Avoiding Time-outs
Jul 20, 2005
The C++ application calls the database to look up property data. One
troublesome query is a function that returns a table, finding data which
is assembled from four or five tables through a view that has a join,
and then updating the resulting @table from some other tables. There
are several queries inside the function, which are selected according
to which parameters are supplied (house #, street, zip, or perhaps parcel
number, or house #, street, town, city,...etc.). If a lot of parameters
are provided, and the property is not in the database, then several queries
may be attempted -- it keeps going until it runs out of queries or finds
something. Usually it takes ~1-2 sec for a hit, but maybe a minute in
some failure cases, depending on the distribution of data. (~100 mil
properties in the DB) Some queires operate on the assumption the input data
is slightly faulty, and take relatively a long time, e.g., if WHERE
ZIP=@Zip fails, we try WHERE ZIP LIKE substring(@Zip,1,3)+'%'. While
all this is going on the application may decide the DB is never going to
return, and time out; it also seems more likely to throw an exception the
longer it has to wait. Is there a way to cause the DB function to fail if
it takes more than a certain amount of time? I could also recast it as
a procedure, and check the time consumed after every query, and abandon
the search if a certain amount of time has elapsed.
Thanks in advance,
Jim Geissman
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Jun 5, 2001
Hi, We have a SQL 7 / Win2K cluster and yesterday afternoon the users were complaining about poor performance. Their queries were timing out.. (Not all of them, just some on some large tables)
I ran just an ad-hoc query against the table from my machine and I also timed out. THen I went right to the box that had control of the cluster and did the same thing there and also timed out. Because of time constraints (and we are in testing mode) we tested a failover and everything was back to normal after that.
So now we want to try to figure out what could have been the problem. At the time I checked out the Memory and CPU usage and they were very low (0-5%) and using only 1/3 of the memory. It couldn't be a bad query or index because after the failover it worked fine.
Could there be something wrong with the specific box that had control at the time? I dont' know where to look?
Any ideas would be appreciated!
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Aug 7, 2007
We have several SQL 2000 databases on one server.
One of the applications I'm responsible for has batch jobs that run for an hour; all activity is on the database. During this hour, other applications that use other databases on the same server experience time-outs. One of my coworkers did a count(*) on an empty table and it took 11 seconds.
We pay people to keep our servers up and running. Is this something they might solve by reconfiguring the server? It seems strange to me that a single database is allowed to hog all server resources.
We are meeting with them later this week, and I'd like to have some knowledge about this; we don't want to BS'ed into buying a new server.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi All.I have some rather large SQL Server 2000 databases (around 60GB).I have set up jobs to re-index the tables and update statistics everysunday. This worked will for a few months. Now after a day or two ofusing it the connections to it keep timing out. If i start the jobsmanually, all is well for two days or so.Surely there can be a better solution to this ?TIA.Ryan,.
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Dec 22, 2006
I recently installed sharepoint 3.0 on our fileserver, which has our main db using MSDE. I didn't know at the time that it would also install 2k5 embedded edition, but even if I had, I don't think it would have changed my decision.
Anyway, soon after, performance on MSDE completely tanked. Queries would execute extremely slowly, or not at all. I checked the CPU and mem usage, and all were fine. No blocked sql commands either. We ended up just killing the Sql 2k5 EE service. We're moving off MSDE eventually, but I would still like to find out why it happened, and if there's a fix or workaround.
If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears.
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Jun 20, 2007
Okay, we have are running our Master Package (and therefore all related Child packages) through a .bat file. The .bat file is scripted using the following logic for an entire month of daily runs:
Code Snippet
DTExec /FILE E:ETLFinancialDataMartMaster.dtsx /DECRYPT masterpwd /SET Package.Variables[ReportingDate].Value;"2/01/2007" > E:ETLErrorLogsProcessingetl_20070201log.txt
mkdir E:ETLErrorLogsArchive20070201
move E:ETLErrorLogsProcessing*.txt E:ETLErrorLogsArchive20070201
DTExec /FILE E:ETLFinancialDataMartMaster.dtsx /DECRYPT masterpwd /SU /SET Package.Variables[ReportingDate].Value;"2/02/2007" > E:ETLErrorLogsProcessingetl_20070202log.txt
mkdir E:ETLErrorLogsArchive20070202
move E:ETLErrorLogsProcessing*.txt E:ETLErrorLogsArchive20070202
Generally it takes about 40-45 minutes to run one days worth of data. However, we have found unpredictable instances where the job will take 3 hours or even 6 hours and appear to hang....
The weirdness sets in when we kill the job and rerun it. In all instances of a rerun, the job will execute in the normal 40-45 minute time frame. Obviously, we would like to institute some sort of logging, monitoring and error handling....including if need be a method to timeout a process and restart it.
I am reviewing the WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) Task but I'm not entirely convinced that it's the right tool for the job.
Has anyone else experienced the type of processing behavior that I described?
Has anyone been successful at using WMI or another process to monitor and timeout packages? If so, are there sample packages or a good tutorial that maps it out?
Unrelated to this issue, we also have instances incomplete processing logs. The logs don't finish writing and the weird part is that they all end at the same point, does anyone have experience with incomplete job logs?:
Code SnippetProgress: 2007-06-20 12:46:49.87
Source: Update factFinancial Data Flow
Cleanup: 11% complete
Thanks in advance!
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Feb 18, 2004
Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum and I suspect I'll be using this forum frequently. Good stuff.
Allow this question may appear to be Web-related, I think the problem is with what I'm doing with the database. Please read.
I'm trying to implement a page tracking solution using ASP and SQL 2000. It basically writes a new record to a table every time a user visits a page on the site. It appeared to work fine at first, then I've increasingly been getting time out errors on my pages -- all pointing to the include file that fires the database write.
Here's the code that's referenced on every page:
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open "dsn=x;uid=y;pwd=z;"
Set objRecordset1= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRecordset1.Open "SELECT * FROM table",Conn,1,2
objRecordset1.Fi elds("PAGE") = Left(request.servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME"),100)
objReco rdset1.Fields("QUERY_STRING") = Left(request.servervariables("QUERY_STRING"),100)
objRec ordset1.Fields("DATE") = Date()
objRecordset1.Fields("TIME") = Time()
objRecordset1.Fields("PLATFORM") = Left(request.servervariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),100)
obj Recordset1.Fields("REFERRER") = Left(request.servervariables("HTTP_REFERER"),100)
objRec ordset1.Fields("USER_IP") = Left(request.servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR"),20)
If Request.Cookies("TEST")("ID")<>"" Then
objRecordset1.Fields("VISITOR_ID") = Request.Cookies("TEST")("ID")
End If
Set Conn=Nothing
After taking out the reference to the above code everything speeds back up. So, I know the performance hit and time out issues have to do with the code above.
Is it the simultaneous write to the table, the constant opening and closing of the recordset, the cursor type, the lock type – or combination of things?
HELP!! Thanks!
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Nov 28, 2006
First thanks for your time.
We have 4 clustered SQL2000 Servers each contains information specific to its application related to customer information in a casino player tracking database. My problem is as follows On the Playertracking database I can join and return information from the tables there with no problems the performance accross the decently sizable transactional based table is pretty decent. The problem is I need to filter this query down by the Type of machine the customer plays. The child key exists in the playertransaction table the parent key is on another server. Here is the lay out of the tables unecessary information from the tables were truncated for brevity.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PlayerSession] (
[PlayerId] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Mnum] [int] NOT NULL ,
[CoinIn] [money] NOT NULL ,
[CoinOut] [money] NOT NULL ,
[Games] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Jackpot] [money] NULL ,
[Win] [money] NULL ,
[TheoWin] [money] NOT NULL ,
[PlayerMod] [tinyint] NOT NULL
-- Player Demographics information
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Player] (
[PlayerId] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Status] [char] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[Title] [varchar] (5) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[FirstName] [varchar] (40) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[MiddleName] [varchar] (40) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[LastName] [varchar] (40) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[SSN] [varchar] (16) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
--Machine Information that links to Machine Type table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Machine] (
[MNum] [int] NOT NULL ,
[MachineTypeId] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
-- Machine type code table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MachineType] (
[MachineTypeId] [smallint] NOT NULL ,
[Denom] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Par] [decimal](6, 2) NOT NULL ,
[GameType] [varchar] (40) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
From the server where all the player information is ran I can query the linked database for the machine and machine type information like this.
SELECT m.MNum, mt.MachineTypeId, mt.GameType, mt.DisplayType
FROM ACCTV.Accounting.dbo.Machine m INNER JOIN
ACCTV.Accounting.dbo.MachineType mt ON m.MachineTypeId = mt.MachineTypeId
This is the information I am trying to get out but the query times out on me.
SELECT Player.PlayerId, Player.FirstName, Player.LastName, SUM(PlayerSession.CoinIn) AS sumCI, SUM(PlayerSession.CoinOut) AS SumCO,SUM(PlayerSession.TheoWin) AS SumTheo, AVG(PlayerSession.TheoWin) AS AvgTheo, SUM(PlayerSession.Win) AS SumWin, AVG(PlayerSession.Win) AS AvgWin, mt.GameType
PlayerSession ON Player.PlayerId = PlayerSession.PlayerId INNER JOIN
ACCT.Accounting.dbo.Machine M ON PlayerSession.Mnum = M.MNum INNER JOIN
ACCT.Accounting.dbo.MachineType mt ON M.MachineTypeId = mt.MachineTypeId
GROUP BY Player.PlayerId, Player.FirstName, Player.LastName, mt.GameType
The other option would be some sort of SubQuery but I dont know how to return results from the subqueries to the root query to be returned to the restulting recordset. I am not necessarily looking for an answer more of looking for a direction to go to find my solution.
Thanks again for your help.
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Oct 6, 2006
I am joining the thread that initially Mike started. We have a x64 bit SQL Server with 32GB RAM. On start up sqlserver.exe starts with 15 to 20MB of RAM. After that the memory gradually increases at a step of 100MB and reaches 31.8 GB at the end. We don't see a out of memory situation so far and the memory remains the same, once the sqlserver.exe reaches that level we are facing application in stability issue. There is no other application running in this server. At present the database size is 28GB and we have employed the following,
There is a database replication running
A weekly maintenance plan to reindex, backup and other maintenance is running.
There is a log back up job which runs once in 2hrs time.
The temdb size grows to 3gb max. We didn't see any temp table created left out orphan in the temdb.
We have the required indexes placed in the tables to reduce the scan time. Also the server is configured to use dynamic memory allocation that is all are factory settings.
The database is encounters on an average 200 to 500 connections at a time. One observation is the memory goes up as soon as the replication starts, this is at one of the 2 servers.
Please advise what is causing this issue and how to go abt it.
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Apr 17, 2007
I am running an script and the following sentence throws and error because the DTC service is not running in the Remote Server:
insert into MyLocalTable
execute synonym_MyRemoteProcedure @SomeParameter
Since a transaction is not declared within the script, why is the DTC required?
How can I avoid the usage of the DTC? Is there a way to say "this code is not within a distributed transaction"?
Thanks a lot.
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Apr 8, 2008
Here is a simplified example of a problem I am facing.
I have 2 tables: Tasks and Employees.
(Task_ID, Task_Name, Task_Type, Task_Requirement, Employee_ID)
Emp_ID, Emp_Name, Emp_Specialty, Emp_Task_Cnt, Max_Task_Cnt
Requirements: Write a MS SQLServer 2000 Storeed Procedure to:
1. Update the Tasks table by assigning the task to an Employee.
2. Incrememnt the employee's Emp_Task_Cnt for each Task assigned.
3. Match the Employee to the Task by matching the Task_Requirement to the Emp_Specialty.
4. Do not exceed the employee's Max_Task_Cnt.
I have a working solution to the requirements, but it involves using cursor logic. For all the obvious reasons, I wanted to avoid using a cursor (or cursor-like looping structure) but could not figure out any other way to avoid processing the Task table one record at a time because of the: "4. Do not allow an Employee's Task_Cnt to exeed the Max_Task_Cnt."
Q: Is there a way to do this without using a cursor and still meet all of the requirements?
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May 9, 2007
I'm trying to performance tune a procedure and am sort of being thwarted by caching.
When I first run the procedure, it takes a few seconds which is too long in this case. Subsequent executions in Management Studio are nearly instantaneous, though, which I imagine is due to caching and does not reflect the behavior of the procedure in production.
Is there a way to disable caching so that each execution of the procedure in Management Studio will be consistent and reflect the "first run" performance?
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Sep 7, 2007
This query uses a cursor to fetch a parameter and pass it to another Stored proc. Is there a straightforward way to do this without using a cursor?
declare @deleteunassigned int
declare cur_unassigned cursor for select distinct a.cust_cont_pk
from cust_cont a, cont_fold_ass b (NOLOCK)
where a.cust_cont_pk != b.CUST_CONT_PK
open cur_unassigned
fetch next from cur_unassigned into @deleteunassigned
while @@fetch_status = 0
exec spDeleteCustContbypk @deleteunassigned
fetch next from cur_unassigned into @deleteunassigned
close cur_unassigned
deallocate cur_unassigned
declare @deleteunassigned int
declare cur_unassigned
cursor for
SELECT DISTINCT a.cust_cont_pk
FROM cust_cont a,
cont_fold_ass b (NOLOCK)
WHERE a.cust_cont_pk != b.CUST_CONT_PK
open cur_unassigned
FETCH NEXT FROM cur_unassigned INTO @deleteunassigned
while @@fetch_status = 0
exec spDeleteCustContbypk @deleteunassigned
FETCH NEXT FROM cur_unassigned INTO @deleteunassigned
close cur_unassigned
deallocate cur_unassigned
Future guru in the making.
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Jul 20, 2005
Using small stored procs or sp_executesql dramatically reduces the number ofrecompiles and increases the reuse of execution plans. This is evident fromboth the usecount in syscacheobjects, perfmon, and profiler. However I'm ata loss to determine what causes a compilation. Under rare circumstances theusecount for Compiled Plan does not increase as statements are run. Seemsto correspond to when there is no execution plan. It would seem to me thatcompilation is a resource intensive task that if possible (data and schemaare not changing) should be held to a minimum.How does one encourage the reuse of compile plans?Is this the same as minimizing compilation?Looks like some of this behavior is changing in SQL 2005....Thanks,Danny
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May 4, 2006
I have a stored procedure spUpdateClient, which takes as params a number of properties of a client application that wants to register its existence with the database. The sp just needs to add a new row or update an existing row with this data.
I tried to accomplish this with code somethign like this. (The table I'm updating is called Client, and its primary key is ClientId, which is a value passed into the sp from the client.)
IF (SELECT COUNT(ClientId) FROM Clients WHERE ClientId=@ClientId) = 0
-- client not found, create it
INSERT INTO Clients (ClientId, Hostname, Etc)
VALUES (@ClientId, @Hostname, @Etc)
-- client was found, update it
UPDATE Clients
SET Hostname=@Hostname, Etc=@Etc
WHERE ClientId=@ClientId
But the client apps call this every second or so, so soon enough I started getting primary key violations. It looks like one client would make two calls nearly at the same time, both would get a 0 value on the SELECT line, so both would try to insert a new row with the same ClientId. No good.
So then I added
at the top, and a COMMIT at the bottom. I thought the first one in would get to run the whole sp, and the next one in would have to wait for the first to be done.
Instead I'm now getting deadlock errors.
If I understand the docs right, that's because the exclusive lock is not placed on the Clients table until the INSERT happens, not at the SELECT. So when two calls to the sp happen at nearly the same time (call them A and B), A does the SELECT and that locks Clients so nobody else can update it. Then B does the SELECT, locking Clients so nobody else (including A) can update it. Now A needs to exclusively lock Clients to do its INSERT, but B still has that read lock on it, and they're deadlocked.
I could catch the deadlock in my client app after SQL Server kills one of the transactions, but it seems to me there should be some way to set a lock at the top of the sp that says "nobody else can enter this sp until I exit it". Any such thing?
Nate Hekman
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Sep 7, 2007
I have been developing a small site that has two backend SQL Server databases. One for my application data and one for the ASPNETDB database that is created by the ASP .NET Configuration utility.
Is it possible to configure the ASP .NET Configuration tool to use my custom database instead of creating a second database called ASPNETDB?
Thanks in advance.
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Aug 5, 2004
I am exclusively using Stored Procedures to access the database, i.e. there are no Ad-Hoc SQL statements anywhere in the C# code. However, one thing I need to be able to do is to allow filtering for data grids on my ASP.NET page. I want to do the filtering in the Stored Procedure using Dynamic SQL to set the WHERE clause. However, one fear of mine is SQL injection from the client. How can I avoid arbitrary SQL injection, yet still allow for a dynamic WHERE clause to be passed into the stored procedure?
Jason Pacheco
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Jun 9, 2008
Hello all,
I currently have an asp script that is generating a 12 month rolling report. From asp I'm running a for loop with 12 iterations, each one sending the following query:
select count(a.aReportDate) as ttl from findings f left outer join audits a on a.aID = f.auditID
where f.findingInvalid <> 1 and month(aReportDate) = " & Mo & " and year(aReportDate) = " & Yr
where the Mo and Yr variables are incremented accordingly.
I actually have 4 sets of data being pulled back to populate a graph, so this results in 48 queries with each page load! Obviously not ideal. So I'm hoping to reduce this to 4 queries. I was playing with the following in enterprise manager:
SET @DT = '10/31/07'
SET @CNT = 1
WHILE(@CNT < 12)
select count(a.aReportDate) as ttl from findings f left outer join audits a on a.aID = f.auditID
where f.findingInvalid <> 1 and month(aReportDate) = month(@DT) and year(aReportDate) = year(@DT)
SET @CNT = @CNT + 1
I haven't yet added any logic to increment the date, but my concern is that it looks like it is returning 12 separate results. Is there any way to combine this all into one resultset that will be passed back to my asp script? Hopefully this makes sense?
Suggestions on a completely different approach would also be welcome.
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Mar 2, 2007
Hope someone could help me in revising a long running query. Here is the query
select *
from table1
where classid is null
and productid not in (
select productid
from table1
where classid = 67)
In here table1 could have several occurance of productid in which productid could have different classid. The possible values of classid are: NULL,1,2,3,67. Basically I am looking for all records whose classid is null but should never had an instance in table1 where its classid is 67.
Do you have something like a "join" statment that will only include all records in the left table that is not in the right table?
Hope someone could help me with this. Thanks in advance.
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Oct 8, 2007
MS SQL Server 2005
I have a table in our system that hold temporary data for doing calculations. It will process several million records in it. each time they forecast our products.....
Is there any way to have the SQL server NOT add these transactions to the transaction log, since I'm going to wipe the data anyway? I'd like to be able to pick and choose the tables that are 'backed up' into the transaction log...
Please advice. Thanks
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Mar 18, 2008
I am trying to figure out an efficient way of comparing two tables of identical structure and primary keys only I want to do a join where one of the tables reveals values for records which have been modified and/or updated.
To illustrate, I have two tables in the generic form:
For which the 'val' in table 2 could be different from the 'val' in table 1 - for a given id-dt coupling that are identical in both tables.
Does anyone know of an efficient way I could return all id-dt couplings in table 2 which have values that are different from those with the same id-dt couplings in table 1?
NOTE: I am asking this because I am trying to avoid explicit comparisons between the 'val' columns. The tables I am working with in actuality have roughly 900 or so columns, so I don't want this kind of a monster query to do (otherwise, I would simply do something like where a.id = b.id and a.dt = b.dt and a.val <> b.val) - but this won't do in this case.
As a sample query, I have the following script below. When I attempt the where not exists, as you might expect, I only get the one record in which the id-dt coupling is different from those in table 1, but I'm not sure how to return the other records where the id-dt coupling is the same in table 1 but for where modified values exist:
create table #tab1
id varchar(3),
dt datetime,
val float
create table #tab2
id varchar(3),
dt datetime,
val float
insert into #tab1
insert into #tab1
insert into #tab1
insert into #tab2
insert into #tab2
insert into #tab2
select a.* from #tab2 a --Trouble is, this only returns the XYZ record
where not exists
(select b.* from #tab1 b where a.id = b.id and a.dt = b.dt)
drop table #tab1
drop table #tab2
I really dont' want to have to code up a loop to do the value by value comparison for inequality, so if anyone knows of an efficient set-based way of doing this, I would really appreciate it.
Any advice appreciated!
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Jun 8, 2007
What is the experession to evaluate if the result of a computation would be a divide by zero error for a text box in report?
IIF(divide by zero, display nothing, else display computed result)...??
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Dec 4, 2007
I have a Master/Detail table setup - let's call the master "Account" and the detail "Amount". I also have a "black box" stored procedure (BlackBox_sp) which carries out a lot of complex processing.
What I need to do is, for each Account, I need to iterate thtough it's Amount records and call the black box each time. Once I've finished going through all the Amount records, I need to call the black box again once for the Account. This must be done with the Account & Amount rows in a specific order.
So I have something along the lines of
Code Block
DECLARE Total int
DECLARE Account_cur
OPEN Account_cur
SET Total = 0
DECLARE Amount_cur
OPEN Amount_cur
SET Total = Total + Amount
EXEC BlackBox_sp (Amount)
CLOSE Amount_cur
EXEC BlackBox_sp (Total)
CLOSE Account_cur
Any tips on another approach would be appreciated given the contraints I have.
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Mar 27, 2008
I have web site when people orders through website at same time, a problem can be arrive when allocating next primary key value to new record, using maximum number of records +1
how to avoid this problem and insert to sql server
please give me your ideas
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Mar 7, 2001
Hi there,
I'm using a query to fetch data from a table where one of the criteria is IN(...) clause for the key column of the table.Now the data being retrieved is ordered by the key column of the table even though I haven't specified any order by clause.
I want to know if there a way in which the data being fetched is in the order of my IN(...) clause.
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Feb 13, 2002
Hi there!
Here is my situation:
table 'ReceiptHeader'
table 'ReceiptDiscount'
**a receipt can have multiple discounts**
Table 'ReceiptDetail'
ReceiptHeaderID LineItemIDTotal
**for this example there is only one line item per receipt**
Without using a cursor, i would like to return a result set
like this one below using a set based solution...
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Jun 26, 2002
Can anybody help me how to Stop this 'System Creation Indexes' (Index Name like 'WA%')?.
Is there any method is available to delete the Existing 'System Indexes'?.
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Mar 9, 2007
Is there a way to temporarily disable logging into the transaction log.
In our system, we perform purging of our database every night, where the purging consists of 2 steps:
1. For each table, insert the data, to be deleted, into a corresponding "purged" table, to remain there for one day only.
2. For each table, delete the unnecessary data (i.e. same data stored in purged tables in step 1)
During these 2 steps, the transaction log grows, and since we perform the transactional log back up, the back up at that time is huge. We are running a bit low on the hard disk space and I'd like to disable logging into the transaction log when these operations are performed.
I really don't care about being able to recover this data.
I thought that one option is to set the database to simple recovery, then perform the purging of the database, and then change back to full.
However, I think that trans log can grow even if recovery model is simple [although you won't be able to retrieve any changes].
So, is there a way to delete a portion of a table [or insert into it] so that no data is written to a transaction log (I know that we can use TRUNCATE if we need to remove whole table without logging)?
Thanks a lot
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Nov 15, 1999
Have a user who needs many data changes to a huge table with over 2 million rows.
He hopes to do this by running a series of queries.
Last time our log grew gargantuan. I know 7.0 is wonderful & dynamic, but after
an hour of rambling through books online I'm more confused than ever.
Is there a way we can code into his query at intervals any hard coded checkpoints
or log backups? Do we need to dbcc shrinkfile the logfile?
Mark Blackburn
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Sep 6, 2006
I currently have two tables called Book and JournalPaper, both of which have a column called Publisher. Currently the data in the Publisher column is the Publisher name that is entered straight into either table and has been duplicated in many cases. To tidy this up I have created a new table called Publisher where each entry will have a unique ID.
I now want to remove the Publisher columns from Book and JournalPaper, replace it with an ID foreign key column and move the Publisher name data into the Publisher table. Is there a way I can do this without duplicating the data as some publishers appear several times on both tables?
Any help with this will be greatly appreciated as my limited SQL is not up to this particular challenge!!!
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Oct 31, 2007
Hello -- I have a Huge Table Tab1 (160 Mill Rows). I have a script that Inserts and Deletes from this Tab1 (This Script runs for a good 4/5 Hrs).
When the script is being executed, No other session can even do a "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM Tab1"
How do i avoid this? Any "NOLOCK" Keywords i should be specifying in my Script?
Thanks in advance
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Jun 23, 2015
I have a function with multiple if ( condition) which is CPU intensive. How could I avoid this.
CREATE FUNCTION prici.[fn_pricipalamt]
-- Add the parameters for the function here
@Tcode char(10),
@SecTypeCode1 char(10),
@SecTypeCode2 char(10),
@TradeAmount float,
[Code] .....
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Oct 26, 2006
I have an SQL Server where only a group of sysadmins have access to install DTSX packages. Those DTSX packages are developed by another team that does not have access to the production SQL Server. They use their own SQL Server.
In order to make it as simple as possible to install these packages by the sysadmins, I suggested the use of configuration files. The files are associated with the job that executes the package and all that has to be done to install the package is copy it to the file system or import it into the SQL Server. Developers use their configuration file, sysadmins user theirs. Nothing new here.
The problem is that some of the packages have to access some old systems and we cannot use integrated authentication. We have to use SQL authentication and therefore specify a user account and password in the connection string. If this is stored in the configuration file, it is available in clear text! If I store the configuration in the package itself using ProtectSensitiveWithPassword protection level, the sysadmins will have to edit every DTSX package to reset the connections to the production environment (the developers always send them with their development configurations) and I don't want that. If I store it in a SQL Server database, it seems the sysadmins also have to edit the package to point the package configuration to the correct database and set the configuration filter.
Another solution is to store the credentials in clear text in the configuration file but set the file system permissions on that file so only the account that executes the package can read them (this is what I'm implementing if nothing better comes up...)
Is there any other way to do this? Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance.
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