BCP Parameter For Unicode File

Mar 22, 2004

Can any one suggest the bcp parameter for importing file , which is in unicode format, delimeted by tabs. i tried -w, -N all in vain :-(


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N Apply UNICODE On Nvarchar But On A Parameter

Apr 4, 2008


Hello everybody ...
I have a little problem with sqlserver.
When I call my procedure by asp, I send my parameters.
The parameters are nvarchar and arrive as parameter... like
@sentence which is '??t???'.

But I dont know how to apply unicode with parameter @

I explain:
Is it possible to do something like that ... obviously not:

IF @CountryNr = 14
SET @Sentence = N&@Sentence
SET @Sentence = N+@Sentence


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Script File Encoded As Unicode

May 8, 2008

I hope this is an OK forum for this. None jumped out at me as especially fitting.

I am getting some script files that are encoded as Unicode.

I suspect this is occurring when some people save their scripts from Query Analyzer (SS2K) or Management Studio (SS2005) but 1) I do not believe anybody is explicitly selecting Unicode and 2) I cannot duplicate this.

I often use TextPad for editing scripts. It defaults to ANSI and I never select Unicode. I have also never experienced this over many years of using TextPad. So I don't think TextPad is the issue but that is everybody else's suspicion.

Anyone have a clue about this or suggestions?


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Unicode Text File Messed Up &&<&&> DTS

Nov 17, 2006


I need to import a unicode text file with a DTS. The textfile needs to be imported width fixed column width settings as there are no field delimeters.

The data in the file is messed up (some columns are concatenated) when opened in Notepad.

The data looks fine when opened in Wordpad and also all fields are nicely delimeted but then I end up with unicode characters which are not supported in Wordpad.

Is there anyway around this?

Many thanks in advance!

Best regards,


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Integration Services :: CDC Source Transformation And Converting Non-Unicode To Unicode String SSIS

May 6, 2015

In my package , I am used CDC Source transformation and received the Net changes then insert into Destination. But whatever Data coming from CDC source data type Varchar value needs to Converting Non Unicode string to Unicode string SSIS. So used Data conversion transformation to achieved this.  I need to achieve this without data conversion.

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Integration Services :: Column A Cannot Convert Between Unicode And Non-unicode String Data Types

Aug 7, 2012

I am following the SSIS overview video- URL...I have a flat file that i want to import the contents onto a SQL database.I created a Dataflow task, source file and oledb destination.I am getting the folliwung error -"column "A" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types".in the origin file the data type is coming as string[DT_STR] and in the destination object it is coming as "Unicode string [DT_WSTR]"I used a data conversion object in between, dosent works very well

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Excel Destination Error: Columnxx Cannot Convert Between Unicode And Non-unicode String Data Types

Jul 28, 2005

Good afternoon

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Problem Saving/retrieving Unicode Characters NVARCHAR With Unicode Collation (java Jdbc)

Aug 8, 2006

I'm connecting to a SQL Server 2005 database using the latest (beta) sql server driver (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver 1.1 CTP June 2006) from within Java (Rational Application Developer).

The table in SQL Server database has collation Latin1_General_CI_AS and one of the columns is a NVARCHAR with collation Indic_General_90_CI_AS. This should be a Unicode only collation. However when storing for instance the following String:

... it is saved with ? for all unicode characters as follows (when looking in the database):

The above is not correct, since all unicode characters should still be visible. When inserting the same string directly into the sql server database (without using Java) the result is ok.

Also when trying to retrieve the results again it complains about the following error within Java:

Codepage 0 is not supported by the Java environment.

Hopefully somebody has an answer for this problem. When I alter the collation of the NVARCHAR column to be Latin1_General_CI_AS as well, the data can be stored and retrieved however then of course the unicode specific characters are lost and results into ? So in that case the output is as described above (ie ‚¬_£_ÙÚÜÛùúüû_ÅÆØåæøߣÇçÑñ_¼½¾_??????_??????_????)

We would like to be able to persist and retrieve unicode characters in a SQL Server database using the correct JDBC Driver. We achieved this result already with an Oracle UTF8 database. But we need to be compliant with a SQL Server database as well. Please help.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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SQL 2012 :: (SSIS) - Cannot Convert Between Unicode And Non-unicode Data Types

Sep 9, 2015

I have an SSIS package that pulls data from a MYSQL DB (Using RSSBus for Salesforce in SSIS to accomplish this). Most of the columns are loading properly, but I have many columns that I need to convert.

I have been using the Data Conversion dataflow task in SSIS to convert the rows.

I have 2 data conversions that work on most of the columns, but the DESCRIPTION column continues to return an error saying "Cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode types", regardless of what I choose on the Data Conversion task. So, basically I want to dump this column data into a SQL table with NVARCHAR datatypes. Here is what I am doing in my SSIS package...

1) Grab subset of data from SOURCE
2) Converts to TEXTSTREAM. (Data Conversion)
3) Converts to STRING. (Data Conversion)
4) Load Destination table. (OLE DB Destination)

I have also tried to simply convert the values to STRING, but that doesn't work either.

So, I have 2 Data Conversions working here that process most of the data correctly. What I can do to load the DESCRIPTION column?

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Unicode In Flat File Connection Manager

Jul 17, 2007


Does anybody know, how to load unicode text file using Flat File Source Task?

I set "unicode" option on the general tab of the Flat File Conn. Manager.

(my text file is comma delimited, the default row delimiter is {CR}{LF})

but on the Column tab I see only one row in one column (I have several rows and columns in the flat file).

How to see them all ?

I appreciate any help !


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SSIS: Unicode And Non-unicode String Data Types

May 14, 2008

Hi guys and gals,

I've had some great headaches with SSIS this morning, which I have managed to get a workarounds for, but I'm not happy with them so I've come to ask for advice.

Basically, I am exporting data from an SQL Server database into an Excel spreadsheet and hitting issues with unicode and non-unicode data types.

For example, I have a column that is char(6) and have added a data conversion step to the data flow, which converts it to type DT_WSTR and then everything works!

However, this seems like a completely un-neccessary step as I should be able to do the conversion in T-SQL - but no matter what I try I keep getting the same problem.

SELECT Cast(employee_number As nvarchar(255)) As [employee_number]
FROM employee
WHERE forename = 'george'

ErrorValidation error. details: 1 [1123]: Column "employee_number" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

I know I have a solution (read: workaround) but I really don't want to do this everytime!

Any suggestions for what else to try?

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Cannot Convert Between Unicode And Non-unicode String Data Types.

Apr 6, 2006

I have an Excel Source component hooked to an OLE DB Destination component in my SSIS 2005 Data Flow Task.  After I mapped the excel columns to the OLE DB table columns i get these errors below.  I noticed that for the first error, the Excel Field format (when you mouse over the column name in the mappings section in OLE DB component) is of type [DTWSTR] and the corresponding SQL field from my SQL table that it's mapping to is of type [DT_STR] when mousing over that field in the mappings in the properties of my OLE DB component.  All table fields in SQL Server for the table I'm inserting into are of type varchar.

print screens here:



Package Validation Error


Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Destination [27]]: Columns "Commission Agency" and "CommissionAgency" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Destination [27]]: Column "Product" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Destination [27]]: Columns "Officer Code" and "OfficerCode" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Destination [27]]: Columns "Agency Name" and "AgencyName" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Destination [27]]: Columns "Agency Id" and "AgencyID" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Destination [27]]: Columns "Tran Code" and "TranCode" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Destination [27]]: Columns "User Id" and "UserID" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Destination [27]]: Columns "Acct Number" and "AccountNumber" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: "component "OLE DB Destination" (27)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".

Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: One or more component failed validation.

Error at Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.



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Cannot Convert Between Unicode And Non-unicode String Data Type

Jan 15, 2007


I'm having this problem.

I use Visual Studio's, integration project to load XML file into SQL Server. In the XML file, i have defined collumns as string. When i try to load XML file with parts defined in scheme as string, i get an error "cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data type.

Destinated collumns in SQL are defined as varchar and char.

Thanks for help

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Integration Services :: Cannot Convert From Unicode To Non-unicode Error

May 7, 2009

For packages that I have created to read Oracle 10g tables, that work fine with debugging in 32-bit mode, I get an error message on all string fields when I try to run in 64-bit mode.  An example error message is:[OLE DB Source [1]] Error: Column "ACCT_UNIT" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.Another interesting warning included is:[OLE DB Source [1]] Warning: The external columns for component "OLE DB Source" (1) are out of synchronization with the data source columns. The external column "ACCT_UNIT" needs to be updated.I cannot even try to convert this data with a Data Conversion item because the (red) error is on the OLE DB Source item and stops there.  It doesn't matter what the destination is or even if there is a destination in the package yet.I'm using Oracle Provider for OLE DB, Oracle Client version 10.203 for 32-bit and Oracle Client 10.204 for 64-bit.Oracle is 10g on a UNIX 64-bit server and the data is not unicode.I'm using SQL Server Enterprise 2008 (10.0.1600) on Windows Server 2008 Standard SP1 on a 64-bit server.The packages work fine in 32-bit mode and the data is not unicode data.  When I change Run64BitRuntime to True in the Debugging Property Page, I get the error on the OLE DB Source item.  I also get the error when I schedule a package to run using the SQL Server Agent.

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Cannot Convert Between Unicode And Non-unicode String Data Types

Mar 7, 2008


I have spent countless number of hours trying to solve the issue, but to no vail. My problem is SSIS throws "cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types" when i am try to transform data from DB2 to SQL Server 2005. And please note, i tried all possibilities like changing the destination field which is in SQL Server 2005 to nvarchar and also text. But so far no help. And i also looked at previous posts which did not help me either.

Thank You in advance.

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MS SQL Server - Transfer Database From Non-unicode To Unicode

Jun 29, 2006

Any one know the process of transfering the database from non-unicode to unicode. Coz I like to transfer the data from english to hebrew.

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How To Load A Unicode File Into The Database In The Same Order As The File Order

Jul 23, 2005

The data file is a simple Unicode file with lines of text. BCPapparently doesn't guarantee this ordering, and neither does theimport tool. I want to be able to load the data either sequentially oradd line numbering to large Unicode file (1 million lines). I don'twant to deal with another programming language if possible and Iwonder if there's a trick in SQL Server to get this accomplished.Thanks for any help.Mark Leary----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==----http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! >100,000 Newsgroups---= East/West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---

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Integration Services :: SSIS Bulk Insert Fails On Unicode File With GUID Column

Jun 3, 2015

I am using SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2012. I have a very simple SSIS package with a Data Flow task that exports from an OLE DB Source to a tab-delimited unicode Flat File Destination and a Bulk Insert task that loads from the file. Both the Flat File Destination and Bulk Import are using the same code page. The Bulk Insert task is using the wide char format to read from the file. The process works fine with nvarchar and int columns, but when I add a unique identifier column it fails with "type mismatch or invalid character for the specified code page".

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Non-Unicode To Unicode Data Conversion

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all, we are now planning to upgrade our application from anon-unicode version to a unicode version. The application's backend isa SQL Server 2000 SP3.The concern is, existing business data are stored using collation"Chinese_PRC_CI_AS", i.e. Simplified Chinese. So I thought we need toextract these data out to the new SQL Server which is using Unicode (Iassume it means converting them to nchar, nvarchar type of fields for Idon't enough information from the application side, or is there ageneral unicode collation that will make even char and varchar types tostore data as Unicode?).The problem is what's the best and most efficient way to do this dataconversion?bcp? DTS? or others?thanks a lot

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Easier Way To Convert Non-Unicode To Unicode

Nov 8, 2006

I have built a large package and due to database changes (varchar to nvarchar) I need to do a data conversion of all the flat file columns I am bringing in, to a unicode data type. The way I know how to do this is via the data conversion component/task. My question is, I am looking for an easy way to "Do All Columns" and "Map all Columns" without doing every column by hand in both spots.

I need to change all the columns, can I do this in mass? More importantly once I convert all these and connect it to my data source it fails to map converted fields by name. Is there a way when using the data conversion task to still get it to map by name when connecting it to the OLE destination?

I know I can use the wizard to create the base package, but I have already built all the other components, renamed and set the data type and size on all the columns (over 300) and so I don't want to have to re-do all that work. What is the best solution?

In general I would be happy if I could get the post data conversion to map automatically to the source. But because its DataConversion.CustomerID it will not map to CustomerID field on destination. Any suggestions on the best way to do this would save me hours of work...


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Flat File Source Error Output Conversion Error With UNICODE Files

May 14, 2008

i have a weird situation here, i tried to load a unicode file with a flat file source component, one of file lines has data like any other line but also contains the character "ÿ" which i can't see or find it and replace it with empty string, the source component parses the line correctly but if there is a data type error in this line, the error output for that line gives me this character "ÿ" instead of the original line.

simply, the error output of flat file source component fail to get the original line when the line contains hidden "ÿ".

i hope you can help me with issue.

Thanks in advance.

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Append Unicode String Source To Non-Unicode String Destination

Apr 26, 2006

In SQL 2000 DTS, I was able to append data from an ODBC source to a SQL 2000 destination table. The destination table was created by copying an attached source table in Access to a new table, then upsizing it to SQL. The character fields come over as varchar, and that seemed to be fine with the DTS job.

Now using the same source table and the same SQL destination, only in SQL 2005 with Integration Services instead of DTS, I get an error because the connection manager interprets the source text fields as Unicode and the destination fields are varchar.

I could script the table and change the text fields in the destination table to nvarchar, but this could have adverse affect on the application that uses the destination table. Is there a way to make the connection manager see the source text fields as varchar, or have the integration package allow the append even though the destination is varchar and the source is nvarchar?

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Non-unicode To Unicode Error

Nov 7, 2007

My ssis package exports .xls file data into a sql server table.

The fields in the sql server table have to be nvarchar instead of varchar.

If I use varchar then the ssis package gives an error about converting unicode to non-unicode...

Another ssis package exports .csv data into the sqme sql server table as above.

This time the sql server table fields have to be of type varchar because otherwise the ssis package gives an error about converting non-uniciode to unicode...

I basically would like to have a sql server table with varchar fields and let these packages import into it.

These packages may retrieve data from .csv or .xls.

How can I resolve this?


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Cannot Convert Between Unicode And Non-unicode

Jan 4, 2006

I keep getting the error message below when attempting to import a text file (flat file) to an SQL Server Destination using SSIS. This database has recently been migrated from SQL Server 2000 (where I used a DTS Package that worked fine). I plan on doing further manipulation to the file after importing but have so far tried to keep one step at a time. I have tried using a smaller files and different tables but still get a similar response. I believe that the encoding of the text file is ANSI. If it is relevant the database collation is Latin1_General_CI_AS (the same as it was when 2000). Any help anyone can provide will be greatly appreciated!!!

TITLE: Package Validation Error

Package Validation Error


Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: Columns "Column 0" and "AccountNumber" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 1" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_I4 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 2" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_I4 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: Columns "Column 3" and "Name" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 4" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_I4 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 5" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_R8 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: Columns "Column 6" and "ExpiryDate" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: Columns "Column 7" and "RateType" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 8" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_BOOL is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: Columns "Column 9" and "FullName" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: Columns "Column 10" and "Address" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 11" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_DBTIMESTAMP is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 12" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_I4 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 13" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_DBTIMESTAMP is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: Columns "Column 14" and "Occupancy" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: Columns "Column 15" and "LoanPurpose" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 16" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_R8 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 17" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_R8 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 18" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_R8 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 19" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_R8 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 20" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_I4 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 21" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_I4 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 22" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_I4 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: Columns "Column 23" and "DocumentLocation" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 24" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_I4 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: Columns "Column 25" and "SecurityType" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 26" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_R8 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 27" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_DBTIMESTAMP is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 28" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_R8 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: Columns "Column 29" and "MortgageInsurancePolicyNumber" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: Columns "Column 30" and "SecurityAddress" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 31" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_I4 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 32" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_R8 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 33" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_R8 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 34" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_R8 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 35" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_R8 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 36" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_R8 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 37" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_DBTIMESTAMP is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: Columns "Column 38" and "SecuritySuburb" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 39" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_I4 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 40" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_R8 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 41" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_R8 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 42" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_R8 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: Columns "Column 43" and "MortgageNumber" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: Columns "Column 44" and "TitleParticulars" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 45" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_DBTIMESTAMP is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 46" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_DBTIMESTAMP is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 47" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_DBTIMESTAMP is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 48" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_I4 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 49" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_R8 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 50" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_R8 is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [SQL Server Destination [174]]: The column "Column 51" can't be inserted because the conversion between types DT_STR and DT_DBTIMESTAMP is not supported.

Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: "component "SQL Server Destination" (174)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".

Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: One or more component failed validation.

Error at Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.




View 103 Replies View Related

Unicode To Non-unicode Error

Nov 7, 2007

My ssis package exports .xls file data into a sql server table.
The fields in the sql server table have to be nvarchar instead of varchar.
If I use varchar then the ssis package gives an error about converting unicode to non-unicode...

Another ssis package exports .csv data into the sqme sql server table as above.
This time the sql server table fields have to be of type varchar because otherwise the ssis package gives an error about converting non-uniciode to unicode...

I basically would like to have a sql server table with varchar fields and let these packages import into it.
These packages may retrieve data from .csv or .xls.

How can I resolve this?Thanks

View 1 Replies View Related

Convert A Unicode Database Into A Non-unicode Database

Jul 20, 2005

Hi there.We have an application that can run on a non-unicode or a unicode sqlserverdatabase.Currently the application is running in a unicode database, as anon-unicode database is less than half the size, I would prefer tohave a non-unicode database for demo purposes to be on my laptop, etcetcIs it possible to change a unicode sql server 2000 database into anon-unicode database?And if so, how would I go about doing this?Any help would be greatly appreciated.ThanksRodger

View 2 Replies View Related

Rdl File Gives Parameter Error

May 15, 2008

i have an rdl file that takes a dataset which has a SP with 2 parametes. when i am able to see the data filled in the data tab, where as i am not able to preview the report in the preview tab. it show an error " specified argument was out of range of range of valid value. Parameter name : format " .....can someone help out with some solution....help would be greatly appriciated....thanks

reply me at sudhakar.x.govindarajan@verizon.com

Sudhakar G

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Pass File Name As A Parameter In Procedure

Mar 18, 2006

Hi Everyone,

I tried to pass file name as a parameter in procedure, but it did work. Here are the codes

create procedure spImport
@filename varchar(100) as
bulk insert mytable
from @filename

I received following error message

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure spImport, Line 4
Incorrect syntax near '@filename'

Could anybody help me to correct it. Thanks in advance.


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Passing Excel File As A Parameter

Feb 24, 2008


I am developing the SSIS pacakge. I am loading the data from excel file to Sqlserver table. I have two set of excel files and each excel file belongs to one division. I want the same mapping should call both file. Basically, i wanted to pass the filename as a parameter. Any help....


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Load XML Souce File To A SP Parameter

May 2, 2006

I have a proc like this (T-SQL, SQL Server 2000):Alter Proc ImportXML@chvFullFileName varchar(200),@txtInputXML text=''ASMy question is how can I load the contents of the XMLFile into theparameter called @txtInputXML ? Let us say my full file path isC:XMLSampleXML.txt. I want to load this into parameter as one stringWhat do I use ? bulkcopy or something else ?Your help would be much appreciated.Thanks

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File Location Based On Parameter ?

Jul 31, 2006


File Connection Manager Editor with

Usage Type : Create File


File: eg C:DBALogSSISPackage1.log

The desired Goal:

Rather than hardcode the file directory for a log file

eg C:DBALogSSISPackage1.log

can the definition be parameterized.

For example \MachineNameDBALogSSISPackage1.log

where MachineName is the location where the package is phyiscally


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Sending Parameter To Sqldatasource In Code Behind File

Aug 15, 2007

hi, i have a .aspx.cs code page file and i wanna to send some parameters to sqldatasource in page_load event.i wrote this line of code but it errors that the System.Web.UI.Webcontrols.parameters is a type and not a namespace.here my code:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><pre class="alt2" dir="ltr" style="border: 1px inset ; margin: 0px; padding: 6px; overflow: auto; width: 640px; height: 226px; text-align: left;">if (Session["membartype"].tostring() == "siteadmin1") SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand ="SELECT DocumentID, DocumentCode, DocumentDate,RequestCode, Delivery, Expr1,CityCode, Title FROM (SELECT dbo.EnterDocument.DocumentID, dbo.EnterDocument.DocumentCode, dbo.EnterDocument.DocumentDate,dbo.EnterDocument.RequestCode, dbo.EnterDocument.Delivery, dbo.EnterDocument.EnterType AS Expr1,dbo.EnterDocument.codecity AS CityCode, dbo.Location.Title FrOM dbo.Location RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.EnterDocument ON dbo.Location.codecity = dbo.EnterDocument.codecity) AS T1";ParameterCollection parameter=new ParameterCollection[7]; parameter.Add(DocumentID,text,TextBox1.Text); parameter.Add(DocumentCode,text,TextBox4); parameter.Add(FromDocumentDate,text,TextBox6); parameter.Add(untilDocumentDate,text,TextBox5); parameter.Add(PersonID,SelectedValue,DropDownList2); parameter.Add(EnterTypeID,SelectedValue,DropDownList3); parameter.Add(usercode,String,usercode); SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add(parameter); GridView1.DataBind();</pre><p>  thanks,M.H.H 

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How To Pass Xml File Name As Parameter To Stored Procedure

Nov 30, 2005

hi,i have created a stored procedure to read xml dataCREATE PROCEDURE InsertXML(@xml varchar(1000)) AS DECLARE @XmlHandle intEXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @XmlHandle output,@xmlinsert into Employee(Name,ID,Sal,Address) (SELECT Name,ID,Sal,AddressFROM  OPENXML (@XmlHandle, 'emp:EmployeeDetails/emp:Employee',2)             WITH (Name varchar(30) 'Name',                       ID int 'ID',                       Sal int 'sal',        Address varchar(30) 'Address'))EXECUTE sp_xml_removedocument @XmlHandlebut it is taking only xml text as input.but i want to send the file name as input.how to do it.

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