d bd
3 c f cf

this new table has an additional column by concatenating col1+col2
tried this procedure but is not working



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How Do I Save My Query Results Into New Table

Apr 29, 2008

How do I save my query results into new table.... The ORIGINAL COLUMN Of course before parsing--- But the only data I want is in the three no name columns---(NO Column Name),(NO Column Name),(NO Column Name)I don’t want the original column saved back but I think it existing in the final query is blocking my Insert Into---

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Creating Table From Query Results

Feb 6, 2014

I have this query;

FROM sys.tables AS t
INNER JOIN sys.columns c
where 'Hosea_tblDATA_NOTES'and c.is_identity = 0
order by column_id

and I get these results;


I was thinking if it is possible to create a table from the results of this query, my table name(in this case 'Hosea_tblDATA_NOTES') will be a parameter, that whatever table name I pass, with the results I get I will be able to create another table, assuming all data types are varchars, but it should be generic.

I want to create a new table with the about of that query, that output has to be my columns.

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Displaying DMX Query Results In Table...

Apr 14, 2008

Hye Friends,
I'm using a DMX query to get some predictions out of my MiningModel

my DMX query is as follows :

predict([x SalaryPredictor].[Emp Gross],20),predict([x SalaryPredictor].[Emp Basic],20)
[x SalaryPredictor]

This query is returning me 2 objects of type expressions in my Dataset.
The problem is when I try to drag these 2 fields in my Table i get a "#Error" value

I executed the query in 'Data' tab and found that data is getting returned is a tree like format where "Expression" is at top & values expected ar its child nodes.

I also found out that the returned objects are actually AdomdDataReader , but i'm not able to write a expression to get its values in my tables....

I want to display the values in the following format....

| Emp gross | Emp basic |
| predicted val 1 | predicted val 2 |
| .... | ..... |
-- -------------------------------------------------

can anybody help me out in this ????...

Thanks in advance !!!

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SQL Query Assistance

Jan 14, 2008

I am trying to build a related article display. I have a SQLDataSource that I want to be able to select information (Category) from the table (Articles) based on a querystring (ID). SELECT [Category] FROM [Articles] WHERE ([ArticleID] = @ID) which for an example, lets say ID = 1, and it results as Category = Health.That is easy enough, but how would I then select all columns from the table WHERE Category = Result of first SELECT? SELECT * FROM [Articles] WHERE ([Category] = ??? Result of prior select) Can this be done in 1 select command, or would a store procedure need to be written? I am a little lost, sincr I am using a SQLDataSource, and it will be displayed with a Repeater. Thanks!

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Need Query Assistance

Jul 28, 2005

First off, here is my query:SELECT DeviationDist.DEVDN, DeviationDist.DEVDD, DEVDA, DEVCT, DEVST, DEVBG, DEVDV, DEVPS, DEVAT, DEVCN, DEVCF, DEVCP, DEVCEFROM DeviationDistINNER JOIN DeviationContact ON DeviationContact.DEVDN = DeviationDist.DEVDNWHERE DeviationDist.DEVDN = '200270'ORDER BY Deviationdist.DEVDN DESCI'm joining the deviationcontact table to the deviation dist table by DEVDN. This query works fine except when the DeviationContact table doesnt contain any records for the DEVDN that the DeviationDist table does contain. In my app, Deviationdist will always have an record for each DEVDN, but DeviationContact may not. I would like to still get the results back for what records exist in the DeviationDist table, even if DeviationContact has no associated records, but still show them if it does...

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Query Assistance

Nov 30, 2005


I have a need to renumber or resequence the line numbers for each unique claim number. For background, one claim number many contain many line numbers. For each claim number, I need the sequence number to begin at 1 and then increment, until a new claim number is reached, at which point the sequence number goes back to 1. Here's an example of what I want the results to look like:

ClaimNumber LineNumber SequenceNumber
abc123 1 1
abc123 2 2
abc123 3 3
def321 5 1
def321 6 2
ghi456 2 1
jkl789 3 1
jkl789 4 2

SELECT ClaimNumber, LineNumber, <Some Logic> AS SequenceNumber FROM MyTable

Is there any way to do this?


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Query Assistance

Mar 5, 2007

I realize this query is inherently incorrect, but my issue is mainly syntax. The line, "WHEN a.order_id <> b.order_id THEN" is wrong. I want to ensure that a.order_id is not in the settlement table. So I was thinking something along the lines of "WHEN a.order_id not in (select order_id from settlement)" which I know will cause a slower response time, but I'm willing to deal with it. In any case, that syntax doesn't appear to work.

WHEN a.ready_to_pay_flag = 'Y' and a.deduction_type = 'E' and (
WHEN a.order_id <> b.order_id THEN
END) used_date datediff(d,used_date, ".$cutOffDate.") < 30) THEN
END) earn_amount_rtp_curr,

Any help here would be hotness!


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Query Assistance

Mar 8, 2006

I am trying to pull some "notes" from a sql database.....the notes thatare put into the database come via the web and the user is entering itfor a certain task. they are stored in their own table and field andget assigned and incremental ID #.I want to be able to pull up the latest entry to the task, not all ofthe notes just the latest one.. The entry does get a timestamp in thefield so I am thinking I might be able to look at that fieldsomehow.... Right now my query shows all notes / entries for the task.I am an intermediate sql query guy so I hopefully expained enough toget assistance.Let me know if you need to know more.

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Assistance With Query

Nov 12, 2007

I am trying to get a running total. I need the query to reset the running total for each year/id. Below is the sample query. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

CREATE TABLE #valueset (k1 int, date datetime, groupByThis nvarchar(50), c1 int)
INSERT #valueset (k1, date, groupbythis, c1) VALUES (13024, '09/14/2007', '2007', 1)
INSERT #valueset (k1, date, groupbythis, c1) VALUES (13025, '09/15/2006', '2006', 1)
INSERT #valueset (k1, date, groupbythis, c1) VALUES (13025, '10/13/2006', '2006', 1)
INSERT #valueset (k1, date, groupbythis, c1) VALUES (13025, '09/14/2007', '2007', 2)

SELECT v.k1,, v.groupByThis, v.c1, RunningTotal=SUM(a.c1)
FROM ( SELECT k1, date, groupByThis, c1, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY k1 ORDER BY groupbythis, date) as Rank
FROM #valueset ) v


( SELECT k1, date, groupByThis, c1, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY k1 ORDER BY groupbythis, date) as Rank
FROM #valueset ) a
WHERE a.Rank <= v.Rank
AND a.groupByThis = v.groupByThis
GROUP BY v.k1,, v.groupByThis, v.c1
ORDER BY v.groupByThis,

Drop Table #valueset

Expected Results:
k1 date groupbythis c1 RunningTotal
13025 2006-09-15 00:00:00.000 2006 1 1
13025 2006-10-13 00:00:00.000 2006 1 2
13024 2007-09-14 00:00:00.000 2007 1 1
13025 2007-09-14 00:00:00.000 2007 2 2
13025 2007-11-09 00:00:00.000 2007 1 3

I am almost there - any help would be great. I need to reset the running total after every "groupbythis" for every "k1"


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Query Assistance.

Jun 25, 2007

I am relatively new to the use of coplex queries. Here is a task that I am trying to accomplish.

Source table.







I am trying to write a query that will display this result into Excel.















Basically I am trying to identify if there is a duplicate address, if so mark it as such in the duplicate column and then placing the ID into a column under the Workstation.
I only want to see the duplicated address once (Distinct?) but mark that it is indeed a duplicate and mark the ID's that it has under the workstations.

Any ideas? I have created a query that does pull the data in the first example that is doing a DTS export to excel. However I need to format this to show the second example.

I appreciate any help I can get on this.

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Need Some Query Assistance

Mar 10, 2008


I have two tables, USER and ROTATION. What I would like to display is the Maximum Start_Date and Maximum End_Date from the ROTATION Table along with the First_Name and Last_Name that is associated with that max entry.

When I just create a select statement that asks for the max value of the Start_Date and End_Date, I get the value I see. However when I try to add the First_Name and Last_Name to the mix, I get the Max Start and End Date Values of all the people in the User Table. I only want one result returned. I'm probably missing something very simple here. Any assistance would be appreciated.

The SQL code I am currently using:


Example of my desired result:

First_Name Last_Name OnCall_Start_Date OnCall_End_Date
John Doe 8/10/08 8/17/08

John Doe should be the only result returned because he would have the highest OnCall_Start and OnCall_End in the ROTATION Table.

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Query To Create A Countable List Using A Single Value From Table

Mar 15, 2004


from a single numeric value, say 'n', in a field in a table, i'd like to create a SELECT query that produces a list from 1 to n, e.g

if the value was 6, I would like selected back:

Any pointers?

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Single Query - Update Same Column In Diff Table

Sep 25, 2014

I have two tables table1 and table2 and having a common column "col1"

When i ran the following query

UPDATE table1, table2 SET col1=FALSE WHERE id = 1;

getting the following error

Error Code: 1052
Column 'col1' in field list is ambiguous

id column exist in both the tables and need to update both the tables to false where the id is equivalent to 1.

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Inserting Results From Query Into New Temp Table

Sep 17, 2013

I am try to insert the results from the query into new temp table but keep geeting an error for Incorrect syntax near ')'.

select * into tempCosting
select top 10* from itemCode itm
where itm.type= 1

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Group By Query Insert The Results Into Different Table

Aug 20, 2007

I am trying to do a select statement and input the result to a different table how can this be done in one step? Now I am just coping to excel and importing back in this is a real pain.

Select Trip, Destination, LeaveDate, LeaveTime, ReturnDate, ReturnTime, Comment, RescheduleDate from Trips

Group by Trip, Destination, LeaveDate, LeaveTime, ReturnDate, ReturnTime, Comment, RescheduleDate

Order by LeaveDate, LeaveTime, Trip

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Save Prediction Query Results To A SQL Table

Feb 7, 2007

Can anyone show me how to run a prediction query and save the results to a sql table without using the T-SQL OPENQUERY tip here I am looking for an example in that I can use in a SSIS script task.


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Is There A Way To Store The Results Of A Query In Another Table (SQLCE 3.0 Or Later)

Dec 8, 2007

I would like to perform a large query operation (which takes many seconds), and store that into a designated table which will act as basically a cache for that query. Is there a way to achieve this just using SQL, as opposed to using a data reader, then inserting that back into the designated table with a sqlceresultset.

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Need Assistance With A Select Query.

Feb 27, 2006

I am new to SQL and aftering reading my SQL For Dummies book, I still am unsure how to accomplish this task.

The table I need to query contains resident census information. There are multiple rows for each resident. I need to determine if the resident is still active, so I only need to read the last row for each resident to make this determination.

What method can I use to read only the last row for the resident. Here is what I tried previously, but it returns multiple rows for each resident.

select a.firm_id_code as FacAddOnNum,
f.shortname as FacName,
left(a.resident_code,6) as ResidentCode,
(r.res_first_name + ' ' + r.res_last_name) as ResidentName,

from (select firm_id_code,
max(dt_cens_trans) as LastDate,
from arrescensus
where firm_id_code = @FacId
group by firm_id_code, resident_code, dt_cens_trans, cens_trans_type) as a
join corp_info.dbo.facilityinfo as f on (a.firm_id_code = f.addonnum)
join arresidents as r on ((r.firm_id_code = a.firm_id_code) and (r.resident_code = a.resident_code))

Any help with this is greatly appreciated!

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Some Assistance With Query Needed -_-

Oct 12, 2004

I've got a website with dynamic content, each page (subject) got an ID. On every page there can be a number of links. These are either links to internal other pages on that website or external links.

For the internal links the only thing I need is the ID and Title of that page. Those can be found in the Tbl_subjects. As for external links I need ID, Title and URL which can be found in the Tbl_ext_links.

I've got a table named Tbl_linkboxes with:
- a Subject ID which means that this link belongs on this subject page.
- Link ID which is either an ID from Tbl_subjects or Tbl_ext_links
- External a boolean column to indicate if the Link ID refers to the Subject table or the External links table

There's basically 2 questions:
1) How to make this work? I've got a query below as feeble attempt
2) Should I really really really consider to use 2 columns for IDs and removing the External boolean. And simply setting one of those fields in the columns to >0 while the other is 0.

Okay, here's my attempt

PHP Code:

 SELECT    s.Sub_id, s.Link_id
    (l.external IS FALSE, (SELECT Title FROM Tbl_subjects), (SELECT Title,URL FROM Tbl_ext_links)
FROM    Tbl_subjects s
WHERE    s.Sub_id = <some id> 

Not sure if I should work with IIF here to make it work or something else. I'm almost tempted to kick the boolean column overboard and introduce a JOINT on both columns then, one for external link ids and other for internal page ids.

Amazing how long one can stare at a query and not being able to get it right

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Update Query Assistance

Mar 7, 2007

I'm attempting to write and update query. So far I have written the following:
set tax_code='04'
where DIST_CITY='04'AND year_id=2007 AND frozen_id=0 AND p_id=93549 AND total_taxes=isnull

The last part of the query "total_taxes=isnull" is where the problem lies. Essentially I want to say if all of the other things are true and there is a null value in the total_taxes column, then I I want to set the tax_code to '04'. However how would I phrase the last part correctly?


-Steve H.

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Assistance Developing Query

Jul 23, 2005

Good Day;I would appreciate assistance developing a query that I haven't beenable to develop without using a second table. I wish to count thenumber of records that are still open on the first of each month.Each record has an open date and a close date or the close date isnull i.e., the record is not yet closed. I've previously beaten thisby building a table, simply a list of the dates for the first of eachmonth for the next ten years or so, and then selecting values basedupon a date selected from that table. However I'd be happier if Icould do it without the second table. I'd be prepared to accept theMin(Date) for each month as being the first of the month.I've included some DDL statements to build and populate the table ifthat helps. Since the selection is rather small and all the opendates are very close together I think the result will be simply adecreasing count from the month the first record is opened till today.A pseudo code select statement might look likeSelect Min(DateOpened) As DateOfInterest, Count(*) as [Qty Still Open]FROM DetailTWhere DateReceived > DateOfInterest or DateReceived is Null andDateOpened < DateOfInterestGroup by Min(DateOpened)Order by Min(DateOpened)I hope I've explained it sufficiently well.CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DetailT] ([Autonum] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[QDNumber] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[DateOpened] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL ,[DateReceived] [smalldatetime] NULL ,)Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened, DateReceived)VALUES('C15788', '06/04/2005 9:35', 07/04/2005)Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened, DateReceived)VALUES('B16091', '06/04/2005 9:36', '07/04/2005')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened, DateReceived)VALUES('B15001', '06/04/2005 9:51', '08/04/2005')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened, DateReceived)VALUES('M18696', '06/04/2005 9:56', '06/04/2005')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened, DateReceived)VALUES('C14969', '06/04/2005 10:05', '10/04/2005')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened, DateReceived)VALUES('O10091', '06/04/2005 10:08', '12/04/2005')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened)VALUES('D01197', '06/04/2005 10:13')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened, DateReceived)VALUES('H15001', '06/04/2005 10:15', '08/04/2005')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened, DateReceived)VALUES('J15090', '06/04/2005 10:24', '08/04/2005')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened)VALUES('J01202', '06/04/2005 10:31')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened)VALUES('G01193', '06/04/2005 10:32')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened)VALUES('K01164', '06/04/2005 10:35')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened)VALUES('K01162', '06/04/2005 10:48')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened)VALUES('F01124', '06/04/2005 10:59')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened)VALUES('H01147', '06/04/2005 11:01')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened)VALUES('S15068', '06/04/2005 11:10')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened, DateReceived)VALUES('E12322', '06/04/2005 11:32', '07/04/2005')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened, DateReceived)VALUES('A12205', '06/04/2005 11:37', '06/04/2005')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened, DateReceived)VALUES('D12259', '06/04/2005 11:40', '07/04/2005')Insert into DetailT (QDNumber, DateOpened)VALUES('C03394', '06/04/2005 11:51')If you made it this far thank you for your patience. Any help would beappreciated.Thank you.Bill

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Assistance Building A Query...

Jun 15, 2006

I am trying to generate some datasets with some queries...With a given series information, it should return PART_NOs that has STD= 1 and a unique price at that particular 'START', and keeping the'TYPE' in consideration...DB examples below:Main DBIDPART_NOSERIESSTD1A-1A12A-2A13A-3A14D-1D15D-2D0Price DBIDPART_IDTYPESTARTPRICE501X100050511X1000040521Y100060531Y1000050542X100050552X1000040562Y100060572Y1000050582X100090etc.main.ID and Price.PART_ID are paired together.So in an example case, lets say I am querying for SERIES A, with TYPEX. A table should be outputted something likePART_NOA-1100050A-11000040A-3100090Note how it skipped printing A2 because the price is the same as A1.I'm really looking for the SQL code here... I can't get it to filter ondistinct price.SELECT MAIN.PART_NO, PRICING.START, PRICING.PRICEFROM MAIN, PRICINGWHERE (MAIN.SERIES LIKE 'A')AND (MAIN.STD = '1')AND (PRICING.PRICE != '')AND (PRICING.TYPE = 'X')AND (MAIN.ID = PRICING.PART_ID)I've been trying to use GROUP BY and HAVING to get what I need but itdoesn't seem to fit the bill. I guess I'm not terribly clear on how Ican use the SQL DISTINCT command...? If I try and use it in my WHEREstatement it gives me syntax errors, from what I understand you canonly have distinct in the select statement? I'm not sure how tointegrate that into the query to suit my needs.Thanks for any help.

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Monster Query Assistance

Mar 5, 2007

I realize this query is inherently incorrect, but my issue is mainly
syntax. The line, "WHEN a.order_id <> b.order_id THEN" is wrong.
I want to ensure that a.order_id is not in the settlement table. So I
was thinking something along the lines of "WHEN a.order_id not in
(select order_id from settlement)" which I know will cause a slower
response time, but I'm willing to deal with it. In any case, that
syntax doesn't appear to work.

WHEN a.ready_to_pay_flag = 'Y' and a.deduction_type = 'E' and (
WHEN a.order_id <> b.order_id THEN
END) used_date datediff(d,used_date, ".$cutOffDate.") < 30) THEN
END) earn_amount_rtp_curr,

Any help here would be hotness!


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