Backing Up / Restoring 20 GB Database With Images Stored As Binary Code

Oct 29, 2015

I am trying to backup and restore a 20GB SQL database from a SQL Server 2012 to another SQL Server 2014, but I have come across the following issues:

1) The developers [against best practice] have stored multiple images in fields within the database as binary code.

This therefore exceeds the 65532 character limit in some fields, so even though the images do show [based upon the data saved within this field], I cannot find the data in the field beyond this 65532 limit, within SQL Server.

How can I export / locate this data after the 65532 character limit?

2) When I have attempted to restore the database I am getting this error message:

Restore of database 'zapkam' failed. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.RelationalEngineTa sks)

Additional information:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: RESTORE detected an error on page (1:1592996) in database "zapkam" as read from the backup set. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended)

I have managed to restore two other smaller databases using the same technique, but am wondering if it's an issue with the database itself.

3) I have uploaded this database to the new server using FileZilla FTP Client, but it has cut out, painfully at 80% + 90% on a couple of occasions.

Is there a better solution for uploading these big files that I could possibly use? For example, uploading table by table or similar...

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Binary Images Within A Database

Dec 31, 2007

Hello folks,

I am going to try to explain this as best I can. First off I have a single database within SQL 2005 and the table within the database has a field for binary image data. Currently this database has about 4,000 image records.

What I would like to do is recompress each of the images with new compression software called Déj� vu. What needs to happen in my mind is, pull the current binary data into the compression software, compress the image, then upload the binary data back into the same record as a batch command.

My question is can I do something like that via command line? Or is this something that will require rebuilding the entire database from the ground up? I like having the data all in one database for ease of
maintenance and intergration with other databases I am working with, so I dont want to just link the images.

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Backing Up And Restoring Database

Oct 19, 2000

Hi, I am in a production database server. Data has been added and deleted via the web. So there is alot of traffice in and out of the database. How can I make a backup plan to make sure I am not lossing any input or deleted data . I am familiar with backing up a database in regular intervals, but I amnot sure if this is the best way in this senario.

How can I take advantage of the transaction log in restoring the database.



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Help Backing Up And Restoring Database

Feb 18, 2007


I have been using the backup feature of SQL Express for some time and I thought it would be good to test a restore in case the worst happend. I moved my bak files to a usb memory stick and copied them to a machine and installed SQL Express so its empty no database's etc. So I right click the databae folder and choose restore from device and point to the db's but I get errors restoring them. What am I doing wrong? Is their any guides that give steps to backup and restore database's ? Any help would be great - I can of course provide more information need be.



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Backing Up The Sql Database(*.bak) And Restoring The Database In

May 25, 2006

Hi There,
I want to know how to backup and restore database from ie I am trying to put two buttons on my form, Backup and Restore. When I click on Backup a Backup of the SQL Database with extension of *.bak is created. Similarly when I click on restore and select a database with *.bak extension it should restore that database. I saw a software where it created a backup of Sql database with extension of .zip containing the bak file which is password protected. when u restore the database it automatically gets unzipped and the database is restored. Can anyone help me.
Thanks in advance.

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Backing Up And Restoring A Table

Apr 27, 2007

What is the best way (short of backing up the entire DB) to make a copy of a Table so that It can be easily restored. We have a table that we want to make some serious changes to, but I want to make sure I can restore if if I need to (if the changes don't work)

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Backing Up And Restoring SQL Server

Jul 23, 2005

I want to reformat my servers harddrive and install a newer operatingsystem (Win 2003). I am running SQL Server 2000 with about 10databases. What is the best way to backup and restore SQL Server forthis so I don't lose anything.Thanks,Rick

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Backing Up And Restoring Transactional Replication

Dec 29, 2006

From Help

Transactional replication includes the sync with backup option, which can be set on the distribution database and the publication database:

It is recommended to set this option on the distribution database in all cases.
Setting this option on the distribution database ensures that transactions in the log of the publication database will not be truncated until they have been backed up at the distribution database. The distribution database can be restored to the last backup, and any missing transactions are delivered from the publication database to the distribution database; replication continues unaffected.

Does database will not be truncated until they have been backed up at the distribution database mean that the database itself needs to be backed up OR the log file with it?

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Bulk Import Images To Binary Object In SQL 2000

Apr 3, 2006

I have a web application that I am rebuilding. I have many picture files that want to take off the file system and move into SQL as a blob. I will create an index of uids against the file names but need a good way to bulk add the files to the database... any hints on code or tools would be a great help.

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Logins To The Website Doesn't Work After DB Backing Up And Restoring

Mar 7, 2007

Hi all, plz help...
I have an login control on my website;
my users are stored in a SQL DB;
The problem is when I back-up my DB from my PC and restore it to my server; the logins doesn't work anymore. I mean the user I've created on my PC can't login on the website on the internet...
Thanks a lot...

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SQL Server 2008 :: Storing Images As Binary Data In Table

Feb 25, 2015

I want to store Images as binary data in SQL table and compare it each time with a image file I am getting. I've tried below approach but getting error:

TestID int IDENTITY(1,1),
BLOBName varChar(50),
BLOBData varBinary(MAX)

[Code] ....

Error: Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 10
Cannot bulk load because the file "C:Files12656.jpg" could not be opened. Operating system error code 3(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105).

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Backing Up From Server And Restoring To Local Express - Files Not Visible

Mar 25, 2013

i wanted to test routines using my local sql server engine and thought I could backup the mdf ldf file on the true network sql server in which I am listed as a dbowner with full permissions. In fact i can add users for the at db etc.The backup allows me to browse to a local folder

with the following being the default C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10_50.CMS_PROJECTMSSQLBackup

i name the file and it executes properly but when i try to restore that file to my local db that path is not even visible to me.In fact when i use exploreer I cannot even find the folders after Microsoft SQL Server!I search for .bak but nothing.How can I see that folder construction in the sql browser but never in explorer -

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Images - Storing And Restoring Them

Nov 1, 2000

If you use the file upload HTML form field to insert an image (jpeg, etc.) into an IMAGE datatype column (which is not the problem), how can you pull that data back out and insert it into an HTML document back to an image (jpeg, etc.) format? Is that possible? I simply need to know if there is a way to use cast or convert or whatever so that the binary/hexidecimal data stored in the table can be reassembled as a real picture again.

Thanks in advance!

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Viewing Images Stored In Sql Database!?

Jul 10, 2006

I want to view the images that are stored in a sql database. I am using VS2005. When I open server explorer and drill down to the dbase tables and the click on the show table data option the table is displayed in a new window.
when I open a table that stores images only a tag saying that the cell contains binary data is displayed. There doesn't seem to be any way to display the actual image and therefore edit the image. I can manipulate textual data directly in the database do I edit graphics?

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Should Images Be Stored In Database Or Filesystem?

Jun 21, 2007


I need some tips regarding some performance issues and it would have been great if someone could provide me with the same. I'm into a project where we need to handle a lot of images dynamically. Images are delivered dynamically as per the users query. You can think of it something like an image search. The technologies used for this project are ASP.Net 2.0, C# and SQL Server 2000. I would like to know if the images should be stored in the database or as files itself. I did a couple of R&D on this and 90% of the places I found that it��s better to store the images as files. As a final answer to this I thought I'll post this query in this forum. Irrespective of whether the images are stored in the database or as files, the following are some of the key features that I'm looking into (priority wise):

1. Performance - I would like to obtain the maximum performance. Images need to be delivered without

much delay.

2. Security of the data and images.

3. Easy backing up and restoration of the data and images.

It would have been great if someone could provide me with the right solution with supportive answers, so that I would be able to design the project accordingly.

Thanks & Regards,

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Binary Data Types (Images) In Matrix/Table Items In Reports

Jul 11, 2007

I am trying to produce a matrix (crosstab) report in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Report Designer, where the column headers contain a binary data type storing a png image.

By just simply using the report wizard and assigning the binary (image) data value to the column headers, and then previewing the report, I get following error:

An error occurred during local report processing.An error has occurred during report processing.The Group expression used in grouping 'matrix1_COMPETITOR_EMBLEM' returned a data type that is not valid.

Is there any way to include binary data types, or images per se from the database into a matrix or even table item in a report ?

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Error Using Linq Response.BinaryWrite For Images Stored In The Database

Mar 1, 2008

 hi i have given you the code to retrive a image from the database.
I have tried using linq and i am getting a error in
Response.BinaryWrite(rs.image) in LINQ.
so i have used the which i dont want to use.
can you pls help me how to correct the says cannot convert linq.binary data...
 Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim MyReader As SqlDataReaderDim MySqlConnection As SqlConnection
Dim MySqlCommand As SqlCommandMySqlConnection = New SqlConnection("server=(local)SQLExpress;Integrated Security=SSPI;database=customs")MySqlCommand = New SqlCommand("select * from tbl_temp_importer_owner where TIN=555", MySqlConnection)
MyReader = MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader()Do While (MyReader.Read())
Response.ContentType = MyReader.Item("PersonImageType")Response.BinaryWrite(MyReader.Item("PersonImage"))///Error come here in linq
MySqlConnection.Close()Response.Write("Person info successfully retrieved!")
End Sub

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Restoring The Database Using Stored Procedure

Mar 5, 2005

hey guyz...
i used this stored procedure code my system.. but it crashes saying "exclusive access could not be obtained becuase the database is in use"

i have included the stored procedure below. is the stored procedure correct?
if it is.. how can i sovle this problem?

CREATE Procedure spRestoreDatabase
@Path VARCHAR(100)
Restore Database Test From Disk = @Path

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Retrieve And Display Image Inside An Html File (stored In Database) In Binary Format

May 15, 2007

Hi All,
I am not sure whether this is the right place to post this question. But I am unable to figure out what is the best solution to retrieve and display an image in a html file(stored in varbinary(max) column). I have a list of images in the file and I am supposed to display them. Can anybody please let me know what is the best way to do this?
Thanks a lot!!

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Binary Code Could Not Be Created

Nov 21, 2007

I am getting an error message while creating a script component saying that
binary code could not be created.

I cant find the source of this erro. And yes, the PreCompile property is set to true.

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Retrieve Images From SQL Db: Code Problem.

Aug 1, 2006

I want to get an image from a sql server database and display it with an asp:image control. I use C# in MS Visual Studio .Net 2005 and Sql server 2005.
All I've done is:

// and Page Display_image.aspx.cs
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

SqlConnection Con = new SqlConnection(
"server=localhost;" +
"database=;" +
"uid=;" +

System.String SqlCmd = "SELECT img_data FROM Image WHERE business_id = 2";

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand SqlCmdObj = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(SqlCmd, Con);


System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader SqlReader = SqlCmdObj.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);


System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";

// I write this:

// Or this:
//System.Drawing.Image _image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(new System.IO.MemoryStream((byte[])SqlReader["img_data"]));

//System.Drawing.Image _newimage = _image.GetThumbnailImage(100, 100, null, new System.IntPtr());

//_newimage.Save(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.OutputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);


catch (System.Exception Ex)


Both work the same way. I mean the image is displayed well but when I view code of the web page I see this:

GIF89aåo÷óå݉97)HS¢ŒxL£0¬B´ç¬D(áâK‹� ô²–I€8`È®û l1ã�?#KžL(ˆ*X±‰Î"«Mè±� Ÿ

TOO MUCH characters before the html tag. And any code of the master page used for this page does not work as well!

Can anyone help me with this? I've tried for 2 days but I still fail.


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Reporting Services :: Open PDF File Stored As Binary Data In Database Table With A Link In SSRS Report

Nov 2, 2013

I'm working on a report to show financial transactions from a table over a certain period. For most transactions there is a PDF document that is stored in a separate table in a binairy format. In my report I would like to include a link on every line with transaction information  in the report that opens the PDF that is linked to that transaction. Just to be clear, I don't want to embed the PDF in the report but I want the users of the report to have the option to view the PDF that is related to that transaction in their standard pdf reader (adobe).

Code to do the following:

Once a user clicks on the link to view the PDF I need the code to get the binairy data of the PDF file from the table, convert it back to a PDF and open it in the default pdf reader (for example adobe reader). If it can't directly open the file then it's maybe possible to activate the 'open or download' pop up that you also get when you download something from a website. 

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Writing Binary Data To A SQL Table (VB CODE)

Mar 9, 2006

First of all let me say that ASP.NET a new programming environment for me so please forgive my ignorance.
Can someone please tell me how to write data to a SQL table that is a Binary data type?  I have a stored procedure on the SQL server that I am calling to insert data into a table.  I build a parameter list and set the values.  It worked just fine before I added a binary field to the SQL table.  My problem is that I don't know how to set the Binay data type to pass it to the stored procedure.  Here is part of the code:
GetCMD = Myconnection.CreateCommand
GetCMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
GetCMD.CommandText = "SCHEMANAME.InsertLineItem"
GetCMD.Parameters.Add("HEADER_ID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 150)
GetCMD.Parameters("HEADER_ID").Value = "some value"
GetCMD.Parameters.Add("@OPTIONS", SqlDbType.Binary)
GetCMD.Parameters("@OPTIONS").Value =  HOW DO I SET THIS VALUE????
rowsaffected = GetCMD.ExecuteNonQuery()
I assume serialization but have not figured out how.  Anyone's help is greatly appreciated!!

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Script Component Can't Find The Binary Code

Jul 19, 2007

Dear all:

I have set the PrecompileScriptIntoBinaryCode property to true,but the Script Component show the message "can't find the binary code" after I finish the script language and save it . What's wrong with it ? I ever tried the same code, and it's OK with no problem. When did the problem happen ?

Please give me a help ....Thanks a lot!

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SQL 2012 :: Migration Of SSIS Script - (binary Code Not Found)

Jul 6, 2015

exporting an SSIS from a 2008 R2 SQL Server and re-import it into a SQL 2012.

I have inherited an SQL 2008 R2 Server running two SSIS packages. I have both as .dtsx files and & a manifest to install.The task at hand is now to migrate those to a new SQL 2012 server.[There is also an IIS running on that machine and project-specific .dll and stuff within the IIS document root. I do not know if these .dlls relate to the IIS web page or to the SQL .dtsx) But the migrated web site runs fine].

Installation of the packages into the MSDB works out flawlessly and one of the scripts runs fine, but the other fails to run with the error:

"Error: the binary code for the script is not found. Please open the script in the designer by clicking Edit Script button and make sure it builds successfully."

Google tell me something about a "Pre-compile option"-setting on server as explained here. I can not find this option setting anywhere in SSMS. Also as the migration is from 2008 R2 -> 2012 this should not be relevant as in both versions pre-compilation should be automatic, right?

- I installed visual studio 2013 community

- I installed SSDTBI

- Start the "Integration Services Import Project Wizard"

to import the SSIS directly from the "Integration Services Catalog"

However, things don't quite work very well - Trying to import (from the locally installed SQL instance) it will not display the tree of SSIS stuff, but only the root directory.

So importing directly from the running system won't work. Let's see if we can get somewhere with the .dtsx As I _do_ actually have the .dtsx files here, why not open them up directly in Visual studio and try to get compiled whatever needs to be compiled.I create a new "integration Services" Project and open up the .dtsx into this project. ==> LOTS of errors of all kind.

(The job of this script is to fetch messages from an Exchange.)But opening up this specific bit of code doesn't work a bit - there is no binary code in it and how to reate it or where to get it from...

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Error In My Code During Restoring With SMO

Feb 1, 2008


I need to archive a database and restore it on the same server but under a different databasename.
I first backup the database using SMO, now i want to restore it with the code below:


Private Sub RestoreDataBase(ByVal BackupFilePath As String, ByVal destinationDatabaseName As String, ByVal DatabaseFolder As String, ByVal DatabaseFileName As String, ByVal DatabaseLogFileName As String)

Dim myServer As New Server(My.Settings.SQLServer)

Dim myRestore As New Restore()

myRestore.Database = destinationDatabaseName

Dim currentDb As Database = myServer.Databases(destinationDatabaseName)

If currentDb IsNot Nothing Then


End If

myRestore.Devices.AddDevice(BackupFilePath, DeviceType.File)

Dim DataFileLocation As String = DatabaseFolder + "" + destinationDatabaseName + ".mdf"

Dim LogFileLocation As String = DatabaseFolder + "" + destinationDatabaseName + "_log.ldf"

myRestore.RelocateFiles.Add(New RelocateFile(DatabaseFileName, DataFileLocation))

myRestore.RelocateFiles.Add(New RelocateFile(DatabaseLogFileName, LogFileLocation))

myRestore.ReplaceDatabase = True

myRestore.PercentCompleteNotification = 7

AddHandler myRestore.PercentComplete, AddressOf PercentReturn



currentDb = myServer.Databases(destinationDatabaseName)


Catch ex As Exception

If ex.InnerException IsNot Nothing Then

MessageBox.Show(ex.Message & vbCrLf & ex.InnerException.Message, "Ex + InnerEx", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)


MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Ex", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

End If

End Try

End Sub

When the program reaches the red line, he throws the following error:

Restore failed for Server 'NB_DELL_JWOSQLEXPRESS'.

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Logical file 'TMP_MIXix_20080129.' is not part of database 'TMP_MIXix_20080129.'. Use RESTORE FILELISTONLY to list the logical file names.

The originale databasename is MIXix and I take a complete backup of it using the code below (WORKS):

Sub BackupDB(ByVal Filename As String)

Dim srv As New Server(My.Settings.SQLServer)

Dim bk As New Backup

Dim bdi As New BackupDeviceItem(Filename, DeviceType.File)

bk.Action = BackupActionType.Database

bk.BackupSetDescription = "Full backup of " & My.Settings.Catalog

bk.BackupSetName = My.Settings.Catalog & " backup"

bk.Database = My.Settings.Catalog


bk.Incremental = False

bk.ExpirationDate = Now.Date

bk.LogTruncation = BackupTruncateLogType.Truncate

AddHandler bk.PercentComplete, AddressOf PercentReturn



bk = Nothing

srv = Nothing


End Sub

Does anyone have an idea what I can do about it?

Friendly regards

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Integration Services :: SSIS 2012 Script Component Binary Code Not Found

Apr 21, 2015

After adding Service Reference  to WebService, the Script Component has Binary Code not found, red circle not showing these are the steps I followed:

1) Add Script Component as Source
2) Add 3 x Output Columns Col1,2 and 3
3) Add HTTP Connection URL>..Binary Code not found, red circle showing
4) Add test code to Sub CreateNewOutputRows     Dim i As Integer = 6       Binary Code not found, red circle not showing
5) Add Service Reference URL...Binary Code not found, red circle showing again

Should just adding Service Reference cause Binary Code not found, red circle to appear. I have to set  precompilescripttobinary option , however cannot see this option in 2012

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Rendering HTML Code Stored In A SQL Database

Oct 8, 2007

I've got a simple gridview and detailsview set up so the details view shows the selected item in gridview. But one of the fields contains HTML code and it's being displayed instead of rendered. There must be some easy way to use a panel or some other control and tell it dynamically what HTML to render, right?
I saw one other post where someone suggested using a third party html editor like fckeditor but that just seems ugly and I really don't care to spend the time installing and configuring someone else's control for such a simple thing.
Maybe I can assign the field to a variable and then response.write it? But then I can't change it dynamically based on my gridview selection...
Any ideas?

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Restoring Database Leaves Me With (Restoring...) Message

Jan 9, 2007

I did a full backup of a db from one server(Express2005) and trying to restore it to a different instance of SQL2005 on the same development machine. (Also had some fulltext columns if that means anything)

Many failures but finally got it to report all was successful except the icon in Object Explorer shows (Restoring...) with no indication of any real activity going on. It's a tiny database with hardly any data in it.

Just not sure what the heck is going on there. It also won't let me into the database until this the (Restoring...) goes away.

Any advice on how to get this thing finished out?

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Backing Up Stored Procedures

Mar 7, 2007

Is there an easy simple way to backup all my personal Stored Procedures.
In the stored procedures collection, my stored procedures start with "DEF".
I would like to have the stored procedures places as text files in a personal backup folder.
Is this possible?

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Backing Up Stored Procedures

Sep 2, 1998

Since sql server EM doesn`t allow you to restore a stored proc. from a dump tape, I`ve been testing bcp and the sp_helptext procedure to dump our stored procs. out to a file to provide a backup.

Small stored procs dump just fine but larger ones cause an occasional "wrap around" in the output file. The output file looks something like this:

declare @table sysname
re @count integer

So when I copy/paste from the output file to a new stored proc in EM and try to save it, I get a syntax error.

Does anyone know how to dump a stored proc to a file so that it doesn`t wrap?
I`d like to use bcp or some utility to backup all stored procs. to a flat file on a nightly basis.

Thanks RIchard

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Backing Up Schema, Stored Procedures Only

Aug 16, 2000

In SQL 7.0 is there a way to backup only Stored Procedures and schema?
This would be similar to the Oracle backup switches: (full=yes and rows=no) or (fromuser=usera touser=usera rows=no).

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Exporting / Backing Up Stored Procedures ?

Mar 7, 2008

Hi anyone know of a quick way of copying Stored procedures on SSMS ?

I just need to back a bunch of SPs up.

I don't need to export them just to save them as files, I can do it but its one at a time
and is really slow.

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