Backup To Flash Drive

Jul 20, 2005

I have a utility I wrote which can backup/restore my database as well
as schedule backups. This has always worked pretty well except when I
try to backup to a USB Flash Disk. When I use one of these the backup
fails. If I backup to the C:/ drive then copy it over to the disk it
works fine but when SQL Server tries to do it, it can't.
I am simply doing the following:

BACKUP DATABASE MyDatabase TO DISK = 'E:/backup.dat_bak' WITH INIT

Anyone know what could be going wrong?

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Data Files In Flash Drive

Jan 26, 2005

Hi friends, i want to know something abt sql server installation and database properties as under.1) how much disk space reqd by multiuser sqlserver 2000 db to install ?2) is it possible to install sql 2K on Flash Drive ( gen connect at USB) ?3) When v create a database user Enterprise Manager , which files created by database ?4) If i Know datafiles name of a database e.g. pubs , and if v copied on cd and paste on other system which has sql 2K install , does those database works ?5) is it possible to create database on flash drive ? thanx in advance.

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SQL 2012 :: How To Backup Half Of DBs From A Server On C Drive And Other Half On D Drive

Jan 16, 2015

How to backup half of dbs from a server on C drive and the other half on D drive and vice versa, first half on D drive and other half On C drive using only one job and one stored procedure??

Using scheduling from job add 2 schedules to the job so first schedule backup first half to C and second half to D , the second schedule backup first half to D and second half to D.

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Backup/restoring On CD Drive

May 3, 2002

Pls explain how to backup and restore data on SQL Server with a CD drive instead of tape drive.

This is urgent.


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Backup Db To Network Drive Problem

Nov 20, 2001

We're trying to backup some dbs to a network drive but fail.

I read that the 'a/c to run SQLAgent must be a domain user a/c with
proper permission to access the network drive.'

What is proper permission? Read, Write ?

Only the a/c that runs SQLAgent needs the proper permission, the job's owner doesn't?!?

Thanks in advance,

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BACKUP To Maped Network Drive

May 4, 2000

Hi guys.

Has anyone ever done SQL DB backup directly onto a maped network drive?

We've got a really huge DB 100GB+ that just wont fit into the local Hard Disk for backup.

Thank you in advance for your help.


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Backup Fails On Network Drive???

Nov 14, 2000

I have creted a backup device on network drive and getting the following error when I run the backup command as a job.SQL server and the agent are running on a domain account which has full permission on the network drive.Any help is greatly appreciated.

"Cannot open backup device 'mccdiffbkpond2build'.
Device error or device off-line. See the SQL Server error
log for more details. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3201) Backup or
restore operation terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000]
(Error 3013). The step failed"

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Network Drive Not Available In Backup Schedule

Oct 24, 2000

I am setting up a backup on one of my DB's and the network drive does not appear as an location that I can backup too. Only the C drive is present. However, on the server I do have a drive mapped to the network drive, so it should be available. Has anyone encountered this issue before?



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Backup To Non-local Hard Drive

Oct 19, 1998

I want to perform backups to a network drive. I need to know if I can access the backup drive via UNC. I have not been able to get it to work and, for now, I would just like to know if what I am trying to do SHOULD work.

For example I want to backup to device mdtnts_prod02LM2BackupNameBack.DAT.


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How To Get The Drive Letter And The Backup Directory

Jan 16, 2008


I'm looking to get the drive letter and path for my backups programmatically. I am monitoring my sqlserver boxes remotely and need to get this information to determine if my backups will fit on the backup drive.

I'm looking for either a sql statement or a stored procedure to accomplish this.

For example...the backup script states:
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_create_subdir N'H:MSSQLBackupmaster'

I need to know how this script gets H:MSSQLBackup

Thanks in advance.

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[MSSQL7] Backup On Network Drive

Feb 2, 2004

Hi there,

Does anyone know if it's possible to perform a MSSQL7 database backup on a network drive instead of the local drives ?

...and if yes, how to proceed ?

It seems to be possible under MSSQL2000.

Many thanks for your help in advance,


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Restoring Using Backup On Shared Drive

Jun 11, 2008

Is this possible? I can only seem to restore when the *.bak is on a local drive which is ridiculous. I'm sure this translates to other operations in addition to restoring databases...

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Unable To Backup To Tape Drive

Dec 17, 2007

i have taken full database backup on tape drive one week ago,by automated scripts ,now when i check the maintenance plan history , it says the task failed and gives a message that unable to open the \. ape0 ,with error

([Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 3201: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open backup device '\. ape0'. Device error or device off-line. See the SQL Server error log for more details.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

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Cann't Able To Take Backup On Network Drive...........

Mar 17, 2008

i am trying to take a backup on Network drive but i am getting following error message. althought when i try to type the address in window explorer. i can access the specific folder. so that there shouldn't be network security issue.... and even thought the backup device name is correct.
when i try to take backup on local disk, it work's fine....

Executed as user: NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM. Cannot open backup device 'FullBackup(\'. Operating system error 5(error not found). [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3201) BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3013). The step failed.

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Would You Please Suggest A Good Backup Tape Drive?

Jul 23, 2005

First posting to the group. I have received a lot of valuable info from youguys. Now, an OT question:What's a good tape drive to perform unmanned weekly backups for a WindowsXP Pro box running SQL server 2000?--Joel Farris | AIM: FarrisJoel** Their Web. Your Way. **

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Backup To Network Drive Using Workgroup/Standard.

Jun 18, 2007

I am using SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. I am planning on upgrading to either Workgroup or Standard edition. While working with Express Edition I did find out that this version does not support backup to a network drive.
My question is:

Is it possible to backup directly to a network drive using a Workgroup/ Standard edition of SQL Server rather than backing up to a local drive and then 'copy and paste' to a network drive like the Express Edition.My other question is :

Given a database limit of 50GB, which one of the editions, Workgroup or Standard, will be appropriate for use.Thank you for your time and patience.
Berly Sam

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Backup On Local/Network Drive Using Maintenance Plan

May 27, 2007

I have created an sql server 2005 maintenance plan for a daily backup. The plan has two 'Back up database task' i.e. one backup on the local drive while the second on a network drive. When the plan is executed, a backup is created on the local drive but not on the network drive. If i check the log, it says "Access Denied" whereas i have full access to the network drive with complete permissions to read, write and delete.
Can anyone help me understand how to take a backup on both a local and network drive at the same time using a maintenance plan ? I shall be obliged...

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SQL Backup Continuosly Grows And Fills Up Drive Issue

Nov 1, 2007

I currently have a SQL backup process that backs up my databases via the network to a backup hard drive on a separate system. I recently began getting strange issues with my backup process in which it continually writes to the backup drive until the drive fills up and then the job fails. I also noticed that when I kill the job on the host server, the backup file drops to the normal file size. The normal file size is 300 GB but it has grown to over 400GB. I looked at various logs and even performed several backup tests with success.

I am trying to figure out if this is a known SQL Server issue or an issue with the OS?


windows 64bit/sql server 2k5 64bit

Thanks in advance for the help.

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Restore Clustered SQL Server 2000 From Backup On Local Drive

Aug 1, 2007

We are attempting to restore one of our databases from a backup that went to a local drive on the server.
We see the backupset in the list but receive an error that it is not available when we try to use it. When we try to restore from device and select the files the drive letter is not available. When we attempt to enter the path to the file it can't locate it. We don't have space on our SAN to copy the backup there and we can't add the local drive to the cluster resources.

Is there a way to get this backup done?

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Error 18210 Backup Up SQL Server 2005 Database To Network Drive

Aug 1, 2007

I have 2 different servers that run nightly backup jobs to a network drive using the UNC format. I am noticing the larger databases encountering the following errors on a regular basis

Error: 18210, Severity: 16, State: 1.
'\fnfssql3SQLBackupsMNSQL05<database>.BAK'. Operating system error 64(The specified network name is no longer available.).
BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE <database>. Check the backup application log for detailed messages.

There are 5 databases on this server all backed up by the same job and 3 of them wortk fine and 2 of them fail so it is not a permissions problem. Have there been any problems with backing up to a network drive in 2005?

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Unable To Access VM Network Drive In SQL During Backup Generated By Stored Procedure

Mar 12, 2007

I get the following error in a log file created in the osql command:

Msg 3201, Level 16, State 1, Server KAC2KGS2, Procedure usp_Kaman_Full_SqlDB_Backup, Line 150
Cannot open backup device 'x:Servername_master_sqlbu_200703101930.bkf'.
Device error or device off-line. See the SQL Server error log for more
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Server KAC2KGS2, Procedure usp_Kaman_Full_SqlDB_Backup, Line 150
BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

The device is established in a CMD file right before the osql command is started that starts my stored procedure. The CMD in this file is:

for /f "tokens=15 delims=." %%i in ('ipconfig^|find "IP Address"^|find "192.168"') do set SUBNET=%%i

if exist x: net use x: /del
net use x: \192.168.%SUBNET%.1ackup
if not ERRORLEVEL 1 (
goto continue
) else (
echo FAILED TO CONNECT TO BACKUP SERVER >> "%SystemDrive%LogFiles\%Computername%.log"
sleep 60
goto loop



Echo delete old log file if it exists

if exist %3\%computername%_kaman_full_sqldb_backup_old.log del /Q %3\%computername%_kaman_full_sqldb_backup_old.log

Echo Rename log file to old.log

rename %3\%computername%_kaman_full_sqldb_backup.log %computername%_kaman_full_sqldb_backup_old.log

echo backup SQL Databases on server will start now

osql -E -n -d %1 -i %2kaman_full_sqldb_backup.sql -h-1 -o %3\%Computername%_kaman_full_sqldb_backup.log

In the stored procedure I try to use the x: drive and that does not work. I have tried obtaining the \192.168.x.x address and that only works on some of my servers. All are running SQL 2000, some are using Win2K and Win2003. It does not seem to matter. One of them that is using Win2003 only fails occationally.

I notice when I do a

exec master..xp_cmdshell 'x:'

The system cannot find the drive specified.

Yet, when I go to the server there is an x drive.

I am using the sqlserv user to run the job and that use is an administrator on the local machine. This is a virtual machine. We add the X before the osql and drop it after the command finishes.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, dbmsql

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Recovery :: Maintenance Task To Copy Bak File To Secondary Drive After Backup Is Complete?

Nov 6, 2015

I need to copy a just-created bak file to another drive after the backup task has completed. I don't see anything in the job toolbox which works with file system operations like this. But still it must be a common need..There are ways to script this or use third part tools but I am looking for something native to the sql server 2012 SSMS toolset, if possible.

An alternate approach would be to run the backup job again, after the main backup, and change the destination to the alternate location. But I was thinking that another backup job would probably invoke more overhead on the server than a simple file copy operation. If I do end up taking this approach I could also use the cleanup task to toss older bak files in the alt dir.

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Flash SQL Backend

Mar 13, 2007

Hi there SQL TEAM

Can someone please point me in the right direction?

We have a customer who would like us to write an application in flash that has a SQL 2005 Backend

Can Flash integrate with Microsoft sql 2005?
And if so are there any tutorials?

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Flash Back

Mar 3, 2008

have query flash back facility in sqlserver 2005?

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Can I Used A Shared Drive Rather Than A Mapped Drive With OpenRowSet?

Apr 4, 2008


I have been trying to use openrowset with a shared drive, and even though the share has "full control" permissions granted to "everyone" and the accout that SQL runs under has been granted explicit full control permissions I am unable to open the file which itself has no security on it.

Can I not use a \ path and only use mapped drives?


below works...

SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;Database=C:5People.xls', [Sheet1$])

below doesn't work...

SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;Database=\cluster02FileManager5People.xls', [Sheet1$])

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SQL CE Performance On Flash Memory

Mar 17, 2008


I hope somebody here can help on my problem.
I wrote a MFC application using sql ce and is running prefectly smooth on wince and PPC 2003.
But when i deploy it to Windows Mobile, the database performance drop dramatically.
I knows the drop on performance is due to the I/O speed on the flash memory.(The previous mobile os are using ram instead).
Is there any solution or work around which I can solve this problem.

Recently i solved the performance issues on "insert" to DB by using a commit buffer(Instead of commit to the sdf instantly).
But how about the "select" performance? It's too slow which take about 3 sec to select a record from the DB.

Does Microsoft provide any suggestion on the sqlce perofrmance on windows mobile?


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SSCE With Flash Memory

Dec 11, 2007


I have a question about using SSCE with flash memory. Our CE components equally allocate the write access to the memory location. But write access is guaranteed only 10000 times per memory cell.
So I need to know

1. what changes are made to the file system if I add an entry to a table?
Is this entry the only information added to the file system?
2. What happens if I delete an entry? Will SSCE optimize the data in the filesystem?

Thanks a lot for helping.
Regards Flo

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Can Flash Work With SQL 2005 For Non-web Application?

Mar 9, 2007

I am not sure if this is the right folder to post, but currently I'm considering using Flash as an interface, the application at seems impressive, simple and sweet. But I'm wondering if I can build desktop application with flash and SQL2005 as backend for all the processing. at the same time, the flash shall be getting updates from a server. Possible?

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Possible To Add A Flash Player Control To A Report?

Jan 10, 2007

I'm working on a project where the client wants us to create custom charts which have features not found in the standard Reporting Services charts. I would like to use flash to build this and have found an existing flash charting package for which I have the code and which I plan to expand.

Here's the problem:

The client wants to include these charts in his Reports. Is there some way to add a flash control to a report so that it will appear on the web page as a fully-functional flash presentation, which can then be included when printing or exporting?

The alternative, would be to figure out some means of generating the chart using flash outside of the report, exporting a bitmap of the chart and then saving the bitmap to a known location on the file system so It can be referenced by a report. This has some serious complications, and may not be feasible.

Any ideas?

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Database &&amp; Flash Wear Management

Jul 12, 2007

Hello everyone,

I'm currently developping a windows .net compact framework application which is basically a local datalogger.

Since my application will log data to the database (located on compact flash card) a few times a second over long period, I wonder if SQL Server Compact Edition offers some mechanism to reduce disk access.
By example, can SQL Server compact edition wait let's say 5-10 "insert into" commands before actually write to the database located on the flash card ?.

Any ideas which could help me to reduce flash wear would be greatly appreciated !


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Copy Database To My Flash Driver

Apr 28, 2008

I want to copy a database in my company's computer to my flash driver.
Then I am going to copy this database to my home compuer.
What is the full procedure?


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Inserting Flash Object In Report

Mar 29, 2008

Hello friends,
So, this is my senario...
i'm using SQL 2005 reporting service which reports are shown to the client from my web-site...
I've included a report viewer in my ASPX page through which i'm displaying the reports.
I wanted to know if their is any way by which i can embed a flash file in my report.

Secondly, i have some reports in which I have used the matrix control. And to display the headings of the columns i've created individual text-boxes & have made them overlap on the top region of the matrix.thoe these text boxoes are getting rendered in proper places when i preview the reports during design time, but when they get rendered in my website all the heading text-boxes get scattered all 'round the report......has anyone faced such weired problems & is there any alternate way of do'in the same ??

thanks in advance,

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How To Move A Log File From &#39;e&#39; Drive To &#39;f&#39; Drive....

Nov 9, 2000

I am trying to move a log file from one drive to another.

What I have done is add another file to my file group. So now my log has a file on the 'e' drive and one on the 'f' drive. I now want to remove the file on the 'e' drive. I have emptied the file on the 'e' drive. When doing the command:

ALTER DATABASE Uniprodruntime
REMOVE FILE m_rk_runtime_log

I get the following error message..

Server: Msg 5020, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The primary data or log file cannot be removed from a database.

I have also gone into enterprise manager and tried to delete the file and it does nothing.

Has anyone run into this?

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