Async Processes - Help !!

Feb 10, 2000



Very long story and I will not bore you with it. What I need to do is call a stored procedure and from within that stored procedure, initiate other sp and get out before those other sp are finished running.

I know I can execute a job but my volume would be about 1 job per second with a life of 2-5 seconds. So in a very short period of time, I can stack up a large volume of jobs.

Anyone have any better ideas ?

Help Please !@!!

Craig Somberg

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Processes Were Blocked By Other Processes

May 31, 2001

We are facing lot of problems with Blocking,can any one help us in this matter,The problem is as follows

We have SQL Server 7.0 running on Nt4.0, and three web servers and 5 application servers are accessing SQL server.
Till Yesterday everything was fine,Suddenly today more than 18 processes
were blocked by other(Like chain),First i killed some blocking process,then it was fine,once again it started and continuously some processes are blocked by other,and i found that all blocking process are running from webservers.I ran SQL Profiler to get some information,but no use.
I am not understanding why suddenly it happend,because we have't modified anything.Is there any way to overcome this situation,this is production server.
because of this users are getting slow responce/no responce.

----Here i want to know why it happend?
---How to trace the problem and fix it

Can any one help me please

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Max Async Io

Jan 25, 2001

In SQL Server 7.0 there was option that allows you to set 'MAX async io', but it no longer available in SQL 2000.

Does anyone know why this option is not available or did Microsoft replace this function with something else?

Thank You,

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Max Async Io

Jan 25, 2001

In SQL Server 7.0 there was option that allows you to set 'MAX async io', but it no longer available in SQL 2000.

Does anyone know why this option is not available or did Microsoft replace this function with something else?

Thank You,

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In Trouble With Async Replication..

Nov 21, 2006

Hello Everybody,

In the past few days I try to work with SQL Mobil and Replication.

And now I have a big problem.

When the replication ist running in my little application the pda-user wants not stop there working. So I try to implement some routines of code that I find in this onlinearticle:

The codes workes fine as long I don't start another SQL Task. When I start either (Select, Insert, Update or Delete) Statement the Database crash with errormessage: "The database file may be corrupted. Run the repair utility...

Can anyone give me a tip what I must do to fix this problem.

Many Thanks


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Async Database Access On Single SqlConnection

Mar 14, 2008


I'm currently writing an windows application where a LOT of threads connect to database and send small amount of data.
I'd like to ask you for the best approach to do it.

The way it's implemented now:

Each therad uses it's own SqlConnection sends few bytes of data and closes the SqlConnection. Each thread has to send initliazation data which i guess is few times bigger then accual data and then it has to close connestion even more bytes that could be avoided are sent.

The way i'd like it to be:

There is only one SqlConnection all therads share it. It's opened when the applications starts and closed when it's application is closed. This way i send initialization data only once and by doing this i can save some bandwidth.

Does SqlConnection operations has to be in critical area? Can it be used pararelly by many threads? Maby there is better way to do it? Is it recomended to close SqlConnection as soon as possible after query? If so why?

Thanks in advance,

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Can't Receive Message From Queue (Async Trigger)

Sep 1, 2006

Hi Folks,

I've found a pretty good code example on for a Asynchronous Trigger.

I've parsed through the Code, to understand how to wirte my own Async Trigger with a Service Broker, but the Code isn't working! It seems that the stored procedure don't receive the messages in the queue, but the queue get's filled.




  PROCEDURE_NAME = sp_myServiceProgram,

CREATE SERVICE myService ON QUEUE myQueue  (myContractANY)
Procedure (greped from

CREATE PROC sp_myServiceProgram
-- This procedure will get triggered automatically
-- when a message arrives at the
-- Let's retrieve any messages sent to us here:
  @MessageBody VARBINARY(MAX),
  @MessageTypeName SYSNAME,
  @ID INT,
  MessageBody VARBINARY(MAX),
  MessageTypeName SYSNAME);
WHILE (1 = 1)
  RECEIVE message_body, message_type_name
  FROM myQueue  INTO @Queue
 ), TIMEOUT 5000;
 -- If no messages exist, then break out of the loop:
 OPEN c_Test;
  INTO @MessageBody, @MessageTypeName;
  -- Let's only deal with messages of Message Type
  -- myMsgXML:
  IF @MessageTypeName = 'myMsgXML'
   SET @XML = CAST(@MessageBody AS XML);
   -- Now let's save the XML records into the
   -- historical table:
   INSERT INTO tblDotNetFunTriggerTestHistory
    SELECT tbl.rows.value('@ID', 'INT') AS ID,
     tbl.rows.value('@COL2', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') AS COL2,
    FROM @XML.nodes('/inserted') tbl(rows);
   INTO @MessageBody, @MessageTypeName;
 CLOSE c_Test;
 -- Purge the temporary in-proc table:
Send Message in a Update Trigger

  -- Send the XML records to the Service Broker queue:
   The target Service Broker service is the same
   service as the initiating service; however, you
   can set up this type of trigger to send messages
   to a remote server or another database.
   FROM SERVICE myService
   TO SERVICE 'myService'
   ON CONTRACT myContractANY;
  -- Let's detect an error state for this dialog
  -- and rollback the entire transaction if one is
  -- detected:
  IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.conversation_endpoints
   WHERE conversation_handle = @DialogHandle
   AND state = 'ER')
   RAISERROR('Dialog in error state.', 18, 127);
   --I want to list the queue after the trigger so I disabled
   --END CONVERSATION @DialogHandle;
The Problem is, that the Procedure doesn't even get started! So I tried to receive the Queues manually

  RECEIVE message_body, message_type_name
  FROM myQueue  INTO @Queue
 ), TIMEOUT 5000;

and I run always into the timeout and get nothing back. A Select * FROM myQueue gives me some results back. Why I can't recevie?
Would be grateful for help, or at least a good tutorial, I haven't found one yet....
thx and greez

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SQL 2012 :: AlwaysOn Async Replica Back To Sync

Aug 19, 2014

After failing over to the DR replica. All databases are out of sync. DR replicas were setup as async the other 2 are set up as sync. Is this by design. No data has been updated to any of these as they are test dbs. So all dbs should be the same, no data loss.

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DTS/Async Stored Procedure/Import Huge Data

Jul 20, 2005

I have a table which contains approx 3,00,000 records. I need toimport this data into another table by executing a stored procedure.This stored procedure accepts the values from the table as params. Mycurrent solution is reading the table in cursor and executing thestored procedure. This takes tooooooo long. approx 5-6 hrs. I need tomake it better.Can anyone help ?Samir

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: AG Failover To Async Node - Replication

Sep 29, 2015

if for any reason AG fails over to async node, how replication behaves? As data will not be in sync with previous primary replica, how replication will work? I think that we have to reset replication from scratch as there's a high chance subscribers might be more updated than current primary replica as failover to this node causes data loss. How to keep replication in sync without resetting up? Can we achieve this?

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Mirroring :: Async Mirror Setup For High Number Of Databases

Oct 27, 2015

I have a 2 node cluster having 4 cores each wherein having 3 instances of SQL 2008 R2 enterprise comprising of 60 databases, 20 on each instance. I need to setup mirroring for each of the databases to a secondary server having 4 cores and 3 instances.

What i understand is that in this case the mirror server will be providing max of 512 worker threads and the 60 mirror databases would consume 240 threads.

What all needs to be checked for looking into the feasibility of going ahead with a async mirror setup as mentioned above.

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Trouble With An ASync Query To Insert A Record And Return The Auto Number Field.

Aug 31, 2007

I get this error when I look at the state of my SQLresults object. Have I coded something wrong?Item = In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by the user.  conn.Open()
Dim strSql As String

strSql = "INSERT INTO contacts (companyId, sourceId, firstName, lastName, middleName, birthday, dateCreated)" _
& "VALUES ('" & companyId & "', '" & sourceId & "', '" & firstName & "', '" & lastName & "', '" & middleName & "', '" & birthday & "', '" & now & "') SELECT @@IDENTITY AS 'contactId'"

Dim objCmd As SqlCommand
objCmd = New SqlCommand(strSql, conn)

Dim aSyncResult As IAsyncResult = objCmd.BeginExecuteReader()

If aSyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne() = True Then

Dim sqlResults As SqlClient.SqlDataReader

sqlResults = objCmd.EndExecuteReader(aSyncResult)

Dim cid As Integer

cid = sqlResults.Item("contactId") = cid
Return cid
Return "failed"

End If  

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Blocking Processes

May 29, 2001

I have upgraded a MS SQL database from 6.5 to 7.0. The database functioned fine in 6.5, now I have a table that is locking due to a blocking process. If I kill the process all is fine, but am trying to determine what is causing the process to hang. Has anyone experience any similar situations.

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KILL Processes, Help To Do This!!!

Sep 20, 2000


How to kill process???
I turn off workstation but the process still available in the sysprocesses table and in the Curent activity window.
I can't to kill this (and I can't to restart serever, because the users) .

If anyone know something about this problem.

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SQL Performance And Processes

Mar 16, 1999

I have an SQL server with several (100) users connected. When I run a long running process, it severely impacts user performance. The long running process is a store procedure with several cursors.

Are there SQL configuration settings that would reduce the impact of these long running processes on other Users?

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Kill All Processes In A Particular DB

Sep 26, 2006

The Following Stored Procedure helps to
Kill All Processes in a Particular DataBase
With Out Current Process

Create Proc Sp_KillAllProcessInDB

@DbName VarChar(100)

if db_id(@DbName) = Null
Print 'DataBase dose not Exist'

Declare @spId Varchar(30)

Select 'Kill ' + convert(Varchar, spid) as spId
from master..SysProcesses
where db_Name(dbID) = @DbName
and spId <> @@SpId
and spId > 50
and dbID <> 0
OPEN TmpCursor

INTO @spId



Exec (@spId)

INTO @spId


CLOSE TmpCursor

/* The Above Query Helps TO Change a Database in Single USer Mode Quickly*/

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Kill Processes

May 8, 2002

I have been needing to disconnect users often, before backing up a database or setting it to restricted users.
Each time, I have to go to Current Activity & kill one process at a time. Is there a way, by which I can kill all processes on a database or force out all coonections to it?


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SQL Server Processes

Feb 22, 2006

What is the max number of processes that can be running at the same time?

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Kill Processes

May 4, 2004

Can you kill processes in SQL Server 2K without stopping SQL Server and restarting it? I am using sp_who2 to get a list of active users and I see some accounts that are logged off but still showing up and I am trying to find a way to Kill these accounts and the processes they are doing.

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Connexion, Processes ...

May 17, 2004

From the system table sysprocesses, how to do in order to extract
the SQL command related to the processes ?

What are system views/tables, scripts used to monitor and obtain more information
about processes, connexions... ?

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Apr 1, 2008

Hi All

When i see the result of Sp_who2, i see the status of a process as
"SUSPENDED" for some of the processes like logwriter, checkpoint etc.
and also found the same status for "IF @@TRANCOUNT>0 COMMIT TRAN"

Please let me know what does it mean in the context of SQL 2005

Thanks in advance.

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Background Processes

Jan 24, 2008

Hi all,

Can anybody tell me what are the background processes running in sqlserver databases.


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DAO &> SQL Server Processes

Oct 24, 2005

I need to know exactly what VBA lines Create and Destroy SQL ServerProcesses - i.e. those visible in Enterprise Manager under Management[color=blue]> Current Activity > Process Info.[/color]Why?I am experiencing strange behaviour with Processes that are createdwhen I create a DAO Database Object with the following line:Set m_ResDatabase = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(strDSN, False,False, strODBC)This creates the process as expected.However the following lines don't always close the ensuing Process:If Not m_ResRecordSet Is Nothing Thenm_ResRecordSet.CloseSet m_ResRecordSet = NothingEnd IfIf Not m_ResDatabase Is Nothing Thenm_ResDatabase.CloseSet m_ResDatabase = NothingEnd IfIf Not m_ResWorkspace Is Nothing Thenm_ResWorkspace.CloseSet m_ResWorkspace = NothingEnd IfIt seems as if SQL Server keeps hold of the first two Processes andthen will release any subsequent ones.Can anyone shed any light in this - or any good web pages where Imight find some answers?Regards Chris

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Sleeping Processes

Mar 8, 2007

Hi, just a quick problem/question. Why do processes in the middle of the package goto sleep? Is there a method of making them go?

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HELP?? Multiple Processes

May 31, 2007

I have a foreach loop which contains a call to an Execute process task. I want the Execute process task to run once for each element in my foreach, but I need to run as many Execute process tasks as my server can handle. What is the best way to do this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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No Processes On The End Of PIPE

Mar 3, 2006

I had to move my developed software onto another computer in order to demo this. The new computer has IIS installed as well as VS2005 and SQL Server 2005. When I try to execute I get this error.

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)

I have worked on this problem for two days now and have to demo it first thing Monday. Any help would be appreciated.

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How To Increase The Maximum No. Of DB Processes?

Sep 4, 1998

I am receiving an error from my ODBC driver “Maximum number of DBPROCESSes already allocated.”

I confirmed that there are 25 connections and that this is the default. This is caused by error message 10029, SQLEDBPS, when the maximum number of simultaneously open DBPROCESS structures exceeds the current setting. I would like to increase this maximum.

I have found only two ways to do this. One is using dbsetmaxprocs using C and the other is using SqlSetMaxProcs using Visual Basic. My problem is that I am interfacing to SQL Server using a third party tool that is doing the lower level programming.

Is there some way that I can increase the maximum number of DB processes for all databases that are part of the SQL Server 7 environment, or can I set this value using a program that is called from a stored procedure?

Any ideas in this area will be greatly appreciated.

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Automated Killing Of Processes

Aug 30, 1999

I wish to select processes from sysprocess that are SLEEPING and more than a certain time old (say 10 minutes) so that I may KILL them. I can get the query to do the select, but how do I KILL the process? I have tried selecting the SPID into a local variable and then trying KILL @var_name, but I get "Incorrect syntax near '@var_name'".

I have tried all of the resources that I can find, but without success. Is this possible? If so, how do I go about doing it?

Thanks in advance.


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Defing Business Processes

Feb 12, 2007

Sorry, didn't quite know where this should go.
I'm reading Kimball Group's "Microsoft Data Warehouse Toolkit"
Has anyone got any experience in defining business processes? I'm struggling a little to look at my employer's recruitment busines and work out exactly what the real processes are.
Or maybe one of you has read something somewhere about this specific skill?

Me: What do you want to know from your data warehouse?
Client: Err...Emm...Everything
Me: OK, that's great. That's all I need to know. I'll see you when it's done.

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Captures All Server And Processes

Feb 28, 2008

Hi ,

I want to capture all Processes,Applications and Servers (name) which is accessing(linking) to my server. Is it Possible without using Profiler?

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Limiting Active Processes?

Jul 23, 2005

We currently have a routine that "forks" out (to use the unix term)TSQLcommands to run asynchronously via SQL Agent jobs. Each TSQL commandgets its own Job, and the job starts immediately after creation.Sometimes we can have too many of these jobs running at the same, andthe box crawls to a slow speed until the jobs finish up.Is there a way we can limit the number of active jobs running under theSQL Agent at one time? Or is there away to limit the number of active(runnable) processes on SQL Server, in general?

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How To Document ETL Packages/processes

Apr 2, 2008

Is there a common way to document ETL (packages / data flows)? I looked for documentation templates in the internet but didn't find anything which was useful.


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How Xml Could Help Us With Our ETL Processes On Daily-basis?

May 26, 2006

Hi all of you,

I'm just a newbie with XML. Now we're moving all our DTS to SSIS packages. Most of them are simply processes that takes a plain file and loading these data into Sql table or in inverse way. So that I wonder what role will play XML here.

I mean, are there big differences between store data as XML format and nvarchar?

That sort of stuff.

Thanks in advance for any input,

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