I have one table with 5 field, one of the field having unique values, and every month i append this table by using import/export wizard from excel, and that excel having some new value and some old value which is already in sql table, now i want such duplicate value delete automatic at the time of append the table or after that,
Currently i am doing this in excel, i delete duplicate data in excel and upload again whole data in sql.
I uploaded some data about 2 or 3 times and it keep appending it to thetable.Now I want to keep only first duplicate and delete rest of.Suppose part number 123 has been added 3 times so I want to keep only 1record.Thanks
Hello Frnds....Can anybody give the answer of this question as How to Delete duplicate records from Table ? I Know that with check option and also with Unique Constraint we can avoid to enter duplicate records in table but How to delete from table which does not have any constraints ?
I am using Sql Server 2000. I have a customer table with fields - CustId, Name, Address, City, StdCode, Phone. I used to insert entries in this table from an excel file. One excel file will contain thousands of customer. In this table combination of StdCode and Phone should not be repeated. If I do it in my VB.Net coding.then application gets drastically slow. So I want to write a procedure or trigger for this. Here what I will do, I will send all records into database then this trigger or procedure will check for any existing entry of combination of StdCode and phone. If entry exists then this will delete new entry or will not allow this new entry. Is this possible to do using Trigger or stored procedure?
I have a master table and i need to import the rows into the parent and child table.
Master table name is Flatfile_Inventory Parent Table name is INVENTORY Child Tables name are INVENTORY_AMOUNT,INVENTORY_DETAILS,INVENTORY_VEHICLE, Error details will be goes to LOG_INVENTORY_ERROR
I have 4 duplicate rows in the Flatfile_Inventory which i have already inserted in the Parent and child table.
Again when i run the query using stored procedure,its tells that all the 4 rows are duplicate and will move to the Log_Inventory_Error.
I need is if i have the duplicate rows in the flatfile_Inventory when i start inserting into the parent and child table the already inserted row have the unique ID i must identify it and delete that row in the both parent and chlid table.And latest row must get inserted into the Parent and child table from Flatfile_Inventory.
I am using the Import/Export wizard to import data from an ODBC data source. This can only be done from a query to specify the data to transfer.
When I try to create the tables, for the query, I am getting the following error:
Msg 2714, Level 16, State 4, Line 12
There is already an object named 'UserID' in the database.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 12
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
I have duplicated this error with the following script:
USE [testing]
IF OBJECT_ID ('[testing].[dbo].[users1]', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users1]
CREATE TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users1] (
[UserID] bigint NOT NULL,
[Name] nvarchar(25) NULL,
IF OBJECT_ID ('[testing].[dbo].[users2]', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users2]
CREATE TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users2] (
[UserID] bigint NOT NULL,
[Name] nvarchar(25) NULL,
IF OBJECT_ID ('[testing].[dbo].[users3]', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users3]
CREATE TABLE [testing].[dbo].[users3] (
[UserID] bigint NOT NULL,
[Name] nvarchar(25) NULL,
I have searched the "2714 duplicate error msg," but have found references to duplicate table names, rather than multiple field names or column name duplicate errors, within a database.
I think that the schema is only allowing a single UserID primary key.
Hi, I use the SqlDataSource Control for generating SQL-statements that I easily can modify. But on some tables I cant autogenerate the statements for Insert, Delete and Update. The checkbox is dimmed/not enabled. Why cant I use the autogenerate feature on some tables?
I use a tabel for storin log data from a mail server. I noticed that I'm getting duplicate records, is there a way to delete the socond and/or third entry so I dont have any duplicates?
Userid is auto number, lastname and emailaddress are PK.
I want to delete duplicate records. If lastname and emailaddress are the same, only keep a record which createdate is the most newest date. See above example I only want to the record which userid is 3. I have alreday created a code which I attached below. This code onle keep a record which userid is 1.
Anybody can help me to solve this problem? Thanks.
============== My current code ==================== delete from userprofile where userprofile.userid in --list all rows that have duplicates (select p.userid from userprofile as p where exists (select lastname, emailaddress from userprofile where lastname = p.lastname and emailaddress = p.emailaddress group by lastname, emailaddress having count (userid)>1)) and userprofile.userid not in --list on row from each set of duplicate (select min(p.userid) from userprofile as p where exists (select lastname, emailaddress from userprofile where lastname = p.lastname and emailaddress = p.emailaddress group by lastname, emailaddress having count (userid)>1) group by lastname, emailaddress)
I have several rows in a table that contain duplicate information. I want to trim them down to one instance per row, without other duplicates.
I have several columns, but only 2 of the columns are used to determine the "Identical Rows", however one of the other columns could also be used to determine which of the others are deleted.
Let's just say I have a table called DATA. In DATA I have the following columns: C1: ID/Key column (Unique numbers not associated with any other row) C2: Specific Data column 1 C3: Specific Data Column 2 C3: Keeper if not null C4: Misc Info C5: Misc Info
Basically IF C2 & C3 are duplicated, then I want to keep one of these and ditch the others.
The row I want to keep is the one that has info in C4, but at times C4 does not have anything in it on any of them, at that point I just care about keeping one of the C2 & C3 Duplicate rows.
The other issue I face is C2 will always have something in it, but at times C3 will not and C4 will.
So I want to keep the one duplicate row that has the most info in it. At minimum, I want to always keep C2 & C3 if they both contain data.
For example, if I had the following duplicate rows: (C2) red (C3) 123 (C4) XYZ (C2) red (C3) 123 (C4) XYZ (C2) red (C3) 123 (C4) XYZ (C2) red (C3) (C4) XYZ (C2) red (C3) 123 (C4)
I want to keep: (C2) red (C3) 123 (C4) XYZ
I have some rows that have three exact duplicates, some that have four, some that have two.
How can I tell the Query Manager to delete all but one instance of each duplicate row?
I did do a query to find out how many duplicates I have and found it to be around 232,000+. Basically I will be cutting this in half if I can get rid of the duplicates.
I have read 30 different ways on many sites and I am now officially confused
I am trying to delete the duplicates from a table, but keep 1 of the records.
Here is my query which works on smaller tables <2000 records, but the query either timeouts or just runs and runs on larger tables >50,000 and >150,000.
/* LIST 1 - all rows that have duplicates*/ (SELECT F.ID FROM Table1 AS F WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT computerName, programName, version, publisher, Count(ID) FROM Table1 WHERE Table1.computerName = F.computerName AND Table1.programName = F.programName AND Table1.version = F.version AND Table1.publisher = F.publisher GROUP BY Table1.computerName, Table1.programName, Table1.version, Table1.publisher HAVING Count(Table1.ID) > 1)) AND Table1.ID NOT IN
/* LIST 2 - one row from each set of duplicate*/ (SELECT Min(ID) FROM Table1 AS F WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT computerName, programName, version, publisher, Count(ID) FROM Table1 WHERE Table1.computerName = F.computerName AND Table1.programName = F.programName AND Table1.version = F.version AND Table1.publisher = F.publisher GROUP BY Table1.computerName, Table1.programName, Table1.version, Table1.publisher HAVING Count(Table1.ID) > 1) GROUP BY computerName, programName, version, publisher);
TABLE STRUCTURE:: ID computerName programName version publisher installDate 1 COMP1Microsoft .NET Framework 20050216 2 COMP1Windows XP Hotfix - KB89178120050110.17Microsoft NULL 3 COMP1Windows Media Player 10 NULL NULL NULL 4 COMP1Microsoft .NET Framework 02/16/2005
The duplicate records i am trying to delete are not truly duplicates, each record has a unique ID and install dates could vary. I am trying to identify duplicate records as identical (computerName + programName + version + publisher) See records 1 and 4 in table structure above... i dont care which of the duplicates is kept, as long as 1 is kept.
What I am looking for is either a completely new query which maybe optimized to run on a larger scale table or maybe just a performance tweak to my exisitng query??
I have a little dilemma. I have a table ALLTABLE that has duplicate records and I want to delete them. ALLTABLE has these columns with these values for example:
As you can see there is some duplicates in the first 3 rows and the final 2 (the entity number is the only difference). I want the table to look like this:
Policy Premium Class State Entity Number ADC-WC-0010005-0 25476 63 31 1 ADC-WC-0010005-0 1457 63 29 4 ADC-WC-0010092-1 2322 63 37 1 ADC-WC-0010344-0 515 63 01 1
Thank you so much for the help. It is really appreciated.
I have the following table customerid customername ------------------------ 1 AAA 1 AAA 2 BBB 2 BBB 2 BBB 3 CCC 3 CCC
Here, I need to delete duplicate records from the above table. After deleting the duplicate records the table should be like this: customerid customername ------------------------ 1 AAA 2 BBB 3 CCC
declare @a1 table (id int not null identity(1,1), phone decimal(18,0), adress nvarchar(100)) insert @a1 (phone,adress)
[Code] ....
id phone address ----------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 111 new york 2 111 new york 3 111 new york 4 222 maxico 5 222 mexico
select phone,count(phone) as say from @a1 group by phone having count(phone)>1
phone say --------------------------------------- ----------- 111 3 222 2
How can I remove duplicate phone. For example
after delete select*from @a1 select*from @a1
id phone address ----------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 111 new york 4 222 maxico
I wrote this to show for example in my real table have 50000 rows and 1751 duplicate rows.
there are two tables involve in replication let say table1 and replicated table is also rep.table1.
we are not deleting records physically in table1 so only a bit in table1 has true when u want to delete a record but the strange thing is that replication agaent report that this is hard delete operation on table1 so download and report hard delete operation and delete the record in replicated table which is very crucial.
plz let me know where am i wrong and how i put it into right way.
there is no triggers on published tables and noother trigger is created on published table.
I have inherited a database with no primary keys in it. :(
There are, of course, duplicate records by the "logical key", i.e., the list of columns that should have been used in a primary key, if they only had one. I can easily identify when I have duplicate records using group by and having clauses. That's the easy part.I can identify duplicate records by "key columns" and the subset of those records that are "identical duplicates on all columns". I need to delete the "extra copies"
I can't do it by hand using sql server manager, it won't let me, because it recognizes that more than one row matches that row. In Oracle, I would use the pseudo-column "rowid", which would expose the internal identifier for the row.SqlServer doesn't appear to have this concept. is there another way other than creating an empty shadow table, copying all the distinct duplicate records into the shadow table, deleting all the duplicates in the old table, then copying the distinct duplicates back into the old table.