Backing Up Databases With Enterprise Manager

Jul 12, 2006

Please forgive my ignorance - I'm completely new to MSSQL.

Our office bought a set of Laserfiche licenses and had to also buy MSSQL to handle the database end of things. Part of my job is to make sure everything gets backed up. I want to use Enterprise Manager to back up the databases which seems straightforward enough - even though I've never done it.

Our Network Admin has installed a temporary USB drive to hold our back-ups until a more permanent form of media can be installed. He is using drive compression to maximize the space available. The server sees it as Drive F:

I created a folder on F: to contain my MSSQL Back-ups. Then I opened Enterprise Manager and clicked on SQL Server Group, which contains two databases:

(local) (Windows NT)



My understanding is that they both have to be backed up.

I clicked on the first one, then selected the Database Maintenence Plan Wizard from the 'Tools' menu. I stepped through the process (choosing 'all databases') until I got to the point where I could specify the back-up directory. I was able to browse right to the folder I created and choose it. I could then finish the process normally. The problem is that when I selected the second database (CYWD_IMAGE/LASERFICHE) and launched the wizard I was unable to browse to my folder. I could choose the F: Drive but no folder showed up under it. Oddly, it would not even show me my D: partition (just thought I'd mention that in case it is somehow relevent).

I don't see any difference in the properties tabs between these two databases. The obvious difference is the name, and that one says (local) and the other does not.

I really don't want to choose to dump the back-up into the root of F:

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.


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Enterprise Manager Loading Databases

Feb 27, 2006

I'm on a shared MS SQL server, and I have access on 2 databases there.On the server there are many other database, I guess around 170.When I want to access my database I open enterprise manager choose the server from the server list and click on "databases" to list all databases. This last step (listing all databases) takes ages to complete, it takes something like 3 minutes to show all databases so I can click my database from the list and do my thing.
Isn't there any way to only view my own databases and not showing the others. I can't access the others so there's really no point in showing them anyway, it only takes time.

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Unable To See The Databases From Enterprise Manager

Dec 27, 2005

IN the enterprise manager I could see my database server but could not see the databases.Bur I can see the databases and database objects in quesry analyzer. What should be the problem and how can see the databases from my enterprise manager.

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Enterprise Manager - Showing All Databases

Mar 24, 2004


I was wondering about a way so that only those databases are shown to a user who has access to them and NOT all databases when s/he expands "Databases" node in enterprise manager.

Since it is by design of enterprise manager therefore it is not possible to hide other databases in EM. Is there anyother tool/ wrapper available for the same functionality?

The need for this arises when one wants to access a database on a shared ISP server containing hundreds of databases and due to slowness of link, connection times out.

Faisal Haroon

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Databases Not Showing Up In Enterprise Manager

Dec 2, 2005

Enterprise Manager for MSSQL 2000 (V8.0), connecting to MSSQL 7 databaseserver:Some logins can see the listing of all databases through EnterpriseManager, some cannot. Logins are set up as users in the same databases,and do not have any special server roles.If it makes any difference, none of the logins are tied in to the Windowslogins.Any idea why some of these logins can't see the databases?Regards,Lyle H. Gray

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SQL Server 2000 Databases To SQL Server 2005? Enterprise Manager And Management Stuio At The Same Server?

Feb 13, 2008

When I proposed start to use SQL Server 2005 for new VS 2005 web sites, one of my co-workers responded that
we will update the old SQL Server 2000 databases to SQL Server 2005 when we are ready to use 2005 SQL Server.

1. Any expected problems to upgrade old 2000 databases to new 2005 SQL Server?
2. I have installed both 2005/Management Studio Express and 2000/Enterprise Manager in my PC. Any expected
problems when running both 2000 and 2005 SQL Server at the same database server?
3. What is the best configuration for running SQL Server 2005 when we have old 2000 databases? Upgade or not upgrade?


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Backing Up Databases 2 ---HELP HELP!! URGENT!!

Nov 9, 2000

I used sp_detach_db to back up the database temporarily. I used xp_cmdshell
to stop SQLServerAgent, but when I restarted, I was unable to. Then, I tried
reattaching the Database running sp_attach_db.


Server: Msg 5105, Level 16, State 4, Line 1
Device activation error. The physical file name
'Mssql7dataTestDB.mdf' may be incorrect.


Really Appreciate the Help

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Backing Up Databases And Tlogs Properly?

Dec 11, 2006

As I am learning more and more, I wanted to ask what most people think is the proper way to backup SQL DB and Tlogs.

Right now, I have one DB on the server (all the default DB's as well) and I have FULL recovery mode set.

Do most people use a script to backup the DB and TLogs?
Do they use enterprise manager?
Do they use maintenance plans?

I am planning on doing tlog backups every hour as that suits oure need, and full backups nightly.

What are some recommended approaches to doing this properly?

Thank you,

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Problems Running Enterprise Manager And Service Manager

Jul 20, 2005

On one of our machines, all of the SQL Server 2000components except for the main Server component (SQL Servercore) itself were installed (Management tools, etc) a while agoand everything was running fine. Now I go and add/install theServer component and then Service Pack 3a.It seems that Service Manager won't start up (I get an hourglass cursor)and now I find that Enterprise Manager won't run as well. No errormessages appeared and I don't think I saw anything unusual inthe log file.However, I can use Enterprise Manager on a differentmachine and connect to the database (so the databaseitself seems to be running).Any suggestions as to what the problem might be and how tofix it? I like to see if I can repair this without havingto do a reinstall.Thanks.PF

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Help! Enterprise Manager Turns SQL Server Service Manager Off

Dec 6, 2006

IF someone can assist me. Everytime I load up enterprise manager the service manager turns off. And the enterprise manager can't connect to the local database. But everytime i turn it back on and try to connect again it shuts it off and around and around we go. Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Backing Up Related Databases Using Marked Transactions

Mar 19, 2008

I am currently investigating how to safely back up the seven related databases that drive Microsoft Team Foundation Server. Microsoft is suspiciously vaigue and inconsistent about how to perform a safe TFS database backup.

This article states "Although SQL Server Management Studio allows you to back up individual databases at a time, restoring from such back ups can cause unexpected results because the databases are related and you risk restoring outdated versions."
Here, that requirement is strengthened (search for text in article 'Backing up Databases') "Because this data is stored in seven related databases, you might want to use marked transactions in the transaction logs of each database. Transaction-log marks help guarantee absolute consistency in the distributed data set."
but then it weakens the case again a few sentences later...
"Databases for Team Foundation Server are loosely coupled; any latency issues generally are limited to relationships between things such as work items and change sets that are created during the backup window."
There are various other TFS administrators with the same worry about backing up the TFS databases - see here and here.

This requirement to back up related databases to a consistent point in time is not new in Microsoft products. It seems that BizTalk server had exactly the same complication. The nice thing for the BizTalk administrators was that Microsoft included a stored procedure to manage backup of related databases in this way. Team Foundation server administrators don't seem to be so lucky.

I've read the documentation for distributed transaction marking but it doesn't give me that high-level overview that I'm looking for. In our installation, all of the seven databases are hosted on the same machine and same instance of SQL Server.

My initial misconception about transaction marking was that I assumed TFS itself would routinely insert marks into the transaction logs of the seven databases during its normal operation, at points in time where it knows that their state is consistent. This doesn't appear to be the case. The explanation of the BizTalk stored procedure indicates that the log mark insertions are initiated by SQL server as a DBA task. It seems that the insertion of these named marks is done just prior to performing database log backups. This makes sense, so presumably once SQL Server is told to make the marks, it waits for a point in time at which all transactions are closed across all related databases before inserting the marks simultaneously.

If I've got that overview correct, then my real problem is that I can't find an example of the T-SQL that would actually do this. In pseudocode I'd expect it to be something like...

begin distributed transaction across (list of 7 databases), timeout 300 seconds

insert transaction log mark 'safe to restore to this point'
end distributed transaction

I suspect that this page will probably end up having all the information on it I need, but after reading it several times I can't quite nail it. If anyone can help then I'd be most grateful.


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Trouble Backing-up All Databases To Network Folder Using A Maintenance Plan

Oct 10, 2006

I have set up a Database Maintenance Plan that does a nightly backup of all of my databases (about 12 of them) to a network folder. The plan works for about 95% of the job, but most nights there will be at least 1 database which will fail with the following error...
BackupDiskFile::RequestDurableMedia: failure on backup device '\myfileserverBackupSQLDatabaseDatabaseNameD atabaseName_db_200610081749.BAK'. Operating system error 64(The specified network name is no longer available.).
I know that this is not a permission or storage problem, because it works for most of the job. And a database that fails one night, may work fine the next night only to have a DIFFERENT database fail that night, and sometimes all databases work 100%.

Is there a way to fix this problem? And if not, is there a way to be notified of which specific database in the maintenance plan is failing. The message on the job itsself is very non-descriptive and I have to manually search the logs to find out which databases were successful & which where not. It is very time consuming. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

View 5 Replies View Related Enterprise Manager

Nov 30, 2006

has anyone used this tool to upload sql databases to a web host
i'm struggling

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Where Is Enterprise Manager?

Sep 10, 2005

I installed SQL Server MSDE 2000 but I can't find how to start it. Does this package include an Enterprise Manager or not? I thought that maybe it was a standard XP Pro feature. I had no problem finding it in W2000 Pro.

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Enterprise Manager

Mar 21, 2001

When I open databases, there is nothing there - not even Master, Model, Temp, Pubs, etc.

When I open the query analyzer, however, they all appear in the drop down.

What is up with that? and how can I remedy?

OP sys:Win98
SQL Server 7

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Enterprise Manager

Jun 11, 2001

Has anyone encountered this error: When you are in Enterprise manager and you select a database then the tables tab and then you select a table and go to open table- select all rows, I get an error--An unexpected error happened during this operation-Query Designer encountered a query error! Please let me know if you have seen this. Also, when I access this from one networked computer I get the same error, then when I access it from another I do not!! The servers are interacting with Pivotal. The one that works does not!!

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Enterprise Manager

Jun 12, 2001

Hi all,
I have SQL 7.0 desktop addition installed on my local win NT workstation. I am able to connect to my local server using Quary Analyser but when i am trying to connect using EM, i am not able to connect. I am receiveing the following error message.
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
A conncetion could not be established to "servername" - Specified SQL Server not found. ConnectionOpen(CreateFile()).
Please verify SQL server is running and check your SQL Server registration properties(by right clicking "servername" node) and try again.
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
I have tried as said in the error message and also tried connecting with "sa" but its not working. I can see that the server is running and i am able to connect through QA.

any help is highly appriciated.

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Enterprise Manager

Jun 20, 2001

We can no longer open tables in EM. The error message is;

An unexpected error happened during this operation
[Query] - Query Designer encountered a Query error:
Unspecified error

The tables are fine - can access them other ways.It looks as if the fault is in the script used by EM. Anyway to clear this ??

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Enterprise Manager

Sep 26, 2001

I am fairly new sql dba in a company and I am sure Enterprise Manager is installed on PC's and it shouldn't. Is there a way of finding out other then visiting each workstation. Thanks in advance..

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SQL 7 Enterprise Manager

Jul 28, 2000

I am considering upsizing my Access 2000 DB to a SQL 7 server. I was told that having SQL 7 Enterprise Manager is highly prefferd but not essential as I can maintain the upsized DB with Access 2000. The only way that I have been able to find JUST enterprise manager seems to be with purchasing the whole SQL 7 program for $1300! Microsoft cannot be that cruel, that you have to buy the whole program just for Enterprise Manager!

My questions are:

Can I download just MS SQL 7 Enterprise Manager anywhere for a reasonable fee or free?


if not, can I continue to use Access 2000 to maintain the SQL 7 upsized DB?

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SQL Enterprise Manager

Jan 25, 2001

I have access to a SQL 7 server via my ISP Hosting account. I know Enterprise manager comes with the server software, but how can I get a copy of JUST Enterprise Manager?


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SQL Enterprise Manager

Apr 17, 2000

Is non-SA account able to view the SQL Enterprise Manager?

Thanks in advance!

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SQL Enterprise Manager

Aug 3, 1998

Is it possible to administer both 6.5 and 7.0 databases from the same SQL Enterprise Manager? I have read that you cannot do this because the 7.0 "plug-in" to the MMC wont work with 6.5 databases.

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Enterprise Manager

Nov 8, 2001

We had database corruption and cannot access the Enterprise Manager. DBCC returned errors 9000 to 9999 which I can't get any suggestions on how to handle from BOL. Any ideas!!!!! Thanks.

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Enterprise Manager

Mar 13, 2001

I would like to know if we can present users to access details database information about the databases on a server through Enterprise Manager.
If you create a SQL login and do NOT give it access to any database, if someone logons on your server with enterprise manager, even though he does not have access to any database, he will still see the list of all database on your servers plus tons of sensitive information like database owner.
Is is possible to limit enterprise manager to only view information about database that the user has access to?


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Enterprise Manager 6.5

Nov 26, 1999

How can I force users of Ent Manager 6.5 to enter a name/password when connecting to a server that has been registered? I dont want to use the sa name and password so that anyone could use my workstation to access our servers.

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SQL Enterprise Manager

Oct 10, 2003

Does anyone know how to turn off or disable the auto discovery for Enterprise Manager. Apparently our Network group is complaining that Enterprise Manager is generating noise on the network, it is not signifcant in volume but they complain it impacts there ability to detect hacking attempts on our network because it causes some false positives. I generally keep Enterprise Manager running because I will always have some manual job running from it and we have so many servers it takes awhile for them to all load when I first fire it up.


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SQL Enterprise Manager

Dec 26, 2007

Hello guys,

Just wondering if i can use CPU, Memory usage, I/O or wait events for SQL trace. I am having difficulty in finding theses events on SQL trace.

Also is it possible to show the SQL trace file output in graphical format.


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Enterprise Manager Bug

Jul 16, 2002


I have SQL server 2000 client machine on my XP desktop which worked fine
until yesterday.
Yesterday, I tried to set up client access (a tool from IBM to access AS400) unsuccesfully. Since ever, Each time I try to open a table in enterprise manager, I get the following error message
"The query cannot be executed because some files are either missing or not
registered. Run setup again to make sure the required files are registered".
While when I issue a query in analyzer it works fine.

I did that several times without success. Even, I removed the whole SQL 2000
setup, rebooted my machine, ran set up again for client tools which gave the
same result. Also, I re-setup MDAC2.6 SP2 but no way.

Which files are corrupted ?and I don't understand after doing all that,
setup goes smoothly without indicating any errors, but still when you open a
table in enterprise manager, it gives the same error.

Thanks in advance

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MS SQL Enterprise Manager Bug

Nov 15, 2004


Using MS SQL Server 7. When I go into a table in design view and order by date created, it only orders on the day and not the date (Enterprise Manager) e.g.

29/08/1981, 11/12/2004, 31/12/2003

should be


but it's this instead


Please help.... is this a bug

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Enterprise Manager

Jun 7, 2006


My Question is regarding the Query Analyzer.

When we click on the Query Analyzer Shortcut, it will prompt for a user id and password.but when we expand the databases node from EM and clicks on Tools->Query Analyzer Menu, after selecting a database node, the QA does not prompt for the user id and password. Can any one explain this behaviour of QA..

I am using Mixed mode authentication for my db server.

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Enterprise Manager

Jun 19, 2007

Hi All,

When I view the database properties using Enterprise Manager, some of the databases on the server are reporting that there is zero space available while others have space available. Does anybody know why?

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Need SQL 7 Enterprise Manager

Feb 28, 2004

Does anyone know where I can get a copy of Enterprise Manager? I have the trial copy of 2000, but I need to administer data on a SQL 7 server, and I cannot create stored procedures, add users, or create DTS packages in 2000 that will work on SQL 7.

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