Backup Options Large Database

Oct 9, 2014

I've just inherited the job of looking after our SQL server (2012). The server works fine but I am a bit concerned about the backup strategy we have in place. The current backup strategy is a SQL script that runs every 2 nights and backs up to an ISCSI box elsewhere on the network. One of the databases on the server is currently at 303GB, which will take about a full working day to restore to another server if this one fails. I am just looking at other ways which could reduce the amount of time to restore this if this server was to fail. i heard so people talking about sql clusters and configuring replication on posts by others, which i will look into if its the way to go, but i guess I am just looking what others would do if they were in the same position with such a large database.

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SQL 2012 :: BackUp / Restore Options For Particular Database

Jul 7, 2015

I'm using SQL Server 2012 R2 and am working on configuring vendor access to a particular DB. I have a test db & (what will eventually be) the production DB. I've configured security for the test DB and want to back that up, then restore it (including all settings) to the prod one, renaming it to the prod DB name.

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Backup Large Database

Jan 26, 2007

Hello all,

We have total 7 databases in the warehouse and these db are big. All the data files are approximately 300G now and they all growing more. Some are small db some are large db. (ranging from 20G to 50G of data files). Can someone please recommend me the best backup plan for this scenario. The regular backup through SQL 2005 takes too long.

Thanks for your help.


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Not Able To Restore SQL Server Database From A Large Backup File

Aug 12, 2006

Hi everybody,
On executing the RESTORE command of SQL Server to restore from a backup of 78.3 MB, the "Server Application Unavailable" error message comes up.The error message in the Application log is as follows:aspnet_wp.exe  (PID: 2184) was recycled because memory consumption exceeded the 152 MB (60 percent of available RAM).
However using Query Analyser of SQL Server I am able to restore the database.
What is the solution to this problem?

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RESTORE DATABASE Timeout In SQL 2000 With Large Backup Files

Sep 11, 2007


I am attempting to restore the database from within VB.NET application I am making the following 3 calls:

RESTORE FileListOnly FROM DISK = 'C:MyDatabase.dat'

USE Master RESTORE DATABASE MyDatabase FROM DISK = 'C:MyDatabase.dat' WITH NORECOVERY, MOVE 'MyDatabase' TO 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDataMyDatabase.mdf', MOVE 'MyDatabase_log' TO 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDataLDFMyDatabase.ldf', REPLACE

RESTORE DATABASE MyDatabase FROM DISK = 'C:MyDatabase.dat'

using SMO. This logic works fine with small *.dat files, however when using *.dat file of about 4Gb I get an error on the 3d restore database call:

ExecuteNonQuery failed for Database 'master'.

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

Operator aborted backup or restore. See the error messages returned to the console for more details.

ExecuteNonQuery failed for Database 'master'.

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

Operator aborted backup or restore. See the error messages returned to the console for more details.

The same program/logic also works fine when I use MS SQL 2005 and it runs fine from MS SQL 2005 Query Analyzer for both 2005 and 2000 databases. There seem to be only problem with MS SQL 2000 from within VB.NET. Anybody has any idea? I'd appreciate any response. Thanks


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Large DB Backup

Jun 19, 2008

I have this large DB around 250GB. In which 70% of the space is occupied by one single table. This is not a high transaction DB, it has only a few users.

Backup is taking 2:30 hours!

Is there a way I can reduce this time?

In desperation, I am thinking of doing,

1. detach the DB (off peak hours)
2. copy .mdf and .ldf files (backup)
3. attach the DB

Any suggestion ?

I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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How To... Backup Large DB...

Jul 23, 2007

hardware configuration:

2 node cluster, active-passive


for backup: direct attach tape library (dell powervault 132T with 2 tape drive's) on 1 node. Tape type is LTO (100Gb, and with compression 200Gb). Last time one filegroupe backup with errors:

Job 'BackupFG_index_ToTape1' : Step 1, 'step' : Began Executing 2007-07-02 Job 'EscortBackupFG_index_ToTape1' : Step 1, 'step' : Began Executing 2007-07-16 01:00:01

10 percent backed up. [SQLSTATE 01000]
20 percent backed up. [SQLSTATE 01000]
30 percent backed up. [SQLSTATE 01000]
40 percent backed up. [SQLSTATE 01000]
50 percent backed up. [SQLSTATE 01000]
60 percent backed up. [SQLSTATE 01000]
70 percent backed up. [SQLSTATE 01000]
Msg 4028, Sev 16: End of tape has been reached. Remove tape '\. ape1' and mount next tape for BACKUP DATABASE...FILE=<name> of database 'pakdb'. [SQLSTATE 42000]

i'am use native SQL Server backup, t-sql script:

FILE = 'pakdb_index',
FILEGROUP = 'db_index'

i have 2 way's for solving this problem:

1) using any software (veritas as axample)

2) breack large filegroupe on any small filegroups - don't good think


How you solve this problems. Use veritas (example) - it problem too, if server full dead and veritas repository too - how i'm can restore information from my types (it's my ideas).

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Backup In Large Datacenters

Apr 9, 2008


I know that some of you here work as DBAs in pretty large companies and I have a few questions about backup in such environments. As some of you might have picked up I recently got a job as a DBA in a major enterprise hosting company and we are having som backup/restore problems. We are currently using TSM (Tivoli) but it seems to be awfully slow and tedious compared to some of the tools out there, like LiteSpeed. We have in excess of 100 sql server installations at the do you guys do it in your environment?


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The Backup Set Holds A Backup Of A Database Other Than Existing Database. Restore Database Is Terminating Abnormally

Apr 9, 2008

I have a problem when i restore my .DAT_BAK file. I am getting error like "The backup set holds a backup of a database other than existing database. Restore Database is terminating abnormally".

I tried by using


And also i tried like



When i use like this,

RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'D:DATAMYTEST.DAT_BAK'. I am able to get the output as LogicalName, PhysicalName, Type, FileGroupName, Size, etc.

Can i anyone please help me out?

Thanks in Advance,
Anand Rajagopal

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Differential Backup Size Very Large

Jan 8, 2001

I recently started using Differential backups. They are working but are growing in size a lot quicker than I expected.

The backups are growing by 2.5GB every day although the total size of all
transaction backups is under 350MB. I would have imagined that the total transaction log backups would be a good indicator of total database changes and therefore the differential backups would approach this figure.

Please explain!

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.bak File For Differential Backup Is Becoming Too Large

Apr 9, 2008

When we do a full backup the .bak file is 700MB but in the meanwhile our differential backup has grown to a size of 20GB. The backup set expires in 1 day and if the backup file already exists we "append" to it.

What we basically want is a differential backup for one day only. I realize that in SQL Server 2005 you could add a "Clean up" task but that is to delete files but because we only have 1 .bak file for the differential backup this is not an option.

If we set to overwrite the backup file if it already exists what does this mean? Assume that we run a differential backup every hour, does this mean that the differential backup file will be overwritten every hour?

How can we make sure that we have a differential backup every hour and keep only the differential backups for the last 24 hours?

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Reducing Large Tables, Re-index And Backup Them

Jan 2, 2003

What is the best procedure/sequence to reduce some tables containing large number of rows of
a SQL 2000 server?
The idea is first to check which tables grow extremely fast (all statistics, user or log tables), reduce the table
according to the number of months the user wishes to keep in the table.
As a second step backup remaining rows of table as txt files on harddisk (using DTS), UPDATE STATISTICS and re-indexing reduced table.
Run DTS Package every month once (delete oldest month and backup newest month) and do the same as above to keep size of tables adequate.
What is a fast way to reduce number of rows of a large table - the following example produces an error (timeout expired) of my
ADO connection when executing:
SET @str = 'DELETE FROM ' + @ProcessTable + ' WHERE ' + @SelectedColumn + ' < DATEADD (m,' +' -' +
@KeepMonthsInDatabase + ',
EXEC (@str)
Adding ConnectionTimout = 0 did not help unfortunately.

What is the best way to re-index the table just maintained?



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DB Engine :: Restore Failed With Very Large Backup Devices

Jul 1, 2015

I have a database size of 9.8TB and I backup it to 30 backup devices. Each one has 110GB after backup compression.I tried to restore these files to standby server via 100MbE network but it always failed. My colleague told me this never happen before and I said yes because I have done this before a lot of times when backup devices are significantly smaller.He said the only way is to copy backup files locally and restore locally. But I am trying another method, I create more: 64(maximum) backup devices and try to restore via network again.SQL server version is Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1)

- 11.0.3401.0 (X64)   Jan  9 2014 13:22:15   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 
Enterprise Edition: Core-based Licensing (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601:
Service Pack 1) .

---  error message ---
5 percent processed.
10 percent processed.
15 percent processed.


RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

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BACKUP LOG Cannot Be Performed Because There Is No Current Database Backup. BACKUP LOG Is Terminating Abnormally.

Jan 31, 2008

Hi there

I'm getting this message on my third automated backup of the transaction logs of the day. Both databases are in full recovery mode, both successfully backed up at 01.00. The transaction logs backed up perfectly happily at 01:30 and 05:30, but failed at 09:30.

The only difference between 05:30 and 09:30's backups is that the log files were shrunk at 08:15 (the databases in question are the ones that sit under ILM2007, and keeping the log files small keeps the system running better).

Is it possible that shrinking the log files causes the database to think that there hasn't been a full database backup?



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Database Options/truncate Log On Checkpoint

Nov 27, 2000

I'm trying to make sure my database options are set up properly. Our database is used for our Decision Support System. The data is loaded in once a day. Should I have the truncate log on checkpoint on and should I limit the size that the log grows to. I just had to shrink the log. It grew so much that it took up all the space left. If I have the truncate log on checkpoint do I just have to issue the checkpoint command in order for it to truncate the transaction log?

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Database Not In View In New Maintenance Plan SQL 7 (options)

Nov 23, 2006

I recently migrated my database to SQL2005 from SQL7.  It was simply a restore from a backup and was cake.

But now when I go to run a new maintenance plan I do not see my database.

I found that the database options are set to SQL7.  If I change it to SQL 2005 I see the database.

What impact will this have on my data?

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SQL 2012 :: Copying A Database To Another Server Instance Options

Jun 25, 2014

We have SQL Server 2012 running on Windows 2008 Server. We need to copy five databases from our 'sandbox' to our test server and then to our production server. The database backup file sizes are 3 MB, 20 MB, 344 MB, 645 MB and 17 GB. We are planning on using the backup and restore method since we already have full backups and the scripts to recreate the logins/users/permissions. We believe this method provides more flexibility and control over the process. However, we have a few jobs, maintenance plans and ssis packages.

To get the jobs to the new server instance, the plan is to script out the jobs on the 'sandbox' and execute the scripts on the test server instance. Is this the best or only way to handle the jobs?How to get these maintenance plans to the new server instance? (There is no 'script out' maintenance plan option.) We may have to just recreate them on the new server instance. Is this the best or only way to handle the maintenance plans?

We have a few ssis packages. How to handle getting the ssis packages over to the new server instance (using the backup restore method)? These packages use the Project Deployment Model. Therefore, should we restore the SSISDB or open up the package file using VSS on the new server instance and change the connection information to point to the new server instance.

Just wondering if there is any reason or advantage to use the Detach and Attach method or Copy Database Wizard method? I have read where the Copy Database Wizard method handles the database's dependent objects like logins, jobs, maintenance plans, user-defined error messages and shared objects from the master database. Are there any other move/copy database methods to consider? Just trying to make sure we have thought out everything and are using the best method to copy our databases over to another server instance.

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Front End Options For Entering Data Into An Oracle Database

Feb 1, 2006

Hi,I need to set up a generic table in Oracle that allows users to enterdata that can later be retrieved in reports.I was thinking of a 3 column table in this structure:DATE,ITEM,VALUEfiguring that you can store anything in this way because ITEM can beanything and you can have multiple instances of a particular value byhaving a new date.Does that seem reasonable?In any case, what are my user front end options? I was thinking aMicrosoft Access database but its not ideal because not everyone herehas Access?Can you do it with Excel? Or what other options are there as a simpleuser front end to enter the data?Thanks for any advice.Kim

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Missing Compatibility Level Sql Server 2005(90) In Database Properties Options

Jul 13, 2007

I installed SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition. When i create a new database (using the "New Database" dialog) i cannot set the new database's compatibility level to "SQL Server 2005(90)" because this option is not in the "dropdown list". the only items shown are: "SQL Server 7.0(70)" and "SQL Server 2000(80)". I set the owner to "sa". How do i get "SQL Server 2005(90)" in my "compatibility level" drop down list? Is this an installation option that i missed? Thanks in advance for any assistance!


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Question About Move Large Amount Of Data From Database To Database

Apr 23, 2007

guys,I have a project need to move more than 100,000 records from onedatabase table to another database table every week. Currently, usersinput date range from web UI, my store procedure will take those dateranges to INSERT records to a table in another database, then deletethe records, but it will take really long time to finish this action(up to 1 or 2 hours).My question is if there is some other way I should do to speed up theaction, I am thinking about use bcp to copy those records to datafileand then use bcp to insert it into SQL Server table. Is this the rightway to do it or should I consider other solution (then, what is thesolution.)Thanks a lot!

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SQL Security :: Full Backup Needed After Restoration Of Database Before Transaction Log Backup

Jul 15, 2015

We take a full backup in the early morning and hourly transaction log back during the working hours for one database in the production server. The application team made certain changes to the design of the said database in their development server. The backup from the development server was restored to the production server during working hours. After the restoration should we take a full backup before next transactional logbackup? Would the transactional log backup with out a full backup after the restoration of a database be valid?

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Recovery :: Differential Backup Much Larger Than Database / Full Backup

Nov 16, 2015

I have a database that is just over 1.5GB and the Full backup that is 13GB not sure how this is since we have compression on for full backups and my other full backups are much smaller than there respective databases...Now my full backup is taken every Sunday night and the differentials are taken every 6 hours after the full backup. Now I have been thrown into this DBA role with little to no experience just what I have picked up and read. So my understanding of backups are limited but what I think I understand is that we take a full backup and the differential only captures what changes in the database so my question is why is my database 1.5GB but my differential is 15.4GB? I have others database that are on the same instance and don't seem to have this problem. I also just noticed that we do not rebuild the index before a full backup like we do on other instances...

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Backup Failed To Complete The Command Backup Database

Aug 4, 2007

Backup failed to complete the command backup database [ ] TO VIRTUAL DEVICE = ' { 853D3FC0 - 45EA -85B1 - 54F0EA379CAC } 24 ' WITH SNAPSHOT , BUFFERCOUNT = 1 , BLOCKSIZE = 1024

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How To Restore A Database From Backup With A Splitted Backup File

Apr 1, 2008

I should restore a SQL Server 2005 Database from backup. The backup contains three files, named user.bak0, user.bak1 and user.bak2.

How is the syntax of the restore filelistonly and the restore database ... ?

I usualy write
restore filelistonly from disk = 'path and filenam.bak'
restore database. zy
from disk = 'path and filename.bak'
with replace,

This works but I cannot use it with a splitted backup file. The files are much too big to put together to one file.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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How To Restore Database From Full Backup And Several Diff Backup

Oct 17, 2006

I have a full backup and several diff backup,now i want to restore

firstly,I restore full backup

FROM DISK = 'D:databackup200610140000.bak'

it's working,then i don;'t know how to continue

Thanks in advance

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Large DataBase

Jul 23, 2007

What happens if you have a website and the hard drive on your server is say 250GB. Then the database exceeds that and the database is 300GB in size.How would you spread your database into two different hard drives?Thanks

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Large Database

Apr 17, 2003


I would like to know whether MS SQL Server 2000 Can handle Large Database size 28 gig, currently we are using Sybase but we want migrate to SQL Server 2000. Are there any performance issues?

Any help is appreciated.



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Database Is Is Too Large Need Help

Aug 17, 2006

We have many installations of our shopping cart database. One specific database is huge, now about 25 GIG, compared to the others that range from 20 to 75 MEG. The server this one resides on has three other instances of the same database that are normal size.

In a particular table in the large database there are 9700 rows taking 380MB, the same table in a normal db has 162000 rows and takes 6.MB. The tables are identical and the indexes are the same.

Any ideas out there?

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Database Has Gotten Relatively Large

Sep 12, 2006

I upgraded a database from SQL2000 to SQL2005 and it went pretty smooth. After the transition was made, I backed up the DB. The size of the database was as expected, about 5 GB. About 5 hours later, a maintenance plan executed a few optimization jobs in the following order: Reorganize Index, Rebuild Index, Shrink Database, Update Statistics. Soon after that, another job backed up the database and it was then 32 GB. During the time after the first backup, no one was really using the database.

I've been trying to track this down for several days. Does anyone have any ideas for me?

Bobby Crawford

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Why Is Database So Large?

Dec 4, 2006

I have a database with one table inside. The table has six columns with the following datatypes:
col1 -->smallint (2byte)
col2 -->int (4byte)
col3 -->smallint (2byte)
col4 -->smallint (2byte)
col5 -->smallint (2byte)
col6 -->int (4byte)
I have insert 1.359.320 rows with data and the size of the sdf file is 40.116.224 byte.
According to my calculation:
1.359.320 * 2byte + 1.359.320 * 4byte + 1.359.320 * 2byte + 1.359.320 * 2byte +1.359.320 * 2byte + 1.359.320 * 4byte = 21.749.120 byte
I hope somebody can explain me, why the database is so large.

Thank you

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BACKUP LOG Cannot Be Performed Because There Is No Current Database Backup

Feb 10, 2006

Hi All,I am facing this issue very frist time. I add a logical device asfollowing:USE masterGOEXEC sp_addumpdevice 'disk', 'AdvWorksData','C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQLServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBACKUPAdvWorksData.bak'-- Create a logical backup device, AdvWorksLog.USE masterGOEXEC sp_addumpdevice 'disk', 'AdvWorksLog','C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQLServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBACKUPAdvWorksLog.bak'-- Back up the full AdventureWorks database.BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks TO AdvWorksData-- Back up the AdventureWorks log.BACKUP LOG AdventureWorksTO AdvWorksLogThe database backup is completed successfully but log's backup failswith the following messages:Msg 4214, Level 16, State 1, Line 1BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current databasebackup.Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.We are moving from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005. I have ensured that databasehas full recovery mode on. We are using SQL 2005 on Windows 2003 ServerSP1.Further more, I also created a plan to test it, and plan also failswhen backing up the logs.Can anyone shed some light on this issue.Thanks in advance.Najm

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BACKUP LOG Cannot Be Performed Because There Is No Current Database Backup.

Nov 14, 2006


I have a MS SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 9.0.2153 which manages my BizTalk Server 2006 Databases. The BizTalk server installer automatically creates a job named Backup BizTalk Server (BizTalkMgmtDb) which should back up the databases and transaction protocolls.

The SQL Server Agent runs under domain-administrator account which has full access to my backup directory D:ackups.

The job executes the following steps:

Step 1: BackupFull:


exec [dbo].[sp_BackupAllFull_Schedule] 'd' /* Frequency */, 'BTS' /* Name */, 'D:Backups' /* location of backup files */

Step 2: MarkAndBackupLog


exec [dbo].[sp_MarkAll] 'BTS' /* Log mark name */, 'D:Backups' /* location of backup files */

My challenges are:

1. The job doesn't back up my databases(D:Backups is empty after executing the job)

2. I get every time the following error in error protocol of the job:

BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Fehler 4214) BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Fehler 3013).

I have already switched the Databases from full to simple recovery mode and vica versa, it didn't help. Also, the above stored procedures doesn't include neither the TRUNCATE nor the LOG parameters for the logfiles so I wasn't able to solve this issue by adjusting these flags.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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SQL Database Backup Issue - Db Backup Job Failing

Nov 15, 2007

I am using sql server 2000 and windows server 2003 standard edition:
My database backup job is failing due to lack of disk space. I am taking the backup onto E drive and the
available free space on E drive is 6.85 GB and there are no other drives I can use for the database backups.
The size of mdf file is 21 GB and that of ldf file is 4.2 GB.
The transaction log back up job of that db ran fine.
This database recovery model is Full and
Auto shrink is not checked.
There is one primary filegroup for the database.
In this situation, I am thinking of the following option:
1. Backup the db and log files onto another network shared drive.
If I want to still use the same server E drive to backup the db and log files instead of using another network shared drives.
how can I do that.
Please let me know the best way of handling this issue.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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