Barcode Font Shrinks During PDF Export

May 24, 2006

Hi all,

I'm using a free barcode font so i can create scannable tickets via reporting services 2k5. When I print the tickets, everything seems fine. But when i export to PDF though, it looks like the barcode font shrunk. All the lines are pulled together, making scanning impossible. Is there a certain setting or so that i can use to ensure the font's width ?

The weird thing is: when i export it inside visual studio, the barcode is shown as it is supposed to in the pdf !?

Thanks in advance!

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SSRS Export Code 39 Barcode To Pdf

Oct 19, 2007

I am having an issue exporting a Code 39 barcode to pdf (works fine on RS and excel). Once in pdf it inserts white spaces between the bars to make it unreconizable. I have tried resizing, repositioning and different font sizes. SSRS and SQL are running on Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition Service Pack 1. Is there a hotfix out there for exporting EMF's to pdf's?

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Reporting Services :: Data Shrinks When SSRS Report Export To Excel

Jul 15, 2015

I have a SSRS 2012 report which have few columns with long text. They appear good when viewed in browser. However, when I export it to excel data is shrinking. How can I avoid the data shrinking in excel. 

Attached the screenshots for reference.

SSRS View:

Export to Excel(Where data is shrinking):

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Font Changes On PDF Export

May 30, 2007


I hope someone can help me with this.

I have a report that uses a Garamond font and it renders correctly in HTML, but when the report is converted to PDF, the font changes (I believe to a variation of Arial, but that seems irrelevant). My Operations team has installed the Garamond font on both the web server as well as the Report Server, but the problem is still occurring.

Please help.


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PDF Export And True Type Font Rendering

Mar 21, 2008


we use a 3of9 barcode font (TrueType). It works fine with Visual Studio, but when the report is run on the server, the font's width is false (2 times larger, but the correct height...).

We've test different font (barcode or not) and the problem occurs with all True Type fonts but not the True Type Outlines fonts... (and we not find any True Type Outlines barcode font)

Does anyone have an idea ?


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Report Viewer - Export To PDF - Problem In Strikethrough Font

Aug 3, 2007


I used a textbox with strikethrough font in my report. In preview, the report has that font and also in Print. But exporting to PDF has no strikethrough font. (Export to excel has this font). Can anybody help to resolve this.

Thanks in advance.

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DB Shrinks Without Request

Feb 20, 2006

Hi,I have a DB where I would like to maintain a fixed size and control itby myslef.I do not have the options: "Auto-Grow" and "Auto-Shrink" enabled.[color=blue]>From time to time, without a notice, or any logging, the database files[/color]gets shrinker and this causes a database full error.As I wrote, I would like to maintain the size of the database by myselfand not automatioc by the DB server.Please help me find out what can cause this problem and how to solvethis issue.Thnaks,- Ze'ev

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What Shrinks When Shrinking

Jul 20, 2005

A huge (and never used) database log was taking up about 4 GB of HDspace. We want the data for historical capacity, however, don't careabout the transactions log.After a bit of research I ran the script on: works just fine on Sql Server 2k)And thenDBCC SHRINKFILE(RamdomDataData_Log, 2)This shrank the log file from 4ish gigs to 2 MB.Of course my boss did backflips and wanted me to do it to *all* thedatabases. I told him that it was probably a bad idea since we do wantthe transaction logs incase something crashes, we can recreate the DBfrom (for example) a week ago's DB backup.So my question is this: When I shrink it to 2mb (or 200 MB as I amsuggesting) what are we actually "losing" and "keeping" does it keepthe most recent transactions (in which case I need to figure how muchwe add each day) or earliest records, or random ones, or are they alljust "compressed?"I don't weant to lost the transaction logs for the last week or two,but now that this shrinking has become the holy grail I need to showthere will be bad things happening if I just make these logs all resetto the size of a floppy disk on a regular basis.

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Replication Target Table Shrinks To Zero

Jul 20, 2005

I want to replicate a database to a subscriber that will be used as a readonly copy. The data has to be replicated as close to instantly as possible.To do this I set up a database export of objects and data to populate thesubscriber, then I set up transactional replication. To verify thatreplication is working successfully, I count the rows in each table, thereare 3 tables in total. For one of the tables, the replication completes butalmost immediately afterward, the table starts to shrink, and after severalhours the record count is zero. This isn't happening to the other twotables, and I can't figure out why.If you have no idea what might be causing this, perhaps you can suggestsome places to start looking. This is Win2k SP4 with SQL 2000 SP3.Thanks much.

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BARCODE 128 Encoding

Aug 23, 2006

The following TSQL code will take a character string and perform the encoding that is necessary to generate a BARCODE 128 formatted string to be used with a BARCODE 128 font.declare @myString varchar(255)
select @myString = 'BarCode 1'

-- Define the string of characters that we'll need to pull the reference of
declare @asciiString varchar(255)
select @asciiString = ' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'
select @asciiString = @asciiString + char(195) -- 0xC3
select @asciiString = @asciiString + char(196) -- 0xC4
select @asciiString = @asciiString + char(197) -- 0xC5
select @asciiString = @asciiString + char(198) -- 0xC6
select @asciiString = @asciiString + char(199) -- 0xC7
select @asciiString = @asciiString + char(200) -- 0xC8
select @asciiString = @asciiString + char(201) -- 0xC9
select @asciiString = @asciiString + char(202) -- 0xCA
-- Define the stop and start characters
declare @stopchar char(1)
declare @startchar char(1)
declare @spacechar char(1)
select @stopchar = char(206) -- 0xCE
select @startchar = char(204) -- 0xCC
select @spacechar = char(194) -- 0xC2

-- Define the final holding place of our output string
declare @finalArray varchar(255)

-- Define the variables that we'll need to be using
declare @checksumTotal int
declare @checksum int
select @checksumTotal = 104;
select @checksum = 0;

-- Start building our output
select @finalArray = @startchar

-- Loop through our input variable and start pulling out stuff
declare @position int
declare @thisChar char(1)
select @position = 1
while @position <= len(@myString)
select @thisChar = substring(@myString, @position, 1)
select @checksumTotal = @checksumTotal + (@position * (ascii(@thischar)-32))
select @finalArray = @finalArray + @thisChar
select @position = @position + 1
end -- We've gone past the length now

-- Now we need to figure out and add the checksum character
select @checksum = @checksumTotal % 103
if @checksum = 0
select @finalArray = @finalArray + @spacechar
-- Barcorde array assumes 0 as initial offset so we need to add 1 to checksum
select @finalArray = @finalArray + substring(@asciiString, @checksum+1, 1)
-- Now we append the stop character
select @finalArray = @finalArray + @stopchar

-- The @final Array represents the barcode encoded string
select @finalArray

Hope it helps,

Blessings aren't so much a matter of "if they come" but "are you noticing them."

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How To Generate A Unique Barcode?

Jan 25, 2008

Hy all,

I'm working on a final project for school. It is a warehouse application. For this application I will need to generate a barcode. I have read some articles online and found out that I could use the code 39 barcode font.

I just don't fully understand how to generate the unique barcode. Could someone please help me? I also would like to store the barcodes in a sql server table. Could I use reports to print the barcode?

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How To Display Barcode In Crystal Reports

Apr 26, 2008

hi friends
i am new to working in crystal reports in my application i want to display barcode in crystal reports.
i was totally confused in this. can u help me..........

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SRS Dynamically Generating Barcode At Runtime.

Feb 8, 2006

Hello all. I need to build a barcode and stuff it in a image control at runtime in SRS. I have the code at it works perfect for webforms etc but not in the actual SRS report itself. In SRS I put the code in the report properties code but it blows up on bitmap, graphics etc so I added the system.drawing and system.drawing.imaging namespace and it still fails with the same error. I'm certain there is a simple fix for this and would greatly appreciate anyones assistance in making this happen.


There is an error on line 15 of custom code: [BC30002] Type 'Bitmap' is not defined.


Visual Studio 2003

SQL Server 2000 SP4

SQL Reporting Services

Code (apologies in advance for the formatting):

private function getBarcode(input as string)

Dim ValidInput As String = " !" & Chr(34) & "#$%&()**+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~" & Chr(0) & Chr(1) & Chr(2) & Chr(3) & Chr(4) & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & Chr(7) & Chr(8) & Chr(9) & Chr(10) & Chr(255)

Dim ValidCodes As String = "17401644163811761164110012241220112416081604157214361244123014841260125416501628161417641652190218681836183018921844184217521734159013041112109414161128112216721576157014641422113414961478114219101678158217681762177418801862181418961890181819141602193013281292120011581068106214241412123212181076107415541616197815561146134012121182150812681266195619401938175817821974140013101118151215061960195415021518188619661724168016926379"

Dim Digit As Integer = 104

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To input.Length

Digit += (i * InStr(1, ValidInput, Mid(input, i, 1)))


Digit = Digit Mod 103

input = Chr(9) & input & Mid(ValidInput, Digit, 1) & Chr(255)

Dim bmp As Bitmap = New Bitmap((input.Length * 11) + 13, 50)

Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)

g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.White), 0, 0, (input.Length * 11) + 13, 50)

Dim p As New Pen(Color.Black, 1)

Dim BarValue, BarX As Integer

Dim BarSlice As Short

For i = 1 To input.Length

BarValue = Val(Mid(ValidCodes, ((InStr(1, ValidInput, Mid(input, i, 1)) - 1) * 4) + 1, 4))

If BarValue > 0 Then

Digit = 11

If i = input.Length Then Digit = 13

For BarSlice = Digit To 0 Step -1

If BarValue >= 2 ^ BarSlice Then

g.DrawLine(p, BarX, 0, BarX, 50)

BarValue = BarValue - (2 ^ BarSlice)

End If

BarX += 1


End If


bmp.Save(Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Gif)

Best regards,




end function

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Possible To Maintain Barcode On Exported Excel Sheet

Sep 17, 2012

I am trying to encode the barcode on the reporting service using SQL server 2005, they told me it is possible to maintain the barcode on exported excel sheet, however, I did not find the barcode on it, only squre black image.

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Barcode Doesn't Print From Reports Server

Mar 21, 2007

Hi there,

Ok, so I have a report that is generating product labels on a standard mailing lable sheet (30 of them on a 8.5X11 sheet of stock). The whole process works just fine even the printing of the bar codes when I am printing the lables from VS2005's Preview function. However, when I moved the report to our reports server and run the same report, the barcodes don't print out. I have checked, and the barcode font has been installed on the server.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! - Eric-

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Font Issues

Mar 7, 2000


I am running SQL 6.5 and 7.0 utilities on my NT 4.0 SP 5 machine. All of a sudden the query outputs in ISQL or query analyser are garbage. The font is overlaying each other, so that the only way I can view query output is by using the grid output selection in SQL 7.0 query analyser. This is the second company I've worked for where this issue has suddenly occured. I have reinstalled 6.5 and 7.0 to no avail. This is obviously some OS problem. Does anyone know how to overcome this?


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How To Use Another Font In Query

Dec 4, 2011

I have made a database. And three tables db_ka, db_kha, and db_ga. Each tables have names stored in NEPALI LANGUAGE. I want SQL query which can give output of the name starting with "ka". HERE, "ka" is not in ENGLISH, it is stored in NEPALI language, hence, another font, [Preeti Font].

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Error Unicode Font !!!!

Nov 29, 2006

 When I import data access to sql server then data error unicode font. Please help me. I use utf-8.... Thanks All 

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How Do I Increase Font Size In 6.5?

Jan 27, 1999

I seem to remember that the font size and type can be controlled in SQL Server 6.5 and the process controlls the fonts displayed
throughout the program - Enterprise Manager, Query Tool, etc.

I have just re-installed 6.5 and the fonts are way too small.

Can anyone tell me how this is done?



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Language-font Problem

Jul 23, 2005

In my application I need to make the report in different languages.I made a table for report parameters, like:create myTable (language_id int not null,parameter char(50) null,constraint PK_lang_ID PRIMARY KEY (language_id))and then tried:insert into myTable values(1, 'Bank info') - for Englishinsert into myTable values(2, '????') - for worked OK ( I have installed "Chinese" language in server)but when run:select * from myTablethen I get:1 Bank info2 ?????And in Application it is also coming like: "????"What is wrong ? Do I have to do some additional installation staff forChinese in SQL Server ?Any idea will be helpful and greatly appreciated

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Why Can't I Use Courier As A Font In SSRS

Jun 19, 2007


How come the fonts available in Visual Studio Reporting Services is different from the ones in Word? I need add some embedded commands to a report and in order for the receiving application to be able to interpret these commands they need to be in Courier (stupid I know).

How can I achive this? Is there some way to add new fonts to VS?


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Format Font Bold

Mar 19, 2008


Need help. I'm trying to format one of the field bold but need to do this in the expression. This is the example:

=Format(Fields!CMVendor.Value,"Bold") & chr(10) & Fields!CMContractNo.Value

Because I have two fields separated by line feed (chr(10)), I need to format the first field as bold. Obviously, that Format(...,"Bold") does not work. Anybody has came across this before, please enlighten.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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RS Viewer Not Showing Font

Feb 6, 2008

Hi all,

We are currently using reporting services to display reports in our application.
Amongst the reports there is one that shows barcodes (using an idautomation font).

We've installed the font on every pc that uses the software, and it works on all but 4.

Now we've checked the following:

The user signs in on another pc and it works. So not user related
The user uses the font in a word document. So nothing wrong with the font itself.

Does anyone have any other ideas?

I would appreciate it.

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Smallest Font Size

Apr 13, 2007

Is there any way to use a font size smaller than 8pt? Believe it or not... I need to go down to a 6pt font for a report.



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Subscript Font Style In A Text Box?

Jul 12, 2006

Seems like a long shot, but I'd really like to show "CO2" (chemical formula for carbon dioxide) with the "2" as a subscript, in a report text box. The "CO2" would be embedded as part of a sentence, e.g. "The CO2 emissions..." Is there any way to do this?

Eva Pierce Monsen

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Font Dependencies Over Terminal Sessions?

Feb 15, 2008

I just have a simple question on font dependencies in reference to deployed reports. In my company, we run citrix presentation servers feeding terminal sessions out to users in remote areas.

My question is, in a terminal session, do the fonts used in the reports need to be installed on the users' local machine (who is connecting via terminal session) or is it enough to just have it on the servers feeding out the terminal session?

For example, we create a report with Arial Narrow font. Our servers hosting citrix presentation server did not have this font installed, so we installed this font on the servers (thus they're displaying correctly). Obviously the server hosting our reporting services has the font. Now a user connects to the server, is granted a terminal session, launches reporting services, report is generated with the correct font displayed, and finally prints the report.

Will the report print in Arial Narrow if the users' local machine doesn't have this font install? I remember reading somewhere that the fonts do not embed, hence the reason for installing the font on our citrix servers.

I realize this is kinda out of the scope of this forum, but perhaps someone on here uses terminal services and can answer this for me. I do plan to test this out when I get home tonight. I'd test it right now, but my computer at home isn't on therefore I can't remote home (plus wake-on-lan isn't configured) to do an actual test. Just thought I'd get some insights from other people.

Thanks in advance!

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Concatenating Two Strings With Different Font Sizes

Apr 11, 2008

I have a table detail where i need to merge the information on two columns. The difficult thing is, the 2nd column must have a different font size when i render the report. Also the merging of the two columns should not generate a space between the contents of both columns. I have done concatenation using the '&', the only problem is the data in the second column inherits the font size of the first column. I have used textboxes, but it generates spaces if the data in the first column contains lesser characters.

Does anyone have a solution?


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How To Change Font Type For Annotations?

Jul 27, 2007

Hi all of you,

I'd like to find where can I change the fonttype for annotations done in Control Flow. I mean, every time that I do that appears the one I chose by default

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T-SQL Special Characters (bold Font)

Jan 19, 2008


I'm trying to figure out how to insert a special character that will make the values in the column BOLD when I use that table as reference in my Word Mailmerge. For starters, I was able to insert char(10) as carriage return, so when I use the values from that table in my mailmerge, the char(10) is effective, meaning, the carriage returrn is working, but how about making the font bold? Please help.

Example is:

insert into table(customer_address)
values ("123 hayworth drive" + char(10) + "new land grove" + char(10) + "chicago" + char(10))

This value when used in a Word Mailmerge, will be displayed as:
123 hayworth drive
new land grove

Now, how do I insert a special character for bold font?

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Font Object Saving And Retrieving

Jan 19, 2006

Let's say a User selects a Font from a FontDialog, and the selection is assigned to a Font object.

How can I save the Font object to a SQL database, and later retrive it restored to a Font object?

Thanks in advance.

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Wierd Font When Exporting PDF File

Jan 7, 2008


I used two symbols (”¬€¬ and ”´) in my reporting services page and they appear fine in Internet Explorer. However, when I try to export the page to a PDF file, they appear as question marks.

Can someone tell me why or how to work around this?

Thanks in advance,

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MICR Font Issue When Exporting To PDF

Jan 10, 2007


I'm using Reporting Service to print checks. Everything seems ok when I design and deploy and view the reports. But when I try to export to pdf, the MICR font I'm using does not work. I've tried a couple of different MICR fonts from the web and they either get replaced by a standard font or disappear altogether. I would love to know why that is.

Thanks in advance,


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Want Text Box Font To Be Inherited From List

Jun 13, 2007

I want to set properties such as font family, font size, etc as high as possble in the report.

Is it possible to have textbox fonts inherited from a container like a list, or report?

Currently it seems I need to set fonts on every textbox.

Similarly, when I use report designer to put a textbox on a report, the textbox decides the Font is Normal, Arial, 10pt, Normal. Where is this setting stored?

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