Automated Batch Job Over Numerous Data Files, How?
Nov 2, 2006
Hello, Everyone: Greetings!
I am new to Sql Server [Express version] and am not even sure I'm making the right choice. So here I am, seeking advice.
My database needs are nothing sophisticated. They just involve:
(a) create tens of thousands of separate data files each under a unique file name of up to 8 characters, with file names read in from a pre-determined file name list.
(b) store/insert VOLUMINOUS numerical data into each of the data files, with the data indexed by date&time, plus maybe one or two additional character or string fields.
(c) for each data file, retrieve a subset of its data, perform extensive numerical calculations, and then store the results in one or more separate corresponding files, e.g. if a file name in (b) is F12345, (c) creates F12345R1, F12345R2, F12345R3, etc. which stores different sets of calculated results.
Thus, this is purely a console application, doing a batch job, and requiring no graphical user interface. Both automation and speed are important here, due to the large number of data files that must be created and/or updated, and the very extensive numerical calculations on the data.
The goal is to automate the daily or weekly creation of each of the tens of thousands of Sql Server database files, insert fresh data (read in from a fresh ASCII file) into each file, numerically process the data and then store the results in one or more separate, corresponding result data files, with all the steps automated and without need for GUI. Once coding is done, the entire data processing session is expected to run for many hours, or even days, in an automated manner, and without human intervention.
What would be the most efficient way of doing this under Visual Basic Express (which is what I'm learning to use) by directly calling Sql Server Express without having to go through GUI to create database files? What is the proper interface utility or library to use to enable direct database function calls without the need to learn SQL language? Is Visual Basic and/or Sql Server even good choices for what I want to do? I want to be able to call the basic, simple database functions directly and simply from program code in a non-GUI, non-interactive manner for the tens of thousands of separate data files that will be used.
I really miss the good old days when one can do a straightforward batch job via a console application, with simple, direct calls to create new data files, insert and index fresh data, retrieve any subset of data to do extensive calculations, create new files to store the results, etc. all under automated program control and iterating through unlimited number of data files, until the job is finished, all without human intervention during processing.
Or am I missing something because all this can still be done simply and easily under VB and Sql Server? I've several books here about Visual Basic 2005 and Visual Basic 2005 Express, all showing how to create a database via a GUI utility. That's fine if one needs to create just one or two databases, but not hundreds, or even tens of thousands (as in my case) of them on the fly.
So, I am looking for the simplest and most direct database interface that will allow me to do the above under VB program code alone, and easily. For something as simple as I have described above, I don't think I should have to learn the SQL language or manually create each database file.
As you can see, I just want to get some heavy duty numerical processing job done over tens of thousands of data files as simply and efficiently as possible, and with as little fanciful detour as possible. So, ironically, I am trying to use Visual Basic without being cluttered by having to learn its "Visual" aspects, yet GUI is what most VB books devote to or emphasize heavily. Similarly, I would much rather use simple, "lean and mean", direct database function calls than having to learn a new vocabulary of "English-like" SQL language.
Yes, I'm not used to this tedious detour of learning the GUI aspect of VB, or learning the Structured Query Language of Sql Server, just to try to do something simple that I need to do in batch mode via a console application.
Are there any good books or other helpful URLs that will help a guy like me? Am I even using the wrong language and the wrong database to do what I want to do? What are the better alternatives, if any? Any advice, experience and pointers on any of the above issues raised would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
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Apr 15, 2015
SQL 2008
I have a table that has company id, attachment file name, folderexists columns.
First what I need to do is create a series of folder or directories on a networked server using the company id as the folder name where the folder name does not already exist.
Second I need to move files based on attachment file name and company id to the proper folder.
For those who want to know, this is a remediation project because of a bug in our application.
The application is supposed to created the folder based on company id and then put the attachment in that folder.
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Feb 28, 2002
I'm trying to run a simple batch file from a SQL job (SQL 7.0 sp4). No errors are received but the job does not complete. When I try to run the job manually, I get a message stating "Error 22022: SQLServerAgent Error: Request to run job my_job (from User DomainAdminUser) refused because the job is already running from a request by Schedule 127 (Schedule 1).
The services are running as a domain admin account.
Thanks in advance.
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Aug 13, 2004
Hi all,
Can anyone help me?? I'm just a newb :D
Please consider the following:
I need to be able to query a db on server A, in a batch file, return the result (DateTime value) into a variable, and then use that date as a parameter in a query that I will query on server b.
I have the following code:
isql -E -d firstDB -S ServerA -Q "select max(load_date) from mydates"
How would I pipe the results of the above query into a variable???
I cannot create a linked server between the two servers. (Permissions)
Thanks in advance!
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Mar 19, 2007
I have created a master controller package which runs as follows
deletes all the log files -> deletes few flat files on different drives -> preprocess task(execute package task) -> c# executable (execute process tasks) -> postprocess tasks (execute package tasks)
i need a create a task just before the preprocess task with an user input asking whether he wants to run a particular batch file before proceeding to preprocess. if the user says yes it should run a batch file followed by preprocess tasks, c# and post process or else it should directly goto preprocess, c# and post process (neglecting batch file task)
can anyone help me how to do it.
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Apr 24, 2014
I have about 1200 sql files in one of my folders. Almost all of these files do data inserts and updates, so they should be run only once. As and when required I have manually ran around 150 of them already. Whenever I ran any of these scripts, I log that file name into a log table in my sql server including the execution time. Since running 1000+ more files takes a lot of time, I want to automate running of these files through a batch file. But I also want to filter the files that are already run.My file list looks like follows.
My log table in the database looks like this.
select * from sqlfileexecutionlog
DeleteDuplicateOrders.sql03/12/2014 14:23:45:091Success
UpdateInventory.sql04/06/2014 08:44:17:176Success
Now I want to create a batch file to run the remaining files from my directory to my sql server. I also want to wrap each of these sql file executions in a transaction and log success/failure along with the runtime and filename into sqlfileexecutionlog table. As I add new sql files into this directory, I should be able to run the same batch file and execute only the sql files that have not bee run.
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Sep 23, 2007
I want to write a batch file that will do just that. The problem is bcp or bulkcopy never works with my code, it doesn't recognize it. Maybe I'm going the wrong way to do this, but I could use some help. Ideally I'll make the batch to do the importing via bulkcopy or something like it of a text file into a table and use windows scheduler to automate it. Be as specific as you can please, I'm very new to sql server.
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Jul 17, 2015
I've been struggling with this issue,
1) Test--FolderName (This Test folder name should use as a database name for below sub folders)
a)Create--Sub Foldername
b)Alter---Sub FolderName
c)Insert---Sub FolderName
[Code] .....
The scripts need to be run in order. So script one needs to run first folder in that sub folders after that next second folders etc..
Is there a way to create a bat file that automatically runs all these scripts, in order against, the databases they need to?
The databases that they need to run against have the name of the database at the beginning of the name of the folder.
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Feb 12, 2004
Here's my process:
1. I have a form where someone enters certain criteria for some data…
2. The form than populates a record in a table with all the criteria…
3. I create a query based on the selected criteria for exporting…
How can I automate the process (maybe using DTS) where SQL server will automatically export the data for me using a stor proc? Create a file, populate the file etc…. or will I need to create an external App to do this?
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Mar 2, 2015
We have an SSAS project that we want to auto deploy. I am not sure how to handle the external data sources in the project. This one in particular has a single external data source defined to Microsoft SQL Server.
I would like to be able to change the data source based on the environment. In SSIS projects I can do this by setting up environments in the SSISDB and linking them to project parameters in the SSIS project but SSAS projects don't seem to have a similar mechanism.
How to handle this? I would like to be able to have the build/deployment agent pass in server / database information to the data source based on environment (dev, QA, production).
The only way to automate this that I've discovered is to have an intermediary process that executes after the build that updates the generated .asdatabase and .configsettings files in the bin folder replacing the connection string information.
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Jun 14, 2006
Hi, all here,
Would please any expert here give me any guidance about what Data Mining tasks can be automated and scheduled via Integration Services Packages? Also, If we automated the tasks, can we also automatically save the results of the tasks somewhere? Like if we automate assessing the accuracy of a mining model, then we wanna know the mining model accuracy later, therefore, we need to save all these results from the automated actions. Is it possible to realize this?
Thanks a lot in advance for any guidance and help for this.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
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Jan 5, 2002
My Web Host does not provide administrative privilages to the SQL server I have access to. I would like to delete tens of thousands of records from two of my tables without writing to the Transaction Log. Is what I'm trying to do is delete these records quickly without utilizing any of the alotted space my web host has set aside for my transaction log (they give me 50 mb and I go way over that when I run a DELETE statement)
What is the best way to do this?
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Jan 11, 2008
Is there a way to determine what application or who might be creating numerous tables in the tempdb. I have one that has grown yet the sp_spaceused command shows the majority of the database empty.
I need to determine where they are coming from and how I can delete them short of stopping and starting the SQL services before it uses up all of my HD.
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Feb 23, 2008
Hi ,
I'm just new in this SQL 2005, and I do not reallly sure the subject is right or not but as example in this link below
I want updated to few of person of any changes in database just by sending to their emails in every 2 hours as an example. I go through the example given but I do not know the step how to run stored procedures. The Information that I want to give to them is like as:
Date From : 23/02/2008
Date To: 24/02/2008
Number of user : 3
My draft table is like this
Sequence_No Submitted_Dt Name
-------------------- ------------------- ------------------------
1 2/21/2008 4:16:45 PM John
2 2/22/2008 4:16:45 PM Dean
3 2/23/2008 4:16:45 PM Rick
4 2/24/2008 4:16:45 PM Van
thanks to all of your corcern to help me
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Feb 20, 2007
Hello all
Im sure this is something minor that I am overlooking but for some reason when I go to debug my ssis package all these windows keep opening( callstack, watch1, watch2,watch3,breakpoints, etc) . I cant seem to find out how to disable these -- any suggestions? I dont remember actually setting these to run
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May 25, 2006
Every 10 minutes, I get and information application event log of type
Info: Starting up database 'ReportServer$SQLExpressTempDB'
This is a brand installation of the Express SP1 advanced package and the reporting service has not been yet used.
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Sep 7, 2006
Can anyone point me in the direction of a script that incorporates sp_addlogin, which allows for adding 200 sql authentication logins from an excel spreadsheet, or a temporary sql table with the id info, containing the username, password, and def db?
I'm trying to avoid adding each new login one by one. EXEC sp_addlogin 'username', 'password', 'default database'Thanks, BPH
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Sep 4, 2015
What is a more efficient way of doing the following such that DATEDIFF() does not have to calculated numerous times?
 WHEN DATEDIFF(DD, @Today, COALESCE(POS.[PurchaseDate], POS.[FinalizedDate])) <= 0 THEN '<= 0D'
 WHEN DATEDIFF(DD, @Today, COALESCE(POS.[PurchaseDate], POS.[FinalizedDate])) > 0 AND DATEDIFF(DD, @Today, COALESCE(POS.[PurchaseDate], POS.[FinalizedDate])) <= 7 THEN '> 0D AND <= 7D'
 WHEN DATEDIFF(DD, @Today, COALESCE(POS.[PurchaseDate], POS.[FinalizedDate])) > 7 AND DATEDIFF(DD, @Today, COALESCE(POS.[PurchaseDate], POS.[FinalizedDate])) <= 30 THEN '> 7D AND <= 30D'
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Jan 9, 2015
I proposed on a new server that we separate Data Files, Log Files, tempDB, Backups, etc. onto separate LUNS on a SAN with High Speed Solid State Drives.I was told that with the new technology with solid state SAN's that it would decrease performance and that it did not work the same way as it did when you had RAID 5's etc.I thought that if things were cared out correctly by a SAN Administrator they would know how to configure for optimal performance.
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May 9, 2008
I am learning SSIS, I am try to figure out how to run a SQL batch that returns a result set and export it to Excel using a Data Flow. I am using a OLE Db Source with a SQL batch shown below and the Destination Query is an Excel file.
How is this done?
So far I have had no luck getting the tasks to run. I need more than just simple queries.
The SQL is below:
DECLARE @TableSchema NVARCHAR(128)
CREATE TABLE #temp ([Name] NVARCHAR(128), [RowCount] INT)
OPEN Tables
FETCH NEXT FROM Tables INTO @TableSchema, @TableName
SET @SqlCmd = 'SELECT ''[' + @TableSchema + '].[' + @TableName + ']'', COUNT(*) FROM [' + @TableSchema + '].[' + @TableName + ']'
INSERT #temp EXEC sp_executesql @SqlCmd
FETCH NEXT FROM Tables INTO @TableSchema, @TableName
CLOSE Tables
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Jun 22, 2004
I have an ASP.NET Web Service that accepts a DataSet object passed to it. This DataSet will contain a large number of records in it's table. What I want to do (if possible) is insert all records in a SQL table in a batch mode (one go). Is this doable?
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Jan 15, 2015
Execute a pre written SQL on double clicking a batch file which will then export the results to a csv.
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Aug 19, 2006
I created a package in SSIS to export data from mutiple SQL server tables to a single flat file. Once the export is completed i need to update 2 tables ( a batch table and a history table) In the batch table I need to insert a record with batch # (system generated),batch date, status( success/failed), record count( no of records in the flat file), batch filename). In the history table, i need to insert a record for each of the rows in the flat file with the foll info. batch number,datetime,status(success/failed)
My question is how do I get the batch status,record count, batchfilename for batch table update and how do i get to update the history table.
BTW, i am executing this package as a SQL Server Agent job.
I am new to Integration Services and feel lost.
Any help ?
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May 2, 2007
I am loading a lot of Excel and CSV files to SQL Server. Some loading may fail for various reasons. I want a file either be load as a whole or nothing. Currently I keep a list of failed filename and remove it at the end (I add a column for source file name).
Any better way to make sure a file is loaded as a whole or nothing?
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Aug 16, 2006
Matt writes "Greetings! Warning, I'm a rookie. I wrote a stored procedure to pull data in order to do a nightly export/import from one system to another. I have a batch file that looks like this:
bcp "exec WinSNAP_retrieveStudents '0607'" queryout c:WinSNAPData06.txt -c -U user -P password
Sometimes, the file works and I get perfectly formed data, with everything just as I've requested (mostly basic demographic information: names, addresses, etc.).
But, other times the output file contains nothing but garbage characters, like this:
The file size looks right, but it contains nothing but characters like this from beginning to end. I can find no pattern as to why/when good data gets pulled versus the corrupt data. I can run the batch file one minute and get good data, and run it the next minute and it's all corrupt. We have the batch file scheduled late at night when no users are online, and I get the same results -- one day it works, the next it doesn't.
Forgive me if this is a well-documented issue -- my searches so far haven't turned up a thing!
Thanks much for any advice you can provide!!
Matt Smith
DeSoto County School District
Arcadia, FL"
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Apr 22, 2015
I have scenario where I have process that loades data into SQL server 2012 database by doing some manipulation on data like sorting , aggregation, etc. Once this process is completed it's not free up the Tempdb space. If I restart the database, then it does.
is there any way (apart from shirking) to release space for Tempdb, like writing some post SQL queries to delete/ truncate the data and logs from temp db?
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Aug 7, 2007
I need to take a variable from a tabel in SQL Server pass to a Batch file and execute the batch file. Right now I can exec the batch file with XP_CMDSHELL but how can I pass the variable to the batch file and loop through all the variables.
Please help
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Aug 2, 2007
Batch execution is terminated because of debugger request.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Batch execution is terminated because of debugger request
any solution or cause of this exception
please let me know freindz
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Apr 20, 2015
I have a single data driven subscription that is a batch of 250 subscriptions running on SQL Server 2008 R2. All the parameter values for the report are sourced from a database table. During the execution of the data driven subscription 5 of those subscriptions failed due to timeout error.
Final Status as shown on Subscription screen "Done: 250 processed of 250 total; 5 errors."
The SSRS log file has the subscription GUID which is a single record in the reporting server database tables. How can i identify the individual failed subscriptions? Is there an easy way or a work around that i should implement to identify the failed subscriptions?
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Sep 17, 2004
I'm using replication with two database on SQL 2000,when begin, the log files size is 50mb and the data files size is 150mb. But now the log files size is 2Gb and the data files size is 4Gb. I would like to decrease the log files and the data files ??? How do i do this???
(I using Truncate and shrink doesn't change )
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Dec 5, 2006
I am using the following batch file to execute a script that creates a db and all its objects in the local sql express:
sqlcmd -S (local)SQLExpress -i C:CreateDB.sql
This works fine, but I'm wondering if there's an easy way to put the script in the batch file, so users don't have to worry about putting the script in the C drive. I tried getting rid of the i parameter and pasting the script from the sql file into the batch file, but it didn't work.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hello all. Before my arrival at my current employer, our consultantsphysically set up our MSSQL 7 server as follows:drive c: contains the mssql enginedrive d: contains the transaction logdrive e: contains the data filesNo filegroups were set up and the data files consist of only 1 largephysical file. Currently, our data file is >10GB. When I was trained onthe physical aspects of sqlserver, I was told to never create physical files[color=blue]> 2048MB each. If I did, I could expect inefficient physical storage of[/color]data and slower performance (due to the OS).Our server has 2 RAID-5 arrays. Drive c: and e: are located on the firstarray and drive d: on the second. We're running Windows 4.0 NT Server SP6with NTFS.Can someone comment on the use of 1 single large data file vs. more smallerdata files?
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Aug 7, 2015
I have an MVC application that stores many records in a table on sql server, in its own system. Â used the system for 2 months, worked fine accessing, changing data.
Now that other users are logging in? there is cross coupling going on. Â one user gets the data from another users sql search.
In the mvc app it had used the get async method to read the ID record from the db, i set that to synchronous. Â no effect; Â the user makes their own login id but that does nt matter either.
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