Autogrow Of File 'FORMS' In Database 'FORMS' Cancelled Or Timed Out After 30547 Ms.
Jun 26, 2007
I'm getting the below error message:
Autogrow of file 'FORMS' in database 'FORMS' cancelled or timed out after 30547 ms. Use ALTER DATABASE to set a smaller FILEGROWTH or to set a new size.
FORMS.LDF file is 7613952 KBand the growth is 512MB .
By how much should I set the filegrowth? The users are complaining that the application is freezing on them.
All queries on our Production database are timing out. Viewing the error log file the following show up over and over again:
Autogrow of file 'tempdev' in database 'tempdb' was cancelled by user or timed out after 3937 milliseconds. Use ALTER DATABASE to set a smaller FILEGROWTH value for this file or to explicitly set a new file size.
Autogrow of file 'Prod' in database 'Production' was cancelled by user or timed out after 33156 milliseconds. Use ALTER DATABASE to set a smaller FILEGROWTH value for this file or to explicitly set a new file size.
Our production database is about 1 gig in size with 3.5 million records. I tried setting the autogrow from 30% which it was before to 100MB, but no luck, still timing out and getting the errors above. Permission should be all good, nothing has changed.
There is about 50gigs of available disk space as well, so that's not the problem. Thanks for the help.
This should be a fairly simple question. It's based on this error message:"Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing. Previous count = 1, current count = 0." I get this when executing a stored procedure upon processing a form. This error happens when I intentionally provide input to the stored procedure that I know should cause it to error out. I catch the exception, and it contains the error message, but it also contains the above message added on to it, which I don't want. I won't post the entire stored procedure. But I'll list a digest of it (Just those lines that are significant). Assume that what's included is what happens when I provide bad input:BEGINBEGIN TRYBEGIN TRANSACTION RAISERROR('The item selected does not exist in the database.', 16, 1); COMMIT -- This won't execute when the RAISERROR breaks out to the CATCH block END TRY BEGIN CATCHROLLBACKDECLARE @ErrorSeverity INT, @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(4000)SET @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()SET @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE() RAISERROR(@ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, 1) END CATCH END Okay, so that works fine. The problem is when I execute this with an SqlCommand object, on which I've opened a transaction. I won't include the entire setup of the data (with the parameters, since those seem fine), but I'll give my code that opens the connection and executes the query: con.Open(); SqlTransaction transaction = con.BeginTransaction(); command.Transaction = transaction; try { command.ExecuteNonQuery(); transaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { transaction.Rollback(); } finally { con.Close(); } I'm calling the stored procedure listed above (which has its own transaction), using a SqlCommand object on which I've opened a transaction. When there is no error it works fine. But when I give the stored procedure bad data, it gives me that message about the transaction count. Is there something I need to do in either my SQL or my C# to handle this? The entire message found in the Exception's Message is a concatenation of the message in my RAISERROR, along with the transaction count message I quoted at the beginning. Thanks, -Dan
I have SQLExpress and SQL2005 both installed on my W2K3 server. I can access my databases with SQL2005 without problems.
As far as my memory serves me, I have not made any manual changes to the SQLExpress setup - nor will I as my users will have no knowledge as to how to - it must be an out-of-the-box solution.
I am using VS2005 to create a Windows Form project. I used VS2005 IDE to create a database as MyBookings.mdf . I have, in the IDE successfully created a table. This is all using SQLExpress.
I now wish to access the database and have the following as my connection string:
The following error message is generated when I try to access the db from within my program:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException:A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)
The SQL log enties for my past several tries are:
007-03-20 09:57:50.92 Logon Cannot attach the file 'MyBookings.mdf' as database 'MyBookings'. [CLIENT: <local machine>] 2007-03-20 09:58:13.92 spid51 Error: 5105, Severity: 16, State: 2. 2007-03-20 09:58:13.92 spid51 A file activation error occurred. The physical file name '.MyBookings.mdf' may be incorrect. Diagnose and correct additional errors, and retry the operation. 2007-03-20 09:58:13.92 Logon Error: 1832, Severity: 20, State: 1. 2007-03-20 09:58:13.92 Logon Cannot attach the file '.MyBookings.mdf' as database 'MyBookings'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]
I have spent 2 days researching this and have come up with no solution.
I have a 2.0 web application. In one of the modules I have following scenario. In the UI there are 3 pages to take the input from the user. On the 1st page, we are inserting data in the master table and with the same we are beginning new sql transaction with the isolation level READ UNCOMMITTED. so that uncommited master table data can be read. Master table has also has 4 detail tables. Then the user is navigated to 2nd and then to 3rd page where the user can enter multiple records in the detail tables. And only after finishing on the 3rd page, the transaction is commited. I want to ask that is it the right way of doing this kind of functionality? And is there any other way of doing this?
--- Not sure if this should be moved to webforms forum, or if it belongs here ---
Alright, I have been dealing with this issue for a few days now, and have found a few solutions but they all seem to throw different errors so I figured I'd ask here.
What i am trying to do is have a webform where user enter data, and have the data passed across forms, then displayed and inserted into a database on another form. THe first for has an asp:rangevalidator control dymamicly built so I cannot simply take of the tags and use the old style.
Eventually the user will be directed to a paypal form, and upon successful completion be redirected to the page with the insert command within it, but for now, passing it to a second page for review, then inserting it will work.
I am not sure how to accomplish this, a tutorial or a code example would be great!! I have though about panels, creating public objects, etc, but all the solutions I have found have one issue or another when I attempt to create them.
I have a windows forms application that I would like to put in production on several machines. Each machine will contain it's own data and does not need to be networked.
I can use my local connection right now to access the data, but I would like to change my connection so that it will work when installed on a client's machine.
My Current connection string looks like this:
Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="C:Documents and SettingsMYNAMEMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsInterimApplicationInterimApplicationInterim.mdf";Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True
I believe I could use something like this:
Dim connectionString as string = "Data Source=" & Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles) & "/InterimApplication/data/Interim.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
However, I am not sure. Also, if the client does not install to the default directory, then this may cause the application to not work properly.
Lastly, I am not sure if the client machine needs any additional software on their computer in order for the application to be capable of connecting to the data source.
Any recommendations, ideas, comments, or general help is greatly appreciated.
I'm currently running the command below and getting this error message. I am getting it every few seconds for a couple hours now. Seems to have started when I started this SPROC below. I'm just over 2 hours into running.
Not sure what this means yet, any help is much appreciated. Desperately trying to resolve this urgent matter!
thanks once again! mike123
"Autogrow of file 'templog' in database 'tempdb' was cancelled by user or timed out after 2813 milliseconds. Use ALTER DATABASE to set a smaller FILEGROWTH value for this file or to explicitly set a new file size."
I have what I hope is a simple question for you all.
I have been volunteered to be our SQL admin. We've never used SQL here before. I've been studying it for a month or so now, but have unexpectedly been given a project for SQL 2000 with a deadline of next week. I have no problem with creating the database, the table, the view, and setting permissions. My problem is how best to have clients enter information. We don't want them to see previous days' information, or to see other users' information. They should enter their data only. We have a few managers who will look all at the data and perform queries. Can I give the users' a form for this? I'd rather not have them open enterprise manager and navigate through those screens; this will create a whole slew of training issues.
If someone could point me in the right direction on this, and maybe suggest a good reference manual, I'd appreciate it.
as a previous user of Access, i was wondering if SQL Server provided any means of creating a Form through which I can enter in data to be stored in a table?
The below stored procedure works. However, I am trying to use a text boxfrom a temp form for the where clause.WHERE Transactions.TransactionID = [forms]![form1]![text0]I even tried changing first line:Alter PROCEDURE S3 @TID varchar (255) = [forms]![form1]![text0]And changed last line to:WHERE Transactions.TransactionID = @TIDSo far, I haven't been able to have this parameter work from a temp formwith the parameter typed into the text0 box.any help here? I get ado error near "!" or something to that affect.this below is what does work fine:Alter PROCEDURE S3 @TID varchar (255)ASSELECT Transactions.TransactionID, Transactions.AccountID,Transactions.TransactionNumber, Transactions.TransactionDate,Transactions.TransactionDescription, Transactions.WithdrawalAmount,Transactions.DepositAmountFROM TransactionsWHERE Transactions.TransactionID = @TID
I have a SQL Server database. The data from a table is populated in the table and can do a regular display query on a record without issue.
Problem is when I pull the data into a form the data doesn't show up in some form fields for editing.
I am building a backend for the manager to make updates and changes and this is vital. Does anyone know if it has something to do with a database setting or has had a similar issue in the past?
The reason I think its a database setting is becuase the same table converted into MS Access has no problem populating the text boxs and text areas.
My god.All I want to do is post the contents of a web form to a database sql express 2005 or access using C#. Why can I find nothing for this very simple process online?Can you tell I am totally frustrated? So lets say i have a few text fields and I want to click submit and have that entered into a table. I use C# for code behind. So I can do basic C# programming and I can to webforms with visual web developer 2005 dragging and dropping for textboxs and a button to the aspx page. But then the mystery begins for me. How the hell do I simple post that form data to the table. I understand connection string basics. I aslo can design and create tables. But tying this all together is becoming a problem. I don't want to use gridview formview detailview or any of that canned UI stuff. I also don't understand VB and when I see VB examples they only cloud my already cloud ASP.NET world. Please help by posting examples, and maybe some links or books to add to my newbish collection. Thanks,Frank
Greetings, I am in need of assistance, I have a number of SQL databases that will be used by multiple users, this database will handle all their profile data (first name, last name, ect)Could someone post an example how to apply data from a web form textbox and insert the data into SQL? Any links or tutorials would help a ton! Please feel free to contact me via e-mail
I have a project at work that requires me to transfer all the data, including the queries, forms, macros, and modules from Access 97 to SQL Server 7. I was able to import the tables only using DTS wizard. Is there a way to copy the queries, forms, macros, and modules?
Hi guys, I've been thinking about this problem now for some time but somehow I don't know if my "solution" for it is right. I'd like to read your opinion.
There is a Capital table with Capital_Nr, Capital_Name, Capital_Population, Country_Nr and Country_Name as attributes.
I know the table is chaotic so I brought it to 3NF :
Capital table : Capital_Nr, Capital_Name, Capital_Population, Country_Nr(foreign key)
Country table : Country_Nr and Country_Name
Ok so I guess the table should be now in 3NF, but what intrigues me is in what NF the table originally was. I tried then to use Codd's definition of 2NF : "a 1NF table is in 2NF if and only if none of its non-prime attributes are functionally dependent on a part (proper subset) of a candidate key". In my opinion the original candidate keys could only be {Capital_Nr},{Country_Nr} and {Country_Name}, each one of them single, i.e. separate from each other. So, as there is no composite candidate key, I can affirm that the original table was in 2NF. Am I right ?
I could really use help getting form authentication to work. I have a box with a web site and ReportingServices installed(which if I can get this working will be moved to the DMZ). The databases are on a different machine(which will on on our network).
I have been working with the sample provided with the install and this blog.
My problem is that I can logon and authenticate but when I call ListChildren() my System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials is empty so I get nothing back from the call.
I know that I have a valid cookie because after I logon I can use the Reports and the ReportServer URL's and go directly to those pages.
Can someone tell me what I need to do to make ListChildren() work? Do I still call ListChildren()? Documentation is scarce and would appreciate any help provided.
I have created custom form without borders , i have written functions to minimize, maximize, exit and even for moving the window, now i need to write function to resize the window , is there any way resize the window...
I've implemented a membership provider and added it to Reporting Services. It works well from the user interface, but I am unclear on how to authenticate using rs.exe. When I run it with the trace option (-t), I get this back:
System.Exception: Could not connect to server: http://stsstg8642/reportserver/ReportService2005.asmx ---> System.Net.WebException: The request failed with the error message: -- <html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body> <h2>Object moved to <a href="/ReportServer/logon.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2freportserver%2fReportService2005.asmx">here</a>.</h2> </body></html>
--. at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) at Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005.ReportingService2005.ListSecureMethods() at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ScriptHost.Management2005Endpoint.PingService(String url, String userName, String password, String domain, Int32 timeout) at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ScriptHost.ScriptHost.DetermineServerUrlSecurity() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ScriptHost.ScriptHost.DetermineServerUrlSecurity() at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ScriptHost.ScriptHost.InstanceMain() at Microsoft.ReportingServices.BaseCmdLine.CommandLineMain(String[] args, BaseCmdLine instance)
I could really use some suggestions on the best way to get the results of a pretty complex aspx form. There are a whole bunch of search criteria. Most of the criteria are ranges of numbers such as a starting number and ending number but other criteria need to search text fields for keywords. Most fields are optional which means that many values will not be submitted. Not that there is a right and wrong way to do it, but what typically works out better for these things, an aspx procedure that puts together a highly complicated select statement or writing a highly complicated stored procedure? Either way I see a ton of if statements, or am I making this a lot harder then it needs it needs to be?
Hello all, here is my question, I have an Access 97 database linked to a SQL Server 7 db. All primary keys/relationships/ec have been created in the SQl database and I can update forms fine from the table view. When I try to use the Access forms to update data, I cannot update anything. I believe that a possibility for this may be that the Autonumbering feature of the primary key is held in SQL where before it was held in Access so the form cannot update without a number already apparent to the form but I am probably way off. I tried creating a whole new form completely based on the linked tables instead of using the old Access forms but I recieved the same results. Anyone have this problem or know how to fix it?
Howdy,Does anyone know of any packages that you can create a form and via aODBC connection save the data to a table ?If it is possible to compile the form as I don't want clients to changethe forms ?Any idea/thoughts would be most welcome ?RegardsAndrew
We created a custom security extension for RS using Forms Authentication. The issue I am having is in ReportBuilder when the forms authentication ticket expires. Forms auth will attempt to redirect (send a HTTP 302) and the report builder will show the error message "Object moved to here" instead of prompt for credentials. I have been watching the IIS logs and I see the first time report builder start it attempt to connect using default windows credentials and after the FormsAuthenticationRequired exception it will prompt for credentials and invoke LogonUser method, but this only happens the first time or if change the server in the url. I was expecting ReportBuilder to consider the Forms Authentication expiration at any time.
Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a replacement for Access Forms once I move the tables etc to SQL 2005? Does SQL 2005 have any form building functionality like Access?
We have one system that is developed using Visual Basic 6. The system connects to MS SQL database using ODBC configuration. We have another branch that has to access the same database. We've got an Internet connection with a speed of 2MB, as we tried to connect using Virtual Private Network (VPN), but the problem we faced that the system became very slow over the Internet, its taking half an hour to open one form. Is there any way to connect to the database and via the Internet using VB6 Forms? Or its not useful as its not a web based tool.
I'm implementing Forms authentication, but I have users stored in two different databases. The "LogonUser" method in my AuthenticationExtension gets an "authority". In that way I can authenticate the user in the correct database.
But... the problem is the CheckAccess method of my AuthorizationExtension. Is it in any way possible to reach the "authority" information from inside it? I need to grant some access to users of the first database and some other access to the users of the second database.
I've been chasing down the multiple dataset issue.
I have a form which was created using the drag-n-drop dataset wizards.
In my project I have a form which has a DatagridView based upon a dataset.
I also have a Combo box based upon a completely different dataset.
I would like to copy the form into a new project and base the controls upon a completely new/different dataset which is a single dataset that has all my tables and underlying queries built in.