Jan 24, 2005

Dear All,

I am importing all the files from a particular folder to a table on my database KB. It is working perfectly if i use it on the same system where the DB exists and not working from
the network. Also this scritp is working perfectly on sqlserver7 and not working on sqlserver2000.

SQL2000 returns error near comma

set @query ='BULK INSERT '+ @Tablename + ' FROM "'+ @Filepath+@Filename+'"
WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = ","(returns error here) ,ROWTERMINATOR = "


--Table Creation Starts here

Create table Account([ID] int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, Name Varchar(100),
AccountNo varchar(100), Balance money)

Create table logtable (id int identity(1,1),
Query varchar(1000),
Importeddate datetime default getdate())

--Table Creation ends here

---Stored Procedure Starts here

Create procedure usp_ImportMultipleFiles @filepath varchar(500),
@pattern varchar(100), @TableName varchar(128)
set quoted_identifier off
declare @query varchar(1000)
declare @max1 int
declare @count1 int
Declare @filename varchar(100)
set @count1 =0
create table #x (name varchar(200))
set @query ='master.dbo.xp_cmdshell "dir '+@filepath+@pattern +' /b"'
insert #x exec (@query)
delete from #x where name is NULL
select identity(int,1,1) as ID, name into #y from #x
drop table #x
set @max1 = (select max(ID) from #y)
--print @max1
--print @count1
While @count1 <= @max1
set @count1=@count1+1
set @filename = (select name from #y where [id] = @count1)
set @query ='BULK INSERT '+ @Tablename + ' FROM "'+ @Filepath+@Filename+'"
--print @query
exec (@query)
insert into logtable (query) select @query

drop table #y

--sp ends here

Exec usp_ImportMultipleFiles 'c:myimport', '*.csv', 'Account'

If i use the above Exec like

Exec usp_ImportMultipleFiles '\kb-02C$MyImport', '*.csv', 'Account'

I am getting the following error:

Could not bulk insert because file '\kb-02C$MyImportAccess is denied.' could not be

Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.).

C Drive and MyImport folder is shared on system kb-02

Also If if execute this script it should insert the following line to logtable for all the available files on myimport folder.

How do i modify the following line in the above script to get the syntax given below:

set @query ='BULK INSERT '+ @Tablename + ' FROM "'+ @Filepath+@Filename+'"

Required Syntax


Would appreciate your valuable HELP.

thanking your valuable help in advance.

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Feb 26, 2008

hi all,

can any one give me syntax example of how to use BULKINSERT

Thanx for any help


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Jan 2, 2008


I am trying to import comma delimitted text files which contain data for any particular country.

I have created SSIS package to import data into sql server table. table structure is exactly same as text file except one additional column which is to identify the CountryID. Text files we recieved does not contain CountryID column.

I am using BULK INSERT Task in SSIS to import the data as text files are quite big (up to 1 GB). during processing I do determine the country id for that text file as file name contain countrycode which can be use for lookup and get the countryid.


CYN is the country code and country table has got country id for it.

I am using Format file with BULK INSERT task as table has additional column which does not present in source file.
currently after inserting all rows into table i have to run an UPDATE statement to update the value of CountryID column which is very expensive some time taking more then 30 min for (30 million rows)

Can anyone tell me how to insert an expression when using BULK INSERT command / Task in SSIS. there must be a way to insert litterals using Bulk Insert.

Thanks in Advance.
Furrukh Baig

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Import A XML File In SQL2005 DB Using BulkInsert?

Apr 15, 2008

Hi All,

I am dealing with a lot of XML file data that I load in a SQL 2005 database using Integration Services. Let me give you a high level idea of I how I do it.

The way I do it is that a) I create a blank Integration Services Project, then b) In the "Control Flow" tab I put the "Data Flow Task" by simply dragging "Data Flow Task" on to the "Control Flow" page. c) Then in the "Data Flow" tab I drag the "XML Source" as my data flow source, and drag "OLEB Destination" as my data flow destination; then I create a connection between the "XML Source" and "OLEDB Destination" and point the "XML Source" to my XML file, and I point the "OLEDB Destination" to the Database where I want to load the XML file. I configure the mappings etc if needed and run the package. This works fine for me. But if the XML file is large it takes hours to load the data. I am dealing with huge size XML files and I want an alternative in Inegration Services probably "Bulk Insert Task" but dont know how to use it.
Can someone please explain how I can use bulk insert as a fast alternative to load the data. Please list the steps.

Thans a milliom in advance.


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Load Data With BulkInsert In DTS, How To Skip The First Line?

Dec 13, 2007

I can skip the first line with Transform Data Task, it look like can not skip the first line in BulkInsert.
But bulkinsert is faster, anybody can help?


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Specifyin The Row Delimeter As Newline (Unix Style) In Bulkinsert Format File

Sep 28, 2007


I am bulk inserting the data from a file into a table using the following format.

1 SQLCHAR 0 10 "
" 1 MSISDN SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

This works perfectly for me.

But my problem is that the firmat may not be generated in Windows and i can't user "
" as row delimeter.
It could be generated in Unix and want to use LF as the row delimeter.

Questions :

1) How do i specify this kind of new line (LF ) in formatfile?
2) Is there anyway that i can specify both the delimeters and let it use which ever is appropriate ?

Please provide some inputs on this??

Thank u so much

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