
Jan 28, 2005


I have set a field “MessageId� as primary in a Messages table. What I want is that whenever user inserts a message through my site, the MsSql should automatically generate MessageId for the new message inserted, but this is not happening. Any suggestions, advice are highly appreciated. Thank You

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Autogenerate Primary Key

Aug 9, 2007

Hi all

How do you autogenerate your own primary key in SQL.
Instead of SQL generating an IDENTIY number which would be 1, 2 ,3..etc
I was wanting to give it my own sequence of numbers, how exactly do I do that can anyone help??

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Autogenerate A Primary Key

Sep 6, 2007

I have a table that I am constantly updating with data. I would like to have the field SMT_ID be updated with an autonumber that is unique on creation of the record- similar to Access' "AutoNumber" feature.

Currently I am using the "Identity" DataType. This works great, but I need my field length to be more than 4. I need 12.

I cant change this in the "Design Table" properties. How do I change it?

As always- Thanks

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AutoGenerate No. In SQL Server 2000

Feb 15, 2005

I would like to create an Autogenerate function which has to do the following

autogenerate field type is varchar(10). in that first 2 characters are purely character string. remaining will be numbers

i'll pass the following parameters into the function
1. tablename
2. columnname
3. 2 character string that has to build the first 2 characters
eg: functionname(emp, empid, 'EM')

Here the function has to execute and return the generated no.

In this functioin i've to pass any tablename and corresponding field with the 2 character build string.... Already i tried. Few problems are there in passing the tablename as parameter...

Anybody help me in that...

Thanks in advance...

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Trying To Insert Row (autogenerate Key) Failing

Feb 25, 2004

I am trying to insert a row into a sql table; I set the identity to 'yes' and seed to 1, increment to 1 in sql manager.
My webpage does the insert but I am receiving this error. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance!
Dim mySQL As String = "Insert into Process_Master (ProcessName) values (@pname)"

Dim myConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("MATRIX_CONNECTION_STRING"))

Dim myCmd As New SqlCommand(mySQL, myConn)

myCmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@pname", TextBox1.Text))





Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Process_Master' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF

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Autogenerate Numbers From 000001 To 999999

Jul 20, 2005

I would like the numbers 000001 to 999999 to autogenerate in a newdatabase. I will be transfering information from another database andin that database the numbers 000001 to 010000 are already taken. Theyare used as identifiers in other programs and it would be easier ifthey were stored as written. Using identity the 0's are eliminated.Is there a way to keep them?Thank you,M

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AutoGenerate Table Schema In SSIS

Jul 6, 2007

I have a database that has few tables whose table Schema changes oftenly based on a flat file specification and I wanted to automate the process where I drop the table and recreate it with the new schema using an SSIS package. Any Ideas on how I can achieve this?

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Autogenerate Reply Or ServerProc Generated Message............

Nov 20, 2006


I got my sample application to work that I am building my proof of concept out of. I need to be able to auto generate a reply message that would normally be in the run routine. The only way I see to do this is pull it from a table but I do not want to do that. I have tried tests where I change the code to see if I can send a message back but I have to reinstall the assembly into the database which is not what I am looking for. I am looking for a way to change the message by either accessing the GUI and getting the string, calling another function to do this, or something like that. I want it so I can change the code in the run routine in VS 2005 but this does not work. I am sure their is a trick to do this but am not sure what that trick is. What is a good way to do this other than accessing a table in the database?


Scott Allison...

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Stored Proceedure Question, How To Pull An Autogenerate Field Value?

Feb 6, 2008

I have a stored proceedure that is adding a record to a database table. When the record is added using an insert statement, the ID field is autogenerated.
I have a second insert statement that inserts into a second table, however, I want/need? to use that ID field in order to link this additional information to the proper record in the initial table.
 Is there an easy way to do a select or just pull the ID?  I was thinking I could do a select before the final insert using 2 or 3 required fields of which used in a select altogether would be unique, but before I did that, I wanted to see if I was missing a better way. I posted the code below....
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Add_Employee_Data]
@LastName as varchar(100),@FirstName as varchar(100),
@MiddleName as varchar(100),@Position as varchar(100),
@Department as varchar(100),
@DirectDial as varchar(100),
@Ext as varchar(100),
@Fax as varchar(100),
@HomePhone as varchar(100),
@CellPhone as varchar(100),
@Partner as varchar(100),
@TimeKeeper as varchar(100),
@Notary as varchar(100),
@Practice as varchar(100),
@SummerAddress as varchar(250),
@SummerPhone as varchar(100),
@LegalNonLegal as varchar(100),
@Bar as varchar(100),
@OtherEmail as varchar(100),
@HomeAddressComplete as varchar(100),
@HomeAddress as varchar(100),
@HomeCity as varchar(100),
@HomeState as varchar(100),
@HomeZip as varchar(100),
@School as varchar(100),
@Degree as varchar(100),
@Status as varchar(100),
@Floor as varchar(100)) AS
DECLARE @Code as varchar(100)
INSERT Into tblMain2(LastName,FirstName,MI,Position,Dept,Extension,DirectDial,[FAX DID],HomePhone,CellularPhone,SpousePartner,
<<<<< Put select statement here to pull in @Code where LastName = @LastName  and Extension =@Ext ??
INSERT Into Education(Code,CollegeSchool,DegreeCert) Values(@Code,@School,@Degree)

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How To Refresh A Data Source View And Autogenerate/Re-Deploy The Corresponding Report Model

Jan 9, 2007

Hi everyone!,

Our team is new to SSRS and we are trying to figure out how to refresh the data source view, autogenerate the corressponding report model and Re-Deploy the Report Model (rewrite existing Report Model) on the server on a periodoc basis or trigger the whole action whenever there is a change in the database on some specific tables.

We prefer to do this action through a Agent job ( a diff approach is also welcome).

Are there any stored procs out there?

Appreciate your time.


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