I have a SQL server though a hosting company and I am trying to send autoemails using xp_sendmail. The permissions were set and I used the following command to test it.
Hi everyone i get an error messgae running the following code
DECLARE @mailist VARCHAR(max) SET @mailist='' SELECT TOP 1 @mailist=@mailist + email +';' FROM email.dbo.mytable SET @mailist=STUFF(@mailist,LEN(@mailist),1,'') SET @mailist='''' + @mailist + ''''
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name='my_mail_profile', @recipients=@mailist, @subject='mysubject', @body_format='html', @body= ' <html> <head> <title> problems with send_dbmail </title> </head> <body> this is not working </body> </html> '
The error says: quote:Syntax error in parameters or arguments. The server response was: 5.5.4 Invalid Address) At the other hand, if i assign a straightforward @recipints address such as EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name='my_mail_profile', @recipients=my@mail.com It works Anybody know why ? Thanks
I'm using xp_sendmail in the sp and in @query I do select * from table1. The result also page,s The formate is not at all readable and even if @attach_results = 'TRUE' In the text file its not formatted as it sends mail to my manager I want it to be formatted and looks good. Can anyone help me or Is there any way to get the results in readable format.
I need to assemble information from my outlook account into a database table. Is it possible to insert "title" of a set of mails recieved into a table ? sender's name ? recipient's name? body? etc...
Hi FolksCould anyone please tell me if there is a maximum number of E-Mailsthat SQL Server Agent can send at any one time ?I'm thinking of using it to send out matches from the database thatregistered users have previously specified.ThanksDavid
Hi I have created a Percent Log Used Alert with a threshold of 85% and am getting e-mailed with Database Mail, the problem is that I continue to get e-mailed repeatedly with the same e-mail until I disable the Alert. Is there any way to have it just e-mail it once?
How can I set the default body_format in database mail. I would like to send a warning with plain text format (from the alerts), that i'll get on my mobile phone, but the message's format is html... always...and I don't get the sms-s.
I am testing the e-mail subscriptions to my hotmail account in anticipation of sending e-mail reports to our business partners. I have made the following to the RSreportserver.config file:
Function Main() const SMTP_SERVER = "MPBAKOREX01.corp.mphasis.com"
set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message") set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") Set Flds = iConf.Fields
With Flds .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = cdoSendUsingPickup .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = SMTP_SERVER .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 90 .Update End With
With iMsg Set .Configuration = iConf .To = "ausrg@yahoo.com" .From = "shanmuga.r@mphasis.com" .Subject = "TEST" .HTMLBody = "jfldsajfldk;sajf ;lksadjf;lkasdjlfkjasdlkfjlasdkj flkdsajflsadjf ljasdlf a" .Send End With
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success End Function
When i am executing this , i am getting the following error :
Error Source : Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package
Error Description : Error Code: 0
Error Source= CDO.Message.1
Error Description: The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid.
Since upgrading from SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2, I've noticed that it no longer autosaves queries that have not been manually saved first. If a file has been manually saved the autorecover files end up in the following directory:
%appdata%MicrosoftSQL Server Management Studio11.0AutoRecoverDatSolution1
However, I have ended up in the situation where I have unsaved queries when my computer has crashed and have not been able to recover them.
I have also found references to .sql files stored in temp files in the following directory, but the files here seem to be very haphazardly caught:
Hello All,I wrote one code for sending mail by using Asp.Net+C#, My code is asfollows.private void btnSend_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){try{MailMessage email = new MailMessage();if(rblHtml.Checked){email.BodyFormat=MailFormat.Html;}if(rblText.Checked){email.BodyFormat=MailFormat.Text;}email.From=txtSender.Text;email.To=txtReceiver.Text;email.Subject=txtSubject.Text;email.Body=txtBody.Text;string attach1=null;if(opdAttachment1.PostedFile !=null){HttpPostedFile ulFile=opdAttachment1.PostedFile;int nFileLen=ulFile.ContentLength;if(nFileLen>0){strFileName=Path.GetFileName(opdAttachment1.Posted File.FileName);strFileName="attachment/"+strFileName;opdAttachment1.PostedFile.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(st rFileName));MailAttachment attach=newMailAttachment(Server.MapPath(strFileName));email.Attachments.Add(attach);attach1=strFileName;}}SmtpMail.SmtpServer="";SmtpMail.Send(email);if(attach1 !=null){File.Delete(Server.MapPath(attach1));}lblMessage.Text="Your email has been sent successfully";catch(Exception ex){lblMessage.Visible=true;lblMessage.ForeColor=Color.Red;lblMessage.Text=ex.ToString();}When i press "SEND" button, the mail is delivered and i receive message"Your email has been sent successfully". But the mail is not deliver totarget destination.The Mail is stored in "C:Inetpubmailrootqueue" folder. After sometime, it is autometically stored in "Badmail" folder.I use Windows 2000 Professional+.net 1.1 version.I need some solution ... I am relatively new in .net .. Can anybodyhelp me please..
Hi, I have a need to shoot and automated mail at regular intervals to clients. I got the following code for sending email from SQL Server but get an error.
@SenderName varchar(100),
@SenderAddress varchar(100),
@RecipientName varchar(100),
@RecipientAddress varchar(100),
@Subject varchar(200),
@Body varchar(8000),
@MailServer varchar(100) = 'localhost'
SET nocount on
declare @oMail int --Object reference
declare @resultcode int
EXEC @resultcode = sp_OACreate 'SMTPsvg.Mailer', @oMail OUT
SQL Server blocked access to procedure 'sys.sp_OACreate' of component 'Ole Automation Procedures' because this component is turned off as part of the security configuration for this server. A system administrator can enable the use of 'Ole Automation Procedures' by using sp_configure. For more information about enabling 'Ole Automation Procedures', see "Surface Area Configuration" in SQL Server Books Online.
Hi everyone i get an error messgae running the following code
DECLARE @mailist VARCHAR(max) SET @mailist='' SELECT TOP 1 @mailist=@mailist + email +';' FROM email.dbo.mytable SET @mailist=STUFF(@mailist,LEN(@mailist),1,'') SET @mailist='''' + @mailist + ''''
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name='my_mail_profile', @recipients=@mailist, @subject='mysubject', @body_format='html', @body= ' <html> <head> <title> problems with send_dbmail </title> </head> <body> this is not working </body> </html> '
The error says:
Syntax error in parameters or arguments. The server response was: 5.5.4 Invalid Address)
At the other hand, if i assign a straightforward @recipints address such as EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name='my_mail_profile', @recipients=my@mail.com
I am new to SQL Server 2005, I need Help to create a SSIS package for the below taks, My task is Refer a Column [Status] in the Logtable which is used to maintain the logs for the running processes, When ever any Rows with the "FAIL" status in Status column occurs in the LogTable then get the Respective ErrorRowNumber and get the Details of the Error from other 2, 3 tables which will be a simple SQL statements, when you get the Error Details then mail these details to the given Email id.
For this I need a help In creating a SSIS package which will continuously check the Status and if any FAIL status occurs then the Error details need to mail to mail id which are stored in the config files of SSIS package.
If any one has better idea to send the mails then please let me know.
if any online tutorial is available that will also help. Thanks in advance
Hello, I am using a script to send mails from MSSQL 2000 server. The script is trying to use the ASPMail object is located within a SQL Job or DTS package in the SQL database. It is not being run through an ASP page. The ASPMail object works fine if running in an ASP page running on win2003 server. It DOES NOT work when trying to create the object within SQL ActiveX VB script running on mssql server. If I am using this script in a job and use Microsoft's Enterprise Manager it only tells me that the job failed. If I try to use this script in a DTS package I get the error: 'Can not create object ("SMTPsvg.Mailer"). If I use a third database manager I get the following error: 'Execute permission denied on object xp_ServiceControl database' Please let me know what is causing this and how to fix it. The script goes as below '************************************************* ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script '************************************************* Dim Mailer Set Mailer = CreateObject("SMTPsvg.Mailer") Mailer.FromName = "Webmaster" Mailer.FromAddress = "webmaster@domainname.com" Mailer.RemoteHost = "mail.domainname.com" Mailer.AddRecipient "user", "mailid@domainname.com" Mailer.Subject = "Test ASP Mail" Mailer.BodyText = "Test" x = Mailer.SendMail Set Mailer = Nothing Any help is appreciated Regards
I am new to SSIS. I have a requirement that from a flat file need to import the data into SQL Server DB(SQl Server2008r2).
1.When the file doesn't found in dir need to send a mail. 2.error reading And writing ,on which record the error occurred and capture the error details and need to send mail. 3. In success also need to send a mail.
I have an MS SQL Server table with a Job Number field I need this field to start at a certain number then auto increment from there. Is there a way to do this programatically or within MSDE?
I am having a few problems with Database Mail and wondered if anyone could assist. It sends test mails fine, but when I run the following script:
(I've changed my email address in this post to test@test.com they are accurate in the scripts.)
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = 'Test Mail',
@recipients = 'test@test.com',
@body = 'Sent by sp_send_dbmail',
@Subject = 'SQL Server Email Test Email';
It gives the following errors.
(from the above script)
mailitem_id = 16 profile_id = 2 recipients = test@test.com copy_recipients = NULL blind_copy_recipients = NULL subject = SQL Server Email Test Email body = Sent by sp_send_dbmail body_format = TEXT importance = NORMAL sensitivity = NORMAL file_attachments = NULL attachment_encoding = MIME query = NULL execute_query_database = NULL attach_query_result_as_file = 0 query_result_header = 1 query_result_width = 256 query_result_separator = exclude_query_output = 0 append_query_error = 0 send_request_date = 2008-04-15 10:50:03.827 send_request_user = COMPANYTest.Test sent_account_id = NULL sent_status = failed sent_date = 2008-04-15 10:50:04.000 last_mod_date = 2008-04-15 10:50:04.513 last_mod_user = sa
(from the test mail)
mailitem_id = 11 profile_id = 2 recipients = test@test.com copy_recipients = NULL blind_copy_recipients = NULL subject = Database Mail Test body = This is a test e-mail sent from Database Mail on UKDEVSQL1 body_format = TEXT importance = NORMAL sensitivity = NORMAL file_attachments = NULL attachment_encoding = MIME query = NULL execute_query_database = NULL attach_query_result_as_file = 0 query_result_header = 1 query_result_width = 256 query_result_separator = exclude_query_output = 0 append_query_error = 0 send_request_date = 2008-04-15 09:51:46.530 send_request_user = COMPANYTest.Test sent_account_id = 4 sent_status = sent sent_date = 2008-04-15 09:51:46.000 last_mod_date = 2008-04-15 09:51:46.610 last_mod_user = sa
sysmail_event_log gives this error for mail item 16 (the scripted email):
The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. (Sending Mail using Account 4 (2008-04-15T10:11:41). Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Requested action not taken: message refused). )
Can anyone help me with a problem I have with SSRS 2005? How do I configure SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services to deliver subscription e-mails to addresses external to my windows domain?
I've been having trouble configuring the Report Server e-mail delivery component to send subscription e-mails to addresses outside the domain on which the report server is hosted.
For e.g. since my local windows domain is named "smartsystems.com", I have found that the Report Manager does not have any problems sending subscription mails to "eawagu@smartsystems.com" but throws up an error whenever I include "eawagu@yahoo.com" in the recipients' list.
Does anyone know how to use for xml auto that will format an xml response to show the parent/child relationships? I currently have the parents and children in a temp table and can only get a formatting so that each one is returned at a parent. how can i select the results from the temp table so for xml auto will return the properly formatted xml file?
The upgrade adviser for for 2k5 says something about derived tables being handled differently between 2k and 2K5 and it says to query the tables directly but this does not seem to make much sense because I thought FOR XML AUTO just created some generic XML for presentation purposes. These 2 stored procedures that it is complaining about do query the tables directly and they use the FOR XML AUTO to control the output.Does anyone know if I have to worry about this? I am tempted to let this slide and check out this part of the application after the migration happens tomorrow for QA to start testing.Yes I have been googling, checking my books and digging around in BOL. I am not seeing anything.DISREGARD: I found my derived table. It appears to change the output of the XML. Perfect.
I am using sql server 2000 and want to know how to get xml out of the database that looks like this using for xml auto <Clients> <Client ID="1"> <Employer="Company1" /> <Employer="Company2" /> <Contact type="phone"> <contact type="email" value="test@test.com"> <contact type="phone" value="555-5555"> </Client> <Client ID="2"> <Employer="Company3" /> <Employer="Company4" /> <Contact type="phone"> <contact type="email" value="test@test.com"> <contact type="phone" value="555-5555"> </Client></Clients> The problem I am having is that Contact is nested inside employer when I select Employer before Contact and the opposite happens when I select Contact first. They both join to the Client table so I would assume they both should nest directly under Client. How do I get different fields to nest directly under the same element like above?
I have to generate mails automatically based on databse (SQL SERVER) table,In that table we have expirydate as one column and based on expirydate I have to generate the mails automatically,Please guide me to solve this issue. where we have to run the stored procedure. Do we have to use jobscheduler? please guide me how to use it Thanks in avance regards, Raja.
Hi all, I would like to have my SQL statement result to return an additional "column", automatically adding an "auto-increasing" number with it. So if I for example select all Dates older than today's date, I would want something like this:
1 10/12/2006
2 10/18/2006
3 10/20/2006
4 10/22/2006
5 10/30/2006 Keep in mind that it's not my intention to fysically insert the "counting" column into the table, but rather do it "virtually". Is this possible? And if yes, how ? :)
Hi All, I want to write a console application to send email. There is a Date field in the SQL Server and I need to send email 2 weeks before that date.I have no idea how to write a console application and make it work.Does anybody have code for this? If so please post it. Thanks a lot, Kumar.
It's been a long time since I've had to check an index for the highest value, then add 1, to create a new unique key. These past few years, it seems this is usually done for you. But now that I'm working with MS-SQL, I don't see it. Is it there? It's doesn't seem to be inherent in the definition.
Hello, Firstly Hello to everyone I'm new the forum and fairly new to .net I'm working on web datbase application using visual studios 05 and MS SQL05 I've used 2003 (briefly) before but 2005 is very new to me. To my problem I download the GUI interface from microsoft so I can now setup a local database and do my own testing. I have created the table and fields with in it however on a particular table i have made a primary Key and left it as an INT but I would like to set it as auto increment ! I dont know how to select that option as i was used to mysql way of doing things or does this have to be done as a stored procedure ? Any assistance much appreciated.