BULK INSERT AccessDenied On Remote Text File.

Feb 5, 2007

OK, Ive read many posts on this problem but have seen no resolution.

Here's the deal. When on the actual SQL box (There's 2 in the cluster) the bulk insert works fine. No errors and the event log on the machine that is hosting the text file shows that the account that SQL runs on has accessed the file. This account is a DOmain account and is in the Local Administrator of the SQL server and the remot box hosting the text file.

Thats great if you want your developers testing and accessing your SQL box as Administrators. We don't work that way. Our developers connect via SQL Management Studio and test ther stuff that way. That's where the problem rears it's ugly head.

When anyone runs a Bulk Insert command that accesses a text file that is on a remote server, they get an "Access Denied". Now, I did a lot of testing and found that when the users executes the Bulk Insert command from the SQL Management studio on their desk top, they connect to the SQL box with their credentials (OK, that's correct right?), SQL then runs the Bulk Isert command which then reaches out to the remote file server but gets the "Access Denied". I check the logs and it shows that "Anonymous" was trying to accesss the file.

Why is Anonymouss coming over as credentials for SQL on a Bulk Insert? I'm no idiot but this sounds like a big crappy bug tha M$ will not fess to. I followed many suggestions, made sure NTFS and Share level permissions were correct (That was the first thing...), made sure the account that was running as SQL Server within the cluster on both nodes in the cluster was the same, that wasn't it, I even created a SPN for SQL to run and automatically register in AD with the credentials that SQL runs as. NOTHING!!!

Has anyone gotten their bulk insert to work when inserting from a file that is NOT local to the SQL box? Any help is appreciated, but putting the text files on the local SQL box IS NOT AN OPTION.


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How To Read A Remote CSV File Into SQL SERVER Using Bulk Insert Command..

Mar 24, 2008

I have load a CSV file into one of the table in sql server 2005 using bulk insert command. But the csv file in remote system.
Please help me.....

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XML Format File For Bulk Insert Of Text File With Fixed Length Columns

Jan 2, 2008

Hey All,

Similar to a previous post (http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=244646&SiteID=1), I am trying to import data into a SQL Table.

I am trying to program a small application that will import product data obtained through suppliers via CD-ROM. One supplier in particular uses Fixed width colums, and data looks like this:

Example of Data

0124015Apple Crate 32.12

0124016Bananna Box 12.56

0124017Mango Carton 15.98

0124018Seedless Watermelon 42.98
My Table would then have:
ProductID as int
Name as text
Cost as money

How would I go about extracting the data with an XML Format file? I am stumbling over how to tell it where to start picking up data for a specific column.
Is there any way that I could trim the Name column (i.e.: "Mango Carton " --> "Mango Carton")?

I don't know if it makes any difference, but I've been calling SQL from my code by doing this:

Code in C# Form

SqlConnection SqlConnection = new SqlConnection(global::SQLClients.Properties.Settings.Default.ClientPhonebookConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO PhonebookTable(Name, PhoneNumber) VALUES('" + txtName.Text.ToString() + "', '" + txtPhoneNumber.Text.ToString() + "')";
cmd.Connection = SqlConnection;

I am running Visual Studio C# Express 2005 and SQL Server Express 2005.

Thanks for your time,


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Bulk Insert Of Text File . Please Help .

Jun 27, 2002

Hi ,

I have imported an event log file from an NT server in a test database . The table has been created automatically with some 10 columns as Col001...Col002 ...and so on till Col0010 .
Now i want to copy the data of the event logs to specific columns . So i created a table with name such as Evnt , date , time , server and evntdescription so that whenever i can execute a simple query like

Select * from tablename where type = 'app' , Server = 'test1 ' .
so that i get all the results for that server 'test1 with type 'application' .

The problem is how do i insert that event log file into the table which i have created with different columns names . So that the data with 'App' should go to column 'type , data with server name should go to the column name server and so on ..

I tried all the was but could not succeed . Can i get some help in this regard please through some stored procedures or through DTS , if its possible .

The server is SQL Server 2000 with SP 1.

Many thanks
Anita .

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Bulk Insert From Text File

Feb 15, 2007

I import a group of sentences INSERT from a text file .... test

Insert Into XXXXX Values('UUUUUU','3')
Insert Into XXXXX Values('UUUUUU','3')
Insert Into XXXXX Values('UUUUUU','3')
Insert Into XXXXX Values('UUUUUU','3')
Insert Into XXXXX Values('UUUUUU','3')
Insert Into XXXXX Values('UUUUUU','3')
Insert Into XXXXX Values('UUUUUU','3')
Insert Into XXXXX Values('UUUUUU','3')

The file contains 1000 insert (Aprox); I read lines for lines the file I make the insert

In VS.NET 2003 it works correctly and the process consumes little memory but In VS.NET 2005 the pocket is without space.

How I can specify the factor of growth of the database SQL Mobile?

How another thing can be happening?

I sorry for my inlges ... i speak spanish


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BULK Insert From A Text File Name Stored Into A Variable

Mar 25, 2004

Hello I need to write a proc to load data from txt files I receive into a table. It works fine when I specify
bulk insert.... from 'myfilename.txt'
BUT my filename will always change and I store it into a variable @filename

When I try to run the bulk insert instruction ... from @filename it doesn't work..
do you know why?

Thank you in advance

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Transact SQL :: How To Do Bulk Insert Into Temp Table From Text File

Sep 15, 2015

How do I do a bulk insert into a temp table from a text file. Text file looks like that:
ver_id TYPE
E57AB326-803C-436E-B491-398A255C919A 58
34D2A601-6BBA-46B1-84E1-3A805FDA3812 58
986E140C-62F1-48F1-B428-3571EBF00DA0 58

My statement looks like this:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblTemp]([ver_id]  [nvarchar](255), [TYPE] [smallint]) 
BULK INSERT [dbo].[tblTemp]
FROM 'C:v2.txt'
I keep receiving errors.

The error I receive is: Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 2 (TYPE).

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BULK INSERT From A Text (.csv) File - Read Only Specific Columns.

Apr 23, 2008

I am using Microsoft SQL 2005, I need to do a BULK INSERT from a .csv I just downloaded from paypal. I can't edit some of the columns that are given in the report. I am trying to load specific columns from the file.

bulk insert Orders
FROM 'C:Users*******DesktopDownloadURL123.csv'


So where would I state what column names (from row #1 on the .csv file) would be used into what specific column in the table.

I saw this on one of the sites which seemed to guide me towards the answer, but I failed.. here you go, it might help you:

FORMATFILE [ = 'format_file_path' ]

Specifies the full path of a format file. A format file describes the data file that contains stored responses created using the bcp utility on the same table or view. The format file should be used in cases in which:

The data file contains greater or fewer columns than the table or view.

The columns are in a different order.

The column delimiters vary.

There are other changes in the data format. Format files are usually created by using the bcp utility and modified with a text editor as needed. For more information, see bcp Utility.

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Transact SQL :: How To Bulk Insert Rows From Text File Into A Wide Table Which Has 1400 Columns

Feb 3, 2010

we can easily load a file into db tables. However, my main concern here is the number of columns in the file. A text file TEXT_1400.txt has 1400 columns. I am unable to load data to my db table using BCP or BULK INSERT commands, as maximum of 1024 columns are allowed per table in SQL Server 2008. 

We can still go ahead and create ‘Wide Table’ (a special table that holds up to 30,000 columns.  The maximum size of a wide table row is 8,019 bytes.). But when operating on wide table, BCP/BULK INSERT commands still fail. After few hours of scratching my head over BCP and BULK INSERT, I observed that while inserting BCP/BULK INSERT commands are unable to identify SPARSE columns and skip these columns, which disturbs column mapping and results in data conversion and trancation errors.
Is there any proper way to load this kind of files into the db table? 

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Can I Insert/Update Large Text Field To Database Without Bulk Insert?

Nov 14, 2007

I have a web form with a text field that needs to take in as much as the user decides to type and insert it into an nvarchar(max) field in the database behind.  I've tried using the new .write() method in my update statement, but it cuts off the text after a while.  Is there a way to insert/update in SQL 2005 this without resorting to Bulk Insert? It bloats the transaction log and turning the logging off requires a call to sp_dboptions (or a straight-up ALTER DATABASE), which I'd like to avoid if I can.

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Nov 7, 2001

I am running the following:
FROM 'SERVER1downloadClient.txt'
DB.dbo.[stblCLIENT] is on SERVER2. I receive the following error:
"Could not bulk insert because file 'SERVER1downloadClient.txt' could not be opened. Operating system error code 53(The network path was not found.)."

I am able to run a DTS package that imports the same text file from SERVER1 with no error.

Is BULK INSERT limited to importing text files from the server on which SQL Server is running or should I be able to BULK INSERT from another server on my LAN?

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Transact SQL :: Bulk Insert From Remote Server?

Nov 20, 2015

SQL Server 2012

I want to be able to run the following command from SSMS (as an ad-hoc query).

BULK INSERT Database_Name.dbo.Table_Name FROM 'serverfile.txt' WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR = '|', ROWTERMINATOR = '0x0a', MAXERRORS = 0);

When I do I get:

Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Cannot bulk load because the file "serverfile.txt" could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.).

I have full access to the file.I can do the same command successfully if the file is stored on a local drive on the server.

According to my DBA I can not run it with a remote file location because I don't have the SA permission. His solution is for me to create a job that runs the command. I have done so and the job works correctly.

Is he correct that there is no way for me to be able to run it from SSMS without SA permissions?

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How Read File CSV File In Remote Server Using Bulk

Mar 24, 2008

Hi All,

I need to read a csv file, which is in remote server using SQl Bulk Insert Command.

Can I read a file Which is in remote server using BULK INSERT.

Thank you.......

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SQL 2012 :: Bulk Insert From Remote Folder Location

Jan 20, 2015

SQL Server 2012 running under a domain Managed Service Account. (Server A)
File located on a Windows 2012 server in a directory which has been shared to user A. (Server B).
User A is a domain account and is using his laptop, (laptop C) which is using SSMS to run a bulk insert command.

User A (Bulk Insert from laptop SSMS Client) --- > SQL Server (server A) --- > File Server (Server B)

The command fails and is returning Access denied to the file/folder share on Server B.

Running the same command on the SQL Server (Server A), the command works fine, so this is a double hop kerberos issue.

If I use a SQL Login from Laptop C, then the command works fine as the SQL Server will use the SQL's Managed service account to connect to the file share, which is set up for delegation and impersonation.

I am struggling to work out why a domain user cannot bulk insert a file from a remote location. I have checked that the user is connected with Kerberos authentication and they are. All articles seem to talk about setting up SPN's for the SQL Server so that SQL Login authentication can work over remote bulk insert, and just say to set up the file share properties properly if using a domain account.

What I am missing to allow domain accounts to bulk insert remotely, from a remote file share?

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Bulk Insert Into Views That Select From Table On Remote Server

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,We have an application through which we are bulk inserting rows into aview. The definition of the view is such that it selects columns froma table on a remote server. I have added the servers usingsp_addlinkedserver on both database servers.When I call the Commit API of oledb I get the following error:Error state: 1, Severity: 19, Server: TST-PROC22, Line#: 1, msg:SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 66 generated fatal exception c0000005EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.I would like to know if we can bulk insert rows into a view thataccesses a table on the remote server using the "bulk insert" or bcpcommand. I tried a small test through SQL Query Analyser to use "bulkinsert" on a such a view.The test that I performed was the following:On database server 1 :create table iqbal (var1 int, var2 int)On database server 2 (remote server):create view iqbal as select var1,var2 from[DBServer1].[SomeDB].[dbo].[iqbal]set xact_abort onbulk insert iqbal from '\MachineIqbaliqbaldata.txt'The bulk insert operation failed with the following error message:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionCheckForData(CheckforData()).Server: Msg 11, Level 16, State 1, Line 0General network error. Check your network documentation.Connection BrokenThe file iqbaldata.txt contents were :112233If the table that the view references is on the same server then weare able to bulk insert successfully.Is there a way by which I should be able to bulk insert rows into aview that selects from a table on a remote server. If not then couldanyone suggest a workaround. I would actually like to know someworkaround to get the code working using OLEDB. Due to unavoidablereasons I cannot output the records to the file and then use bcp tobulk insert the records in the remote table. I need to have some wayof doing it using OLEDB.Thanks in advanceIqbal

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Why Does Bulk Insert Task Not Work From Remote Servers With Windows Authentication?

Jun 10, 2007

Using Bulk Insert Task extensively in our solution. Everything was working great till we deployed it in stage columns. The database server is different from application servers. We have ASP.NET web services driving SSIS packages on application server. After struggling thru several security issues to get this working (ended up creating an application pool with a domain account) we are now stuck with this problem. On a different note still don't understand what specific security permission is available to domain account that makes it work.

Read in some blog that SQL Server 2005 SP2 Beta had this (Bulk Insert) fixed but not in final production version. Is there a specific reason why this is so?

SSIS and the API is quite easy to work with but associated security and deployment issues are not always clear. A lot of answers seem to be coming from end users - thanks a lot to all for sharing your experiences - sadly not presented clearly in SSIS documentation.

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BULK INSERT And Text Fields

May 30, 2004


I am trying to do a bulk insert using a text file that is comma delimited.

In the text file there are fields which are surrounded by quotes and contain commas; these commans should not be considered delimiters.

Is there a way to tell the BULK INSERT statement not to treat these as delimiters?



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BULK INSERT ERROR Using Format File - Bulk Load Data Conversion Error

Jun 29, 2015

I'm trying to use Bulk insert for the first time and getting the following error. I think it might have something to do with my Format File and from the error msg there's a conversion error for the first column. In my database the Field is nvarchar(6) so my best guess is to use SQLNChar for the first column. I've checked the end of each line is CR LF therefore the is correct for line 7 right?

Msg 4863, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Bulk load data conversion error (truncation) for row 1, column 1 (ASXCode).
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7330, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".



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How To Insert Data From A File Into Table Having Two Columns-BULK INSERT

Oct 12, 2007

i have a file which consists data as below,


Iam reading file using bulk insert and iam inserting these phone numbers into table having one column as below.


but i want to insert the data into table having two columns. if iam trying to insert the data into table having two columns its not inserting.

can anyone help me how to do this?


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Using Bulk Insert With Text Qualifiers?

Aug 19, 2014

The files have pipe delimters and double quotes as text qualifiers. I can get the file to import with a bulk insert statement, but it brings in the double quotes in as well. What setting is it that can be set to indicate what the text qualifiers are?

Here is are a few sample lines of data:

"1"|"30101"|"H1"|"2013-05-16 09:33:19"|"1"
"2"|"30100"|"H1"|"2013-05-16 16:22:32"|"1"
"3"|"30103"|"H4"|"2013-05-16 16:22:32"|"1"
"4"|"30104"|"H3"|"2013-05-05 01:26:20"|"1"

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SSIS Text Qualifier Problem With Bulk Insert - Please Help

Jan 16, 2007

I have created an SSIS package, in my VS2005 solution, that Bulk Inserts a CSV file (see example below) 
"100",2006-10-03 00:00:00,"HEX012",1"101",2006-10-03 00:00:00,"DS00130",1
I have a Bulk Insert Task that uses a Flat File Connection Manager to import my CSV file into my SQL2005 database.
My source CSV file (see example above), has double quatation marks surrounding any text fileds.
I have set the Flat File Connection Manager's 'Text Qualifier' to double quatation marks.
The Bulk Insert works ok, but ignores the Text Qualifier.
My database table is left with the original quatation marks in any text field.
Any help appreciated.

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Bulk Copy ... To A Text File

Aug 12, 1999

Is it possible to Export a SQL passthrough query to a text file

@A1 int

bcp '"select * from bank where id = @a1" query out ....... "

Or I have to use sth. like SQLDMO ???? But I dont know how to do it ..

Please Helpppppp


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Bulk Import With Header In Text File

Nov 28, 2005

I would appreciate some help on a procedure that I have. Using BulkInsert, I would like to import records from a text file. The issue Ihave is the file contains a header - '1AMC_TO_Axiz' and a footer'1AMC_TO_Axiz2". Using a format file, I can get the import to work byediting the file and removing these two entries. Is there a way tosetup the format file to skip these two entries? My file currentlylooks like this:7.0161 SQLCHAR 0 50 "|" 1 keyMemberNo2 SQLCHAR 0 10 "|" 2 fldEffdate.................16 SQLCHAR 0 10 "
" 16 fldNewRecordThanksCharles

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Bulk Update To Existing SWL Table From CSV Text File

Mar 16, 2015

I am trying my first bulk update to an existing SWL table from a CSV text file,The text file naming is exacrtly the same as the SQL table, with the same attributes

The statements:
BULK INSERT [Jedox_prod].[dbo].[B_BP_Customer]
FROM 'c:Baanjedox_dailyjdcom4401.txt'


The error message is:
[size=1Msg 4864, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 2, column 3 (BP_Country).
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7330, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".size=1]..The have checked and re-checked the BP_Country field ( the 1st field after the key) and I am not seeing any mismatches.

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Bulk Load From Text Delimited File To SQL Table

Dec 13, 2007


I am new to SSIS but i have avg working knowledge in sql.
My problem is as follows ,I have a text pipe dilimited file in some folder and the number of columns and the name of the column is not consistant. It can have N number of column and it can have any column names. I need to load this text file data into a sql table. All that i want is to load this file to SQL Database with some temp name. Once i get the table in SQL Database, i can match the column names of both taget table and this temp table and only push those column which matches with the target table. For this i can frame Dynamic SQL. This part is clear to me.

Now the problem is , I developed a SSIS pacakge to push the text file to SQL Table. I am able to do this. But if i change the column names or added new column SSIS is not able to push the new columns. Is this functionality available in SSIS, is it can be dynamic like this?

I hope i am clear with my prob... if need any clarification please let me know

thanks in advance


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Bulk Insert From A .csv File

May 5, 2006

Hi folks,

I have a small problem - I am unable to load data from a .csv file into a table in SQL Server. Here is the command I am running:
BULK INSERT CCSProgramParticipation FROM 'c: est.csv'

Data in test.csv is the following format: (date fields can be blank)

What I see is the data does get loaded; however, data from the following row is getting inserted in the last field of a particular row (previous row) - it seems like the rowterminator is being ignored.

Has anyone encountered this issue? Please let me know your thoughts on this.

Thanks so much!


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Bulk Insert From CSV File

Oct 9, 2013

I am bulk inserting from a csv file using

FROM 'C:UsersRobsDocumentsSoccer2011-2012SC1.csv'

Works fine. Most of my csv files have the same number of columns, but some have 4 less. The files contain the same column headings as the full size ones(only 4 less). Is there a way when bulk inserting for sql to either skip these, or ignore the error.

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How To Bulk Insert From A Txt File?

Mar 28, 2008

Well hi here is my text file

and a table with Id , name, surname, email

the ID is a autoincrement thats why it gives me error any way to to skip this ID so let the sql create it automaticaly for every row?

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Jul 20, 2005

Hi there,I have some text files saved using a UTF-8 encoding. The "BULK INSERT"statment in Sql Server 2000 is failing with a column length error. Savingthe file as ASCII removes the problem. However, I would like to import filesin UTF-8 format. I understand that the BCP tool, when used from the commandline, can take an "-F UTF8" argument, which allows it to work. Can this bedone from the SQL> prompt with the BULK INSERT statement?Cheers,Tobin

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Bulk Insert Command With Dbf File

Dec 28, 2007

hi friends
i am using bulk insert command for txt files
but now i want to use bulk insert command for dbf files
so plz any one can tell me how to use this command for dbf files
thanx in advance.........

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Bulk Insert With Dynamic File Name

Feb 15, 2006

Hi everyone,I am trying to bulk insert some data from a csv file to a table. I can do it as part of a button on click event, but don't know how to do it using a stored procedure. This is what I have,ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.TestImportData    (
    @filename varchar(50)    )
    BULK INSERT dbo.[TestTable]
   FROM @filename
    /* SET NOCOUNT ON */
    RETURNI get the error message "Incorrect syntax near '@filename', Incorrect syntax near 'with'). What am I doing wrong? What should I do? Please help!

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Bulk Insert Using Format File.......

Apr 8, 2001

I want to use the bulk insert statement to insert data from a text file that contains more columns than the target sql table does. I am using SQL 7.0.

I am using a format file, but I can't work out how to achieve the above. SQL books online (and the msdn website) do not describe how to do this, but it is intimated that it can be done.

Any suggestions ?



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How To Bulk Insert A File With No Row Terminator?

Jul 16, 2004

Hi All,

I have a file that has fixed row size of 148 and fixed column size, but the file has no end of line character. I know it is wierd but a client has made the file and refuses to change the format. So I am stuck with reading it the way it is.
In Enterprise Manager, I used the Import/Export wizard and I specified fixed length and it let me specify 148 as the lenght of each line. Then it recognized the file and I was able to read it in.
I saved the DTS package and I can run it over and over again using dtsrun. However I want to do the same thing using Bulk Insert. How do you specify fixed row length for Bulk insert and how do you give it individual column lengths?



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