Backup SQL Database Files With 2005

Mar 17, 2008

I am trying to backup the sql database files from a local computer to a server location through 2005. Is there a simple way to do this? Every time I try to detach the database, I cannot because the database is in use. Is there something I am missing with this?


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Different Files In One Backup (MS SQL 2005)

Jan 31, 2008

Hi there,

I have sent a mssql backup file in .bak format to my host admin and asked them restore it. but they told me there are 3 files with 3 different dates in that backup what does it mean? should I ask them to restore all of them or just the last one?
Thanks very much in addvance
(context: MS SQL 2005 express)


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Compressing Backup Files In SQL 2005

Apr 3, 2008

Hello All,

I tried to backup my database in SQL Server 2005 (Express edition).

But the size of the backup file was the same as that of the database file.

Is there any means to compress and backup so that the size of the backup file is much smaller?



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Remove Old SQL 2005 Backup Files

Aug 17, 2006

I am trying to configure a maintenance plan in SQL 2005 to do a full backup every day and to do log file backups every hour.

What I want to do is to keep 3 days worth of full backups and 24 hours of log backups and remove all the backups older that this from the server so that I do not use all of my disk space. I will then backup these files to tape so that I have a good backup history.

In SQL 2000 there was a simple option to remove backup files older than a given time frame. Is there an option to do this in 2005? If not can you suggest a way that I can do this.

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Backup Database To CSV Files

Nov 1, 2006

HiWhat is the easiest option for Exporting ALL of my SQL Server tables into a CSV file (either separate CSV files for each table or one big file with all the table columns and data) ???I just want to Backup my SQL Server database like we backup MySQL database using phpMyAdmin. Unfortunately, my SQL hosting company does not allow backups for free.Thanks for help

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Database Backup Using .LDF && .MDF Files

Apr 12, 2006

I am developing a tool that takes snapshot of a particular database.
By snapshot I mean, attaching the .LDF & .MDF files.
Would  you please let me know how to access these files & take a backup of the same.
And also how to restore them back. (using c# programming)
Archana A.A.

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Backup Database Using Files

Aug 10, 2004

I am but a lowly DBA unworthy of this task...

I have a large (200+ GB) database with many (100+) files. Please don't ask me why I did it this way; I inherited this database -- really, it wasn't my idea.

My predecessor also seemd to think that backups were unnecessary; there have been no backups of this database -- ever.

While we cast about for a good long term solution, I am trying various short-term options. One I want to explore is to back the database up in chunks -- ie, by backing up individual files. I created a test database with five files (there is only one filegroup on the production server). Here is the DDL:

-- =============================================
-- Create database on mulitple file groups
-- =============================================
FROM master..sysdatabases
WHERE name = N'MultiFile')

( NAME = MultiFile,
FILENAME = N'e:MSSQLDataMultiFile.mdf',

( NAME = MultiFile2,
FILENAME = N'e:MSSQLDataMultiFile2.ndf',

( NAME = MultiFile3,
FILENAME = N'e:MSSQLDataMultiFile3.ndf',

( NAME = MultiFile4,
FILENAME = N'e:MSSQLDataMultiFile4.ndf',

( NAME = MultiFile5,
FILENAME = N'e:MSSQLDataMultiFile5.ndf',

( NAME = MultiFile_Log,
FILENAME = N'e:MSSQLDataMultiFile_Log.ldf',

I have tried the following backup script:

FILE = 'MultiFile',
FILE = 'MultiFile2'
TO Backup01

FILE = 'MultiFile3',
FILE = 'MultiFile4'
TO Backup02

FILE = 'MultiFile5'
TO Backup03

And here is the restore script:

FILE = 'MultiFile',
FILE = 'MultiFile2',
FILE = 'MultiFile3',
FILE = 'MultiFile4',
FILE = 'MultiFile5'
FROM Backup01, Backup02, Backup03
WITH MOVE 'MultiFile' TO 'E:MSSQLDataaMultfile.mdf',
MOVE 'MultiFile2' TO 'E:MSSQLDataaMultifile2.mdf',
MOVE 'MultiFile2' TO 'E:MSSQLDataaMultifile3.mdf',
MOVE 'MultiFile2' TO 'E:MSSQLDataaMultifile4.mdf',
MOVE 'MultiFile2' TO 'E:MSSQLDataaMultifile5.mdf',
MOVE 'MultiFile_log' TO 'E:MSSQLaMultFile_Log.ldf'

However, running the Restore script generates the following error:

Server: Msg 3259, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The volume on device 'Backup02' is not part of a multiple family media set. BACKUP WITH FORMAT can be used to form a new media set.
Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

I'm not sure what to make of this. What do I need to alter in either the backup script or the restore script to make this work?

I am trying this because my objectives are to:
1. Limit the amount of work that the server is performing during any one given backup session. The idea that I have is to backup the database in chunks using a rolling 3-5 day window.
2. The database must be up and operational 7x24x365 (except for one 4 hour window each month)
3. This is not the long-term solution; but I need something to tide us over until we can purchase additional storage capacity.

I appreciate any thoughts and or guidance you can provide.



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Backup Individual Files Vs Whole Database

May 10, 2007

We have a pretty large SQL Server database, just shy of 400 GB. It is divided up into 24 different data files. The previous DBA here said it is faster to backup the backup individual data files to seperate files. So what he did was issue 6 backup statements like the one below as a step in an agent job.

FILE = 'Data',
FILE = 'data2',
FILE = 'data3',
FILE = 'data4'
TO Data1_4

Next step:

FILE = 'data5',
FILE = 'data6',
FILE = 'data7',
FILE = 'data8'
TO Data5_8

etc.. in sequence.

What I question is how this is faster than just issuing a backup for the whole database? Has anyone ever ran into this before?

- Eric

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I Dont Have Any Backup Of My Database, But I Have The Mdf's And Ldf's Files

Jul 23, 2005

Im trying to recover my database using the mdf and ldf files.I dont have any backup and i have recovered two of the mdf files usinga tool which "discovers" deleted files after hard drive formatting...It sounds cool, isnt it...:? :(Obviously, i get a "suspect" message when the server starts and the logfile says this kind of things:·"Full PathName.MDF is not a primary database file." (This is one ofthe files repaired using the magic tool.·Error: 823, Severity: 24, State: 6·"I/O error (torn page) detected during read at offset0000000000000000 in file 'Full PathiName2.mdf'... Name2.mdf is thesecond file·Device activation error. The physical file name 'Full PathName2.mdf'may be incorrect.When i try to execute the command "DBCC CHECKDB ('Database_Name') WITHPHYSICAL_ONLY" i get the following message :·Could not open FCB for invalid file ID 0 in database 'Logs'.Do you have any ideas? Thank you very much...:D

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How To Backup A Database Into A Number Of Smaller Files ?

Jul 23, 2005

To all,How to backup a database into a number of smaller files ?For example, can I can fully backup a DB of 10 MB into 10 files (each 1MB)???The problem I've met is that the DB backup file is too large, over 4GB, and even Winzip can't compress it (after compressing, around 80 %of compression rate is possible)Thanks![color=blue]>From Jason (Kusanagihk)[/color]

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Unexpected Error While Removing Backup Files In Sql 2005 Setup

Dec 18, 2007

I was trying an edition upgrade from SQL 2005 standard x64 to SQL 2005 enterprise x64 using the "setup SKUUPGRADE=1" from the command line. The SO is W2003 server R2 enterprise and I have a SQL clustered environment with 2 nodes (active/passive).

I select to upgrade the SQL module and I mark the checkbox for the cluster installation. The installation seems to work properly untill setup is doing the task "removing backup files". Then 2 "unexpected error" message appears as follows. The 2 above windows appear when you click on the help icon.

Link to screen capture

The following is the end of the SQL setup log file:


Property(S): OutOfDiskSpace = 0
Property(S): OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0
Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable = 0
Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired = 0
Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining = 0
Property(S): RSVirtualDirectoryManager = Reports
Property(S): RSVirtualDirectoryServer = ReportServer
Property(S): SqlActionManaged = 3
Property(S): SqlStateManaged = 2
Property(S): Sql_sqlSqlUpgradeSequence = 387709900
Property(S): SOURCEDIR = I:Setup
Property(S): SourcedirProduct = {79F1B65E-8FC0-4D03-954D-F9E71C85AEC7}
Property(S): HotfixScript = 1
Property(S): DebugClsid.B2156BC9_6CE8_422F_A957_E99A65256B1D = {A42D1020-AA4C-401D-B7BD-26C333C0D627}
Property(S): SQLBROWSERACCOUNT = HEREISTHEDOMAINheretheclusteraccount
Property(S): ProductToBeRegistered = 1
MSI (s) (84:F8) [00:32:10:598]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (64-bit) - Update 'Hotfix 3024 for SQL Server Database Services 2005 (64-bit) ENU (KB000000)' could not be installed. Error code 1603. Additional information is available in the log file C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0024_SV00010-2_SQL.log.
MSI (s) (84:F8) [00:32:10:613]: Note: 1: 1708
MSI (s) (84:F8) [00:32:10:613]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (64-bit) -- Installation failed.
MSI (s) (84:F8) [00:32:10:613]: Attempting to delete file C:WINDOWSInstaller75d5c.msp
MSI (s) (84:F8) [00:32:10:613]: Unable to delete the file. LastError = 32
MSI (s) (84:F8) [00:32:10:645]: Cleaning up uninstalled install packages, if any exist
MSI (s) (84:F8) [00:32:10:645]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
MSI (s) (84:CC) [00:32:10:754]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.
MSI (s) (84:74) [00:32:10:754]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.
=== Logging stopped: 18/12/2007 0:32:10 ===
MSI (c) (34:B4) [00:32:10:832]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (34:B4) [00:32:10:832]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603
=== Verbose logging stopped: 18/12/2007 0:32:10 ===


Does anyone have any clue or idea about the possible problem?

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Seagate Backup Exec Will Not Copy DAT Database Files

Feb 10, 1999

We are having a problem with trying to backup the database device and log DAT files located in the MSSQLData directory.
The Seagate Backup Exec. states that the files are busy and skips them during its backup cycle. It skips all the devices in the

Any suggestions?

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Need Suggestion For BACKUP And Database Files On RAID 5 Configuration....!

Sep 10, 2007

I have RAID 5 with 1 logical drive with 2 partitions with SQL Server 2000 running on SERVER.

what best model for data storage and backup would some experienced one suggest:

basically I want to put Master, Database files and T-Log files away from each other.

-- Data files
-- Log files
-- Master database.



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DB Engine :: Moving Database Backup Files From One Server To Another?

Sep 15, 2015

How to move the database backup files (.bak) from one server to another server using ‘XP_CMDSHELL’

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Unable To Install SQL Server 2005 - Removing Backup Files Hangs

Oct 6, 2007


For the past several weeks, I have been trying to install SQL Server 2005 on a Win XP SP2 PC. Regardless of the options I choose (SQL Engine + Client Tools, Client Tools only, etc.) when the installation gets to the end of the Client Tools setup and the setup status displays "Removing Backup Files", my PC appears to hang.

For a period of time, there is a fair amount of HD activity which gives me the impression that files are in fact being deleted, but then there is no HD activity and the installation appears to hang. Finally I give up and kill the setup process and reboot.

After reboot, it appears that the client tools have been installed (the icons appear and I can open the Management Studio, but when I try to connect to an existing instance of SQL, that hangs. This occurs for either Windows or SQL authentication.

Has anyone experienced this behavior and determined the root cause? What EXACTLY is happening during the "Removing Backup Files" phase of the installation?

Thanks for any help in advance,
Marc Mueller

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RESTORE DATABASE Timeout In SQL 2000 With Large Backup Files

Sep 11, 2007


I am attempting to restore the database from within VB.NET application I am making the following 3 calls:

RESTORE FileListOnly FROM DISK = 'C:MyDatabase.dat'

USE Master RESTORE DATABASE MyDatabase FROM DISK = 'C:MyDatabase.dat' WITH NORECOVERY, MOVE 'MyDatabase' TO 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDataMyDatabase.mdf', MOVE 'MyDatabase_log' TO 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDataLDFMyDatabase.ldf', REPLACE

RESTORE DATABASE MyDatabase FROM DISK = 'C:MyDatabase.dat'

using SMO. This logic works fine with small *.dat files, however when using *.dat file of about 4Gb I get an error on the 3d restore database call:

ExecuteNonQuery failed for Database 'master'.

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

Operator aborted backup or restore. See the error messages returned to the console for more details.

ExecuteNonQuery failed for Database 'master'.

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

Operator aborted backup or restore. See the error messages returned to the console for more details.

The same program/logic also works fine when I use MS SQL 2005 and it runs fine from MS SQL 2005 Query Analyzer for both 2005 and 2000 databases. There seem to be only problem with MS SQL 2000 from within VB.NET. Anybody has any idea? I'd appreciate any response. Thanks


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SQL 2012 :: FOR FILES Command To Delete Old Backup Files On Remote Server?

Feb 24, 2015

I have the need to delete old backup files via TSQL job. Found this solution online:

PushD "
emoteservershareDIFF" &&(
forfiles -m *DIFF*.sqb -d -1 -c "cmd /c del /q @path"
) & PopD

It works remotely if I run it via command prompt. But when I add this to a TSQL job on my remote SQL instance, it runs without deleting anything. What I'm missing?

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SQL Attached Mdf Database Files VS Database Imported Into Or Created In SQL Server 2005

Apr 8, 2007

 Hi all (newbie @ @ ASP 3)What is the purpose of using an attached MDF database files in the App_Data folder on a web site as to importing it into the SQL server directly or creating it on the SQL server. Does a mdf database attached file purely use the SQL server as a connection interface.Is it something similiar to DSN(ODBC) Connections for ms access databases.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Count Number Of Backup Files Deleted From A Default Backup Location

Mar 13, 2015

I've written a custom script to delete backup files from location. But unable to modify now to count the number of files are deleted. How to modify the script...

/* Script to delete older than N days backup from a specific directory */

USE [db_admin]
IF OBJECT_ID('usp_DeleteBackup', 'P') IS NOT NULL
DROP PROC usp_DeleteBackup

[Code] .....

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Is There A MS SQL Backup Tool That Will Zip Or Compress The Backup Files?

Feb 27, 2007

Currently we use a SQL maintenance plan to do a full backup of all our databases daily (about 40 databases on our production server).  As you can imagine, this eats up disk space quickly so currently we manually zip the backup files and/or move them to an archive drive.  I considered writing an application to walk through the backup folder structure and zip any .bak file it finds, but I know there are some third party tools out there that will backup/restore a MS SQL database.
I was wondering if any of these also zip the backups once they are created.  Any recommendations or suggestions are welcome.

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SQL 2012 :: Missing Other Backup Files Backup

Nov 3, 2014

I scheduled automatic backup process but its only showing backup of the only one .sql file in the backup folder. Other created .sql files are not backed up. Why is it so?

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Script SQL 2005 Database To Individual Files?

Feb 27, 2006

I am trying to script the DROP(IF EXISTS) and CREATE for all of mytables, views, stored procs, and functions to individual SQL text files(one per object). This was trivially done in SQL 2000 with EnterpriseManager, but when I try in SQL 2005 through Management Studio my only"script mode" options are:- Script to file (which is one huge file with everything)- Script to Clipboard- Script to New Query WindowFYI, I get to this screen through Management Studio by right clickingon a database and selecting Tasks > Generate Scripts... > Next (doesn'tseem to matter what combo of objects I select to script or what otheroptions). I am using SQL Server 2005 Developer (which is Microsoft SQLServer Management Studio 9.00.1399.00).Any solution to this (i.e. via Management Studio, command line, etc.)would be greatly appreciated.Thanks.Ted

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The Backup Set Holds A Backup Of A Database Other Than Existing Database. Restore Database Is Terminating Abnormally

Apr 9, 2008

I have a problem when i restore my .DAT_BAK file. I am getting error like "The backup set holds a backup of a database other than existing database. Restore Database is terminating abnormally".

I tried by using


And also i tried like



When i use like this,

RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'D:DATAMYTEST.DAT_BAK'. I am able to get the output as LogicalName, PhysicalName, Type, FileGroupName, Size, etc.

Can i anyone please help me out?

Thanks in Advance,
Anand Rajagopal

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Database Files Free Space (SQL Server 2005)

Nov 4, 2006

Dear friends

I need to report the amount of free space in each datafile of a database.

I have tried sys.dm_db_file_space_usage , but the documentation says that it only works for the TempDB.

Please help.



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How To Backup Remote SQL 2005 Database?

Aug 3, 2007

I use SQL 2005 Database in my ASP.Net 2.0 site, I have to require admin backup db for me every time, I hope to I can backup by myself , how can I do?
You know  Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard can restore DB easily!
Many thanks!

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How Can I Take BackUp Of Database In Sql Server 2005 ?

Feb 18, 2006

hello all
i have Database of having 5 tables , 5 SP, etc
now due to some reason i have to format my Harddisk.
so which files i shuold take as Backup so next time i install Sqlserver 2005 so i will have to run(paste ) only those backuped files and i will have my database ready , pls show me path for taking back up.
thank u

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Mar 23, 2006

I am using Veritas backup exec 10.d with sql agent. I am able to see the sql express studio 2005 database files but there is difference in file size between original database file and the one shows in sql agent backup selection. The backup performs 100% successful but the original database file size is different e.g( original file:350MB, backup file: 28MB)..

Any  ideas...?


Thanks in advance..

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Considerations... Backing Up IIS 6 Web Files And SQL Server 2005 Express Database

Mar 1, 2006

Anyone know of a good "free" way to back up web files and SQL Server 2005 Express Database?
I was able to use Windows Server 2003 Backup utility to back up the folder where the Databases were stored, as well as the web files, with no errors.
But I have heard a lot of discussion that you can't just simply backup SQL Server data files?
I'm wondering how sound the backup I've created is...
Any suggestions?

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Backup Sqlexpress 2005 To A 2000 Database -

Jan 14, 2008

I have sqlexpress 2005 on my local machine - but my hoster has sql 2000 - so i used the DB publishing wizard to create the script and sent it over to them - they are now saying that they need a .bak file in 2000 to host my database - is this a bunch of horse hockey or not?
if this is legit - any ideas on how I can create a .bak 2000 sql from sqlexpress 2005?
many thanks

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How To Backup Remote SQL 2005 Database Without SSManagement?

Dec 16, 2005

I have upload my SQL 2005 express database to my hosting, and require DBA attach my express database to remote sql  2005 server database.
My question is
1. I have only Windows 98 PC which can connect to Internet, it mean I can use SSManagement, how can I backup remote sql 2005 database?
2. In the further, If I choose another hosting provider, how can I transfer my remote SQL 2005 database?
3. Can I download remote SQL 2005 database to local disk and change it to express database so I can use it in my VWD 2005 Express?

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Backup Database Rolepermission In SQL Server 2005

Aug 28, 2007

I have 20+ databases on the SQL Cluster. How can I give a user the permission to backup any database without giving sysadmin access ?
I dont want to make the user dbo on all databases either.

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Backup Of MS SQL 2005 Database On Remote Server

Jun 25, 2007

Hello Friends:

My problem relates to backing up my MS SQL 2005 database which is sitting on a shared server at a hosting company.

- Hosting company is using MS SQL 2005
- I am using the SQL Server Management Studio that comes with SQL Server 2005 Standard (NOT Express), which is installed on MY PC.
- So, I am connecting to the SQL server over the internet

- I would like to backup the data sitting on the Hosting company's MS SQL Server. I only have one database on this SQL Server. There are of course 100s of other databases on the same server which belong to other customers of the hosting company.

- I want to bring the backup to MY PC, from the SQL Server.

- As far as I can tell the following options within SQL Server Management Studio may be of help to me. I do not know which one I should use or which one is best or what is the proper method. 1) Select Backup option from the Tasks menu (but it only shows me drives/devices on the Hosting SQL Server, not my PC, so I can’t backup to my PC) 2) Export Data (it does not work, showing errors ‘…not a trusted connection…’ I have no clue what a trusted connection is. 3) Copy Database (which is supposed to copy the remote database on the Hosting company SQL server, to my local SQL Server running on my PC). I go through the wizard, on the last screen it just hangs i.e. shows- not responding)

How do I backup the database sitting on the hosting company SQL server? I of course need to bring the backup to my PC.

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Question Regarding Backup Of 2005 Database To 2000.

Apr 25, 2007

I know it's not possible to backup a database in SQL2005, and restore to 2000. But, I've been asked if there are any 3rd party tools which can do this - such as SQL Litespeed - but I can't see anything regarding this on their website.

Does anyone know if litespeed or Redgate SQL Backup can restore to 2000 from 2005 ?

Thanks in advance,

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