Automatically Print Multiple Copies Of The Same Report With Different Label On Letter Size Paper

Dec 31, 2006


I am new to reporting services and I'm really stuck on a design problem. Can someone please help me?

I would like to design my own print function. When a user clicks on the print icon (preferably the one that came with reporting services), the report is automatically printed twice, once with "For Person A" and the second time with "For Person B" on it. It doesn't matter where these two labels are placed on the page. These two reports need to be printed on letter-size paper regardless of user's selection. How do I do this with minimum amount of code?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Print Out Report By A4 Size Paper

Jul 31, 2007


I have create a report with A3 size as there are too many fields., but i
wanna to print out on A4 paper properly. is that possible to do?



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Using 1 Report To Print In Both Letter And A4

Aug 7, 2007

I am looking for a way to, at execution, have 1 single report either print in "letter" or "A4" depending on a parameter I send it... anyone have an idea on where to start on this?

Thank you,


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Programmatically Set The Paper Size And And Paper Layout

May 15, 2006

how can i set the paper size and paper layout programmatically in RS. im using as prog. lang. for this. Pls help thanks!

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Print Reports On Legal Paper

Jun 30, 2006

While working in the report project in Visual Studio, I set my Report Layout to 14w x 8.5h with .25 margins on all sides, and the page size to be 13.5in (to take into account the margins). When I print from the report viewer control in Preview mode, the report prints as it should, in Landscape on Legal paper without me changing any settings.

When I deploy the same report to the report server, and print from there, the report prints in Landscape on Letter paper (which causes some columns to print on a second page).

Why is there a difference in the two environments? Is there something I'm missing?

The goal is for the users to be able to print the report correctly without having them change any print settings in the dialog.

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Print Stored Procedure In Color On Paper

Jul 18, 2007

I am trying to print a stored procedure in color to read it on paper.
But it prints in BW even on a color printer with color options.

I have printed the code in color using Rapid SQL. All I have now I query analyzer (SQL SERVER 2000)

any way to do this in SQL SERVER 2000

Ashley Rhodes

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Reporting Services :: Print On Continuous Paper On SSRS

Aug 21, 2015

Paper is 21cm x 9cmPrinter is Epson LX-300..When I set this paper size, SSRS turns orientation to landscape and prints as if clockwise right rotated!I tried creating custom paper on print server options without success. I also tried setting the same paper size in Report Builder and Print Server but failed again.

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Setting Paper Size To Be Default A4

May 30, 2006


I have been trying to configure the Paper Size to be default "A4" instead of "Letter".
My Report is configured to 21cm x 29,7cm and margins 1,5cm.
The Body is configured to 18cm x 26,7cm.

Everything looks fine in the Preview but the Size is always "Letter". The printers are all configured for A4 printing.

Is there a way to set these default values in the Page Setup Toolbar or is it supposed to figure it out?


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Choose Paper Source By PDF Page Size

Jul 31, 2007

Does anyone know how to get SQL Reporting Services, when it runs a report, to tell Adobe Acrobat to "Choose Paper Source by PDF page size", which is an option in the print dialog box?

When I, or a user, runs a report in Visual Studio or live:

The report is set to render on 8.5" x 14" paper (legal)

The report is exported to a PDF

The report opens in Adobe Acrobat

The report is formatted on the screen to fit 8.5" x 14" paper (legal)

When "Print" is selected, the Preview has it on 8.5" x 11" paper (letter)

If I select "Choose Paper Source by PDF page size", then it fits it to the 8.5" x 14" paper (legal)
How do I tell it to "Choose Paper Source by PDF page size"?

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Returning Multiple Copies

Jan 13, 2006

I'm getting 3 copies of the result set expected, could someone take a look and tell me why. I know I covered this in school, but I can't remember the issue. Thanks

SELECT P.Quantity as Qty,
P.Descr as Description,
P.UnitPrice as Price,
Rcvd = 0,
I.QtyRcvd as Ship
FROM PurchaseOrderItems P, ReceivedItems I, Received R

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SQL Server 2008 :: Creating Multiple Copies Of A Database

Mar 21, 2015

I am creating a program that will take a master database and create separate databases for class room training.creating my own app to do this since it will have other stuff to do.i will have a master database that i will need to create multiple copies of. 2-20 copies, it is about 7GB large. it is used in a classroom training course for our company software. it will also copy a folder on the server onto multiple subfolders.each computer in the classroom will access its own copy of the database/windows folders.

What i am looking for is a fast/reliable way to create the multiple database copies. then when the training class is over and a new one is getting started, we will run my program to reset everything back to start.Should i detach/copy/attach or create a master backup and restore it 20 times. What kind of user access pitfalls will i need to look out for.

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Does Multicast Component Create Multiple Copies Of The Same Dataset?

Jan 14, 2008

Wondering how this is handled by Multicast component. If multiple copies are created in the memory and the size of the dataset is large, this could cause some performance problems. Any thoughts? TIA

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Schedule Reports To Print Automatically?

May 2, 2007

Is it possible to schedule a report in SRS to print automatically the first of every month?


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Can I Create Letter Type Reports Within The Report Builder

Mar 5, 2007


I need to create letter type reports using the report builder, is this possible?. I am trying to create a letter that embeds some variable fields, i.e,. name, address, contact number. I can't seem to find a way to create page headers, and embed report data fields within text. Is this not possible within the report builder? it seems that the only thing you can do within the report builder is add fields to their predesignated areas. I am being forced to use the report builder instead of the report designer in order to give the end user the ability to make modifications to the report/letter. This is very frustrating. not being able to allow the user to edit report designer files, and then having force them to use report builder which doesn't seem to support some simple features..

Any suggestions would be appreciated...

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Parameter Label With Multiple Values

Oct 22, 2007


I have a parameter "country" that currently has something like 50 labels (each with a different value) for different countries. I want to be able to design this so that I can select US, Canada and World. This requires me to put multiple values under the "World" label.

Is this doable in reporting services?

Thanks in advance,

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Parameters - Multiple Values For One Label - Possible?

Sep 18, 2007

Is it possible to have a parameter with one label but multiple values. For example:

Label Value

Machinist (100,200,300)

Is it possible to set up an expression that when the user selects this label it will look for the job codes 100, 200 and 300
and return all employees in those codes?


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Parameter Setup: One Label Multiple Values --- Can This Be Done?

Mar 12, 2008

I reviewed many threads and looked through many pages in my book, I cannot find my answer.

I have a report in need of carrying multiple values per parameter label. Here is the report parameter and how it is used;

Our IS system considers A-Active, L-On Leave, P-Paid Leave to be "Active"
Our IS system considers T-Terminated, D-Deceased to be "Termed"

Instead of having to have the user click upon three options (A, L, P), I would like to group these and have the Label appear as "Active", while the two options for "Termed" (D, T), would appear as the second parameter option.

Does anyone know how I would get this correctly setup in the Report Parameters... module?

I have tried




Thank you,


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Mailing Label Report

May 6, 2008

i am once again working with mailing labels. I have designed the report in SQL Server Reporting Services to print in 3 columns with a body size of 2.625" wide by 1.00" high; a rectangle the same size which then contains a list the same size which contains the data fields. I get fairly good results when I print to one printer however, there does seem to be a bit of "creep" on the page. The problem really shows when trying to print to another network printer where when a user prints the report (labels) by the end of the page data is printing outside of the label margins. are there some properties that I'm missing that would prevent this or could this be related to printer settings?

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Data Range To Be Label In Report

Jul 21, 2014

I have a report based on a query which requires the user to input the date range. I would like this date range to be a label in the report.

I already keying tha formula fo the data range.. Audit Fees

Report is my form

Between [Forms]![Purchase Report]![From] And [Forms]![Purchase Report]![To]

I am trying to run a report for the period "December 1 2010 to March 31 2011" However, it came out a warning message box.

"The expression is typed incorrectly or it is too complex.... try simplifying the expression by assigning parts pf the expression to variables".

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Print Preview - Error Caused By Interactive Size

Jul 13, 2007


Using SQL Reporting 2005:

I have a report which has the Interactive Height set to 0 so that it does not use paging. When I try and print preview the report, I can see the report okay until I go forward after the last page, and then I get the error "An error occured trying to render the report. 0x80004005". I can print the report and it prints fine, but I get a pop-up that says that there was an error printing the report. I've narrowed it down to the interactive size property, but am not sure how to get around it.


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Reporting Services :: SSRS / How To Print A Report Without Bringing Up The Rendered Report

Jun 29, 2015

I'm wondering how to print a SSRS report without bringing up a report viewer. Is there way to print(PDF format) the SSRS report in the web application( .net )  directly from the "print" button without bringing up a report viewer?

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Error When Reading The Label Field From Report Parameters

Aug 16, 2007

Hi there,

I am trying to fill a Textbox with the Label-Field from the Report Parameters. The Multi-Value-Option is checked and it is possible to select multi-values from the time hierarchy [Time].[Year - Half Year - Quarter - Month].

For example you can choose:
"Calendar 2007" ([Time].[Year - Half Year - Quarter - Month].[Year].&[2007-01-01T00:00:00])
"Quarter 4, 2006" ([Time].[Year - Half Year - Quarter - Month].[Quarter].&[2006-10-01T00:00:00])
and "April 2006" ([Time].[Year - Half Year - Quarter - Month].[Month].&[2006-04-01T00:00:00])

Now I want to fill a Textbox with the chosen parameter values by putting following expression as value of the textbox:

Parameters!TimeYearHalfYearQuarterMonthDate.Label ... with "TimeYearHalfYearQuarterMonthDate" as the name of the DataSet.

That gives an Error.

Can you please help me out?

Best regards

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How To Create Shipping Label Formats Using Report Builder.

Dec 17, 2007

i am facing a problem in creating labels usin Report Builder.
i need to create a 4X6 label containing 4 rows.
But in Report Builder , when i try to create a table format, it only allowing one row.
How to insert another row and place data in it?

i was successfully developed labels using report server project in VS 2005.

but it's not possible in Report Builder.

please help me out.if not understand quesion well, please feel free to ask.


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SQL 2012 :: Document Map Label Works In Report Builder But Not In Browser

Dec 16, 2013

I've made a report in which there are always one tablix under each textbox. I tried to produce a document map by giving document map labels for each textbox.

Everything works fine in Report Builder (3.0), but when run in the browser (IE, Firefox) the document map doesn't seem to work: when trying to navigate with document map by clicking the labels the report runs to the end of the report - not to the textbox where it should go...

I tried to solve problem using bookmarks instead of Document map, but there similar problem occurred. Bookmarks seem to work with Google Chrome, but I need a solution that would work better in most of the browsers.

So the problem seems to be that document map label navigates to bottom of the page. Added pagebreak after each tablix worked but since the tablixes are longer than screen there's still problem - document map should be set to navigate to the top of the page.

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Oct 18, 2007

I dont know if theres a way to print a section of some report, for example a summary report, where I have several charts and tables, and I want to print just the first 2 charts
Could this be done by mapping the document or separating it in some other way?

I tried using 'SubReports' control, but this way I need to have for example the first two charts in a different report (lets say 2charts.rdl), and then in the summary.rdl, add the control and set the link to 2charts.rdl,.... but I think this is pretty annoying considering the future modifications of the format in the 2charts.rdl...

Thanks for your help...


-Edith Colegio

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Reporting Services :: Rdlc Print Layout Size Varies With Resolution On Surface Pro (Win 8.1 / Winforms)

Jul 17, 2014

We have a winforms application with local rdlc reports.  On Surface Windows 8 Pro devices only, reports render such that they are scaled down and don't fill the page.  If resolution is lowered on the device, the report scales up to fill the page.

 This affects the appearance in print layout and well as the actual printed size.

If we export to pdf, it renders to fill the page (as expected).  If you print to pdf or to printer, the scale is shrunken.

If we change the resolution settings so that "Make  text and other items larger or smaller" is set to small, the issue is resolved except the tablet is not very usable on this setting.Is this a bug?

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Automatically Save Report In Report Builder

Oct 15, 2007


In Report Builder(SSRS 2005 sp2), is there a way to automatically save a report the user is working on? The problem is that somtimes a user would be spending a long time working on a new report and the connection would timeout and the user has to start all over again.


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Print SSRS Report?

Mar 27, 2008

is there any way to schedule to print reports every morning from ssrs?

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Print Report From SQL 2000

Jul 20, 2005

hiCould someone please help me in following:I need to update Policy status base upon commencement date and thenprint with new Policy status.I written a stored procedure to update the policy.Now I need to work out how I can print a report. We already doing thereport manually in our VB6 program but this is automatic process. So nousers involve here. It would change the status by running the storedprocedure and then print the report.Would it be possible execute the VB6 program via stored procedure?Would it be possible SQL 2000 produce a report?We used active-x dll in our VB6 program, is it any way can call dll filevia stored procedure?thank you.*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Print Report By Using SQL 2000

Jul 20, 2005

hiHow I could print a report on printer using SQL 2000?I am not going in detail about the report as at the moment I need toknow how produce reports on printer.Thank you*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Add A Print Button To A Report

Feb 28, 2008

How do i add a print button to my report? Do i have to use ASP.NET?
(I dont know .NET)
Is there anyother way?


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Print A Reportingservices Report From C#

Feb 18, 2007

hi all.

in my server i have a reportingservice report.

how can i print it from c# code?

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Print Report From C# Code

Feb 8, 2007

hi all.

how can i send a report, (stored on the reporting server) to print?

i know i can render it, but i want to print it , is it possible?

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