Back Up To A Logical Device And Restore It

Nov 6, 2007

I want to back up my database to a logical drive and restore it from this logical device. But I am unable to see my logical device through sql server management studio interface. I am able to back up to a logical device and restore it from logical device through T-SQL code. I am wondering how come I am unable to see my logical device from sql server management studio interface. Is there any way, I can solve this problem? Thanks in advance.

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Sep 5, 2001

Is there any SYSTABLE or table from where I can get the backup device logical name.



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Difference Between Backing Up To A File And A Logical Backup Device?

Jun 16, 2007

What's is the between backing up a database to a file and a logical backup device?

If I point the logical backup device to a file on the filesystem, it's same as backing up to a file? isn't?


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Back Up Media , Device , Tape !!!!!

Jan 12, 2007

Hi all , hope my post finds u all well.

Currently I was reading about how to create a backup and i have some questions and i hope to find helpful answers..

what is back up media ,device and tape ?
how to initialize the media and what is the need for something like that ?
what about media headers that must be written ?

thanks in advance
Davids Maguire

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Database Restore - Logical Filename

Apr 10, 2001

Hello All,

I am facing problem with Logical File Name while restoring database. I am taking a backup of ABC database from Server1 in abc.bak file.

Then I am creating new database XYZ on Server2. Server1 and Server2 are not connected to each other in anyway, since both servers belong to different companies. Here on Server2 I want to restore backup of abc.bak on XYZ database. I select restore from Device, and on option tab I am selecting Force restore over existing database, in the below option I am specifying current Data & log file path for Move to physical file name.
But Logical file name shows ABC names, but if I tried to change those to XYZ names then restore fails. But if I keep ABC names then it works.

Is anybody knows how to over come this Logical Name issue?

Many thanks in advance….


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SQL Server Comact Error 0XC0000005 After Device Is Powered Off And Back On

Mar 12, 2008

This is my first attempt to use SQL Server Compact with Visual Studio 2005.

I wrote a program for Inventory Scaning which requires the database to be stored on an SD Card. As long as the device is left powered on, the programs function normally. However, if the device powers off and is then turned back on the 0xC0000005 error is displayed when the program attempts to do anything with the SQL Connection.

I have also written a small sample program to test and the results are repeatable each time.

The sample program consists of a single form with six buttons (Create Database, Open Database, Insert Records, Delete Records, Close Database, Dispose Database).

Both programs are written in VB.

Here is the code for the sample program.

Public Class frmSQLTest

Private cnDB As System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection

Private connString As String

Private Sub frmSQLTest_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Me.txtDB.Text = "Storage CardTest.sdf"

End Sub

Private Sub txtDB_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtDB.LostFocus

connString = "Data Source=" & Me.txtDB.Text

Me.txtStatus.Text = "Connection String Set"

End Sub

Private Sub btnCreate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCreate.Click

If Me.txtDB.Text = Nothing Then

MessageBox.Show("Unable to Create Database")

Exit Sub

End If

Dim eng As New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeEngine(connString)


eng = Nothing

Me.txtStatus.Text = "Database Created"

End Sub

Private Sub btnOpenDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOpenDB.Click

Dim sqlDB As New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand

If cnDB Is Nothing Then

cnDB = New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection(connString)

End If


Me.txtStatus.Text = "Database Opened"

sqlDB.Connection = cnDB

sqlDB.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE Master (Item nvarchar(12), Description nvarchar(19))"


sqlDB.CommandText = "CREATE INDEX idx_Master on Master (Item)"


Me.txtStatus.Text = "Master Table Created"

sqlDB = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub btnInsert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnInsert.Click

Dim RecCount As Long

Dim sqlDB As New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand

sqlDB.Connection = cnDB

For RecCount = 1 To Me.nudRecs.Value

sqlDB.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Master ([Item], [Description]) " _

& "VALUES ('" & RecCount.ToString & "','Test Item " & RecCount.ToString & "')"


If RecCount Mod 100 = 0 Then

Me.txtStatus.Text = "Updating Record..." & RecCount.ToString

End If


Me.txtStatus.Text = "Records Inserted"

sqlDB = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click

Dim sqlDB As New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand

sqlDB.Connection = cnDB

sqlDB.CommandText = "Delete FROM Master"

Me.txtStatus.Text = "Master Table Cleared"

sqlDB = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub btnCloseDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCloseDB.Click


Me.txtStatus.Text = "Database Closed"

End Sub

Private Sub btnDispose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDispose.Click

cnDB = Nothing


Me.txtStatus.Text = "Database Diposed"

End Sub

End Class

In my tests, I start the program (loaded on the Storage Card in the same directory as the database). SQL Server Compact is also installed on the SD Card to save space in Main Memory.

Steps to Re-Create the Error:

1. Click the Create Database button. Database is created properly.
2. Click the Open Database button. Database connection opens properly.
3. Click the Insert Records button. Records are inserted into the table properly.
4. Turn off the Symbol MC3000 unit.
5. Turn the unit back on.
6. When I click on any of the following buttons, the error is displayed. Close Database, Insert Records, Delete Records.

I have also tried closing the database (as well as closing and disposing the database) prior to step 4 above, but when I try to re-open the database (or create the database) again, the error displays.

Is there anyway to correct this issue?

With the real program, the database must be kept open as long as each form is open to prevent speed issues and the database must be stored on the SD Card since there is not enough storage space available on the device.

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SQL 2012 :: Alter Logical FileName During Restore

Aug 12, 2015

Can two databases have same logical filenames in the same instance?

In my instance, database already exists say A.

I have to restore DB B with the same backup used for database A in the same instance.

So, once the database B is restored, A and B will have same logical fileNames.

Can I leave it as is? Or do i alter only after B is restored?

Or is there a way where I can change the logical file for B while restoring?

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Restore SQL DB With Correct Logical File Names

Feb 20, 2007

Hi,I am planning to automate a nighty restore of a DB on another servercan someone point me in the right direction with the SQL script tomodify the logical file names to the correct path and not the onescarried over with the DB??i.e the database is to be renamed on the new serverany help much appreciatedMany thanks in advance

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DB Engine :: Logical Backup / Restore Method?

Oct 22, 2015

Is it possible to backup/restore sql server databases in a logical way like oracle(exp/imp, expdp,impdp, can export/import tables/users etc)?my case, I have a database which has many data files, in different file groups, I would like to put them together into one file and don't want to shred the database.

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Restore Gives 'invalid Logical Page Number' Error

Jun 24, 1999

We tried to restore an empty database from a backup and got:
'Load database encountered an invalid logical page number' error.
This then set the database as 'loading'

Anyone got any ideas?

We aren't exactly sure how big the first database was when the backup was done but if the new database isn't big enough to contain the backed up data, wouldn't we get a more meaningful error?


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SQL Restore To Different Size Device

Feb 10, 1999

What I need to do is restore a full backup of one database to a database where disk space is limited.

so my source device is 2gb for data and 1gb for tranlog
my dest is 1.5gb for data and .5gb for tranlog

I am thinking this is not possible, but thought I would post here anyway!
Thanks in advance!

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Restore Last Backup From A Device

Mar 29, 2004

I want to be able to take a backup device to another server and then restore the last backup file within the device.

My script creates the backup device using the filename of the file from the other server but when I do the restore it only restores the first file in the device.

How can I get it to restore the last file? In EA I can do a manual resotre and look inside the device and choose say backup number 2.

How can I do this in a script?


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How To Restore Data From A Device File On The Harddisk

Aug 27, 1999

i had to fromat the harddisk for some reason , but took a backup of the data device file . is it possible to recover tha data from them .

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Back And Restore MSSQL

Mar 14, 2008

How could i back and restore my MSSQL using a programmatic way throw Also Can i use do an incremental back. Regards,IseL 

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Back Up And Restore Problem

Aug 11, 2006

Hi All,

I have a problem that I haven't been able to solve it. At the end I am confused I need some clarifications.

I am using full back up recovery plan. I am getting daily full back up and every 15 minutes log_back up. I created these back ups by using Database Maintenance option. However I have been trying to restore the log_back up, but I couldn't achieve it.

Question1- When I take log back up do I have to activate "Remove inactive entries from transaction log" or not??

Info: When the log back up was done it deletes the latest 4th one. I have done this without no reason. Should I keep like that or should I allow the files being deleted right away after transaction logs backed up?

Question2- I cannot restore the log files I don't know why? I have followed every description that I read. After I restored full back up with NOREOCVERY the database hangs out says "loading" but it doesn't do anything and when I try to restore it doesn't accept the latest log back up file and it urges me to put newer file than I have but ıt is only latest log back up that I have Why does this happen?

I am so confused. Please help me



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SQL Diagrams And Back And Restore

Jan 25, 2006

I simply would like to know if ER Diagrams (under Database -Diagrams) on SQL Server and removed once the database is updated via a backup and restore.

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HELP!!! Can Not Restore Database From Only Back Up I Have

Jul 10, 2006

I had to transfer my database from one server to another. Both are running SQL 2000. I backed the database up and moved it to the new server however when I try to do a restore I get the following message:

The media set for database "xxx' has 2 family members but only 1 are provided. RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

I did some searching and found a couple of posts that mentioned something about the back up including 2 files.

My problem is that the machine I backed this up from crashed when it was shut down and would not reboot so all of the data and the original database do not exist. Is there any hope of restoring this database. It is pretty critical.


Melissa :-)

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Back And Restore Scripting

May 23, 2008

Hi i am backing up a database, copying it to a shared folder on a different computer on same LAN, then restoring it on the different computer.
it used to work fine untill last few weeks.
I have also tried robocopy to copy the files....doesnt works.
the backup is 90GB.
It reports, insufficient resources.
I have rebooted the different computer too.

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Restore Back To SQL 2000

Oct 1, 2007

Is it possible to uninstall SQL 2005 and reinstall SQL 2000 if I need to? I would obviously have a backup copy of the database(s) from the SQL 2000 version. If so, is this a major ordeal to perform?

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Is It Possible To Just Restore Particular Tables From A Back Up Of A Database

Jan 29, 2007

  I backed my sql server database on Fri at 3:15pm and then tried importing some tables individually from a different database and but that didnt work out too good, so is there a way i can just restore particular tables from the backup.
any help will be appreciated.

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Need To Back Up A Database And Then Restore It On Another Server

May 18, 2007

I need to back up a production database on one server and then copy it to a test server wherel it will be restored. The problem is that I don't know where to move the  file to on the production server before I restore it. Is there a special folder I need to copy the file to? I see a folder named ProgramFilesMicrosoft SQL Server but beyond that I have no idea where to copy the file so that it can be restored?
Can someone help me out please?

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Back Up And Restore For Hosting Company

Jan 16, 2008

Hi I need for my hosting company to send my db that I have convert from SQL EXR.2005 to 2000 and send them a backup file.
 I have back up it (task> backup )and sand it over they cant open (restore) it and I do not understand why
 What did I do wrong? (this time:- )
Thanks assaf

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How Can Take Back-Up And Restore Database From A Web Form Wsing

Aug 18, 2005

I want to give a facility to backup database restore database  to the customer in my project.

Database is stored in sql server 2000.

From the website the browser can take backup by clicking BACKUP button and
restore database by clicking RESTORE button.

is it possiable in programatically ?

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Back Up And Restore Using Transaction Log And Incremental Backup

Feb 1, 2001

hi, I would like to know the correct reaction for a crash in both senarios.
First senario,
I made a full back up at 6 am , then scheduled sql server to make transaction log back up every 2 hours (8,10,12,2 pm,4,6,8) . If I have a crash at 12:30. How would I resotre the data in the first senario....Can I restore the full back up done at 6 am then restore the last transaction log backup ( which is 12 Noon ) . I am not sure If I need to resotre the whole tran from 6 am till the time it was crashed.

Second senario,

I made a full back up at 6 am, then scheduled sql server to make Incremental backup every 2 hours (8,10,12,2 pm,4,6,8) . If I have a crash at 3:00 pm. How would I resotre the data in the second senario. ....Do I restore the full backup at 6 am then restore each incremental backup backwords ( 2,12,10,8)

AS you can see, I am not sure how to deal with this issue, I do appreciate your feedback.

Best regards


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Upgrading Hard Drives, Best Way To Back Up And Restore SQL

Jul 20, 2005

I'm formatting my mirrored drives and installing a third drive forraid 5 to add more space. I have backup exec. Can anyone tell me thebest way to backup SQL so I can be sure it will restore properly? Iwas thinking of using imaging software and creating an image to a USB2.0 hard drive. The DB is 80 gigs.ThanksNH

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Need To Back Up && Restore A SQL Server Database When Only SQL 2000 And 2005 Are Available.

Oct 22, 2007

I am maintaining a .net 1.0 web application that accesses a SQL server 2000 database. I need to backup the database and then restore it on a laptop. Currently it resides on a server. The problem is that on the server they are using sql server 2005. If I backup using 2005 and then try and restore this database using SQL server 2000 or 2005 on the laptop, I get an error message. "Too many backup devices specified for backup or restore; only 64 are allowed. RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
What can I do to restore the database? Must it be backed up with SQL server 2000 and then restored with SQL Server 2005?
Please help!

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How Do I Restore Sql Server Database Primary Data Back .mdf

Feb 12, 2007

Hello guys
My server crashed  but luckily  I was not able to get back my files with help of recovery software.
Now, all I have from the database are just sql server database primary data .mdf and sql server databaseTransaction Log Files .ldf. I need to restore  these data back to sql server.

Please could someone tell me how to restore these two file types back to my sql sever 2007 database?

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How To Verify The Integrity Of A Back-up File Prior To Restore?

Mar 22, 2007


I have some C# (.NET 2.0) code that performs back-ups and also can perform restores of back-up files. I would like to validate the integrity of a file prior to initiating a restore operation. In other words, I want to know, before I try to restore, if the file is just a random file (picture, work doc, zipped backup, etc.) or if it is a valid SQL backup file.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Back && Restore From Network Path Using SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

May 27, 2008

I am trying to restore database from network drive but
sql server 2005 express is giving error
" <dbname> cannot be opened due to inaccessible files
or insufficient memory or disk space ("
But when I restore database from "C:" or local drive it alows to do so.
Can anyone help.

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Expanding Tempdb In A Device Prevents The Device From Being Deleted

Nov 17, 1998

I have a database in development in SQL Server 6.5 that needs to be occasionally deleted and rebuilt from a script when table structures are changed. I found that when very complex queries were performed, the 2 MB default size of tempdb filled up and returned errors, so I went to the Enterprise Manager to expand tempdb, learned that I had to first expand a device to expand tempdb into, and foolishly chose to expand tempdb into the same device space used by my application, instead of into one of the system databases. Now when I try to delete the device in preparation for its rebuild, the Enterprise Manager responds with an error message saying the device can't be deleted because it contains system tables. Is there any way to get the expanded portion of tempdb out of my application device so that the device can be deleted, without reinstalling SQL Server?

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I Want To Revert Back To Original State Of Database Before I Performed Restore Database

Nov 15, 2006

Hello,i am in great trouble. I want to revert back to original state ofdatabase before i performed restore database on my sql server 2KDatabase. Accidently i didn't take backup of my Database and i didrestore, so is there any way to get the original state back of myDatabase?Any suggestion will be highly appriciated.Regards,S. Domadia.

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Possible To Restore A Database From Just The Database Device?

Jun 6, 2000

I had a major disk failure, and the only SQL Server files I was able to recover were master.dat, msdb.dat,msdblog.dat, two text files and two database devices. My question, is it possible in SQL 6.5 to restore a database from just the database device, and if so, how? Thank you.


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Visual Studio 2005 The Remote Connection To The Device Has Been Lost. Please Verify The Device Connection And Restart Debugging.

Jun 19, 2006

Basically I've been using Visual Studio 2005 for a few weeks now moving a Pocket PC project from 2003 to 2005. When I hit the Start Debugging Button every time until today the project would rebuild and deploy to my pocket PC allowing me to debug etc but now I get

The remote connection to the device has been lost.

Please verify the device conection and restart debugging.

I used to get this problem in VS2003 sometimes and just like the numerous posts on different sites that I've looked at the problem eventually goes away and I'm none the wiser. One guy said that he found that if he went to bed the problem was resolved when he came back!

My PDA running Windows 2003 2nd Edition is directly connected to my PC via a USB port. I've rebooted my PC and done a soft reset on the PDA but it didn't help. I'm using ActiveSync 4.1.

Does anyone know how to resolve this problem?

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