Attach DB Causing Cachestore Flush
Mar 16, 2007
I have detached a SQL Server 2005 database from one server and attached it to another SQL Server 2005 and I now get the following in the error Log and in the event viewer evry 10 - 20 minutes or so.
SQL Server has encountered 1 occurrence(s) of cachestore flush for the 'Object Plans' cachestore (part of plan cache) due to some database maintenance or reconfigure operations.
2007-03-16 12:37:14.64 spid17s SQL Server has encountered 1 occurrence(s) of cachestore flush for the 'SQL Plans' cachestore (part of plan cache) due to some database maintenance or reconfigure operations.
2007-03-16 12:37:14.64 spid17s SQL Server has encountered 1 occurrence(s) of cachestore flush for the 'Bound Trees' cachestore (part of plan cache) due to some database maintenance or reconfigure operations.
Starting up database 'DBName'
It appears under different SPID's 18, 20, 24 ...... and consistently has the 4 errors in a row
Full Text indexing is running for both servers but I dont know if this is the cause of the error.
I would greatly appreciate any help to get rid of this as I have trawled the net and not found anything of use.
Thank You.
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Mar 14, 2008
I got the following error. What is it?
SQL Server has encountered 1 occurrence(s) of cachestore flush for the 'Object Plans' cachestore (part of plan cache) due to some database maintenance or reconfigure operations.
Canada DBA
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Aug 21, 2004
I have a long running (48 hour+) stored proc. I've added PRINT statements that print "1%", "2%", etc to provide progress so I can get a ballpark idea of how far along the process is. I ran the stored proc and realized that this won't work. I don't see the output of the print statements until the stored proc is completed. I'm running this from Query Analyzer (SQL Server 2000 SP3a).
For example, the following will wait ten seconds and then print both statements; it doesn't print one then wait, then print the other. Is there any flush command to make the print statements take effect immediately?
PRINT 'before'
WAITFOR DELAY '000:00:10'
PRINT 'after'
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Oct 12, 2005
Quick question. Is it possible to Flush the tables in SQL Server, I know you can do it in MySQL, but not sure on SQL Server?
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Nov 21, 2007
An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:WebApp_Dataaspnetdb.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
My web.config file, the connection strings
<add name="POAdatabaseConnectionString1" connectionString="Data Source=sss;Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog=POAdatabase.mdf;Integrated Security=SSPI" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
I cann't really find the statement for attaching aspnetdb.mdf. I don't where to find it. Is there any other web.config file in the C drive? Thanks for help!
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Nov 2, 2005
Is there a clean way to flush the query cache so I can simulate the first execution of an SQL statement any time I want to?
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May 7, 2004
I want to trace the user logins by using a stored procedure. This script (sp_login_trace) is created by the SQL Profiler tool. (Once this procedure works well, I will use sp_procoption to run it automatically everytime the SQL Server startup.)
After I successfully created sp_login_trace, I run it (exec sp_login_trace). The trace process is started and TraceID is 1. (I use select * from ::fn_trace_getinfo(default) to verify it). However the file size of login_trace.trc is always 0 even after I use Query Ananlysis or Eneterprise manager to let some users to login into the SQL Server instance. (when I use SQL Profiler to start a trace, the trace file size will increase along with users continaully login in). At that time if I use SQL Profiler to open the login_trace.trc file, the system will give me an error message: No data since Empty File.
After I stop and delete the trace process, I find that the file size of login_trace.trc becomes 128K and I can see the login records caught by sp_login_trace if I use SQL Profiler to open this file again.
How can I flush the buffer to trc file frequently without need of stopping trace process?
Thanks for helps in advance.
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Sep 28, 2007
Could anybody help me on how to do buffer flush before program exit?
I am using OLE DB to insert record to SQL CE database, but cannot control data commit, each time if I exit too quick, then all of inserted record cannot stored into database .sdf file. Thanks a lot!
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Jul 20, 2005
I am looking for an API to flush all data in memory held by SQL Serverto disk. Also, is there a tool for SQL Server like eseutil forExchange that lets you correct a SQL database?
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Apr 3, 2007
I'm working on a stored procedure, and I'm nearing completion. The procedure takes a while to run (it's a very large dataset), but that's not my issue. The problem is that I include several print statements, but I don't get to see any of them until the entire procedure has finished. Is there anything I can do to be able to see them as they are printed? Using sql server 2000 with management studio for 2005.
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Aug 2, 2007
I am working on my own data flow source component. Here is a fragment of this component code:
public override void PrimeOutput(int outputs, int[] outputIDs, PipelineBuffer[] buffers) { PipelineBuffer selectedBuffer = buffers[0]; string message; while ((message = GetMessage()) != null) { selectedBuffer.AddRow(); selectedBuffer.SetString(0, message); // how to flush data here? } selectedBuffer.SetEndOfRowset(); } private string GetMessage() { // we are retrieving some message here, this is a long-term process }
When a new row is added by this component to the buffer then this row is not immediately available to the next component in data flow. It is possible to configure SSIS in that way that each row is immediately sent to the next data flow component? If no also please inform me about that.
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May 23, 2007
We are using sql server 2005 Enterprise Edition with service pack1
I got the following error messages in the SQL log
The operating system returned error 21(The device is not ready.) to SQL Server during a read at offset 0x00000000090000 in file '....mdf'. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log and system event log may provide more detail. This is a severe system-level error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. Complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online.
fcb::close-flush: Operating system error 21(The device is not ready.) encountered.
I got these errors for about 2 hrs and after that I see these messages in the sql log
Starting up database ' '
1 transactions rolled forward in database '' (). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
0 transactions rolled back in database ' ' (). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
Recovery is writing a checkpoint in database ' ' ( ). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
CHECKDB for database '' finished without errors on (local time). This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
Can anyone please help me in troubleshooting this issue. Why this migh have happened.
any help would be appreciated.
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Aug 27, 2007
Dear Folks:
I am currently engaged in finding the reason why a certain SQL client application (now running under XP SP2) fails when it attempts to query an sql database. This "failure" happens after the nth operation of the same. The application can run anywhere between 2 seconds and 2 hours before it displays a GPF dialog window and is terminated by the user. The application was developed more than 10 years ago using Borland c++ 4.52 (I am using 5.01) and was deployed as a 16 bit windows app. Since then, they've the client) "apparently" had some success running it under Win95/Win98 and 32 bit OSs like W2K and XP.
At this time, I (think I) know that a specific query operation (runing through the KDBF framework) that returns a 13059 BDE code before the returned object is accessed and the KERNAL reports a NULL Handle error. Inside the KBDEF framework, the query function translates to a DbiQExecDirect(,,) function call to the BDE. I have looked at the code and can not find anything wrong.. nor would i expect too. The application worked at one time. But,clearly, something has changed in the environment of both the test system I have, and one installed at a customer site. I have modifed just about every modifiable parameter I can think of. The system in question is an IBM branded machine running XP pro with SP2 applied. I do not know if the app run under XP SP1 correctly, however.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. (i know.. stop using BDE)
Thank you
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Nov 30, 2007
Hi all
I have set up Transactional Replication from 2005 to 2000. After running a few transactions I disabled the replication, pointed one of our IIS servers to the 2000 database to do a quick functional test and validate replication. We are getting "Cannot insert duplicate value in object XXXX with violation of PK constraint errors. I was able to figure out the cause. This was happening for tables with Identity columns which have been set NOT FOR REPLICATION. The IDENT_CURRENT values are different than the MAX value in the table. so doing a DBCC CHECKIDENT with RESEED seemed to have fixed the issue. Now I am running the DBCC command on ALL tables that have been used for Replication and have NFR set to true. Its taking a while as the tables are big.
Now I am wondering if anyone has faced similar issue? Is this a known issue? I have googled and have found nothing or no one complaining about this. I believe most people have used replication for reporting where they are just querying the databases. We are testing replication as a fall back scenario.
Opinions welcome..
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Mar 3, 2008
I have a very rubbish connection!! And have been having prodlems with "Protocol error in TDS stream" when trying to save a copy locally through a dts. Basically i have a table with about 11,000 rows, but this table had 28 columns. I've now normalised to a certain extent and now have 2 tables one of 11 columns mostly ints and one of 18 columns, but they will both be excess of 11,000 rows.
So, on to the question ... Will these 2 tables likely ease my network issues... The application works fine on 1 big table. It's just copying to my local machine that's always been the issue since the table hit 10,000 rows
If only I knew what I was doing ... Thanks in advance of any guidence
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Jul 20, 2005
Gents,I have come into a system that uses a secondary table to generate (forwant of a better word) Identities.egcreate table myidents( name sysname not null, ident int not null)create procedure getnextident @table sysname, @ident int outputasbeginif not exists (select top 1 1 from myidents where name = @table)insert into myidents values (@table, 0)update myidentsset @ident = ident = ident + 1where name = @tableendnow, (ignoring for now the use of reserved words) the problem is thatthis is called frequently, from other procedures. Trouble is that thecalling procedures call it from within a transaction. We now have awickedly hot spot on this table, with frequent deadlocks.Is there any relatively quick fix for this? Some locking hints orwhatever.Or do we need to go and recode, moving this kind of thing outside thetransaction (which are all rather too long for my liking), and evencosidering using identity columns as a replacement?Thanks
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Feb 28, 2007
Hi All,
I tried to create a new project in BCM and I get an error indicating that there is already a project with that name. There is no project with that name in my list of projects! However, I think during one of the frequent installs and uninstalls before I was able to install a somewhat stable BCM, i might have created a project with that name prior to one of the many crashes (it still hangs and has to be killed in task manager periodically). I suspect I might have a rogue database that was created during one of the reinstalls which included installing and uninstalling small business accounting, which I have since also uninstalled. I have tried to use studio manager express to look at the tables in the databases, of which there are two, "mssmallbusiness" and "contctmgr 16022007" , in order to find an instance of a record with the name in question, no joy yet. Do I need the "mssmallbusiness" database to run BCM and if not can I delete it? I suspect that the mssmallbusiness database could be interfering somehow with the "contctmgr 16022007".
Since installing BCM, my outlook has slowed down considerably and hangs often on launch, I would abandon BCM, but I think it's a really cool tool and I would like to install small business accounting too! My machine is a centrino duo with 1 GB RAM and plenty HD space.
I know this message is somwhat convoluted, but if you can make sense of my issues, pls help.
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Apr 9, 2007
I was trying to clean up some conversation in Service Broker and caused alot of blocking that I seem to unable to kill. there was 1 conversation that I was not able to end, so I wanted to restart sql service, But I can't even restart the SQL service. I get the following in Event Viewer
Timeout occurred while waiting for latch: class 'SERVICE_BROKER_TRANSMISSION_INIT', id 00000001A2B03540, type 2, Task 0x0000000000C2EDA8 : 0, waittime 5400, flags 0xa, owning task 0x00000002DEBCA5C8. Continuing to wait.
Has anyone come across this
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Aug 8, 2006
I've got a stored procedure and one of the parameters is a DateTime. But no matter what I do to the string that's passed into the form for that field, it doesn't like the format. Here's my code: SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(KPFData.getConnectionString());
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("KPFSearchName", conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@DOB", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime);
param.Direction = dir;
param.Value = txtDOB.Text;
// also have tried this:
param.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDOB.Text);
// and
param.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDOB.Text).ToShortDateString;
No matter what I do I always get a formatting error - either I can't convert the string to a DateTime, or the SqlParameter is in the incorrect format, or something along those lines. I've spent a couple hours on this and hoping someone can point out my obvious mistake here...??Thanks for your help!!eddie
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May 23, 2007
I got some help on here before with building my query. I thought this was working fine but it turns out when there are multiple records for a column type, it only grabs the first one. I need to get all records. Is there an alternative to MAX? I needed to structure it like this because I needed to return each row as a column and this was the way suggessted before.
MAX(CASE WHEN ColumnName = 'Federal Specification Number' THEN TheValue ELSE NULL END) AS [Federal Specification Number]FROM (SELECT dbo.PRODUCT_FEATURE_VALUES.PRODUCT_ID AS ProductID, dbo.SHARED_FEATURE_VALUES.FEATURE_TEXT_VALUE AS TheValue,
This returns:
Product_Number Product_Name Federal Specification Number
02083 Di-Electric Grease, 10.5 Wt Oz FDZ-CFR-21-178.3570
There is another record for Federal Specification Number I need to return as well. If I change to MIN, it gets the other record. Anyway I can get both?
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Jun 11, 2008
I have my SQLDataSource configured as shown in the picture. I ran the Execute Query and input an ID I know is in the database and it returned nothing. I ran into this probelm on another part of my site and i got it working by using 2 SQLDataSources, but im trying to keep the amount of code down.
Any ideas on why it would be behaving this way?
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Aug 2, 2000
I seem to be having a problem on all of my SQL servers. WHen I or a developer attmept to do a delete on a table i get a Log file for database is full. I truncate the log try again and get the same error. IT doesnt seem to matter how much is being deleted or how big the table is. THis is very strange and very frustrating.
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Jul 5, 2007
Here's my basic syntax:
count(fc.contactid) as Number_Of_QCs,
(case when fc.ctca_currenttier = 1 then count(fc.contactid) end) as P1,
(case when fc.ctca_currenttier = 2 then count(fc.contactid) end) as P2,
(case when fc.ctca_currenttier = 3 then count(fc.contactid) end) as P3,
(case when fc.ctca_currenttier = 4 then count(fc.contactid) end) as c1,
(case when fc.ctca_currenttier = 5 then count(fc.contactid) end) as c2,
(case when fc.ctca_currenttier = 6 then count(fc.contactid) end) as c3
from ...
And then I get output like this:
How can I get there all to group to one row, based on the first column?
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Apr 17, 2006
I have been having problems inserting data with dates.
If I do not use a constraint then the data is inserted without a problem but if the constraint is added I get this error.
"The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value"
What is the problem here?
I have the logins set to British English
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Aug 8, 2004
We are trying to deal with replication in a legacy design involving 2 SQL servers each taking INSERTS from about 100 call centre client PCs. In each case a client logs into either SQL Server and upon each INSERT is handed a unique Call_ID to use when inserting additional information in relation to that specific call.
Each of the two databases are subsequently being replicated into a third database where reports are being pulled.
The problem is that to prevent each database giving the same Call_ID to a client we have setup SQL 1 to use a Call_ID starting with 1 and incremented by 2 (i.e odd numbers!). SQL 2 starts with 0 and increments by 2, (even numbers). These ‘increment’ rules are built into the table schema and seem to be causing a problem when we try to replicate into the third database as the two initial schemas are not considered identical.
The first database to be replicated will work and the second will fail. We get messages saying it is due to unique values.
I thought we may be able to have identical schemas by changing the ID field to a fixed 12 digit number and prefix it with a 10xxxxxxxxxx on one server and 11xxxxxxxxxx on the other. The 10 and 11 would be held in a table with the value being pulled based upon server name.
Hence we would be able to extract the value and prefix the ID with it.
Has anyone come across the reason as to why the first replication will work but the second will always fail? And would this mod solve the problem?
Moreover I suspect that our design is fundamentally flawed and that we need to have two servers handling a single database? This single database would then more easily be replicated to the reports database.
Thanks for any input!
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Sep 21, 2004
I'm maintaining a database with an automated backup process.
Periodically, it does a "BACKUP DATABASE" to a local file and then do a file copy across the network to another system. This file is 2.7GB and when it is being copied it causes network problems; specifically ADO connections to the database get broken.
Does anyone have experience with this kind of issue?
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Feb 18, 2004
Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum and I suspect I'll be using this forum frequently. Good stuff.
Allow this question may appear to be Web-related, I think the problem is with what I'm doing with the database. Please read.
I'm trying to implement a page tracking solution using ASP and SQL 2000. It basically writes a new record to a table every time a user visits a page on the site. It appeared to work fine at first, then I've increasingly been getting time out errors on my pages -- all pointing to the include file that fires the database write.
Here's the code that's referenced on every page:
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "dsn=x;uid=y;pwd=z;"
Set objRecordset1= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRecordset1.Open "SELECT * FROM table",Conn,1,2
objRecordset1.Fi elds("PAGE") = Left(request.servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME"),100)
objReco rdset1.Fields("QUERY_STRING") = Left(request.servervariables("QUERY_STRING"),100)
objRec ordset1.Fields("DATE") = Date()
objRecordset1.Fields("TIME") = Time()
objRecordset1.Fields("PLATFORM") = Left(request.servervariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),100)
obj Recordset1.Fields("REFERRER") = Left(request.servervariables("HTTP_REFERER"),100)
objRec ordset1.Fields("USER_IP") = Left(request.servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR"),20)
If Request.Cookies("TEST")("ID")<>"" Then
objRecordset1.Fields("VISITOR_ID") = Request.Cookies("TEST")("ID")
End If
Set Conn=Nothing
After taking out the reference to the above code everything speeds back up. So, I know the performance hit and time out issues have to do with the code above.
Is it the simultaneous write to the table, the constant opening and closing of the recordset, the cursor type, the lock type – or combination of things?
HELP!! Thanks!
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May 27, 2008
Hi, I am a new learner and user to SQL Sever 2005 and am having some major frustration trying to write a simple query.
I have two tables, 1) Ticket_Purchase, 2) Flight.
The Ticket_Purchase table has these columns: Ticket_Purchase_Number(PK), Flight_Number(FK), Date_Purchase_Made, Ticket_Price, Class_of_Ticket, Passenger_ID
The Flight table has these columns: Flight_Number(PK), Flight_Date, Flight_Departure_Time, Flight_Arrival_Time, Flight_Origin, Flight_Destination
I am trying to create a query that will tell me: On which flight were the most first class tickets sold?
There are only two types of classes; 'E' for economy and 'F' for First Class.
So far I am able to get a list of all the First class flights for each flight and can visually see which flight has the most first class tickets by counting them manually on the report generated, but I am totally confused on how to simply pull the single flight with the most First class tickets sold. I wonder if this requires something more like a join or a nested sub query?
The SQL I wrote for the above is:
Select Class_of_Ticket, Flight_Number
From Ticket_Purchase
Where Class_of_Ticket = ('F')
Order By Flight_Number;
And it produces:
Class_of_Ticket Flight_Number
--------------- -------------
F 1
F 1
F 1
F 2
F 2
F 3
F 3
F 3
F 3
F 4
F 4
F 4
F 4
F 4
F 4
F 4
F 4
F 4
F 4
F 4
F 4
F 4
F 4
F 5
F 5
F 6
F 6
F 6
F 7
F 7
F 8
F 8
F 8
F 9
F 9
F 9
F 9
F 9
(38 row(s) affected)
Rather I would like it to produce:
First_Class_Seats Purchased Flight_Number
--------------------------- ------------
14 4
I hope I didn't make this to confusing to understand as I am still learning the syntax and 'lingo' of how to communicate this stuff verbally.
Thank you for any help you could offer. It would be much appreciated.
Edit: the query report I pasted from SQL should have the flight number directly under the column header. For some reason the space between Class and Flight_number is being eliminated in the post.
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May 30, 2008
I am getting odd result while executing the below query.
ELSE D.stage_id
END) stage_id
WHERE O.image_id = D.image_id
AND D.LOGON = 'pbitest2'
AND O.delete_ind = ' '
GROUP BY stage_id
My actual requirement is to group by using the alias name.
This query getting the results by grouping the STAGE_ID from DEADLINE table!!!.
Please help me on this...Thanks in Advance.
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Dec 13, 2007
Hi i have a cursor in a Stored Procedure. The problem is that it's poiting to the first row and causing an infinite loop on it.
How can i stop this and make it go to all rows. Here is my code.
Declare @CountTSCourtesy int
Declare @WaiterName nvarchar(100), @CursorRestaurantName nvarchar (100)
Declare waiter_cursor CURSOR FOR
SELECT new_waiteridname, new_restaurantname
FROM dbo.FilteredNew_CommentCard
Where new_dateofvisit between @FromDate and @ToDate and new_restaurantname = @Restaurant
Open waiter_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM waiter_cursor
into @WaiterName,@CursorRestaurantName
Exec WaitersCountExCourtesy @WaiterName,@CursorRestaurantName
Close waiter_cursor
Deallocate waiter_cursor
Thanks in advance...
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Nov 23, 2005
I installed Sql Server 2000 on a Windows 2003 machine and everythingappeared to be fine. It has Sql Server SP4 and Windows 2003 SP1 installed.The problem occurs whenever I use Enterprise Manager or Query Analyzer formore than a few minutes. After a while, all internet connectivity on theserver machine is broken. I cannot connect to it through Enterprise Manager,and on the machine itself, nothing related to the internet works at all.There are no errors in the Windows log or the Sql log. Disabling andenabling the Ethernet adapter fixes connectivity, until the next time I useEnterprise Manager for a while. What is going on?The machine is a Dell PowerEdge SC420 with a BroadCom NetXtreme Gigabitadapter and Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have an Access XP ADE application connected to a SQL Server 7.0 SP4database. I have created a timestamp column in the main table.Unfortunately, I am now getting persistent write conflict errors.The order of operations are:1. The application starts and loads the recordset into the form using astored procedure.2. I modify a field and press a save button which uses me.dirty=false toforce a save.3. The field is saved to the database. Using profiler I can observe themodified field being saved. As I would expect, the update statement isusing the primary key and the timestamp column value. For the sake of thisdiscussion let's assume the value of the timestamp is 5ad9.4. Without navigating off the record, I alter the same field (or adifferent field) and press save again and a write conflict will appear.Using profiler I can see the update statement that is attempting to updatethe record. The update statement is using the previous value (5ad9) of thetimestamp column.I thought that the timestamp column value is incremented each time therecord is updated. The ADE application does not appear to be recognizingthe new timestamp value.Any help or advice you could give would be appreciated.ThanksGeorge
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