I'm trying to build a association model in the Standard Edition based on an existing cube. I keep getting the error:
Error (Data mining): The 'Product Recommendations' mining model has 60385 attributes. This number of attributes exceeds the attribute limit of 5000 allowed by the current version of the algorithm associated with the mining model.
I created Cube Slice filters and those limit the Customer and Product dimensions (Product is Nested) to well under 5000. The error message also does not change. The number of attributes is equal to the number of rows in the Product dimension, but I expected the cube slice to reduce the number. I tested all the SQL used while it processes and with the MDXFilters the number of rows returned is well under 5000.
So, in short, the final questions is, is it possible to create a mining model in standard edition based on an existing cube where the nested dimension in the model has more than 5000 rows? Is there some other way to filter the query?
I guess my only choice on this if there isn't a way is to extract the data into relational table with only the rows I want to analyze....that's a huge pain and doesn't really make sense when the filters should limit the model size.
What is annoying on this is I can't find one reference anywhere on the microsoft site that this limit even exists within the product...
Why I got different results for the same attribute value displayed in my mining model? Any suggestions on what I may have missed for that?
In my case, the mining structure is with case table which is the fact table, within this mining structure, I dragged other attributes from its related dimensional tables as well. E.g The schema of the mining structure is as below:
Then in my training model (using Microsoft Clustering algorithm), the content contained within the training model is very strange, e.g there are different results for the same value of attribute 'Agent Level' . Why did that happen and how can I figure it out? There should only one result for each value of each attribute within one mining model?
Please shed me some light on this issue and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly for your kind advices and thanks a lot in advance.
I know, this is a common OLAP Error, but In fact I'm having trouble with this while trying to process a DM Mining Structure. I'm currently working on a website that gets data from its users and analyzes it using SSAS. The thing is each time we add a new "analysis criterium" (sorry I'm trying to translate our french BI language in English...), we have to build a new mining structure, which needs data about users who have actually answered the question associated with this criterium. Some times, there are thousands, and some other only dozens, which is the case for the structure I'm having trouble with.
I got only 2 hundred tuples in the learning set. So lots of the common criteria weren't filled: I removed them using a stored procedure before feeding the structure, so that I got no column with only "null" values.
Badly translated it says "Errors in OLAP Storage Engine: Attribute Key not found Table:<StrangeTable> Column <MyPredictableColumn> Value <OneOfTheInterestingValues> Errors in OLAP Storage Engine: Attribute key not found: converted to an unknown member. Attribute Id from dimension..."
Why? Too few cases? I have structures based on the same template but associated with other criteria and they work perfectly.
I'm ready to answer any question, and give any detail. Thanks in advance.
When ever i tried to build a cube, i get stuck in this attribute relationship. either i shows a "yellow" icon in the hierarchy or "red" underline in the attribute column.I dont know how to rectify those errors.
I am working with several tables, but for now I just mention 4 : one is fact table (named Usage), and 3 dimensional tables Periods, Products, and Regions. The fact table contains references to the dimensional tables. Table Periods contain two other columns month and year.
I created a cube containing columns from those 4 tables. Deployment was successful. Trouble comes when I want to create a mining structure using Time Series containing these columns :
- Period - Amount (of money) - Product name - Region name
When I choose to use cube (instead of table) as source for mining structure, I'm forced to choose only one dimension (among the Periods, Products, and Regions). Whatever dimension I choose I end up being unable to use the column period as the Time-Key column. Effectively I cannot use Time Series method since I cannot use the column period.
(1) Why is this so [why Visual Studio forced us to use only one dimension from the cube] ? (2) Why Visual Studio eliminates the column period, column that has relationship with the time dimension? (3) What is the use of Cube anyway to the mining? Is there still any use for it? (4) What is the solution to that kind of problem I face?
I'm defining a mining structure against an OLAP dimension. The continuous value that I'm using both as input and for forecasting represents the time to complete a certain process.
There's something that strikes me as if it could be a problem, but I'm not sure. Our fact table has multiple columns (with multiple correponding measures in the cube). The "time-to-complete" measure is only populated on some of the fact rows - the rows that represent completion information. Other rows represent other information, and the "time-to-complete" value is set to 0. This works fine for cumulative time-to-complete and average time-to-complete, but it seems like it could mess up data mining. Will those 0-value facts skew the mining results? I'm not seeing a way to filter out those entries and only include the non-zero facts in the mining processing.
Or perhaps I'm totally misunderstanding something, which is quite possible. :)
We have a set of cubes and dimensions, and we're experimenting with data mining against the cubes (primarily for forecasting applications). We have a custom time dimension (which we call calendar), not generated by the BIStudio wizard. The dimension has year/month/day/hour/... attributes. But when I try to add this Calendar dimension to the mining structure as a nested table using BI studio, it only shows the Year attribute, not the others. Other dimensions seem to show all the attributes.
Is there something we've done wrong in defining our time dimension? What determines which attributes show up as available for selection in BI studio?
I am new to SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services and would like to use the OLAP Cubes as a datasource to build Mining Model . However i would like to use a particular view of the OLAP cube that i have generated to be used as the datasource for the mining model . I find that i am not able to save the Cube View while browsing the OLAP cube in Business Intelligence Studio. Is there a way i can acheive this requirement.
Any ideas regarding this will be really appreciated.
I am wondering where can I store my mining results in data mining engine? For example, I got mining results like accuracy chart, decision trees, and other formats of results based on different mining algorithms I used for my data mining, so where can I actually store the results for reporting service use later? Is it possible to do that in SQL Server 2005?
Thanks a lot for any help and guidance in advance.
I had to change the key columns of a dimension attribute to fix an error. I did this in BIDS. The change was from a single key column to a composite key column. Now I am getting these error when I process the cube:
Measure group attribute key column x does not match source attribute ..
I looked at the cube XMLA definition under mesaure groups and it still shows a single key column with inherited binding. However, the BIDS does not give me an option correct this in any way. I have had to do this once before and the only option seems to be removing the dimension from the cube and add it back in. But that is very error prone since I lose any specific settings at the cube dimension level not to mention aggregations no longer include the dimension, etc.
Not seeing an alternative, I went through each measure group (I have 7) and changed the key columns manually in the XMLA and saved the cube. This worked, but I don't understand why BIDS automatically doesn't do it.
Is this a flaw in the BIDS or I should be missing something.
I've created a Cluster data mining model and seems to correctly return data. However I've created a data mining dimension and cube but when I go to query the cube it doesn't return any data if I select any members on the data mining dimension. Any suggestions to where I can look to resolve this?
I have a table with 1.6 million records with a foreign key called "ums_id" (int). I would like to select the ums_id's in groups of 5000. is there a simpler way to break these id's up instead of
select count(*) from newsletter_opt_in where ums_id between 493525 and 510075 and opt_in_Id = 1 and opt_in_status = 'Y'
I would like to break up the whole 1.5 million in one sql statement if I can. Thanks, Mark
My bos wants me to create 5000 database on single sql server box. I was stuned by his stupility but could not stop it. What kind of box could hold these databases ? Each DB is about 6.5 MB starup with 4 MB for 6 months. Each DB will have 10 users. They might hit at same time. What kind of configurations for the server box ? What kind of maintainence nightmare ? How about recovry ? and so on. Any one got idea ? or any more question you would ask if you were me ? Thanks
We are performing a SQL 2000 to SQL 2005 upgrade on a Windows 2003 SP1 server.
We encountered error in the SQL 2005 upgrade with the following error :
Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program.
Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program. (System.Xml)
------------------------------ Program Location:
at System.Xml.Schema.SchemaInfo..ctor() at System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet..ctor(XmlNameTable nameTable) at System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings.get_Schemas() at Microsoft.SqlServer.UpgradeAdvisor.ReportViewer.UAReportController.LoadAndValidateDataFile() at Microsoft.SqlServer.UpgradeAdvisor.ReportViewer.UAReport.ValidateDataFile() at Microsoft.SqlServer.UpgradeAdvisor.ReportViewer.UAIssueReport.Refresh() at Microsoft.SqlServer.UpgradeAdvisor.ReportPanel.OpenReport(String reportFile)
From the Event Viewer, under Application, we can see the following error :
Hi, I want to delete from table when the record count is over 5000. That is, the table's record cannot over 5000 count. How? row_number() seem to be used...
I can't paste text (directly into table row via enterprise manager) into a varchar (5000) field, truncates after about 960 char. Length of string trying to paste is about 1400 characters including spaces. No special characters (one apostrophe). Error happens intermittently.
I only found http://forums.microsoft.com/TechNet/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=389835&SiteID=17 regarding this error message and it was of no help to me.
Background: 3rd party program that extracts users from a AD group and manage user creation i a MSSQL 2000 server. Also sends e-mails using the SMTP service. The funny thing is that the program manages everything correctly, but writes an error in the Event log as it exists (below). Job is scheduled with the SQL server agent and runs with a doamin user that has local admin rights. We have the same setup on a testserver where it runs without problems.
Windows server 2003, MDAC 2.8, SQL Server 2000 SP3, .NET framework 2 on both servers.
I'm not a developer, so I'm pretty lost why it behaves like this on one server and not the other. Checked Aspnet.config-file and they are the same. Found this
that described that the exception handling was different between the .NET-versions, but since this works on one of the servers, it shouldn't be related, or could it? Tried changing the setting in method 2, but with the same behaviour. Any ideas?
Hi, I have just run a simple data set through a model to predict a simple true or false value (i.e. binary output) The Lift Chart/Mining Legend in Analysis Services shows three results €“ Score, Population Correct (%), and Predict Probability (%)
Population Correct I beleive is the percentage of predictions it got right out of the total number of predictions it tried to make. Is this correct?
However, I can€™t work out how the other two are derived in particular the 'SCORE'. To give a live example the scores were as follows:
Model Score Pop Correct Pred Probability Decision Trees 0.83 76.59% 54.28% Neural Network 0.75 67.63% 50.05% Ideal Model 100.00%
Can anyone help with this and give a detailed explanation?
I am trying to model data in analysis services with the Advance Create Mining Model function in the excel addin. I am having trouble creating an association model that works like the Associate button above the Advanced button.
The format of my data is like this
OrderID Product
100 Bike
100 Helmet
100 Shoes
200 Helmet
200 basketball
200 Bat
300 Shoes
300 Socks
The associate button works perfectly since it asks me which column is the transaction id (orderid) and which column I am trying to predict (product). The advanced create mining model asks me to determine what the columns are...
OrderID=key Product=Input+Predict?
When I run the advance create mining model associate, I get a browser that gives me no rules and the support for only one item itemset (each product but no combination of products).
Does anyone know what I have to do to get it to work like the associate button?
I am just starting out using CUBEMEMBER/CUBEVALUE formulas in excel linked into a sql olap db - using this method for some custom reports where pivot tables are not suitable. The time dimension values include Months, Quarters and Years and the CUBEMEMBER formulas like
=CUBEMEMBER("OLAPCUBE","[Time].[Time].[Year].&[2015].&[1].&[1]") work fine - 1st quarter 1st month etc.
Is there a straightforward notation to aggregate months or do I need to use a plus sign to add a number of CUBEMEMBER formulas together.In other words - Is there an easier way of for say jan to july 2015 totals than
I would like to develop an application that can create Data Mining structures and a mining model in SQL Server 2005 with VB.NET. I tried the code from book Data Mining with SQL server 2005 in chapter 14 but did not work. Any good idea?
Thank you very much for your help. The errors that I can see in the code that you gave in your answer are the following and they are more or less the same as I had previously
I tried the code but initially I have encounter the following problems.
1. In any line that have the declaration As Server, As Database like in Public Function CreateDatabase(ByVal srv As Server, ByVal databaseName As String) As Database gives me the problem that type Database is not declared the same type Server is not declared and it does not give me any option.
2. In addition to that for As DataSource, As RelationalDataSource, As RelationalDataSourceView, As ScalarMiningStructureColumn, As DataSourceViewBinding, gives me the problem that type is not declared.
3. Finally in mc = New MiningModelColumn("Yearly income", Utils.GetSyntacticallyValidID("Yearly income", Type.GetType(MiningModelColumn))) is not accesible in this context because it is 'Private'. I have some more problems but I thing that by solving the above that I referred I will solve the rest.
I perform data mining on all products and a specific product category. Do I need to create 2 data source views, one for all products and the other one for the specific product category? Afterward, I run the Data Mining Wizard 2 times to create 2 mining structures. I also need to add the same mining model (e.g. Bayes, Cluster) to each of these mining structures. Is there any simple way to do it?
I just found that I am not able to view the accuracy chart for my mining model. The error message is: no mining models are selected for comparision. Which is quite strange.
I have a [User] table with a field called Username and a field called AssignProject. The values in the AssignProject field look like this: 9900|5057|5002|5000|90010|5086|5003|5097|5038|5059|5043|5099|5096|90000|5084|9991|4180|5047|6064|9999|4160|5104|5110|5107|5109|5115| Those values are foreign keys for values in another table called Project, where the primary key is ProjectID and the other field is ProjectName. I am trying to write a report in a T-SQL query to tell me which projects are assigned to each user, but the query is not a typical join since the ids are in a string separated by the | character. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
When I make a call to GetSchemaDataset with a restriction of a cube name with a space in the name of the cube the call fails. Following is a sample of the code: adoRestriction = new AdomdRestriction("CATALOG_NAME", "Contoso Telecom_Contoso"); adoRestrictions.Add(adoRestriction); dataSet = conn.GetSchemaDataSet("MDSCHEMA_CUBES", adoRestrictions); I am running SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services SP2. Is there some way to qualify the cube name in the restriction or is this just a bug? Thanks.
Hi, I am not getting Mining Accuracy Chart and Min ing Model Prediction Plz tel me how to do.And how to use the filter input data used to generate the lift chart and select predictable mining model columns to show in the lift chart
I would like to know if there is any way to migrate third-party data mining packages with SQL Server 2005 data mining algorithms together then we can have a comparison among all of them to get the best results for training models.
Hoping someone will have a solution for this error
Errors in the metadata manager. The data type of the '~CaseDetail ~MG-Fact Voic~6' measure must be the same as its source data type. This is because the aggregate function is not set to count or distinct count.
Is the problem due to the data type of the column used in the mining structure is Long, and the underlying field in the cube has a type of BigInt,or am I barking up the wrong tree?
I'm a beginner with SQL 2012 SSDT & SSMS. I get this error message when I try to deploy my project:Â
"Error 6 Error (Data mining): KEY SEQUENCE columns are not supported at the case level. The 'Customer Key' column of the 'TK448 Ch09 Cube Clustering' mining structure contains content that is not valid. 0 0 " I am finding it hard to locate the content that is not valid. I've been trying to find a answer for this problem but can't seem to find anything. How can I locate the content that is not valid and change or delete it so that I can deploy this solution?