Basic SQL Statments

Feb 10, 2008

I'm in a Database class and am finding it very difficult to find any outside help. I'm sure this will appear to be very basic to those of you who work in the Database field, but your help will be greatly appreciated.

INVENTORY( SKU, Description, QUANTITYOnHand, QuantityOnOrder, Warehouse)
WAREHOUSE( Warehouse, Manager, SquareFeet)

From the two tables above we're suppose to:

1.Write an SQL statement to show the Warehouse and average QunatityOnHand of all items stored in a warehouse managed by 'Smith'. Use a subquery.

2.Write an SQL statement to show the Warehouse and average QunatityOnHand of all items stored in a warehouse managed by 'Smith'. Use a join.
This is what I came up with. Please give me some feedback:

SELECT Avg(QuantityOnHand)
WHERE Manager = ‘Smith’);

WHEREManager = ‘Smith’

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If Then Statments

May 24, 2007

I am new to reporter server and I am much more familar with Crystal. I am trying to write a formula/expression that is easy in crystal but can't seem to write it in Report Server.

It is a basic If Then statement that returns a value if 2 conditions are true and another value if they are false.


If State = 'TX'


City = 'Dallas'

then 1



I have been able to use the IIF expression but I can only get it to work with one variable. So, I can do

=IIF(State = 'TX, 1,0)

but can't add the other criteria.

Any help is appreciated


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SQL Statments In An Active X Script

Mar 3, 2005

What I have is a small DTS package that truncates a table then loads it from a text file. I want to enhance it by sending an e-mail with record counts to our client.

The load is pretty straight forward

delete from marketing..solicit_consumer
from marketing..solicit_consumer sc
join dsi_use..dnc_tmp dt
on sc.consumer_no = dt.consumer_no
and sc.solicit_cd = dt.solicit_cd
insert marketing..solicit_consumer
select * from dsi_use..dnc_tmp

After I have an Active X script to format an e-mail but I need the counts from the SQL statement. I have tried to use the following with no luck.

Option Explicit

Function Main()
Dim oPkg, oDataPump, sSQLStatement

' Build new SQL Statement
sSQLStatement = "SELECT count (*) FROM dsi_use..dnc_tmp " & _
DTSGlobalVariables("DNC_Count").Value & "'"

' Get reference to the DataPump Task
Set oPkg = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent
Set oDataPump = oPkg.Tasks("DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_1").CustomTask

' Assign SQL Statement to Source of DataPump
oDataPump.SourceSQLStatement = sSQLStatement

if oDataPump.SourceSQLStatement <> 0 then
FrmtEmail ()
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure
end if

' Clean Up
Set oDataPump = Nothing
Set oPkg = Nothing

End Function

The actualy format of the e-mail I think will work if ony I can get the main function to work.

Right now it gives me a VB script runtime error.

Type Mismatch:'[string: "SELECT count(*) FR"]'
error on line 19

Line 19 is somewhere within these lines

' Assign SQL Statement to Source of DataPump
oDataPump.SourceSQLStatement = sSQLStatement

if oDataPump.SourceSQLStatement <> 0 then
FrmtEmail ()


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Using If Statments In A Stored Proc

Mar 18, 2004

i'm passing 4 paramaters to a stored proc. based on the values of the paramaters i add conditions to my select. can som one please reviwe the proc below and tell me if my syntax is wrong or if there is another way of doing this.

Thank You,

CREATE PROCEDURE [Multi_Picking_Slip_FillListview1]
@str_Division nvarchar(50), @str_Season nvarchar(50), @str_Cust nvarchar(50), @str_ShipTo nvarchar(50) AS

SELECT * from tblDistribution WHERE PikingNo = 'NO'

If @str_Division <> ''
AND Division =@str_Division

If @str_Season <> ''
AND Season = @str_Season

If @str_Cust <> ''
AND cusNumber = @str_Cust

If @str_ShipTo <> ''
AND shpStoreNo = @str_ShipTo


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Run Multiple Sql Statments With A Variable

Oct 30, 2007

I am not sure how to do this. I need to run 3 sql statements against a table with a variable created in one of them.

Here is the first statement

Select ID from table1 where value = 1

Need to store that value in a variable

Update table1
Set value = 0
Where ID = variable

Update table1
Set value = 1
Where ID = variable + 1

ID is a incremental identity field, so it is numeric. Basically I need to change the value of one record to 0, and make the next records value = one.

Any help is appreciated.

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Case Statments & Subquery

Nov 2, 2007

Hope someone can help;

I have a table with a list of payment information i have three other tables that store different types of commission rates that were active at a particular time.

Payments table – holds all payments received by customers

DirectRate table – holds the Direct rate active between start and end dates
ComRate table – holds the Commission rate active between start and end dates
FieldRate table – holds the Field rate active between start and end dates

Basically I am trying to get the total value of commission on all payments for all the different rates. To give you an example one payment can be of type Direct which would have to have the correct payment rate applied from the DirectRate table for the correct date range, this also applies for payments that are of type ComRate & FieldRate.

So I have the following SQL

WHEN dp.ReceivedByID = 1

dp.Amount * ((Select tF.Rate From dbo.mTrackerFeeChange tF where tF.ClientID=d.ClientID and tF.ContractID=d.ContractID AND ((dp.PaymentOn >= tF.StartDate AND dp.PaymentOn <= tF.EndDate) or (dp.PaymentOn >= tF.StartDate AND tF.EndDate IS NULL)))/100)

WHEN dp.ReceivedByID = 2

dp.Amount * ((Select tD.Rate From dbo.mTrackerDirectChange tD where tD.ClientID=d.ClientID and tD.ContractID=d.ContractID AND ((dp.PaymentOn >= tD.StartDate AND dp.PaymentOn <= tD.EndDate) or (dp.PaymentOn >= tD.StartDate AND tD.EndDate IS NULL)))/100)


dp.Amount * (((Select tF.Rate From dbo.mTrackerFeeChange tF where tF.ClientID=d.ClientID and tF.ContractID=d.ContractID AND ((dp.PaymentOn >= tF.StartDate AND dp.PaymentOn <= tF.EndDate) or (dp.PaymentOn >= tF.StartDate AND tF.EndDate IS NULL))) + (Select tFe.Rate From dbo.mTrackerFieldChange tFe where tFe.ClientID=d.ClientID and tFe.ContractID=d.ContractID AND((dp.PaymentOn >= tFe.StartDate AND dp.PaymentOn <= tFe.EndDate) or (dp.PaymentOn >= tFe.StartDate AND tFe.EndDate IS NULL))))/100)


dbo.DebtPayment dp,
dbo.ImportBatchItem bi,
dbo.Debt d
AND dp.DebtID=bi.ItemID
AND bi.ImportBatchID=2

I am using dp.ReceivedByID to assertain the payment type then depending upon that using the case statement to multiply the amount by the correct rate for the correct date range in the correct table. This sql works fine but it gives me a list of commision values, one for each payment. My problem is when I try to do a sum on this case statement I get an error

“Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery�

any help most appriciated


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Multiple Case Statments

Nov 12, 2007

How do i add multiple case statements

CREATE procedure rpt_blankregistrationquestions

@cmb1 as varchar(100),

@cmb2 as varchar(100) WITH ENCRYPTION




Child.surname + ', ' + Child.forename AS ChildName,






END AS Child_Permission



END AS Health_Permission



END AS Dietaryneeds_Permission


DietaryNeeds CROSS JOIN

permissionRequired CROSS JOIN


ORDER BY ChildName


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Is It Possible To Use A Where Clause In Select Statments When You Use Intersection?

Apr 26, 2008

Lets say that Dealers have ZipCodes, and that a Dealer can have more than one zipCode, and we want the list of dealers that have both 90210 and 90211 zip codes. BUT we don't want any dealers that have only one of the two ZipCodes in question

What I want to do is something like this

Select DealerID from DealerZips where Zip = '90210'
Select DealerID from DealerZips where Zip = '90211'

but I get this error msg:
Line 2: Incorrect syntax near 'intersection'

The following sql is silly, but it does run without error
Select DealerID from DealerZips
Select DealerID from DealerZips

So I am pretty sure my problem is with the Where clauses.


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Transaction Error While Executing Dymnaic Sql Statments

Sep 24, 2007

I have a stored proc and using transactions as foolows
(not coplete Sp)

Begin Transaction TransName

Select @vsSql = Create a temp table (dynamically)
Exec( @vsSql )

Select @vsSql = dynamic insert statement
Exec( @vsSql )

and executing couple of dynamic statements using Exec

And @ the end of SP

if @@error <>0

rollback transaction TransName

commit transaction TransName

and when i execute the stored proc i am getting the following error

Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing. Previous count = 0, current count = 1.

And also my sql server management studio hogs up

Can any one please help me on this

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A Very Basic Q

Mar 18, 2005

This is probably a very silly question.I started learning by following ASP.NET Unleashed. I am stuck where he wants me to open a connection to SQL Server database. I have just downloaded
MSDE. But I dont know where to type this code and how to run as to connect to the database.

<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>

<Script Runat="Server">

Sub Page_Load
Dim conPubs As SqlConnection

conPubs = New SqlConnection( "server=localhost;uid=webuser;pwd=secret;database=pubs" )
End Sub


Connection Opened!

Now do i have to change the uid to SA ? (i had to assign one when i downloaded and installed MSDE?

Thanks for the help.

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Basic DTS...

Nov 16, 2005

Hi all,

am not very experienced in using DTS and really need your help. I have a dts package that i have scheduled to run every day. Here's what i want the package to do:

1. Check whether a value for a certain column in a certain row of a table in my database is 0 or 1. If it is 1, then
2. Run the dts task (which i have created and is working)

In other words, when the package is started, i want to execute a stored procedure or sql task or whatever, and if that returns 1 then i want to continue, if it returns 0 i want to finish the package without running the dts task. I'm sure there's a simple way to do this, but i could use your help...!


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Need Basic.

Jul 11, 2007

Hi All,

Can this be done and if so can you give a bullet list of the steps need to accomplish this.

I need to load a bunch of files into a stagging table. Need to loop through the files and load them.



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Mar 12, 2008

what this statement do?
does it add all the values or combine all the values.
REPLACE combine WITH lc_tran + lc_exp + lc_war + ll_boc


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Basic Problem

Feb 19, 2007

I downloaded SQLExpress and Visual Studio Express to my home computer.
I built a simple database, adding data through theSQLexpress admin tool.
 I built a web page using MS Studio. I connected to the database and used the webpage for a few days. Then I restarted the computer. Now the web page won't open, and MS Studio won't open the MDF file in the App_Data folder.
I can still see and work in the database through SQL server Express.
 The web page and the MSStudio attempt to connect to the mdf file both fail with this message:
Cannot open user default database. Login failed.Login failed for user 'KAAAK/Administrator'.
So it seems to be trying to connect as the Windows user.
When I try to modify the connection to connect through a user/password I created in SQL manager, I get a message that the user is not a trusted SQL user.
 from web.config:
<add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|info.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True;User ID=Admin;Password=12345" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
 That was changed from the original string created automatically by MS Studio
<add name="stocksConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|stocks.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
I am sure this is some simple problem, but why would the system refuse to access an mdf file it had already been accessing.?
Thanks, Michael

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Basic SQL Connection

Mar 5, 2007

   Hi all, having trouble with my first sql communication. I've got hosted service with an SQL database i've populated with a row.
 When it gets to the third line the page crashes with an error.
         SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(";Database=db198704784;");// +"Integrated Security=True");        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT UserName FROM Users",connection);        SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
is there somewhere i need to put in my username or password? or is this code just wrong
Many thanks burnside. 
-- Edited by longhorn2005

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Basic LIKE Question?

Jun 8, 2007

not sure why I am having trouble here but I am using the following WHERE clause expecting to find all rows where any one of the the three keywords are present.
 ....WHERE Company.L_Keywords LIKE '%metal%' AND Company.L_Keywords LIKE '%tile%' AND Company.L_Keywords LIKE '%ceramic%' 
however it appears to finding only the rows where all three words are present in the L_Keywords field

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Very Basic SQL Question.

Jul 25, 2007

This is a very simple question. How would a select satement be formated in the following example.
SELECT Grade, Student_ID, First_Name, Last_Name FROM Scores WHERE (This is where I'm stuck and I know this is not the right formatting although I wish it were because it would make my life a little bit easier.) Student_ID = 115485, 115856,  568547, 965864, etc...
I may have up to 100 specific student ids to put in this one statement. I know I can use the "WHERE  Student_ID = 115485 OR Student_ID = 115856, OR Student_ID = 568547" but that would be alot of waste. Seems like there should be an easier way than using the "OR Student_ID =" for every entry.
Can someone explain another way I can do this. Thanks in advance.

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Basic Sql Question

Jan 28, 2008

Hey, I have a pretty simple question.My query is throwing an error saying "Invalid column name 'subject'."The problem is that subject is a custom column I've made, well just look at the sql:SELECT a.ArticleID, subject=ISNULL((select subject from subjects),'') where subject='some subject' 

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DTS And Visual Basic

May 15, 2001

I have already created package which loads a text file to database using the dts wizard in Enterprise Manager.How do I execute that package using visual basic?Please provide the Code!!!Thanks

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Just One Basic Question...

Apr 25, 2000


I've just migrated my access database from access2000 to sql7.0. The wizard told me there was no problem. But a simple question:

How do i open my database? Where can i see tables, fields...?
Is there no interface like the one in access2000?

Thanks in advance!

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Basic MDX Code

Dec 6, 2004

Hi there.
I am trying to use MDX code to create a measure in ProClarity. Please help!!

A store can be one of a number of ‘Brands’. The MDX segment below gives me the Sales Value of a selected item, but for Store Brand 'Brand1' only. This works fine - but how do I add a brand? That is, how do I see the combined Sales Value for the selected item for 'Brand1' and 'Brand2'?

([Store Brand].[Brand1],[Measures].[Sales Value],[Item].CurrentMember)


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SQL Indexing - ***BASIC****

Sep 15, 2005

Hoping someone could me with an ongoing indexing question that I have.

On my site, we have over the past 5 years developed what is emerging as a fairly complicated dbase structure, as features have been added to my site and relations have increased between different database tables, there has been a need to index fields in different ways, and in some instances field indexing has overlapped. For example we may have a table that has 5 fields (field1,field2,field3,field4,field5). A need to index field1 is requried because of a query that reads:

SELECT * From Table1 where field1=XXXXX

Additionally there may be a need to for another query that reads:

SELECT * From Table1 where field2=XXXXX

In this instance an index is placed on field2....
But, for example when there is the following query:

SELECT * From Table1 where field1=XXXXX and field2 = XXXXX

Is it necessary to set a new index on: field1,field2 ???

We have made the choice that yes, in fact there is...but now over time some of our tables have instances of single fields being indexed along with combinations of two single fields that have already been indexed, being indexed together. As tables have grown to over 1,000,000 records and having up to 15 or so indexes, we realize that the number of indexes maybe degrading performance. Also, indexes vary in type, e.g INT,BIGINT,Varchar fields... In the above instance, can we eliminate the multi-indexes and improve performance over all...?

On a second related question:

In the event that two tables are joined on a common field.

e.g. Select * from Table1,Table2 where Table1.field1=Table2.field1

Is it necessary to index both of these fields in tables: Table1 and Table2 ?

Hope someone can help, as we are looking to improve the efficiency of our tables as they continue to grow.

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Visual Basic

Jan 19, 1999

I need help.
160821A network error was encountered while sending results to the front end. Check the SQL Server errorlog for more information.
I need help.
Our SQL Server is crashing. The Database is still recovering. I can not kill any Process when the Server crashed. I shoot down and restarted the server. Nothing to do. I can not access to the database. It is recovering. How long? I do not know. What can be the reason of the recovering? Nor the event log of Windows NT or the log files of the SQL SERVER can help me.

Here is a part of the log file

23216Arithmetic overflow error for type %s, value = %f.

10915There are more columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. The number of values in the VALUES clause must match the number of columns specified in the INSERT statement.

99/01/19 01:14:25.69 spid25 bufwait: timeout, BUF_IO, bp 0x1bba600, pg 0x11b50, stat 0x801000/0x6, obj 0x23494814, bpss 0x124a2a0
99/01/19 01:14:27.15 ods Error : 17824, Severity: 10, State: 0
99/01/19 01:14:27.15 ods Unable to write to ListenOn connection '.pipesqlquery', loginname 'sa', hostname 'myserver'.
99/01/19 01:14:27.15 ods OS Error : 232, The pipe is being closed.

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Visual Basic .NET

Oct 22, 2004

Anyone know any good Visual Basic .NET STep By Step books for an almost beginner.

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Basic Question

Jan 15, 2004

I have many views and views on these views. Is there anyone out there who might have a suggestion as to how I can keep them straight so that I won't lose track of what I made them for? I am starting to not remember why I made some, so I have to go back and try and remember. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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Some Basic Questions

May 5, 2004


A quick question:Can we disbale sa account in sql server 2000?



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One More Basic Question

May 5, 2004


How can we audit sysadmin accounts in SQL server?



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Basic Question??

May 10, 2004

I have a new pc with xp on it,I have been coping data,files,projects,etc from my old pc onto my new over the network.

If I open Query Analyzer my databasese are there and it is all fine,but if I open ODBC I have no databases under System DSN.
How do I go about that,I have many databases and tables in it,is there a way I can refresh it or something,it would have to be something simple,right???


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Really Basic SQL Command Help

Aug 25, 2006

Hi, can somebody help me with some verification SQL commands that I need to run on an Oracle database?

In the Oracle table 'FEE', if the 'FEETYPE' column has a value of '3' for a record, then the 'PERCENTAMOUNT' column needs to be not null for that row - can somebody put this into a command for me so I can make lots like it?

another one I have is in the 'FEE' table, if the 'FEETYPE' column has a value of '1', the 'PERIOD' column needs to always have a value of '3' for that row - is there a command that can check the records that do/do not have this information?

Any halp is greatly appreciated :)

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Where To Learn Basic SQL

Jun 12, 2007

I was just looking for opinions on the best place to pick up SQL skills. Community college course? Online courses? Grad school? I've finished undergrad, if that helps anyone have an idea of my current situation.

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HVC Basic Question

Jun 21, 2007


I have only been working with SQL for short time. My question is probably a basic one but I would appreciate the assistance!

The scenario is I have two different tables AVCfids (on ACC database)& AVCfids (on ACC.archive database). I am trying to write a command in SQL server agent (jobs) to transfer the data on a daily basis from AVCfids to ACC.archives. The script I have created but is not working is:

Database: ACC_archives

Select * into avcfids
from server.acc.dbo.avcfids

Any feedback would be welcomed.

Regards Jeff

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Basic Question

Sep 21, 2007

I have a basic query select * From and has a column RecordDate I do I check just records for the last 6 months.

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Some Basic Doubts

Oct 9, 2007

I am totally new to sql server and have got a few doubts.I couldnt find it in earlier posts.Sorry if it is a repetition

*Can we get all the table names of a database by Query?
*How to create a similar copy of a table by using AS..does this work in sql server 2000?(tried but showing error)
*can we modify the column properties(like ensuring NOT NULL) after the table is created?

Thanks in advance

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