I want to perform backups to a network drive. I need to know if I can access the backup drive via UNC. I have not been able to get it to work and, for now, I would just like to know if what I am trying to do SHOULD work.
For example I want to backup to device mdtnts_prod02LM2BackupNameBack.DAT.
Being a very novice SQL Server administrator, I need to ask the experts a question.
How do I go about moving a database from 1 drive to another? The source drive (C is local to the server, but the target drive (E is on a Storage Area Network (SAN), although it is still a local drive for the server. I want to move the database from C: to E:. Can someone provide me with instructions?
Hi, I have created an sql server 2005 maintenance plan for a daily backup. The plan has two 'Back up database task' i.e. one backup on the local drive while the second on a network drive. When the plan is executed, a backup is created on the local drive but not on the network drive. If i check the log, it says "Access Denied" whereas i have full access to the network drive with complete permissions to read, write and delete. Can anyone help me understand how to take a backup on both a local and network drive at the same time using a maintenance plan ? I shall be obliged... Regards...
We are attempting to restore one of our databases from a backup that went to a local drive on the server. We see the backupset in the list but receive an error that it is not available when we try to use it. When we try to restore from device and select the files the drive letter is not available. When we attempt to enter the path to the file it can't locate it. We don't have space on our SAN to copy the backup there and we can't add the local drive to the cluster resources.
hi, I have NT server which has drive c: 500 MB and drive d has 44 GB.
I know that the person who set up this server did not give enough space to the c drive, here is the problem. I am running sql server 7.0 which has 30 GB of data in the d drive. I need to reconfigure the NT hard drive so I can allocate 2 GB for C drive and 42 GB for D drive.
What is the best, safe method to accomplish this task.
After experiencing a hard drive failure i have reinstaled MSSQL7 on one drive and have a database which I need to recover on separate physical drive. How can I go about doing this?
Hi, I have ran 1. xp_fixeddrives and got the result drive MB free ----- ----------- C 1708 D 16311 2. I ran Backup Wizard in EM and able to see only above drives
3. But if ran backup in EM able to see more than 10 Drives(like C,D,H,I,J,M,N and etc). Why I can able to see those difference?. How do I find out exactly how many drives are there in this server without directly going to that server?. I appreciated your valuable answere. Thanks, Ravi
I was wondering if anyone played around with changing the allocation unit size when formatting the hard drive the SQL server is running on. I would think that setting it higher to account for the larger size of the database files would help, but I'm not sure.
I have a general question. Would SQL server have slower performance if you placed the ldf or mdf files on a dynamic drive setup or should it always be basic? I noticed that a server had 2 dynamic drives and the log files and mdf files are located on these drives. Usually I see all the drives as basic not dynamic. Does this even matter?
I'm wondering what other people do in regards to running hard drive defragmentation programs on SQL Server 2005 servers (assume 64-bit and Windows 2003). From what I can tell the most common opinions are:
1. Don't defragment because it doesn't help and it can cause problems. 2. Use Diskeeper 3. Use the built-in Windows defragmenter
Other respected defragmented programs are PerfectDisk, O&O Defrag, JkDefrag, and Contig.
Hi. Has anyone else had any problem with their SQL Server 2005 going nuts after installing the SP2 + the above hotfix?
We reboot the SQL Server and as soon as SQL receives a command of any sort, the SCSI RAID 5 hard drives light up and start trashing. Therefore every query and even Windows response time is painfully slow or fails to respond. When we look at the Activity Monitor and sp_who2 there is a process running a Select Into from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio using the sa account from the last database name in our system. So we can't kill the process as it says "Cannot use KILL to kill your own process. Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 6104)".
The last Transact-SQL command from this process is: create table #tmpDBCCinputbuffer ((Event Type) nvarchar(512), [Parameters] int, [Event Info] nvarchar(512)) insert into #tmpDBCCinputbuffer exec ('DBCC INPUTBUFFER(56)') select [Event Info] from #tmpDBCCinputbuffer
The only other issue I should mention is that we had to uninstall and reinstall SQL Server yesterday as SP2 only half installed. The SP2 install log indicated that SQL SP1 wasn't in a good state as we previously (3 months ago) performed an upgrade from Windows 2000 Server to Windows 2003 R2 Server.
Our other 3 Windows 2003 R2 Servers which were a clean install of both Windows and SQL are running fine.
I've been insisting that we do a new clean Windows and SQL install, but the other team members insist that it's been fine until we installed SQL Server SP2.
So can anyone provide and help or evidence to say who is right either way?
In our SQL Server database we will have a table that will be populated with about 2000 recordsper day. That is 2000 records per day for 5 days per week. Currently the computer we are using has about 50 gigabytesof available hard drive space on it. We are concerned that maybe we will need a bigger hard drive,based solely on the number of records entered into this table per day. The problem is I don'tknow how to calculate how much hard drive space we need. I think I read that using varchar,sql server 2005 really optimizes a database. Here is a typical example of data in ourdatabase. I put dots on three lines between the first and last sample record to justillustrate that there are many records in between. Basically we only need 8 months of data at a time in the table and then we can purgerecords older than 8 months.Can someone help me approximate how much hard drive space I might need for 8 months of data,given the following sample record in the database? Sample: -->34.5 4.08 10.6 .0012 Sample Table in my DB just for illustration: (PPsquare inch) (Diameter) (Weight gm) (coeffOfSatFriction) 34.5 4.08 10.6 .0012...21.7 3.54 6.22 .019
I use sql server management express. I have created a table on my hosts remote database and i want to copy the table (or the data) in some format or other to my hard drive. does anyone have any good ideas how i may do this either through management express or other means. thanks a lot nick
Dear group:I have removed my hard drive from my laptop (which is now toast) andhave managed to recover nearly all the data from it by installing thedrive into my desktop. I was hoping to reboot the dektop to see if Icould load the operating system on the laptop's hard drive so I coulddo a manual backup of the SQL database on it. This does not work.Does anyone know of a way to recover my SQL database and all its tablesgiven the circumstances above?TIAISZ
Installed SQL Server 2000 Enterprise trial a week ago on XP Pro. Installed new Seagate 80G HD; used Seagate's utility to copy old C: to new drive as new boot drive. All seems to work fine, except, when booting up, SQL server doesn't start. When I try to start it manually I get the following:
Could not start SQLSERVER service on the local computer. Error 3: the system cannot find the specified path.
Hi all, I have one table with a column of type 'image'. There are manytypes of files saved in that column (i.e. .Doc,Xls,Pdf,jpg,gif etc.). What I want is, read that files from database and save it in temp folder on d drive of server. Can anyone help me in my problem? Thanx in advance
One of our hard drives has crashed and as a result we have lost our master mdf/ldf & user db mdf/ldf files. It's not that a critical system by any means, but if the hard drive crashes and the master mdf/ldf files & user db mdf/ldf are lost, is there any way of restoring the system?
I'm thinking we probably need to re-install Enterprise Manager completely, and re-install the user db from a backup.
I've downloaded the sql server 2005 management studio express executable to my second hard drive, as there is no room on my main drive
However, when I try to install, the program shows me both drives, and shows that there is not enough room on my main drive, but it does not allow me to change the installation to my second drive.
I have previously installed the main sql express product to my second drive with visual studio. There's loads of room.
Can anyone give me a clue as to why this might be happening.
I need to create a SQL server database and add some tables to it. Then access it with a C# application. The problem is that the new SQL server database and it's tables must reside on an external hard drive. How do I point SQL server to this external drive, so that I can create a database on this drive and then create tables and access data on it?
Hello, I need help with the setup of my sql server express 2005 and more specifically, with the location of the database files. Normally, database files are located on the c: drive. In my situation, being in a high school environnement, I need to have the database files on the network drive ... lets call it g:drive. The reason why it cannot be on c:drive is because this drive is protected using DeepFreeze. Now, I was able to change the location of the new drive as I went into the properties window of the sql server instance but when I try to create this new database, sql gives me grief ;-| I am from the group of people that thinks that to anything, there is a solution and am hoping that to this problem, there is hope of a solution. Can anyone help? Thank you
I've been working with SQL Server for a few years now and I've had quite a few cases where users cannot backup SQL to a network location or external hard drive. Why can SQL not do this? Is it some limitation of the speeds at which SQL needs to backup the information and the external hard drives/network drives do not meet the requirements?
for example : there is a bitmap file in my harddisk "c:a.bmp". How can I upload it to the db with the field "image" via mssql command, my DB is mssql database.
I'm trying to build a new cluster with SQL Server 2K Enterprise onWindows 2003 server. When I run the install, I tell it to put theprogram files on the D: (local) drive and the data/log files on shareddrives. However, after the installation is complete, almost all thefiles go in the C: drive in program filesMicrosoft SQL Server, ratherthan the D: drive (it does create a few files on D:). We've experiencedthis on more than one server build.Anyone know any way around this?Post answers publicly, please, or email tosteven.wechsler(at)mtvstaff.com (the posting email address is hosed).Thanks,Steve
I have a 600 gig database that has a mirror. I need to move the databases from local drives to a SAN. Can anyone recommend a document that lists the steps to go through to move both the principle and mirror to the SAN with no down time? or minimal down time?
How to backup half of dbs from a server on C drive and the other half on D drive and vice versa, first half on D drive and other half On C drive using only one job and one stored procedure??
Using scheduling from job add 2 schedules to the job so first schedule backup first half to C and second half to D , the second schedule backup first half to D and second half to D.
We are seeing very high Average Disk Queue Length numbers in one of our clusters (both nodes of the cluster are Virtual, but have their own dedicated virtual environments). Our main data drive also houses TempDB, which I would like to move.
Each node in the Active/Passive cluster are running Windows Server 2012 Standard 64bit and SQL Server 2012 Enterprise 64bit. There is a separate drive for Log files and data files.
The data files also have TempDB on them as previously mentioned. I am reading that you can set up a local disk on each node of the cluster, with the same drive letter and path and then move tempdb as you would with a stand alone SQL Server.
I am having a problem accessing my local A: drive, using the bulk insert command. The actual sql server pc thinks I am accessing its sql server's A: and not my local a: drive. I am trying to read in a simple CSV delimited ascii file into a sql table. Wow what a nightmare just to read a simple ascii file into a table. Unfortunatley I am writing a program in VB.net for an operator to import ascii data from floppy diskettes.
I am using this command below: The command works fine but I have to go to the actual server and put the floppy disk in over there. I want the operator to be able to use there own A: or any location drive for that matter. Sql server over the network is not allowing us to access any local drive to import this data. I get an error 21 because the sql server does not have the floppy in its drive. It seems like some kind of security issue, but I am not sure. Any information would be most appreciated in this matter. Thanks in advance.
I have a Windows Internal Database (installed by SharePoint WSS 3.0) and SQL Server Management Studio Express installed on W2K3 Std server. The server has local hard disk drive C, E, F & G. However SQL Server Management Studio Express only recognize C and E drive, for example in the set default database location or in attach database file dialog window only C & E drive are available. Anyone knows why and how to fix the problem? Thanks
Msg 5105, Level 16, State 4, Line 1 Device activation error. The physical file name 'L:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLLOGTestDB_Log.LDF' may be incorrect. Device activation error. The physical file name 'L:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLLOGTestDB_Log.LDF' may be incorrect. Msg 5170, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot create file 'L:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLLOGTestDB_log.LDF' because it already exists. Msg 1813, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Could not open new database 'TestDB'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.
Here is my attach script: USE [master] GO sp_attach_db @dbname= N'TestDB', @filename1 = N'S:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDataTestDB.MDF', @filename2 = N'L:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLLOGTestDB_Log.LDF'
This server has a Raid 5 Disk Array partitioned into three Logic Drives C:, S:, L:. Not sure, why the server was configured this way. If I attach the database with the data and log files on the same logical drive, the DB attaches successfully. When I try to put the data and log files on separate logical drives, it fails. Issue seems to be with the drive partitioning. Any Ideas?
I use the Transact-SQL BACKUP statement in Visual Basic to backup my local MSSQL Database. It give me this error
Error 3041
BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE [BCFPC] to BCFPCBKP
I already created a backup device called BCFPCBKP and it is backup to the disk.
I tried to run the same BACKUP statement in SQL Query Analyzer and it worked fine. I tried to run my VB application in another PC. It worked fine when i use this command remotely. Can anyone tell me what's the problem?