Auditing User And Security Related Activities In SQLServer

Jul 23, 2005

On the other database types, there is an audit capability in that you
record such items as
failed login attempts
attemtped access to tables user is not authroized to
changes to databse schema
changes to permissions
changes to logins (add, delete, lock, unlock, passwrod reset)

All I can find in the SQLServer documentation is the reference to
tracking failed logins when you set up a database, plus the Profiler's

Yes, I'm taking voer my first SQLServer database and have been asked to
make sure that this database is closely monitored for inappripriate

1) Does SQLServer have this capability? (Sybase has this, which is
where I'm coming from)
2) Does SQLServer do this automatically or do I have to set up the
events to be tracked as happens with Sybase?
3) What commands are there for setting up these events to be tracked?

Thanks in advance!

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Auditing Sa Activities

Jun 24, 1999

Someone had changed the SA password on one of my servers. I need to find out who did this. Can you tell me if there is any historical information kept on any of the system tables that can tell me who (what machine name) and when (date and time)this was done?
Does anyone have a 3rd party or inhouse developed task/procedure to report this kind of security issues?

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Auditing Database Activities

Aug 5, 1999

We are finding ourselves editing data within a sql database using tools such as MS Query, Access or VB. Is there anyway to log these edits? Auditing is set up within the application to log changes made by the users but not by third pary applications. ANy thoughts?


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Analysis :: Creating User Who Can Only Do User Management Activities?

Nov 25, 2015

I would like to limit the role of an user In Visual Studio only to assign roles to other users for the cubes. Other than that the user should not be able to create / delete the exisiting cubes or dimensions.

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Tracking User Activities

Oct 14, 2005

Sybase and DB2 both have the capability of tracking user activities ata number of levels: invalid access attempts to databases, table, etc.;creation/deletion/modification of database objects/users/groups,grants/revokes.For MS SQLServer, the only setting that I've seen in the documentationis access attempts (none, fail only, etc.)The monitor program has the capability of tracking the events that Iwant to be monitored, but it seems as though these settings persistonly while the monitor program is running.I'd like these settings to persist permanently and the event records tobe sent to the system log.I can't seem to find the right term to get this information out of theMS Books On LIne.Help!

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Security Auditing Database

Nov 16, 2004

Hi, I need to write some T-SQL scripts to perform a database audit of several SQL Server 2000 databases that tracks all superuser logins and access to tables. I can do this in Oracle but I am lost with MS SQL Server. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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The Cost Of Security Auditing

Feb 8, 2007

has anybody investigated the cost of turning on AUDITING for the SQL servers? I am talking about enabling the entire C2 Security Audit mode. How much impact the auditing has on the database performance?

Is auditing for SQL 2005 any better, meaning less impact on performance?

Any sample, test, and/or numbers to support the arguments?

Please share any findings that you have or know. Thanks

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Does MS SQLServer Support Auditing In The Way That You Can For Sybase?

Aug 4, 2005

I know that there are tools like Lumigent, but an wondering about theinternal facilities to track events such as table creation, securityoperations (add login, add role), and such.Under Sybase, there is a set of procedures that permit you to settheses events and to record the results for later extraction andanalysis.The Profiler seems to have a lot of the same functionality but thisappears to be more along the lines of running a monitor.Can the events be tracked without Profiler running?Can the events being tracked be recorded in the system of SQLServerlogs?

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Customize Database Admin Activities By Creating New User Group?

Aug 17, 2012

The requirement is to customize database admin activities by creating new user group.

Need to create a group of user / dbauser1 which will have restriction in seeing the data but they should be able to alter database - add / remove the data file , increase or decrease the data file space when required.

This requirement came we wanted to create a new dba group they should not be able to any user data / any table but increase / decrease / add / modify space etc.

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SQL Security Related

Aug 11, 2005

We had been running SQL Server without any control of security (sincethe company is very small -100 employees). All of us know the adminpassword and has been accessing the database as admin. Our databaseserver crashed due to hardware failure twice last month and we lost alot of important data. Now the management is taking the control ofserver access seriously.SQL Enterprise manager is installed on many PCs and any one can deleteany database with a right click.My question is:1. Can the enterprise manager be installed on client's PC with alimited right (or as a user not as admin)?We need to limit the user's access of using the Enterprise Manager.In other words, how can we set this up for different users.2. How can we keep running SQL Server if one server fails?Clustering or Replication or Mirroring? OI would highly appreciate if you could direct me to any website orresources on how to set up security of SQL Server (2000 with the latestservice pack).Thanks a million in advance.Best regards,Mamun

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Not Able To Connet To SQLServer- Memory Related Messages In SQL Errorlog

Dec 1, 2004

I was not able to connect to SQL Server machine. On examining the Error log (which was huge 53MB), I found the following messages that filled 95% of the logfile. Is this something to do with memory allocation.

Someone, please let me know what is going on. After the server reboot everything works fine.
I am worrired that this message may occur again.


2004-11-30 20:15:03.64 logon Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM'

2004-12-01 08:15:03.77 logon Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

2004-12-01 00:47:25.28 spid70 WARNING: Failed to reserve contiguous memory of Size= 65536.
2004-12-01 00:47:25.31 spid70 Buffer Distribution: Stolen=127590 Free=4176 Procedures=182443
Inram=0 Dirty=14180 Kept=0
I/O=0, Latched=154, Other=10049
2004-12-01 00:47:25.31 spid70 Buffer Counts: Commited=338592 Target=338592 Hashed=24383
InternalReservation=357 ExternalReservation=0 Min Free=256
2004-12-01 00:47:25.31 spid70 Procedure Cache: TotalProcs=66212 TotalPages=182443 InUsePages=88547
2004-12-01 00:47:25.31 spid70 Dynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=310033 OS Reserved=38512
OS Committed=38457
OS In Use=38388
Query Plan=332158 Optimizer=0
Utilities=8 Connection=473
2004-12-01 00:47:25.31 spid70 Global Memory Objects: Resource=10685 Locks=119
SQLCache=4540 Replication=2
LockBytes=2 ServerGlobal=45
2004-12-01 00:47:25.31 spid70 Query Memory Manager: Grants=0 Waiting=0 Maximum=92118 Available=92118
2004-12-01 00:50:04.10 logon Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM'.
2004-12-01 00:50:04.32 logon Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM'.
2004-12-01 00:51:08.78 spid70 WARNING: Failed to reserve contiguous memory of Size= 65536.
2004-12-01 00:51:08.82 spid70 Buffer Distribution: Stolen=138829 Free=5944 Procedures=169283
Inram=0 Dirty=14431 Kept=0
I/O=0, Latched=154, Other=9951
2004-12-01 00:51:08.82 spid70 Buffer Counts: Commited=338592 Target=338592 Hashed=24536
InternalReservation=360 ExternalReservation=0 Min Free=256
2004-12-01 00:51:08.82 spid70 Procedure Cache: TotalProcs=67783 TotalPages=169283 InUsePages=76116
2004-12-01 00:51:08.82 spid70 Dynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=308112 OS Reserved=38512
OS Committed=38457
OS In Use=38398
Query Plan=330249 Optimizer=0
Utilities=8 Connection=476
2004-12-01 00:51:08.82 spid70 Global Memory Objects: Resource=10685 Locks=118
SQLCache=4540 Replication=2
LockBytes=2 ServerGlobal=45

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Profiler Does Not Comment Out Security Related Commands When There Is An Error In The Batch

Aug 1, 2006

i am testing some encryption
scenarios ,in profiler the statements like "OPEN KEY" and all "Encrypt"
and "Decrypt" functions are removed automaticly from the trace
and replaced with a comment ,create a trace and try the code i attached ,
you will see in profiler trace that that all encryption related commands
are commented out ,this is what expected.

but now go to the batch and comment out the "SELECT @rrr' statment,
and run the batch ,this batch will fail beacuse "@rrr" is not declared,
now go back to profiler and you will see that for the failed batch
all the encryption command are NOT COMMENTED OUT !!!
esspecially important is the visibility of the password of the open key command.

seems like a very dangerous bug to me!!!

ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'pGFD4bb925DGvbd2439587y'
WITH SUBJECT = 'Sammamish Shipping Records',
EXPIRY_DATE = '10/31/2009';

declare @Str nvarchar(100)
declare @Enc varbinary(max)
set @Str = 'encrypt this'
decryption by CERTIFICATE test1 WITH PASSWORD = 'pGFD4bb925DGvbd2439587y'

SET @Enc
= EncryptByKey(Key_GUID('Key09'), @Str);
---select @rrr
select CONVERT(nvarchar(100), DecryptByKey(@Enc))

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Timeout Problem Related With Windows Server 2003 Security

Oct 26, 2007

If the query is reading from large table, (100 columns x 20000 rows)
I have no problem getting results using SQL Query Analyzer on the Client side.

However, I am getting timeout problem from the client side application.

The query failed. The message from the database engine was:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server: Timeout expired.

I tested the same query on the server using the application. I can get the results.

Server machine:
The Server : Windows 2003 Server SP2
Database Server : SQL Server 2000 €“ (8.00.2039 Standard Edition SP 2)

linkserver (OLE DB ) to FoxPro 9.0 SP1 table
SQL Server Timeout Settings: Query time-out (sec, 0=unlimited)

Client machine:
Windows XP SP2 : Windows Network Authentication
SQL Server 2000 client

For some reason my environment doesn€™t like the outside application to connect to the server long time?

Do you have any idea how to fix this timeout problem? Do I need to configure DCOM or DTC?

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[298] SQLServer Error: 18452, Login Failed For User ''. The User Is Not Associated With A Trusted SQL Server Connection.

Mar 11, 2008

I received the above error yesterday and haven't been able to trace it to any job or process running. We haven't implemented any changes to the server in the past few months, and it doesn't look to be a user-established connection, since the Client IP Address of the SSPI handshake error is from the server itself.

I logged this set of messages in SQL AgentServer error log:

Date 10.03.2008 6:15:19 PM
Log SQL Agent (Current - 10.03.2008 6:15:00 PM)

[298] SQLServer Error: 18452, Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. [SQLSTATE 28000]

Date 10.03.2008 6:15:19 PM
Log SQL Agent (Current - 10.03.2008 6:15:00 PM)
[382] Logon to server '<server>' failed (ConnAttemptCachableOp)

Date 10.03.2008 6:15:19 PM
Log SQL Server (Current - 11.03.2008 2:32:00 PM)
Source Logon
Error: 17806, Severity: 20, State: 2.

Date 10.03.2008 6:15:19 PM
Log SQL Server (Current - 11.03.2008 2:32:00 PM)
Source Logon
SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x80090304 while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed. [CLIENT: <IP Address>]

Date 10.03.2008 6:15:19 PM
Log SQL Server (Current - 11.03.2008 2:32:00 PM)
Source Logon
Error: 18452, Severity: 14, State: 1.

Any help in explaining this would be greatly appreciated.

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SQL Security :: How To Copy Permission Of A User To Newly Created User

Oct 24, 2015

How can i assign permissions to a newly created users as of an existing user?

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A Few SQLExpress Usage Questions (user Setup Related)

Dec 31, 2007


I have a windows application that connects to a SQLExpress database hosted on a shared server. The client machines will run an interface software and interact with the info within SQL The SQL database isn't huge (50 megs) and all of the info is text. The interface application isn't too complex either, it was designed using VB.net05. I have a few setup questions:

1 - Is it best to use Windows or SQL authentiaction? Currently I am using Windows authentication and I have a user group setup on the DNS that is setup as a user for the SQL database. That has worked so far, but I've only had a few users logged in at one time so far. My plan was to add all DNS accounts that will use the software to the DNS user group, thus giving them access to the SQL database.

2 - I know this gets asked a TON, but I am interested in knowing how many users I should be able to support using the current setup. I have the one user acount setup for the DNS user group. The SQL table is not huge and it is all reading and writing text. The server is running Windows Server 03 and is a couple years old (not sure of exact specs).

Thanks for any help, I am still learning my way around SQL and it's great to have such a vast amount of support for the product.

Happy New Year!


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SQL Server 2005: User Security Management: User Ch

Jun 25, 2007

How do you handle user level security with SQL Server 2005?

Say I have an HR database.

In Active Directory I have two groups: Managers, Employees.

Now in this HR Database I want to setup permissions in such a way that Managers can see all employees under them (but not other managers) and the employees can only see themselves.

(I'd have various levels of management defined in a table somewhere, so that each employee has a manager ID that links to another employee so that the CEO would be manager of everyone by working down the chain).

What I'm trying to understand is the best way to handle the permissions.

I'm not entirely clear on how to deal with that.

Would I use user chaining to do that, I wouldn't need impersonation (that's just for instances where you want dynamic SQL and it won't execute with user chaining, correct?)

Anyway, just looking for some general direction on this (obviously I need to get a good book it would seem).

Would I create a stored procedure that runs with EXECUTE AS permissions so that I'd have a non-interactive login it uses that has table access then all the other users have permission to execute the sproc?

So that sproc runs, pulls back a SELECT * FROM tbl_HRINFO and using a WHERE constraint limits who is returned WHERE SupervisorID = CurrentLoggedInEmployeeID ?

Also: How can I determine who is logged in and running the procedure, would the sproc use the SELECT USER_NAME command to see who was running it?

As you can see, I'm working from square one on all of this.
Not sure if my posting entirely made sense, but hopefully someone can get me pointed in the right direction, thanks!

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Security In Sqlserver

Mar 23, 2007

How do we implement security in sqlserver?

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Asp.Net Not Finding The SQLServer For Setting Up Security Problem

Aug 19, 2005

I have just reciently installed and started upgrading the last beta code to this beta and am having a problem conecting to my sqlinstance with the WebSite Configuration Tool.

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Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime ASP.NET Security Issue

Dec 21, 2006

I am struggling in calling an SSIS package programatically using the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime namespace.

I am succesfuly connecting to the package insofar as I am able to retrieve the package ID (GUID), but when I call package.Execute I get a 'login failed for user' error, which indicates a security problem.

My ASP.NET app is running as a domain user which has temporary 'SA' rights on the server where the package is hosted. In addition, I have set the protection level on the package to 'DontSaveSensitive'.

What am I missing to be able to execute the package remotely?



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I Can't Login To Sqlserver With A Username And A Password But Works With NT Integrated Security !!

Nov 21, 2006

i have created a username and a password in sqlserver 2000 from logins in Enterprise manager
and i permit him to the database i need to connect to ..
and i check all server roles for that user and i make sqlserver authentication for him with a password and then i goto the udl file to connect to that database using that user it fails !! and says

"login failed for that user 'myusername' reason not associated with a trusted sqlserver connection"

while i use NT integrated security it works well
so how can i connect to sqlserver using a username and a password

thanks in advance

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User Security

Mar 14, 2008

Hi all,

I want to create a user with the following criteria:

The user can able to "CREATE","ALTER" the stored proceudres but not "DROP" them.

So for this, I did like this:
--Schema Level

grant control on SCHEMA::dbo TO username

--Procudure level


--Denying on schema level

Deny alter on schema::dbo TO username --------- But, if i do this, then the user cannot able to create anything in the schema.

Can anyone give the workaround so that the user can able to "Create" as well "Alter" the stored procedure but not able to "Drop" the stored procedure.


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Sqlserver Login And User

Mar 30, 2006

What is the diffrence between Sql Server Login and Sql server DatabaseUser?I want to put a funtionality in my application from where administartormake Application User.these application user will be made also in sqlserver..Now I am confuse here In sqlserver Login and UserWell I will make both for A new user of my application Sqlserver Loginand Sql server user,Plz help me What to do with It..

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Dba Activities

Sep 20, 2006

can any one tell me what are the sql server dba activities?
i'm a junnior dba in hyderabad, my organization is product based company.

i need the general activities, so that i can become master in atleast some aspects.

generally what is the expectations of big organizations from DBA's? especially i'm plannning for H1.

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DTS And NT Integrated Security User?

Dec 2, 1999

We have a a DTS package set up to run against another SQL Server. Using an integrated login is there a way to map an NT Authenticated users is
the sql server login id mapping to this attached server. The DB we are going against only uses NT authentication to attach to.

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Modifying User Security

Jul 20, 2005

I have an asp page that currently is creating a database and a userlogin for that database. After everything successfully (I thought)executed, I tried to change my connection properties for the serverand then login as this new user. It wouldn't allow me to, so I loggedback in as the administrator and looked at the properties for the newlogin. On the general tab, it had the user's default databasespecified as the new database that I had created in the asp page, butwhen I went to the database access tab, the database was not selected.So, I'm not sure how to set that in my script. I've done somesearching in BOL, but I can't figure it out. Also, if there's a wayto do this in a query, or stored procedure, will it also specify whattype of role the user has (public, db_owner, etc.)? Thanks.

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User Dependent Security

May 10, 2007

I was just analysing the security which can be given to different users to access respective databases. So i tried, on my local server, to deny permission to myself to access Model database. After this i am not able to connect to my local server at all. Error: Permission denied. I am using windows authentication mode.

I have also deleted the local server registration, and re-registered it, but still the condition is same. Do i need to uninstall SQL Server completly to get rid of this prob.? I also registered a new data server, and there every thing is going fine. So now what do i do to get connected to my local server.

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SQL Security :: Schema Name Same As User Name

Jun 28, 2015

In some our dotabases I can see Schemas created with the same name as Domain User name (domainusername). Schema owner for those schemas is not dbo but the same user as in schema name. How this happens? Is any way to prevent or prohibit this?

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User Security Audit

Jan 16, 2008

What is the easiest way to find out what objects a security login has mapped to it? Something that would show all the explicit grants a specific user has.

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MS Sqlserver 2005: Displaying Only Dbs User Has A Right To?

Apr 26, 2007

Hi;My company just installed MS SQLServer 2005 ( see below the dottedline ).When a user logs into management studio all of the databases on theserver are displayed in the right hand column.What can we do to have only the databases the user has rights to,display?Thanks much in advance for any info.Steve-------------------------------------------------------------------Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio9.00.1399.00Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.1399.00Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2000.085.1117.00(xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)Microsoft MSXML2.6 3.0 4.0 6.0Microsoft Internet Explorer7.0.5730.11Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.42Operating System5.1.2600

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Can Not See Current Activities

Mar 31, 1999

Today when I opened current activity window on my SQL6.5 server, I could not able to see any activities listed. What will be the problem?

But sp_who works fine.


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SQL 2012 :: User For Row Level Security

Feb 19, 2014

In database we are planning to implement row level security.For this we need to create users or we need create login for each one?

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SQL Security :: Restrict A User Only To Particular Schema

Sep 23, 2015

I have created a user Finance and I want to grant him access only to see views which are created under Schema called "FinanceQuery".

Note: View may use tables from multiple schemas example: dbo. Staging. ect 

By doing this, I want to achieve that this user Finance can see only Views created under Schema FinanceQuery and should not see any other objects (tables, Stored Procedures, Functions etc.)

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