Attaching A Mdf To A SQL Express Instance During Installation

Mar 16, 2007


Im working in a proyect where i need to attach a mdf database to the client's SQL express instance. How can i accomplish during installation and without getting the user involved.

Any help will be greatly appretiated

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Attaching A SQL Express Database To SQL Server Standard Instance...

Oct 18, 2006

If I create a database in SQL Express and then copy the MDF/LDF files and attach them to a machine running SQL Server 2005 Standard - will this new database have SQL Express limitations?

Are there good reasons not to do this and create the database in SQL Server Standard using scripts generated from the SQL Express instance instead?

Basically, I'm setting up a merge replication between Standard and SQL Express for a common database and I figure attaching a copy of the database created in SQL Express is the fastest way to get this started.

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Configuring SQL Express During Installation And Attaching Smart Client DB / Silent Install For One Click?

Oct 9, 2006

Hey all,

Cool place! Has anyone deployed SQL Express silently using one click and an attached a smart client DB from within the app ... would love to see some of the best practices or horror stories! Just kidding... :) I'm about to deploy a smart client using SQL Express and could use some tips from someone who has been there.

Thanks in advance,


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Leave DB In Restoring State After Attaching To Instance?

Apr 7, 2015

Why do I leave my DB in Restoring State after attaching to the instance? Could not this fire a redo activity on Transaction Log?

Or, How does sql server undo all uncommitted transactions on active vlf during recovery?

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Unable To Open User Instance Type Database After Attaching And Detaching In SQL Mgmt Studio

Apr 15, 2007

I've been using my DotNetNuke database for weeks on my local PC with SQL Server Express. It attaches as a "User Instance". Basically, I am using all the DotNetNuke defaults. Today I decided to attach the DotNetNuke database in SQL Server Management Studio Express and peek at the tables. I attached the database; then I detached it when I was done. This all went well. But when I tried to open my DotNetNuke web site again I now get a message that it cannot connect. Attaching and detaching the database in SQL Server Management Studio obviously changed something about the database, but I don't know what. My connection string to the database has not changed.

The specific error displayed in the browser is:
ERROR: Could not connect to database specified in connectionString for SqlDataProvider

In event viewer is this message:

Exception information:

Exception type: SqlException

Exception message: Cannot open user default database. Login failed.

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'.

My connection string is this:

<add name="SiteSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLExpress;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|Database.mdf;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Any suggestions about how I can correct this?

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Attaching A DB In Express 2005

Jun 14, 2007

I am having trouble attaching a db to ms sql express 2005.I have the db in a folder deep down in my drive, within an website project. For some wierd reason i can't drill down more than two levels to get to the DB Anyone have any ideas why? Ilan   

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SQL Express Problems Attaching Mdf

Nov 23, 2006


I have an mdf without an ldf. This was originally a sql 2000 db, since it was not working, I created a blank SQL Express DB and restored a backup over it.

I then detached and deleted the ldf as I used to do with MSDE.

The database will not attach on most machines (file access error for the ldf) even with attach_single_file_db

When I try to attach it on another machine of mine (with sp1 installed) it attaches fine. could this be something SP1 related?

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Attaching A Database To Sql Express

Aug 4, 2006

I'm trying to attach a database to sql express with the following code from the management tool. I keep getting an error message. An someone explain what I'm doing wrong.

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 9

Incorrect syntax near '<'.



FROM sys.databases

WHERE name = N'<northwind.mdb, I4V0Y6SQLEXPRESS, northwind>'


CREATE DATABASE <database_name, sysname, your_database_name>

ON PRIMARY (FILENAME = '<c:my documentsmy websmyweb3,,C:Program filesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataorthwind.MDF>')




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Express Installation Fails With Invalid Installation Package

May 3, 2006

I get an error when trying to install the SQL Native Client. It
says it cannot find the installation package and to use a valid copy of
'sqlncli.msi'. I've downloaded the Express setup twice and get
the same error from both of them.

I'm attempting this in a VMWare session setup for Windows 2K, Advanced
Server. I am trying to test my installation and setup
procedures. This is not a production setup, just install testing
and documentation. I have allocated only 272MB to the VMWare
session, which is why the system doesn't meet the recommended settings.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Below is the Summary.txt output file.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.2047.00


OS Version : Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server Service Pack 4 (Build 2195)

Time : Wed May 03 09:54:23 2006

CPCWIN2KVM1 : The current system does not meet recommended hardware
requirements for this SQL Server release. For detailed hardware
requirements, see the readme file or SQL Server Books Online.

Machine : CPCWIN2KVM1

Product : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English)

Product Version : 9.00.2047.00

Install : Successful

Log File : c:Program
FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup


Machine : CPCWIN2KVM1

Product : SQL Native Client

Error : An
installation package for the product Microsoft SQL Server Native Client
cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the
installation package 'sqlncli.msi'.


Machine : CPCWIN2KVM1

Product : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client

Product Version : 9.00.2047.00

Install : Failed

Log File : c:Program
FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup

Last Action : InstallFinalize

Error String : An installation package for the
product Microsoft SQL Server Native Client cannot be found. Try the
installation again using a valid copy of the installation package

Error Number : 1706


Machine : CPCWIN2KVM1

Product : Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer

Product Version : 9.00.2047.00

Install : Successful

Log File : c:Program
FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup


Machine : CPCWIN2KVM1

Product : MSXML 6.0 Parser

Product Version : 6.00.3883.8

Install : Successful

Log File : c:Program
FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup


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SQL Server Express...Attaching DataBase

Apr 14, 2007

Howdy Folks,
I have a site on WS2003, IIS 6 installed on c:.
I put the site in a folder on d:. Nothing else is on d: except the web site.
I added a new website in IIS and pointed to the site on d:.
Using the default connectionString in machine.config, I am unable to connect to ASPNETDB.MDF. Therefors, I can not log in.
In SQL Server Management Studio Express, I attached ASPNETDB.MDF. I then am able to log in.
Does ASPNETDB.MDF have to be manually attched like this when the web site is located on a drive othr than where IIS is installed and running?

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Attaching Sql Express Files In Sql Server 2005

Apr 18, 2006

I am using the full version of sql server 2005 management studio to attempt to attach sql express mdf files to sql server 2005.

I was using the databases from an ASP.NET commerce starter kit in sql express. I want to update to sql server 2005, so i detached the dbs.
i deleted the sql express management studio ctp and installed sql server 2005 from the free 6 month trial available online.

I then attempted to attach the sql express files to sql server 2005 and get the following error:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Attach database failed for Server '<servername>'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

For help, click:

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)

Could not find row in sysindexes for database ID 9, object ID 1, index ID 1. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on sysindexes.
Could not open new database 'C:INETPUBWWWROOT<location>ASPNET.MDF'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 602)

For help, click:

I also tried with the original mdf files i had downloaded without making any changes.

any help here?

thank you,

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Detaching DB From MSDE And Attaching To SQL Express Using SQLDMO.

Dec 19, 2007


I wanted to to detach a DB say MyDB from MSDE and wanted to attach it to SQL Express.
It could able to Detach the DB from MSDE,but attachment to SQL 2005 is failing. When I verified MSDE Instance through Managment studio "MyDB" wasnot there ; means it got detached.I couldnt find the DB in SQL 2005. When I tried manually through command prompt I was able to attach "MyDB" to SQL2005.
Please help me out!!
Here is the code which I have written.


pSQLServer->SetLoginSecure (TRUE);
//Connect to MSDE First
if SUCCEEDED(hr = pSQLServer->Connect (szDbServer, szUserName, szPassword))

pSQLServer->DetachDB(DB,lpszResult); //Detach the DB
pSQLServer->DisConnect(); //Disconnect MSDE
LPBSTR lpszResult2 = NULL;
long lNumDB;
//Connect to SQL 2005
if SUCCEEDED(hr = pSQLServer->Connect (szSQLExpDbServer, szUserName, szPassword))
//LPCOLESTR lpo = A2COLE(sTemp);
//sTemp.operator LPCTSTR
pSQLServer->GetDatabaseCount (&lNumDB);
SQLDMO_LPCSTR files = OLESTR("C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQLData\MyDB.mdf,C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\MyDB_log.ldf");
pSQLServer->AttachDB(DB,files,lpszResult2); // Attach the DB to SQL 2005

pSQLServer->DisConnect(); // Disconnect SQL 2005}

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Installing SQL 2005 Express And Attaching Database From CD

Apr 11, 2007

Hi there,

I have created an .iss file which when compiled creates a setup.exe file on a cd rom. Within the .iss I have extracted the sqlexpress files out so that it will install straight from disk to the users machine rather than from the .msi file. All this has been successful so far....

My problem is:- I want to attach a database to the an instance of sqlexpress on the users machine. I have detached it from SQL Server 2000 and copied it over to the cd. The setup file copies these over the users hard drive. I have looked through many forums etc and the words that keep popping up are:-



type into the command prompt.

Sorry if I'm a little ignorant but I am not sure how to go about these. How do I open the command prompt on the users machine from CD? Do I have to create something to do this?

Any information would be appreciated, any guidance or scripts would be great.



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Installing SQL Express And Attaching A Mdf Db From The Command Prompt

Mar 21, 2007


I need to install a customed SQL server express instance on the client's computer by using the Command prompt installation. I've already defined the security settings and everything i need but i was wondering if is possible to attach a mdf database during the installation. Perhaps there is a paramenter i can include in the in the ini file.

Thank you

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Create Database In SQL Server 2005 And Attaching It In SQL Express

Jun 29, 2007


I've created a database in sql server 2005, but now I need to detach this database and attach it in sql express. Is this possible? I keep getting an error that my database is readonly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance.

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SQL Instance Installation

Aug 22, 2007

Hi SQL expert, I would like to ask regarding SQL Instance installation. I would like to know if I installed 2 different instances in my Server does performance would be an issue or it might cause for the server to slow down? The reason of splitting the 2 instances is because we want to separate our 2 system in two different instances instead of locating it in one instance.

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Error In Attaching MSDE Database To SQL Server 2005 Express

Jul 3, 2006

I'm trying to attach a MSDE 2000 database to SQL Server 2005 Express.

I simply issue sp_detach_db XXX where XXX is the name of my MSDE database. Then sp_attach_db or create database ... with attach and both way gets the following message:

Event ID. : 3415

Description: Database 'XXX' cannot be upgraded because it is
read-only or has read-only files. Make the database or files writeable, and
rerun recovery.

What does it mean?

Thanks for any help,


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Createing An Instance On A Sql Server 2k Installation.

Nov 8, 2006

I need to know if it is possible to create a Sql Server instance on top of an existing SQL Server 2k installation.

I am trying to mimic a production setup completely and the database is setup as an instance of a SQL server. By that I mean that we connect to the database by specifying <servername><instancename>.

I apologize if I have been ambiguous, or have used incorrect terminology. I am not a DBA and am trying to explain this the best way I know of.

Any help that anyone can provide is greatly appreciated!!

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After Installation On Vista, No Instance Or Servers

Oct 3, 2007

Just installed SQL Server 2005 Enterprise onto Vista 64bit (while i have my UAC turned off)
After installing SQL Server, I setup SQL SP2 and then run up SQL Server Management Studio and attempted to connect to the localserver. The problem is that there appears to be no local server. No instance or Database Engine.

In addition, none of the services appear to have been installed, or at least I cannot see
them from services.msc and there has been no management snap-in added
to the services and applications area of the computer management tool
(Manage from the My Computer icon).

What am i doing wrong?

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SQL Server 2005 Installation, Default Instance

Nov 7, 2007

I have question about install both default instance and name instance on to one server. Do I need follow a specific order such as default instance first then name instance?

If my server already has two or more name instances, can I install one more default instance?


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Installing Second Instance To SQL 2005 Clustered Installation

Mar 19, 2008

I will be installing a second SQL 2005 instance on an existing SQL 2005 clustered installation. We've added a set of disks for the new instance. My question is, will the existing clustered instance need to be taken offline for the installation, or will the nodes need to be rebooted after installing the new instance?

I haven't been able to confirm this on MS website or by Googling.

I understand we need to ensure no one is logged in to the remote nodes during the install as well.

Thank you


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Instance Name Question.... Server Rename After Installation.....

Jan 16, 2008

Scenario 1:
Windows 2000 Server
SQL Server 2000 with default name installation.
When we change the Windows Server name the SQL Server jobs becomes non editable.

Scenario 2:
Does this situation still exists for the following configuration?
Windows Server 2003
SQL Server 2005.

Question 1: I am planning to move the SQL Server from 2000 to 2005 as described in scenario 1 to scenario 2. Does changing the server name have any impact on previously created jobs? Does the jobs becomes non editable.

Question 2: Is it possible to have two servers with same name on a network? If possible, please elaborate.
Thank you,

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SQL Server Management Studio Express On Vista Home Premium (Error On Attaching And Detaching .mdf)

Sep 5, 2007

I have SQL Express 2005 SP2 installed in my Vista Home Premium. I am using SQL Server Management Studio Express to manage .mdf.

When I click "Add..." to attach .mdf database, I have this prompt error message :

The server principal "My-PCMyName" is not able to access the database "model" under the current security context. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 916)

I have elevated the rights, "Run as administrator", of my SQL Server Management Studio Express, but still having problem.

I also encounter security error when detaching the existing .mdf :
The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_detach_db', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 229)

Please advice. Thanks.

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How To Configure SQL Server Management Studio Express To Allow Doing Non-User-Instance/ADO.NET 2.0 From VB 2005 Express?

Mar 5, 2008

Hi all,

For the first time, I want to set up the configuration of my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) to allow me in doing the non-User-Instance/ADO.NET 2.0 programming from my VB 2005 Express. The SSMSE and VB 2005 Express are in my Windows XP Pro PC that is part of our NT 4 LAN System in our office. I read the article "How to configure SQL Server 2005 to allow remotre connections" in about (i) "Enable remote connections for SQL Server 2005 Express", (ii) Enable the SQL Server Browser service", (iii) Create exception in Windows Firewall, and (iv) Create an exception for the SQL Server Browser service in Windows Firewall. I entered the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration and I could not decide what options I should take for doing the non-User-Instance/ADO.NET 2.0 programming from my VB 2005 Express. I have the following questions on the page of "Minimize SQL Server 2005 Surface Area":
(1) I saw "Configure Surface Area for localhost [change computer]". I clicked on [change computer] and I saw the
following: Select Computer
The Surface Area Configuration of this surface area of this computer or a remote computer.
Specify a computer to configure: O Local computer
O Remote computer
Should I choose the "Local computer" or the "Remote computer" option?
(2) Below the "Configure Surface Area for localhost [change computer]",
I clicked on "Surface Area Configuration for Service and Connections", Select a component and then configure its services and connections: |-| SQLEXPRESS
|-| Database Engine
I picked => Remote Connection
On the right-hand side, there are: O Local connections only
O Local and remorte connections
O Using TCP/IP
O Using named pipes only
O Using both TCP/IP and named pipes
Should I choose O Local and remorte connections and O Using named pipes only?

Please help and tell me what options I should choose in (1) and (2).

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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Setup And Upgrade :: Adding Database Instance To Existing Installation - No Media

Sep 2, 2015

I have an existing, licensed installation of SQL 2008 R2, with one database instance.  I need to add a second instance, but do not currently have access to the installation media.  Can I use the Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 Enterprise

Evaluation: Trial Experience for IT Professionals installer that's available for download from the Microsoft download site?

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How To Use Xcopy && User Instance To Copy 3 Dbo Tables From The Database Of SQL Server Management Studio Express To The App_Data Folder Of Website Of VWD Express Project?

Jan 6, 2007

Hi all,
I have read/studied (i) Working with Databases in Visual Web Developer 2005 Express in, (ii) Xcopy Deployment (SQL Server Express) in, (iii) User Instances for Non-Administrators in, and (iv) Embedding SQL Server Server Express in Applications in  I do not understand the concepts and procedures to do Xcopy and User Instances for non-administrators completely-I do not know how to connect to databases and create database diagrams or schemas using the Database Explorer.  I have a stand-alone Windows XP Pro PC. I have created a ChemDatabase with 3 dbo tables in the SQL Server Management Studio of my SQL Server Express and a website of my VWD Express application with an App_Data folder.  I am not able to proceed to use Xcopy and user instance to bring the 3 dbo tables of ChemDatabase to my App_Data folder. Please help and give me some detailed procedures/instructions to bring the 3 dbo tables of ChemDatabase (or ChemDatabase itself) from the SQL Server Management Studio Express to the App_Data folder of the website of my VWD Express project? 
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang 

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SQL Express -How Much RAM Per Instance?

Sep 5, 2006

How is memory, (RAM) used per instance in SQL Express 2005? I am aware that SQL Express will use only 1 GB of RAM, but is that as a whole, or per instance?


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New Instance In Sql Express

Jan 22, 2008


I make an application. I want to make an setup to install sqlexpress. So I add the SqlExpress in prequested components. There I want to make some configuration to the sqlexpress. There configuration that i want to make is that , to create a new sql instance in sqlserver. While installing the sqlexpress ... default instance is "sqlexpress" if i install express edition. anyway, i want to make it something like "abc". So how can i make a configuration to the sqlexpress installation


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SQl Express Installation

May 8, 2006

We are getting Error 1603 while installing SQL Express

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SQL Express Installation

Aug 5, 2007

I am trying to install SQL express on XP home and I am getting a message that my system does not meet the hardware and software requirements. I verified my system meets the requirements. The only thing I saw that I needed to download was MDAC 2.8SPI. I downloaded this after SQL express was downloaded, but I still receive the message. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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New SQL Express Installation

Mar 17, 2006

I just installed SQL Express in my workstation but when I try to create and ODBC connection, the new server does not show in the drop down. Do you have any tips...? Thanks.

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Express Installation

Feb 6, 2007


I have tried to install the SQL 2005 Server Express and get the following message:

Your operating system does not meet service pack level requiements for this SQL server release. Install the service pack.

Can anyone tell me what service pack it will be and where I can get it.

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Connecting To Express Instance

Oct 8, 2015

SQL Express 2014 was installed to support reporting for an application. I can connect to the server using the server name without any issue. When I run “select @@version”, I get SERVERNAMESQLEXPRESS, but I can’t connect to the server with SERVERNAMESQLEXPRESS. This is throwing off one of my script when trying to connect to the server.My script connects to the server using SERVERNAME for default instance or SERVERNAMEINSTANCENAME for named instance.

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