HI Guys.
i cannt' understand what's going on the server.. actually i have created a two jobs for full backup for my databases.. One is running perfect but one is giving me following error.
Can any one tells me where i m doing mistake.
Executed as user: Domainuser. Cannot open backup device 'Database_Full(\'. Operating system error 53(error not found). [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3201) BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3013). The step failed.
This is the first time, I am creating a job in SQL server 2000. I have to create few jobs, which can restore the databases at midnight, daily, on the server. We use lite speed backup sofware to take the backup and backup is stored at different location. We have a lite speed script, which we use to restore the backup. In Job step I have wrote down the script and scheduled the job. But when I try to test the job It never runs. I do not know if something else I am supposed to do after creating a job, even I tried to run it manually it doesnot work. Please help !!
I have a backup job which runs on sqll server 2000. About every two weekes the job doesn't complete. I t doesn't fail but just stays at executing until it's stopped. I t then won't run again until the server is rebooted. Anyone any ideas on what might course this. The database is approx 1.5 gig. It backs up between 5 and 8 hours. Normally there should be none or very little access to the database whilst it is backing up. The db is used for an intranet application.Any help much appreciated!Cheers
Jobs not running within SQL Server Agent on SQL7 despite being schedulled. The only explanation I can think of for causing this is due to a date correction on the NT Server ( backwards ) by the NT Administrator. I can run jobs manually, but the scheduled run times are being ignored.
I'm hoping that the jobs will start running again as schedulled when the system catches up to the date it was previously at.
Has anyone had experiences of this and found a way to get things running again ?
I have a DTS package that exports data to a file, then run Win32 process pkzip to compress it to make it 4MB from 30MB so it can be emailed. As this is to be run daily, I scheduled it, i.e. created a Job. When running as a Job it fails in the pkzip section. The sqlservice account is not an NT system account for security reasons.
We have DTS Packages that are scheduled to run nightly and show up in EM under JOBS under SQL Server Agent. A password got changed and some of the nightly jobs blew up.
Went into the Packages and entered the new password and successfully executed the packages BUT when I go back to jobs under the SQL Server Agent, the jobs STILL will not run - they fail with a login failure - as if i never fixed the DTS package. HELP
hi every 1, i am having a real tough time to figure this one out .
i need to find out what jobs are schedule in the server that sends data out to ever . we are doing the migration from 2000 to 2005 and need to know which jobs send data to the another server . i looked at the sysjobs_view , it tells the origination server and all the jobs that are running on it, but that's pretty much it. on the sql agent , i see all the jobs but dint know which jobs are sending data out side the server . some jobs are regular backup maintenance jobs how will I figure out which once are gong out . hope you people can help . any help will be so much appreciated. bobby
I have SQLServer 6.5 SP5a update running on Windows NT 4.0 SP6 with 4 gig RAM and 4 processor.
Suddenly the SQL 6.5 jobs running on the production server started running very very slow. A job that suppose to run in 30 minutes are running like 2 hours and completing successfully.
(I suspect the after the Norton Anti virus automatic live update may be the reason but not the Second Vulnerability as mentioned by Microsoft Bulletin last week)
I check the SQLServer, ran the performance monitor, checked pagefiles, disk space, databases,memory, tempdb. Everything seems to be normal.
I rebooted the server, checked any other process making that slow. But no use.
Please help me out with this issue as this is a production and the CRM applications from the clients uses the database server.
I've got the stored procedure which first creates and then starts a job. This stored procedure can be invoked from a number of triggers (after insert, after update) The problem is: when a sequence of statements is being executed one by one (like an insert immediately followed by several updates) and the stored procedure is invoked from the propper insert or update trigger once for each statement, the jobs are created in the right order (first for insert statement, then for updates in the order of the initial statements), but are executed in the wrong order.
Is there any explanation to this? And any solution? The order of such jobs execution is vital for my application.
Thanx a lot in advance.
Please see the enclosed screenshot for an example list of jobs. Name of the job contains time of it's creation and another column shows the time the job was executed.
I’m trying to write a script that will detect long running agent jobs.
Having looked at this article: http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/3500276
It appears that agent job job id’s don’t necessarily get stored in the programname of the sysprocesses table. This is true if the agent executes an os command. It also appears that job steps do not get stored in the sysjobhistory until the step is complete so that cannot be used accurately.
Does anyone know of an effective way to find if there are long running jobs other than these methods?
I'm trying to configure mirroring with High Availability, Automatic Failover.
I know that all the jobs and maintenance plans need to be copied to the mirror server, and enabled if a mirror database takes over the principal role.
I wonder if it is a good solution to have all agent jobs on the Witness server (no jobs on principal and mirror). And all the jobs select the server where they should run (depending on current role).
One of the advantages of this approach would be that the jobs have to be created only once on the witness.
Will this solution work? What are the downsides of it?
I€™m trying to write a script that will detect long running agent jobs.
Having looked at this article: http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/3500276
It appears that agent job job id€™s don€™t necessarily get stored in the programname of the sysprocesses table. This is true if the agent executes an os command. It also appears that job steps do not get stored in the sysjobhistory until the step is complete so that cannot be used accurately.
Does anyone know of an effective way to find if there are long running jobs other than these methods?
Does Anyone of the SQLServer Guru has a smart script to alert DBA by email for failed jobs or jobs running more then their normal time(long running jobs), so that I dont have to go and look at the jobs everyday manually...on different servers...
Hi. I was wondering if anyone has ever had a problem where nothing seems to be wrong with the server, and SQL Server Agent is up and running, but jobs fail. We had a job run at midnight, and it was the last successful run. Every job failed after that, with an error stating "Unable to retrieve steps for job..." There doesn't seem to be any reason for the problem. The jobs were kicked off manually and they all ran.
The only other error messages we could find were in the Application Event Viewer on the server. But the first error happened days ago and said this: "The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( .NET Runtime ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: Unable to open shim database version registry key - v2.0.50727.00000."
Since then, every few seconds this error occurred: "Windows cannot load extensible counter DLL MSSQLServerOLAPService, the first DWORD in data section is the Windows error code."
We turned off the performance monitor counters and that error stopped. But we still have no idea if that was the cause of the problem.
This isn't the first time we've had an issue with jobs failing because the steps couldn't be 'found', while SQL Server Agent was up and running.
I would like to create an SSIS package in 2005 and run it in 2000. Is there anyway to do this? Or does SQL Server 2000 have a precursor to SSIS? I am trying to create a job to automatically catch and kill orphaned processes. -Kyle
SQL Server 2008 r2 - 6 GB memory...I attempted a backup on a 500GB database but it was taking way too long. I checked the resources on the box and saw the CPU at 100%. I checked the SQL Server activity log and saw a hung query (user was not even logged on) that had multiple threads so I killed it and now the CPU utilization is back to normal.
Trouble is, now all of the threads in the activity monitor for the backup show 'suspended' and the backup appears to be not doing anything.
I try to find out how many jobs where run in parallel on my server in an interval of time. For example: between 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM there were MAX 66 jobs that run in parallel and MIN 4 jobs. I am not sure if I can find this info out from a system view or I need to play with sysjobhistory view.
Any sql script or powershell script which outputs late running jobs? Currently I am using the below script to find out currently running jobs along with duration. But my requirement is to add few more columns to the query which indicates whether jobs is running fine or running behind expected time.
-currently using query to pull running jobs SELECT    ja.job_id,    j.name AS job_name,    ja.start_execution_date,        ISNULL(last_executed_step_id,0)+1 AS currently_executing_step_id,    [code]...
Developers have complained that some of their jobs are taking too long to run. I used Profiler to trace one really bad performer and could see that the code was making one pass through its loop in about 7 seconds. I found one select statement that was using the majority of the time, plugged it into query analyzer and looked at the execution plan. It was using an index but not very efficiently. I then ran it through index analysis and it recommended a new index. This was cool! The new index helped.
But, the job continued to run very, very slowly - over a week before it died! I ran another trace, and it was hanging for 10+ seconds in random locations. Sometimes it would be on a database call, sometimes it would be on a simple SET @variable = value statement. There was no pattern. According to the sys admin, the server itself did not look taxed. It does not appear to be a locking problem because of the random location of the stall. The application and server are only lightly used at this point, so I would hate to see how bad it could be if it was busy.
I am still fairly new to SQL, though I have years of DBA experience. I would appreciate any ideas - especially the obvious things that I am probably not considering. I have logged a call with Microsoft but they haven't gotten back with an answer. I sent them a trace file and a perfmon file, neither of which showed them anything.
When I give job Id in filter of this query this will give job status of "Success" but actually my job is currently in executing stage. I want to get all jobs that are currently in executing status.
Use msdb go select distinct j.Name as "Job Name", --j.job_id, case j.enabled when 1 then 'Enable' when 0 then 'Disable'
Schedule backup job which usually completes in 1 to 2 minutes, it's been running for over three hours. Meanwhile transact log backup job executed and it's hanging also.
I stopped the jobs, which now shows last run status 'cancelled'. But the spid still exeists in 'current activity' pane with status 'runnable'. No locks or blocks!
Is there anyway I can get rid of this spids so that I can start backup job again?
I have 3 seperate jobs to backup my database. 1 for a full backup, 1 for differentials, and the 3rd for the transaction log. Each is on its own schedule. The problem I have is that sometimes the transaction log job will try to start while one of the other two are in process. When this happens, an error is generated and I get paged (which is very anoying at midnight) Is there any way to block the transaction job until the other two are complete? It should still run, just not at the same time.
I have a DB Maintenance plan created that performs optimizations, integrity checks, and a database backup. The optimizations and integrity checks work fine, but the backup job fails. The backup job is to write the .bak file to a network share. When I change the owner of the job to "sqluser", the job fails at step 0 withe the following error: The job failed. Unable to determine if the owner (rsnsqluser) of job DB Backup Job for DB Maintenance Plan 'Online Database Server Maintenance Plan' has server access (reason: Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'rsnsqluser'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 8198)). Checked with the system admin for this server and sqluser has priviledges to do everything, including write to the network share.
So, now I change the owner of the same maintenance job from sqluser to "sa". I now get this error: Executed as user: RSNsqluser. sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.
Checked the settings for MSSQLSERVER and SQLSERVERAGENT in Control Panel. Everything seems to be in order according to the other threads I have read.
For grins, I tried to ensure the sqluser password on the SQL Server Agent was correct. When I try to enter the new password I get this: sql server agent startup account could not be verified I click yes (it asks if I want to continue anyway). Is the password not being registered properly in the agent?
One other thing, the sqluser user is listed under Security|Logins as connecting with Windows Authentication. We have several other servers that are set up the same and work fine. What am I missing? I'm pulling my hair out! :eek:
Our sysadmin accidentally uninstalled SQL Server started to panic and reinstalled. Thankfully the data/transaction files to our important databases were still present and I simply reattached them but our DTS packages our gone.
However, we've done weekly backups of the msdb database. How do I get the DTS jobs out of these backups?
This Maintenance Cleanup Task is set to delete all BAK and TRN files it's made (in seperate maintenance plans) in given path, with the given file extension, delete files based on the age of the file at task run time. Delete files older that 4 days.
The files are now backing up for months and months. I'm not going to take care of this. I've got a computer to do this for me, every time it runs its jobs, every 4 hours and once overnight.
This is ignoring commands and refusing to do as it's told. I've checked the settings in here over and over. It's so simple - what could be wrong? I've checked the path, the file age, the extensions... The disks are getting full!
The backup jobs on one of our sql servers started hanging. The job appears to be complete because the backups are on the disk but the job never completes when viewed in the activity manager. sqlmaint.exe had numerous instances running all night long but the job never completes.
sql server 2000 standard edition sp3a Windows server 2000
The jobs on this server have run successfully for well over a year and just recently they started hanging. We've done everything short of reboot the server. We've restarted the agent, shut down the sqlmaint.exe but alas nothing we do lets the job complete.
Other jobs that are not back up related are working as they should.
There is plenty of disk space.
Any ideas?
thanks in advance because we are lost as to the cause and resolution.
Hi, I've just been given the task of finding out how to implement a backup procedure for our SQL server databases. Most are running 2000, some 2005. I'm a programmer, and I'm used to having a DBA to help me! I've seen a few methods on the web involving a stored procedure and running the task from task manager. I need to backup and restore all the databases in SQL Server 2000 and work out a way of displaying whether or not it was successful. Can anybody please point me in the right direction as I've no idea how to do any of this really. I guess if I could setup a sproc to loop through the databases that would help, but I'm not sure where to start. Thanks in advance.