Automatically Duplicating Table Data In 2 Databases
Jun 3, 2015
I am very well versed on manipulating data using passthrough queries through access or the command object in ADO/VBA but this problem requires a sql server side solution and I have been assigned the task
Access via an ODBC link cannot view Sql table data that uses a BigInt as a primary key. Access can update the data, insert data ands delete data to these tables - but viewing (by design) returns the actual count of the rows but each field is populated with #deleted.
I can view the table data if I use a passtyhrough query but performing row level and field level edits from there is impossible. Not all people have Studio manager so that is not an option.
We are moving away from our legacy application and the development company has already developed the schema using the BigInt so changing that to a numeric or integer is out of the question. My boss has determined that using a set of bridge tables with identical tables in a different database where we replace the bigint with int will work - we can view the data in the "bridged" database and even update it from select queries and simply by opening the table in view mode from Access.
Here is the hard part (for me) because I have never done this. I can write SQL and understand the security/roles etc, but I have never administered SQL server regarding server side triggers and stored procedures - I have always used the command object or passthrough queries to deal with sql stored procedures. I need to either
A)Create some trigger behind the tables in my bridge table that will fire a stored procedure to replicate the data to the bigint database. They are both on the same sever.
B)Somehow create a "mirror" that always replicates from my bridge database tables (5 of them) to the new database.
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Feb 12, 2004
Ok. Here is what I need to do. I don't even know if it is possible. I have a production server and a db backup server. In a perfect world, I want to be able to place a copy of my databases (users and all) on the backup server and have it update (all changes) regularly.
I messed with DTS but it errors out because I don't have user accounts set up on the backup server. (I'm not entirely sure it does anything I want to do anyway)
Can anyone help me find a clue?
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Feb 19, 2015
I built a query that brings in 'Discounts' (bolded) to the Order detail by using the bolded syntax below. I started off by running the query without the bolded lines and got exactly what I was looking for but without the ‘Discount’ column. When I tried to add the ‘Discount’ into the query, it duplicated several order lines. Although total ‘Discount’ column ties out to the total amount expected in that column, ‘Total Charges’ are now several times higher than before.
For example, I get 75 records when I run without the bolded syntax and I get several hundred results back when adding back in the bolded syntax when i should still be getting 75 records, just with an additional column ‘PTL Discount’ subtotaled.My question is, how to I introduce a new select or join from another table without duplicating the original data?
first_stop.actual_departure ‘Start'
, last_stop.actual_departure 'End'
, last_stop.city_name 'End city'
, last_stop.state 'End state'
, last_stop.zip_code 'End zip'
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May 16, 2008
Hi Guys
I have 4 databases in the same space.My users use all of them and use the same username and password to log into these 4 databases.In each of these databases,i have put a control table to allow me to keep track of all users that have to reset their passwords.
The control table consists of the username and flag fields.When the flag is ON(1) the user is forced to reset thier password and if the flag is OFF(0) they are not.
When a user logs into any one of these databases and they have to reset thier password,how do i make sure that all the other tables in other databases are also updated to make sure that the user is not forced to reset their password again when they log into those other databases later since they are using the same username and password for all databases.
I am planning to use a stored procedure which i will put into all the four databases and when a user logs in and has to reset their password,that sproc is called and automatically updates all the other 3 tables in other 3 databases.
Some SQL examples will be very appreciated.
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Oct 28, 2004
i have a database on one server that I want to duplicate on a new server. I do not want to copy the data only the structure.
I created some SQL scripts from the current db as I have read that is what I should do.
My question is where do I use this script on my new server to create the new tables etc..
Do i use the import feature. Where do I run my sql script?
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Aug 15, 2006
Hi all, I have a stored proc which returns twice the result and I dontknow why. Can someone have a look at the following code?BTW, I commented the last SELECT/JOIN, cause that one doubled theresult too.CREATE procedure ent_tasks_per_user_company (@companyName as varchar(50),@resourceName as varchar(50))ASSELECTtasks.WPROJ_ID as WPROJ_ID, tasks.ENT_ProjectUniqueID asProjectUniqueID, tasks.ENT_TaskUniqueID as TaskUniqueID,tasks.TaskEnterpriseOutlineCode1ID as TaskEnterpriseOutlineCode1ID,codes.OC_NAME as OC_NAME, codes.OC_DESCRIPTION as OC_DESCRIPTION,codes.OC_CACHED_FULL_NAME as OC_CACHED_FULL_NAME,taskStd.TaskName as TaskName, taskStd.TaskResourceNames asTaskResourceNames, taskStd.TaskPercentComplete as TaskPercentCompleteINTO #myTempFROM MSP_VIEW_PROJ_TASKS_ENT as tasksINNER JOIN MSP_OUTLINE_CODES as codesON(codes.CODE_UID = tasks.TaskEnterpriseOutlineCode1IDANDcodes.OC_CACHED_FULL_NAME LIKE @companyName + '.%')INNER JOIN MSP_VIEW_PROJ_TASKS_STD as taskStdON(taskStd.WPROJ_ID = tasks.WPROJ_IDANDtaskStd.TaskUniqueID = tasks.ENT_TaskUniqueID--AND--taskStd.TaskResourceNames LIKE '%' + @resourceName + '%')WHERE (tasks.TaskEnterpriseOutlineCode1ID <-1)/*SELECT #myTemp.*, taskCode.OC_NAME as Department FROM #myTempINNER JOIN MSP_OUTLINE_CODES taskCodeON(taskCode.CODE_UID = #myTemp.TaskEnterpriseOutlineCode1ID)*/SELECT * FROM #myTemp WHERE #myTemp.TaskResourceNames LIKE '%' +@resourceName + '%'Thank you!Chris
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Jun 10, 2014
How to create insert statements of the data from a table for top 'n' rows. I know we can create using generate scripts wizard, but we can't customize the number of rows. In my scenario i got a database with 10 tables where every table got millions of records, but the requirement is to sample out only top 10000 records from each table.
I am planning to generate table CREATE statements from GENERATE Scripts wizard and add this INSERT STATEMENT at the bottom.
EX : INSERT [dbo].[table] ([SERIALID], [BATCHID] VALUES (126751, '9100278GC4PM1', )
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Oct 28, 2013
automatically replicates new databases to Availability Group partners - if you do a little prep work on your environment first.To make it work:
1) Create linked servers on all group members pointing to all other servers in the group, with names matching the hostnames they represent.
2) Ensure suitable credentials (or 'current context' impersonation) for linked servers. Also: Enable RPC and RPC OUT
3) Run the DDL code below.
4) Schedule hadr_replicate_queue on [master] to run as often as you want initial syncs to occur. Every 5-10 minutes is plenty for most purposes.
5) Connect to an availability group listener and call CREATE DATABASE :)
I use a slightly more extended version of this code at home to do things like permissions synchronization across replicas - I essentially allow applications to install direct to an availability group replica and then have all the relevant objects replicate to other nodes. I don't really like going through manually and doing things, even though there's an AddIn from SQLSkills for management studio - it still requires manual intervention.
The main use I have for this at home is that I'm using the Azure pack, and want to automatically ensure that my newly created 'SQL Server Cloud' databases are highly available, plus it means when I install a non-alwayson aware product it doesn't require any extra work afterwards to allow failover to another machine.
* AlwaysOn Self-Population Script
* By: Steve Gray /
* Usage: Free, but buy me a beer if you're ever in Brisbane.
USE [master]
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE name='hadr_pending_replicate')
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Apr 4, 2015
I am working towards automating the process of testing our backups. For the meantime, I do it all manually - I copy the backup files (full + transaction logs) to our test server and then run the restore script. Once database restored I run the DBCC CheckDB. The results of checkdb I manually upload to our Sharepoint portal as proof that the backup file is intact with no errors.
here are some ideas I have but have not yet tested:
Create a maintenance plan with each 3 jobs:
--> Powershell script to copy the files from Prod server to Test server - add this scrip to Job1
--> Powershell script to restore databases files - add this script to Job2
--> Run the DBCC in powershell (yet to find if possible in PS) - add this script to Job3
I would like to use seperate jobs as to get a report on the duration and status of each job
Would also like to get the results of the DBCC Checkdb as proof that no errors were found for upload to our Sharepoint portal. Dont know if possible via the job.
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Mar 29, 2007
I am having a table called as status ,in that table one field is there i.e. currentstatus.
the rows which are having currentstatus as "ticket closed",i want to move those rows into other table called repository which is having same table structure as status table.
I can do programatically.
but is there any way for every 3 months system has to check and do this action means moving to repository table automatically?
Please help me.
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Mar 27, 2015
I am monitoring the data file growth of the databases in a table. Every week I review to see how much space is left on each database. I am thinking of writing a query where the current free space left is less than 20% of the file size, it sends out an alert to me, so that I can manually resize the file . Is it a good practice to resize the data file manually? If so I believe this need to be done at the time when the server is least busy since it can slow down the database. Also do I need to re-index the tables once the data file is resized?
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Feb 16, 2008
Ok so i've got a database containing a table called Quote.
I need one of the field's datatype to be Boolean?
which option do i choose?
and also is there a way to make the Key Field auto increment?
And is the datatype: ntext, the correct option for a text only field?
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Dec 16, 2007
Hello friends,
I am new to the SQL Server 2005 development.
From last 1 week or so, i have been facing very strange problem with my sql server 2005s database
which is configured and set on the hosting web server. Right now for managing my sql server 2005 database,
i am using an web based Control Panel developed by my hosting company.
Problem i am facing is that, whenever i try to modify (i.e. add new columns) tables in the database,
it gives me error saying that,
"There is already an object named 'PK_xxx_Temp' in the database. Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider".
where xxx is the table name.
I have done quite a bit research on the problem and have also searched on the net for solution but still
the problem persist.
Thanks in advance. Any help will be appreciated.
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Aug 19, 2006
In SQL Server 2000, I have a parent table with a cascade update to a child table. I want to add a record to the child table whenever I add a table to the parent table. Thanks
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi all,We recently upsized two Microsoft Access Databases to SQL. We'reusing an ADP (2002) as the front end.All the conversion issues have been resolved, except for one:Whenever we insert a record into a table, the table isn't sorted byprimary key like I would expect. Instead, the record can be found atthe end of the table. This makes finding a particular record(especially as time goes on) very difficult.I've tried eliminating all indexes except for the primary key, andalso writing AFTER INSERT triggers, but the table still does not sortcorrectly.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!Matt
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Dec 2, 2004
What i am trying to do is duplicate a database on my server without the data contained within it. Is there a way to do this and if so, how?
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Mar 14, 2008
I like the script table to.... function is sql server 2005, but I was wondering if there was a way to do this for the entire database.Like if I want to create the database and all the tables inside it without having to copy each individual table's code. Know how to do this? Thankee.
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Aug 22, 2006
I am developing an application that uses SQL Server 2000 for the back end. I am at the stage where some modules in the app can be tested while I finish development on some others. I run my own tests against SQL Server running on my own PC but for other people to test I have set up another server with SQL Server 2000 and have restored my database there.
My question is as follows:
I would like any changes to my database (structure and data) to be replicated on the test server's database (not necessarily immediately, but without much delay). I've heard the buzz words (log shipping, replication, etc) but would like some advice on the best way to proceed.
At the moment I don't need any data back from the test server and I don't particularly care if test data on that server is lost although these may become issues later on.
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Jan 20, 2004
thanks for reading.
i would like to create a new database role that has exactly the same permissions as an existing database role. the combinations of permissions are complicated enough to make this a time consuming task worthy of a script of some sort. any suggestions?
i'm running SQL Server 2000 and can't find anything about copying roles unless it's through DTS from one DB to another. not sure if this is applicable to basically duplicating and renaming a role in one database.
in case you're wondering why anyone would want to do this you may not be surprised to know that it's a government thing. some policy about differentiating between 2 roles -- even though they currently have exactly the same permissions, the similarities might change in the future.
thanks in advance for your input.
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Apr 3, 2008
Does anyone know if the results from a query run in QA automatically go into a tempoary table? For instance if ive just run a query that took 5 minutes but it was a normal select query and after it ran i realised i wanted to query the results could i run a simple command to mke a copy of the result set rather than run the original query into a temp table that would then take a few minutes again?
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Feb 19, 2015
I need to perform this task. say I have a table that the columns are dates.
Table months:
[02-2015],[03-2015], [04-2015],[04-2015]....[02-2016].
When the new month comes I want the table to alter the columns automatically instead of manual how we do it now. The new Month table should delete [02-2015] and replace it with [03-2015].
table months:
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Apr 14, 2008
i have 2 tables where i require an unique ID over both. I googled a bit and discovered that i need to create an own table for this which holds the last value (because mssql unfortunately does not support sequences).
i did this but my problem now is that i want to automatically set the id of my tables with a trigger on INSERT.
hope this is possible .. or anyone have other suggestions?
thanks a lot!
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Jul 5, 2005
When writing an INSERT statement, what code do I pass to the SQL database to automatically truncate a value to fit in to the database if it contains more characters than the field the data is being entered into?
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Apr 17, 2008
i want to lost data automatically after 3days.
but i don't know how to use job scheduling in sql2000 and how to query to add date to datatime column automatically when the data is inserted.
Plz help me!
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Dec 17, 2007
I have a table that holds a number of offers made to a orginization for placements at a lecture. what im wanting to do is have each of the rows for a orginization repeated so that the names of people attending can be put into the database.
The first table would looks something like this:
id___|__orginization_| lecture | offers
1 | orga | lec1 | 5
2 | orgb | lec1 | 3
3 | orga | lec2 | 3
the result im looking to get is something like this where the name of the attendess would be inputed in an application.
id | orginization | lecture | nameofattende
1 | orga | lec1 | j. blog
2 | orga | lec1 | s. smith
3 | orga | lec1 | h. samual
4 | orga | lec1 | j. sams
5 | orga | lec1 | b.j. james
6 | orgb | lec1 | m. curry
7 | orgb | lec1 | k. murry
8 | orgb | lec1 | g. hansen
Can anyone help with this
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Sep 3, 2002
Hi guys,
I am new to SQL server, but I need to develop a "big" application with it. Here's my application requirements:
1)Create a table, say TableA, in SQL server 7 or 2000 database,say DB1, based on another Oracle database,say DB2, on a remote server. Update TableA based on DB2 every day in some specific time.
2) If new records are inserted into the TableA,some other tables needed to update in DB1. At the same time, an e-mail will send to three receipts.
I have no idea of which function or method I can use to fulfill the requirements. Can any experts here give me some advice, detail explanation would be grateful.
I appreciate any help you provide.
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May 2, 2008
First of all I want to apologize if I am in the wrong forum. I am new to SQL Server.
I have a table with a field containing email address from user input. Is there a build-in function or script in SQL Server 2005 that I can send a template of a email message to users? If not in what way can I acheive this?
Thanks for all your reply.
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Oct 25, 2000
i have 2 sql servers ie solomon(acounting package) and production server.
so if i'll change the data ie customer info in solomon then it'll be update the data(related tables) in production server it'll update the customer info from one server to another server automatically after making changes.
thanx in advance
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Mar 6, 2008
is it possible to get the back up of a particular database automatically at fixed interval of time i.e for every two days or two hours etc. i am sql server 2005 as back end of my project. please show me a way in sql express edition too along with sql sever edition.
One can never consent to creep,when one feels an impulse to soar
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Aug 27, 2007
Hi, I am copying records in a table. The source table and the target table are the same. I need the value from the id-field from both the source and target row. Is there a way to do this with one query?
I tried the following, but it doesn't seem to work:
INSERT tableOne (value1, value2, value3)
SELECT value1, value2, value3 FROM tableOne AS source
WHERE ID = @number
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Sep 13, 2006
Ok, I'm really new at this, but I am looking for a way to automatically insert new records into tables. I have one primary table with a primary key id that is automatically generated on insert and 3 other tables that have foreign keys pointing to the primary key. Is there a way to automatically create new records in the foreign tables that will have the new id? Would this be a job for a trigger, stored procedure? I admit I haven't studied up on those yet--I am learning things as I need them. Thanks.
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Apr 10, 2006
I am using SQL Server 2005 and ASP.NET 2.0. We have a very simple content management system where we have to keep track of date last modified for each row in all of our content tables. I know there's a "timestamp" datatype that is used for replication scenarios, but is there anything similar that I can use to set up a date_modified column for each of my content tables that will automatically update with GETDATE() whenever anything in a given row is updated?
Or do I have to create a date_modified column of smalldatetime datatype and write a trigger on update for EVERY single table of content that I have in the database? It seems there should be an easier way to do this than to write 20 triggers for my 20 content tables.
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Jul 12, 2005
I'm trying to update (increment)
from CompanyUsers.NumberOfLogons
where CompanyUsers.CompanyID = Company.CompanyID
I'd like to either write a formula (if it is even possible to fire a formula from one table update/insert to increment a field in another table), or a stored procedure that triggers an auto update/append into Company.SumTotalLogons
I know this is possible in access, so i'm wondering how to go about it in ms-sql?
any ideas?
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