Backup Without Truncating Logs?

Dec 20, 2007

I've got a Sql server 2000 box that currently backs up to tape in full every night. I also want to back the box up off site but not in full (as 30GB is a little too much to transfer every evening).

So my plan was to do a full backup to tape at 7pm then a differential at 8pm (to transfer off site).

The problem I am having is that after my differential has been done the logs get truncated so if I want to replay them for any reason I need to get that differential back to site.

Anyone have any suggestions please?

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Truncating Transaction Logs.

Jun 7, 2001

I am having trouble Truncating a Transaction Log. I`ve tried everything in Book Online.
I`ve backed up the database, I`ve tried DBCC SHRINKFILE, DBCC SHRINKDATABASE, BACKUP LOG TRUNCATE_ONLY ...etc, but it will not shrink. Any suggestions ? Thanks.

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Truncating Transaction Logs

Mar 1, 2007


I just wanted to know can you truncate transaction logs in SqlServer 2000 and if so how is this done?


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Truncating Logs In Logshipping

Sep 20, 2007

How can you truncate database logs without disrupting log shipping configuration on that database

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Automatic Truncating Logs

Jan 31, 2008

I am a new DBA is small company. Some of the databases grows by few GB everyday, so I am thinking to set automatic truncating for those databases.

Is this a best practise?

Can you please recommend Ideal Recovery model after reading my current model:

1. I do Full backup every night.
2. After 6 hrs, Differential backup.
3. After 1 hr Log backup.

Also please suggest me how many time should I do Re-Indexing?


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SQL 2012 :: Schedule Truncating Of Logs?

Mar 19, 2014

We have many customers with a large database, many workers and many database transactions. Every night the databases are "full backupped". Regularly the logfiles (dbname_log.ldf) grow very large, for example a database (dbname.mdf) of 60GB and a logfile equal in size. When the drive becomes too full, I truncate these logfiles to free diskspace.

Question: is it a good decision to run a script that, after the daily full backup, truncates the logfile if it is larger than for example 10GB?

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Commiting Transactions/Truncating Transactional Logs/Replication Latency

Feb 22, 2008


I have multiple questions and would appreciate any suggestions in resolving them. I'm a novice to these issues.

1) First of all, what is the exact command to setup the trunc. log on chkpt. option on for a transactional log of a SQL Server 2000 database? Is this option on by default? I have noticed for one of the databases I'm managing that the transaction log was over 12 GB, while the db was only 425 MB.

2) How's it possible to run a DBCC TRACEON to see the content of the transaction log to see if we are having any issues with any uncommitted transactions, i.e. updates, inserts, and/or deletes.

3) What are the commands to truncate inactive transactions and increasing the readbatchsize?

4) lastly, how do I validate transactional replication via checksum and find valid latency between a small number of changes that need to be committed between publisher and subscriber.

Thank you so much in advance!

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Backup File Names Truncating

Apr 18, 2002

I'm performing a full backup of a database, and the file name that I am creating for the backup is truncating. This keeps happening and can't figure out why.

I have a stored proc that I run:

CREATE PROC usp_Backup_old_srvra_to_srvrb


DECLARE @DOW varchar(10),
@Filelocation varchar(50)

--Get Day of Week and set backup file name
SET @FileLocation = 'SERVERAE$MSSQL7BACKUP'+ @DOW + '__old_BKUP_SRVR_0418_0800.bak'

TO DISK = @FileLocation

The backup file that was created ended up being:


Any idea why it didn't pick up the whole file name that I wanted?

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Backup And Logs

May 1, 2000

I've truncated and shrunk the database and now, it says that the size of the db is 14 mb and 8mb is free. However, on the file system, the mdb and
ldb files together adds up to 14 mb. How can I free up the 8 mb for other usage?


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Help On Backup Of Logs

Feb 21, 2001

Help on Backup of Logs
I get the following errors when I am trying to backup log every 15 minutes. It fails only during the peak hours.Does anyone have any ideas why it happens.

Cannot allow BACKUP LOG because file 'XX_data' has been subjected to nonlogged updates and cannot be rolled forward. Perform a full database, or differential database, backup. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 4213) Backup or restore operation terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 4200

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Backup Transaction Logs Using T-SQL

Oct 12, 2006

I am trying to backup my Transaction Logs using T-SQL with the aid of a job. The problem I am running into is that I need it to backup every three hours and retain one days worth of transactional logs. This is the query I got so far.

BACKUP LOG CA001 TO DISK = 'S:AZTARGPCA001ca001_TRN_bkuplog.trn' with retaindays = 1

Any suggestions welcomed.

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Restoring From Backup Without Logs

Aug 16, 2007

We have received a backup file that is 6G in size. The log file isabout 74G while the MDF is about 5 G when we restored. Is there a wayto run a SQL script to restore the .BAK file without restoring the logfile as we do not have enough space on the server.PS. We are running Sql2K5.Thanks!

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Backup Transaction Logs

Dec 14, 2006


I have configured maintenace plan to do a full backup of sql server at 5:00 Am followed by transaction log backup every 15 mts.The transaction log backup basically appends to existing backups so there is only one file of transaction log backup.
I want to modify that the transaction logs backup only has transaction logs after 5:00 Am full backup.Right now the transaction backup has backup of all the transaction logs since i have scheduled.

Thanks for your help.


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Big Tran Logs, "extra" Backup ?

Mar 28, 2002

I noticed our log files are getting way too big. I found that a previous
SQL guy had set up the following scheduled job with the TSQL statement:

BACKUP LOG DEV TO DevDailyTranLog with noinit

This runs every 20 minutes.

There's also a Maint Plan to do a Complete backup every night and a
Transaction Backup every hour (could be set to 20 min)

Why do you suppose the BACKUP LOG job exists ? If the maint plan were
set to backup transaction every 20 min, wouldn't the 2 jobs be
duplicating each other ?

Also, I notice that the Tran Logs specified in the database properties
seem awfully big (4 gig), shouldn't they automatically be truncated when
the daily full backup occurs ? (full recovery model)

Feel free to call me and straighten me out or to get more info.

Win2K, SQL 2K
203-426-8171 x 374

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Backup And Shrink Trans Logs??

May 30, 2008


I am in the process of migrating databases from a SQL Server 2000 server to a 2005 server.

I have taken full backups and restored without recovery on the 2005 server. I now need to take transaction log backups and restore with recovery tonight to complete the operation. My question is this:

Some of the transaction logs have grown very large. Is it safe practice to perform a backup tran with truncate only and then run dbcc shrinkfile to reduce the size before I back up? This would make the process much quicker.


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Does A Full Backup Include Transaction Logs

Jul 12, 2007

In MS SQL 2005 when you do a Full Backup does it also backup andtruncate the transaction logs or do I need to back the transactionlogs up separately?Thanks.Brian

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Backup Transaction Logs And Replication Simultaneously

Jul 20, 2005

Is there any problem with implementating some kind of replication andbacking up transaction logs at the same time? SQL Server 2000 StandardEditionThe server is configured to back up log files regularly, with thepresenceof a(New) Disaster recovery server and with an inability forstandby(Standard Edition)I am planning to implement some kind ofreplication hopefully still backing up the transaction logs to enablea point in time recovery.Thanks in advance for your great ideasVincento

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Backup Databases Task Failure On Logs Only

Jan 29, 2008

I've got a couple of backup database tasks setup to run one after the other. The are set up the same, Alldatabases, backup to a device each, and overwrite every time. The task on databases full works fine but the one on logs fails every time, right away with the following rather esoteric error pulled from logging in the event log.
Event Type: Error
Event Source: SQLISPackage
Event Category: None
Event ID: 12550
Date: 29/01/2008
Time: 09:54:11
User: OILCATSsqlservice
Event Name: OnError
Message: The Execute method on the task returned error code 0x80004003 (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.). The Execute method must succeed, and indicate the result using an "out" parameter.

Operator: OILCATSSqlService
Source Name: Back Up Database Task 1
Source ID: {BF117128-FB4C-470D-AC00-4C68797C2C97}
Execution ID: {450BA60C-2EBF-453B-B3E4-80FBC2042F83}
Start Time: 29/01/2008 09:54:11
End Time: 29/01/2008 09:54:11
Data Code: -1073594108

What is this elusive Execute method that is only relevant to the log aspect of this task?

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SQL Backup, Volume Shadow Copy && Trans. Logs

Mar 9, 2005


Can someone please express their experience and recommendations for the following questions?

1. Do you need to unable SQL-Backup if you already using a 3rd party software utility to backup the SQL data drives?

2. If you do not want to shutdown SQL services for backup can you use Volume Shadow Copy as a solution to open files?

3. What size would you recommended to use for the Transaction Logs DB if my Data DB size is 2GB

I am running Windows 2003 with SQL 2000/SP3. Obviously, I am not an expert in SQL so I appreciate your help.


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In Restorc Can U Apply Logs Thru The Time Of Another Full Backup?

May 8, 2007

We run a disk backup (full) early in the evening, and then another bull backup to tape later at night. We also keep independent backups of the logs.

It seems that any full backup "resets" the ability to apply logs when restoring?

I want to be able to restore a full backup, and apply logs forward possibly more than 1 day, in case a backup is corrupted and not usable. But it seems I can only apply logs up until the time of the next full backup.

Is this true, and is there a way around this?

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Backup And Restore Database Tat Able To View All The Transaction Logs

Feb 21, 2008

Hi guys, just wanna ask about the backup and restore database method. What's the best way for database and restore which able to view all the transaction logs after the database being restored. Currently I backup my database daily for recovery purposes. However, if I restore the backup file at another server and use SQL log application for viewing the prefer database's transaction log, it shows all the previous log had been truncated.

Therefore, I want to know is there any way that able to get the transaction logs after restore from a database backup file? Hope able to get any assistance here as soon as possible. Thank you.

Best Regards,

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Remove Old Backup And Tran Logs Thru Maintenance Plan Cleanup Task

Mar 27, 2007

Has anyone been able to successfully delete old backup files(*.bak) and tran logs (*.trn) TOGETHER using maintenance plan cleanup task in SQL 2005 SP2.

this is transact sql running in the back ground.
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'F:MSSQL.2MSSQLBackupibmdir',N'"bak" & "trn"',N'2007-03-26T22:21:14',1


It works if I just try to delete only one of the things ie trn or bak files.

EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'F:MSSQL.2MSSQLBackupibmdir',N'bak',N'2007-03-26T22:21:14',1

But is there a way to delete both bak and trn files using one task ?

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DB Engine :: Write Logs To Windows Event Logs?

Aug 6, 2015

OS: Windows 2012 Enterprise

SQL Server: 2012 Enterprise

I was wondering if there is any way all SQL Server error log entries could be automatically written to Windows Event Log. 

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SSIS Logs Vs Custom Logs Components

Feb 12, 2007


In my case I have to log the errors raised by any task in a package to either windows event log, text file or SQL server. Also I need to send an email notifications to a group of people telling them about the error.

Now can I use SSIS package logging for logging the errors into the required destinations. I mean right clicking on the package and selecting Logging, then adding the required log providers and enabling the events for logging into those. I think I have to upfront select the log providers to log the error, I will not have the liberty to log the error to the destination, the name of which is passed as a variable to the package. This is okay with me though.

Now what will a custom log provider help me to do in this case. Also can I somehow configure my package to call the send mail task everytime an error is raised.

Also, one more option can be developing a package that only does the error handling. It will take in the paramters or the error codes and descriptions, the destination to write to and a flag to send mail or not for that particular type of error.

What do you think? Kindly advise.

Thanks in advance for your help and time.



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SQL Server Logs (error Logs)

Aug 28, 2001

When looking at SQL Server error logs, I noticed that the current error
log had grown to 1MB whereas most of the files are only a few KB.

QUESTION 1: Can I set the max size for an error log file? If so, how?

QUESTION 2: If not, is there a workaround?


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Help Truncating Log

Oct 18, 2001

I have a large database and I can only do a tape backup, and I have 10 GIG log file on sql2000. Is there a way to truncate it.


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Feb 19, 2006

Hi.I have a multiplier that multiplies 2 floating point numbers with 7bits exponent and 10 bits its output has 7 bits exponentand 20 bits its output must return to its input in order to compute anothermultiplication.on the other hand its output must be truncated to 10bits. how can I do this? please help me.thanks.

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Feb 7, 2008

Does anyone have experience with truncating an expression like the Excel TRUNC?

For example in Excel, you might have something like =TRUNC(IF($AE11=0,1,X11/$AE11),5) which drops off a certain amount of the results after the decimal point. 87.5659321 becomes 87.565 instead of the result of a rounding.

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Truncating A Table

Nov 2, 2006

What is the best way to delete ALL data in a table without the transaction log filling up? I do not need to log the deletions.Truncate Table ReportSearchRecordSets with NO_LOG?Delete * from table with NO_LOG?Thanks SQL Server 2005 newbie

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Truncating The Log File

Dec 11, 2001

Can someone please tell me where in SQL2000 I can truncate the log file and
set the database to truncate the log at checkpoint?


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Truncating The Transaction Log

Mar 19, 2001

Hi all,
This is a database on which there are continuous inserts and updates. Data is loaded into this database in bulk at regular intervals. I do not back up the transaction log. For these reasons, I have set the options, 'select into/bulk copy' and 'truncate log on checkpoint'. When the 'truncate log on checkpoint' option was not set, the log file would grow very huge and fill up the entire disk space(file growth is unlimited). But, even after the 'truncate log on checkpoint' option has been set, the log file does grow at times to fill up the entire disk. I assumed that since the 'truncate log on checkpoint' option was set, the inactive portion of the log would be truncated every 1 minute(ie, during every checkpoint). Could someone please explain the reason for this behaviour?

Thanks in advance,

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Truncating The Transaction Log

Jun 22, 2001

Daily, after a database backup done in the evening, around 3am we have a lot of flat files to integrate in tables and then process.

The question is : We want to free the space used by the transation log.
Then, we use "backup log with no_log" and/or "backup log with truncate_only"
We look at the size of the transaction log with "dbcc sqlperf( logspace )" but the 'Log space used %' stays the same.

Could you give us some informations or tips on this.

Thank you from Paris

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Truncating All The Tables

Aug 3, 2000

How to truncate all the tables in the databases at once,if there are 200 tables?Any help is appreciated!

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