Backup Restoration / Append Query

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All:

Being a bit of a nube to MSSQL I could use a little advice. This is the

A client's HDD became full so I backed up, deleted then recreated a blank
database (they said they didn't need the stored data).
They have now deceided that they want the data again.

My plan is to restore the database to a second volume so it can grow as much
as is needed, however, there is now data in the second instance that would
need importing to the restored DB.

I can restore the backed up db with a different name and reconfigure the
software that accesses it but what would be the best method to append the
restored DB with the data in the current instance of said DB? Both DBs are



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SQL Security :: Full Backup Needed After Restoration Of Database Before Transaction Log Backup

Jul 15, 2015

We take a full backup in the early morning and hourly transaction log back during the working hours for one database in the production server. The application team made certain changes to the design of the said database in their development server. The backup from the development server was restored to the production server during working hours. After the restoration should we take a full backup before next transactional logbackup? Would the transactional log backup with out a full backup after the restoration of a database be valid?

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Faster Restoration Of Backup.

Dec 16, 2005

Hello friends,

Kindly guide, if you are aware of any mechanism for restoring the differential backup only.

This can save a lot of time other than restoring complete database.

Thanks in advance.


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Restoration Of A Table From Backup

May 15, 2007

Hello there,

I am facing problem in restoring a single table from backup file.

I have taken backup before one week, and now that i lost my data of one table named 'activity' i want to restore its data from backup.

How do i do it? i am not able to restore it.



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Restoration Of Publication Database Backup

Jul 27, 2006

When I tried to restore backup of publication database, time taken for restoration is too long [ 4 hours]. The actual database restore takes only 20 minutes but the stored procedures used for cleanup replication takes the remaining time. Is the issue related to my environment or the cleanup replication stored procedure?

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Backup Append Problem

Feb 15, 2005

We have a file where my co-employee backup's our database. The problem is that the file is getting too large because he always use APPEND when he backup's. Is there a way to delete some of the appended backup instances?
Thank you very much for your help.

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Append New Backup On A Device

Mar 16, 2008

hi all!

appending new backup on a same device - yes or no?

if somebody can tell me, is ok to constantly create new backus on a same device? i'm asking that, because in that case, defice file it will grow and grow.

is there any limit or suggestions how many appending is recomended, cause of file growth?

tnx in adv!

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I Want Restore My Backup With Append

Mar 25, 2008

hello my freands
i attached my database on 3 computer those are stand alone.
i get backup form those separately .
now,i have 3 backup files,with name:
"bkcomputer1.bak","bkcomputer2.bak" and "bkcomputer3.bak"
i want merge these,and make new file with new name "master"
and restore to new computer
my code for restor is:
restore database [mydatabase] from disk='c:kupcomputer1.bak'
restore database [mydatabase] from disk='c:kupcomputer2.bak'
restore database [mydatabase] from disk='c:kupcomputer3.bak'
but this way is false,because each restore deleted structure and data old data base,therefore after compile 3 over line,i have only data of computer3
please help me....


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How To Shut Down BACKUP APPEND Mode?

Jun 13, 2007

Hi All,

I got a job which runs every day this T-SQL code:


It runs just fine but in append Mode (the default one); the bak file is being taped every night, so I would like to overwrite it, in order it not to become huge after a few time, but I can't seem to find a clear way to do this.

Any help or pointing would be appreciated!



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Backup Files In Append Mode To Be Copied.

Oct 18, 2007


I have a database on sqlserver 2005.I usually take a full db backup and sequential transaction log backups and append each of the backups it to a backup file.Now if i want to copy my second transaction log file to a specific folder on my server.Do we have any procedure to do it.

Arvind L

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Append Differential Backup

Feb 10, 2015

Look at this scenario

1- I have created a backup device
2- I have created a maintenance plan full backup and run it - with overwrite option on the backup device
3- I have created a maintenance plan differential backup and run it with append option on the same file of backup device
4- I have created a maintenance plan log backup with append option on the same backup device

When I made restore database from the backup device i found three files the full and differential and log backup

5- I ran again the differential backup maintenance plan ( suppose to be ran everyday night )

when i made restore database I found only two backups the full and the last differential !!!

what I want to do is to take a full backup every week , append differential backup everyday and append log backup every hour

when I ran the last differential backup it erased the first differential and log backups, why is this happening and how to apply this scenario and keep the all differential backups on the same backup device .

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Help With Access Append Query To Ms Sql

Feb 21, 2006

I am in the process of creating an append query that sends the fields of an open form from my ms access 2000 db to a table in ms sql 2000. I've successfully linked the ms sql tables and created the query to pull data from my form but when i run the append i get a key violation error and nothing gets appended. I know which field is the primary key in ms sql i just don't know how to change my access table to suit, any ideas?

To start I've made my append query simple and it just pulls the contact name. Here's my sql statement if that helps.
INSERT INTO dbo_PatientMaster ( PatientFirstName, PatientLastName, PatientAccountNumber )
SELECT [Forms]![Contacts]![FirstName] AS Firstname, [Forms]![Contacts]![LastName] AS [Last], [Contacts]![PatientAccountNumber] AS [Patient Account Number]
FROM Contacts, dbo_PatientMaster
GROUP BY [Forms]![Contacts]![FirstName], [Forms]![Contacts]![LastName], [Contacts]![PatientAccountNumber];
In access the patient account number is empty and I just created that field in my access table today.

thanks in advance

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Append Query Problems

Nov 30, 2006


I am doing an A level database project. I need to build a system to deal with ordering and selling products.

I am trying to make an append query that will append all the products bought in my "invoices" table to my "archive" table. I want invoices that are three months old to be transferred the the "archive" table. I have been trying to put a criteria in the query for the Date field but I haven't managed to find an expression that works.

I'm sorry if this is too simple and you guys think im just being stupid.
I figured it was worth asking on here!! It's really bugging me.

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Append Query Problem

Jul 20, 2005

I'm testing this query and it does not append any new rows from thesource tables unless the destination table is empty. I want to designthe query just to add new records from the destination tables and leaveexisting ones in tact. Help appreciated. Query:INSERT INTO tMASmembers ( Division, CustomerNumber, CustomerName,AddressLine1, SalesPersonCode, SIC_Code, SIC_Desc )SELECT AR1_CustomerMaster.Division, AR1_CustomerMaster.CustomerNumber,AR1_CustomerMaster.CustomerName, AR1_CustomerMaster.AddressLine1,AR1_CustomerMaster.SalesPersonCode, AR_90_UDF_AR_Customer.Sic_Code,AR_90_UDF_AR_Customer.Sic_DescFROM AR1_CustomerMaster INNER JOIN AR_90_UDF_AR_Customer ON(AR1_CustomerMaster.Division = AR_90_UDF_AR_Customer.Division) AND(AR1_CustomerMaster.CustomerNumber =AR_90_UDF_AR_Customer.CustomerNumber)WHERE (((AR1_CustomerMaster.Division) Not In (Select[tMASmembers].[Division] From [tMASmembers])) AND((AR1_CustomerMaster.CustomerNumber) Not In (Select[tMASmembers].[CustomerNumber] From [tMASmembers])) AND((AR1_CustomerMaster.CustomerName) Not In (Select[tMASmembers].[CustomerName] From [tMASmembers])) AND((AR1_CustomerMaster.AddressLine1) Not In (Select[tMASmembers].[AddressLine1] From [tMASmembers])) AND((AR1_CustomerMaster.SalesPersonCode) Not In (Select[tMASmembers].[SalesPersonCode] From [tMASmembers])) AND((AR_90_UDF_AR_Customer.Sic_Code) Not In (Select[tMASmembers].[SIC_Code] From [tMASmembers])) AND((AR_90_UDF_AR_Customer.Sic_Desc) Not In (Select[tMASmembers].[SIC_Desc] From [tMASmembers])));*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Single Query To Update And Append

May 5, 2004

I need to write a single query that will append the values from one table into another table but I need to update a single field in the table with a static value. What I'm working with is an Access .adp with an SQL 2000 backend. The database is used to track ticket sales, payments, and contact info for season ticket holders. Prior to upsizing, each year the database would be copied and then choice bits modified for the next year.

In other words, the history was in several databases, i.e. db2001, db2002, db2003 and for the current year dbcurrent. I decided to create a historic tables in the current DB rather than have umpteen DBs on my SQL server.

My problem is that I need to create a query that appends to my table the previous years data and then updates the season field to reflect the season that the data came from.

In short, say I have a table named accounts
with fields
account, customer, addr1, addr2, ..., ticket type
and I want it to end up in
account_hist with fields
account, customer, addr1, addr2, ..., ticket type, SEASON
and make the season equal say 8 which represents the 8th season the team has played.
I can get both queries to work seperately :D , but for end user ease, I want to perform both actions at the same time :confused: .
Can anybody point me in the right direction?

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Append Query With Isnull Function

May 21, 2004

i'm trying to run an append query using data from 2 tables. i want to replace nulls with blanks ('') bellow is my statment. when i run this statment with out the iif(isnull)) statmentes the query works fine. is there another way of replacing my nulls with blanks.
Thank you,

insert into tblcustomers (cusName, cusNumber, Active, cusContact, cusCrLimit,cusTerms)
SELECT dbo.tblCustomersIOA.CustomerName, dbo.tblCustomersIOA.Cust#,
iif(isnull(dbo.tblCustomersIOA.Contact),'',dbo.tbl CustomersIOA.Contact) ,
dbo.tblCustomersIOA LEFT OUTER JOIN
WHERE (dbo.tblCustomersIOA.CountryID = 1) AND (dbo.tblCustomersIOA.StateID = 2);

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SQL Query - Append Data From Two Tables

Jul 20, 2005

I need to run a query which will pull data from two tables and appendit as one when it displays the result. The data are in two tables. Butthe result set will be identical in terms of number of columns. I wantto display it one set below the other.This is for pay history. From 2003 we have a new payroll system. Till2002 we used to have a different system. But I need to run a querywhich will pull the data for an employee for the last one year. So theinformation is spread out between these two tables. Both these tablesare in SQL Server databases.I want to write a Stored Procedure. I can use Shape/Append but I thinkit doesnt work on QA/Stored Proc. It needs an OLEDB.How can I write the query. I dont want to use temporary tables and doinserts.ThanksGIRISH

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How Do I Append String To End Of Sql Query Results?

Jul 20, 2005

I need to append text to the end of my sql query results.For instance, my query returns a list of user names infirstname.lastname. I need to add to each record. So theend result should be Join Bytes!. What should byselect statement look like?Any help?

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Append To Media Vs Overwrite An Existing Media In SQL Server Database Backup

Sep 24, 2007

Dear All,

I know the basic defiinition of these two options, but i am not very clear why would someone choose one over another,
currently I am using Append to Media option, and every day backup, I see my backup files growing in size.

can someone give me nice example about these two options,


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Append Query Problems, From Access To Excel

Feb 27, 2003

Hi everyone. I have a problem with an append query runing from a small Access database and would very much appreciate some input.

The append query from Access is as follows:

INSERT INTO TransferTable ( Name, Surname, Company, Address1, Address2, [Town/City], County, PostCode, Phone, Fax, Email, [Client type] )
SELECT [Clients].[Name], [Clients].[Surname], [Clients].[Company], [Clients].[Address 1], [Clients].[Address 2], [Clients].[Town/City], [Clients].[County], [Clients].[Post Code], [Clients].[PhoneNumber], [Clients].[FaxNumber], [Clients].[Email Address], [Clients].[ClientType]
FROM Clients
WHERE [Name]=[Forms]![Client Form]!Name;

This works up to a point. What it does is send the selected data to the TransferTable which is a link table to a sheet in an Excel workbook.

So far so good.

Each time the query is run though, it inserts the selectd data on the line below the previous run, even if the information that was inserted last time was not saved. So on the first run the query will drop the desired information into row A2 of the TransferTable, then even if that is deleted and the changes to the workbook are not saved, the next time the query is run it goes down to row A3, then A4 and so on. no doubt this is the exact point of an append query, but it's really aggravating me.

What I'd like is a query that will get the data into the same row of the TransferTable each time it is run, since another sheet in the Excel workbook runs some calculations based on the data held in the cells of the TransferTable sheet.

I've tried the SQL editor in Excel, but my very limited knowledge has left me completely frustrated. Does anyone have any ideas how I can achieve this outcome before I go completely nuts ?

I don't mind if the query runs from Excel or Access.

Thanks in advance to anyone who offers any input.

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MS Access Append Query To SQL Table Problem

Sep 22, 1998

Any known problems with using an Access Append query to add data to an SQL table?

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Firing An Append Query(stored Procedure) On The First Of Very Month

Mar 4, 2002

I need several stored procedures to fire on the 1st of every month. I was told my another developer I can possibly use SQL sever agent.

Any ideas????

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Server Trigger Timing Out Access Append Query

Oct 17, 2013

I have a SQL Server database running on a local PC which will eventually be scaled up once everything is working.

The Database takes data from an Access database, then the SQL Server aggregates this data into several other tables.

I have used a trigger to run this in SQL Server, once a table in SQL Server is appended with a specific value.

I have tested the trigger to do a simple task, and this works.

I have tested the aggregation query which create 18 seperate tables as well. It takes around 25 minutes to run. These are huge tables

When I use Access to append the final value to start the SQL Server trigger it freezes and eventually times out. I assume this is because it is running the 25minute trigger, and Access has to wait until this is completed before it can proceed.

I was hoping it would trigger SQL Server to run the trigger, then Access could go off and do something else!

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Append Query From Access Table To Linked SQL Server Table Failing

Jun 18, 2004

Strange one here - I am posting this in both SQL Server and Access forums

Access is telling me it can't append any of the records due to a key violation.

The query:

INSERT INTO dbo_Colors ( NameColorID, Application, Red, Green, Blue )
SELECT Colors_Access.NameColorID, Colors_Access.Application, Colors_Access.Red, Colors_Access.Green, Colors_Access.Blue
FROM Colors_Access;

Colors_Access is linked from another MDB and dbo_Colors is linked from SQL Server 2000.

There are no indexes or foreign contraints on the SQL table. I have no relationships on the dbo_ table in my MDB. The query works if I append to another Access table. The datatypes all match between the two tables though the dbo_ tables has two additional fields not refrenced in the query.

I can manually append the records using cut and paste with no problems.

I have tried re-linking the tables.

Any ideas?

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Append Query To Insert 80000 From One Table To Empty Table

Jul 22, 2012

All, Using access 2003 frontend and sql server 2008 backend. I have an append query to insert 80000 from one table to an empty table. I get an error:

"Microsoft Office Access set 0 field(s) to Null due to a type conversion failure, and didn't add 36000 record(s) to the table due to key violations, 0 record(s) due to lock violations, and 0 record(s) due to validation rule violations."

I know this error normally comes if there are dups in a field that doesnt allow.

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Re:restoration Of Database

May 7, 2001

i am restoring newdatabase(test) with the backup from other server.
The problem is the restoring process is hanging and its not restoring the
database .when i stopped and refreshed the databases the database is not showing up
could some body Give patch for this problem


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Restoration --URGERNT --Please Help

May 16, 2000

Please excuse my lack of understanding as I am not a SQL DBA.

I have just received a database backup: "myDB_20005034400.bak" and have been
asked to put a copy on my server. I am told that this was made from the Enterprise Manager's DB Maintenance Utility. The backup Administrator has left the company with the server in a crashed condition.

How can I find out what "myDB_20005034400.bak" pertains to? (No msdb, etc. available). I am RESTORING TO A NEW SERVER.


Thanks a trillion.

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Need Restoration Procedure

Jan 11, 2000

Please give the retoration procedure:
I have a production server and I want test it on the other machine to check whether my backups are working or not?(Please give me step by step so that I can do easily)
Your answer will be highly appreciated.

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Msdb Restoration

Dec 7, 2000

Hi !

when i am trying to restore MSDB database from a disk backup it is giving an error saying
"Database in use.System administrator must have exclusive use of the databse to run the restore operation".
But i am not using msdb anywhere.when i see the processes under current activities i see an application named sqlagent-alert engine using the database.even after killing this process it reppaears and stops the restore operation.
so i stopped sql server agent and did the restore operation.It worked.
so is it necessary to stop sql server agent while restoring msdb?may i know the logical reason for it?

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DB Restoration Error

Apr 21, 2008

Hi Gurus,

While one of my DB through job i got following error message.

Failed to uncompressing data block. RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally. Read on "VDI_2A04E518-0B70-41F8-BA22-48A63F9AC65C_0" failed: 1223(The operation was canceled by the user.) [SQLSTATE HY000] (Error 52008). The step failed.

Can someone help in this.


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Restoration Time

May 7, 2008

Hi Gurus,

Every time when i want to restore database Iam going with SqlLight restoration scripts.

Here iam unable to get estimation time while restoration time.
How can i get time to complete restoration when database is in middle of restoration.

Please advice...


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SQL Server 7.0 - Ndf Restoration

Feb 14, 2006

VijayaKumar writes "We have SQL Server 7.0 & that machine was crahesd out. We took the .ndf & .ldf files and restore the DB in onther machine.

In that machine I am able to Login but during the time of retrival (select query or stored procedure) it gives the following error....

Server: Msg 823, Level 24, State 1, Line 1
I/O error (bad page ID) detected during read of BUF pointer = 0x1174f100, page ptr = 0x217f8000, pageid = (0x1:0x55b1), dbid = 12, status = 0x801, file = E:MYSTS_CWS_DB_PRIMARY.ndf.

Connection Broken"

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Restoration Problem

Mar 29, 2007

Problem in restoring new database with the backup file stored in tape drive
tape doesnnot contain sql server backup set

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