BackupExec And Log Shipping

Oct 24, 2007


I currently have Backup Exec 11 w/ SQL Agent backing up my databases on a daily full, and 4 hour incremental basis. I want to configure log shipping as an additional level fault tolerance for my data. I have a few test databases setup with the log shipping and they are working correctly. But my question is related to Backup Exec.

Now that I have logs going to a second SQL server how will Backup Exec play with the primary server logs? Do I need to configure Backup Exec in a certain way, say do not truncate logs, etc? Or can I just keep the backups going as I have them and log shipping will just work at the same time.


Michael HamSeattle, WA

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SQL Backups And BackupExec

Jul 3, 2001

I've recently set up Backup Exec on our SQL Server to backup our databases to DLT tape everynight. However when backing up the mdf and log files these are skipped because its says they are in use. However if you look in the Current Activity they are not in use. Plse could someone help/advise.

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SQL Backups V BackupExec

Jul 24, 2001

I'm reviewing our Backup Stategy. Can anyone advise me what advantage there is to using Backup Exec instead if just backing up the database and transaction logs straight to a DLT tape. Thanking you in advance.

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BackupExec & SQL Problem

Feb 26, 2002

We've been using BackupExec for a while to back up our SQL 2000 databases, but we've suddenly encountered a problem while trying to back up some of them. It seems that it won't back up databases that have a recovery model of "simple". Our Network Admin can't find anything in BackupExec that references Recovery Model, and we haven't changed the recovery model on the databases since they were created .....

Here's the error from the event log ... any ideas ?

An error occurred while executing the following query: "BACKUP DATABASE [TI] FILEGROUP='PRIMARY' TO virtual_device = 'BackupExecSqlAgent_PRIMARY_00'".
On server: "SQLDB-01".
SQL error number: "1070".
SQL error message: "The statement BACKUP DATABASE...FILE=<name> is not allowed while the recovery model is SIMPLE. Use BACKUP DATABASE or change the recovery model using ALTER DATABASE.

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ArcServe Versus BackupExec

Jun 21, 1999

We currently use CA ArcServe (ArcServe 6.5 Enterprise and Single Server Editions) to backup our Windows NT files and MS-SQL Server databases. We have experienced significant reliability issues with ArcServe. Many times we have found ourselves rebuilding a corrupt ArcServe Job (ArcServe’s backup schedule) database. One of our NT server occasionally NT bug checks when ArcServe is performing backups. Occasionally ArcServe Jobs incorrectly reschedule themselves. Sometimes the Jobs do not complete but stay executing, not performing any work, and to cancel them may require a lot of effort. The ArcServe job DB repair utility generally does not work. The user interface is lacking. For example, the job scheduling options are very limited. CA tech support for this product has been poor. Because we have issues with ArcServe stability we are now evaluating Veritas (formally Seagate) Backup Exec for NT. What are other people’s experiences with these 2 products?

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Backing Up: Dumps Vs SQL Backup Agents Using BackupExec

May 31, 2000

I'm going back and forth on an issue and was looking for some outside observations. I have over a dozen SQL NT servers, both 6.5 and 7.0. On some servers I'm dumping the databases and backing up the dumps with Veritas BackupExec, on 4 (two SQL 6.5, two v7) I'm backing up with the Veritas SQL Backup Agent.

Obviously, if you don't have room to dump a database, you must use the backup agent. That is the case on one of my servers and becoming so on a second. But my personal preference is to do the dump/backup.

(as a side note, one server is not backing up correctly with the backup agent but ultimately that box will require it due to DB growth, so it is something that I have to resolve)

I like the dump system for a few reasons. I find it easier to load from a dump, particularly a single table. Likewise, I find it easier to copy a database by loading from a dump rather than going from a backup, but that's mainly because of BackupExec being a little bit strange on redirecting restores.

Here's my clincher. I find restores via the backup agent to be ridiculously slow. Let's say I have a 5gig DB that has 1.5gig in it. The dump size will probably be somewhere below 2gig. The restore via backup agent carefully writes the entire 5gig even though 3.5g of that is empty. This takes a lot of time. Add to that the "post-restore DBCC". I had such a restore take something on the order of 13 HOURS which, needless to say, conflicted with my nightly DBCC's and backups.

OK. End of rant. Any suggestions or thoughts on the subject?

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Log Shipping - Switching Recovery Model In Log Shipping

May 13, 2007


I could not able to find Forums in regards to 'Log Shipping' thats why posting this question in here. Appriciate if someone can provide me answers depends on their experience.

Can we switch database recovery model when log shipping is turned on ?

We want to switch from Full Recovery to Bulk Logged Recovery to make sure Bulk Insert operations during the after hours load process will have some performance gain.

Is there any possibility of loosing data ?


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Log Shipping: How To Failback After A Failover Log Shipping?

Jun 8, 2006


I 'm sure I am missing something obvious, hopefully someone could point it out. After a failover log shipping, I want to fail back to my inital Primary server database; however, my database is marked as loading. How can I mark it as normal?

I did the failover as follow:

I did a failover log shipping from the 2 server Sv1 (Primary) and Sv2 (Secondary) by doing the following

1) Stop the primary database by using sp_change_primary_role (Sv1)

2) Change the 2nd server to primary server by running sp_change_secondary_role (Sv2)

3) Change the monitor role by running sp-change_monitor_role (Sv2)

4) Resolve the log ins - (Sv2)

5) Now I want to fail back - I copy the TRN files to Sv1 - use SQL Ent to restore the database at point in time. The task is done; however, the database is still mark as loading. I could not use sp_dboption.

I appreciate any suggestion.

Thanks in advance

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Log Shipping

Jun 21, 2002

Could somebody please guide me on how best to Implement SQL Server Log Shipping. I have gone through BOL without luck. Thanks.

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Log Shipping

Aug 1, 2000

I need to create a RO copy of a production DB owned by an outside company. We are connectd via a WAN link, but cannot use replication. They are proposing using an initial load via tape, and sending us a text file nightly with the days changes to the DB. We will then need to load that data using BCP, DTS or some other method. Does any one have any ideas on using log shipping instead of the text file. It would only be practical to get a fresh load of the entire DB once a quarter or once a month at most. It is a 40+ GB database and we are expecting 100 to 200 MB of logs per night. For business reasons, we are limited to some type of file transfer mechanism for the data transfer, and cannot really change their backup schedule which is nightly fullbackups and tlogs every 30 minutes.

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Log Shipping

Nov 28, 2000

Can anyone point out me , What does Log shipping mean ?
Is it backup of Log file ? or moving backup logs to any other destination ?


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Log Shipping

Mar 27, 2002

Hi all,

I am using SQL 2k EP Editions with SP2 on Win 2k Advance servers. Since more than week or so I am trying to establish log shipping between two servers. But its not working.

I am using database maintainence plan wizard to set up log shipping. Every thing works fine as far as wizard is concern, it creats plan for log shipping. But my log shipping is not working. The plan to back up log on source database is working fine. I can see the job history and the log files in the backup folder. But I have found that the job on the standby server to copy log file on network folder is failing and so the job to restore log on stand by server. I get the following message

"sqlmaint.exe failed with error state....."

Little reaserch on the standby server found that sql server is using maintainence plan to copy and restore log files, but i do not see any database maintainence plans on standby server as well as I have checked that there is no plan id in sysjobs table on either server.

I have sa rights. The account used by sql service and sql agent have admin rights and they do have rights to access the network folder for both the servers. So there is no rights problem.

I have followed all steps published in white paper for setting up log shipping on microsoft web site.

I have searched microsoft KB but it is of no use for sqlmaint.exe.

Any help is highly appreciated.

thanks in advance.


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Log Shipping

Sep 6, 2000

This might end up being fairly lengthy...I'm in the midst of implementing log shipping as a "warm stand-by" solution at my company. All the components appear to be in place: I'm using cmd shell to copy the backup device file to a remote server and then execute a RESTORE stored procedure on the remote server.
The copy and restore work just fine. The problem I'm having is with the transaction log dumps and restores.
We normally dump transaction logs (and then truncate) every hour. With the log shipping being implemented, we're going to want to do separate log dumps every ten or fifteen minutes, copy that dump over to the remote server, and then apply that log to the database.
Here's the question: for the log ship portion, I don't truncate the log. But after the "normal" log dump occurs, things get tossed out of whack. When you try to apply a log, I get the message "database has not been rolled forward enough....".
Has anyone encountered this type of issue and if so, how did you work around it? I'm assuming it's a simple of issue of certain options you set on your dumps and scheduling....
I'd appreciate any help....

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Log Shipping

Sep 24, 2002

Does anyone know if Log Shipping in SQL 2000 Ent also ships over database schema changes?

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Log Shipping

Oct 14, 2002

We are considering implementing log shipping. Do the sql server logs keep track of the logs that are shipped and applied through log shipping? Or is there some other way to make sure that all logs have been shipped and applied?

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More Log Shipping

Jul 25, 2004

I have been successful in getting log shipping working but still have some nagging questions that I cannot find answers to.

1. I had a situation where the copy for one TranLog took much longer than the 15 minute interval I have it setup for. It seemed to get stuck on that copy. Is that how it is supposed to behave.

2. Related to the question above, weekly, I have jobs that reorganize, check integity, recalc statistics. Would these jobs create very large log files? If so, how do others deal with this?

3. Is there any documents available that discuss testing converting your secondary server/database to your primary and back again?

4. Is there a way to setup Email notification to report out-of-sync conditions?

Any other gotcha's that people have run into.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ken Nicholson

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Log Shipping

Feb 2, 2005


While configuring log shipping, if i choose the "allow database to assume primary role" then the "ceate and initialise new database " option is selected by default..Does this happen all the time or am i missing something.What if i have already initialised the destination database.


Madhukar Gole

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Log Shipping

Aug 18, 2006

Hi all,

I am testing my log - shipping strategy. I have tried with northwind database and it was successfully created and is operating. However in order to test I have created a new Test Table in the primary database to see whether it is working. From now on database shows that it has been loading and I cannot see any tables it is grayed and it says loading. What would be the problem? When I checked the logs it has been copying to the secondary database and it doesn't show any error in the log-shipping monitor. It seem everything is cool accept this loading part. If some one help me I really appreciate it.


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Log Shipping

Mar 27, 2002

Hi all,

I am using SQL 2k EP Editions with SP2 on Win 2k Advance servers. Since more than week or so I am trying to establish log shipping between two servers. But its not working.

I am using database maintainence plan wizard to set up log shipping. Every thing works fine as far as wizard is concern, it creats plan for log shipping. But my log shipping is not working. The plan to back up log on source database is working fine. I can see the job history and the log files in the backup folder. But I have found that the job on the standby server to copy log file on network folder is failing and so the job to restore log on stand by server. I get the following message

"sqlmaint.exe failed with error state....."

Little reaserch on the standby server found that sql server is using maintainence plan to copy and restore log files, but i do not see any database maintainence plans on standby server as well as I have checked that there is no plan id in sysjobs table on either server.

I have sa rights. The account used by sql service and sql agent have admin rights and they do have rights to access the network folder for both the servers. So there is no rights problem.

I have followed all steps published in white paper for setting up log shipping on microsoft web site.

I have searched microsoft KB but it is of no use for sqlmaint.exe.

Any help is highly appreciated.

thanks in advance.


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Log Shipping

Apr 3, 2002

Hi All,

I failed to configure the Logshipping in
SQLServer2000, through database maintenance plan wizard,
at last step I got the following error.

Microsoft SQL-DMO(ODBC SQLState:42000)
Error 50007:xp_repl_encrypt:Error executing

I am running SQLServer2000 Enterprise Edition with
Servicepack2, and Windows2000AdvancedServer with
Servicepack2 on both machines and bothe machines are in
the domain, both SQLServerservices are running under
Domain account.

thanks in advance,


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Log Shipping

Jun 19, 2002


Is there any effect on taking full backups on Primary Server while log Shipping is in place? If we take a full backup is that applied to the secondary server?


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Log Shipping

Jul 18, 2001

We would like to use log shipping for a Near Real Time (5 min delay)reporting server. SQL 2000 requires exclusive use of the database when the logs are applied. This presents a problem since there may be a couple of hundred users on the NRT server. Even if they only make connections when running the reports there could be some contention issues. Has anybody used log shipping in this type of scenario?

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Log Shipping

Oct 17, 2001

Is it possible to log ship a database from server A (source) to server B (read only) when the database on server A is partly replicated (transactional repl) to several other servers ? All hints and advices are highly appreciated.

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Log Shipping

Jan 26, 2001

Does anyone know why some databases in SQL 2K Enterprise are not available for log shipping? In other words when you select a database Log Shipping this option is not available (grayed out). Other DB's on the same server log ship without problem.

Any ideas?

I think Microsoft has an answer to this but their site is not working so I can't get to the Q270006 which supposed to discuss that. If you do a search in KB for "Log Shipping is disabled" you will see the WebCast link which references Q270006 but then if you click on the link to go to the Q link does not work and search Q270006 is not found in KB..

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Log Shipping

Feb 26, 2004


to use Log Shipping solution, Entreprise Edition is required for both Primary and Secondry Server (you agree ?).

Do you have an idea about licence regarding the secondry Server (suppose that you have to switch 2 or 3 per year. The second server will be used 2 or three times per year).

In some plateform (xeon CPU), the logical number of CPU is 2 times the physical number (SQL Server See 2 CPUs. You have 1 physical CPU).
Do you have an idea about licence in this case ?

Thanks a lot ...

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Log Shipping Help

Apr 8, 2008

I have following question ( same was asked to me by my collegue)

I have Log shipping between two servers ( say Server A - Primary & Server B - Secondary).
One user is logged in to B Server and fired a long query on the same database / object. it is taking a very long time to execute.

Q : How this will impact the log shipping process ?
Ans : Log shipping will fail as the secondary db will show as " database is in use" for log shipping process.

Q : How to recover the log shipping process?
And : Notify the user to disconnect the session / or kill the user session. But i don't know how to recover the log shipping.

Thanks in advance.
-- Chetan

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Log Shipping

Jan 25, 2008

All, I am new to log shipping and I am troubleshooting an issue with it. Basically somebody restored a backup from a day ago on the primary server, now the load is failing on the destination (obviously). I read that I should disable the jobs and backup and restore to the destination server to get it going again. I have some questions on this though, since the destination is a standby I read that I need to use the WITH STANDBY clause and specify a standby file name to use. Where do I find out the standby file name to use here and also is this the only way to get it back in synch?

Thanks in advance.

Future guru in the making.

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Need Help In Log Shipping

Jul 23, 2005

I am attempting to set up log shipping from my primary dell clustered 2node sql server to a backup quad xeon server in case of a failure. When Ifollow the information given from Microsoft regarding this and I get tothe point where I am at "Add Destination Database" I am being promptedfor my server name, which shows the primary one ONLY. I dont seem to findany documentation on where I add in the secondary server name...Searching online has yielded no responses for me and MS only says toregister the servers... but where? and do I need to restart? I am onlytrying to be extra cautious as this is a live database.Thank you in advance for your help...

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Log Shipping

Nov 29, 2005

Hello:I'm using MS SQL Server 2000 developer editionand trying to implement log shipping to the secondary server.I copied a database MDF and LDF files from primary to secondary serverand all data is there, but this database still in recovery mode so I can notapply log shipping to it.My question is:how to put the database on secondary server in standby or non-recovery modeto apply log shipping?Thanks,GB

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Log Shipping

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,i was wondering if for the use of logshipping two Enterprise Editionversions of SQL Server are necessay or logshipping can also workbetween a Enterprise Edition and a Standard Edition.Does anyone know an url for me where i can read more about this. I'vefound quite a lot of articles but not one telling me explicit thatlogshipping does not work between an EE and a SE version.Greetings,Sjaak

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Very Possible Log Shipping Bug In '05

Jun 28, 2006

I am trying to set up a dual log shipping configuration in SQL 2005 where I have one primary server to two secondary servers.

All of the following is being done from the primary server.

If I fill out the entire log shipping configuration window with both servers and then press OK, and let it all get set up, and then run the log shipping report, I only get status information for one secondary database - the other one is there but has no information available, yet the setups on both secondarys are OK and the jobs are succeeding on them.

If I then go back into the log shipping screen for my database and remove the server that I'm getting no status information for and press OK to actually remove it, then go back in and re-add it and THEN run the log shipping report I now get information for the server I just deleted and re-added, but no status information for the other server. If I look in the secondary database table, I only see a record for whatever secondary server is currently correctly showing status information.

When looking at the scripts generated by the log shippping screen for my setup, I noticed the stored procedure call below gets executed from the proc sp_delete_log_shipping_secondary_database that the script calls. This SP is only getting passed the database name, which is the same on both secondary servers and would therefore be the same for both servers' entries in the secondary database table on the primary server. Therefore, I think it is deleting ALL records in the secondary database table that have that name before re-adding the record for the one server and that's what's causing my issue, i.e. if my database is called "userdb" it is deleting all entries for "userdb" regardless of whether they are on the primary or secondary servers and then only adding one server back. Am I wrong?

exec @retcode = sys.sp_delete_log_shipping_secondary_database_internal
@secondary_database = @secondary_database
,@ignoreremotemonitor = @ignoreremotemonitor
,@overwrite = 0

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Log Shipping

Sep 15, 2006

Can some one help in understanding Log Shipping. My production database is over 50 GB and we want to implement Log shipping to ensure a standy by server. I know how to implement the Log shippinng and what it does but I am not sure how to perform Log shipping with daily FULL database backup on production server. Consider this scenrio.

1. 1:30 AM Monday Full database backup on production server
2. At 1 hour interval transaction backup on production server and applied on Standby server.
3.1:30 AM Tuesday Full database backup on production server.....
Here I am getting confused. DOo I have to apply this full back up again on standy servers, because if I don't then my LSN for next transaction log will be different.
So how can i take a full database backup of the production server while implementing Log Shipping.

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Log Shipping

Apr 18, 2007

I'm fairly certain that this posting should not be in replication, but here goes. I'm not a SQL expert, and I know just enough to keep things running. I'm looking to add some recovery options on top of my current backup to tape rotation for 2 core SQL servers. I setup log shipping and that appears to be working without an issue. I left it in standby mode instead of recovery and I also did a run through on switching the server where the primary db resides. That worked great and on the secondary data was up to date and all looked great.

Now I would like to test this process by taking my primary (test)SQL server down and force the secondary server to have the db available for read/write. Can anyone explain to me the best practies for performing the role change in this scenario?

SQL Server 2000 Enterprise running on Windows 2000 Server

Regards and thanks in advance,


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